From The Mods With Love, Our Commitment To This Community And More Importantly, To You.

645  2016-11-24 by Flytape

On behalf of the mod team I am writing this post to outline our commitment to you, as well as to shed some light on the nature of sub.

This sub is not supposed to be a curated space, a safe space, or any rigidly defined space. Its not left-wing, right-wing or anything in between. There is not litmus test we apply to users before we grant them entry, nor is there a test that guarantees we remove them.

We are fully aware that there are sources that you might find personally untrustworthy. We also realize that one man's most trusted source is another man's untrusted source.

It is because of this unavoidable difference in perspective between one person and any other person that we DO NOT try to define for you or anyone else, what is a trustworthy source.

We know that Alex Jones can be 100% correct at times, and 100% full of shit at a different time. We know that CNN can be 100% correct at times, and 100% full of shit at a different time.

YOU have to look into these sources for yourself, You can not rely on the mods to apply a truth meter to everything posted here. Honestly, You shouldn't trust a source every time just because it happened to be trustworthy the last time you checked.

Our commitment to YOU is that we will NOT attempt to be a gatekeeper. We will NOT remove a post because of something we think. You all, as a group, have the power to vote the best posts to the top and similarly to sink the turds. If the mods were tasked with filtering what we think are bad posts, undoubtedly there would be some bias leak into that process and you would miss the opportunity to see those inappropriately removed items.

Rule 11

Misleading, fabricated or sensationalist headlines are subject to removal.

Rule 11 has everything to do with the intent of the OP. We do remove satire posts because the intent is to pass off a lie or sensationalize a story as a joke on the reader. There are perhaps some other examples where someone might go out of their way to sensationalize their title "OMG WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE TOMORROW" that would also be removed. Or a fabricated title "Obama eats a pizza made out of dead babies" that would be removed if the article isn't specifically about eating dead babies.

In these most extreme cases we may step in to remove outlandish post, only if its clear that the intent of the OP was to fool people or mock them.

the mods of /r/conspiracy can not be expected to mitigate which sources are allowed here or not. The mods neither validate nor invalidate the truthfulness of any content posted within this subreddit. The fact that we allow posts from sources that are almost universally considered to be "untrustworthy" is not a defect of the subreddit. It is in fact an important feature that allows for the unmitigated free exchange of ideas, for if we did not incorporate this important feature there would be a multitude of antagonist demanding that we remove a multitude of posts for this reason alone.

Please consider this while you browse through the items posted here. Anyone with any agenda can post fake news to elicit a predictable response from you, or the opposite, they could aim to keep you from responding at all. Don't take anything at face value without inquiring thoroughly for yourself into it's validity, and similarly don't automatically dismiss without giving it a fair shake. But most importantly of all, do not expect anyone to do this for you because even if they tried with the best of intentions they would eventually fail you and make the wrong decision.

Kind Regards,



Don't take anything at face value without inquiring thoroughly for yourself into it's validity, and similarly don't automatically dismiss without giving it a fair shake.

As old Bill Cooper used to repeat at least one time every other broadcast: don't believe anything I or anybody else says; do your own research!

"Have the courage to use your own understanding, this is the motto of enlightenment."

-Immanuel Kant

"Don't believe anything these cunts say to you"


That's...actually not it. Go toward truth. Discern what truth is and be critically-thinking enough to understand when truth or validity is being conveyed regardless of what the source is. If you "don't believe ANYTHING these cunts say to you" and you simply negate everything coming from a source wholesale, then you will likely pass by relevant information that you should have otherwise paid attention to.

Sift the wheat from the chaff. Not everything will be "all" one thing or the other - all truth or all lies. That's where being a critical thinker comes in. You have to bob and weave; navigate the treacherous waters of the information war going on; know when to take in data as valid, and know when to discard information as irrelevant or incorrect.

Just my 2c.

THAT was a full dime!! [you are soo smart] happy thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving, dear. I hope you and yours had a great one. :)

i think i upvoted [they are precious you know] at VOAT it was good [and important] to see you over there too


Yeah. I'm there. Getting ready for the mass exodus away from reddit and on to some other platform. Starting to get pretty ridiculous and out of hand here.

changing any of our words is kinda sacreligious [anyone could be framed or unframed] some are indicating that is the whole point to absolve some who may have overstepped .....just enough doubt

Yeah. Just finished reading this OP and am in the process of reading through the responses. Shit's heavy.

keep thinkin your input is way important



Namaste why?

is why why why

u = devine inside out ;0

chick is using arrows alot lately dont sweat this

its a weathervaney thing i am just realizing myself <==bro how you feed my 3rd eye!!

You're a quirky one - which I think is very cool, btw. :)

TY i like you too immediately so this will never change

scorpio bro

i threaded in voat today [vote me up they are precious i know!!]

