Pizzagate: If it's just harmless, crazy, conspiracy nuts making wild claims, why have a NYT hit piece on it and ban all related subreddits?

5744  2016-11-25 by facereplacer3

My husband lost sleep after I showed him the emails, the images, the documents, the logos, the cryptic language, etc. I felt like the Franklin Scandal and Dennis Hastert and Jimmy Saville and the British Royal family could all coalesce into a solid case that would affect real change. Apparently, we were all foolishly chasing windmills and there was nothing to see. Seems like there'd be no reason to censor "delusional nutjobs."


Who said it's harmless? People are harassing the business owners and their social media followers. They're accusing anyone who disagrees with the non-evidence of being pedophile rapists and murderers.

That shit ruins lives, it's not harmless at all. That's why the subreddits are being banned, Reddit doesn't want to facilitate some fucking nutter murdering someone because of something they read on reddit.

This whole pizzagate thing is the kind of thing where "conspiracy theory" gets all the bad name it has. There is no evidence at all. It reminds me of the Boston Marathon bombing "investigators" who also started to get to some shitty conclusions and accusing innocent people of participation.

It's not about a lack of evidence. Lack of evidence is a main staple of human interaction on the internet.

The problem here is doxxing, plain and simple. The academic, political, scientific, and business world has all recognized that doxxing is harassment and has negative consequences. As such, it is tolerated about as much as any other form of harassment is. The reason conspiracy theorists get bad reputations is that they believe it isn't harassment, or they believe it's a tolerable amount of harassment because the ends justify the means.

That is where they are really out of touch with reality.

Since when is publicly available information doxxing though?

Because there's a difference between it being simply available, and compiling that info and posting it in a thread full of people ranging from true believers to bored asshats who see the information among all the crazy wild claims and feel emboldened to act and be stupid.

Eh I'm not sure if I see the difference. If a well-known and well-connected owner of a pizza place wants to act like a pedo on social media (a public domain) then he can't be surprised when people call him a pedo.

Edit: judge for yourself. Here's the Instagram account. Despite being a middle aged man with no children, you'll see quite a few posts of children (in between sexually explicit images) with references to sadism and sexual abuse in the comments.

If you don't see the difference then, and I say this with the utmost respect, you're a nimrod.

That's not respectful at all and it doesn't add to the discussion whatsoever.

There is undeniably something sketchy with those emails, and I say that with a passionate rage for how much T_D has hurt Reddit. I think the sub should be banned or get some mods who aren't total assholes. But just because people I can't stand, who often can't communicate any sort of effective argument, doesn't mean literally everything they come across is wrong. This should be looked into, but this. is. not. the. way. Innocent until proven guilty. Remember that video on Ad Hominem that half of Reddit watched a few weeks ago? Well, this is a great example. To deny completely the idea that something is happening based on the fact that supporters of the theory are mostly nutters is Ad Hominem by association, and it's irrational. The people of pushing this conspiracy got their own sub banned for not following TOS, and that's what should have happened. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't be looking into this.

So how, as a normal American citizen, do you suggest going about getting this investigated when no media source will take it seriously without "doxxing" his IG on online forums? Especially if the people on the forums you're trying to raise awareness on won't believe you if you black out the IG handle?

To be honest, someone else has to take up the mantle of investigating. T_D sucked all of the credibility out of it.

undeniably something sketchy with those emails

What are the three sketchiest, in your opinion?

Sorry, but you're not my gatekeeper. I see what you're doing. I'm not here to argue about the subject itself, just to point out that it's illogical to reject a premise based on the person or group's associations.

You don't sound sorry.

Homie, what's your point? Your comments are full of you acting condescending. What do you want to prove? I'm listening. I'd love to think that it's all innocuous, but some of that terminology and symbolism within a select few of the images you've also seen is fairly well known to be pedophile jargon. I'm not making any connections to the band bullshit or the Clintons or Obama. I don't believe 99% of what I've read, but there's a seed there. So if you care so much that you spend hours and hours arguing about it, do you wanna debunk it? I'm open to a new view.

I don't want to debunk anything, I just want to see actual evidence of wrongdoing before I condone mob mentality and witch hunts.

That's exactly what I'm speaking out against. I'm trying to build bridges. We need to be talking about all of this without calling each other names. I'm not advocating anything related to any political party specifically, but we shouldn't just shut up either. Your replies seem like the shortest reply a person could think of to discredit me. Why?

Edit: Is there some reading you could recommend on the subject? I'm a skeptic, but that also means I won't totally reject a premise without good reason. What alternative meaning could some of those words have? There's the specific pizza map whatever one. The argument that they're actually talking about food seems weak to me. As for the meaning of the icons and so on, it's circumstantial at best. But it does paint an interesting picture worth looking at. Also, please don't assume I'm some The_Donald shitposter. I voted neither Democrat nor Republican, which is an entire other bag of snakes I don't want to get into.


Well I'm a phd student so I dont usually get called a nimrod. Is there another explanation?

Being a PHD student doesn't mean you can't also be a nimrod.

Educated doesn't necessarily mean intelligent.

It infers some level of intelligence and rationality.

It infers you can memorize.

And that perhaps I know something about this subject

I think maybe it's not relevant because it's aleady clear to everyone that they are a nimrod. I don't mind you pointing it out though.

Just want to note that there a quite a few pictures of children. Most are actually babies. Of the rest I count about 5 that are girls and 2 that are boys. So are you implying that when it comes to children he clearly prefers girls?

You mean like taking jokes like "grab the pussy" and blasting it all over the media to make people think someone is a sexist?

Not true. If you were doxxed you'd know. . . If you post your info online e, then be ready to deal with the consequences if it gets shared.

What a fucking moron. Who do you think you are, an unstoppable force of good? Investigate your little case but dont ruin innocent lives in the process. Ever stop to think what would happen if they were innocent? If lives get ruined its on people like you. Stop and think if what youre doing is actually for the overall good. No just whether the ends justify the means.

Why is everyone on reddit butthurt now? LOL keep it up buddy!

Because these type of behavior can be harmful, thats why.

Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents), or doxxing, is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information (especially personally identifiable information) about an individual or organization.

The methods employed to acquire this information include searching publicly available databases and social media websites (like Facebook), hacking, and social engineering. It is closely related to internet vigilantism and hacktivism.

Doxing may be carried out for various reasons, including to aid law enforcement, business analysis, extortion, coercion, harassment, online shaming, and vigilante justice.

The news media outlets do this shit all the time.

TIL that I "dox" politicians for academic research.

That describes private info but what about public info?

In bold and italics fam

It says publicly available in bold. Your not even trying to discuss.

It talks about finding private information using public domains like social media.

My question has to do with posting public information, like the address of a pizza place, for example.

Are you trolling? There's no way you're that dense, otherwise NASA would get excited.

I'm a phd student in psychology so I don't usually get called dense. Are you going to add to the discussion or not?


Could probably get some karma from /r/iamverysmart for your trouble though

At least you admit it.

There's nicer ways to get the world to pay attention to you. More healthy in the long run.

Can you point to anything I did or said that could be considered not "nice" or unhealthy? If not, I'm going to assume you're a troll and I'll suggest that there's nicer ways to get the world to pay attention to you.

I find the information that has been uncovered by pizzagate to be deeply disturbing and I'm a bit surprised you don't.

You're all over this thread intentionally misrepresenting what people say.

That's interesting because I feel that people are intentionally misrepresenting what I say. Like you for example.

A) I've met PhD students, being in a graduate program doesn't make you smart, it makes you good at research.

B) You're dense because you can't grasp that the private, in private information, does not refer to its ability to be found. Simply that it is not, or should not be, open for public discussion or dissemination.

I am not claiming to be smart or good at research. Just giving perspective.

My understanding is that /r/pizzagate was only listing information that was open for public discussion or dissemination, like the address of the pizza place in question, for example.

That does not fit your definition of dense. And your post does not answer my question.

They also posted the addresses, phone numbers, and names of all people "involved".

If it was just the address of a pizza place we'd not care. When you start posting people addresses and phone numbers you've crossed a line. That line is called doxxing...

Don't try to use "I'm a PhD student" to further any statement you make. It sounds really pretentious and has no bearing on literally any conversation except "What degree are you getting?"

If it's true they were posting phone numbers and addresses of other people then I agree that's doxxing although I don't believe that to be the case.

Yes I know it's pretentious. I only said it because I keep getting called an idiot for trying to have a reasonable discussion. And because I think being a clinical psychologist is relevant in this discussion.

Whether you believe it or not is irrelevant. That is what got them banned, so...

You're not a Clinical Psychologist. You're a Clinical Psychology Student.

I wasn't a Computer Engineer until I graduated and was hired. That last part is also moderately important

I apologize; I thought I had made it abundantly clear that I am a student and not a practicing psychologist. And as a clinical psychology student, I am especially familiar with the trauma related to sexual abuse. Many of the children I work with have suffered various forms of abuse, which is why I am a bit more invested in this topic than most people.

I understand the subject is personal for you. But jumping to weird conclusions, or supporting those doing the jumping, is not a good way to go about this.

Pizzagate began posting information classically associated with doxxing and with ill intent. There is currently no evidence for any misconduct and only the strange and convoluted allegations brought from these emails.

I see the same emails and I don't draw the same conclusions. I do not support Pizzagate or their "mission". I do support the decision to censor Pizzagate on this private forum. Private meaning that it is not a public resource, it is owned by individuals, and we as users do not have 1st amendment protections for or from it.

Just to be clear, I am not supporting doxxing in any form. I found the emails to be unsettling, at the very least, which makes me question if we read the same emails.

But probably what I found most disturbing was the owner's Instagram account. If you're going to post an abundance of pictures of children in between sexually explicit material and then make references to pedophelia and sadism in the comments of those pictures you are absolutely opening yourself up to criticism and you can't be surprised when it affects your business. I see nothing wrong with that.

I've seen the archived account. I don't see anything except the random "likes" a person clicks on while surfing instagram. Juxtaposed they were weird together, but if you did that with all of my interests I'd look like a freak also. Context of the imagery matters.

The other photos presented were all debunked as stolen from unaffiliated personal websites and not that of the store owner or any person who works there.

Can you provide a source for that? Because I went to the store owner's page before it was set to private and I saw the posts of children with comments referencing sexual abuse and sadism. It also matches the archive account that you can find by googling.

And I've seen the archived photos. The "sadism" and abuses is speculation at best. There is literally zero evidence in the archives for any misconduct. And a whole lot of emotional appeals to slander and defame a person based on some misguided desire for justice.

There is a half-naked man covered in blood. There is an nsfw image of a man fucking a woman. There is a picture of a large underground room with the hashtag "killroom." In between pictures of children with sexual innuendos in the comments.

Those are only some examples and this is the Instagram account, previously set to public, of the owner of a "family restaurant." Very disturbing.

He's an artist and friends with an artist. That's normal imagery for the genre. Again, nothing nefarious in any of the photos.

The only photo I saw with a kid and sexual innuendo is one at the beach, the sexual innuendo is clearly about the very attractive man in a speedo in the picture. They're talking about his ass.

Every other photo with sexual innuendo either had no kids, or the innuendo was stretched so thin or completely fabricated as to be humorous.

It is his personal instagram account. Should he have a more professional distance between his business and personal life? Yes. Is it illegal or nefarious? No. Does it imply there is a secret pedophilia ring operating internationally with him as a central figure? No.

If you'd life to discuss any of the images specifically, please link them

That is what got them banned

At the behest of the Reddit Inc administrations actions of unbanning those users responsible for those specific violations of the Reddit Code of Conduct (the same one /u/spez also violated btw. in the donald sub).

That is what got them banned

At the <command> of the Reddit Inc administrations actions of unbanning those users responsible for those specific violations of the Reddit Code of Conduct (the same one /u/spez also violated btw. in the donald sub).

I have literally no idea what you are trying to say.


You have two things right and four things wrong. What's your point?

Just going off things you've said, based on your commenting history.

Right, and I don't post anything that I'm not comfortable with people knowing. But posting personable identifiable information about another, like you're attempting to do, is doxxing.

But to my knowledge /r/pizzagate was only posting public information relating to the businesses, and I don't see anything wrong with that.

I don't post anything that I'm not comfortable with people knowing.

So you either lie or misrepresent yourself. Sort of like how you claimed to be a child psychologist elsewhere in the thread.

Either that or you got it wrong. But yes that is one that you got right: I am a doctoral candidate in clinical psychology specializing in child and family issues.

Do you have a point or no? You're coming off as angry and frustrated. Want to tell me why?

Based on your inability to separate fiction from fact, I think you'd make a poor psychologist. Best of luck.

But now I'm curious because I've apparently struck a nerve with you. You've gone a long way to attempt to prove a very vague point.

The two main things I have been talking about in this thread have been pedophelia and doxxing. Do you have a personal connection to either of those topics?


That's not altogether unusual. Although I am unaware of any prominent psychologists, unfortunately, many pedophiles, especially high profile ones, make it so that they are in positions of power over children. I wouldn't say I have a "personal interest" in pedophelia but it is unfortunately part of the territory. Do you have any evidence to support your accusations?

You appear to be getting more frustrated and you're avoiding my questions. Is something going on here?

Why won't /u/Bman09021 just come out and provide evidence that he's not a pedophile? I can only think that /u/Bman0921 is attempting to divert attention from his own pedophile tendencies -- of which there is alarming circumstantial evidence. Google it yourself "pedophile + /u/bman0921" .

You haven't provided any evidence. Not nearly as much as pizzagate at least.

Wish I had you as a patient.

Doxing (from dox, abbreviation of documents),[1] or doxxing,[2][3] is the Internet-based practice of researching and broadcasting private or identifiable information (especially personally identifiable information) about an individual or organization.

I bolded the relevant part

/r/iamverysmart can help you out.

Not claiming to be smart. But I thought it was relevant to the subject.

I'very been in a doxxing website on the dark net I usually just find addresses of where people live and socials securiry #'s date of birth etc. That ruins people's lives because it was put there with out there permission unlike Facebook.

Yes, obviously, but to my knowledge nothing like that has happened.

Dude read it again it says it in like the third sentence. Methods involve searching publicly available databases.

Read it again. It talks about using publicly available databases to find and post private info. But what if the information is already public, like the address of a pizza place, for example?

I'm with everyone else who has replied to you, the way I interpret the definition of doxxing would fit the description of what is going on. Even if it DIDN'T fit the description of what is going on, the businesses shouldn't be put through anything because of suspicious redditors. Unless there is some evidence that actually amounts to anything substantial, and cant just be considered circumstantial.

I appreciate your reply but I am under the impression that pizzagate was only listing public info, which I don't believe is considered doxxing. If they were posting private info nobody has been able to prove it to me.

The owner if the pizza place has a highly questionable social media account (lots of pictures of children with references to sexual abuse and sadism) so I don't see anything wrong with people holding that against him. After all, his Instagram account was set to public.

Lack of evidence is a main staple of human interaction on the internet.

No it is not. You need to find some new web sites to hang out on, man.

Oh, you mean like how the libs were doxxing the electoral college members to vote for Hillary?

There is no evidence at all.

THat is simply not true. Being friends with 5 convicted pedophiles is circumstantial evidence...finding pedo art is another data point ...code words and connections to others with similar connections suggests a network. Knowing the history and connections of these people to a larger network is telling. This is all considered circumstantial evidence

You never find smoking guns until you do. Usually with an autoerotic asphyxiation and it's pictures or video on a usb in his safe.

And when they find it, what are you going to do, come back here and apologize to all of us? That would assume you've approached this thing with maturity

Pedophilia in the govenrment and in politics is real and it goes back, unpunished, for decades

finding pedo art

Art with children in it isn't "pedo art". Innocent children have been a cherished subject of art for centuries/millennia.

I hope you realize how much perversion is being projected by the people who are persecuting this storyline. Just as people in the Middle Ages might see a woman who likes the woods and imagine she's having sex with the devil in them.

like Jill Greenberg...

oiled up children 'maced' in the mouth with Tabasco until they scream and drool. then photographed as 'ART'

I know right? How is that innocence being dispayed as art? It's the corruption of innocence. A debasement. Anyone who is displaying that has that emotional bond to the art. It's not that hard to figure out.

Okay I'll bite. What do you think of this art work?

Was this piece found in somebody's home/collection or is it just by the same artist as another painting from someone's home/collection?

That's a good question, I believe it is another painting from the same artist.

Not sure how relevant, but this is fairly creepy and is supposed to depict cannibals and it's in his work office.

Trust me, I'm very skeptical of the pizzagate thing.. But if he's willing to have this in his office, one can only assume he has some pretty weird shit in his private collection

I also heard one of the brothers have a theater in their house specifically for viewing disturbing films.. I will search for a source for that now, as I'm not sure if it's a rumor or not.

Office photo:

Unrelated but still concerning: read this email and then look up "spirit cooking marina" on YouTube

Not sure how relevant, but this is fairly creepy and is supposed to depict cannibals and it's in his work office.

My problem is I don't really understand how you make the jump from him having creepy artwork to he's a cannibal and pedophile.

I have the perfect example. I have a couple records framed in my bedroom (Lennon's Plastic Ono Band and Pink Floyd's Animal). One of my dreams is to get a copy of the Beatles "Yesterday and Today" - aka "The Butcher Cover". As can be seen in the image, it depicts dolls of babies flanked by meat. Why do I want it? Because it's a cool piece of Beatles history that many people don't know about. It's a funny as fuck picture, too. If a picture of Comet guy surfaced with said record framed in his house, it's cause a huge fucking shitstorm. Not only are the babies ("Children") naked, but they're also clearly going to be ate. Thus pedophile cannibal!

I wasn't making any jumps.. I was making the point that if he has creepy artwork in his office, his private collection is more than likely creepier.

Replace "you" with "one can" and my sentiment remains

EDIT: Keyboard ate my wordz

There is no defense for that kind of artwork.

At the end of the day, it's still just artwork. Like the same artwork that has caused "controversy" as long as culture has existed. The same artwork that the Vatican and Hitler supposedly burned.

It's not like they are photographs of children having sex being passed around as "artwork."

These are paintings. Paintings with symbolic meanings to the artist and viewers. Paintings that can be interpreted. Paintings that can be political. You made the mistake of letting someone else do the interpretation for you and now associate it with pedophilia.

Let me give an alternate analysis. If you think it's absurd that's fine - because I think your analysis that it's pedo art is equally absurd. Why can't the painting represent something about the submission of power and feminism (urgh)? Young women are forced to kneel against "a wall" imposed by society. I mean, it is Washington DC the people we're talking about are connected to the DNC. The DNC who just ran a candidate on "being the first woman president." Most of that voter base believe that they lived their childhood in a time when genders weren't so equal and pushed those barriers. So yeah, not exactly surprised that a symbolic submission of power as young females is a political theme in that base. Since politics is Washington's culture, it's also not exactly surprising that women and power pop up in the wealthy's "taste of the week".

This whole controversy is even more absurd, because 90% of the questionable artwork doesn't even have a direct connection to Comet. It'd be like if I went through your Facebook, found some creepy/quirky friends interest, made some 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon' jumps to find a questionable link to homosexuality, and posted a comment "proving" that you're a gay dude.

You made the mistake of letting someone else do the interpretation for you and now associate it with pedophilia.

I am near certain if I saw that picture for the first time totally unbiased I would be absolutely creeped out.

We agree that the picture involves seven young girls with the major theme being submission. Yes your alternate analysis involving deeper meaning is a real possibility, but it seems unreasonable to claim that the "face value" meaning is not also a real possibility.

I should point out wonderful_wonton said "art with children in it is not 'pedo art' ... I hope you realize how much perversion is being projected by the people who are persecuting this storyline". I argued that it is not so perverted to find this artwork questionable. I provided an example of the art and explained why I thought it seemed like "pedo art" (not the words I would use but that's how it was originally phrased). I did not say anything about Comet and I did not say anything of the artist's motivations

feminism (urgh)

On that we can agree :)

I am near certain if I saw that picture for the first time totally unbiased I would be absolutely creeped out.

Haha oh it definitely is creepy. Surreal/dark etc.,

I did look at some of her other shit ( if you're interested). It's all pretty equal level of weird - especially the Seven Deadly Sins set. I'll admit some of them (Mainly her "Living in Oblivion" set) are a bit racy especially with children.

But context is what is important. Maybe 3 of her 50 painting have "questionable" or even outright pedophilic themes. You can see which Podesta has from this article. Pretty sure one is this, one is this, and the last one. I'd say they're tame as fuck and look pretty cool in his house given the colours.

You're right, the three pictures you've linked are not incriminating. I don't think the art works are an important piece of evidence, just an interesting aside.

If you're interested in some reading I found this summary to be fairly reasonable, although some parts are still too circumstantial for my liking.

The most important parts to me are the "Laura Silsby" part, and the "Epstein Connection" - if these claims are true they are quite damning and not as ambiguous as a lot of the rest.

Although I realise it's circumstantial I think a lot of the rest is very strange: Jimmycomet's instagram, the 12 minute monologue video (what the fuck?), and a few specific emails that are very questionable (pool party, hot dog friday, headcount for pizza, did you leave a handkerchief, spirit cooking invitation)

You seem like a reasonable person so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on each of these. I do admit I enjoy indulging in this fantasy (for lack of a better word) so it'd be good to hear a more critical perspective

Thanks for the link!

You seem like a reasonable person so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on each of these.

Gladly, I'll start with my history with the conspiracy first.

So the intro I got to the whole conspiracy was the cheese, dominos, and pasta email. I always read the wikileak drop synopsis, so I heard this one in its infancy. The first time I saw the mention of pizza, the emails seemed to be completely coded the first half dozen times I read it pre-censorship. Truth be told, I wasn't too invested at first - basically thought "well there's bullshit going on here, but it'll be swept under the rug so meh." Then the reddit/twitter ban happened.

After /r/pizzagate was banned, I turned my skeptic hat on. Honestly, I think Reddit has been pretty reasonable with the content they allow over the years. I've been here since Digg died - so I've seen my fair share of shitstorms. The only time that I recall mass site-wide blatant censorship = /r/jailbait ban (agree with), /r/fatpeoplehate ban (disagreed with), and the Boston bomber incident (agree with). So naturally, seeing /r/pizzagate made me a little more invested and I wanted to see if it was an overreach or if it was a "doxing" issue. Note that, I never read shit on the MSM so I'm not corrupted with that bias. When it comes to these issues, I've learned to look at just the evidence, make my own conclusions, then compare my notes.

Podesta emails

The 5th or 6th time I looked through the Podesta emails, something clicked in my mind when I read the "cheese/pasta/dominos" email. This is what triggered my skepticism. When I read it that time, I had a new perspective. Now, I don't believe the email to be encoded at all.

So to explain my interpretation. Hilariously, I thought about how my parents would go about writing an email to friends. The first important thing is the date. It's around Christmas.

Next, " shape of the box". Ignore the whole strategy thing for now. If we take it literally, they're talking about receiving something in the mail. "instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses" Wait... They received a box of cheese for Christmas. The "strategy" of previous years was a basket of pasta. Hence why the box is different. "I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them" The sender is talking about eating the cheese with their kids/grandkids.

So my perspective of that whole email went from "holy shit, that's code for PEDOPHILIA" to "oh... someone received a cheese box for Christmas and was expecting pasta".

But the comment about dominos still stood out. So I searched through other emails and found "Thanks for teaching me the domino game—I’m going to get a set!". From there I concluded the sender is indeed talking about dominos and making a really dry joke based on the last time they met. I'm guessing last time they ate pizza and played dominos. Now they're making a joke about eating cheese and playing dominos. Probably is softly suggesting a dominos night.

From there, I went and reread other Podesta emails. They went from seeming like encoded shit to basically old people gatherings. Makes sense to me.

I'd say the same about the pool party/hot dog friday When I dug into Podesta a bit, he obviously has a passion for cooking (a video about Podesta and his cooking). It seemed to fit what I'd picture Podesta would do with friends/family. He entertains old rich people, basically.

The handkerchief thing was a bit strange and I can see why it tipped a lot of people off. I think it's important to at emails around that date.

8/25 Podesta arriving at HMS' location

8/27 The Podestas met with HMS & SES.

9/1 Domino email from SES

9/1-9/4 Realtor emails SES about handkerchief email. SES forwards to Podesta.

I'd conclude he really did forget a pizza handkerchief.

Jimmycomet's instagram

From the Podesta conclusions, I reviewed my "guilty" on Jimmy. I am now 95% certain the guy is completely innocent and is stuck in the middle of a shitstorm. That's why I think reddit banned /r/pizzagate. He seems to be the target of the pitchforks, with most of the focus on him currently. If you look in my post history, I've commented on him a bit today, but I'll give you a summary.

One problem with the analysis of his instagram is you're really looking at 2 different categories: stuff posted directly by Jimmy and stuff tagged with Comet Ping Pong (meaning shit that anyone can post if they mark they're at that location).

