Why is /r/pedofriends allowed to be a thing? Why is Twitter protecting thousands of pedo accounts? What is going on?

563  2016-11-23 by WisdomModifier

This is the kind of weird shit that makes people question power structures. Twitter protected those accounts for at least a year, and Reddit is preventing discussion about pedophilia while enabling pedophiles to meet.

This isn't cool at all guys. What the fuck...


No sympathy should be had for the perverts over there. They talk a good game as to not technically violate the terms of use but the fact is that they are all pieces of shit and the vast majority of them aren't there because they want to be inspired to seek help (give me a break), they are there to interact with other sexual deviants anonymously because chances are most of the people in their real lives would be appalled to know that their friend/family member fantasizes about abusing children.

Children epitomize innocence and purity; to think that there is a public forum here for those dirty bastards who would like to, or do, defile that innocence for their own unnatural sexual gratification is literally sickening.

Twitter is owned by pedo whores apparently

Is pedophilia a sexual attraction towards children or an attraction towards hurting children? I'm genuinely curious because I do see some logic in it being a mental condition that I'm sure plenty of people don't wish to have. But it's a far cry from having sexual urges to acting on them.

I'm so glad someone is asking this question. Pedophilia is an involuntary sexual attraction towards children. Most people with pedophilia are not at all interested in hurting or dominating or exerting power over children, and most never act on their urges and instead live life without sexual fulfillment. They are as uninterested sexually in their peers as most people are sexually uninterested in children.

Then there are other people - sexual predators and rapists who use sex as an act of power and violence against their victim. Sometimes these victims are adults, and sometimes they are children. Children are easier to victimize because they're helpless :( It's heartbreaking.

So, pedophilia =/= sexual predator, though some sexual predators are pedophiles.

Cool story but frankly the first type of pedo you described actually sounds creepier than the predatory type.

I have no science to back this up (and no desire to seek any out) but I'm highly skeptical of your claim that "most" pedophiles are the first type you described.

Child molester apologists.... SMMFH

Well, I do have science to back my claims up.

Here is a description of research on paraphilia, particularly pedophilia, by research psychologist Dr. James Cantor, complete with a list of peer reviewer publications at the bottom: http://www.jamescantor.org/my-research.html

Here is a little background information from "The Neurobiology and Psychology of Pedophilia: Recent Advances and Challenges" published in 2015 in the journal Frontiers of Human Neuroscience https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4478390/

"Concerning sexual offending against children, two groups can be distinguished: first, those who show no sexual preference disorder, but whom, for various reasons, sexually abuse children. Reasons include sexually inexperienced adolescents, mentally retarded persons, and those with antisocial personality disorders (ASPDs), or perpetrators within general traumatizing family constellations, which seek surrogate partners in children (Rice and Harris, 2002; Greenberg et al., 2005). These individuals are most likely diagnosed with various impulse-control disorders, accounting for their engaging in child sexual abuse (CSA) without a specific sexual preference for prepubescent children (Allnutt et al., 1996; Greenberg et al., 2005). Second, there are those who do display a sexual preference disorder, namely pedophilia (i.e., the sexual preference for prepubescent minors) and/or hebephilia (i.e., the sexual preference for pubescent minors) (Seto et al., 1999).

Although this preference increases the risk of engaging in CSA, only about 50% of all individuals who do sexually abuse children are pedophilic (Blanchard et al., 2001; Schaefer et al., 2010) and not every pedophilic individual actually has abused children. The other 50% of individuals that have abused children are those who do so without a sexual attraction to children; i.e., they lack the necessary social skills to develop and maintain emotional and sexual relationships with appropriately aged peers and look to “replacement partners” in children as a kind of “surrogate” (Beier, 1998; Seto, 2008; Mokros et al., 2012b)."

You can find many more scientific articles talking about pedophilia by searching on Google Scholar or PubMed.gov. Before demonizing people with a disorder, consider having a little empathy and knowing the facts. It's all too easy to label people as monsters because of crimes they might commit.

There is a difference between a child molester and a pedophile; just as there is a difference between a man that is sexually attracted to women and a rapist.

IDGAF about your science - they are pieces of shit in my book.

just as there is a difference between a man that is sexually attracted to women and a rapist.

I like to use this analogy. Someone pisses you off and maybe you feel like punching them right in their stupid fucking face. Most people experience this feeling from time to time, but manage to keep their urge under control.

Some people can't control their anger and end up being charged with assault.