Yeah I know. You can't really vote on anyone unless your own vote count is advanced enough. A bit annoying, but I understand I guess why they did that.

i will say folks over there are really interesting and have connected some interesting dots the story has so many different legs

you happen to be an 11expression [dont ask me how i know this but i do] it makes you some of the highest energy i have met here [this is not bullshit] even tho you swing waaaay to the right of my inners i know your 3rd eye strength makes you sit on my weathervane of influences i respect around here ...] the weathervane is a 3rdeye thing that came to me in chants helping someone else actually months ago but have actually adopted for myself.... and now that someone else has pointed me in the direction of chaos magick it is the very premise of their sign and symbol<==universe in devine order.....

do you know anything about chaos magick ???

it is my lastest fascination

chaos magick

Sounds very interesting. Have never heard of chaos magick.

I “swing waaaay to the right of your inners”? I hope that’s not a bad thing. :) What does it mean to swing to the right?

your politics my brother ....

i was just talking to someone about matrix energetics really mandella stuff here are some interesting links for the weekend

i would love to know what you think ....

alot of quantum mixed with magic <=== what could go wrong ;0

your politics my brother ....

Ha. Perhaps that's why I didn't really understand what you were referring to initially. I can't say I pay all that much attention to politics, what it all means, etc. I still can't really say that I'm even all that sure what "left" or "right" even means actually. :)

Thanks for all the links! Will look through them.

i think you will find them intriguing i know they have been thought provokative for me and i only just started thinkin about alot of this but useful tools in the skill set you know?

Why is the OP of that thread deleted?

Oh snap. Wasn't deleted last I I looked at it when I cross posted it here. Yowza. Shit's getting deep...

i am also ready to move as soon as things start getting fucked up.

Things have been getting fucked up. I just finished reading this OP and am in the process of going through the thread responses. Shit's crazy.

Everybody builds a concept of reality using the information they take in. It's useful to be aware of how this process works and also that small or large parts of that grand concept might be wrong. You must be willing to reject/replace beliefs. You can equip yourself with good "software" by learning and applying critical thinking. Also observe and learn how your mind works, it's not that incomprehensible as people make it out to be. Anyway..: :P Yeah what I would add: Don't hang up on/obsess over exact truth, it not achievable, especially for singled out events/'facts'. Get comfortable with not knowing things for sure and apply a gradual scale ranging on everything you know from: Almost certainly true, very likely, possibly, unlikely, probably not true, to: almost certainly not true. Once you take in more information your concept of reality becomes more and more sturdy, and things shift around on this scale. But certain things, especially "general" concepts about reality will consolidate on the outer edges of the spectrum.

Very nicely put. Wonderfully-said. Fully agree. Thank you for contributing.

Dude you got wellllllllll to philisophical/- . I think his comment was more humour based than an intended shinning beacon of wisdom.

Dude you got wellllllllll to philisophical

I have a degree in it, so I tend to get philosophical about almost everything really.

I think his comment was more humour based than an intended shinning beacon of wisdom.

Yeah. I understand that. However, I feel people should be mindful still of the logical implications of the things they say even if they’re only intended as jokes - especially on topics like this.

All that said, I totally LOLed (in a good way) at your last sentence.

  • I feel people should be mindful still of the logical implications of the things they say even if they’re only intended as jokes

Lol Id give up on that ideal if I was you friend; Have you met the up and coming generations....FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY.

Now thats wisdom.....

Id give up on that ideal if I was you

I hold myself accountable for the logical implications of what I say, so I do the same to others.

Have you met the up and coming generations....FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY.

Now thats wisdom.....

Yeah. It continues to make the movie Idiocracy appear to be more and more like a documentary rather than a fictional narrative film.

"Think for yourself, schmuck!" - You.

Enlightenment is quite something else than conceptual knowledge.

Exactly. Even if they have the best of intentions, they will eventually fail you.

At this day and age, with information sources everywhere , doing one's own research matters more than ever. On the downside, it's never been this easier to mislead the masses. It's not always the media. Heck, it could even be your neighbour .

But hey, see for yourself .

I appreciate this even at face value. Over the past month or two there have been posts and comments cropping up trying to shut down 'fringe' topics, or things that others simply didn't jive with saying 'this is r/conspiracy not, r/xwhateverthefuck'

I think the purpose of a community like this isn't to have a hive mind, a fixed vocal or view point, but a constant stream of what could be, may be, or is in fact real. It's the users job to filter what they deem real/bullshit/funny/or plain jane crazy as balls, but at least give people the shot to decide what the want to read/watch or pass right the fuck on by.

The users have been doing a terrible job being a filter. This sub has been practically indistinguishable from r/t_d recently and the top posts have all been a dozen variations of whatever hyperbolic outrage is the hot topic of the day (karma whoring?). I come here to get news from the fringe, but it's almost all been buried recently. I wish r/actualconspiracies had more traffic.

It probably doesn't help that there is a legitimate ongoing conspiracy against donald users. The reddit CEO was caught editing other people's comments and leaked mod-admin discussions shows they are actually conspiring to take down /r/the_Donald.

/r/the_Donald is complicit in numerous conspiracies involving reddit and politics. If you don't like that they're relevant, that's your problem.

Dude, /thedonald users are reaping what they sew from their poor behavior. Its not a fucking conspiracy. Its like when your little sibling pulls your for an hour and when you get sick of it and push them away they scream bloody murder and go cry to your parents.