First, I believe his instagram is mostly innocent besides a few sexual hashtags here and there. The really fucked up image on first glance was the german baby with a $1200 price tag. With a more skeptical eye, I looked at it and realized it was a doll. Almost all the images of children on HIS page are of the same female child over a 4 year period. Meaning, he either has really good self-control around that snack and hasn't ate her... or her parents (who regularly like his images - including the tape one) don't feel he's a threat. The "I Love L'Enfant" image refers to a cultural center in DC named after Pierre Charles L'Enfant - not quite "I Love Children". The Buom Buom Room is an event at a bar in L'Enfant Plaza.

The only out-right inappropriate image that I can think of is the full-on nudity at the art museum.

The second category includes the numerous pizza porn images. Those were not posted by him. I can forgive it as restaurant as popular as that gets a lot of guests, you'll have a crude one from time to time. Also: graffiti in bathroom fits in this category.

Last thing worth a mention are the construction images. Especially after the conclusions I've come to elsewhere, I don't believe them to be anything sinister. Looks like plumbing.

Podesta Artwork

Adding this one in, but I figure why not make an all-inclusive post. This is owned by Podesta, not Jimmy. Comet Ping Pong doesn't have any inappropriate art that I've seen and it's often misassociated with Jimmy. Not fair to blame him for his restaurant being vandalized.

12 minute monologue video

Don't know what that refers to

Laura Silsby

I didn't look all that deep into the other conspiracies, because truth be told, I don't doubt them. That said, I think it's hard to deny that Silsby kidnapped kids.

So if I conclude that, the next is a connection to Clinton. I'd once again say, Clinton Foundation was at least familiar with Silsby. To be fair, the Clinton Foundation does a lot of shit around the world in suspect countries with widespread corruption. I wouldn't be surprised at all if they accidentally funded/were involved with child trafficking. That said, I don't really see the benefit of the Clintons being the ringmasters of child trafficking. So I'd say unintentionally associated yes, complacent, not enough to conclude.

Epstein Connection

Some fucked up shit definitely went on there and I don't even want to know what. Wouldn't be surprised if the Clintons protected him


I'm a stubborn conspiracy theorist who is open to damn near any theory, but am difficult to convince. I do my diligence and I feel I'm at the "end of the road" with this one, unless someone can present evidence that's outside of what I've seen. Personally, I think all of the Podesta emails make sense with context. I don't think Jimmy is running a child solicitation ring. I don't think he's a pedophile. I'm open to any respectful discussion/related angles.

Okay I'll bite. What do you think of this art work?

I don't like it. But I did google Biljana Djurdjevic and her works are actually supposed to reflect the violence and helplessness following the self destruction of yugoslavia.

I somehow thought that we are past the whole "it is perverted!!" critique of art. Everyone who listens to metal is a satanist, Rock'n'roll is perverted black music.. blahblahblah. humans never learn.


... legit not sure if serious


Okay, there are seven girls lined up in a room. The room is tiled floor to ceiling with plain white tiles. All of the girls are in their underwear (not swim suits). They are all on their knees with their hands behind their backs.

There are many reasonable conclusions you could make from this, but "it's a swim team" would not have crossed my mind in a million years.

People project what they see and feel, onto works that are ambiguous like that.

Yes they do, it seems you are not immune to this


We really do see things differently, I see one girl with glasses/goggles of some sort and no girls with swim caps. Most of the girls have pigtails/ponytails which don't seem practical for swimming. There is zero evidence about two piece bathing suits, I'm much more inclined to call it underwear. In my mind bikinis are for the beach, swim teams would rarely wear bikinis.

Anyway we can agree to disagree. I'm not arguing that this is proof of anything, but you said it was perverted to see any of this as "pedo art" but that's truly my first thought when I see the image and I've explained my reasons for that.

: )

There are many reasonable conclusions

I don't think pedophilia is one of them. Though I do think submission is part of the puzzle, but in a non-sexual way.

I think the context of Washington DC is important in understanding why someone would have that piece or different pieces by that artist. It's probably a feminist message: young girls are kneeling and facing a wall by society.

At it's very best that can ever be taken within any context within a realm of possibility... your comment is delusional as shit. Not even going into what thoughts I have on the artist because I don't really have any simple ones (I'm guessing they do this to deal with a personal traumatic incident), but that's child abuse artwork, as indicated by the scenes of child abuse. The child in the red bathing suit is duct taped by his wrists. Do not be intentionally obtuse. That's a theme.

No fucking artist on planet earth just rolls out with a child abuse painting as a one off thing and then gets back to work painting normal ass still life shit. This is a thing, you observe people's art through the context of their other art. This isn't like, some obfuscation technique or something. People look at Fucking Darwins work through the context of his other work.

Why do we have to have this facade of a conversation and pretend that there is some room for doubt here?

Without taking a side here, the children depicted in these artworks are in no sense depicted as innocent, except perhaps with the intent to depict defilement of innocence.

It's not innocent in the slightest. It is rather disturbing.

It's an easy avenue for pedos to socialize. Art is an excellent cover... for centuries and millenia.


When I look at that, I see art. When I look at ANY of the pizzagate stuff, I see sick perversion.


Bro really? "trained to appreciate" their art? Because to see any kind of beauty or to be comfortable in looking at art like that - you would need to have a warped perception on it. A paedophiles perception on it. Human beings are not programmed to be comfortable around upset children. Ever see a kid upset and think, wow.. thats beautiful... that tells a story... No its always uncomfortable and you try to give a smile at the parents so they aren't embarrassed. The people who like this kind of stuff enough to hang in their house its because they are very fucked up individuals.

I see perversion in most contemporary art, personally.

I see perversion in your post, personally. Beginning with the assumption that you are connected to an objective reality...

Satanists who tied up children. Evidence is all there.

That is an awful comparison, you're essentially saying pedophelia is as ridiculous of a concept as a woman havin sex with the devil. The pedophelia ring in our government is even more realistic than a girl going in the woods to have sex with the devil.

Oh please, we wouldn't even be looking at these people if they weren't posting and displaying pedophilia innuendo in numerous ways.

You know what, if a real evidence is found, I'll come here and say I'm sorry. Until then I'll keep thinking you guys are lunatics.

You know that Dennis Hastert and Jeff Epstein were conviced in a court of law right? Are you going to deny this?

What's your opinion on 9/11? Was the official story true?

But we will never know because the only refutation of the suspicions is "THIS IS BIZARRE AND NOT TRUE". But can you explain why not? "BECAUSE A GUY CAME WITH A GUN!" How does that disapprove the allegations? BECAUSE ITS NOT TRUE YOU ARE CRAZY"

the shills wont respond to this xd

They'll just ignore it and claim it doesn't exist

How can they; they don't have the truth. Only opinions and outright lies.

Yeah kind of disgusted and shocked to see this here in Conspiracy

Literally everyone who disagrees with you is a shill.

name checks out

I agree, people who said there isn't evidence are the people who didn't get to see the pizzagate subreddit before it was banned

I saw it. Wasn't impressed.

You heard about Laura Silsby then?


5 Convicted? Name them.

Code words and connections on public media?

Like you said, they are all "circumstancial evidence". Circumstancial evidence can't get you anywhere, neither in the academics/sciences nor in the legal system. People are innocent until prove otherwise. People should not be judged or harassed by self proclamed internet prosecutors.

"circumstancial evidence" can get you somewhere in law/court and in police investigation. In fact the latter relies on it sometimes when there is nothing else. It's used to build cases and then a jury decides. It's weak but it's not false.

You tha man.

Good response

Being friends with 5 convicted pedophiles is circumstantial evidence..

Five? Tony Podesta was friends with Hastert but the relationship with Clement Freud was fabricated. I haven't seen any evidence that either of them knew Epstein either. Who are the others?

connections to others with similar connections suggests a network. Knowing the history and connections of these people to a larger network is telling.

Everybody is connected to everybody else, literally. National politicians and their associates are connected to thousands of people. An analysis of Franklin Roosevelt's appointment book concluded that he had more than 22,000 acquaintances. Podesta's email on wikileaks has email from more than 4,200 email addresses (not all different people, of course).

Mostly they're connected because they're Democrats. We shouldn't forget that this is the reason they were targeted. This is why Podesta's email was hacked and this is the reason that hundreds of 4chan and The_Donald creeps examined every aspect of their lives that they could find.

code words

The code words were made up on 4chan three weeks ago. Go back and read the emails. They're talking about food.

They're talking about food

Ah yes, I've always been pretty bad at playing dominoes on pizza, perhaps it's easier on pasta.

And I can't tell you how many times I've lost track of my pizza related map handkerchiefs, I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached to my body.

/s in case it wasn't obvious

Ah yes, I've always been pretty bad at playing dominoes on pizza, perhaps it's easier on pasta.

The email that's from is a thank you note for a box of cheeses sent as a Christmas present. He mentions dominos because it's something they do together (as mentioned in a couple of other emails). It's a way of connecting.

He's just trying to write an engaging thank you note instead of a perfunctory one. Instead of "Dear Grandma, thank you for the sweater. It is very warm," you can write "Dear Grandma, Thank you for the beautiful sweater. It goes well with the shirt you sent me for my birthday. I can wear it the next time we play shuffleboard!" Google "how to write a thank you note".

And I can't tell you how many times I've lost track of my pizza related map handkerchiefs, I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached to my body.

In the email chain that's from, a realtor writes about showing showing rental properties on Martha's Vineyard to the Sandlers (83 year old Herb and his daughter Susan). Later she writes back "I just came from checking the Field house and I have a square cloth handkerchief (white w/ black) that was left on the kitchen island. Happy to send it via the mail if you let me know where I should send it. I also meant to inquire yesterday about the pillows you purchased. I can send them as well, if you let me know where they are in the house." Susan then forwards the emails to Podesta (who was staying with them) with the message: Ihe realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it." Podesta replies "It's mine, but not worth worrying about."

So, I'm trying to figure out how you can spin this as anything sinister. Maps printed on handkerchiefs are a real thing and there are tons of pizza-related accessories:

Are you saying that it's unlikely that he had such a handkerchief? Why? Would it be more or less likely if she had said it had a pizza that seems Gosling-related?

If you use the (maximum lulz) pizza code from 4chan, you get "I think it has a SEMEN that seems GIRL-related." Yeah, that doesn't make much sense.

If it was such a secret, why did Susan Sandler CC Podesta's assistant on the email? Why send an email at all?

The code words were made up on 4chan three weeks ago.

I'm just someone who saw this thread from the front page, and have never heard of "pizzagate" until just now, but I want to say that the code word of "cheese pizza" has been around FOREVER. I remember back in my more edgy days, 4chan was rampant with assholes in 2009-2013 that would spam cp and they would call it cheese pizza. That term isn't 3 weeks old.

That's not the code that was suggested. This was the post:

Search for these possible doublespeak keywords in Wikileaks “hotdog” = boy
“pizza” = girl
“cheese” = little girl
“pasta” = little boy
“ice cream” = male prostitute
“walnut” = person of colour
“map” = semen
“sauce” = orgy

Oh, I've never heard of any of those, I thought you were talking about the pizza thing. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Still no evidence

...code words

Here's the problem, right here. Those aren't evidence, and those "code words" are what started all this nonsense. The entire "code word" idea came from people reading the email strings - including previous messages - and saying to themselves, "they sure are talking about pizza and cheese a lot while they swap messages about this pizza party they're having. What could I make up that could turn their pizza party into something nefarious?"

And when I tell my drug dealer that I want to buy some trees, I literally buy a tree from him.

Maybe if you did less drugs you wouldn't find code words for other things everywhere you look.

Maybe if you were better at playing dominos on pasta, you would understand the map on my hankerchief.

How do you think the dominoes thing means anything? Guy ate a lot of food ("on" pizza, or whatever), then asks if he'll do better "on" (having eaten a lot of) pasta. It's such an obvious, Occam's Razor issue, but you want to believe it's something nefarious. Why?

Because the syntax is odd. Even you are tripping up on it! Again, it seems like they are using code words because the syntax is similar to other known code words and phrases. "Will I be better at playing dominos on snow or on dro".

Add to that, the connections to known pedophiles, dennis hastert, jimmy savile, cathy o brien and her connection to hillary clinton.

And then look at the connections to comet pizza. For some strange reason, a pizza shop owner was named the 49th most powerful man in DC. Whats your Occam's Razor explanation for that?

There are pictures, there are attachments in the Podesta emails. People have searched their twitter and fb accounts and found even more pictures. THere are relationships between people as revealed by open business information and by news stories going back decades and by whom they email. It's not just "code words". If that's your understanding of pizzagate, you--like many of us including myself--will have to spend more time on it.

I would argue that pizzagate is the clearest example of a conspiracy we've seen on the subreddit in a long time.

It's obviously a politically motivated smear on the enemies of the new establishment. Otherwise would the core of its support be in the official Donald Trump subreddit?

They want to discredit people who are willing to speak out. They're trying to turn us against the media, and citing the fact that the media doesn't repeat their own lies as proof that they're the only people we can trust.

I would argue that pizzagate is the clearest example of a conspiracy we've seen on the subreddit in a long time.

I'd be so much less in the dark if someone posted a short summary of the most important evidence rather than hundreds of tiny, seemingly meaningless posts...

Decide for yourself. This is the Instagram account of the owner of Comet Pizza. Despite being a middle-aged man with no children, you'll see quite a few pictures of children with references to sexual abuse and sadism in the comments.

If you're going to act like a pedo on social media then you can't be surprised when people call you a pedo.

Edit: this is probably what you're looking fir though. It's a good summary of the whole ordeal

Alright, I went through this whole album, and I'm even more convinced that this Pizzagate stuff is just crazy bullshit.

Most of the pics are just pizza-related, which makes sense considering it's a pizza place. The majority of the pictures of kids seem to be of his sister's kids, which isn't weird at all, and most of the rest seem to be of other people tagging their kids eating pizza. The weird-ass art stuff can be chalked up by these people being weird-ass art folks, hence a bunch of weird-ass art shit (once again, the majority of which he didn't even post). Some of them are REALLY hamfisted attempts (Pics of Obamas playing ping-pong posted by ping-pong place? CONSPIRACY). The pinnacle of ham-fisted comes at pic #5, in which a comment obviously made about the half-naked man taking up most of the photo is somehow construed as pedophilia.

To the normal observer, pretty much all of this evidence just comes off as forcing extremely vague "evidence" to fit a narrative rather than anything pointing at any truth. I don't think pizzagaters understand that normal people look at stuff like this and see normal goddamn posts. It's only through the crazy goggles that this starts to look like legitimate conspiracy.

With all due respect, I don't think most people would see anything "normal" about these posts. This account features pictures of children, sadism, and sexually explicit nsfw images.

In the posts of children, there are references and innuendos to pedophelia on the comments. I don't see anything normal about that.

Could you explain some of those? Because I saw absolutely none that sound like pedophile talk. The closest that could even be interpreted as such seems to be the one that says "why does daddy like BUTT", which sounds like it was probably something that the kid said and now the family uses as a running inside joke. The rest ("oh, I want one!" / "who's that cutie?") could be found on just about any picture of a kid on any social media platform.

He can't explain any of it. It's all conjecture to support this batshit crazy theory.

The closest that could even be interpreted as such seems to be the one that says "why does daddy like BUTT"

If you look at the pic, the guy's wearing a shirt that says "butt" on it, and the wife or whatever is pointing to it. Just looks like someone making a joking caption to make their friend laugh

hotard ?

Alright, how about the one with guy holding a kid and the Comet owner jokingly calls him a chickenlover?

Know what a chickenlover is? You're about to find out.

I'm pretty sure that might, once again, have something to do with pizza. Because they make chicken pizza. Because it's a pizza place.

This is what I'm talking about when I say that normal people don't see this stuff as weird.

There is nothing in that picture to denote pizza, or the fowl known as chicken.

There is, however, a man holding a infant.

In the pedo scene, that's a chickenlover. It's also a derogatory term, because apparently even to half the pedo scene, it's considered sick to take advantage of someone you can't groom into being compliant.

Next picture, the one with Comet owner at an adult party, between two male strippers, wearing a shirt that says in french "I <3 children".

This is what we talk about when we say that normal people refuse to see the obvious.

So, which sounds more likely to you; the guy in the picture ordered a chicken pizza and got tagged as such, or that the owner publicly incriminates himself by using some weird-ass pedo code (which no normal goddamn person should know; why the hell would that be the FIRST assumption of the term you jump to?) on an open social media page for literally no reason at all?

As for the T-shirt thing, this was debunked in another thread. Google "L'enfant DC". The shirt's probably either in reference to the plaza, the bar, the hotel, the architect... literally any other reason besides the guy wearing a shirt that says "I'm a pedophile".

This is what I mean by interpreting the evidence to fit the narrative.

I guess you'll just have to wait and see.

Someone who has sex with chickens...

What specific references are there? I also find nothing offensive about those pictures so Im curious.

You seem to hang out with like minded folks. The majority of people think this is insane.

Yes like most people I agree that it's all insane. And that something rather unsettling is going on. Hopefully it gets cleared up soon.

You misunderstood. But that's not surprising.


I most definitely can say this is bullshit.

One of the first issues is that you're using obscure fucking urban dictionary definitions for all of these logic jumps. You think the pedophile community is getting together and scouring for decades-old made-up definitions with 50 likes for their lingo? The ONLY reason these words have ANY relevance to you is because you popped them into Google and scrolled down until you found something to do with pedophiles. Once again, fitting the narrative. (To give you an example of this crazy logic; Mr Roger's full name is Fred McFeely Rogers. OH SHIT, MR ROGERS IS A SEXUAL PREDATOR!)

As for the music videos, refer to my earlier explanation of weird art folks doing weird art shit. Just because it's weird it doesn't mean they are diddling kids. As for the Africa thing, that's just taking a logical leap right off a cliff (e.g. there's an Asian kid in PSY's Gangnam Style video/Asia has massive child sex trafficking rings/PSY is a child-trafficking pedophile).

As for the logo thing, god forbid a pizza place has a logo that looks like pizza. (For the logic jump example on this one; did you know wacky inflatable arm men are racist Nazi symbols?)

But why would pedos use social media for their activities?

Why would they put all of this evidence out in the open, connected to their real world identity? Why would they conduct their activities at their place of business, in front of everybody?

I get that believers think they use code to skirt around the dark reality of their actions, but are we really supposed to believe they are just so arrogant that they do not believe they will be discovered? Or is it that the conspiracy is so far reaching that they believe themselves to be protected and untouchable?

I have watched videos and read posts concerning this conspiracy, and I agree there are lots of oddities. But this honestly seems like people are connecting dots to create the narrative they want, not necessarily get to the truth.

I highly doubt there is anything to this conspiracy theory.

But why would pedos use social media for their activities?

Are you FUCKING serious?

PizzaGate uncovered 1000s of twitter accounts sharing CP just before they were shut down.

Twitter did, not that ridiculous little circle jerk of a subreddit.

EDIT Looks like I was wrong. The only sources I've found about the thousands of pedophile accounts on twitter are from like and wordpress blogs. Y'all pizzagate folk are absurd.

Do you mean 4chan?

Because twitter didn't "uncover" a god damned thing. They banned people who were reporting it and left the CP offending accounts up.

So, if you do mean 4chan, yeah they were the ones that broke it, but there were many people in PG finding new ones at a constant rate. Someone claimed over 5000 accounts before PG got wiped. But 4chan was calling it pizzagate as well, so not sure what your beef really is.

Perhaps I should find out.

You see, your problem is that you think too much. Here's how this conspiracy works:

Step 1. You hate politicians, don't you? They're all evil liars, right? Ok cool, let's go to step 2.

Step 2. Now that we've established they're all liars, we can pretty well assume that they're lying all the time because they have a bunch of shit to hide, right? Well, we got ahold of their private communications via now they're totally busted, right?! Oh wait, the emails don't reveal anything that significant yet...unless, wait a second...CODE WORDS! Those sneaky bastards thought they could fool us, but we're just too clever.

Step 3. Remember that this "conspiracy" was first uncovered on 4chan, so what do you think these code words are hiding? Pedophilia, of course! Now let's go through their social media accounts and find any photos of family/friends that includes children and post them alongside any other pictures of sexual humor (the dude is gay and we know gay dudes love sexual humor), because they're totally all related.

Step 4 (Optional). Oh btw are you religious? Because if you're religious, you should also keep in mind that these aren't just your run-of-the-mill pedophiles we're dealing with here...these are the satan worshipping variety! They're totally performing those Eyes Wide Shut occult rituals and shit while they bathe in the blood of those babies they just fucked before eating them (did I mention they're probably cannibals too? cuz they probably are).

So now that you're totally convinced it's 100% legit, just remember that anyone who actually questions that legitimacy is either a pedophile themselves, a shill being paid by the pedophiles, or just one of the brainwashed masses being manipulated by the MSM. There's literally no other explanation for why someone wouldn't believe such solid evidence.

Welcome to PizzaGate!

Strawman 101

quick legit q, outside of codewords or anything else, what about laura silsby?

but are we really supposed to believe they are just so arrogant that they do not believe they will be discovered?

Yes. Remember, the only reason Comet Pizza was investigated on instagram was because of the Podesta emails, if those emails hadn't leaked, and certain communnities on the interent didn't stumble upon suspicious communications, these people would still be posting pictures of children in inappropriate cirrcumstances. Without Podesta emails being leaked they continue on doing whatever it is they were doing before.

So you really believe that an international pedophile ring, consisting of prominent public figures, was solely reliant on "hiding in plain sight" to conceal their activities?

I have a hard time believing that all of these people are stupid enough to do this on public social media accounts. If this elaborate network is so thoroughly connected, why would they construct a system that could be brought down simply by a finger pointing in their direction?

I have a hard time believing anybody is that arrogant.

investigated on instagram

....lmao. Easiest investigation of all time.

So you really believe that an international pedophile ring... was solely reliant on "hiding in plain sight" to conceal their activities?

No, I believe they were communicating in code on instagram because they were arrogant and got complacent.

Your argument consists of 'they can't be so stupid as to get caught' and that's not really an argument. Why did James Alefantis post pictures of a secret underground tunnel being created under his property? Who fucking knows but just because he was dumb enough to post int on instagram doesn't mean it should be automatically dismissed as innocent. Same with all the other pictures.

Maybe there is a possibility that they do not see what they are doing as wrong. That if its put on full blast it's fine because in their minds this is normal and acceptable behaviour. Or maybe we're just reaching to tie these things to a certain narrative. Either way it's still interesting and creepy AF.

Dude seriously..........

But yet you state "I agree there are a lot of oddities". So as a professional I believe you have a gut feeling something is going on in that situation.

A professional what?

I think the guy's posts are weird. I'm not ready to skewer him and anyone who associates with him as a ravenous cult of pedophiles.


Just to be clear, who is "you guys?" Im not associated with /r/pizzagate at all and I don't subscribe to /r/the_donald either. I'm just a training child psychologist and I find the contents of these posts to be deeply unsettling.

Also, no, these Instagram posts are only part of the story. This whole thing started with emails leaked by Wikileaks that were also deeply unsettling. And the whole spirit cooking thing too.

you do know the spirt cooking thing is pants on head crazy right?

Yes I find spirit cooking to be crazy and disgusting. And I find it deeply troubling that people in power engage in these practices.

You actually believe spirit cooking is anything but edgy, artsy bs? You actually believe theyre into actual magic, placating spiritual demons, etc? Hell, are you implying magic is a real thing?

I find using blood, semen, breast milk, and other bodily fluids, for the purposes of "art" or otherwise to be deeply unsettling.

But the person who was doing the spirit cooking has said that it's not art, so that would sort of negate your argument.

How do you even know she's using those ingredients and not fake stuff for the sake of art? Even if she was using that stuff, so what? It doesnt mean magic is real, that it is being used to rule the world, or to rape children. Without tangible evidence, that connection is only in your mind.

I didn't say anything about magic and I didn't make those connections. I just said that I think it's disturbing. And I'm surprised you don't.

I lived through the 80s satanic panic, through the 90s marilyn manson hysteria, and have seen much worse crap online to be going crazy over some edgy woman artist.

Pedophelia is at the heart of pizza gate. Not some edgy woman "artist" (she claims it's not art).

Screw what she claims. What matters is what the evidence points to. Problem is, there's no evidence of pedo activity at all.

No just an abundance of circumstantial evidence.

If this pedo thing is true, I hope real evidence surfaces. I have suspicions as well that extend to both parties and their owners, dont get me wrong, but without a smoking gun, we're just grasping at straws here.

We can certainly agree on that.

Circumstantial evidence = fevered imaginings of people uncomfortable outside of their own restricted world.

Jesus, you people remind me of the the townspeople of Salem Massachusetts who freaked out when Farmer Brown's cow stopped giving milk or whatever. Some spinster nearby had a cat and a broom, therefore it was proven she was a witch, because why else would her neighbor's cow refuse to give milk?

Just to be clear, who is "you guys?" I'm not associated with /r/pizzagate and I'm not subscribed to the Donald. I'm just a training psychologist who is disturbed by what has been uncovered.

It's some weird stuff. Judge for yourself:

I'm just a training psychologist

You're all over this thread exclaiming your fake credentials as though it means something here.

I think it adds some credence. I guess you don't.

You don't get out much, do you?

I have a pretty full life. Why do you ask?

Whether the magic or real or not it seems like she thinks it is (at least when its not "art").

