I have a theory why Spez would so stupidly and blatantly edit comments, then immediately publicly admit to it... [x-post t_d]

506  2016-11-24 by [deleted]



I'll admit, that's a pretty good theory...

He also just granted plausible deniability to anyone who might be in legal trouble over comments they made on reddit. aka stonetear.

Yup. What the fuck is going on....?

Shit has just been weird since the elections eh? You can feel there is movements in the background, planning, conspiring. I think more and more people are waking up, which is backing a lot of others into a corner. The news seems to be getting just further and further from the truth; it's like they aren't even trying to hide it anymore. What do you think?

I think, The Great Awakening/Unveiling (End of the Mayan Calendar).

It's been deleted. What did it say?

I can still see it :

Esteemed Anonymous Reddit Admins I expect my question to be truly one of conscience for anyone reading this (and who is root on this platform). As you are aware, the sub /r/pizzagate just got banned. Whether you think the people in there were paranoid conspirationists or not, you must admit their intention was (is) honorable and generous. Regardless of the avowed rules breach. Please take 5 minutes to read what this (alleged) journalist wrote on that sub yesterday. It garnered 3000 votes in 24 hours (on a 20k subscribers' sub). His contribution sums up well the moral and factual grounds on which this work rests. I cannot link it on reddit obviously but it was last archived here: http://archive.is/MrsGu As far as I'm aware, nobody was able to run a bot/crawler to backup the material. We have not been given enough time. I was shocked to discover even one's own postings have become inaccessible (even though a permanently banned user still has read access to his old posts). This may not come as a shock to this site's old-timers but I was dumbstruck by it. You see, there is a possibility the investigation on this sub WAS founded. After all, it is commonly admitted there is a child abuse problem in Hollywood. Why not in Washington DC then? There certainly seems to be some clues (although no definitive proof yet). Reddit failed to mark history today, but that's beside the point. Obviously this crowd-sourced investigation will move elsewhere. But we need the archive. We need your help. Root, you know who you are. Risk is occurrence probability multiplied by occurrence impact. Your opinion on the former doesn't concern me. But the latter, the impact in case the systemic child abuse does indeed exist, is the most significant short of actual genocide. So, please, help us recover the archive. You would likely be saving actual lives doing so. If you can do it openly, I am grateful to Aaron Swartz' spirit guiding your company. If you can't, please understand what is at stake here. And remember, courage is contagious.

it's been deleted? holy shit!!! fortunately I archived it http://archive.is/qOde9

unfortunately the 100+ comments (and 180 upvotes) are not shown. will try to get a screenshot.

Edit: here you go http://imgur.com/a/vCztt

Edit2: if someone thinks this is relevant in the whole spezgate/pizzagate context please make a post about it. I won't because I'm the one who asked that question in /r/AskAnAdmin that got deleted.

Edit3: it seems it didn't get deleted after all. I can still see it when connecting through a non-logged in browser. Oh well. I still hope he read it and it had something to do with something :)

Omg spez deleted it!!

Ding Ding!

It tried watching CNN the other day. Talk about vitriol. The world would be peaceful without people like that spewing hate around.

I was thinking exactly that earlier today, if we could control and hold the media liable for bending the truth, lying, withholding of information. The world would actually have a chance. I hear people at work saying the most retarded things, they eat the propaganda right up.

Be at peace, it's the same here in Germany and it's even in regular shows too. On every network misinformation and lies, but the percentage of ppl here reading alternate media is probably even lower than in the US.

One would think our Germanic brothers and sisters would have wisened up to state sponsored media due to the country's history. We are all human though, and suppression of information on a large scale seems a lot easier than it should be. Should be suspicious even to those still asleep at this point. No doubt though, the propaganda and obfuscation have both noticeably gotten worse lately, across the board. Like you said friend, we need to remain calm and keep our heads up. TPTB are weakened and slipping, keep pushing fam.



The media is a very powerful tool. Imagine if it were used to actually educate the masses. It'd be glorious.

It is like they MSM is hoping Trump is a Nazi and they want him to be as evil as they pretended he was...meanwhile they are covering up the evil shit that might be going on, lending it credence. Maybe this was so unexpected different limbs are flailing and no longer coordinated. Might be a power struggle behind the scenes and conflicting orders going out. All I know is they are becoming less subtle and their less than true messages easier to identify.