During the election I would frequent /t_d just to get an idea of what was going on outside of the bloody r/politics echo chamber...however the shitposting and brigading just got to be too much for me. Now its infecting the rest of the site. They can all fuck off back to their -chan safe spaces for all I care. Give me back a sub with some meaningful substance.

The CEO was literally caught conspiring against the donald and demonstrated the ability and willingness to anonymously edit other peoples comments without leaving a trace. This is unprecedented and raises massive privacy concerns that you can't just dismiss by saying "fuck trump supporters".

This is a conspiracy. Get off your high horse.

You, and the people who upvoted you here, should look up the definition of conspire some time.

You are laughably wrong.

For shits and giggles, I did look up the definition of conspire. Directly from google:




make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.

"they conspired against him"

synonyms: plot, scheme, plan, intrigue, machinate, collude, connive, collaborate, work hand in glove; informalbe in cahoots

"they admitted conspiring to steal cars"

(of events or circumstances) seem to be working together to bring about a particular result, typically to someone's detriment.

"everything conspires to exacerbate the situation"

synonyms: act together, work together, combine, unite, join forces; informalgang up

"circumstances conspired against them"

If you actually find this laughably wrong, there is probably something fucked up in your head.

One single person, reddit's CEO in this case, cannot conspire. You are undeniably wrong and you don't need to attack me for pointing it out. Rude.

Did you read the chat that got leaked? It was multiple people, mods and admins, discussing ways of banning or otherwise marginalizing one specific subreddit.


edit: *crickets*


Cool story, new guy.

The definition of the word is literally right over there in the side-bar. ---->

Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful

No need to keep wallowing in ignorance.

r/t_d has been leaking for months, but if you just analyze the posts it doesn't take long to find which ones are participating in the community, and which ones are just pushing their subs agenda.

Same thing with the CTR posts drying up post election. You could usually tell who was a genuine supporter of their candidate versus a bot/shill. Usually.

Thanks for linking /r/actualconspiracies - I was unaware of that sub. I'll be visiting/posting there from now on. This sub is a cesspool of ignorance.

CIA memo on JFK shooting leads entire culture to mock ‘conspiracy theories’ in defense of any official story

The conspiracy theory label took form and gained meaning over a period of several years (or longer) in the context of efforts by the CIA, one of the world’s leading experts in psychological warfare, to deflect accusations that officials at the highest levels of the American government were complicit in Kennedy’s murder. … The CIA’s campaign to popularize the term “conspiracy theory” and make conspiracy belief a target of ridicule and hostility must be credited, unfortunately, with being one of the most successful propaganda initiatives of all time.

Simply put, “conspiracy theory” is about forbidden thought and forbidden speech. It means stop thinking, stop questioning or risk being labeled a tin-foil-hat-wearing kook who probably thinks Elvis is still alive and extra-terrestrials secretly run the government. And most of the time it works. All someone has to do is say you are pushing a conspiracy theory and actual arguments become unnecessary. This stops discussion and even rational thought. It brings out extreme condescension in those who otherwise might be pleasant and reasonably intelligent. No actual evidence needs to be offered because a conspiracy theory is, by its very nature, assumed to be a lunatic idea that is not supported by facts.


Yeah, at this point I have seen so much shit turn real that I am ready to go full Elvis.

True, enter Fake News. They won't quite till we remove them.

I wouldn't call em "extra-terrestrials"... They're terrestrial, just from an earlier date. You might call em "pre-dators"...

I think at this point it's more subtle than being labeled as automatically wrong and a nutjob. Many people now understand that there may be some truth to these stories, but also have the perception that there isn't much they can do about it and even that it may be dangerous to dig too deep, and just want to tend their garden and watch the game, so when "conspiracy theories" come up, they avoid the subject regardless of their belief in how true a particular topic is.


He was absolutely elected by the community. The only mod that wasn't elected is illuminatedwax and he created the community himself. There are also a few bots, automod and publicmodlogs.

Dusty left on his own accord because he has his own views and no longer wants his name implicitly signed off on what conspiracy does. That's his right to make a choice like that, you don't have to like it. He didn't vandalize the sub on his way out or anything nefarious and he had full mod power to do so if he chose. He's okay in my book.

I have banned sirissac- and removed his comments for attacking other users/mods and trying to stir drama. He is a serial ban evader and rule 10 breaker.


I wonder if moderators have the hidden power to manipulate content...critical shower thought

uh, this is something that anyone can experimentally test at any time by creating his own subreddit. In other words, you're the type of person who will allow himself to remain ignorant when there is no possible excuse, making ridiculous and damning allegations even while a very small amount of diligence can openly demonstrate your accusations to be false. Long story short, there is absolutely no reason anyone should take your concerns seriously even one single time

nice fly


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Nope you editing your post into a witch hunt won't do.

Dusty left the mod team and it's a moot point now.

honestly, appreciate your post but There is no reason to assume any credibility from Reddit. How do we even know you or anyone wrote that.

Y don't u like em?

he definitely bans people from this subreddit because of disagreements in ideology. every time it gets brought up people come out of the woodworks (all of course still contributing members to this community regardless of his actions)

Not true.