My point is: Feeling an urge to do something is perfectly normal. Being unable to control your actions is not normal.

So the difference between a normal, law-abiding citizen is not determined by one's urges/desires... it is determined by their ability to keep their personal conduct within the law.

I see a lot of rage comments here. To me, those are just people who feel like they've got a justification to hate on someone else. If it's OK to hate pedo's, they jump at the chance.

you're science is bullshit!

Can we not gang up on the guy who provided a reasonable, well-sourced argument on a subreddit that encourages that type of due diligence?

1) It's "your", not "you're" 2) It's not my science, its the science, conducted by psychologists and neurobiologists. If you have evidence to refute the scientific consensus, by all means, provide some references.

There's no apologia here, but pedophiles are still human beings and some of them live completely normal lives in completely normal families, battling urges they have no control over until the day they die. I'm not okay with Pedo subreddits, but we also can't demonize and sub-humanize pedophiles. The scary truth is that these pedophiles decided to bite on a temptation or a little urge here and there, just for curiosity's sake...and then they became addicted to the rush of the taboo. We ALL have the potential to be one of these people(as much as some would love to proclaim their own righteousness). These people had lapses in self control and now they have to pay the price, but consider their plight, and see a little bit of yourself in their sick ways.

All pedos should be killed. I can't wait for pedo acceptance so that we can know who to lynch

They are interested in having sex with children, and having sex with children means hurting/dominating/exerting power over children. So yeah, they ARE interested in hurting children.

That like saying "Heterosexual men are interested in having sex with women, and having sex with women that aren't consenting means hurting/dominating/exerting power over women. So yeah, heterosexual men ARE interested in hurting women." But that's ridiculous.

The issue here isn't attraction - it is consent. A child cannot consent, therefore any and all sexual acts against the child are harmful. Being attracted to someone is very different from sexually assaulting someone. Just because a person might want to have sex with another person doesn't mean that they WILL have sex with that person, no matter what.

Attraction =/= desire to rape.

That like saying "Heterosexual men are interested in having sex with women, and having sex with women that aren't consenting means hurting/dominating/exerting power over women. So yeah, heterosexual men ARE interested in hurting women." But that's ridiculous.

No, it's not like saying that. One can have consensual sex with a woman. One cannot have consensual sex with a child.

Um... you can't sensibly argue that what ilns said is incorrect. Logically what YOU are proposing is completely as ilns described. But you arent approaching this with logic you're are approaching it with the same zeal as a "kill the faggots" activist. (Freud would have something to say about you Im sure.) Understanding that their are nueral complexities that are outside the realms of even the most learned brain scientists is key in showing compassion for afflictions.

I don't think a 5 year old knows the concept of consenting. Please stop perpetuating a very vile and disgusting practice.

He mentioned that in his comment, though. You just ignored half of his comment for the purpose of your argument.

Cool that's what I thought, and thanks for the great explanation.

you're name is ironic considering how moronic your pro pedophilia rhetoric is... I hope you don't have any children, you are a threat to the gene pool.. you're not the first liberal pedo apologist I encounter.. fuck off with your bullshit pseudoscience propaganda... deep down you sick fucks probably jerk off to children then put on the outfit of pedo apologists when in reality you are one! I don't care if you act on it or not.. you are attracted to children, you are cancer to the world.

Normally I don't like this kind of rhetoric.

But it's entirely justified here. Fuck child rapists. Fuck anyone defending them. They should be shot, and they will burn in hell for what they've done.

precisely.. this pedo apologists lack moral compass.. DISGUSTING INDIVIDUALS...

Ooooh, ad hominem attacks - very convincing.

Do you have any evidence to refute what I said? Or do you just have an opinion on how things are that you've mistaken for fact? Because last I checked, evidence determines reality, not opinion.

you're evidence is bullshit.. they are assumptions... just like how people actually try to claim that gay people are born gay.. no such thing, this are adaptations.. sex fetishes that have gone mainstream. your science isn't science.. MODERN DAY KINSEY REPORTS! you people are on the wrong side of history.!

Why isn't his science science? You're spreading disinfo.

Do you have any evidence to refute what I said?

Besides lack of reproducibility being a systemic problem, especially with social sciences, and especially with tendentious research designed to prove a point for policy purposes?

pedo apologists... what has this world come to... please don't have children. like I said you are a serious threat to the gene pool!

Involuntarily my ass, gtfo! The Clinton defence, no intent huh, time to take responsibility.