Reddit is privately owned and run in order to make a profit for some shareholders somewhere.

Now imagine what happens when something comes up that might lead to a lawsuit. This whole pizzagate thing is a good example.

Guy claims to be threatened because of a story that has little or no incriminating evidence. Yes, there is some circumstantial evidence. But nowhere near enough to warrant in investigation, let alone lay charges.

As it turns out, reddit is heavily implicated. They guy who got threatened might decide that reddit is largely responsible for his mental anguish and suffering.

That makes a lawsuit a very real possibility. Now the thing about lawsuits is, even if the person taking you to court doesn't win, you still get stuck with some serious legal expenses. Lose the case and you could be on the hook for many millions of dollars.

That would eat into the shareholders dividends big time. So the admins, being employees of reddit's corporate ownership, quickly decide that a little damage control is in order.

Say goodbye to r/pizzagate

tldr; r/pizzagate banned because money.

but guy who got threatened would have to bring forth a lawsuit that complains that reddit branded him a pedophile -- is he that courageous?

What is stonetear?

Paul Combetta; the guy who wiped Hillary Clinton's emails. He posted on Reddit under the username stonetear soliciting advice on the matter.

There also popped up at the time a 'Stonetear2016', a somebody who had a four day old account with impossible comment and post karma for the visible age of the new account. They seemed to be playing the defensive character of the original 'stonetear'

and 'Afrobean' named in one of 'Stonetear's posts, a (year plus) dormant account that suddenly acquired a new post history and reactivated to comment in relevant threads.

Reddit admins were playing zombie account games on behave of the DNC, nobody else could have done this.

(changing names of existing accounts to match new and dormant accounts that needed current activity and/or history)

Very odd for Reddit admins to play this game of 'obstruction of justice', they must have been under the impressiont hat HRC could not lose and thus Reddit was free to play any game it liked with no fear of RICO.

Reddit inc did this in full public view.

But now Donald Trump is President elect and thus all the DNC inspired Reddit shenanigans are documented and available for future RICO usage.

Wait. I've interacted with afrobean often. He seems like a decent fellow.

then someone high up at Reddit was playing with account histories to backup a narrative.

either way a corporation was playing politics over criminal activities, which is DoJ and FEC worthy.

That guy working for Hillary that asked here on reddit how to work on PST files (the archive format of outlook mails).

I remember because I also had to work on PST and people jokingly accuse me of being a second Stonetear account -^

He was stupid in the way he asked. If he had asked on how the files were encoded, he could have done the remaining reverse-engineering work by himself and nobody would know what he tried to do. Unless it's protected with some hash or the like, it's definitely possible to temper with the file.

Never saw his posts actually, but I guess it's not that "stupid".

The guy was requested for his job to work with emails. I guess he never was told what he was doing was illegal or would provoke so many troubles.

Did he get suicided?

he along with several others implicated pleaded the 5th to every question posed in the congressional deposition. In other words, they were saving their own lives.

What he asked was suspicious at best. Asking how the file format works looks more like personal curiosity and probably not seen as suspicious.


"Spez" has innovated again! There'll now be a Brady List of information sources. He may as well establish a department within the company to deal with every defense attorney whose client is damaged by "evidence" from posts and comments, because they'll all be out to:

more effectively impeach the credibility of government witnesses...

...when clients are swept up in the NSA / FBI data dragnet.


Totally, fuck /u/illuminatedwax.

I hope u spez didn't change your comment!

He doesn't just touch comments, he molests them.


..does he then eat them?

Except this is the same guy that permitted /r/politics to be sold out to Correct the Record, and then outright denied that it was under the influence of any external organization when asked point-blank in an AMA.

He has no problem censoring and manipulating Reddit, so I'm going to guess he's just mad that his team is making him come out and admit what he did.

Maybe his corruption ends when it conflicts with his morality limit. And that limit would be child sex/cooking/trafficking.

Can you Eli5 the theory here?

Bad guys with guns come to spez and tell him, "you better make your friends stop blabbing their mouths." Spez doesn't want to get shot, so they ban pizzagate. But spez agreed that pizzagate was investigating something really important and felt it was wrong that it was being silenced. How can he bring more attention to the issue without outright saying pizzagate is a legitimate concern? He creates a minor, yet controversial scandal that makes direct mention of pizzagate so that it gets more people aware of it while simultaneously concealing his intentions with plausible deniability. The more people are paying attention to him, the less likely the bad guys are to shoot him.

idk how much I believe it. I think it's more of a liability/shareholders issue as was mentioned. But it's certainly interesting.