Many people don't understand how dangerous conspiracy actually is. People have been tortured, been exposed to psycholgical warfare and lost thier minds to address or research these topics. We are pure heretics and I won't be too surprised if one day I have to pay for my curiosity.

There is a reason this sub takes this approach and maybe one overlooked reason is tradition. I heard of conspiracies first when I was a kid in the 80s. There was no internet. The 'frustrations' with the unreliably of the content were the same. Look back at any older videos like that mystery series Leonard Nimoy did (70s?) and you'll see a definite pattern of intentional unreliability - it's always left up to the reader/viewer to decide. Why do they do this? The answer is so that no-one dies. Adding disinfo is another technique. For every true article, post five that are pure bullshit. Savvy conspiracy readers know how to filter - this why we don't watch T.V. Think about that next time you see a link to rense or some other 'unreliable' website. If they can discredit you, they might not kill you. That tin-foil hat could save your life.

On a slight tangent - this logic also works for alphabet agencies. Just because someone is tied to, infiltrated or works for the government doesn't make them disinfo or bad. Just because something is passed off as conspiratainment doesn't mean someone isn't trying to talk. Maybe they're flying below the radar. Wake up.

The election, trump and even the pizzagate newfags (special shout out to the 'reliable sources' fags) have no idea what they are getting into. Instead of gaining some perspective, asking deep questions (why is the world like this?), they want to launch a crusade tomorrow, fight a short war and go back to 'normal' life. There is not going to be normal anymore - understanding and embracing this will save your life.

I'm not arguing against crusades - or supporting them, or factual, reliable information but we do have to think a bit more deeply about our world view. People who have just stumbled upon pizzagate are finding this out. The problem is pizzagate is bigger than pizzagate - we all know this, and look at how quickly that sub self destructed already.

Sometimes the content on this sub is so superficial it makes my eyes water but there is a big silent community of lurkers too and they do know what's up. So keep your tinfoil hats close by, remember Fox Maulder, and read and upvote something 'crazy' once in a while.


Good stuff. The goofs at /r/socialism could learn a thing or two about the advantages of free and open discussion.

The goofballs at r/capitalism should learn the horrors that imperialistic nations and greedy corporations have brought upon the world

I can only imagine what goes on at that place.

Sell everything so we can tax the rich less.

So u agree with me. You don't like r socialism???

That place is a cesspool.

*That's probably an overreaction. There are plenty of good people there, but the mod team is a whole different set of problems.

The goofs in both of those /r/'s should learn that the best option probably involves ideas from both camps...

Well socialism is some govt ownership of the means. So it's in the middle of 100% government ownership and 0%, right?


This is why pizzagate was banned

Woah. This needs to be it's own thread.


You've obviously fallen into his trap if this is all you're talking about. He got what he wanted: you're no longer talking about Pizzagate.

Wait hold on what?

He does look like a BBQ sauce kind of guy.

Well said my man.

Can non mods get flairs?

I don't see why not.

I got mine before I was a mod by asking nicely. :)

I only reddit on mobile so your flair just looks like 'dusty.' What is it?

And I received mine before I was a mod as well. About a year before, IIRC.

You can mod on mobile?


/u/mr_dong gives them out occasionally :)

/u/mr_dong may I please have a flair?

Thanks in advance.

What do you want for a flair? The best things are kind of iconic and clear at low resolution.

Not even close. For example my flair is an eye of Horus and MrDong uses an alien grey. Check out the mods current flairs to get an idea of the exact scale. I am on a mobile atm, but I will try to check the exact size for you.

How about this one. I shrunk it down to 24x24 pixels.

LOL that's great.


Yeah that would work but what is it?

Okay I am on a desktop now so I will work on it right now.


Yes you just need to ask the mod team and we can add some custom flairs. It's not too hard, but you need to find something that works at an insanely small resolution.

Ty. I need to find a small symbol? IL let u choose for me

Well like I said it should be clearly visible at a smaller scale. Maybe a UFO or something you care about intensely. Something that you identify with.

How about a yin and yang symbol? Or a peace sign or something... IL let u choose. I'm against war and corporations

Okay. It's really late for me now so I'll try to make it happen tomorrow.

Ah nice thanks lad

This is the only sub that makes me come back to reddit.


I'm so happy that you included the /s tag, you saved me the public embarrassment of roid raging on you.

Nah flytape, you banned one of my alts over a minor argument months ago. Been here collecting thousands of karma ever since, still can't believe you tried to silence me or anyone like me.

Nothing you said in this post is true, you are just as bad as the reddit ceo. There are many many many users who wish you were not a mod here.

edit: my username is literally an ode to the tenth rule on the sidebar.

What account name? I'll look into it for you.

Ah well as an ode to rule ten, I'm going to guess that you're fetish is taking the piss out of the mods.

Good luck with that. What's funny is that you don't realize your admission that your other account was banned here could easily be reported to the admins as a ToS violation for ban evasion... If I wanted to ban you.

That's the thing man, I don't want to ban anyone, I don't want to report you to the admins and get your account waxed. I just want you to conduct yourself here with a pinch of respect for the rules. Rule 10 exists to keep people from constantly attacking each other or the mods or the sub in a general sense... So that we can actually talk about conspiracy theories instead of people's wounded egos.