So? Does that make her "magic" real? Reminds me of the crap MManson would say to get a rise from bible thumpers and cheers from rebellious kids.

If a person believes that the magic is real then why would they stop at blood, breast milk, and sperm when you can move up to more powerful ingredients like human sacrifices?

Ok now youre going into fanfic territory.

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Pizzagate is total bullshit and I'm glad the sub is banned, but this argument is too.

You can watch True Detective season 1 and be terrified of those people whether you think they're participating in "real" magic or not.

Stop being terrified. You watch too much tv, friend.

Just curious, are you just trying to be an asshole or are you actually too stupid to work out the meaning of my comment?

I see this subject has you very emotional. Take a stroll and calm down.

So the former.

Whatever shakes your rake.

Check out her ama, she certainly thinks it isnt art and she is the one hosting the spirit cooking podesta went to according to his email. You hating trump doesnt mean all dems are wonderful people.

Wait, when did this conversation become about Trump? Are you saying this pizzagate thing is politically motivated?

By the way, remember Marilyn Manson's edgy performances? Did you believe a literal devil was at work there? Same thing, this woman is into edgy art, and wants to get a rise out of people like you just like MManson did in the 90s. You actually believe magic, real witches, and the devil exist, dont you?

It is always the anti- trump ppl who wont look at pizzagate.

Whether or not i believe in witches is not the issue, marina specifically says, when asked if it is art, that it is not. It is important if powerful people are trying to do things to please what they see as the devil.

Is this where you post a rare Pepe and claim victory?

I have never posted a rare Pepe, didn't consider voting Trump for an instant, and don't have any reason to want to claim victory. I do feel the desire to point at the sloppy figure you pathetically attempted to craft from straw and chuckle as I walk away. /u/spez is God.

Ok, bro, have fun on your walk. this is waaaaay easier to believe then any crazy santanistic cult.

I didn't say it's a crazy satanic cult. I just think it's weird that people play with blood, semen, and breast milk and then call it "art" (although she has said that spirit cooking is NOT art).


What are you accusing me of? I didn't post any pictures of children on social media. And I also didn't make any references to sexual abuse and sadism in the comments of those posts (like the owner of the pizza place did).

What's with the name calling? Are you suggesting that you don't see anything disturbing about this man's social media activities?

You linked the pictures without doing the barest due diligence. The kids in those pictures have had their pictures stolen from other places on the internet and re-purposed to fit this ridiculous pizza pedo narrative. That is what I am telling you. You are perpetuating a crime at worst, gross negligence at best, by passing this shit around and claiming that it is something it is not. You hold specific responsibility here.

Sadly, those images are straight from the owner of Comet Ping Pong's Instagram account (the one who is being accused of being associated with pedophelia). I saw this for myself before he set his account to private.

I am not saying he is a pedophile based on his Instagram, just that his social media posts are deeply unsettling, and they give the intimation of pedophelia.

However, if it is true that he is a pedophile, that would mean you are defending and perpetuating one of the most heinous crimes imaginable. That is not the side of the fence I would want to be on.

"Most troubling for Mr. Alefantis and staff has been the use of children’s images, pilfered from the restaurant’s social media pages and the personal accounts of friends who had “liked” Comet Ping Pong online. Those photos have been used across dozens of websites. Parents, who declined to talk publicly for fear of retribution, have hired lawyers to get the photos removed."

From the DC Metro Police statement on the issue. Omg the cops are in on it too.

For fucks sake.

You are part of that now. Enjoy.

Yes I would be very angry if someone posted pictures of my children on a sexually explicit Instagram account and then made references to sexual abuse in the comments of those pictures, like the owner of Comet Pizza did. For that reason, I can certainly understand the parents anger.

You seem be defending him, however. Why is that?


Again, that is the owner of Comet Ping Pong's private account. Not sure what you don't understand about that.

I'm not sure you realize how easy it is to slap some shit together on a rehosted website and say "hey here is his private account!" The DC Metro police investigating this have publicly stated many of the pictures circulating as from his 'private account' we actually taken from the social media accounts of patrons of the business and other places. You need to ask yourself why someone would go through all that trouble to begin with. By all means, follow the rabbit hole deeper - the Metro cops are in on it, everyone who has eaten at this place is in on it. A whole goddamn pedo demographic, right in front of our eyes!!

Now kindly explain to me what part of the Instagram account you linked to being fabricated are you struggling to understand?

I visited his page before he set it to private and I can confirm that those images were on his page. Check other sources too. And that is NOT what the statement said. You are mixing up the words.

You are going to great lengths to defend this individual and you appear to be getting increasingly frustrated. How come you're so emotionally invested in this?

Rule 4.

I suppose you missed the part where they are upset about the pictures being used by the Pizzagate conspiracy, not by Comet Pizza.

Which seems strange because the owner of Comet Pizza was posting the images of children to an NSFW Instagram account and making sexually suggestive references in the comments.

Rule 4. Warning.

Copy-pasting harder evidence for your satisfaction: The story about child abductor Laura Silsby is probably the hardest hitting evidence I have seen following Pizzagate.

Laura Silsby was arrested for abducting 33 children in Haiti under the front of a philanthropic child adoption agency. She was jailed in Haiti and Clinton may have been involved in getting her out as she was kept well informed and updated about Laura's situation according to the wikileaks.

Also more recently it was uncovered that a student researching the Haiti human trafficking supposedly found a connection to Clinton and subsequently "committed suicide".

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Give me a few examples of what would qualify as actual evidence in your opinion?

edit: few


What are you so angry about? If people got this angry about pedophelia then we might actually get somewhere.

I'm a phd student in clinical psychology by the way. I'm not saying that to be an ass, just giving context. Critical thinking is literally what I do. And I don't usually get called a moron for it.

You must be a shit student. Associating these kids with a pedo ring is not some neutral act. If you are going to make that claim publicly, there is some basic duty to ensure the veracity of the claim. You have not done that. The misappropriation of these pictures is fairly easy to establish.

You say some serious shit, don't be surprised if people take it seriously.

Just to avoid any confusion I want to be clear about what I'm claiming: I am saying the owner of Comet Pizza has a notably disturbing Instagram account. Whether or not he is a pedophile, his social media posts are highly questionable, and I don't think it is unreasonable to criticize him for that.

Do you disagree with that?

lol as a Phd candidate, surely you see the logical fallacy in this thinking? "I'm not saying he raped and killed children, but don't you think he raped and killed children?"

Lol how did you get that? Of course that's not what I said.

But if you don't want to be accused of raping and killing children, then maybe you shouldn't make references to raping and killing children on your Instagram. Doesn't seem like a big leap to me.

I agree with you. There are some disturbing images. I've never seen anything like that associated with another "family" restaurant. The word "Cum" in an instagram post about a family restaurant? Nudity? Really? How dense does a person have to be to see this is not a place where you would take your children.

Thank you! I can't believe how many people are defending this perverted asshole.


What's your deal, bub?

This shit is disturbing. Why do you have such an issue with that?


All I said is I find it disturbing. Why is that such a big deal to you? If you post fucked up shit on Instagram don't be surprised when people say you're fucked up.

I see this is a very emotionally evocative topic for you.

My bad, I just figured Democrats should be looking out for the Young. I guess you're right, we should jump to the worst conclusions possible.

You're being overly vague. Do you have a point or no?

Disturbing? Only if you are predisposed to think they're disturbing, it's just confirmation bias. You shouldn't pretend to be neutral here, it's obvious which side you're pushing by trying to lend your "authority" to the discussion, "I'm a phd in child psychology and I'm neutral but boy does this guy look like pedo to me." Sure, if you are a phd student then you're a bad one.

I'm not claiming to be neutral; I'm claiming to be a training clinical psychologist. I mentioned it because I think it's relevant to the discussion.

However, I don't need my clinical expertise to understand that this man has an apparent fascination with children. And his sexually suggestive comments lead me to believe that it's an especially unhealthy fascination.

What am I supposed to insinuate from your post of the picture of child related playground equipment that looks like a couple of penises??? Im not saying you are a pedophile but anyone can see that normal people don't go hunting for phallic playground equipment and then post pictures of that equipment online. Im making no accusations at all, for all I know you're perfectly normal, but shoot someone has to ask the question right? Plus all your recent comment history is related to pedophilia, I don't need any clinical expertise to see that you have an unhealthy obsession with this case and therefore with pedophilia. And if other people take what I say and jump to conclusions and start attacking your public image and vilifying you with this completely nonsensical "evidence" then it isn't my fault because Im just asking the questions is all.

Come on, you're not thinking at all here. What if you're wrong?

Yes, if I displayed a pattern of unusual or unsettling behavior, then it is certainly within reason to question that behavior. Especially if that behavior included posting disturbing images to a personal Instagram account set to public that's closely associated with a "family" establishment.

What if I'm wrong about what? I just said he has a deeply disturbing online presence. What's wrong with that opinion?

You're going to look back on this in a year and feel awful that you accused another human being of a horrible crime for which the evidence is some unseemly instagram posts. That's why Im asking you what happens if you're wrong, to see if you had even a scrap of empathy, but since you couldn't work that out Im assuming you don't.
You have no context with these posts, yeah maybe they are all veiled references to an international pedophile conspiracy that has corrupted the highest levels of business and politics, but they also could have been friendly comments that you don't understand because you don't know any of these people.
This is a lynch mob, no two ways about it, you can pretend to be sensible and just "investigating" but you need to have way more evidence to publicly accuse private individuals of being pedophiles. Honestly if no one else has been able to drill that into your skull yet then I doubt anyone ever will but since you claim to be a phd candidate I assume you have some capacity for critical thinking so Im giving it a shot. Maybe Ill be proven wrong, but the idea that a private individual can get absolutely slandered over such absurd shit is more frightening to me than a pedophilia conspiracy is.

This apparently is not getting through to you so I'm going to be as clear as possible: I am not accusing anyone of pedophelia. I am saying that this individual has a deeply unsettling online presence that blurs the lines between children and sex.

I am not "accusing another human being of a horrible crime" or "investigating" anything. I am not "publicly accusing private individuals of being pedophiles." But my professional opinion is that these posts could be indicative of a greater disturbance. And I'm not sure why you have such an issue with that.

the idea that a private individual can get absolutely slandered over such absurd shit is more frightening to me than a pedophilia conspiracy is

That makes me uncomfortable. Pedophelia is one of the most heinous crimes imaginable. With that I am going to end the conversation.

You're being so goddamn obtuse about this it's ridiculous, you're willing to insinuate things from this guy's Instagram posts but you are COMPLETELY INCAPABLE of understanding that your posts easily insinuate an accusation. "Oh I didn't literally say it though." Come on, that's pathetic bullshit that people use all the time to lend tacit support to something they believe in without making that support explicit. If your logical criteria for someone having a disturbing relationship with children is that specific collection of pictures then you're an idiot if you can't see that the exact same logical criteria suggests you are accusing him of being a pedophile. You won't respond since you "ended the conversation" with your bullshit virtue signaling but I hope you understand that everyone can see through your rhetoric.

Again, I am not sure what the issue is. I find his Instagram account disturbing. That's my opinion. You're getting irrationally angry because I have an opinion about the situation.

Am I not allowed to think it's inappropriate?

Im upset because you are suggesting someone's instagram is "disturbing" without doing anything to justify that. Not once in this conversation were you able to provide even one concrete example of a post that you consider "disturbing" so obviously Im not going to take you seriously. Your "professional opinion" doesn't mean anything unless you can explain how your training supports that opinion, if you can't do that then it's just a regular old opinion. How is it possible that you didn't even cite one example in this conversation?
I guess you can have any opinion you want.

I'm not sure I agree, but you know if this was the whole story, then this wouldn't really be a big deal and nobody would fucking care. Because you know, an owner of a pizzeria being a weirdo is hardly a big story. Maybe he's a pedo, I don't know and I don't care. It's concluding from this that there's some major child traficking pedo ring going what people find crazy.

No it's not just this dudes Instagram account. That's just what I find most disturbing.

This is a good summary of the whole ordeal:

Yeah and that's what I find pretty crazy. Because the evidence is really really weak. It all hinges on assuming that certain words are codewords for pedo things and even if you assume that the emails don't make much sense. Dude, you seem like you consider yourself to be a critical thinking person, but this is really a standard wacko conspiracy theory. There's a lot of evidence, but the evidence is really weak or bullshit. A lot of bad evidence does not make a good evidence. It only makes sense if you want to believe it's true.

That's a gross oversimplification. It does not all hinge on codewords, although that is an interesting aspect. It's pretty clear they're talking in code it's just not clear what that code is.

You're right that there's quite a bit of smoke so we'll see if there's fire. As far as /r/conspiracy goes, this is certainly one of the most well founded theories, so it's a bit odd that there's so many detractors in this thread.

As a training psychologist, I certainly find some of the people involved to be highly questionable.

Decide for yourself. This is the Instagram account of the owner of Comet Pizza. Despite being a middle-aged man with no children, you'll see quite a few pictures of children with references to sexual abuse and sadism in the comments.

If you're going to act like a pedo on social media then you can't be surprised when people call you a pedo.

"Decide for yourself, but here's a statement to lead you to the same conclusion I made." You can't genuinely want someone to decide for themselves and then lead them to a conclusion before they've even had a chance to review the evidence. You've already altered their perception before they've looked at it. I've not studied psychology at all, so forgive me, but that seems like a manipulative way to make someone think they arrived at the conclusion you led them towards all on their own, intentionally or no.

And I think that's what this pizzagate shit is really all about - telling someone "Heres a bunch of random shit from someone that was mentioned in these leaked emails, here's all their social media stuff that correlates to our pre-drawn conclusion, and here's one potential, highly sexual meaning of each of these phrases. I'm just collating the information for you, man, decide for yourself (despite the fact that I've already told you what the conclusion is.)"

Sure, there are ways to direct people to a certain conclusion, but I didn't say anything misleading.

There were lots of pictures of kids. There were depictions of sadism (half naked man covered in blood, multiple references to a "kill room"), and there was sexually explicit material.

You can't make people believe just anything, like you seem to be suggesting. There has to be something there. And there are a lot of somethings in pizzagate.

And how is any of this evidence of someone "acting like a pedo?" You conveniently skipped that part.

You are positively insisting that something exists, when literally every piece of information you have is incredibly weak circumstantial evidence. What I see is someone who has perhaps a dark sense of humor promoting his pizza in a way that might be intended to shock or appeal to an alternative group of people, who happens to also love his sisters children (and not in a sexual manner). None of these things, even in conjunction with one another, is in anyway evidence of pedophilia, and making such accusations without sufficient evidence is INSANELY dangerous (and criminal).

What you are doing is, as someone else said, intellectually dishonest, and I honestly hope you never get your degree in psychology until you come to realize this. This is how you plant false memories in someone's head - by insisting there is a connection between disparate, unrelated bits of information.

You are attempting to will something into existence here because you are excited about the possibility of being part of an investigative group that uncovers some grand conspiracy to hide and harbor pedophiles. I get it, but what you are espousing is incredibly dangerous with barely even a shred of evidence. This is the kind of shit that ruins people's lives, regardless of whether or not it's true. Have your suspicions by all means, but don't try to poison someone else's perception with your own, just as someone has clearly done with your own. You are not thinking critically, you are thinking emotionally.

What are you so angry about? I'm not making any grand accusations, just saying that I find this man's social media presence to be extremely unsettling.

I don't need my clinical knowledge to know to find it disturbing. You don't have to agree (although I am questioning why you are so fervently defending sexually suggestive comments about children) but I do have some extra knowledge in this area.

And with all the other evidence, I think it is worth investigating. What's the issue here?

What am I so angry about? This shit is fucking serious when you begin to make false accusations of someone "maybe" being a pedophile - especially with such shoddy evidence.

Again, I am not calling anyone a pedophile. I am saying he has an extremely unsettling online presence that blurs the lines between children and sex. I am very surprised you disagree with that.

Do you get this angry about pedophelia? Or only when you think people are being called pedophiles?

Equally. Perhaps the only reason you think any lines are being blurred here is because you're projecting.

Again, what sexually suggestive comments about children are you referring to?

There were lots of pictures of kids. There were depictions of sadism (half naked man covered in blood, multiple references to a "kill room"), and there was sexually explicit material.

And you are conflating multiple people's personal social media accounts together, out of any context, and claiming it's evidence of a satanic pedophile conspiracy involving politicians, which is intellectually dishonest.

To this, you will reply "I'm not saying it's a satanic pedophile conspiracy, but don't you think it's odd...?" OR "You seem to be upset, why are you so invested in this?"

No I am only talking about one person's social media account and I am saying nothing more than that it is extremely unsettling. If he doesn't want people to think he's a pedo then he shouldn't make it so easy for people to do so.

I see nothing wrong with being critical of a public figure based on their publicly available social media accounts.

If he doesn't want people to think he's a pedo then he shouldn't make it so easy for people to do so.

What kind of stupid fucking bullshit is this? "Yea, well, he got his own life ruined by liking kids (in a non-sexual way) and posting about it in such a public place. How we're we supposed to know he wasn't a pedophile?"

You talk about thinking critically, but there is a noticeable absence of critical thinking in your posts. This is the exact thought process behind victim blaming. It is a way for you to temper your owner responsibility if you end up being wrong, and it is absolutely disgusting. This is not logic. This is emotion and bloodthirst.

I hope to God you never counsel anyone until you reconcile this, because this is an incredibly dangerous thought process to expose to a vulnerable patient.

He has an apparent fascination with children and was making sexually suggestive comments about them. Clinically speaking, that is not normal.

An apparent fascination with children? Adoring chholdren is now a "fascination"? And what sexually suggestive comments are you referring to?

Its not a publicly available social media account. Its unverifiable content hosted on SLIMG, which seems like a totally up-and-up organization.

Professional outfits >have< looked into it - the NYT, the DC Metro Police, various local news agencies. They have all said that the pictures being passed around social media by assholes like you aren't all from a single Instagram account.

I am being critical of you, on the basis of your social media account. I'm not sure what makes a pizza shop owner a public figure, and you get to hide behind an anonymous cloak. Libel is libel.

Better hope you don't get doxxed, Bman. Would hate to see your name attached to a bunch of re-constituted images and text. SLIMG has strict privacy controls, I am sure.

I visited the dude's Instagram account before he set it to private and those pictures were definitely from his account. There's other sources too. Here's more information

They're not all from a single Instagram account, but I am talking about a single Instagram account. The owner of the pizza place has a fucked up Instagram.

If I did post images of children amidst sexually explicit material then I would expect you to be critical of me. You say that, but ironically you're not being critical of the owner of Comet pizza. Why is that?

If I did post images of children amidst sexually explicit material then I would expect you to be critical of me. You say that, but ironically you're not being critical of the owner of Comet pizza.

Why would I post something about gaming on my Facebook one day, and then post something about cars the next? Seems odd, don't you think? And way, what about this post about social justice? Hmmm... none of these things seem to be related. Why would I post them on the same social media account? There must be a relation between them!

Perhaps because when I make every one of these posts, I'm not even considering the items I have posted before. Who the fuck thinks "hmmm... does this fit in well with the rest of my social media posts?" Literally no one.

Also, the fact that we've looked at the "evidence" means we are being critical of comet pizza. But we're not convinced, which means going around and declaring this guy a potential pedophile has literally no place in any discussion. That could ruin somebody, true or not.

If you made sexually suggestive comments about children I would question it no matter what you posted the day before.

What sexually suggestive comments about children are you talking about?

I just finally realized why my psychiatrist friends shit on psychologists so hard....thanks for the illumination Bman0921!

Haha don't worry, we shit on psychiatrists too! The dumbest kids in med school are only good at prescribing meds. We do the real work!

Hey, be sensitive. Maybe his parents diddled with him.

Wow so brave

So I just got here so this is all very very new to me. I have to ask why you're so mad. You must know the children in the photos to be able to say with such confidence they aren't legit photos. Just trying to get up to speed here.

That the photos in the presumed 'private instagram account' were misappropriated is established. Anyone wanting to say these kids were specific to that account, needs to present evidence for that case. Far beyond rehosted BS. I don't know about you, but

Doesn't really strike me as a web site I can trust. Beyond that, you have random images, and random text, interspersed with hugely innocuous posts like OMG I GOT PIZZA FOR MY BROTHERS BIRTHDAY!

The onus isn't on anyone to say these >aren't< legit photos. The onus is on the motherfuckers making public accusations against people as pederasts, linking to pictures of children and claiming there are victims of a pedo ring. These are not neutral claims, these are not innocuous charges. The parents of these kids, and the kids themselves, are being introduced into this claim with no say in the matter.

The fuckwits on r/pizzagate are not the best and the brightest, they are not trained investigators. They have been using the cloak of anonymity to make dangerous, libelous claims. Every legitimate third-party media outfit that has looked at this has said the images were repurposed.

Either every single professional organization that has looked at this is compromised and part of a sinister pedo cabal, OR reddit is overrun with reactionary cocksuckers.

I have seen enough of this shitstain website to know, with absolute certainty, that the second possibility here is the truth.

Thank you.

Rule 4. Calm down, please.

So now a pizza place owner taking pictures of kids in their establishment makes them a pedo? If you think anything involving kids is instantly sexual you may have a problem. A lot of homophobes turn it to be gay, maybe see a therapist?

This is the most ridiculously stupid thing I have ever read on reddit. Congratulations.

Care to explain why?

Because you have no proof and are contributing to the harassment of a small business owner who hasn't done anything wrong. You don't understand how the law works. Good luck with your little crusade, although it has gotten way bigger than it ever should have. Maybe move back to chemtrails once this is done.

That guy has a very disturbing social media account that was previously set to public. If you are going to own and run a "family" establishment, then maybe you shouldn't be posting extremely unsettling images to your social media account available to the public. And you shouldn't be making sexual references on pictures of children.

I see nothing wrong with holding somebody accountable for that.

That's the evidence. Look harder sheep. /s

While I admit the hivemind investigation is a bit scattered, there are a few pieces that are well defined. The story about child abductor Laura Silsby is probably the hardest hitting evidence I have seen following Pizzagate.

Laura Silsby was arrested for abducting 33 children in Haiti under the front of a philanthropic child adoption agency. She was jailed and Clinton may have been involved in getting her out as she was kept well informed and updated about Laura's situation according to the wikileaks.

Also more recently it was uncovered that a student researching the Haiti human trafficking supposedly found a connection to Clinton and subsequently "committed suicide".

There's more hard hitting evidence but this is imo the hardest single piece.

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That's the most bs, one sided, article I read in a long time. The author managed to convince themselves that any logo with a triangle, butterfly or a spiral is a secret symbol... Give me a break. Even the dodgy emails sound like people with shared context organising mundane as hell crap. Much ado about nothing.

Man, that was a hilarious read.

MSM has a journalistic obligation. The FBI has a federal obligation. These are the institutions that should be doing that actual digging. The only reason it has blown up so hilariously is because they are simply not covering it and citizen journalists are doing the best they can amidst a grand scale blackout of the subject.

I've unfortunately spent the time going through most of it, and it's either circumstantial, misleading, completely nonsensical, or outright lies. For instance, first watch the "leaked" video of comet ping pong with the masked comic telling some dark jokes in a sinister voice. It has been edited with commentary that makes it seem like its about pedoohilia and baby murder. But then watch the entire video, unedited, without commentary, and you will realize that the jokes are totally legit, and the editor of the video is obviously out on a smear campaign.

But there are so many lies swirling about from every direction, so don't believe me - verify for yourself.

Here is a written primer on the subject with a lot of the circumstantial evidence tied together. I think it's certainly worth looking into.

And now you're asking...sigh


That's all the evidence...

This 21 minute video is comprehensive.

Keep in mind that the Boston incident was in direct response to the FBI asking the public to help ID a blurry screencap. That is entirely their fault. Blaming those who tried to help is inane.

Blaming those who sent info to the FBI would be insane.

Blaming those who started posting 'THESE ARE THE TERRORISTS LETS GET THEM' all over social media is pretty reasonable.

But those were the terrorists...

No, Reddit identified the wrong people, forcing the FBI to publicly release the names of their suspects to counter witchhunting. This also let the actual bombers know the police were onto them for sure and made them harder to apprehend.

Tell me more, Papi....

who gives a fcuk, theres no law against random idiots/people from talking about news events. its entertainment.

so a few celeb pedos/perverts get their lives ruined, big boo hoo.

get over it and prepare for Trumps DoJ to start indicting.

The FBI said to contact them to share any tips, evidence, or identification of suspects, then let them do the investigating and "connecting the dots." Not to post it online. Nobody in any official position was calling for a vigilante citizen investigation squad that publishes and reviews evidence, identifies possible suspects, interviews witnesses, tries to locate the perps, etc all in a public forum... that was reddit users' own doing. It was well-intentioned, but a bunch of anonymous amateur sleuths aren't going to have the same standards as professionals who are actually held accountable for their actions. I'm not sure why you think the FBI (or anyone other than redditors themselves) is responsible for redditors' actions, any more than redditors are responsible for the FBI's actions (which is to say not at all).

Ok, go home FBI. You are drunk as hell...

Ok, go home FBI. You are drunk as hell...