Disagree. This was a copy of what the creator of Dilbert said about Comey.

Agree. This theory is legit. He was forced to false-flag r/PizzaGate.

And fatpeoplehate I bet.

that was such a good sub. and it lives strong on voat.

I miss that high energy place


My theory is that he's on the aspie-side of the spectrum, publicly regrets selling too early (way back in 2006), is bitter in general and was annoyed at all of the insults and made a clever little script without thinking through the trust and legal implications.

He probably felt quite smug while running it.

no it's not. if this is true, it'd be very easy for him to expose the corruption anonymously.

Don't fall for these tricks guys, seriously. OP is 2 months old with nothing posted until now.

/u/spez fucked up and now his tracks are being covered to make it seem like he's part of the skeptic community. Tptb want us to believe that /u/spez acted in our best interest to keep us from throwing him under the bus.

Check yourself /r/conspiracy before you wreck yourself.


Your "theory" is nothing but unsubstantiated imagination. I could write up a "theory" just as plausible that completely refutes yours, but in the end would be no less real.

Sure, your "theory" may be correct, but there's no evidence to suggest it is.


I'm not going to because I'm not a fantasizer. I've been a skeptic much longer than reddit even existed and understand the follies in such things.

He was holding the idea out to be shot down. Maybe someone could find another link, or maybe not. Either way it's worth the discussion.

I agree, but when I jumped into this post everyone was agreeing with OP hand over foot.

I had the same thought to some extent and I've been here for quite a while. If I had a posted this topic and it trended to the top then you would have to stick to questioning the merits of the hypothesis instead of the credibility of the poster.

Then get out of the conspiracy subreddit. I was with you all the way up to this stupid comment.

Lol sure thing, hombre. I've been an active member of this sub for a long time and not just gonna jump ship cuz I hurt your feelings.

I'm starting to think you are talking to shills.

I miss the days when skeptics were smart like you.

Yeah, this is too fishy. We should not sweep this issue under the rug.

Don't fall for these tricks guys, seriously. OP is 2 months old with nothing posted until now.

There is a horrible implicit fallacy here. At least one admin actively edits Reddit data, and yet you cite the lifetime of an account as a source of its credibility? If the account were 10 years old, it may actually be only 10 minutes old and just had the timestamp edited.

If you're going to be this paranoid then why bother using reddit now? For all you know everything is fake except you.

He's a mod of /r/cannibals. Probably a pizza fan himself.

Is it just me or is r/cannibals gone?


Not gone but made private. Even more fishy.

Lol I personally have like 10 accounts with various activity, and so do most users.

Same here, but I'm not going to use one of my new accounts to all of a sudden start making the CEO seem like a good guy when he made a huge fuck up.

i wouldn't have even thought about it tbh

Then I would like to see your explanation for u/spez seemingly mental retardation in this situation.

Actually, you know what, let's not care about the truth here. Because regardless if u/spez being the mastermind of this riot or not, our pitchforks are still heading to a right direction: backfire the censoring right the fuck back at those upper management's faces.

fuck u/spez <3

Don't think he's saying sweep it under the rug. He's saying spez made a martyr of himself by doing this to keep pizzagate active.

Pizzagate was going to remain active no matter what. Voat took it over immediately.

Agreed. This is a copy of what Dilbert creator said about Comey. Sad!

Honestly, they could disable the posting privileges for a 5 year old account and then just come in and then impersonate them. Or they could just create an account and artificially change the start date. Or they could disable all the powers for all the mods in a community and start posting on their behalf as a way to erode trust.

Then don't trust anything at all on reddit. For all you know everyone but you is a robot now.

Just a lot of AIs talking to each other.

It did have a Streisand effect. On steroids. Oh the memes you will see tonight... Oh shit it was a reverse spy vs spy Streisand? They don't even have a term for this yet. Can this be cross posted to places that are going nuts right now?


I wonder what the people over at /r/the_donald would say about this theory? I think it holds some water..


You can't throw yourself into a building wave, you have to time it right. A sub the size of T_D takes a while to process info.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Fuck NP. If a sub such as T_D shows up in /r/all as much as it does, why should there be restrictions on participating?

the Np thing is stupid.