You seem to be doing better after your initial ban because you now seem to get along better, well enough that I wouldn't ban you for taking the piss out of me nor would I bother to report your ban evasion.



Ultimately, this is what we should all do. Read news from all sources. Suss it out as best you can. Verify or disregard through other sources. It is the way a historian "gets at" the truth or a relative facsimile of it. Somewhere in the middle a more clear reality lies. I for one want all sources there and available. Once any are not permitted the slippery slope of censorship can gain ground. Let's use our intellect and awake minds to find answers.


Rule 6. Removed.

CNN can be 100% correct at times

on any subject capable of being spun for the agenda, cnn is 100% untrustworthy

they might be right when they tell us it's raining where they are standing, but that could always be cgi.

indeed, they might tell the truth on a subject that doesn't matter

good name btw - it reminds me of this video...;t=4s

haha yeah i feel like i am living teh dream with brexit and now trump

it's taken from this game

woah ha, weird game. (they are all weird to me I never play) but interesting thanks for sharing!!

I tend to agree, but like I said I'm not here to make those choices for you.

yeah i suggested cnn be banned a few days ago, similar to facebook, it wouldn't be missed i'm sure but it could open a can of worms

i personally will never give cnn or any of the other fake news sites a dime by opening one of their links

it is the one way we can fight back and make them wither and die: do not give them unique hits, do not give them ad revenue

Our commitment to YOU is that we will NOT attempt to be a gatekeeper. We will NOT remove a post because of something we think.

Yeah that is all good and dandy /u/flytape. Don't get me wrong. I like you mods and you do a good job as volunteers. However like you I have been here awhile, and as you, and the other mods. Your policing is only limited as well. IIRC there was a time several years ago where one reddiit administrator came into this subreddit, and removed many mods from your duties, and installed his own mods. Right?

Therefore what is to stop a reddit administrator from doing the same thing again, or coming in a eliminating, and editing posts here?

No admin has ever messed with the mod team here. You are probably thinking of an ex-mod who vandalized the sub, /u/donbueno. Probably drunk or something.

edit: "probably drunk" did not refer to gaseouspartdeux, sorry if unclear

Nope I remember distinctly that happened. It actually started with /u/9000sins and I was under a different name at the time.

Well you misremembered. You can check

Why don't you ask /u/flytape or /u/9000sins instead of telling my memory is wrong. Because they did not come on and reply to disagree with the original comment.

I've been here longer than both of them (as a user). I paid attention to the community and I am 100% certain that what you recalled above, that admins (not mods, there is a distinction in case that's necessary to point out) interfered with the mod-team by removing mods, is false.

Over three years ago /u/donbueno, a moderator, came out of a long AFK period and removed everyone below him and began to troll alongside the authority-worshiping /r/SubredditDrama queens. The only person above him on the mod-list was the founder of the sub /u/illuminatedwax, and he had been AFK for like 2 years at that time. A redditor, /u/solidwhetstone, who knew wax AFK contacted him and that led to him straightening it all out by removing donbueno and re-modding everyone he booted. solidwhetstone was also modded at that time for his role in helping everyone out.

No offense intended in correcting you.

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That was a terrible mess. I'm glad some people remember that.

Okay /u/9000sins chimed in and refreshed my memory. Wasn't reddit administrator but the subs master moderator. Technically you are right, but the same statement applies. If a master mod can do what happened in the past What is to stop that mod or even a reddit administrator from doing it anyways

I have always feared that this would happen again after the first time. I feel like I was targeted pretty hard during my time here. So much so that it took a lot out of me.

Yeah I remember. A lot of it was very very unfriendly toward you. I was surprised you stuck around especially after that episode. It didn't help that you had a few jerks using your name, but adding a extra zeros to the 9000 to confuse the subs redditors.

Yeah it got pretty weird there for a while. I mostly just casually browse reddit these days and mostly comment in pc related subreddits.

IIRC you got singled out and targeted by aggressively closed-minded trolls from the "lol jooz" (conspiratard, TMOR, SRD) crowd. Just bullies and libelers. True scum of the Earth. Remember, they tried to spread rumors that you were into child porn, right? Tactics sound familiar ("pizzagate")?

That had nothing to do with donbueno going rogue though, correct?

No that was about something different, and that happened before the other thing.

That's what I thought.

Wasn't reddit administrator but the subs master moderator.

Incorrect. He was the #2 mod. If he were "master" we wouldn't be here today.

Read 9000sins reply. he called him a master moderator.

Now I could understand a stern warning or maybe even opening up a discussion about the issue, but instead he used his master moderator powers to remove everyone below him on the mod list. He was number 2

This is 100% what happened.


this was because 9000sins was deleting comments and in general just acting like a shady mod in a conspiracy sub... Most of them were and I figured less moderation was better at that time. Sins sucks.

