Pizzagate got banned because your "research project" is fucking with normal people's lives.

0  2016-11-23 by [deleted]



Alefantis was accused of encouraging rape and murder as early as 2008. Normal people don't get accused of serious crimes like that multiple times in their life.

Accused by who?

Advisory neighborhood commissioner Frank Winstead

He looks like a crazy guy who was upset in 2008 over people playing Ping Pong outdoors. Who is Frank Winsteak? No, seriously, who IS he?

I'm talking about the condition of being accused of multiple crimes. A condition exclusive of "normalcy". Alefantis is not a normal person. You can research Frank Winstead if you want.

do some basic critical thinking and googling to see why these restraunts have done nothing wrong.

Typical "do your research" response, you're the one making the claim that these people are innocent, burden of proof is on you.

I thought it was cute, like all law enforcement people can just Google a criminal investigation and find out that nothing is wrong. Think of all the time and effort it could save them at their jobs.

That is the exact opposite of how our legal system works...

I know how your legal system works. But in this case, the evidence and theories have been put forward and now you have this idiot (OP) claiming that everyne is infact innocent whilst providing no actual evidence to suggest they aren't.

Where's the evidence that supports the claim that they're guilty?

If pizzagate is true, research should be done and hopefully justice will be brought down upon those responsible.

But as of this moment, there is not one shred of evidence that implicates anyone to a single incident other than a sketch. That's it, and even then we don't know if the sketch is valid and the whole story there.

Right now, people are witch hunting based off of conjecture. Is it convincing conjecture? Sure. But that does not mean its truth.

Research Sunil Tripathi

I didn't say anyone was guilty. My point is when someone comes here and says "you're all idiots and are obviously wrong", they should actually give some evidence to prove it.

This is true if someone makes that claim.

The same could be said for all of the "This guy is a pedophile!" and linking his businesses, phone numbers, etc. You make the claim, the burden of proof is on you.

There is 0 proof at this moment of any of these guys having done anything illegal in terms of pedophilia. Only conjecture, no proof. If you're going to use the burden of proof claim, use it on both sides, not just the people not witch hunting and trying to provide some explanation as to why pizzagate was banned.

-5 for telling people to pump the brakes

Your evidence that pizza places are at the center of a massive pedophile ring involving people in the highest level of our goverment:

  1. Silly instagram posts

  2. Silly out-of-context emails

  3. Coinkidinks

  4. Nothing lol

That's your proof? What you refer to as "critical thinking"? It's quite telling.

Shills have no souls, his job is to discourage you from digging further.

Hey guess what the mafia used as fronts?

You haven't looked into this at all have you?

Wanna explain 5 figure payments to the pizza place directly from high level politicians?

This entire theory started on the premise that these criminals can talk about "cheese pizza" without sounding suspicious.

Wanna explain 5 figure payments to the pizza place directly from high level politicians?

Probably because they did catering for events.

Your logic is shit & fell apart half way through this thread. You're just being argumentative

So they weren't using clear pedophilic symbology in their logos or posting occult references through social media. You are a fool, who obviously would rather damn this information than consider it. Shame on you and shame on the people like you. Shame.

Silly, out of context emails. OK, if they are not talking about pedophilia, then what does it mean? You are not debunking our interpretation of their out of context emails, etc if you are not offering a better one. Calling them silly is not it.

Also, who lol's at even the suggestion of child rape? No one except for a person who actually finds it amusing. You are seriously creepy.

Here Is The Post That Got Pizzagate Banned On Reddit (it got 3000 points in 24 hours before the shutdown in a 20k community)

This is what we need out of these communities. People doing real research compiling it with legit evidence in a professional manner.

Whoever this guy is, he is a goddam hero.

The world is watching us. They may not know it yet but the fate of every known intelligent being fails on the shoulders of internet justice seekers. It is time to act people, and this is how to do it.

normal people's lives

Yeah, normal people regularly post photos of babies in which the baby is described as a "hotard", someone that is both a "ho" (a prostitute) and a "tard".

Yup, perfectly normal, leave the guy alone!

It sounds like a joke, if true. ???

Yeah I joke about that all the time.

I think you need to research the place yourself a bit more before you tell others to leave them alone. Once I saw the photo of the kid tied up, it became clear these are not good people. And no I don't think the pizza place is the 'center' of it happening.

Lol, where the fuck did you see a picture of a girl tied up?

Oh, that. It's not a "little girl tied up", it's a little girl with her hands taped to a ping pong table.

Is that something you or anyone youve ever met done for fun?

Do you joke about fucking babies?