I once saw a guy using NP links to his own comments in the same thread I was already in.


Limited hangout is the term

so what's the "unlimited" hangout in this case? What's the full story if this is just a distraction?

Idk. It seems like they're too smart to juSt admit what they did

I'm on board with this guy. Something did not feel right about him doing that. Fuck, u/spez, possibly doesn't like being pigeon holed by evil forces?

he never cared before.

He might've been okay with it when he was drinking the kool-aid and felt that he was "a good guy". Then he was asked to coverup for a pedophile ring, he couldn't stand by idly while evil prevailed.

I was wondering this same thing because in any other scenario what he did was unbelievably stupid.

Additionally the /r/Pizzagate ban was announced in plenty of time to let people organize, communicate, and make sure nothing got lost. This minimized any damage the banning had.

Seems like insincere compliance to outside pressure to me.

Edit: nevermind, reading the default mod slack chat logs he just seems irresponsible. http://archive.is/ZmULb

Spez, go with this theory.

I literally just had this same idea 15 minutes ago. It's completely genius.

He reveals how far compromised reddit really is while at the same time giving him plausible deniability to whomever he answers to. Thank you for throwing us a fucking bone, I hope other can connect the dots. Fuck you /u/spez

Nice theory, but it doesn't mesh at all with the recent leaked admin/powermod chatlogs. "I think we need to figure out t_d without banning them, bc there will be another"

I was thinking the same. The follow up too "i was just trolling the trolls" is utterly unnecessary if he was just trying to send a secret message.

It's a good theory but seems like wishful thinking/denial that reddit is on its last legs

All credit to the_donald though, here we have proof that influential mods conspiring with admins still isn't enough to stop them. High energy indeed.

I think that he probably was cool with abusing his power when he thought he was on the side of good. He got in bed with the Clinton's, 100% convinced that they were what was best for this country. Naturally the_d was a pain in his ass and became an enemy of sorts. The pizzagate thing though, he gave them a ton of time to archive and relocate....in my opinion he fucked up on purpose.

Alternative theory : he is a pedo.

Also a valid theory.


This is also a real possibility... But there are no typos, so he couldn't have been that drunk...

This really ceases to be an amazing revelation when you acknowledge that all corporations have an aversion to bad publicity. Reddit bans any subreddit that incites moral panic in the news, such as fatpeoplehate or the early jailbait subreddits. This is a for profit website that allows astroturfing and stealth advertising accounts to go unchallenged.

He edited the posts because at this point Reddit is openly corrupt and no-one seems to care or feel willing to move on. Watch, no-one from the_donald will leave Reddit as a result of this.

because The_Donald is on a mission to red pill the world.

I think this post is spot on!

Good theory, although it's time for us to stop having to be scared and silenced, having to communicate through hidden meaning. This theory however sounds eerily similar to the Assange / Wikileaks hypothesis: The sub was killed quickly after gaining momentum, and that usually means it was too hot (accurate).

<em>Aligning theory: Assange sacrificed a trusted courier to reveal that he is fine and hold off on the switch (8chan post fake) while also revealing that Wikileaks is compromised.</em>

It is time for the good people of the world to stop being divided by fake news, and finally unite and take control of our destiny, our markets, and our collective resources (and rid the world of systematic abuse, collusion and corruption). The world does not need to be hungry and suffering. The number of good people outweigh the evil - and the sleeping giant masses will soon be awakened by the scary truth - pizzagate is just one door to the puzzle and shows how their entire facade can crumble once people realize the truth.

Everyone eats pizza, and everyone knows that trafficking, abusing, torturing or killing children is evil. It is simple. It is scary. It can unite the world. When this leg falls the beast will be wounded, showing the path to its global weakness. Everything follows the same pattern of secret insider control. We are slaves of all colors, and it is time for slavery, racism, sexism, and all isms to be Trumped by the fight of Good versus Evil.

We need to take control of the information before they further separate those who know from those who don't, and as of today information and communication is the most valuable asset. We need to feed the world the truth, and then we can actually feed the world, and finally, feed the world a real future where good prevails. We need the good members of the military and law enforcement to stand together and step forward to show each other they are not alone and to show the citizens they are not alone, so that the communities know they will not be all be slaughtered for sharing the truth as too many others before us have. This is why so many military leaders have been replaced by corrupt yes-men.