I can chime in and let you guys know what happened. We were being hit with a deluge of 1 day old profiles trolling our sub day in and day out. We as a moderation team discussed the best way to defend against the attacks, and my suggestion was to create a rule for automod to require your account to be at least 3 days old in order to comment on the sub. It worked as intended until Donbueno decided we were all cunts and needed to be dealt with. Now I could understand a stern warning or maybe even opening up a discussion about the issue, but instead he used his master moderator powers to remove everyone below him on the mod list. He was number 2 and I was number 3. After I was reinstated as a mod I have slid way down the ranks. I only wanted to hold the higher position to ensure that the sub remained under control and that no one abused their mod powers. Ever since then I have been insanely busy with my boy who was just born 3 years ago and he has become my world. I love all of you and I am so sorry that my time is mostly taken up with my family and that I rarely have the energy to put into my moderation duties here at r/conspiracy. I just got a new phone and maybe I will start working again soon. Hopefully sometime soon I can come back to you. I have a lot of confidence in our current mod team. I check the mod logs every now and again to make sure everyone is keeping the sub clean and not abusing their mod powers. I start biting my nails every time new mods are added or when the mods start talking about major changes. I admit I can be a bit spontaneous at times but having a larger mod team means that I need to use a large amount of consideration for the other mods and the users before implementing any changes, cosmetic or functional. I have become more restrained in the last few years and also a lot more focused. Having children really changes you, and for the better. I have a new found empathy and love that I never even knew before he came into my world. Long story short, I love you guys and I will still be lurking around from time to time just to keep tabs on the current state of things. Hopefully no one higher on the mod list decides to go rogue and remove me or any other defenders of this sub.

I have a lot of confidence in our current mod team.

Wish I could say the same. Only one or two of them (vocally) appear to understand the basic definitions of the words they use in rule 11. Troubling to say the least. Promoting witch-hunts in the side-bar without discussion beforehand doesn't bode well either.

I start biting my nails every time new mods are added

That's happened twice in three years. Most larger subs are not nearly that stable.

Please pm me dusty, if you have concerns I would to hear them. I have been out of the loop for some time now and I have great confidence in you particularly.

Thanks for replying and making sure I was not having a senior moment in memory.

Hey no prob. My son is getting a little older and doesn't require constant attention anymore, so maybe I can start posting a bit more.

Dusty is correct.

Donbueno was a mod here and he vandalized the sub.

We need to be our own reporters understanding lies are spread thru the media to form public perception.

I used to enjoy this sub before the last couple of months, when it had a wide variety of interesting and fun posts. Now it's pretty much hot garbage and operates as an outpost of /pol and /the_donald with the same rotten cream rising to the top every day and most meaningful discussion absent.

If the mod team can do something about the two dozen separate pizzagate posts being at the top every day, and the community can stop with the bullshit meta discussions and breathless hyperbole then maybe this sub is still worth visiting. Otherwise it's just gone to the dogs.

More concern trolling hoping for mods to censor what triggers you. Like you didn't even read the post.

Not a trigger amigo, just sick of the same old bullshit drowning out literally everything else.

Thanks, glad to see the mods are making sure this sub does not turn in a "outrage" spamming festival. I like this sub, I don't want to see it banned.

Rule 11 has everything to do with the intent of the OP.

Completely wrong. You literally can't know the intent of the OP. You're not psychic.

That's why we should err on the side of not removing things.


Making rule 11 pointless. Sensationalism dominates here. 'BREAKING' and shit like it is everywhere here these days. Gullible people gravitate toward and upvote sensationalism and salacious disinfo. It's propaganda and it works.

You have the rule but won't enforce it, which is bizarre if not outright insane IMO. You should either axe the rule or enforce it, anything else is just sloppy hypocrisy. Having your cake and eating it too.

Just want to say you guys are awesome mods. Unbiased as fuck, allow for any type of discussion, and just want to say I appreciate it.

You guys should attempt to fix the broken public mod log situation or at least remove the dead link from the side-bar. It's been nonfunctional for months now.

It works for me. Takes a bit to load.


That error message loads instantly. I guess that's on my browser. It doesn't work for my mobile app either though.

Their SSL certificate seems to be expired. Your security settings are set (appropriately) very high.

Love you mods. I'll probably be on voat soon, not the mods fault, corruption with the admins (fuck /u/spez) is simply too much to ignore. Pizzagate is real and they are trying to suppress it here.

I got two "warnings" in a row on the same day for no good reason. My posts were legit. It really made me question the motivations of the mod team.

Edit ur comment to include them

Modtools allows me to see this heading:
Since the flat Earth theory is so in vogue at the moment (and I think it's kinda cool too), does anyone know where I can buy flat Earth plates for my kitchen? (not joking)
We really suffered from this blatant censorship eh /u/ooh-eeh-ooh-ah-aah? Funny you chose to not respond to George.

Thank u

Yes that was one. And the other one was about Barron Trump, asking whether he's autistic.

This is great stuff. Keep up the good work.

I suggest anyone who wants to discuss WITHOUT censorship gives our site a shot. We do our best to obey the shitty laws but retain maximum free speech and communication if we are FORCED to act.

You might also wish to check this out!