That's not an argument. Other than a stupid joke and baseless accusation (which is false, btw; I've never, and never would, work in law enforcement or government), was anything I said wrong? Or are you conceding my point?

You write too much about nothing.

Ditto. You literally haven't conveyed any information or coherent thoughts with your past two comments; just off-topic, simple-minded insults. That's pretty much the definition of trolling, but I will take your greatly-helpful feedback under consideration.

Your font turns me on.

vigilante citizen investigation

100% legal, no law against free speech and musings.

Yup, I thought that went without saying. I was explaining why it's not the fucking FBI's fault (let alone "entirely their fault") when people choose to do public vigilante-style investigations complete with false accusations against innocent people, instead of choosing to provide their tips to law enforcement as requested. I wasn't arguing that it's an illegal choice.

LOL. We all know the FBI is a fucking joke. I agree this case needs some real investigation, but that's the exact issue. The Citizen's have lost all faith in their government and they will not stand for PizzaGate.

. We all know the FBI is a fucking joke.

the FBI bombed the WTC in 1993, it was their sponsored imported bomb expert that built the bomb for the hapless wannabe bombers.

the blind sheik and his minions had zero bomb making expertise. the FBI provided the expert to them. all came out in the court case.


Well how we going to have information without investigating /s

For real though was bad, but that was the most interesting reddit has ever been. I remember being in the live thread listening to the police scanners as they realized they were on the brothers trail. We were listening to the police chase live before it even hit the media.

Then they shut down the online police scanners but some local had a legit one at home and was live streaming it from his crib.

Which means you're supposed to fucking call the authority if you recognize the person, not try to be a private eye and figure it out yourself.

Why the fuck does that even need to be said? Are people's personal perception of self importance so warped that you honestly believe the FBI asked YOU to do the investigative legwork for them?

If this info was anon turned over to the FBI to investigate, no one would know anything about it. It would have been buried.

That would have been good since putting the info related to Boston on reddit caused people to harass the family of an incorrectly identified missing person (later found dead).
That harassment made the FBI release the pictures of the real bombers.
That caused the bombers to panic and end up shooting a campus police officer while trying to escape.
Reddit caused someone to die.

Yes. The "real" bombers.

Which would have been the right thing.

Law enforcement agencies do use social media to solve crimes.

Yes, they ask for tips or see if anyone recognizes a photo of a suspect.

They do not crowd source the investigation. They do not ask the American public to do the investigative legwork for them.

There is a YUGE difference between "Does anyone recognize this person?" and "Can you figure out who this person is?"

DGAF, big boo hoo.

this is a democratic republic of citizen peoples, this is not a british monarchy with servile subjects.

here in the US, govt orgs and departments can be closed down and reorganized and so on, no govt job is safe for life.

theres a shitload of DNC slackers that are going to find this out in January, welcome to the real world. not to mention all the crying babes who will not get their dream intern job in govt under the DNC.

they are going to have to wait for four or eight years until the DNC gets back into power.

Democratic doesn't mean shit. I don't ask a bunch of four year olds to do my taxes, even if it were a "democratic" process.

I ask the guy I specifically pay to do the job he is trained to do.

We did it, because the FBI is corrupt and won't do shit.

The FBI and law enforcement set up a nationwide tip line, sifted through thousands of tips and mountains of evidence, found the guys responsible, shot and killed one, and mobilized tens of thousands of cops to conduct a massive door-to-door manhunt for the second one, putting their lives on the line and shutting down a major American city to (successfully) capture him and bring him to justice. The people of reddit falsely identified an innocent person as the bomber (who, as it turns out, was already dead before the bombing happened). I'll let you be the judge as to who was more effective and who "won't do shit."

then they confiscated all the CCTV footage and ignored the evidence of a cruise missile...

Are you telling me you buy the official story of the Boston Bombing?


I didn't tell you to believe anything.


I have no idea wtf you're talking about.

hes a DNC retard. they are special people.

affirmative action allows them to 'earn' a paycheck. they sit at a desk and shuffle waste 8x11. and jealously guard their red Streamlines.

these are the geniuses that 'won' the election for HRC...

The funny thing is that pizza gate didn't start in this sub. It got funneled over here because of the closure of related sub reddits.

That was an intentional move by the admins.

You aren't important enough for the admins to care about you.

You clearly missed /u/spez messing up with people's post cause clearly they weren't that important for the CEO of Reddit.

Just because you're loud and annoying doesn't mean you're important.

If you are willing to break your own ToS because of "loud and annoying" ...

It makes him an incredibly unprofessional CEO, it doesn't make you important nor does it give your 'cause' any validity.

the 'safe harbor' legal argument has been destroyed by reddit admins editing users posts.

gonna be interesting when the big lawsuit comes along. million dollars per song etc.

lets hope nobody on reddit starts posting links that infringe the DMCA in subreddits. DHS and RIAA and MPAA are going to be watching like hawks from now on.

Exactly, people have been conditioned pretty well to have their minds instantly shut off as soon as they hear the word "conspiracy". That's why they wanted it here.

Whereas you jump the gun, and shut your mind off and make up a conspiracy

And yet, every time this subject is brought up there's always some dipshit calling us insane with hundreds of upvotes and all his little buddies to come in and pat him on the back and make reaffirming comments about what a smart guy he is. They think we don't notice this shit?

I've never seen so many concerned "voices of reason" here until we started talking about this particular subject.

Or you know it's just decently high on All which always attracts more outsiders...

Point taken.

which means the message is spreading wide.

I've seen so many of these same "voices of reason" over at "more respectable" subs (eg /r/politics)

Yeah because your particular subject junks up r/all with complete nonsense and people happen to get annoyed. Oh wait, anyone who disagrees with you is CTR, sorry I'll be on my way.

I don't think you're a shill. Just a fucking idiot.

NolanVoid, always a gentleman... I'll take it though, it's a promotion.

People should get real, focus on another shady moves of the deep government that are way better documented.

Wait, it wasn't satire? I thought the entire thing was people joking around...

thats what i honestly thought for the first two days as well.

This is literally your first post in this subreddit, so I'm not sure why you're an authority on any of this.

Look at real pedo rings. They communicate through TOR and use remote off site or out of country locations.

Not a damn pizza parlor that gets visited by health inspections

What about all those twitter accounts exposed? Was that unrelated to this?

Ok so your opinion has 340 up votes. Meanwhile /r/pizzagate had 20, 000 subscribers.

We can't all be crazy.

Of course you can. Reality is not a democratically decided process. There are more than 20,000 people who think the Queen is a shapeshifting lizard. That doesnt make them right.

As millions (maybe billions) who would never believe that the Royal family could be involved in pedophilia. Yet here we are.

Because of this mentality, is parents actually ignore the please of their children not to be left alone with Jimmy Saville .... Maybe some more openmindness would be welcome.

'Member when Bernie supporters were called crazy "conspiracy theorists" for claiming the DNC was against them ? SHTF, better always have an umbrella in hands, specially indoors !

I'm having a hard time making a response, because it looks like you had a stroke between the first and 2nd paragraph. Seriously, check that auto-correct and bad formatting hasn't rendered things gibberish before hitting save.

And again: belief doesn't make fact, FACTS make fact.

Votes don't count, status is manufactured.

You're the fundamental flaw

Were they black?

Absence of evidence isn't necessarily evidence of absents

perhaps pizzagate is an analogy for how the government has been fucking us in the ass since we were kids.

There's no evidence at all ok go back to sleep sheep.

Yes, this is along the lines of Glenn Beck's "I'm not saying he's a rapist, but why doesnt he just come out and deny on camera that he is a rapist" fallacy

OP is planting the idea in people's heads, and he knows it. That is why he created this stupid headline for his thread and filled it with those links. He doesnt want an answer, he just wants a thread full of fucking yes-men

Reddit is an echo chamber



Reddit is a collection of different echo chambers, not a single large echo chamber.

Reddit is a huge liberal echo chamber

/r/the_donald is a liberal echo chamber?

You found one of a few that trend right. You telling me the majority of subs are not liberal leaning?

Have you personally gone through all the subreddits? You do realize how fucking stupid it is to claim that reddit is a leftist circlejerk when one of the largest subs is a self identified rightwing circlejerk?

Apparently your dumbass has never wandered off of the donald...

I dont even browse /r/the_donald you fuck head. Step outside of your fucking bubble.

Aww, did I hurt your feelings?

Aww.. did I break your "WAAH REDDIT IS A LEFTIST CIRCLEJERK WAAH" bubble?

Butthurt much?

Can you at least pretend that you are not a child that just got called out on obvious bullshit and who then pretended to stick his fingers in his ears and proceeded to call everybody else in the room names?

Reddit is not a single circlejerk no matter how long you keep repeating that to yourself. Dig your head out of your ass, get rid of your victim complex and grow up.

Right... keep tuggin bro...

Hard to believe that this shit hole of a website has so much influence, but it truly has ruined lives.

Remember when Reddit was convinced they found the boston bomber just hours after it happened?

Remember when Reddit was convinced they found the boston bomber just hours after it happened?

Remember when news agencies took unproven allegations on a fucking website for real? That was the worst part.

Now they're the badguys for not doing that, though.

whichever way is more convenient for the current storyline.






For real though, "narrative" sounds cooler than "storyline."

What are you talking about? That's exactly what they did. Most half-baked conspiracy theories don't get a rebuttal from the New York Times.

Remember when news agencies took unproven allegations on a fucking website for real?

That's exactly what they did.

Most half-baked conspiracy theories don't get a rebuttal from the New York Times.

See if you can spot the inconsistently.

See if you can spot the inconsistently.

There is no "inconsistently". Like I said before, most half-baked conspiracy theories aren't taken "for real" by mainstream news agencies. i.e. considered worthy of attention. I don't see Time Cube or David Icke getting a rebuttal from the New York Times.

There is no "inconsistently".

Sure there is. The Boston Bomber accusations were reported upon as news, while the pizzagate accusations were refuted as bullshit.

I don't see Time Cube or David Icke getting a rebuttal from the New York Times.

The only ideas either one has ever had which have been taken seriously by enough people to have any impact on the general public are climate change denial, Holocaust denial, and 9/11 conspiracy theories. All of which I an assure you have been addressed.

But hey, you keep on thinking whatever you want to think, man. If the fact that nobody cares enough about Gene Ray's schizophrentic ramblings or David Icke's claims that shape-shifting lizard-men run all world governments enough to refute is sufficient evidence of a satanic child sacrifice ring for you, then go for it.

Sure there is. The Boston Bomber accusations were reported upon as news, while the pizzagate accusations were refuted as bullshit.

But that's not the distinction that I made. Hence no "inconsistently".

ideas either one has ever had which have been taken seriously by enough people to have any impact on the general public

We're talking about ideas that were only made serious by the media's attempts to take them seriously. The Boston Bomber accusations were one of them. The Pizzagate accusations were another of them.

But hey, keep on moving the goalposts and assuming my stance on a particular conspiracy theory (which I haven't revealed, by the way) if that floats your boat.

Which time?

the shills are strong here lol

Bush: "I'm pretty sure Iraq has WMD."

Well, they never DIDN'T present them!! They never said, "Nope. No WMDs, here, 100%!" It's on them!!!


Oh I member

Thank you

Mm, what'd you say?

Mm, that you only meant well

Well of course you did

Mm, what'd you say?

Mm, that it's all for the best

Of course it is

Mm, what'd you say?

Mm, that it's just what we need

You decided this

Mm, what'd you say?

Mm, what did she say?

And now it's been hijacked by some of the most reckless people in history 😫🇺🇸

Edit: you guys like my emoji for Glen Beck

Not to mention that if there were no response, this post's headline would be "If Pizzagate isn't real, how come they aren't denying it?!?!"

The problem with conspiracy theories is that they're by nature unfalsifiable. These idiots will make anything fit their narrative.

Did you research pizzagate extensively? The evidence should at least be considered. I know it's fun and popular to paint people as conspiracy theorists and idiots, but maybe, just maybe, you could wrap your head around he possibility that some "conspiracy theorists" actually only have certain beliefs based on proof... Not conjecture. The actions of users on a subreddit should not result in the whole subreddit getting banned... Just ban the users who break the rules.

But here's the thing, yall aren't batman. You know how they found that ring in Britain? Police work. There is an entire section of the FBI dedicated to looking at the scum of the Earth and the abyss

I totally agree, angry vigilante justice is the wrong move. But this pedophile ring may very well have infiltrated all facets of the elite, meaning the FBI, CIA, and all other agencies might have members who have a very strong personal motivation to keep this pedophile ring under wraps. All we can really do is peacefully spread the known information and let others decide for themselves, if they're willing to research it that is.

That's....actually fair enough

Please help document high level corruption and abuse at /r/thepedofile


Hello? Anyone in there?

They act like this sort of shit hasn't happened before.

Police work? The same police that then buggered the entire investigation?

Sure the police would "look into it". Then they bust some low/mid level people and BOOM. Pedo ring fixed. Nothing to see here. Carry on.



You know they took down Epstein?

you consider what they gave him anything other than a slap on the wrist? Sure. They sure took him down...

didn't they give him life?

...he served 13 months and had to register as a sex offender. In 2008. For a charge of soliciting sex from girls as young as 14.



do you remember Vince Foster and why he died !?

are you too young to remember the news and stories going around before and after Fosters death !?

Yeah I remember Vince Foster, he was a lawyer who worked for the government and killed himself.

He was Hillary's law partner in Arkansas and instrumental to structuring the White water papers prior to working for the Clinton White House as Special Council. Coincidence, I think not. Special prosecutor, crucial witness, body moved, long past history, nothing to see here, no way, just coincidence right.

To play devils advocate: FBI can be influenced by those with great political power.

Not really. A bunch of victims came forward.

Bullshit, the police trotted to cover it up until citizen journalists forced their hand to begin am investigation.

What if they infiltrated the FBI? Just look at the current state of the clinton investigation...

Why is Epstein getting into shit?

It should be looked into, you shouldn't be a vigilante.

Government has a history of covering up pedo rings, they can't be trusted to do what's right. If justice is to be served the masses need to get involved.

You do realize a lot of what pizzagate did was illegal right? If you commit an illegal act, you compromise an investigation. You can even cause damning evidence to get thrown out if you collect it the wrong way.

Which then leads to them getting off the hook and now you can't accuse them of that crime a second time due to protections against Double Jeopardy

If you commit an illegal act, you compromise an investigation.

We're at a point where no investigation conducted by a government organisation is going to succeed, a look at history will show you that. So what does it matter if an investigation is compromised? At this point all we want is as many pedos placed under scrutiny as possible.

Which then leads to them getting off the hook and now you can't accuse them of that crime a second time due to protections against Double Jeopardy

They were getting off the hook before the internet, before vigilante justice, they were getting off the hook when investigations were conducted by the book. Face it, the US Government is utterly compromised and only a mass revolt will purge it of its compromised pedos. And that is what pizzagate is about, do away with the corrupt middle man, dig for evidence and let the people decide because all alternatives have proven dead ends.

dig for evidence

and thus commit a felony by linking to CP, or looking at CP. you are putting your own people at risk. Do you think a jury will acquit you if you say "BUT I WAS INVESTIGATING?"

they will roll their eyes and laugh, the same as if you used "it was an accident" or "I got a virus" as an excuse.

you, and most people on that sub are not qualified to conduct an investigation, continuing to investigate puts you in legal jeopardy, which should you be arrested, the only outcome is jail, or a ruined record. You don't have legal backing, and until you do. you are fucked AND IF YOU TURN UP ANYTHING, congratulations, it's inadmissible in court and you get your ass sued off for libel. And now it's THAT MUCH HARDER for a legitimate investigation. ALL YOUR DOING is helping your "enemy". there is no circumstance in which you end up on top unless you mass file formal complaints with the police, who know what they are doing and can do it legally. and since you don't trust law do you expect to punish these people if by some miracle, you DO pin them to the wall with evidence, somehow not able to be thrown out in court, and SOMEHOW doesn't result in you being thrown in jail due to even "looking" at the damning evidence necessary to put them away? How do you expect a jury to take you seriously, should you get caught looking at "evidence" of the pizza kind when the sub you work with also claims demonic worship is occurring?

and if you say "well violent revolution", congrats, now you're a domestic terrorist and human rights no longer apply to you, enjoy being disappeared off to some black site.

you want to help? get a law degree and have credentials and skill sets to make these investigations waterproof while simultaneously fighting the corruption.

If you are not willing to do that, or think its useless, you are part of the problem. we need GOOD PEOPLE in law enforcement, as judges, as politicians, as lawyers. THEN you can be in a position to do something and have it actually hold up, instead of flailing around, looking like a nutter and making the bad people stronger by not building toolsets to fight them.

"But-but-but we don't have TIME for that, that's not quick enough. That'll take too long" If that train of thought crosses your mind, THAT'S why we are in this predicament, because good people don't want to take the time and build up the tools to fight the bad people who DO take the time to build up tools. They took the time to have the skills to take control, why the fuck are so many unwilling to play the same game and beat them senseless at it? Play the fucking game, and if you win, you get to write the rules.

I did. A TLDR of my findings: The Podesta email was describing a cheese basket sent around Christmas - in previous years they sent pasta, the Podestas like playing dominoes, the "I Love Children" tshirt is actually talking about a place named after a culture center in DC called "L'Enfant" which is named after Pierre Charles L'Enfant, the Buom Buom Room is hardly a secret place - it's a monthly event held by a gay bar in L'Enfant plaza, the scotch taped child/picture of an infant/picture of a child with Euros in her mouth are his Godchild and the same person, the German baby with a $1200 price is a toy doll, the "secret bathroom" is the public bathroom based on a video, and many of the racy pizza-porn images were from people TAGGED at Comet Ping Pong - one of whom is a drag queen.

If you doubt any of that, feel free to read my original two posts that basically went through the motions of trying to debunk it.

Post 1, Post 2 - the better of the posts

Truth be told: I didn't find a single claim that seemed to suggest that the Podestas or James were guilty of anything related to pedophilia/cannibalism/child trafficking. Literally half of the accusations can be easily debunked if you take a moment to research to investigate - so to bounce the ping pong ball back at you "did you research pizzagate extensively?"

The closest thing to any evidence suggesting pedophilia is the Haiti charity that the Clinton Foundation donated to or something.

What is your response to the pedo symbol in besta pizza logo next door? Just coincidence?

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The evidence should at least be considered.

it would need to actually exist first

I've considered the evidence and found it sorely lacking. I don't have a problem with investigation but anyone who wholeheartedly believes in pizzagate at this stage is dangerously susceptible to empty insinuation.


I've been following it since before /r/pizzagate was a thing, on other sites than reddit, too. You haven't called shit, and your users were absolutely doxxing and harassing people.

We removed and banned anyone who broke Reddits TOS

Did that list include reddits CEO?

I think the weirdest thing I noticed was that the NYT hardly brought up any of the evidence. I didn't dig that deep into pizzagate, but those IG images were extremely weird, and I can see why many people took a deeper look. I don't understand why the NYT didn't bring up some of that evidence with the accused. Especially if they really wanted to put people's minds at ease.

i've glimpsed at the further info a few times just to verify for myself that there was something to it.

it was enough for me to stop looking further, i hope this gets exposed and these fucks go to jail, what i saw and what was called before those arrests gave me confidence its real.

whats stunning is how the hell these people got to these positions with this shit going on. those "fbi " posts of 4chan seem to make a lot more sense about the other stuff being way way more important than just clinton.

Did anyone say religion?




Is always the government fault.

More and more the conspiracies prove out. Look at Bengazi, the theorists had the whole plot correct in less than 10 days while the media and Congress diluted the facts and let them trickle out over 4 years to blunt the impact of what happened.

By the way, nothing is "unfalsifiable" but everything can be obscured by a complicit media and political class. Present the facts, probe the events, and provide hard evidence that does not require a belief in Coincidence and the "unfalsefiable" could be proven wrong.

If they took their job seriously and told the truth even when it hurt they might have some credibility.

Riddle me this, why do the media always expect us to write off damming pieces of circumstantial evidence as coincidence? Are they really coincidence or have the hard answers been obscured by layer after layer of propiganda to discredit the truth? How many coincidences do I need to start considering where there is smoke, there is fire?

Maybe I'm just skeptical and know if a DA had that kind of evidence against me, they would at least bring it to trial. In fact, if your not a political big wig, most convictions are based on circumstantial evidence, not a smoking gun as the media keeps asking for.

the influx of reasonable opinions in this thread is making my head spin

Half the posters here are complete fucking lunatics. This is the most obvious bullshit conspiracy theory I've read about in some time.

To get into the spirit of the sub, here's my theory: this is a psyop attack by Russia to further destabilize the US.

How is it obvious bullshit? All the convicted pedos in the accused circles aren't enough to at least make you think?

I mean, can you name someone who isn't two degrees of separation from a convicted pedo? There's been a few on both side of congress, and throughout the catholic church.

Please help document high level corruption and abuse at /r/thepedofile

Like everything fishy about this election, consider the timing of introduction as well. Pizzagate seemed to get going right after Comey's Weiner email letter came along to remind everyone of Lyin' Hillary, along with the scheduled wikileaks releases. Leading up to election day, pizzagate and marina abramovic's blood sacrifice dinner BS were dominating this sub; so now not only was Clinton responsible for starting ISIS, threatening WW3 with Putin, playing fast and loose with US secrets, but she was suddenly also complicit with an international elite politician child rape and pornography and trafficking ring, AND THEN satanic worship and blood rituals, both right out of the "ritual satanic abuse" narratives from the 80's-- all of it false, of course, but just imagine how fucked it would be if it's true! The mere suggestion and dissemination of this stuff is like the dream combination to scare the shit out of middle America.

It took the combined efforts of all the far rightists around the globe, for the past few decades at least, to build and maintain all this doubt. I'm hoping this doesn't turn into a historically bad dupe of humanity, fingers crossed.

Wait I thought it was fact that Hillary was indeed playing fast and loose with U.S. Secrets.

The private server didn't end up getting hacked, so what would the charge be if nothing was taken? Negligence, at most, lack of foresight? There was also business about emails clearly marked as classified that didn't end up being clearly marked as classified, as Comey had initially stated.

I can tell you if someone sends classified data over email it's prison time.

Not true, the pizza related emails were found by someone on 4chan, IIRC, before Comey's Weiner announcement.

Yeah, you summed it up pretty well.

It also took finding put what podesta emails about, sorry to point out that you make yourself look dumb, but your feelings don't matter to me in the slightest. Get off your high horse, you backed horrible people, you didnt know, it wasnt your fault, it is ok.

Fuck. You.

I've been following conspiracy for many decades... the shit we are seeing now just makes me throw my hands up and say "WTF, I just don't know any more!"

Reminds me of a joke I wrote:

"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure"

What's bullshit about it?

Mostly everything.

Wow, that was a great explanation! (sarcasm... just to clarify)

Half the posters here are complete fucking lunatics.

agreed, feels like /r/the_donald sometimes - where almost everyone is a lunatic.

Umm this is /r/conspiracy - this is the place where theorys (wild or not) are aired and contemplated.

We take everything with a grain of salt - but to take an outright true or false stance on any of these topics without allowing all the information to be critically analyzed by oneself or others is truly retarded.

I have a feeling the people calling eachother idiots and fools for leaning one way or the other are either stubborn, trolling or being paid to post their bullshit.

Umm this is /r/conspiracy - this is the place where theorys (wild or not) are aired and contemplated.

no shit.

We take everything with a grain of salt - but to take an outright true or false stance on any of these topics without allowing all the information to be critically analyzed by oneself or others is truly retarded.

we? I guess 'we' don't speak for ourselves around here? and what information? as far as this pizzagate goes I keep seeing posts about how we should keep posting about it, but no posts with any actual specific information other than some references to pizza being a code word for pedophiles.

I have a feeling the people calling eachother idiots and fools for leaning one way or the other are either stubborn, trolling or being paid to post their bullshit.

or maybe, just maybe... they just disagree.

I find it interesting that many in this sub absolutely refuse to acknowledge any conspiracies about Russia's paid online trolls.

And that's not even remotely outside of the realm of possibility. I think at first it started out pretty legit, with some questionable content and weird wording discovered in the emails. Beyond that, I think anyone paying attention and with an opportunistic enough spirit would have seen that we were at a peak point of malleability for manipulation. The people calling out the hysteria would've spelled that out for anyone that was slow on picking that up. It's got a life of its own and with the True Believers so deeply mistrusting of all but their own media sources, it's not gonna take much at all to keep fueling that fire.

It's a fact that the US airforce has psyop operations whose sole goal is to create the illusion of consensus in online forums. Private organizations like Correct the Record are following in their shoes, though I doubt the mess they created was what they had in mind. Constant accusations of shilling, regardless of how mundane the comment that ignited the accusation was. Actually, now that I think of it, the shit show of Correct the Record might have been a lessen to online propagandists. Online opinion might be too difficult to shift in one direction to be worth the effort, but creating chaos and partisanship seems to be pretty fucking easy.

"I think it is bullshit, so i wont waste my time looking into it, so people who do are dumb. It cant be true because i hate rump so all dems must be perfect." This is how you come across whether it makes you happy or not to see it put so plainly, if you dont like that then try to use ideas to explain points, or keep looking stupid as fuck.