Good question, and beware of anyone peddling simple, easy answers to highly charged questions like this.

It's sexual attraction to children. The narrative being pushed is that it's entirely involuntary. I'm skeptical of that, just as I am skeptical of anyone claiming that 100% of any sexual attraction is purely biological.

Yeah. I do think it could be partially biological, partially psychological... but its not necessarily a persons fault for being fucked up.

Blame the parents and genetics.

Sexual attraction to prepubescents. So any physical attribute that might indicate sexual maturity such as breasts, broad hips, larger penis, pubic hair etc is a turn off to these cheeky fucking degenerates.

Hmmm, you just said its sexual attraction to one, is it also sexual repulsion to the other?

Actually: Many of us have a range of attraction that includes, but is not limited to, children.

It's just the child portion of our attraction range for which we seek support in /r/pedofriends to resist.

It would sure be interesting if a law enforcement agency... or someone...infiltrated them.

Rule #43 of the internet, bro.

Disclaimer: I do not in any form condone the abuse of any living thing, at any stage of life.

Took a trip over there and despite the good intentions I saw, that is no place for anyone who isn't actually a suppressed (so they say) peadophile. The normalisation of such an abhorrent act was weird to see. I get it.. they're actively engaging in discussion as a means of therapy, I assume to aid in prevention of their urges. That's an act that comes from a good place, so it's to be commended. But when you consider their subject matter vs r/pizzagate, it's difficult to understand why both aren't banned. Pizzagate discusses alleged child pornography , whilst over there in r/peadofriends it's the real thing. Weird huh?

its normalizing it not helping them change their ways, its like hey i'm really into this, ya me to man, oh well i'm just jack off to it now to fulfill my needs but if i really could i would...ya me to bro, hehehe...hoohohooohohohhhhhhhhhhhhh;asjfla;sjf;lsajf;asljflk;sajf;lsdjf;lksjf;lsjf;lsdj


I agree. And normalizing something makes it seem less heinous, particularly to someone who wants to engage in that behavior.

Is that why pizza gate was shut? I doubt it. Probably because of real life witch hunting that was starting. Which if the other sub did, they'd be banned I hope.

I actually don't know what triggered the pizza gate ban, was there a specific incident?

Edit, not condoning illegal activity, never seen either pedo sub, guess I'm doubting that they ever talk about real life stuff though, but link up there doesn't seem to show anything now

Possibility of an admin/mod editing a user's comment to get the sub banned. Essentially a false flag.

Maybe bc on that sub they don't encourage to engage in doxing or disclose personal info and in that way they aren't infringing the TOS of reddit

Other subreddits created after PizzaGate weren't doxing and still are getting banned. Threads that WERE doxing in original PizzaGate were taken down by mods.

Pedofriends has a thread that links to a website that has pictures of random children taken from social media platforms that the pedos "innocently" look at and fantasize about. How would you feel if Reddit allowed a safe haven where pedos looked at photos of YOUR child? Or do you feel the same as one of them "if your kid is on the Internet they're fair game". If that's true, isn't anybody circulating around wikileaks also "fair game"? All I'm saying is that this is a huge fucking double standard, and I'm surprised so many people are defending this shit.

Jesus Christ! Someone get this to a news media outlet!

"Pedophiles jerking off to pictures of your kids that they found online!"

How do you know they didn't create other accounts just to come to Pizzagate and do the doxing and break the rules in order to get it banned?

They most likely did. The admins were unbanning people to cause trouble there. Theres a thread about it.

I don't know but Why the moderators don't ban the accounts and delete the post as a way to avert the closure of the sub?

Because these sick freaks are everywhere, and some of them are most likely part of Reddit admin and mods. To give you an idea, Julian Assange's family was in the Children of God church when he was a child. So was the Phoenix family as in River and Joaquin, but their mother left because of the weird sex beliefs and pedophilia involved. Rose McGowan was also in this cult and has spoken against it. They changed their name to The Family International after arrests began to happen, and not too much later was when River was found to have died from an overdose. They also have an off shoot called the Family Care Foundation. These sickos are everywhere. The Children of God choir performed at the White House during Daddy Bush's reign and into the Clinton presidency. The Children of God church was started by a pedo named Berg who promoted pedophilia and even stated that the one thing he regretted was not having sex with his mother.

ELI5 me: Sorry you lost me, I'm not too brilliant to follow sidelines and fit that reason I have to ask What have that to do with the moderators of the late r/pg failing to enforce the TOS in their sub?