This is 100% a darn advertisement. Shameless i know! But seriously i've been fighting these fucks and putting the truth out best i can. Bigger my site gets, Bigger my impact on the corruption. What makes my site is not i but my posters. People like you and you better believe im going to do everything you protect you fuckers.


so the mods dont edit peoples comments? hmmm

Mods do not have any means of editing other users' comments or posts. All we can do is remove them (comments, post and users) from /r/conspiracy.

This has been the best sub on reddit for a long time. The one place I can feel that the content and conversations are organic and legit (aside from the election influx, but even that wasn't horrible). Thanks /u/Flytape et al

Thank you!


you talk about the mods in pretense. Do you not know your own mods?

You seem to prefer this subreddit above all others, I'm confused about why you think my statements are false. Do you realize that the mods here have nothing to do with the Reddit admins you seem frustrated with?

Okay, so you've made a commitment to us. What are the consequences if you break said commitment? Let's give this statement some teeth!

If we gave the whims of the mob teeth here, the subreddit would have failed to be what it is, a long time ago.

For that reason you'll have to forgive me for being suspicious of anyone who desires to upset the balance that shapes this sub.

gave the whims of the mob teeth here

No, I was suggesting that we give YOUR commitment to US teeth. This one:

Our commitment to YOU is that we will NOT attempt to be a gatekeeper. We will NOT remove a post because of something we think.

Not sure why you would attempt to conflate your own statement with "the whims of the mob".

Oh wait, I think I know why.

Well the mob, on Reddit we can call it witch hunters, have a tendency to create drama and artificially promote it using the grain of truth method.

So what keeps someone from making a shitty post that breaks our rules and then once it gets removed, editing everything to look innocent before they start up their "we demand justice" mob?

Linear thinking like this doesn't work well in practice while I'll admit it sounds great on paper.

The default mod's clique would want nothing more than to get several of our mods booted out of the way so they can get ahold of /r/conspiracy and turn it into a memefest where the people who oppose /r/conspiracy are in a dominant position.

They have been trying to elbow their way in here for years.

Dude I simply asked:

Okay, so you've made a commitment to us. What are the consequences if you break said commitment?

...and you start backpedaling like Tony MacAskill without brakes, going on about mob witch hunts and such.

You: "Hey, everybody, you can trust us!"

Me: "Okay sweet, let's have some sort of guarant..."

You: "WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Put the pitchforks away!!"

Look. We get it: Your word means nothing around here. You don't have to rub it in.

Everybody else: Continue to screenshot and archive anything you don't want deleted. See you... elsewhere.

Lol you think I'm back peddling?

What kind of guarantee would you suggest?

"Lol" What can you offer? I take bitcoin. Empty words, not so much.

Well you don't have to accept my words at face value, as I said above, take the time to sort these things out for yourself.

You are here though so we must have proved some utility.

I hope you continue to enjoy our community.

Thanks for making this sub the best thing on Reddit.
Freedom of speech is a bitch that bites.

Well said, Fly.

I've given you shit in the past, and will likely do so in the future ;), but this is a great message.

Seriously, I hope you guys don't get death threats since you own this subs, it seems other places have been getting them. Stay safe moddies. <3

I'd say that about one in five users who get banned respond with some kind of death threat/wish. Most just go with some kind of sexual insult.


That's fine but you do have to follow reddit's ToS. Pizza gate seems to be ripe for personal info/doxxing problems. At the end of the day the admins will shut it down if you guys can't follow ToS.

/r/conspiracy should be carefull I think... pizzagate is complete bs, and pizzagate so called "whisleblowers" reminds me the very same "psy op" / people that fucked up / totaly discredited the "occupy wall street" movement. It seems "they" are now back doing that shit with "pizzagate" (and all "bs" around HRC during the élections). Allowing too much pizzagate bs (or "similar" like obvious neo nazi shit and those dark web horror stupid movies from youTube etc) is like allowing some worms to to nest into your body. It s quite dirty and in the end it could harm you a lot.

Pizzagate is very similar to the 4chan trolls behind the faux-racist outrage trolling ops /r/CoonTown, /r/GreatApes, etc. Probably a lot of the same losers.

Insane, socially incompetent shut-ins like Joshua Goldberg who just want to burn the world down and spread chaos and distress.

Free speech, or nah? Ill take nah.

I feel my comment will be edited now, don't trust Reddit anymore.

Good points, well made.

Thank you for posting this. We all need to consider at some point our own beliefs. The problem is that we cannot do this without the free exchange of ideas. Reddit is a great website for sharing ideas, but it is still a private company that has the right to remove or shut down anything it wants. The same goes for Youtube, twitter, facebook, even the shadier places. Therefore we must be willing at any moment to move our discussion elsewhere, and find new means of sharing ideas. I think that conspiracy theorists have often been demonized as crazy alien fanatics. But like any community, conspiracy theorists have evolved from a simple joke community to a multitude of citizens who don't want corruption and lies to govern there lives, and ultimately, the future of mankind. We must stay vigilant, and protect our rights to protect our rights.

Well said.

Thank you for this post and for making the mods position clear. In this climate of building censorship, any place that supports the free flow of ideas is endangered.

I hope that all of us will have the courage to stand up for everyone's right to voice their ideas regardless of our opinion.

Vive le verite.