Really, just the contact with Jeffery Epstein would be enough to convict a garden variety pedophile, but hey Billy's got the money to bump uglies with minors in the Caribbean out of the jurisdiction of American law enforcement. So here are some news sources that took me all of thirty seconds to find with Google. Let me guess, they are really trying hard to bring this scandal forward but they just can't find a reason to pursue it.

Gimme a break man.

Law Enforcement Sources Confirm: Ready to File Charges Against ...

Nov 2, 2016 ... Clinton visited Epstein's private island multiple times and frequently ditched ... 26 confirmed flights on Epstein's private jet known as the “lolita express. ... Sources within the New York Police Department are confirming that the NYPD is currently investigating allegations that Bill Clinton performed sexual acts ...

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times Saturday, May 14, 2016

The ‘sex slave’ scandal that exposed pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein

By Maureen Callahan

October 9, 2016 | 7:08am

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

By Malia Zimmerman Published May 13, 2016

Both Trump And Clinton Went To Jeffrey Epstein's Sex Slave Island. By: Amanda Prestigiacomo May 16, 2016

Why Bill Clinton's 26 Trips on the Lolita Express Child Rape Jet Matter

U right about that one

LOL RUSSIA. And you call us fucking lunatics.

Yep, Lucifer worshiping pedophiles is totally more plausible than a pysops campaign of divide and conquer from an antagonistic nation-state with a history of divide and conquer pysop strategies.

Except, that this isn't dividing anyone, it's bringing people together from all walks of life to investigate something that is blatantly trying to be covered up.

Is it bringing you and I together? At best I think you're a useful idiot at worst I think you're an active misinformation agent, and I say that in no way intending to insult you. That's just how it is.

This is increasing political partisanship and delegitimatizing elected officials for bunk reasons while real issues get ignored because they aren't as captivating as lucifer worship.

Ohh... delegitimatizing elected officials... you're right, this isn't bringing us together, because I don't believe those officials ever had any legitimacy in the first place. You're trying to cover for a corrupt system that has failed and allowed evil to rule. Didn't you get the memo? It's time to move on.

We are ruled by evil? That doesn't leave much room for discussion or compromise.

Nope, only apologists and traitors.

I see. Who is your shining white knight of virtue that will defeat this evil?

I Am

Good luck storming the castle.

Why would a ninja storm the castle?

it's bringing people together from all walks of life

It's pretty much just The_Donald at this point.

Yeah, but I'm here... And, trust me, I'm like no one else here.

I dont get how you can write it off as being bullshit.

The influx of astoturfers painting a very different picture from the /r/conspiracy I'm used to seeing is one hell of a spin.


Hold your horses, cowboy.

Fuck anyone who goes to Comet and causes problems in person.

Now that we've disavowed, can we still talk about it?

Are you judging an entire group of people based on the actions of a few?

Are you advocating taking action against an entire group of people based on the actions of a few?

Why isn't /r/politics shut down for generating hatred for President-elect Trump? His life could be ruined based on all of the disinformation presented about him in /r/politics. Shut that down too while you are at it.

Oh shit, fuck it all, just shut anything down where anyone might talk about another living creature or anyone associated directly or indirectly with said living creature because somebody might read what was said and might do something illegal based on that information.

edit: I've got a conspiracy for you all, /r/conspiracy has been taken over by concern trolls. "OH, PUH-LEASE, THIS conspiracy again? Can we please get back to talking about how aliens killed Kennedy because he was a rogue alien who was trying to help humans fight the alien invaders by jump starting our space program? Enough with these fake conspiracies, guys, seriously. CNN said this one was fake, obviously it's fake, why do you talk about fake things?"

edit2: and now I'm getting pissed off. Some pizza place in DC gets trolled by a few people and we're up in arms defending them ... let's not forget what's at the heart of the pizza gate conspiracy: children being sold into sex slavery. You want to act like you care about people? You should care about getting to the bottom of this. And one more time, no, nobody should be going to Comet Pizza and causing problems.

The problem is that disavowing harassment isn't enough when doxxing is well-established as a method by which people are harassed. We don't tell pedophiles that they can go fuck themselves if they diddle the kids we leave in their care - that's neglectful of the reality of the situation. Doxxing is no different, which is why no legitimate web service or company tolerates it.

Doxxing is harassment, not just a vehicle for it. If you have a connection that could save children, pass it to different authorities, or report it to the news media. They both have mechanisms in place to protect individuals from blatant harassment, and they can be held liable for errors.

The problem with all of that in this situation is that we have evidence that leads us to believe that the authorities are complicit in these crimes. It is our duty to our fellow citizens to work together to resolve whether these crimes are real and whether the "authorities" are themselves implicated or otherwise compromised in their abilities to conduct a fair investigation.

This is /r/conspiracy - this is one of the few modern conspiracies that I actually believe is a real conspiracy and not some tinfoil hat nonsense.

we have evidence that leads us to believe that the authorities are complicit in these crimes

No, you don't.

Pretty sure we do, we're just not allowed to talk about it anymore because it would be doxxing :)

Absolutely sure you don't. I checked into all this with an open mind and the kind of "evidence" that people were clamoring over was garbage. Fucking hundreds of comments claiming PROOF the guy was a pedo based on a post about a three line email that said something along the lines of "trip is going well. sitting next to the kids on the flight so I'm kinda wired."

That's the "hard evidence" that they were circulating over there. It was the worst kind of bullshit witch hunting with absolutely ZERO evidence, just a bunch of people jumping on every word or piece of art or entirely unrelated email and letting their mind wander until they finally made up enough shit to come to their fabricated conclusions.

And then believing the shit they made up so hard that they took it into the real world and started treating innocent people like they were child rapists because that's what their fucked up minds convinced them was reality.

I don't follow this 'conspiracy' closely, but I've checked out a couple of pieces of 'evidence' when it has crept outside the echo chambers.

One was a drawing of the Madeleine Mccan suspects which looked a bit like Podesta and his brother. Turns out they were two drawings of the same person, so not possible to be the two of them, and also evidence of how inaccurate drawings are.

Another was a picture of a young girl and a man and woman saying 'nothing like pizza blah blah blah', i don't remember what the rest of it was. Anyway apparently it was evidence enough to spread around to people outside the pizzagate sub. Well I did a reverse image search, didn't take long to find out the two adults were political prisoners freed by Hillary who had JUST been reunited with their daughter who had been in the US. It was literally a heartwarming picture about how this family had been reunited, and this toxic 'investigation' turned it into a child rape thing. Now there is a bunch of people who think they are pedophiles and molesters. Awful.

You're forgetting that the NYPD got hold of very damning evidence (implicating many top people) from Anthony Weiner's laptop. Problem is nothing's come out of that yet. As for the evidence existing, well, some people with significant public trust had vouched for it. Here's one report about the case, but there are others if you google. Somehow people have forgotten that that's part of pizzagate.

That source has no author, no date, and no source other than Breitbart Radio...not exactly a trustworthy source, or at least an unbiased source.

And exactly how do you know what the evidence from Weiner's laptop tells us? Have you looked at it? Has there been an extensive report that only you are privy to? Would you like to share it with the class?

Sorry, but from where I see it, Breitbart is more trustworthy than the MSM sources. Yes, they're biased, but that bias is not hidden like it is with other sources. In any case, are you suggesting that a right-wing bias makes them unreliable in reporting on Weiner's laptop? I believe it was Roger Stone who had the source at the NYPD.

Oh well if says it's true with absolutely no proof, who am I to argue!

That was just a small blog that rebroadcast the story. The information came from Roger Stone who had the source at the NYPD.

hows the Wiener sex case coming along (plus 650K emails on laptop)!? (FBI removed evidence, case closed)

hows the LAX shooter court case doing !? (three years nothing)

hows the Houston Stay family murder court case coming along !? (two years nothing)

oh thats right, all forgotten. case closed nothing to see, move along.

Fuck anyone who goes to Comet and causes problems in person.

Didn't this sub had a picture of a guy protesting said pizzeria and an encouraging title on the top of its front page? If so, I don't think you have the authority to say "now that we've disavowed".


Absolutely. Stand with you here mate.

Why isn't /r/politics shut down for generating hatred for President-elect Trump?

They only allow recent articles. They aren't crafting conspiracy theories in self posts. And most of the stuff that "generates hatred" for Trump is just quoting him directly.

Here's my problems with talking about it:

  1. The "evidence" comes from a private email account. Which means that even if here was evidence of a crime having been committed, that evidence was obtained from a private source without a search warrant. Any sort of investigation would be violating fundamental rights.

  2. There are multiple baby pictures being used as "evidence" of child rape. As a parent, seeing pictures people took of their babies being used this was is super creepy to me.

  3. The usual doxxing, don't ruin people's lives concerns.

Honestly, it's like the people who believe this stuff have forgotten that pizza was actually the most popular food in America for quite a while now.

We are judging anyone who has blindly posted the SLIMGUR link. If you did that, its on you. You are part of this.

You mean this one?

Pretty fucked up isn't it? That dude says fucked up shit about kids. Is that why you like him?

There's nothing "fucked up". One guy calls @jimmycomet a #hotard and he does it back at him, it's pretty clear. He hashtags another pic of a kid #themostexpensiveaccessory, which is funny because it's true, babies are expensive. In a beach picture, a couple of gay guys are commenting on another guy's butt. Then there's pictures of other people's kids, customers, and unrelated stuff from other IG accounts that's just tagged @Comet Ping Pong -- like the guy in fake blood on the floor. That pizzeria has a performance space that bands play in. None of this is all that mysterious or crazy.

That dude says fucked up shit about kids. Is that why you like him?

And it's incredibly intellectually dishonest of you to keep insinuating that people who are calling out this bullshit are pedophiles, and then reply "I'm not saying anyone's a pedophile but don't you think it's strange...?" This is nonsense.

One guy calls @jimmycomet a #hotard and he does it back at him, it's pretty clear.

Actually, that's not how hashtags work. Hashtags are a way to describe and classify the picture, not whomever posted it.

Sure, maybe there are equally obtuse and convoluted explanations for all of his behavior. Maybe him and his friends have sick and twisted senses of humor and repeatedly reference things like sexual abuse, murder, and buying and selling children. And maybe they legitimately don't see that, as a business owner, Instagram might not be the best avenue for such macabre and lurid drolleries.

But that's the thing, when you have to perform such mental gymnastics in attempt to justify these things it's a bit curious. I'm not insinuating you're a pedophile but I'm wondering why you're going to such great lengths to explain away his behavior. And why are you so unwilling to admit that his account is inappropriate, to say the least, and that it gives a certain impression? I think that's a perfectly valid question to ask.

let's not forget what's at the heart of the pizza gate conspiracy: children being sold into sex slavery.

You do realize the majority of people here in /r/conspiracy dont actually care about the children? They are into this shit because if a theory gets proved they can brag about it. "SEE!? I TOLD YOU GUYS!"

Thank god for your response. Sometimes when I read the shit in this sub it seems like everybody is completely off the deep end.

Don't worry, you'll be accused of being a Soros-paid Jewish pedophile rapist shill shortly, and your lack of faith in the people of this subreddit will be restored.

no doubt, no doubt

IIRC two pizzagate nuts stormed a pizza place and began accusing the owner of being a pedophile, police had to be called on the harassers. Now, imagine what the customers would be thinking or if family was present. False accusations of pedophilia have lead to destroyed lives and suicide.

Apropos of nuttin', there's an excellent film called The Hunt on this very subject. Mads Mikkelsen stars, probably would have been Oscar nominated if it wasn't a foreign film.

Of course you shouldn't accuse people of pedophelia without reason.

But if he didn't want to be accused of pedophelia then maybe he shouldn't have an Instagram account with a bunch of pictures of kids with references to sex and sadism in the comments.

One of the main ways I've seen the conspiracy minded say that "the powers that be" would take down actors that they don't like is to frame them for CP. For a good example, the ones crying the most foul over u/spez editting comments use the prime example of he could edit their comments to make it seem like they supported or liked cp. Pizzagate seems like exactly that. An organized campaign to attempt to tie political opponents of the new government who seems to have had explicit support from the intelligence services and Russian Psy ops to child porn and child abuse rings.

To be fair they probably pedo but may have not molested.

Good thing Reddit is safe... Not like that 4chan guy I heard he hacks my naked pictures.

...and whatever happened to that? Hackers got into celebrities Cloud. Apple said no. Media blamed 4chan. 4chan said not us. Then people said it was bored NSA workers trading pictures on the dark web. Funny how that seems the plausible now and everybody who first said that was considered a conspiratard. Nobody got punished.

Didn't the guy who leaked most of the pictures get arrested? Pretty sure.

What guy? The guy that creepily followed Erin Andrews got arrested. The guy that hacked Scar Jo got arrested. Nobody got arrested for the fappening. Nobody.

Thanks for the link! I always wondered. It died fast in the media.

Seriously this is like saying "Holocaust deniers...if it's just harmless, crazy, conspiracy nuts making wild claims, why have laws in Germany banning it?"

Maybe because it's so pants-on-head retarded that it's just simply not worth the sheer number of fucking man-hours that would be spent debunking it over and over and over and over again ad-infinitum. So you just ban it and move on with your life.

There's also the little part where it's actually NOT harmless at all, and just like millions of surviving victims of the Nazis don't deserve to hear people 'harmlessly questioning' what all the fuss really was about...a bunch of poor fucking pizza place owners don't need to be called pedophiles and harassed 24hrs a day by an army of no-life idiots on the internet.

I mean the pizzagate shit is so retarded that I truly and honestly though it was all just a joke at first. After wasting my time reading through the 'damning' evidence on Wikileaks, I think the major crime that's been committed here is that 100,000 idiots have been depriving themselves of fresh air and need to go the fuck outside and turn off the computer.

Ive been saying this and getting downvoted like crazy right in this sub. Is there a shift for when reasonable people log in?

I'm guessing it's because it hit /r/all. I'm not a regular poster here and I'm not subscribed, but this post made it far outside of it's normal echo chamber.

No wonder.

That's just what a pedophile rapist murderer would say.

Pretty fucked up thing to accuse me of just because you disagree with me.

If the business owner is going to act like a pedo on social media then he can't be surprised when people call him a pedo.

See for yourself.

I don't see anyone "acting like a pedo" there.

You don't see anything weird there?

What about when he called the baby a hotard?

Jokes about babies being stupid aren't that weird to me.

What about jokes about babies being sluts?

I find the excessive posts with children to be disturbing in the first place, let alone calling babies retarded sluts.

Guessing you don't have any nieces or nephews.

You call your nieces and nephews slutty retards?

No. But if im a flamboyant dude i would think its funny. Im guessing you don't know many from the east coast.

Im from the east coast and we don't tolerate joking about pedophelia around here.

I find the excessive posts with children to be disturbing in the first place

Those posts are hardly excessive. It sounds more like you're the one trying to cope with your pedophilic thoughts and you do that by acting repulsed by any display involving children.

You're much like the gay males that pretend to be straight by shouting homophobic rhetoric during the day, but then can't wait to suck some cock at night.

I don't know many men that post pictures of random kids and then make references to sexual abuse in the comments. Do you?


I watched it from the start as well, and of course it was quieter in the beginning because fewer people had heard of it.

I'm not going to discount the possibility of "false flag" actors trying to spoil whatever you think you've got going-- anything is possible.

But I'm going to throw a guess out there that you are not willing to accept the possibility that there's no false flag and people who actually believe the narrative you've created are doing these things intentionally to support it.

This is true, and people doing those things also makes everyone else look illegitimate. So less and less people can take us seriously.

The people harassing the business owners are harmful, but if there is any truth to any of this isn't their harm in ignoring it? Too many people looking at this with tunnel vision. Not everything is black and white, and not every conspiracy theory is the delusion of some schitzo. The people who make death threats and harass people are accountable for their own actions, just like everyone is accountable for their own actions. It's not reddits (or its admins) place to exercise censorship and tell us what we can and can not discuss.

It literally is their place to decide who is and isn't allowed to use their website, and how.

You can go to voat, or make your own site. You have no right to use Reddit's bullhorn.

Can you suck on my balls for me?

Sad thing is there's some parallels between the US "populous" movement and the U.K. one where they killed a woman because they didn't agree with her politics. Smh. Harmless they say


Great argument.

You wont get a better one, sadly. Bunch of fucking morons.

Nevermind that CNN would run a hit piece on Trump about raping a 13 year old, 40 years ago, just because she said it happened.

I'm pretty sure they started it. Blaring out accusations on the nightly news from baseless claims, subsequently starting civil unrest and riots over what could VERY easily be a flat out lie.

She filed suit. She had two witnesses. He was supposed to appear in court. That's not made up, though his fans who sent her death threats made her drop it eventually.

If you have some evidence of an actual crime, surely you can bring suit, no?

Sure, but the timing of it has undeniable intent, which is at the very least suspicious. If it were 5 or 10 years ago, sure, maybe there would be some legitimacy, but at the very end of the election cycle? Please. Stories can easily be made up, witnesses can commit perjury. I wouldn't put it past an organization to stoop so low, when they've been caught red handed sending provocateurs to Trump rallies.... with the intent of causing violence. This includes, "paying some seriously mentally ill people, to do some really F'd up shit."

I know this sounds like strawman, but in my opinion, it's a circumstantial correlation that can't be dismissed so easily. That a rape allegation is just another play in their little green book.

It was 20 years ago, not 40, but I don't see how that's relevant.

And the story was circulating for months before the big news outlets picked up on it. I have no doubt they started talking about it the week before the election to try and "balance" the Comey letter out, but that doesn't make it fake.

when they've been caught red handed sending provocateurs to Trump rallies

I'll believe that when O'Keefe releases the unedited videos and proves it's not a fraud like every single other video he's released.

I really don't at all see what this has to do with pizzagate, though.

I'll believe that when O'Keefe releases the unedited videos and proves it's not a fraud

Maybe you should produce some evidence, without quoting okeefe's history, as you so often like to leave that sort of correlation out of discussions about democrats and the left, you should leave it out of this one. Produce some evidence the videos are faked. Or that the high ranking people in the democratic committee that lost their positions, aren't real.

I really don't at all see what this has to do with pizzagate, though.

Really? Not at all?

This is the very same group I was talking about. The group that rapes children and sacrifices babies has a playbook to which they discredit political opponents in a systematic fashion.

Maybe they shouldn't fuck children.

Also, they're posting baby photos. That shit is 1000% more toxic than the usual doxxing brigade.

So the mainstream media painting the most recent bus driver who crashed without any conviction is ok? Who is holding them responsible. You are so quick to defend "business owners" but why aren't you coming to defense of someone who is being demonized by mainstream media before he has been convicted? These poor business owners you speak of are victim of what ever free speech anyone else is cable of speaking out loud. If they can't survive it that sucks.... Right? Isn't that the American dream? Free Market?

the most recent bus driver who crashed without any conviction


why aren't you coming to defense of someone who is being demonized by mainstream media before he has been convicted

Because I don't know what you're talking about?

Isn't that the American dream? Free Market?


It was shady and there might have been some merit to it...but every keyboard warrior got out their pitchforks on a hunch and now noone will take it seriously.

I've followed it since before it was called pizzagate, and I'm still open to the idea, but as of yet it hasn't produced a single piece of actual evidence.

Get off your high horse you fucking shill. Everyone knows what the fuck is going on in this thread. What a joke

Yeah, it made it to /r/all so a lot of rational people saw it and felt the need to comment on it.

Would you deny that there is pedophelia problem in the world? There is too many weird coincidences between these people and the stuff they put out there.

I'm certainly not denying that pedophiles exist, but I haven't seen anything that suggests these people are pedophiles.


I know it's hard to imagine, but not everyone that disagrees with you is being paid to do it.

I agree with you on your point that the harassment is a bit harsh and can hurt these businesses that have been implicated has pedo rings. However, specifically targeting the owners of Comet Ping Pong pizza and Beasta Pizza; shouldn't the emails and the pictures on IG as well as the logo that depicts a known child abuse logo be enough to hurt these businesses? These are not random acts of harassment. They are undeniable proof that something "could" be going on. Isn't that enough to hurt the business of Comet Ping Pong and Beasta Pizza?

I guess if people don't actually do some real research into the WL's long list of emails, they would never know that something "could" be going on at these businesses. But yes, the random acts of hate toward these pizza joints should not be tolerable. However, what we do know should be enough to hurt the flow of customers flocking to these pizza places.

the logo that depicts a known child abuse logo

Comet Ping Pong's logo in no way, shape, or form "depicts a known child abuse logo". It has some stars and moons on it, you know, to go along with "comet".

Besta Pizza's logo was a B made of stylized slices of pizza. When anything that's made up of concentric shapes or spirals becomes a "pedophile logo", then you're going to have to start harassing a fucking shitton of businesses.

They are undeniable proof that something "could" be going on.

No, they are not at all undeniable, in fact many people deny them.

I guess if people don't actually do some real research into the WL's long list of emails, they would never know that something "could" be going on at these businesses.

I've looked at every single email deemed to be related to pizzagate on Wikileaks, and in context every single one is completely benign.

Your continued argument here sounds great. You even took excerpts from my post, how cute. (: I can see where you get the whole 'b' in the logo of Besta Pizza, however, with all of the evidence(and yes, it is actually evidence, even if you claim it is false. I can say that the sky is purple and swear that it isn't blue, however the evidence and just common knowledge would prove otherwise) ergo, the FBI coming out with logos that are connected to known pedo rings just HAPPENS to look a lot like Besta Pizza can't possibly be a coincident. Please offer up some other businesses that have a logo that looks almost identical to the pedo logo and I will cease my case. And I would like to think that you looked at every single email, which is good. I can agree that there isn't any golden ticket in the emails, however, there is a lot of incriminating stuff that users of Reddit have found, which come with links and all that good stuff, that show that something "could" be going on.

Lastly, and I should have said this earlier, but with something like this, you have zero control over people's actions. Fact is, there are dumb people in the world. These dumb people will react in harsh ways to something like this and, again, we have no control over them. We can tell them no, but at the end of the day, they will do what they please. We shouldn't be focusing on the jarring actions of others, we should be focused on what matters: A further investigation into these businesses. But you don't really seem interested or are extremely close minded like most people in this world are so I won't waste anymore your time.

Edited: whole bunch of mistakes that I am too lazy or just don't give a f to change. Also using my phone to write this, also yes, if it seems like I am an asshole, it is because I am. I'm just sick an tired of having to open people's minds to the truth in this world. Really takes a toll on ones mental state.

Please offer up some other businesses that have a logo that looks almost identical to the pedo logo and I will cease my case.

I mean, the Besta Pizza logo doesn't even look somewhat close to the "boy lover logo" you're referring to, but go ahead and google "triangle logo" or "pyramid logo" or "triangle spiral logo" and there are hundreds of results that look just as much like the Besta logo as the "boy lover logo" does.

We can tell them no, but at the end of the day, they will do what they please.

If they want to use reddit's megaphone to scream their message, reddit has the right to say no.

A further investigation into these businesses.

There's nothing to investigate. There isn't anything even kind of strange or worthy of investigation. If there were any actual evidence whatsoever of missing or abused children I'd be all for it, but there simply isn't. What you're saying is "well witches would be really bad, so we have to let the hunt continue."

Please forgive me, I only looked one of your examples up, and I almost dropped my phone from uncontrollable laughter. (Not lying, I almost did drop my phone) And I'm not sure if you are actually looking up the boy lover logo, seems like you are cause you actually know the name of it (:, then you can't possible tell me that the Besta Pizza isn't at least 90% identical to the boy love logo. You literally just have to reverse the Besta Pizza logo counter-clockwise and it would be almost identical.(other then the random stuff at the bottom which in my head kind of looks like blood, but what could just be my way of thinking)

Look, you have your beliefs. I have mine. One of us are right, the other is wrong. At the end of the day I have nothing to prove that these pizza joints are in any way connected to a large scale peso ring, but with the things that I have read, the pictures I have seen, something stinks here. At least IMO it smells funny. But you don't smell it, which is fine.

I just don't think that being close minded is a healthy way to live. Especially if your talking about a global pedo ring that involves the lives of innocent children. Just doesn't float on my boat.

Edit: I gotta work on my rebuttals. I think I'm getting the hang of it though. Even if you don't agree with me.

This is a lose-lose situation for both of us. You won't ever change my mind and it seems like I won't even get a dent in yours. Goodnight. (:

Does it surprise you that the journalist from the nyt, emails are on Wikipedia under the stratfor leak


Truth does not fear inquiry.

Truth stands on its own and defends itself from any attempt to disprove it, because it is self-consistent.

No one is afraid of the inquiry, they're afraid of someone with poor reasoning skills being radicalized on reddit to go shoot up a pizza place because of baseless rumors spread here.

baseless rumors

You know nothing. You're a shill so I'll leave now cuz reddit is terrible as a forum.

If you're not a shill, ask me and I'll provide you with some not-so "baseless rumors".

I've been following this since before it even came to reddit, before it was called "pizzagate". Feel free to share whatever you want, but I guarantee I've already seen it.