The Family International is a global network. I'm simply saying that you don't really know who's in it. The owners and mods of Reddit may be involved and they might not. I'm just trying to show the extent of this subculture and how they work.

And once again:

ELI5 me: Sorry you lost me, I'm not too brilliant to follow sidelines and fit that reason I have to ask What have that to do with the moderators of the late r/pg failing to enforce the TOS in their sub?

There are circles within circles. Because they allow pedos to come to Reddit to discuss their urges, but ban a subreddit centered upon exposing pedos, it seems as though they're involved in one capacity or another with pedophilia. Just like the Children of God church that hides behind Christianity, Reddit is hiding behind their "rules" that apply to some and not others. This makes them complacent, and at the very worst, part of it.

I can't see how you couldn't understand what the guy above you posted. It was clear and concise.

if you are going to "and once again" at least fix the typo(s) from the first time..

There have not been any evidence of Doxxing occurring in /r/pizzagate .. The top sticky at /r/pizzagate was a mod post discussing the rule. The mods at /r/pizzagate did address sharing of private information. It was assumed that any public profiles and information/names in news articles were public not private. The only time children names or pictures were shown was when re-sharing public content from public social media accounts like instagram posts, including some insta posts geo-tagging the pizza restaurant, which had names posted in the photos and even sometimes hash tagged.

I don't believe "Doxxing" was the issue, the ban came from "witch hunting"... which likely only was a result of James whining to reddit after a small protest outside his restaurant of a few people from Philly occurred

I remember one of the big hooplas over rule was made over posts involving "carisjames" which was a hashtag used in several questionable public instagram photos. All /r/pizzagate posts referring to it were removed, just to be sure, even though it was determined to not even be the child's name

So to answer what you are confused about, the mods of the late r/pg did, just not to the degree that appeased the 'gods'.. erm 'admins'

Although by showing Admins like /u/Spez can edit user posts, would show Admins like /u/Spez have the ability to edit/remove/delete/ban specific users guilty of violating TOS rather than nuking an entire sub.

there was no doxing, the pictures people were posting were on INSTAGRAM for the public to see, the instagram accounts were only made private after word got out that some of the pics Jimmy Comet was hosting on his instagram seemed a little off as in implying child molestation constantly in different references to kids being taped up, kid with money in their mouths etc etc etc

Just jokes man! When you're as rich and powerful as that pizza guy you'd understand... Just jokes bro.... They're evil fuckers. They look evil. They act evil. Truth is a sword and it's cutting through.

Seems like if any sub could use a healthy dose of doxing it's that one.

Do it somewhere else then please, we're not willing to lose the sub over this.

I'm not doing it at all. Just an observation.

Just saying, not just to you, to everyone.

Maybe you guys could post that in a announcement?

Alot of new people in this sub lately, and the numbers keep growing. Hate to see this place go because some asshole thinks he is online batman...

Well there is the new sticky post...


Fuck the TOS of Reddit.

Get acquainted with the TOS of life:

no pedos

PS that sub sounds like a honeypot / entrapment.

Wow, this is awesome...Seriously. I've just never seen such a blatant shill in my life. You just went at it like a neanderthal, didn't you? Oh my goodness, thats rich wipes away tear of laughter.

If theres a pedophile in need of being defended from criticism, you'll be there...Your mother would be so proud of what you're doing with your life.

This makes me genuinely want to hurt people.

I am not threatening, or calling for, nor do I intend any violence. But this makes me want to.

You better watch what you say on here or u/spez will diddle your comments, then admit that people are kinda pissed while he never really apologizes.

Fuck u/spez.

Plot twist: They could be honeypot accounts (operated by an agency with a 3 letter acronym) to entice pedos.

Its one thing when feds pretend to be "drug dealers" and distribute drugs in order to "catch" those who buy the drugs.. and usually some of the drugs get used and some go missing/sold.. all in the name of "greater good" catching the dealer/buyer..

Its one thing when the public is okay with feds selling guns to cartels in order to track and arrest the buyers/sellers...only to lose track of them and ultimately have one of those guns used to kill a border agent..

None of those are truly OK, even when attempting to argue "its for the greater good" and none of those tactics have put a real dent in the crimes they were policing..when do we draw the line? Do we really think its ok to create CP honeypots, or allow CP to exist for the sake of "monitoring users" simply to catch someone? It really just sounds like something that makes the public feel like the authorities doing something about the problem. Do they even let the public know of the success rate of these tactics? If they told you for every 100 pedos that view a CP honeypot we track down and arrest 1, would that sound like a successful tactic?