Rule 11 is a slippery slope. But I understand the need for minimum standards. I don't condone it but I don't dismiss it.

It's because of mods like this that this sub is such a great and informational place. Thank you guys for all you do,

Hold up, since when has CNN ever been 100% correct?

Reddit was an inside job !!!!!

Hi Flytape Spelling nazi here. I think you meant "elicit" where you wrote "illicit". Also an "it's" is wrongly apostrophied. I did like the substance of your post.


super nice post thank you!!!!

This is THE reason I don't visit abovetopsecret, infowars, godlikeproductions etc anymore. This is one of the last bastions of unadulterated discourse and the value for that is priceless in these times! I've not heard of anything being censored or cherry-picked here. Thank you, sincerely.

The mods like this sub because the word conspiracy has a negative connotation so anything discussed here can be easily dismissed by the thought police.

The proof is in the pudding.

You fuckers edited posts only yesterday and now you're wanting forgiveness? You may have the mainstream thinker fooled but not me. I will NEVER forgive you no matter what you say.

I didn't read the post because I don't respect you.

You need to learn the difference between an admin like /u/spez and a community moderator. I have no admin powers on Reddit, I can't edit anyone else's comments.

Nice meltdown though.

Anyone who decides to not concede an argument out of spite before even considering someone else's account doesn't have a reliable opinion. What a twat.


You're splitting hairs. This is the first incidence we have seen of proven admin editing.


Do you have any evidence of admins editing user comments before this?

I like the recent tagging scheme. Leave the posts up but tag them when they break a rule, unless they are super spammy or harassing. This keeps everyone happy.

i dislike the tags, they can and probably are being abused to derail certain posts/ideas and steer "the audience"


oh it was you was it? figures

Don't expect to see that service anymore though since I quit.

i had you blocked for 7months, i won't be missing your "service"

Cool story bro.

seems legit

edit: so legit you had to delete it



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You guys deleted my post citing rule 11 and it doesn't fall under any of the criteria you just outlined.

That title is awful man. Admit it and move on.

It was getting a lot of upvotes until it was deleted. Based on what you just said, it is little disingenuous to say this sub isn't curated.

I'm not accusing you guys of any malicious intent, I just think you guys are going about the wrong way of moderating the sub. We should focus a little more on outreach and getting our message out or at the least, allow us users to.

My title was't the best in the world but it would have taught many people about WT7 and show how many others there are that agree it was a controlled demolition.

It was just a sideways way of begging for upvotes, we prefer information about WTC7 on the whole.


Soliciting upvotes is against reddit site rules. But fuck that....Upvote if you like ice cream!

It was getting a lot of upvotes until it was deleted

Maybe because the title was basically asking for upvotes, we don't do that here. This isn't the_donald.

I'd say "do you believe in the fringe tin-foil hat conspiracy theory of bearded aerobats who throw their passports out of aircraft cabins seconds before bringing down 3 steel skyscrapers with 2 aluminum planes?"

The "official narrative" on 911 is an unbelievable conspiracy theory. People who believe it are nuts. The burden of proof is on them. Anyone who believes in the transubstantiation of steel or magical airplanes need to provide evidence.

That's how common knowledge is shifted, by reframing the discourse as if we hold the majority opinion (we do). That's how the institutional propaganda does it anyway.

That provides nothing to the conversation. It's a circlejerk.

This sub is most definitely a right wing/pro-Trump propaganda tool. Don't act like it isn't.

ain't no left-right here buddy, just plenty of anti-hillary and pro someone who might do things differently (or not)

the very fact the media was 100% anti-trump right around the world, not just in the usa (and still is) tells the kind of people who come here that he is/was a better choice, no matter what he does or does not achieve in office

ps/tldr don't confuse anti-hillary with pro-trump or worse still, pro-GOP

Media certainly wasn't anti-trump, your tv must not get Fox News. in the last lap the gop channel got behind the gop candidate shocker

Ummm Fox News was constantly pounding the Trump agenda the entire year. You must not watch much. "Nobody respects women more than I do" - lol what a fucking clown this guy is.

You must not watch much.

i don't watch any msm, none.

only what i hear from clips i pick up online or via podcasts

enough to know megan kelly wasn't exactly beating his drum

yeah i suggested cnn be banned a few days ago, similar to facebook, it wouldn't be missed i'm sure but it could open a can of worms

i personally will never give cnn or any of the other fake news sites a dime by opening one of their links

it is the one way we can fight back and make them wither and die: do not give them unique hits, do not give them ad revenue

Modtools allows me to see this heading:
Since the flat Earth theory is so in vogue at the moment (and I think it's kinda cool too), does anyone know where I can buy flat Earth plates for my kitchen? (not joking)
We really suffered from this blatant censorship eh /u/ooh-eeh-ooh-ah-aah? Funny you chose to not respond to George.

You're a quirky one - which I think is very cool, btw. :)

You, and the people who upvoted you here, should look up the definition of conspire some time.

You are laughably wrong.

I'd say that about one in five users who get banned respond with some kind of death threat/wish. Most just go with some kind of sexual insult.

good name btw - it reminds me of this video...;t=4s