Democrats are not liberals, we are. Please stop letting the powers that be steal the word, we need it for our cause.

55  2016-11-25 by We-think-we-are-free


I'm afraid the word liberal has lost all meaning. It's been purposely tarnished by illiberal movements such as PC/SJW culture, and by politicians like Hillary Clinton.

There's been a massive effort to demonise left-wing ideology because it's left/liberal ideology that is for the benefit of the people. The last thing they want is a true liberal anywhere near a position of power.

No way you would bring the original meaning of that word back. Once the associated definitions of words change they never come back.

Progressive is the new, correct vernacular. The word Liberal has been compromised.

They threw the left under the bus when they ran Bill Clinton, and they've never looked back. Even now, after having the election their election stolen from them, as they were stealing it from us, they are looking everywhere but back. But somewhere back in the 1980's, still kneeling in the dust by the side of the road, is the weeping hippy that was their soul.
