Pattern I've noticed

126  2016-11-23 by [deleted]

Whether it's pizzagate or some other conspiracy, someone will make a post with weak evidence or disinfo. Said post will then be heavily upvoted until it reaches R/all. The top comments will consist of shills/hipsters making snarky comments a la "OMG you guys are retarded nothing to see here." Rinse and repeat.

Sometimes legit posts will make it to r/all, but the above scenario happens at least as often.


also a shout-out to all the new concern trolls... all that concern is appreciated yall


BOMBSHELL EVIDENCE: means whatever follows is complete bullshit.


I've been pointing this out for a long time, as have many others. The only thing I can think of that makes their efforts pointless is to hijack the top comments in the thread with real info so you can at least pull together a decent conversation while everyone is watching.

Example: Person posts pic of unverifiable (probably hoax) "malfunctioned bot," there is obvious skepticism in the comments, I hijack the top comments with real info on astroturfing bots:

Sometimes, after I do this, I notice that a bunch of people will start packing the comments above mine with low-effort stuff in what seems like an attempt to "push down" my comment from being seen by most people. This is a well-known tactic known as "forum sliding."

all this bloody work to merely have a conversation. and this is just a social media.

It's shitty, but you have to find ways to adapt. If you focus only on the stuff that is most visible, you can get a lot of eyeballs on some truthful information. Just like most people only read the first page of a google search, most redditors only read the top comments of the top posts in their subscribed subreddits. Shills know this and we should too.

sometimes does it matter though. the people at the top may be being paid to talk about garbage and lies. but the people at the bottom, may be saying the opposite but it doesnt mean it is also true, it may just be lies as well only they got it from a different source. just coz 2 things are the fighting one another, doesnt mean one is true and right and one is a lie or is wrong.

Eh, I'm not trying to say that one of these sides must be true, all I'm doing is sharing a tactic that others may want to adopt if they want to spread verifiable, truthful information about a topic. In this case, I shared factual information about shills so that everyone doesn't think they don't exist due to this one instance of it being a likely hoax.

I personally like to stick with factual conspiracy-related information, but that's just me.

it was just random babble.

great outline of some shill strategies:

And when a legit post with great content get to r/all effectively makes calling us conspiracy theorists impossible, they ban the sub

I think you're on to something.

I was turned off by pizzagate due to some of the ridiculous speculative posts that SCREAMED disinfo. I think we hit the nail on the head by singling out those particular Podesta emails, but I think a lot of the Comet and Besta pizza rape dungeon talk was planted to make the whole movement look like a retarded witch hunt.

Something is going on here. The "fake news" narrative timing confirms it. I still think we don't really know WHAT the crux of this issue is.

Also, the name "pizzagate" just sounds so silly.

Definitely a pattern I've noticed. I brought this up yesterday in another thread here about the "friendship bracelet" Obama had that people were claiming had a piece of pizza. This is how I concluded that comment:

Put it this way: if I were trying to discredit the PizzaGate investigation, the first thing I'd do is try to get a lot of false claims about it coming out. Put blame on innocent people, see connections where none exist, etc. Then discredit these false claims, and by proxy, the entire investigation.

Look at the disparity between the upvotes and downvotes in the top few comment threads on the Pizzagate post that made it to r/all... its like 200 upvotes to 1 downvote... certainly not organic.

Interesting. Keep posting up things of note like this wherever you may find them.


Fake conspiracies related to real conspiracies

We will never change human nature.


It definitely can be frustrating.

I posted a compilation of known pedos in DC, where they frequented to access young girls, etc... and it got a handful of upvotes and someone complaining that I didn't use sources (it was a condensation of a podcast, where respected researchers discussed their work). I'm hoping Voat is a little more serious. I haven't spent much time there because the servers keep crashing and it's very hard to use.

I don't mind that some of the fluffier stuff gets upvoted to the top because it's good for people who don't accept the base narrative of pedophilia being rampant yet. It reminds me of when my conspiracy days started by looking at logos of corporations and tying them to illuminati symbolism. Years later I find that stuff kinda dumb and low-hanging fruit, but it's a great start for people who are just diving in.

YES! I've been thinking this too for a while. Obviously shills trying to lump us all into the "tin foil hat conspiracy theorist" type by manipuating reddit. I get the resulting sentiment from sheeple who think just because I believe in conspiracies that I believe every outlandish theory ever thought of and mock me accordingly. Unfortunately most of the pitiful people that make up this world cant think critically and are resultantly subjected to this elementary manipulation technique. 99% of people won't even research shit and if it contradicts their presumptions they dismiss it thoughtlessly

Yes there is a reddit "water army" of shills and Co-intel coordinators

It's worse than sad,, but what's 'good', is "we know"

we just need to be more thoughtful with who we listen to and why we listen to them

They are making their move.

Did anyone Predict 2017 as the end of the world?

The best posts on these subs are usually around 7-80%. If it's upper 90% range, that tends to mean it's been approved of.