We cannot trust Trump until he earns our trust and follows the true will of the people to rid our world of evil, starting with the evil in America at all levels. Trump and Kanye are a fitting pair, and both need to earn our trust as they may have been compromised in the past, but it is possible that they are both now beginning to awake and are willing to face their demons to change the world, fight against evil, and keep others from becoming victims and slaves to the evil elite.

Don't let fake news divide, pick a side: GOOD SIDE.

Dam..you may be on to something.

wow, great theory.

The guy must be facing absurd pression if pizzagate is real(it probably is). Fuck, he's probably scared for his life at this point.

Pizzagate is just the boarder of something much bigger.

I think you mean pression. But yeah, definitely possible.


Maybe not to cover up anything in the subreddit, but to show that admins have the possibility to edit comments without evidence, and somehow hurt Reddit. I believe he is too smart to do that just for the sake of it, knowing that the PR implications can be devastating.

Even if your theory isn't true, that's the world I want to live in. ....

Spez was fine with CTR and other blatant violations of Reddit TOS, why would he care now? I call bull shit. Guy fucked up and he knows it.

This. The list of people he helped in the last 3 months...Stonetear, Correct the Record, and pedophiles...there doesn't need to be a conspiracy theory for this one. Spez is in bed with them, plain and simple

This does not seem implausible.

fuck spez

huh. You make a good case man.

I must say, that's a pretty solid and believable theory you have there.

He made sure his public apology included reference to the drama.

HE never apologized!!

Also - it's a decent and plausible theory.


I should edit that to say public comment.

Don't worry /u/spez will change it back to apology later.

This is spot on. It feels RIGHT. We have to be very aware that there are people in top level positions that are like us. They know something is going the fuck on. They literally fear for their lives yet despise the fucked up system of corruption we live in. They have no option but to go along as sheep. Their lives, their family, their friends, they are all in danger.

Even what spez did will put him in danger. I guarantee it. It was his safe way to rebel against a bought and now corrupted Reddit. One day if he doesn't get assassinated he may even come forward and admit he did this to sink his corrupted ship. Hoping it would make us all realize how fucked Reddit is and abandon ship.

I like your theory. Ive always assumed he was a piece of shit and theorized based on this. Who knows what his intentions are. All we know is Reddit is compromised. I also think it seems very odd that a CEO would make such a childish mistake.

Could be a loss of temper, but I was thinking of something different. What if u/spez came to the realization that people already know Reddit is censored to shit. I mean any competent person who regularly visits this site saw how r/politics was 100% propaganda. This huge hit to Reddit's integrity coupled with the drive to follow the MSM story of "squashing fake news" is what I think may of led him to "accidentally" lose his temper.

Sure it looks awful the CEO did this, but remember people - The New York Times admitted to not being journalists and pushing propaganda - They did essentially the SAME THING. Why would 2 HUGE MSM media outlets do this within a few weeks of each other? When you get caught lying enough people know you're full of shit. You have to apologize to the people you lied to if you ever want them to believe you again. TPTB were shocked that enough people called out MSM on their BS by electing Trump and need to reestablish the legitimacy of their most important control mechanism, MSM. I expect an announcement from u/spez and/or mods apologizing again and making a promise to squash all the "fake news" that made HRC lose the election just like Google and Facebook. Wouldn't surprise me if their plan is to let u/spez be forced to resign by the community and then insert a more believable puppet. Its all a charade designed to gain integrity in the long run

Edit: Its also a lot easier to go edit a few r/the_Donald comments and admit to that than admit to CTR and all the biggest subs being pure propaganda bought and paid for by TPTB.

Edit 2: This just really sticks out to me because TPTB aren't a bunch of idiots. They have meticulously calculated strategies that are behind every single move they make. To think that they would let something this big fall through the cracks unscathed seems very naive to me. Maybe their move is to let u/spez resign and then put in another puppet that seems legit on the surface. Kinda like hitting the reset button for them

Part of me thinks that this is all part of a plan to undermine credibility in Reddit in general. TPTB have recognized it as an effective way for the masses to organize and are now trying to discourage users. Did entire idea of Reddit just get false flagged?

You either die a hero...


You nailed it, OP.

Yeah, he was fucking with you because he secretly agrees with all the people accusing him of being in on it too. How the fuck do you people manage to dress yourselves in the morning

Who told you that I dress myself every morning? Huh?