So fuck that tactic being applied to pedophilia. Also, I doubt they get permission from the CP victims to continue to use the "seized evidence" in future honeypots.

Thats sickening. By them running the site for 4 months hard telling how many views, downloads etc, each one being an act of harm to the children in the photos... Jesus what is going on

Only 137 arrested out of 1300 captured identities on a site of almost a quarter million users.. What. The. Fuck.

What's even more sick is that I'm sure this is not the only time they've done this.

yeah I just saw that. The end is here. Time to go.

the implications are clear.

Yup. I'm not having any weird shit posted in my history.

I think the entirety of the userbase should subscribe to your wisdom. Godspeed, I wish you well. Im not far behind.

If you'll look through my recent history you'll find quite a few people who disagree, but I appreciate the kind words!

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma Gandhi


More like the Israeli's. They were behind 9/11 probably behind this too

No, the Saudi statement is actually true. Dopey Price Alwaleed of Saudi Arabia literally owns more of Twitter than Jack Dorsey.

what is our tax dollar kinda at work alex for 500 ?

Why do you think??

Its appalling seeing the people here trying to justify this shit. Its not ok and if you have any trace of those sort of feelings you need to suppress them completely.

And this is just wrong....

The scary truth is that these pedophiles decided to bite on a temptation or a little urge here and there, just for curiosity's sake...and then they became addicted to the rush of the taboo

You don't give in to "a little urge here and there, just for curiosity sake" when it comes to touching a child or watching CP. Its never ok and shouldn't be tolerated. I wish they'd kill these people instead of releasing them when the % of reoffenders is ridiculous. Scum of the earth.

Everything is just controlled opposition.

Many years ago I worked at a webhosting company during the dot com boom. Turns out one if the many thousands of customers we had wound up being a childporn website. As required, it went to the lawyers in legal to make their call since tech support?customer service /server ops don't get paid to make legal calls.. Fbi tells us to keep it active while they investigate and track down the users. Six months later, multiple instances of harassment & vandalism towards various management types by well meaning anti kiddy porn groups towards supervisors/managements/etc thervi stomps on hubdreds/thousands of members in a global crackdown with the help of other law enforcement agencies elsewhere.

Comps ues can't always stomp on ut

All about reaching that 95% negative polarity...

They are destabilizing society - it began with the homosexuals, then the transexuals, and now the pedosexuals and necrosexuals will become "normal"

A broken, destabilized society is always easier to control

I just got shadowbanned from r/pedofriends because I threatened to castrate them..

Yeah can you not go over there and threaten them.

Sorry I shouldn't have but this creep was seriously trying to advocate legal pedophilia and I just can abide that.

We don't shadowban.

We ban openly if you violate sub rules and report if your actions also violate site rules.

I like screwing with them. Asking them tricky questions, watching the cognitive dissonance kick in.


Removed. This vigilante action would be against the rules of reddit, and if you make a similar suggestion again you will be removed from the sub.

I did not suggest anyone do any personal justice, simply make a list. Nothing vigilante about it.

The admins would classify that as doxxing, and enabling harassment, and if you are discussing in /r/conspiracy, then we could be held resonsible. We don't want to be /r/pizzagated.

Wield your powers of subjective perception and make your moves. I would love to have these fuckers exposed so that people could do what they will. I know I am not alone in this sentiment, so even if you remove my comments you won't stop people from doing what has already begun.

All you are being asked to do is follow some simple posting rules.


Why is 9/11 Truth and WTC Building 7 being covered up/ignored? I guess humans emotionally can only handle so much. That's all I can figure from it.

Bc is a community that are trying to help that people with theirs pains and encouraging them to seek professional help, but to can't know it if you don't go and see it for yourself r/pedofriends

How is talking about crushing on a 7 year old you babysit helping ANYBODY? Oh yes, I went to that subreddit. They talk about how little girls bathing suits are so sexy when you catch a peek. They have TEACHERS talking about students they have crushes on. They have BABYSITTERS talking about their crush and how the little girls have crushes back. They have people saying CP needs to be legal to suppress urges, because most CP is made with CONSENT and "would never watch anything that wasn't consented". They have people that get angry when Americans call out Saudi Arabia for being pedophiles because over there things are different and how do we know the children aren't consenting?! They have people saying pedophilia is the same AS BEING GAY and therefor should be accepted by society. They link to another private pedo subreddit where there are "less rules". They have a token 14 year old bopping around saying they love pedos and sex with kids is cool as long as they consent because it's LOVE, what do you have against love? Hell if you're bored, there's even a thread normalizing sex with CONSENTING ANIMALS.