That post seems like something a guilty person might post.

You won't win. The genie is out of the bottle.

Is that basic enough for your kind?

You are part of the problem. It's not just the oblivious world you live in, it's that you use your ignore as an excuse to ignore very intense and almost seemingly obvious evidence. I am still at the point of just serious suspicion; however, if you can not only deny, but then proceed to defend the heaps of speculation with no concerns- you are literally the willfully blind. I am confused as to why you are involved in this subtotal begin with. With that small mind, and blatant disregard, I assume you are a shill?

I tried giving Pizzagate a chance, but I found no strong evidence pointing to these Pizza places getting heat.

How about the fact that Comet Pizza is RIGHT NEXT DOOR to Besta Pizza?

At the very least, James and his friends were outed as homoerotic, occult, baby obsessed WEIRDOS. None of this stuff is illegal, but these people are highly influential in U.S policy, which to me deserves investigation.

So what?

So only businesses that can afford that positioning (RONA/Home Depot) do that kind of thing. A small pizza place would never be next to another pizza place, they'd be at least down the street a little.


Relax dude. Is it better to accuse a person of raping children and be wrong, or to protect a child rapist that is guilty? There is plenty of evidence. How could you possibly have this reaction?

Are you one of those "This discredits the sub" people?

I don't think it's far to ask that question. It leads to both being wrong. It would be better to word it as " is it better to let an innocent man be punished, or let a guilty man free?" The difference here is that the quote implies that we don't know the person is guilty. It would be better to let them get away, than to punish someone who didn't do it.

it would NOT be better to get away. If Alefantis wanted to prove his innocence he would have invited authorities to come and live stream his basement/backroom, or something to similar effect. Think about it. If you were accused of this stuff, the first thing you would do is emphatically prove that you are innocent, by any means necessary. INSTEAD he has altered his website, changed his restaurants logo, and flooded his social media with overwhelmingly positive reviews. He has demanded that authorities to take down OUR website, and threatened investigators for "stealing" he and his friends pictures. This is very suspicious behavior for an "innocent" man.

He would only do that if he was being investigated by actual authorities. A business owner would be foolish to respond to every crazy person on the internet.

There is zero evidence. You know it, I know it. Absolutely nothing whatsoever. If there was then people would be arrested and search warrants would be issued. This is how the world works. The whole thing is a made up fairy tale to help get rid of us and free speech. It worked very well, and people still don't understand they are tools of their own repression. Way to go.

If there was then people would be arrested and search warrants would be issued. This is how the world works.

Unfortunately, that's not how the world works. Historically speaking, these types of rings have consistently been covered up by government and law enforcement agencies around the world. I'm surprised you're posting in r/consipiracy and yet have so much faith in "how the world works"

A massive bust was just made in both Canada and Norway because there was actual evidence. If you had evidence things would happen. Anyone who looked into this knows you don't have evidence. Easy to say "oh they are covering this up" when you have nothing to cover up. Literally nothing at all. Artwork, instagram photos, food emails and a stand-up routine taken out of context. Great work guys! The PTB are quaking in their boots!

the employees there have nothing to do with that shit. don't attack the wrong people.

If the employees aren't involved, the place would seem utterly useless for human trafficking.

Probably you're right, but I wouldn't involve my employees in this, simply out of fear they would say something to officials or leak it. Luckily the news got out anyways.

But what I'm basically trying to say was, we should focus on the leaders

Do you expect the owners/guests to clean up the mess and get rid of the bodies when necessary?

But then maybe there's a nice cleaner service in DC for such spill overs on speed dial. Wouldn't surprise me either for that cesspool.

Well, goodbye to any theory about kids being locked up in the back room.

Everyone has an opinion.

Yet they leave up /r/pedofriends.

They should leave up any subreddit that isn't set out to harass specific people.

Nice try, CTR

I'm with you! It's the taco places smuggling immigrants, Chinese restaurants doing the hacking, burger joints are manipulating the minimum wage and anything European has rigged our democratic elections

Wait I almost forgot. .... The FBI totally has a database of pedophilia related symbols and terminology linking every type of business. Not just pizza right? ?

Make sure you stay close to the flock, it's a scary place once you open your eyes to it.

"Im telling you, the man and the dog are working together!"

If there was then people would be arrested and search warrants would be issued. This is how the world works.

Unfortunately, that's not how the world works. Historically speaking, these types of rings have consistently been covered up by government and law enforcement agencies around the world. I'm surprised you're posting in r/consipiracy and yet have so much faith in "how the world works"

Lol, where the fuck did you see a picture of a girl tied up?