What if this was a move to show that post can be moderated so that the case against that stone guy (whatever his name is) would be invalidated?

Spot on

Maybe you're no going far enough. Maybe the goal was to uncredit reddit as a whole and close it down through "leaked emails" that would start the demise of it.

My head is spinning but it could be a possibility or maybe I'm just in a coma and 2016 is just a figment of my imagination. I never knew I could be so creative.

It is exactly what I am thinking about right now! And the genius part is, regardless whether u/spez have the good intension or not, the userbase is still winning.

fuck u/spez <3

I'm partial to this theory because I find it hard to believe /u/spez could be so stupid.

This makes so much sense, thank you!

He's like a real live Itachi Uchiha.....

I'm glad someone else had this thought. One of my first opinions on this event was that spez had sold out reddit to help Correct the Record. He probably felt honored to be working with Hillary Clinton and Erik Schmidt. And then he was being asked to censor pizzagate and I am betting he felt a pang of conscience. It didn't sit well with him that he was being asked to provide cover for politically connected pedophiles. He probably hated that his site had been co-opted in such a way.

This was his "burn the motherfucker down" act. This was his way of drawing attention to issues that he may not legally be able to bring to light or is scared to directly call out.


^ ^ ^ ^ ^


This is what I think. Reddit board of directors ultimately makes the choices about how the site should be run. It's spezs job to implement the policy that is decided on by the board. My guess is that they axed pizzagate and this is spezes response to let us know. There is no way he thought it would go unnoticed and no way he didn't think about the ramifications of editing posts.

Edit: I'll add that he confounded Reddit and it's becoming something that he probably never intended it to become. This wasn't to bring attention to pizzagate it was done to bring attention to reddits practices of censorship. That or he's a man child that can't Handel being insulted.

damn, I hope this is right.

He'd be like batman or something

fuck /u/spez

Very brilliant analysis. I'm now sold and much less upset now.

After reading the chat room logs he had with other mods and administrators, I am not convinced he acted so benevolently.

I'm sorry but sometimes the good people turn into evil people. I absolutely don't buy this theory just like when you guys said that Trump was working with Hillary.

Are you suggesting he invoked the Streisand effect? Self censoring to draw even greater attention to a matter?

A more plausible theory is an investor is possibly implicated and they threatened to pull their contract.

Or we are blowing the cover off an actual FBI cp ring and some MIB visited him with a threat of national security plus a gag order.

Reddit is state run media. He isn't helping. Who has he helped? The guy who deleted emails, Correct the Record, and pedophiles. u/spez, we aren't done. You left your actions in plain sight and there are thousands of witnesses. The awakening is happening and you are going to be on the wrong side of history, as will reddit

#Pizzagate was gaining momentum without all this drama.

Spez had every ability to throw out a warning, he didn't.

He also had every ability to put down his foot and stand up for Reddit / the first amendment, he didn't.

While this is a great theory, something tells me it was kneejerk reaction and he didn't realize the implications. People do this all the time on Twitter and end up stepping down / getting fired from their CEO position. Gotta stick with Occam on this one. He dun fucked up.

#Pizzagate was gaining momentum without all this drama.

and now it'll explode (hopefully)

This is plausible. Hell, he could have been the mole that leaked the chat transcript.

Because he was being harrased as well?

I think you're giving him too much credit...

He's the hero Reddit needs, but not the one it deserves.

Why doesn't anyone just go to that fucking pizza shop and demand to look inside and record it? How hard is that then the fucking story would be put to rest. Then test it to see if any traces of blood is there.

He's a double triple quadruple agent super genius!

Or an emotional brat who goofed because he knew tons of eyeballs would read that thread...

An onion doesn't always need a million layers. Sometimes the truth is on the surface.

But what about the cannibalism?

It was made by someone else and immediately abandoned to raise a point that moderators and administrators shouldn't inherit a sub automatically as it can be damaging to one's reputation.




All this shit started happening after Monica Petersen's death.