Yep I went there. It is one huge (literal) circle jerk of pedophiles normalizing pedophilia. They want to FIX SOCIETY so they are no longer outcasts. Because, yes, that is another thing they discuss. It is apparently OUR FAULT that they're depressed because we think it's not good to have sex with children. They think pedophilia is bad only because our SOCIETY is wrong and THAT'S why they feel guilty and the need to talk to other "victims" just like themselves.

Can you honestly tell me you're cool with that kind of culture on Reddit, but think it's okay for subreddits advocating AGAINST pedophilia to get banned?

Thanks for taking one for the home team and investigating that. Tip: Bleach in the bathwater to get that icky feeling off.

I feel dirty just reading your post. I couldn't imagine actually reading any threads over there without being overcome by sickness and anger. How self admitted pedophiles can go online talking about their fantasies with children they have access to isn't grounds for an investigation by law enforcement is beyond me.

They are not encouraging others to seek help (at least not all of the time) they are normalizing pedophilia. Talking about it as if it is ok. Browsing through this sub reddit was creepy and unpleasant :(

And they're carrying it into other subreddits where they make inside jokes with each other. I have proof that I'm not ready to share yet.


Reddit has a disturbing number of pedophiles. I've run into two in two in the last couple weeks (outted themselves by giving the standard pedoasses are OK argument) and that controversial comment that fucking children is wrong tends to get downvoted.

I have proof that I'm not ready to share yet.

Proof or fuck off.

I will when I'm damn good and ready, and I'll make sure you're one of the first to know. Until then, fuck off.

So you're one of those idiots who says he has proof that he doesn't actually have.

Cry for attention moar. Obviously if you gave a fuck you'd share the 'proof', but that's impossible since again, you're a fucking liar.

Settle down. I'm still digging. Why don't you do something constructive instead of harassing people? Whose side are you on?

I'm on the side of exposing corruption, and every time someone like you has come along with claims like yours, they never came to fruition.

If I had proof, I would post the proof before I claimed anything.

(at least not all of the time) )

It's like assist an AA session, I don't feel shocked bc I'm a regular to 12 S groups and know how they work and that in some occasions what's happen there is see as weird by the people that doesn't know how they work

I understand 12S also. But ask yourself, would 12S work for murderers? As soon as you hurt someone else (any living, conscious being) 12S does not apply. Not in my book.

Fun fact: Murderers have the lowest recidivism rate of any criminal demographic.

Sex offenders have the second lowest.

Maybe, but we're discussing pedophilia. Most criminal professionals do not consider it at the same level as sexual abuse but as a sexual orientation which almost always fail rehabilitation. http://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/pessimism-about-pedophilia

Given that sex offenders have the second lowest recidivism rate, rehabilitation does work.

I visited that subreddit.

I haven't been more disgusted in my life.

Yeah, I think it's better to restrict yourself from developing such strong feelings from a child. Personally, I feel like having a crush I could never approach would just be too stressful.

Yep, from that same post that you cited

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Rule #43 of the internet, bro.

Disclaimer: I do not in any form condone the abuse of any living thing, at any stage of life.

Twitter is owned by pedo whores apparently

Well there is the new sticky post...

Is pedophilia a sexual attraction towards children or an attraction towards hurting children? I'm genuinely curious because I do see some logic in it being a mental condition that I'm sure plenty of people don't wish to have. But it's a far cry from having sexual urges to acting on them.

yeah I just saw that. The end is here. Time to go.

It would sure be interesting if a law enforcement agency... or someone...infiltrated them.

Yeah. I do think it could be partially biological, partially psychological... but its not necessarily a persons fault for being fucked up.

I did not suggest anyone do any personal justice, simply make a list. Nothing vigilante about it.

Wield your powers of subjective perception and make your moves. I would love to have these fuckers exposed so that people could do what they will. I know I am not alone in this sentiment, so even if you remove my comments you won't stop people from doing what has already begun.

Thats sickening. By them running the site for 4 months hard telling how many views, downloads etc, each one being an act of harm to the children in the photos... Jesus what is going on

Only 137 arrested out of 1300 captured identities on a site of almost a quarter million users.. What. The. Fuck.