Edit: The "dump" was a list of links to /pol and this:

check out the website pederasty is the hidden roman empire (it never died) pederasty = facist control. rampant abuse of children (sexually or violently) is necessary for their control. Ending societies problems IS AS SIMPLE as ending faggotry. (learn what a FAGGOT is) If at the end of this data dive you can safely say its a bunch of bullshit and no children are being harmed right now for ritualistic empowerment and their soul siphoning abuse, then let me know so I can stop worrying about it.


PMing you with a dump. Either reaction you choose pleases me. But consume this information and you will alter perceptions.

And violent video games cause gun violence. (they don't).

I see this concern troll is backed by the reddit gold foundation. Tread with caution.

Comet Pizza is free to shed light on their antics and dispel the allegations (which aren't just based on conjecture) once and for all. These's aren't random claims. But no, they go and delete their Instagram album photos instead. SUSPECT.


You did not look at the evidence did you? yeah there is no solid smoking gun of a video of a child being railed by a grown ass man...yet. but when there is a significant trail of suspicious activity involving children and high ranking government officials, the organization in charge of investigating itself, which it has proven to do so well in the past as we all know...its hard not to ask some questions and start putting pressure on the people who have implicated themselves.

but when there is a significant trail of suspicious activity involving children

Except there isn't.

Why would this band be playing music at a family pizza place? And what does it say about the kind of crowd they are attracting?

Its just music, its art, just like Marina Abromovic's spirit cooking "performance art"...its just art, right? They hide their deepest darkest secrets and desires in the art they surround themselves with...its clear as fucking day. Pedophilia is a "sexual preference/orientation" to them and just because the lowly scum masses that they view us as, dissapprove of their tastes and preferences, it isnt going to stop them from getting what they want....that cheese fuckin pizza.

Wake up and question everything.

pizzagate is real

A lot of pizza places are music venues and bars, and serve different clientele at different times of day. I can think of several pizza places with an alternative or psychedelic style that are frequented by families and children despite that.

You know what else ruins lives? Raping and killing innocent kids. This thread is fucking busting with paid shills. This is the conspiracy subreddit, most people believe pizzagate is real. Yet almost every comment is saying it's not and trying to debunk it by saying there is no evidence. There is fucking evidence God dammit. You fucks making 15 bucks an hour to shill are responsible for the murder rape and torture of innocent kids. May you all rot in hell.


You should go back to r/politics and r/HillaryClinton

no u

This sub is manifested autism. Amazing.


Lots of people are here because it was upvoted enough to show up on /r/all.

And there's almost nothing on this subreddit that comes even close to what could be considered "research".

Everything is this sub is researched that's the entire point of this sub. Maybe take a couple hours to read the research instead of offering your 2min opinion.

Lmao you people are straight up nutters. It would be even funnier if it wasn't so scary. You perceive reality through a fucked up distorted lens and are too brainwashed to realize it. Sad!

How much did you get paid to make that comment?

Lmaoooo about tree fiddy

How can we even know what's real anymore? We already know that Reddit admins can put words in people's mouths. So, what's the US government capable of? How can we really be sure that the vitriol being used as an excuse to shut this down is genuine? At the end of the day, continuity of government is the top priority of the powers that be. Such as it is, they'd do anything to prevent this from blowing up. Not only to save their own skin, but to retain the peoples faith in government. For that reason, we can't trust law enforcement to take it from here and get justice. The only way that we can force their hand on this is to bring forward irrefutable evidence of abuse, which, as of now, we do not have. And they know this. Which gives them a motive to shut this down before we do. Bottom line - we have an obligation to sort through this mess until we find absolute resolution, whatever that may mean. We are talking about child abuse, here. We must err on the side of protecting children.

Yeesh, it's almost like being called a racist, homophobe, xenophobic liar. Mmmm, but I guess those accusations won't ruin anyone's life. Right? I just have this feeling you wouldn't defend THOSE particular personal attacks on ANYONE.

If you have a point to make you're still way under the character limit so feel free.

Surely you can see the equivalence I alluded to. You can argue those things aren't the same. You'd be wrong though.

There's plenty of evidence... What the fuck is a pizza-related map? DERP.

Or a picture of guys jizzing snakes on the bodies of children huddled in a corner?

Either you're an idiot burying your head and claiming nothing is happening, or the astroturfing is real.

The problem is it's true - there is a holocaust of your children occurring sponsored by the state.

I'm open to evidence of anything you claim.

But wait, it's state sponsored now? I thought it was a pizza parlor and ping pong hall's doing?

You people are insane.

That shit ruins lives

So does pedophilia

So does murder, but I'm not going to start telling people you're a murderer based on zero evidence just because if you actually are it'd be bad.

There isn't zero evidence outside your bubble.

I've looked at every piece of the alleged evidence and found absolutely nothing of merit.


associations with other people (or 5) who have been convicted of pedophilia is considered by law circumstantial evidence.Especially considering the characteristics of, history of, and modalities of pedophile networks. Enough of it and you have yourself a problem. In this case, there are at least 10 points of data pointing them in the same direction.

But you know, it's very convenient to presuppose innocence or guilt and then cherry pick data to support those preconclusions, as you've done. It's clear you've ignored these connections

I'll bet that I could find someone in your family or group of acquaintances that you've met who has been convicted of a sex crime. That is not evidence that you are a pedophile rapist.

In this case, there are at least 10 points of data pointing them in the same direction.

There really aren't though. There's a list of terminology created by someone on 4chan that attempted to make some emails about food seem nefarious.

Seriously. I was once friends with a weird kid in high school. Not super close, but still friends. Now he's a pedophile. These people would count that as a "link" to me possibly being a pedo as well.

Yeah, because there's no way a piece of art which casually depicts several adults fucking children and babies constitutes a 'smoking gun' or anything.... I mean pfff, seriously?
Such paintings are so common in our society.

There is literally zero evidence that he owns any art from the series on dissociation caused by child sex abuse painted by Kim Noble.

There's an unsubstantiated claim that he owns some of her artwork, and the articles all show pictures from that specific series, but she has a ton of different series, most of which don't depict the child sex abuse she endured.

And beyond that, owning a type of artwork that may contain disturbing material doesn't necessarily mean a single thing about the person who owns it.

It's literally art. Did you watch zootopia and wonder why all the animals aren't talking in real life? Is it a conspiracy? Is the Clinton News Network complicit in covering up a giant talking animal scheme????

Only Wikileaks and the top minds of Reddit are brave enough to dig deeper!!

It's interesting to discuss but rehashing the same shit is not "evidence" so why present it as such?

People are harassing the business owners and their social media followers.

You have proof of this?

A ton of the "evidence" included random follower's Social Media accounts and pics of their kids, and people were literally protesting outside the restaurant, so yeah, I'd consider that proof.

There's pictures of peoples kids all over this site. If it's on the internet it's not PII. People protest all the time. By your logic r/politics is responsible for the riots in Portland after the presidential election. Also I don't know what you mean by random follower's social media accounts.

So yeah you don't have any evidence.

Occult jewish pedo rituals aren't harmless either. We have every right to pursue these satanic scum to the ends of the Earth.

Well when you have some actual evidence of any of that I'm happy to give it a look-see. I've been following pizzagate for as long as it's been a thing and I've yet to see any evidence of anything come from it.

The evidence is there, and it's being systematically supressed. The jews are coming down on this one even harder than 9/11 and the holohoax, so that has to tell you something. After centuries of living on lies and deception, the truth is an existential threat to these people.


Rule 4.

What are you saying? If you honestly believe the normie narrative on 9/11 and the holocaust, why the fuck are you even here?

Because a Jewish person is forcing me to comment at gunpoint, of course.

Not necessarily at gunpoint. But you've clearly been paid. Anyone who disagrees with him is obviously a paid shill. /s


That's a pretty fucked up thing to say just because you disagree with me.

You are attempting to suppress investigation into child abuse because there is a chance that people are being wrongly harassed - that is fucked up.

I haven't suppressed anything, and it's not a "chance", innocent people are literally being harassed.

Innocent kids are being more than harassed, like it or not this isn't going away like so many past revelations of politicians involvement in such cases - the people have had enough.

Innocent kids are being more than harassed

There is literally no evidence of any children being harmed.

Except there's actual evidence of 9/11, and there is no evidence of the claims of the pizzagaters. I've been following it since before it was even "pizzagate", and was just "interesting emails about pizza", there's literally no evidence of anything, just wild accusations based on evidence that requires using a "pedophile code" that was made up by someone on 4chan.

That was just to point out that you are in denial but if you have really been following it closely, that's probably being generous.

Rule 4. You know you can't do that shit.

Because lynch mobs are fucking evil.

I don't think censorship is ok, but I also know how much more of a vicious circle jerk this sub and other communities have become. Combine that with skepticism of literally anything and we have some serious doxxing and Lynch mobs. This shit is shaky at best. Wish people would focus on more viable shit.

Combine that with skepticism of literally anything

The real problem is that people in this community aren't skeptical of everything. They're skeptical of only the things that don't support their already established beliefs.

Skeptical of things that if proven false would support their beliefs. Definitely hear that.

Yeah that's a good way of looking at it I think. If there's even a shred of a possibility that a government official acted in a way to severely harm someone or abuse the system then people pounce on it and go crazy but if there's enormous amounts of documentation that show that the figure is innocent then people are suddenly skeptical.

how much more of a vicious circle jerk this sub and other communities have become

I assure you that it was MUCH worse on reddit before the witchhunting and anti doxxing rules were put in place.

Things were really, really awful. Even though it still looks bad, it's actually much better these days than it used to be.

...and we have some serious doxxing and Lynch mobs.

What is the end-game for any sort of subreddit like this one? It comes down to documentation about people and organizations that incriminates them in some manner (in this subreddit it incriminates them of conspiracy). That's honestly a big problem for a website like Reddit, where the ground rules are set up to protect the privacy of individuals.

the only problem with /r/conspiracy is most of /r/conspiracy.

There you go, source info just posted above.

What is more viable and more important than uncovering a child trafficking business?

Just because it has to do with children that lends more credence to shitty evidence?

The pol armies attempt at bringing back the 'good old days' rolls on. Whassamatter, when have fascist lynch mobs ever hurt anyone?

I don't condone the harassing of real people but I do believe serious investigations need to be done. If you think "handkerchiefs with pizza related maps" are normal to talk about, and $65,000 dollars is a good deal for pizza and hot dogs, you need help.

Just answering your question. No need to attack me too.

I appreciate all your contributions here, but I will never understand the language, the pedofile symbolism, the crazy instyagram feed and all that. If his instagram feed was just a silly pizza guy's feed, why shut it down? WHY WOULD YOU TAPE A LITTLE GIRL TO A TABLE? (New seating) It's not like there's nothing there. There's something. The censorship makes it all worse.

Just listen to yourself...

4chan trolls have hit the jackpot with this subject matter. Keep in mind that that community is undeniably dominated by notorious, well-documented pedophile apologists and child porn enthusiasts and has been for many years. Why the sudden change of heart do you think? (hint: trolling).

This is The scandal that collapses governments, systems of government, banks, and families. It will get no support from the mainstream media or any other institutions. It will become obvious it has to be a grassroots movement once it becomes obvious the current establishment is in lockstep with pedos. . Documentation of the pedo ring dating back to the 70s. 30k index card customer base, with the names of Washinton politicians, found and turned over to the FBI. The FBI "lost" these cards. It's so important to understand pizzagate isn't the start of the pedo ring. Search newspaper archives and post links whenever shills try to make us seem crazy. They are pitting us against the MSM and the "fake news"...So provide them with documentation that has been archived. The Franklin Coverup is another great documented scandal.

I always liked this article on the Franklin coverups:

And the podcast episodes from Last Podcast on the Left: The Satanic Government:

There are three parts to that series. Part 2 and 3 are on this page if you scroll down. Kinda of a Humorous Macabre podcast if anyone hasn't listened to it.

Edit: I believe episode 2 is where shit gets pretty gross if I remember correctly.

Also a documentary on Netflix: Who Took Johnny

You just know that Marcus has been eating this all up (pizzagate).

Oh I guarantee it! Marcus and Henry both are probably knee deep in it. Don't think they'll do an episode anytime soon unless concrete evidence is unearthed.

They briefly spoke about it on Last Stream on the Left. I think it was season 2 ep 1. That was a while ago now.

Ah yeah I saw that, but don't remember that part. I'll have to rewatch it. Thanks!

Oh I guarantee it! Marcus and Henry both are probably knee deep in it. Don't think they'll do an episode anytime soon unless concrete evidence is unearthed.

So there won't be an episode then is what you're saying.

Yeah I mean that's a possibility. It's just that it's not like this hasn't happened before, albeit on a much smaller scale. I like to remain skeptical, so I'm open to the possibility that this is potentially nothing as well.

On the sidelines, if you will.

I think there will be, for sure. I think it would be better for them to wait and see how everything pans out before making it though.

I saw that documentary recently and it is very good and blew my mind at the same time.

Yeah it is a very interesting watch. Blew my mind too!

Commenting to check this later out in my history

Franklin Coversus and Last Podcast on The Left, Who Took Johnny

Better archive it yourself, before it all starts disappearing...

Banned Discovery documentary from 1994 showing a systematic cover up.


Good job taking it entirely out of context though.

Yeah, here's what the meeting was really about:

In the Forest Hills-Tenleytown area, the idea that a restaurant might stay open late, provide entertainment for its customers and--horrors!--even let folks sit outside on a summer's eve is a shocking invasion to some residents. But for once, the District's byzantine form of neighborhood democracy--which heavily favors the tiny group of people who despise any street life, cling to the notion that they live in a suburb, and have nothing better to do than attend ANC meetings--produced a result that reflects the wishes of the great majority who choose to live in the city expressly for the busy street activity Alefantis seeks to foster.

Some idiot fear mongerer was saying the stuff about crimes being committed to scare people into not letting a restaurant stay open late.

ANC meetings

Wait, are we in the universe where Nelson Mandela is still alive? Who's head is on the US dime?

Paul Revere, why?

Now wonder 2016 has been such a crazy news year. I bet you people have never heard of the Bongostang Bears either.

Don't you mean Bernardaby Bears?

C3PO has one silver leg.

Yea don't post this as evidence of anything, you are doing more harm than good. The article has been posted before as "local blah blah say comet pizza is a center for rape and murder". Its about later opening hours and outdoor seating and the dangers that would pose to patrons in a high crime area.


If Chicago is the center it makes more sense thar Obama would order $65k of hotdogs from there

Can you connect the dots for me? How is this related to Comet Pizza, Podesta, or the Clintons?

Nobody is questioning the basic concept that child porn exists.

Please help document high level corruption and abuse at /r/thepedofile

Or people propagating, supporting or aiding pedos should be shot in the streets with their pedo friends!

That's the quick and easy solution.

Fucking crazy. That's how you kill potential innocent people. Everyone deserves a fair trial.

Fuckin eh! This isn't the Philippines, we still have due process.

I'm all about due-process. So as soon as we find the pedo guilty, hang the sick fuck!

They will not get a fair trial. That is the problem. Pedophile crimes have a much lighter minimum sentence than marijuana possession. I have a huge distrust of the legal system due to private prisons and any contracts that are made there. Not condoning killing anyone.

Sources: - from connecticut general assembly.

and we found the lunatic...

We found the guy who sticks up for pedophiles!

How does that make someone crazy? Do you believe pedos should be allowed to love their life?


Stop with the logic bro...

Honestly prison is a much worse fate. Pedos don't do well in prison. Politically affiliated pedos do even worse.

Politically affiliated anyone does much, MUCH better on prison. What fantasy world do you live in?


I am an American and believe in the right to a fair trail!!!!! Which if you do not know, is enshrined in our beautiful constitution.

Go back to shill vill

Do you believe pedos should be allowed to love their life?

First of all: Neither I nor you nor anybody is allowed to decide if someone should be allowed to love their life. That is a seriously sick suggestion from you.

Second: If our goal is really harm reduction we should treat pedophilia as what it is: a psychatric disorder and should give everyone with that disorder all the help necessary to avoid actual sexual abuse of children.

Third: People like /u/WTFppl seem to show no respect for human life - this lack of empthy is far more monstrous than pedophilia without actual sexual abuse. A non-soziopath pedophiliac will still now that his sexual urge is morally wrong while people like /u/WTFppl think that they are morally right.

Or go a step further: Pence as VP means bad news for PP, means bad news for sex ed and will likely result in another surge of teen pregnancies. And yet.. nobody gives a damn. Or take the reaction in /r/The-Donald after Trumps "closet talk". This is a person in power abusing said position to gain sexual favours and people were okay with it....


I would go so far as to say that most mental disorders are culturally defined, and not a global agreement. That is to say, whether it is criminal or psychiatric or both, are, again, culturally defined as right and wrong, mortal or ethical. Here in the States, obviously it is a crime. I do not know the motivations of a pedophile, whether some intent to harm, sexual, gain power, psychosis, or if its a financial motivation or a combination of all of that.

And yet you were downvoted for being reasonable.

Literally people that sexually assault children do not deserve to live.

seem to show no respect for human life

First and foremost: No one has to respect a life that would put others in danger with ecological and social destruction.

Look at biology that humans think they are above. If a biological organism threatens the eco-system or life of another biological organism, that organism has two choices, destroy before being destroyed, or be destroyed. There is no talking it over, there is no making consensus, there is only live or die.

Pedos don't care about the feelings of children they defile. Therefor, pedo lives are forfeit.

First and foremost: No one has to respect a life that would put others in danger with ecological and social destruction.

Given the state of the world, the inequality and the overconsumation of energy we "first world" people have I'm not sure if I wanna follow your logic.

Furthermore no, the basis of western civilisation ist that life has an inherent worth - regardless of who and what you are.

If a biological organism threatens the eco-system or life of another biological organism, that organism has two choices, destroy before being destroyed, or be destroyed. There is no talking it over, there is no making consensus, there is only live or die.

So, no law? no civilisation? The rule of the strong?

Pedos don't care about the feelings of children they defile. Therefor, pedo lives are forfeit.

a) bullshit, b) as a follow up: Your inability to respect the inherent worth of human life makes you just the same scum as a child molester. No, wait a pedo? You didn't act yet upon your desire, did you?

There is nothing that will make the child forget their abuse. The example would serve future child molesters what the outcome of being caught is.

Your inability to respect the inherent worth of human life makes you just the same scum as a child molester. No, wait a pedo?

So you will stay idle when someone comes to molest or kill you? I'm gonna call bullshit on that one!

There is nothing that will make the child forget their abuse.

Actually no,. It is a heavy trauma but the child doesn't have to be defined by the trauma. In reality (as almost all child molestion happens within the family) something else happens: Family tells the child "to let it go", builds up peer pressure to bury the topic and the child has to carry his/hers demons alone.

The example would serve future child molesters what the outcome of being caught is.

see, my goal is prevention and not revenge. You didn't differenciate between pedophilia (the urge) and child molestation (acting upon the urge..). If we can trust the statistics there are a lot of pedophiles which never act upon their urge - those should get every help we can give them ..instead we play a game of human vs. monster while never even realizing the costs of this idiocity.

So you will stay idle when someone comes to molest or kill you? I'm gonna call bullshit on that one!

No, I won't. But I also won't stay idle if someone comes to kill me or anyone else because he deems them unworthy of living.

A friend of mine was repeatedly raped as a child and because the whole topic is "oh such bad for the family" it was sorta hushed up. 20 years later her rapist (her uncle) married and his wife got a child and my friend went out and tried to get the baby away from him. It was to late because this arse frigging raped is own baby.

I dunno what I will do if I ever see this guy - I probably won't be able to do nothing. But this won't help avoid other cases and neither does dehumanizing pedophiles. Instead of hunting for the bigbad pedophiles monsters we should seek to prevent child molestation and we have to start in families.

Absolutely not, but they deserve the right to a fair trial.

Your comment getting downvotes is the perfect example of the alt-right proto-fascists who have invaded this sub, and have no qualms about completely disagreeing with the most basic tenants of our Constitution.

"Hey just got a PM saying you are a pedo. Ill be over in half an hour to shoot you in the street with zero evidence..." /s

I don't understand how more people aren't seeing this. This is the story conspiracy communities have been waiting on for literally decades, this is the one that can bring the entire fucking system down if we get it right. Of course there's going to be ridiculous amounts of pushback, this is the beast killer.

I don't understand how more people aren't seeing this.

For me it's because I'm unable to untangle random crazy talk from potentially useful information.

I likely missed the original posts, but most of what I've seen here seems to be apparently innocuous emails about pizza interpreted somehow as evidence of terrible crimes.

If someone presented a short, clear exposition of just the most convincing parts and none of the hyperbolic parts, I for one would find it much more useful. As it is, I feel completely out of the loop.

Very good link, takes a critical and logical view on things

No it won't

Welcome to a media complicit in the coverup. The people with the tools and connections and experience to investigate this (media) don't want to. The people whose job is to enforce these laws and jail bad people are the ones in on the whole thing.

Or, and I know this sounds crazy, the media already looked into it because there'd be nothing jucier than uncovering a pedo ring with politicans connected to it, and found nothing.

You take the absence of media coverage conveniently as confirmation of your own foregone conclusion. You wouldn't believe any article that states there's nothing to it. You also wouldn't believe it if the FBI came out and say it's all a load of BS. Congratulation, you've successfully immunized yourself from anything that might convince you otherwise.

There's tons of stories we know are true and the media doesn't cover. Like how the media was working and taking shots from the Clinton camp. Oh wait, no wonder they don't want to talk about that. Or how about the Standing Rock protest? Or how about the Wildlife Refuge protest? Or how about huge surveillance bill that passed in UK? Or how about how voting machines are less transparent than Vegas slot machines? Instead they give us videos I already saw on eddit a few days ago and celebrity gossip.

I'm on mobile but I see you got a couple other responses, I'd defer you to them or the voat dedicated to pizzagate

So you are a moron and lazy? Thanks for the headsup.

I know the gravity of this story is huge but it's a bit dramatic to say it has the potential to "bring the entire fucking system down." We all have to put food in our bellies. We're not going to bring down the system that sustains us.

I think by "system" he means the current political structure, which is entirely corrupted from what it used to be. It shouldn't affect us too variably, I'd imagine.

Right, but assuming any of it is true which there's very little reason to believe so, the 'current political structure' you're talking about would bring down a former president who can't run, a losing candidate who can no longer run a viable campaign, and a bunch of political aids who are now toxic. The Clinton name is dying on the vine. All you're doing at that point is pruning.


Then you aren't seeing the bigger picture. There are systems that aren't fascism disguised as democracy.

Really? Show me a single example in human history.

Does it actually affect my point whether or not I can? The fact that the concept is possible means we should strive for it.

I'm being quite the nihilist here, but to my knowledge so such government has actually managed to exist, and I don't think we as a species are currently capable of it. I think it's naive to define a political system as concept on paper rather than reality.

We should all be finding different ways of putting food in our bellies. Forming relationships with local food suppliers. Developing skills required by the human beings around you will ensure that you never go hungry. We don't need these assholes to feed us. We just need to truly take responsibility for ourselves, not this big brother babysitter government creating laws so that everyone is safe and fat.

Sorry, as much as I want to see the government topple, I'm not at all interested in bartering for food or growing my own, I have better things to do than farm.

Your already bartering for food. Time for money and money for food.

It's fine if there is no disruption to the system.

At some point it's going to become a choice between that, or supporting child molesters. This point may be coming soon.

The power structures don't put food in our bellies, they tax the food that the plebs create.

The System has already collapsed, we merely need to walk away.

I agree, but it seems like once the pedos are purged there will be no one left. The pedos have been wildly successful at infiltration of everyone on top.

Weird its almost like people obsessed with asserting dominance over another's life would gravitate towards molesting kids-, i mean being a politician.

This is more what I meant. If we find everyone involved and are left with a shell of our former government, we'll have to start again somehow.

Good. Why do you want to live in a pile of shit and filth and have your children raped and murdered?

..I wasn't defending it

There's zero real evidence, you're simply blinded by how much you want it.

I disagree, have you read any of the related posts?

I've read all of them. The best we can tell is the Clinton's know tons of pedophiles, which is surprisingly common with people in powerful positions and basically always has been. However full blown rings usually attract attention once they get big. Sure, you have dirt on hundreds of pedos, but once one is caught doing something outside the ring (and pedos aren't exactly the best at impulse control...) they'll lean on their powerful friends to make it disappear or use their names as leverage.

The symbols are a great touch but something out of the da vinci code. The real issue is you don't want to be found so you don't make symbols. The priorities for such a thing would be convenience. An hour with most of the people involved costs over tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars. If they're doing something for fun it's not a matter of spotting symbols or recruitment, but just doing it.

Honestly, there's way more evidence of Epstein being a ring leader than anything about the actual pizza place. The dudes are clearly creepy, but I've known super creepy people on instagram who write stupid shit just to fuck with people.

That said, I think it's totally possible Bill fucked on epstein's plane. It's not even the only billionaire's plane he's had sex on in the last 20 years.

Quite the imagination you have. How much experience do you have "bringing the system down?"

What system exactly? The one you actively participate and are part of?

I love these arm chair revolutionaries who think they can upvote change. Look guys im participating!