That's what brought down the hammer on this sub and the Italian sub, as well as mainstream media attacking the Pizza all of a sudden and the big push on the Fake News narrative. Monica Petersen is the key to all this. Hillary Clinton also gave that press conference without make-up last Wednesday hours after the Monica story broke. It's all fucking connected. It was all fun and games until am American girl investigating the Clintons in Haiti hit the jackpot and paid with her life. When that was exposed - OPERATION PIZZA CLEANSE was initiated on all fronts - Reddit, Twitter, FB, NYTIMES, you name it. https://np.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/5ecwad/the_complete_guide_to_monica_petersens_mysterious/

Pure hallucinations. Think of it this way, what kind of a grade would a college professor (not teaching a creative writing or related class) give you on a persuasive essay that depends on the kinds of "sources" Pizzagate has been using to promote itself? You know there can only be one serious answer to this question, as far as the real world is concerned.

lol. Idiot. Here are just 2 minutes of 'Hallucinations' no legitimate college professor could possibly explain. https://youtu.be/kTurwPjOVvk

Those are liberal schmucks just trying to be artsy, that's all. You really have no clue! Child traffickers do not behave like that, including maintaining such relatively high public profiles. Child trafficking is a murderous business, this group of people you've been obsessing over are clearly not murderers nor are they the associates of such, unless you count any associations/connections they might have with the military.

Well you certainly seem to know more than me about how Child Traffickers behave.

Just yesterday a norwegian pedo ring was busted which included prominent elected officials, teachers and lawyers, etc. There are also many documentaries, such as Conspiracy of Silence, which show many high public profile figures doing nefarious things, not to mention very famous UK personality such as ... Jimmy Savile


Jimmy Savile was not a trafficker, just a pedophile. Same with the group in Norway, they were perverts exchanging cp, not child traffickers. The latter belong to established mafias with the logistical abilities to move (and, if need be, dispose of) hundreds to thousands (over time) of people around large distances clandestinely. Child trafficking is human trafficking, the two are effectively indistinguishable. when you accuse the Comet Ping Pong group of child trafficking you perforce accuse them of human trafficking (with the necessary concomitant links to national and international mafias). Black market economics require that the two go hand in hand otherwise it wouldn't pay off, and of course it must, because ultimately it's all about money.

P.S. Unless you are able to prove a connection between the Comet Ping Pong group and known mafia groups/enterprises, then you have nothing--if what you are alleging is that they are established/successful child traffickers.

You're missing the point of this thread. Whether or not they are child traffickers or child diddlers, is a semantical dichotomy you're presenting to distinguish between people who hurt children.

Whereas what we're discussing here is the fact Reddit is clearly practicing censorship ...and perhaps even false-flags.

You've offered no proof of any doxxing happening, or who user was that did doxxing. Whereas we have offered proof u/Spez can edit our posts and has the ability to besmirch the good name of any reddit user at whim.

Instead of using your energy to rationalize their behavior, use your energy to help us bring to light the hidden operations of the powers that be.

He also just granted plausible deniability to anyone who might be in legal trouble over comments they made on reddit. aka stonetear.

Fuck NP. If a sub such as T_D shows up in /r/all as much as it does, why should there be restrictions on participating?

Except this is the same guy that permitted /r/politics to be sold out to Correct the Record, and then outright denied that it was under the influence of any external organization when asked point-blank in an AMA.

He has no problem censoring and manipulating Reddit, so I'm going to guess he's just mad that his team is making him come out and admit what he did.

Can you Eli5 the theory here?

Limited hangout is the term

One would think our Germanic brothers and sisters would have wisened up to state sponsored media due to the country's history. We are all human though, and suppression of information on a large scale seems a lot easier than it should be. Should be suspicious even to those still asleep at this point. No doubt though, the propaganda and obfuscation have both noticeably gotten worse lately, across the board. Like you said friend, we need to remain calm and keep our heads up. TPTB are weakened and slipping, keep pushing fam.

Maybe his corruption ends when it conflicts with his morality limit. And that limit would be child sex/cooking/trafficking.


lol. Idiot. Here are just 2 minutes of 'Hallucinations' no legitimate college professor could possibly explain. https://youtu.be/kTurwPjOVvk

Well you certainly seem to know more than me about how Child Traffickers behave.

Just yesterday a norwegian pedo ring was busted which included prominent elected officials, teachers and lawyers, etc. There are also many documentaries, such as Conspiracy of Silence, which show many high public profile figures doing nefarious things, not to mention very famous UK personality such as ... Jimmy Savile


If you're going to be this paranoid then why bother using reddit now? For all you know everything is fake except you.

Then don't trust anything at all on reddit. For all you know everyone but you is a robot now.

Disagree. This was a copy of what the creator of Dilbert said about Comey.