Especially when the corruption is at the top covering for them...

I've got no business with killing anybody, I just want the truth.

Please help document high level corruption and abuse at /r/thepedofile

I mean shit, The Alefantis or whatever's Instagram "Jimmy_Comet" had so much creepy fucking shit and too many photo captions that were absolutely riveting and yet people are like "Oh instagram? Ha! Real "investigation"! Nothing to see here!" Shit don't you think for a second maybe these people know theyre apart of a ring that has been getting away with its en-devours for so long that they do post subtle shit out in the open because they believe they're untouchable? He's one of the most influential people in DC, and there is such a thing as an untouchable. What excuse is there for the creepy ass shit found on his social accounts then? Because that stuff wasn't "Art" Nor is he an artist.

Agreed. Some people won't be convinced until they get a confession we'll never hear.

People don't see it because there is zero evidence it is happening you fucking dunces. People are writing 'hit-pieces' on you because the fact that this many people have this level of disconnect from reality is a news story in itself


nope, it has already been too long. any firm evidence has long since been cleaned up and the proper people bribed, reassigned, or killed.

That's why we are able to see it today.

we are able to see it because NYPD was privy to a federal investigation of Wiener emails because it tied to a local case for them. Last month their investors threatened to make everything public if the FBI didn't move forward. With how slow as molasses investigations goes, if there is an truth to this conspiracy, it can be cleaned up in a week, two thoroughly. But more than a month without any arrests or witnesses pulled in? It has been mopped up enough for the big players. Clinton losing the presidency was probably the best thing that could help the investigation, since it severely weakens the power base, as her camp is directly linked and while Trump has similar issues, he doesnt seem a part of it.

is there nothing more we can do?

You can convince people to start voting for a start. When nearly half of eligible people wont vote in the presidential election, less than a third in the primary, and roughly a third in the last mid-term, it tells the people in power that the majority of the populace doesnt give a shit what they do. People might not feel like their presidential vote matters but every other vote does, local votes matter the most and local elections are least likely to draw voters.

For example, if you dont like what your local police are doing in Ferguson, Mo, maybe vote for officials that lean towards your view. April 2014 12% turnout (mayor of Ferguson unopposed), August 2014 29%, April 2015 election 15%, April 2016 election 19%, August 2016 26%, November 2014 44%.

12%, If you dont vote in even the small elections only shit is going to filter to the top

There should be a law where candidates have to make realistic campaign promises, otherwise there's no way democracy can work.

Overall i think people/communities should be taught to be more self-sufficient. I live in the UK and i think the US is better for this.

'realistic campaign promises'. Tell me how the hell you expect to draw that line

Yeah that's one of the problems with democracy, You'd end up having to imprison/fine/otherwise prosecute people if their promises don't come true. It's pretty bad either way.

Alot of promises dont come true due to circumstances beyond their control. Prosecution because of that is entirely unfair

Yea that's what i said. Democracy is severely flawed.

candidates have to make realistic campaign promises

like brexit? It is very hard to take any political lessons from the UK as you guys are fucking up just as bad.

Of course you want to make sure you only sing praises for your government, since basically every division of your government can look at your internet history (unless you are an MP)

You misunderstood me

Duck off


lol shut up

Democrats summed up in one sentence


Franklin Coverup should've done just that, but it was ignored. It's fucking disheartening.

So do you think Trump is a pedophile and part of the conspiracy? He's friends with Epstein, has been accused of raping underage girls and has constantly lusted over his own daughter.

That's a lot of SMOKING GUN evidence, right?

You either completely believe this statement or it is the most sarcastic statement made in this thread. Either way it's hilarious.

Amen fuck this hijacked thread

The top comments on this thread upset me. I understand that some people are crazy, and that maybe some of the people accused are innocent.

I understand that PII sharing is wrong, and that "witch hunts" can be very dangerous and life destroying for the hunted.

By to say this is ALL bullshit started by "crazy" people is ridiculous. To say there is no proof is ridiculous.

The proof is there, even if companies are deleting account and trying to hide things, one simply cannot deny that what has been uncovered at least deserves investigating.

And as long as it's public, which it is, the Internet will investigate.

This pedophile thing is not new, it's hundreds of years old. It's undeniable that is has historically been tied to mostly the elite and those in some sort of power. This is a fact. It was part of the societies in those times, and clearly not much has changed but the fact it is not hidden.

I get that giving it the "satanist" label may be in attempt to make it sound more evil than it is.

But this is a fact, rituals did occur, and certain people participated in it. The "High priestess" (forgot her name) has admitted this. It's black magic rituals. This isn't a conspiracy, this is the truth.

I don't say anyone has to believe everything involved in this. But to dismiss the whole thing?

That is also ridiculous.

The NYT ran a hit piece because accusing strangers of pedophile conspiracies is a pretty serious allegation and people are making the allegations without any real evidence. The subreddits were banned because it's against the rules to run smear campaigns on reddit. Lynch mobs are evil, even other evil people want to stop them (except the ones who benefit).

Why do all the posts about Pizzagate have so many comments about how convincing the evidence is? All the alleged "evidence" did was make me squint a bit and wonder why people considered it so convincing. It consists entirely of accusations and circumstance without any of the key pieces for any of it to be considered proof.

Why do all the posts about Pizzagate have so many comments about how convincing the evidence is?

Confirmation bias is a powerful thing. These people already believed the Clinton's ran a pedophile ring, now they're just finding "evidence" to support that belief.

It took me 10 minutes to debunk some "evidence" pizzagaters were spreading around because none of them could be bothered to plug an address into Google.

Ten minutes is actually a long time compared to most of the 'evidence'. I normally find it takes less than two minutes, often about 20 seconds. For most picture a reverse image search is all that's needed.

Out of curiosity whats your thoughts on the Podestas? What do you think about the 'wired' comments in reference to sitting next to children, the constant emails using known child porn codewords, the child artwork, and being friends with 3 proven pedophiles?

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And since you supposedly debunked that particular piece of evidence you now believe none of it to be true?

Or the Korean ladies.

Thing is the burden of evidence is on the accuser

Makes sense. Pedophile scares can only be used to keep the common people in check... Not actually hold any certain person in power accountable.... lol.

Pizzagate aren't literally looking for a green-eared spaghetti monster. But if that's the evidence they have, that's something to look into.

You weeded out the fallacies, good job. That's what crowd sourcing is all about. That's what /r/pizzagate was about.

Unfortunately, from what I saw, there was a mix of morons and serious people. The morons would believe anything and everything, like the pizza place in their town was somehow also connected. It went out of control. Just like how every conspiracy does. But just because one person believes in one related conspiracy (like the different 9/11 conspiracies or JFK) doesn't mean they believe in all of them. It is the same with what you linked.

There is still something to uncover with pizzagate, and to neglect it based on a fallacy already weeded out while there's still a lot to explore ... I think that's a problem.

As a graphic designer, the logo change for Besta Pizza, after Jimmy Comet deactivated his creepy ass facebook account said all I needed to know. Book them. Question them. Justice. Take it as high as it needs to go.

I mean look at how a former mod responded in this thread, they not only feel like they're right but they also feel like they were proven right, it sucks knowing these people are 46% of the country.

Do you believe that there are pedophile rings in our nation?

That wasn't a hit piece. That piece explained nothing. MSM propaganda to deceive you

Edit: Piece tearing NYT article apart

Deceive me how? By convincing me that an obviously politically motivated smear campaign lacks substance?

I already knew that, I could tell from the way the evidence doesn't support the accusations.

And I'm not convinced by reading accounts of how other people were convinced. Argumentum ad populum is a classic propaganda tactic when people are lying to you. The facts just don't support it.

Pedophile rings are everywhere. Across the globe. Especially amongst the elite. Everything points to a world-wide cover up decades, maybe longer. To not see this you really have to have your eyes closed. Have you seen the amount of pedo's in high power positions busted across the globe?

Powerful people who have been GUILTY of pedophilia have been in some of the most powerful positions. CF, Podesta's, and a gaggle of other prominent figures are STILL in contact with, and conduct business with these people. This is not a new subject

Murderers are everywhere but you still need evidence if you want to convince people Barrack Obama ran a man down in his car. For starters, you'd need a victim.

This is a specific accusation about specific people. There has not yet been any evidence that supports the accusations. We're not aware of any children who were abused by the group, or any footage of abuse taken by the group, or anything that generally reveals the existence of that kind of activity.

There is no evidence that a crime was committed at all. If you're not looking to protect or avenge a victim, then it stands to reason you're really out to get the person being accused. I'll believe evidence, even if it supports things I didn't believe before, but I'm not buying into your politically motivated smear campaign.

Fair enough, I'm out at dinner now or else I'd love to provide some more links and context. And you're right, there are no "known" victims at the moment. A lot of this is very weird, and people at these levels are pretty good about covering their tracks.

I'm not sending death threats, or looting businesses. I am simply investigating. And from the history of our government and government's around the world, Something FISHY is definitely going on. It always has been. Look up any cases of large pedo rings and they ALWAYS involve high ranking officials. BTW, why did the journalist who wrote the NY Times article appear in Podesta emails 133 times? There is weird shit going on, it's only a matter of time before it comes to light. CF is corrupt AS FUCK.

You're basically using the same argument that suggests that because god is invisible, he can't be proven not to exist. The burden of proof is on those of you who posit the existence of a worldwide pedophilia conspiracy, and so far you really haven't been able to pony up the goods. Say what you want about how fucked up the world is, I'm sure we all mostly agree. But if you really want people to believe that this shit actually happened, you're gonna need something a little more definitive.

Working on it

That's not how MSM operates though. We live in the News 2.0 era where fact checking and credibility of sources are not a priority. Journalists fight to extort and spin any story they can find on a daily basis. The 24-hour news cycle bred this attitude until it was the only way to stay ahead of the competitor.

You're telling me this same group of journalist has suddenly changed their ways for a little ol' pizza place? Adolph Ochs would be ashamed of what the NYTimes has become.

Fact checking and credibility of sources are not a priority for the "civilian investigators" either.

Quite the opposite, most people invested in this conspiracy want a further investigation by the proper authorities into suspicious information that seems to link important people to a pedophilia ring.

Anyone outright calling for a witch hunt or harassing the accused are part of the problem. To imply that simply conversing and exchanging ideas with others over the internet is dangerous because of the subject matter is silly.

The MSM picks up what is easy to sell, it's easy to sell this hit piece because it's easy to show how nonsensical the evidence is, it's low hanging fruit. Maybe if people had just been investigating then there wouldn't have been a problem, but if you simultaneously investigate and accuse then you're going to have problems since the evidence you have for your accusations is still being assembled. In this day and age calling someone a pedophile is serious, you need serious evidence to make that accusation or it will not be tolerated.


Rule 4.

How many people do you know who have paid $65k for "pizza and hot dogs" from out of state? How many have handkerchiefs with pizza related maps that are so important that if found, someone would call to let you know they found them. Please.

In what way are those things evidence of pedophilia? Reads more to me like evidence of drunk emails, but even if they're speaking in code (which I would believe), it's a pretty huge fucking leap to assume that it's about sex with children. If I wanted to jump to conclusions without evidence, I'd assume it was drug related, on account of high flying washington types and all their fucking cocaine.

Although I would also believe the current accusations if there was a shred of evidence. Right now all the evidence points towards a politically motivated smear campaign.

I mean... everyone made allegations against people that voted for trump, that they were racist, homophobic and mysogynist.

Now look at all the violence against them that is appearing all over the nation. Pizzagate is a scandal that is meant inspire investigation and the amount of damage done by those violent protestors is far worse.

Crazier allegations have been made that Trump was a pedophile but now multiple lawsuits have been taken back.

Read wikileaks, read up about the DNC's corruption and then maybe you will understand.

You even read the podesta emails?

Yeah, and they don't support the allegations. They prove a questionable taste in art, but nothing else.

So ident-kit image matches are not "proof". Are you nuts?

Oh, I get it: you haven't even looked at the evidence and want to poo-poo it because it isn't MSM-fake news. How silly.

So ident-kit image matches are not "proof". Are you nuts?

"We drew a picture of a guy who kind of looks like this other guy" is sure as hell not proof.

I would accept "circumstantial evidence", but circumstantial evidence doesn't support an accusation unless it's supported by the circumstance. Ident-kits aren't evidence unless the suspect was in the area of the crime.

Ident-kit images are from two different accounts of the same person "Police have issued two efits that they believe are descriptions of the same man, who is now being sought as a priority by the British detectives leading the new McCann inquiry."

I dare you to find a SINGLE SOURCE that says otherwise.

The people in the ident-kit images aren't even remotely similar to each other. You've been easily fooled.

How has anyone accepted a sentence from some cops that

"they believe are descriptions of the same man"

as any sort of evidence, at all, that there was, conveniently, only one person involved?

Im not with or against pizza gate. But werent the two identkits for a single person? Not two?

The people in the ident-kit images aren't even remotely similar to each other.

Depends on who you ask. I've seen comments suggest (but not independently verified) that Scotland Yard determined that there is more than one suspect.

I can't see it being anything but at least 2 suspects. Those drawings are world's apart.

They were banned because they wouldn't stop posting people's personal information after being warned on several occassions to stop. They flaunted a site wide rule so they got banned.

And then we found out the admins / ceos were editing the comments of people that offended them or that they didn't like.. hmmmm...

Furthermore, we've 100% confirmed mods were muting and banning users that were posting PII, and admins were going behind them and unmuting/unbanning them.

A post on TD should be considered 100% proof of the opposite of whatever it says.

Actually Spez did admit to changing a bunch of "fuck Spez" comments to names of the_donald mod names.
Now they're accusing him of changing peoples comments to personal information to ban the subreddit though. Which sounds crazy.

Which sounds crazy.

a lot of conspiracy sounds crazy, due to scope of alleged crime or monies involved, then the truth comes out and it is revealed as simple crime or bigger crime.

Well he never should have done it in the first place for exactly that reason, can't believe he didn't see that it could be spun way out of control.

Do you know you're brainwashed or are you actively working against this cause? It's the literal goddamn mod. Thanks for the false attribution fallacy though.


Ah gotcha, your unreliable source fallacy has truly moved me.

The mods of that subreddit had stickied a comic of Michelle Obama with a penis. After seeing that, nothing from that subreddit is worth taking seriously. I take the Donald as seriously as I take circlejerk. Which is not at all.

Ah, so even if the content being posted on the sub was valid you would ignore it? Great stance.

R/circlejerk occasionally posts legit content, and I ignore it.

I'll take your logic and next time the mentally challenged kid declares the house is on fire I know to not even check before writing it off completely with no personal investigation whatsoever.

When that mentally challenged kid talks about the hallucinations, nobody needs to take them seriously. If the house is burning down, we have fire alarms and people who are not mentally challenged to take care of it.

When a community acts like a mentally challenged kid, constantly shitposting and banning people, nobody needs to take them seriously. If something is going wrong, we have adults who are not retarded to take care of it.

Not sure why you're calling T_D a retarded child, but hey, if the shoe fits.

Another fantastic leap of logic, and then you try twist my argument against me? Alright man, you enjoy your "idea" of sensibility.

and we are expected to take seriously a political party that endorses somebody as evil and corrupt and unfit for office (terminally ill) as HRC.

give us a break, you are making my cat puke .

You're comparing a political candidate to a circle jerky online anon community.

Right click, inspect element, change the text on the page to say whatever you want, screencap, post.

You haven't 100% confirmed anything.

Right, certainly nothing to see here.


Right, so he proved he can edit comments without the Reddit site knowing something was edited, but they're unbanning people and letting the moderators see that they're doing it? Seems pretty stupid!

Right, so he proved he can edit comments without the Reddit site knowing

Seems pretty stupid!

Gotcha, nothing to see here. Thanks for enlightening me with your eye opening premise.

Except the argument being made about admins un-banning people is predicated on them having proof in the mod logs. If they can do it without letting the mods see, why wouldn't they do that?

Oh, probably because there isn't some nefarious conspiracy here.

bye bye 'safe harbor' defense.

ask one of your legal grown-ups what that concept is.

Ban user or otherwise remove post

Notice that post, along with others are now visible on a user level

Compare with modlogs.

Not hard to discern, buddy.

Except that's not the claim. The claim is an image of the mod log with timestamps that they claim prove the admins unbanned them.

Ah, right. That's literally all that's to it. I'm sure they are just crazy and fabricating all of this. Thanks for the enlightenment.

apparently muting is undone after a set period.

you can test it by making your own sub and muting a bot or something.

Users are unmuted automatically after 72 hours.

The personal information had been posted since the first week when they were contacted by the admins. It went on for weeks.

Within the first week of moderating the sub, we received 2 warnings from different admins regarding PI on the subreddit. This lead to a post that I made, wherein I made it clear that, for the subreddit to survive, the mods were going to have to work diligently to remove PI of any kind.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


Oh hey, you're baseless and dismissive comment is just in time for the brigade that massively downvotes all our comments into the negatives.

I think you mean, one admin edited his username out of comments that were smearing him as a pedophile, and then admitted to doing it.

If they can do that they can do other nefarious things as well, though, and we'd never know.

But they wouldn't admit to it over something so silly if they were. Just because this is /r/conspiracy doesn't mean literally everything is a conspiracy.

It's rumoured that the doxing was done by the admin's alts in order to ban the subreddit.

Yeah well pizzagate is just rumor too.

It was evidence driven based off the podesta emails from wikileaks, that's like the opposite.

It was invented from whole cloth by a fake news website. Wikileaks, by their own admission does not vet anything they post. No fact checking, no source checking. Straight to the web.

I honestly don't think they have enough evidence myself, regarding pizzagate. As for wikileaks that's true, however it's all been true thus far.

Pollitifact is really not trustworthy, but I'll take your word for it. You can't tell me they don't try at least.

One instance. Show me. I'll wait. They posted the business address, which would be relevant to any investigation. They posted about the people involved. That's critical. What was so wrong?

You are using a privately owned website. They have a rule which says don't dox people. Reddit is not a public forum, it is a private company with no membership fee to use its platform. They make the rules. The rules were broken.

Pizzagate: If it's just harmless, crazy, conspiracy nuts making wild claims

Maybe because it's harmful, dangerous, crazy, conspiracy nuts making wild claims?

don't know myself.



4chan had more nuanced discourse than that sub tbh

There is no excuse for not wanting to educate yourself on the subject before you make a decision. The people who stumbled upon this to begin with weren't looking for it. It wasn't confirmation bias. They were looking through the emails for intent with the illegal server and/or proof of bribery (pay to play). They came across this, did a little digging, and it just keeps getting deeper and deeper. I also doubt you are the only one that feels that way. It doesn't make you right. I'm not trying to insult you in any way but it reminds me of my very religious friends who question things like carbon dating because it goes against their narrative. Pedophiles exist. Human trafficking exists. It's powerful people that run it. Why is that so hard to believe?

DGAF, your faither opinion is irrelevant. go back to your Kerbal/Minecraft.

there is criminal activity going on, the details are being uncovered.

I'm a Bernie supporter. Check out I think this will help you.

I'm convinced that the core pizzagate content creators are just trolls.

The people don't need credibility. It's all right there for YOU to read, and then form an opinion. I won't lie, I feel like I'm on an episode of twilight zone.


Sending death threats to workers in a pizza parlor, doxxing anyone you can

Just purely out of curiosity, do you have any sources on that?

they don't, its pure MSM bullshite.

Rule 6. Removed.

Rule 6. Removed.

people shouldn't react this way, but just b/c they are doesn't mean we should stop looking into this

It's everywhere because there are LEGITIMATE proof to these claims. There are some very serious smoking guns, like the Handkerchief with map to pizza related email and the hidden protected part of comet pizza place with hidden downloadable content.

In what way do you think that information supports the accusations?

Bullshit, it's everywhere because people are morons.


Your right, the sentence is gibberish. That is why some people think that it is code for saying that there is a handkerchief with evidence like semen (map) related to pedo stuff (pizza). He's referring to this email:

Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it. Susaner

If I say that "the sentence is gibberish" means "I fuck pigeons", now I have proof you're an admitted pigeon fucker.


I was simply explaing to the person above me why /u/devast8ndiscodave was talking about hakercheifs pizza and maps because [deleted] was accusing him of talking gibberish. I understand that this weird email doesn't prove Podesta is raping children, but it is definitely a weird email. What do you think he was talking about?

I have no idea. I could speculate that the handkerchief has a map of Italy on it, or was left in the field house during a pizza party, or an inside joke, or something else. The lady's spelling/grammar is shit in the rest of the email so I can't really say.

I'm sure if I look through your email of if you look through mine, we could both find something that seems odd out of context.

Read the emails. This is what they are saying to each other.


Comet Ping Pong offers Groupons on occasion. I can't understand how they could be involved in the underground pedophilia ring and need the business enough to offer half price food. Why would you draw attention to the place? They were featured on Diners, Drive ins and Dives also. Seems strange that it is such in the spotlight but full of criminals.

The owner is a nice guy, and runs 2 other restaurants in addition to the pizza place, like he has time to do anything illegal outside running 3 restaurants. That shit is more than a full time job for just one.

I believe the email said "pizza related map". you think maybe they just miss typed and meant to say "pizza related stain"? seems like a stretch, but iirc that same kind of mix up happened in the email chain.

edit* forgot to spellcheck

You're all definitely onto something but, I still stand by my theory that TPTB are dumping their current puppet set. They wouldn't mention it in the media at all if they we're truly against the exposure, It's a form of reverse psychology ''Hey! Don't look into that because it's bad!''

The ultimate form of control in this country is their control over how we think, Holding that power they can predict our reaction to what they present us and plan accordingly.

While we're exposing these individuals we should think ''Who benefits from the exposure of these individuals? Who happened to slip under the rug?'' and etc.

That is exactly the form of control that the world powers have been kicking into high gear lately. They want to control what you see and hear, and control what you write and say.


Well it's been a pretty nice obfuscation of the single most solid piece of evidence linking these politicians to pedos, the Epstein plane. Pizzagate went so off the deep end, it only serves to delegitimize any of the real evidence that should be addressed.

It's a smart tactic. Crank up the noise and the signal gets lost.

That's what I've been thinking. Focus on Epstein, the Podestas' and Clintons' pedo friends, the strange Clinton-related activity in Haiti, and maybe not so much on some guy who owns a popular DC pizza shop. The Comet stuff has been some of the weakest evidence to come out of this, and yet it'll be forever known as #pizzagate. It really does feel like controlled opposition sabotage to me

pizzagate is the weakest link, its the little brick at the bottom of the dam that can be removed to start a general collapse.

they have several choices, sacrifice the pizza perps and hope that sates the public lust for blood.

or deny and deny and risk the collapse of all. (one will talk because they are not the cleverest.)

or pay for them to flee to Israel or south America. (looks bad)

or kill them all off by the usual Clinton methods. (looks bad)

expect results and action.

Crank up the noise and the signal gets lost.

I hope everyone here is aware of the role places like r/conspiracy play in that tactic.

Since the beginning, I have been entertaining the thought that this too is just more misdirection to incite violence and riots among the people. But why would they use a conspiracy story that unites all of us on an issue instead of keeping us separate and squabbling over petty differences?

If this is all true as I believe it to be, then distraction or not these people need to be prosecuted and the pedophile rings dismantled regardless. If the cost is a Rothschild in the President's cabinet, then I guess that's the price we pay to save millions of children. The Federal banks are another fight all together.

So they can keep you moving in a group like a herd of sheep, coopt the movement and then feed it disinfo so that it becomes bullshit.

Pizzagate is not a movement, it's an investigation. There are no leaders, belief systems, or public gatherings. We're just like-minded people looking into a conspiracy theory for answers. There's nothing to co-opt here, nowhere to send undercover police to incite violence, nothing to oppress but an idea. What are they going to do? Co-opt Reddit? It has already begun, yet here we are still talking about it openly. Soon, this may no longer be a platform for this discussion and the people just move to other places. This is just business as usual. FBI takes over another site? Mass exodus ensues and the ideas follow.

Disinfo is fed into the MSM and social media on a daily basis, that's exactly what is garnering Pizzagate more attention in the first place. The blatant and comical use of disinfo to suppress Pizzagate is exactly why OP thinks this entire conspiracy theory is a distraction from something more sinister.

Absolutely, we have to remember the level of incompetence that these people possess. I view the whole thing as a scripted reality TV show, but this whole PizzaGate thing I believe to be something true and horrifying that the unification of dedicate truthseekers just happened to find and unravel and now the Elite are shitting their knickers trying to do damage control. It can't and won't be stopped, because it is pure and primitive.

they either face the music, or flee, or Clintoned.

three options that provide entertainment for the public.

and maybe some justice for the children and the families of the missing childrens.

Nah, the sheep are all the ones who believe it to be "fake news," without even knowing what it is or looking at all of the disgusting things these people are in to, just because the media told them so. On the surface, if nothing else, these people are despicable to expose children to such adult humors and should be investigated and arrested for corruption of minors at the very least. However, I believe it to be obvious from their own communications that there are far more nefarious things going on.

the sheep are all the ones who believe it to be "fake news,"

ignorance that people believe is moral and just, people are proud to be ignorant.

funny thing is that people I know who used to say CT and stare, now all talk about HRC and the various other things,

for example 9/11 is now on the table, past ignorant/quiet people are starting to open up and openly talk about this.

one interesting quote is "9/11 bullshit" which could be construed as don't talk about it, but seems to be a hover over the line into seeing oddities from that day. anybody who does causal research into 9/11 beyond the MSM BS is going to see the fcukery of the official story.

people are starting to see behind the curtain. the great recession of 2009 helped too.

The sad thing is if they can cover this up and get away with it by keeping any and all coverage out of the media aside from labelling it a conspiracy theory, what will they be able to get away with in the future? This almost feels like a media coverup "fire alarm" for something big coming up.

Who does benefit from it?

Not saying you're wrong btw, essentially you're describing the run up to a Cultural Revolution.


The mods were banning/muting the doxxers.

The admins were unbanning/unmuting them.

proof? modlogs?

Lol sure. The admins are stupid enough to make it that obvious

Didn't you watch the shit that happened in r/The_Donald the admins are retarded if that wasn't intentional.

Well, Spezgate is one admin.

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Calling bullshit

But why in the f... would you ban the whole sub instead of picking the bad apples of the tree ?

Because even though the mods tell people not to do it and actively discourage it, the existence of the sub leads to real life harassment, and you know from past experience that shutting down the sub tends to slow or stop the real life harassment.

Watch Conspiracy of Silence on youtube.

Reddit operates in a way diametrically opposed to police. One bad apple, and EVERYONE GETS FIRED.

I find it hard to believe there are secret messages in pixar movies.

I mean, there are. They're called Easter eggs. And they're in reference to other Pixar movies. Definitely not child rape tho.

nope porn eastereggs are a Disney thing ;)

Disney as a whole is rather suspect, along with most of the other Hollyweird companies, they managed to bury and hide most of their early racist work.

/u/agentf90 should see this, too. Porn in Disney? INCONCEIVABLE!!!

Maybe because it's not true and the "investigation" is focused primarily on bullying and harassing the employees of a random pizza shop?

Fuck your logic bro...

What are you referring to? I'm not exactly seeing logic in their post.


Random? Clearly you're not paying attention. Or CTR.

Nah I spent a good hour or two on your subreddit before it got canned for doxxing. There is a lot of stretches of logic in there that would get you laughed out of any real investigative team. I made another comment highlighting my favorites you can look for it if you're curious

Hillary Clinton had a fundraiser at this random pizzeria lol.

After reviewing the evidence, do you really think it's not true?

When the evidence is "I think this guy's instagram photos are creepy", "I think this other guy's taste in art is creepy", "this cheesy performance artist I don't understand sounds like a cannibal out of context" and "if you replace the word pizza with child prostitutes in this guy's emails it sounds like he's talking about diddling kids", and the rest is a game of 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon trying to connect a random D.C. pizza joint to George Soros and his pals?

Yeah I don't believe it.

Because vigilantes are threatening death to a pizza shop owner and his employees and family based upon no-evidence at all.

Yeah, it's normal to tape kids to tables and talk about new seating, put prices on babies, talk about pizza related maps on handkerchiefs, and pay $65k for pizza and hot dogs from out of state. Every pizza shop does this.

And there is evidence of this?

They have a search.

Because so many people are treating as if it was a fact rather than a piece of fiction, once something like that gets into the public consciousness it becomes perceived as real even if it is a fabrication.

As an example, there is also a story circulating that black Friday started because slaves were sold off on that day, if this is circulated enough there will be a large slice of the American population that will believe it.

Watch Conspiracy of Silence on youtube.

Yes we know pedophilia exists even among those at the highest level of governments around the world...there's been proof of it in the past and no one is denying that. We're just saying there's no proof of THESE people being pedophiles. I don't think people grasp how serious the accusations are and the possible ramifications of an innocent person being accused of pedophilia or protecting pedophiles. Serious accusations like that require SERIOUS evidence to back them up...but we don't have serious evidence, we have memes.

That's not true. Look at Hillary's connection with Laura Silsby. I can't speak for the whole spirit cooking deal, but comet ping pong has had some really, really weird inappropriate shit posted on their instagram especially for a family restaurant. Have you even seen that shit for yourself? Like the giant dungeon like room where jimmycomet says #murder? Or the bathroom wall that says "shut up and fuck"? How appropriate is any of that?

That and the fact Alefantis is the ex of David Brock who runs media matters and correct the record (which the wapo did NOT mention how connected he is to a major media power player) means that whatever they and cnn and other mainstream outlets are reporting on is instantly suspect now. Just check out their Dakota Access Pipeline coverage. It's a huge deal, no msm sources are covering it despite the fact that there's plenty of video evidence of the police massively overstepping their boundaries.

Stop believing MSM and research your own theories.

Stop believing MSM and research your own theories.

I've been following this from the very beginning and I DO research my own theories. I formed my opinion on PizzaGate long before MSM even touched the subject, and I did so through my own personal analysis of the "evidence" rather than allowing the popular opinion of this community to influence my opinion on the matter. I love how anytime someone disagrees with you people they must automatically be part of the "brainwashed masses" and unable to think for themselves.

I have also followed Pizzagate from the beginning, although I've been quite quiet around it until recently. I think it's bullshit, and there isn't nearly enough to make a serious accusation on anyone.

I will admit some of the things found made me very uneasy, and honestly, terrified.


Rule 6. Removed.

Yes, I agree. It is unfair for innocent people to be accused.

One huge problem, though, is that law enforcement and the judicial system both have gone out of their way to protect these people. So, now we are left with ordinary citizens asking questions and digging up information. It would be best to leave it to the professionals, but if the professionals are compromised, then others need to step up.

It is unfair for innocent people to be accused.

thats never stopped 'govt' from jailing and executing them.

How do you know this isn't fact. If you dig into it and spend some hours on it, it becomes pretty clear it is real.

Oh, another silly coincidence theorist. Sigh.

So tell me, you really think each of:

  • the suspect identi-kit images do not look exactly like the Podestas?

  • the Podesta emails don't start from the day after Madeline McCann was taken?

  • the Podesta brothers were not staying 3 miles from Madeline McCann on the night she was kidnapped?

  • the Podesta brothers were not staying 3 miles from Madeline McCann on the night she was kidnapped at the home of someone who has since been convicted of pedophilia?

  • Tony Podesta does not associate with convicted pedophiles?

Maybe the Podesta-McCann theory should be split off from pizzagate as it has nothing to do with a made-up pizza code.

Yes, this. I agree, right on.

do you have proof for this?

Proof? lol

He's seen some sketchy screenshots of tenuous circumstantial shit put together into a messy collage with lines and links drawn on between them. WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED?


A: You only need the Fake News MSM to tell you what to think.

Oh, and a desire to cover-up the rape of little children, the true sign of a real piece of shit.

Fuck off nutjob.

Well, that's a powerful retort. You have convinced me.

Who's trying to convince you? You can waste your time with whatever you want, it has no effect on me. Your life to waste.

the reality check is that both Podesta brothers were a little bit too old to be personally kidnapping children from holiday villas, they were in their mid 60s back then.

one of the theories is that Madeline is buried under a new concrete driveway next door to where she vanished from. ie the neighbor did it.

If you are a human:

  • the suspect identi-kit images do not look exactly like the Podestas?

You can - could - just look at them yourself. Even the mole above the left eye matches.

  • the Podesta emails don't start from the day after Madeline McCann was taken?

You never even considered looking! Ha, stick with the fake news MSM for your bedtime stories

  • the Podesta brothers were not staying 3 miles from Madeline McCann on the night she was kidnapped?

  • the Podesta brothers were not staying 3 miles from Madeline McCann on the night she was kidnapped at the home of someone who has since been convicted of pedophilia?



Clement Freud, who died in 2007 and was a known pedophile, was accused by at least three separate girls of molesting them while they were underage. There is a photo that has emerged that many have speculated could be Madeleine McCann playing cards next to what is clearly John Podesta, a few years after she had been kidnapped. Progressive police sketches of what Madeleine might look like at that age are unsettlingly similar. There is also a Fox news clip where they say they know who kidnapped her, but cannot prosecute them due to complications in International law, which is quite odd considering the magnitude of the case.

  • Tony Podesta does not associate with convicted pedophiles?

Tony Podesta is also friends with convicted pedophile and former House Speaker, Dennis Hastert. Podesta and Hastert did a 3-4 month trip to Japan for the People to People Student Ambassador Program and, according to leaked WikiLeaks emails, they still keep in contact despite Hastert’s heinous convictions. Tony is also rumored to hold his birthday party at Comet Ping Pong of all places.

Really, if you had the slightest curiosity all of this would have been obvious. But no, the love of MSM Fake News is the opposite of curiosity.

she was kidnapped at the home of someone who has since been convicted of pedophilia

who what? assuming they were in some kind of rented holiday villa? the owner of that has been convicted of what?

i thought you were say the mcanns eere staying at a pedos villa

Ok, no, I wrote that the Podesta's were "staying 3 miles from Madeline McCann on the night she was kidnapped at the home of someone who has since been convicted of pedophilia"

How can you be so stupid?

you are presented with facts, facts not parroted by the Fake News MSM, and your response is...

How can you be so stupid?

Q: Which of the questions I asked can you answer?

A: None, 0, zip, nada.

So, that's why I am "so stupid"? Gotcha, right.

Because you're calling individual people pedophiles, and that's fucking slander. If you think other people are pedophiles, try to get the police involved. Don't just spout out imaginative stories and expect a sympathetic ear.

their own emails and twitter and instagram stuff calls them out as pedos.

With all that alleged evidence, energy would be better spent trying to get some child abusers in prison, rather than just using it as simply another talking point against the other party.

Not really Lol...weird pictures don't equal pedophile

Her name is Laura Silsby-Gayler. She trafficked little girls and was caught. She now works for AmberAlert of the NCMEC. Why is that not suspect?

I'm not a judge. All I have access to is your little narrative that you lot have painted.

If you've got evidence of a crime, give it to a prosecutor.

It's not little. The judges who can do anything are in on it. Arun Rao, DoJ.

Pretty remarkable how positions of power attract pedophiles exclusively.

I used to think about that. At first, I thought it might be a trait of those who 'conquer,' kings, warlords, soldiers... Then someone said I shouldn't think of it like 'those who are in power are pedos.' Instead, 'those who are pedos are in power.'

But the police are in on it! Don't you see the writing on the wall?! Many stations have ping pong tables in their break rooms and order out for pizza! /s

the police aren't going to do shit.

We're saying it's really weird what's happening and if the people who head up DOJ are involved, then this thing is potentially huge.


Yup it's pretty pathetic. They are doing everything in their power to convince the public this isn't real. I hope this blows up and people start getting arrested and the fools can come back and look at this Bullshit shill thread.

Yo it really is noticeable too. I've never seen so many people trying to debunk a "conspiracy" in /r/conspiracy.

People love this shit until it involves someone associated with CTR.


Hope? No. We know that is happening. I hope the powers that be...NYPD...FBI...pull the trigger on what they have. Pedo rings are being busted every other month world really think the U.S. is immune?

"We know"?

You can go fuck yourself with that comment you asshole. No I actually care about these kids and it keeps me up at night. I'm actually trying to do something about it you stupid fuck.


You are the one with the pussy name not me.

recommend you peruse Jill Greenberg's 'art'

Shills are going really hard against pizzagate. And all that "fake news" shit is insane too.

If you start getting flak that means you are over the target.

Hilarious...a bunch of people suddenly start swarming a conspiracy subreddit with "CONSPIRACIES ARENT REAL!!!" ...really? Where the fuck do you think you're at?

If your criteria for thinking you're right is that people start telling you that you're wrong then you are an idiot.

Well the retards are welcome to post more ridiculous assertations, but it seems the short bus left a few of them home today. Why aren't the comments flooded with brilliant responses from the conspiracy folks? I guess you guys are falling short. You could always just call someone a shill and continue combing through emails.

(What I mean is that a lot of you are really, really fucking stupid.)

I find the comments in support of pizzagate to be the most convincing. The rest are just comments calling people idiots and conspiracy theorists, kind of like yours.

It doesn't matter at all, you don't dox people and call them pedophiles with this kind of evidence. Do you seriously believe you could present this evidence in a courtroom? Fuck no, but you have no problem trying to ruin people's lives over something that you have, at best, circumstantial evidence for.

I'm not advocating doxxing of anything like that.

But I do think there's something weird going on that deserves to be looked into.

Okay then we don't really disagree, although I'm too skeptical to start investigating on my own I would support anyone who wanted to go do their own research.
This is such a classic problem though, you have a group of people doing something and some segment of that group starts behaving badly and it negatively impacts others. People are reacting negatively to this whole thing precisely because people were doxxing, it wasn't you but it DID happen, it's an easy way to get your subreddit shut down.

Hold the fuck up, was his instagram private or was it not? You have claimed elsewhere you went in and looked at it while it was still up. Do you not know what doxxing is?

It was public and then he changed it to private.


Oh you're linking my username to other accounts. I think that would be considered doxxing.

My question had to do with public information, like the address of a business.

Are you trying to fight doxxing with doxxing. You appear angry and are going through a lot of trouble to prove a vague point. Why are you so emotionally invested?


haha look at yourself. look how angry you get when you're wrong. >Now look motherfucker lol whats the matter with you? stop acting like a child.

I just want to get this straight, because this seems like a strange concept: you're so passionately against doxxing that you want to show it by attempting to dox someone? get a life girl.

For one thing, the accounts you listed don't show a fascination with children and sexually explicit material, do they? And i certainly didn't list any individual's social media in a threatening way. Do you not see the difference?


That dude is a business owner. And his personal account which was set to public was closely associated to his "family business." On that account were countless pictures of children amidst sexually explicit and violent material. Furthermore, the individual in question is very much in the public eye considering his close ties and many fundraisers for the Clinton campaign.

Do you honestly not see the difference? What's the point you're trying to make? That doxxing is ok only when it doesn't have to do with apparent pedophiles?


lol fucking do it kid


Got me. What's your point? I thought you were against doxxing?

I'm just saying, it'd be awful if Ben was linked to pizzagate. Don't you think witch hunts are terrible? I do. By the way, you still haven't provided evidence that you're not a pedophile.

Eh I don't know, if someone acts like a pedophile on a public social media account and is the owner of a "family business" then I think it leaves that business open to criticism. You don't?

Your definition of "acts like a pedophile" is patently absurd. A guy says "hotard", posts a pizza dick picture, some guy with fake blood, and his family's kids, all on a personal account -- this to you is "acting like a pedophile". You are causing chaos in real people's lives with this conspiracy nonsense, without any reasonable evidence, based purely on wild speculation. It's terrifying how this vigilante mob judges others behind a veil of morality. And yet in the face of others calling out your intellectual disregard, you ask them why they're responding emotionally to you? Because you and the perpetrators of this conspiracy theory are reprehensible.

Um, yes, calling a baby a slutty retard certainly fits the definition of "acting like a pedo" in my view. Joking about sexual abuse with kids is not OK.

If you post creepy shit on your social media then you leave yourself and your business open to criticism. It's pretty simple.


You're boring me ma'am

You're stupid.

Absolutely brilliant response.

Hey thanks, man. Appreciate that.

Edit: weren't being sarcastic were you?

Seriously, this sub is called "conspiracy". Full force today.

Did it ever occur to you that there's a large population that approaches information as any reasonable person would? Like, perhaps, with skepticism and discretion? And that maybe those are not mutually exclusive with a political ideology or fan club membership?

somebody activated 'waxball' and the /r/topmindsofreddit tards

My point exactly.

Pizzagate is shaping up to be another 'Satanic panic.' All of this stuff has come out before, again and again. It's just too ridiculous to believe in satanic cults running child sex trafficking rings for political control, even though there is plenty of evidence that this is a global phenomenon that's existed for quite some time.

They are Luciferian, not Satanic. They worship Lucifer not Satan.

Provide some evidence for this claim (that isn't your understanding of the world with no outside evidence)

That is fair, and I am glad you asked.

One of the rules of Satanism is "Do not hurt little children." You can easily look that up. It is interesting that there is not anything similar in the ten commandments.

Luciferianism is discussed here:

The General Beliefs heading is insightful.

I am currently reading Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World

It is available as a free pdf.

It discusses Luciferianism, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati. This is what you want to understand to understand what is going on in the world.

See, I don't feel that any of that is necessary to "understand what is going on in the world." The world as we know it right now looks exactly how I would imagine any planet in an indifferent universe with no higher powers. Everyone is out for themselves, there is no karma or fairness or light or darkness. I don't need to read about gods that have never existed, religion is literally a mental illness.

The world appears that way to you and me because we are the governed; we are like cows to be milked (taxed), herded, and sometimes slaughtered. What we see and experience is a facade, an illusion of reality.

Did you watch Eyes Wide Shut?

You asked for references and I gave them to you. At least have the decency to look at them. It will open your eyes.

The conflict is not white vs. black, Jew vs. Muslim, Protestant vs. Catholic. These are just distractions to keep us from fighting the real enemy.

The fight is the super rich vs. everyone else. When I say super rich, I am not talking about billionaires. I am talking about the trillionaires that print the currency.

I am an Atheist, so I understand your point.

However, if you read about Lucifer, you will see that he wants to be a God. That is why these people worship him. They also want to be gods; gods of this material world. Understanding what THEY believe will give you insight into how they behave.

You do realize that Eyes Wide Shut was a movie..

Of course... And?

I don't know how to tell you this, but movies aren't real.

Shut it!! LOL.

But movies are often based on real events... The question is "Did Stanley Kubrick intend for Eyes Wide Shut to mirror real events?". There are a ton of discussions about this... I can guess what your position is, but mine is different based on what other information I have.

Have you watched Conspiracy of Silence on Youtube?;t=1s

Paul Bonacci Interview:

Considering the movie was based on a short novel published in 1926, I really doubt... you know what? Forget it.

Right, but the movie is very different from the novel. Very different... The question is, why?

We can forget it, if you like. I do not want to waste your time. But, if you have something interesting to say, I would love to hear it. I am not afraid of being wrong about anything. I hate to think that you have learned nothing from the information I have given you.

Did you watch the Paul Bonacci interview? You did not comment about it, so I assume you did not...

Starting at 8:59-

PAUL BONACCI: "And, uh, I seen, at the time, Vice President Bush going in and, all he did was, the kid performed oral sex on him and that was it."

INTERVIEWER: "The kids what?"

PAUL BONACCI: "Performed oral sex on him and..."

INTERVIEWER: "The kid performed oral sex on him? Which kid? The white kid or the black kid?"

PAUL BONACCI: "Both of them. Well, first, I seen him at two different times..."

Eyes Wide Shut seems tame in comparison. At least it was about adults...

Don't you think that maybe the "reality" we are presented with is much different from the true reality?

In Eyes Wide Shut, Kubrick uses the colors of the rainbow in certain scenes to represent the world that we, the governed see. The scenes that involve the secret cult are less colorful because it represents reality.

Don't you want to go where the rainbow ends?

The movie was different from what Cubric wanted t be and died oddly before it was finished.

...a documentary filmed in real time. ATHF.

Doesn't invalidate his point one bit.

Provide some evidence for this claim (that isn't your understanding of the world with no outside evidence)

Smart ass! LOL.

Better than being a dumb ass.

LOL. Agreed.

Oh you're right hang on, I forgot to link my token wiki page as proof!!!!

Karma isn't necessarily anything more than when you spray pesticides, it goes downwind and gets your neighbour sick with cancer. Then you either decide to stop, or keep it up cause it's cheap, etc. Then when you need to keep costs down, and develop a safer thing, etc.

It's effect spreading and rippling and coming back through sociological changes, at least on one level. Kamma and vipaka. Some groups need it to be religious and magical, but the evidence isn't strong enough for me. But I find a secular notion of karma useful to think about.

I find your first two links entirely useless (sorry) and your third talking about "secular karma" seems like someone got way too high and tried explaining cause and effect without using those specific words. I'm not sure how the concept of karma can be made secular without losing all meaning. The idea of karma outside a religious setting is just what happens after you perform an action (i.e. already named causality).

Okay. On the attack of the 10 Commandments. The Bible describes a God who didn't need to address that in the 10 Commandments because it was already addressed in the non-sacrifice of Isaac. In a culture where child sacrifice was prevalent, the story of Abraham and Isaac shows that the Jewish God did not desire child sacrifice. That was established way back at the beginning of the Jewish faith.

LOL. Fair enough. It still seems strange, though. The first four commandments are about God...

Well, the Jewish faith was combating polytheism at the time.

Yes. Good point. It sounds like you have done your homework, and you are very knowledgeable about these issues.

What do you know about the Illuminati and Luciferianism?

Absolutely nothing on them.

"Do not hurt children" is from atheist LaVayan Satanism.

Yes. You are right. Thank you.

I am not aware of such a rule in Christianity, Islam, or Luciferianism.


"They support the protection of the natural world. Both the arts and sciences are crucial to human development, and thus both are cherished. Luciferians think that humans should be focused on this life and how to make the most of it every single day. The ability to recognize both good and evil, to accept that all actions have consequences, both positive and negative, and to actively influence one's environment, is a key factor.

For Luciferians, enlightenment is the ultimate goal. The basic Luciferian principles highlight truth and freedom of will, worshipping the inner self and one's ultimate potential. Traditional dogma is shunned as a basis for morality on the grounds that humans should not need deities or fear of eternal punishment to distinguish right from wrong and to do good. All ideas should be tested before being accepted, and even then one should remain skeptical because knowledge and understanding are fluid. Regardless of whether Lucifer is conceived of as a deity or as a mere archetype, he is a representation of ultimate knowledge and exploration: humanity's savior and a champion for continuing personal growth."

Other than that last kooky bit about Lucifer, these people sound smart.

Well, if they did away with the abuse of children and people, the greed and warfare, etc., then they would be onto something.

One does not need to worship any diety to promote self improvement. The human brain can be very strange.

lol yes I believe you have one for their suggestion box.

You know that paragraph is full of evil things sugar coated to death. If you know why they are supposedly for environmentalism or what "enlightenment" means to them or what "traditional dogma" is code for, no one would support their crap, Ever. But folks need to ask themselves how many progressive agendas are sugary versions of something darker than the sweet words on the surface.

Sure. Scientology invites you to improve yourself and save the world.

In the big picture, i wouldn't say there's a huge difference between Luciferianism, Scientology and many other occult centered ideologies.

Lucifer and Satan are one in the same.

I understand what you are saying, but these people treat them as being different.

One rule of Satanism is Do not Hurt the Little Children.

So some jackass gets to redefine what Satan and luckier is because they are fucking retarded?

Well, if you want to understand what they believe, then it is important to understand how the define such things, right? It is what they believe, whether we like it or not.

It does not mean they are not fucking morons.

Oh, I agree. One can accomplish quite a bit without believing in any supernatural being. I am an Atheist, so I understand your point.

For some reason, some people need to give credit to a non-existent being for their accomplishments.

So some jackass gets to redefine what Satan and luckier is because they are fucking retarded?

Do you have evidence that the entity espousing those beliefs is, indeed, a donkey?

Cite that pls because that's not how it works Edit: saw your wiki citation. I'm afraid you've got it backwards tho

Please explain how it is backwards. They are Freemasons, and the Illuminati is a sub-group of Freemasonry. The symbolism they use indicates the worship of Lucifer. They want to be gods in this material world. If you control the printing of money, then you are essentially a god because you can create money out of nothing.

I am currently reading Illuminati: The Cult that Hijacked the World. It is available as a free pdf.

Just that Satan & Lucifer would be two different aspects of the same being. Lucifer, an illumination God like Columbia (Statue of Liberty, Space Shuttle, Columbia Pictures...) while Satan is the beastal aspect below Man. We are the connection between the two. The psychos you're talking about may have knowledge of both but choose the latter. Prolly similar to Christians who kill or justify murder. They've missed the point of their own belief systems

Do you have references for what you state? I am in the process of reading up on all of this.

My understanding is that Lucifer wants to be a god, just like these people do. They print the money and can make money from nothing, just like a god. The people worship this material world, and reject the spiritual world and eternal life.

There is also this:

Moreso they put the word GOD on the money as a magic trick and people fall right in line. Money is GOD anymore. As far as the Lucifer stuff there are many many books on spirituality that you can read to get the whole story. It's the occult so by name much of it is hidden. You have to do the reading yourself to find what it true for you. r/occult is a fantastic sub and the first community I embraced when I began reddit under a different u/ years ago. Give them a shot. Also they used to have a link for a library in the sidebar but I looked and couldnt find it. Someone there might be able to give you the name of it because I've forgotten but much of the content that you'd need to read would be in there and wouldn't be the semi fiction from today's writers.

I will have a look. Thank you for the information.

Yes, they worship money as a god. They are greedy and do not care about humanity.

Yes, it is difficult to piece together the belief system of a secret society if one is not a member.

To your last point- these societies create culture so you're already aware of a lot of their stuff but don't know it. Like how the Beatles, Rolling Stones & JayZ all use Alister Crowley material for their music.

Yes, I agree. They muddy the waters so it is difficult, or impossible, to figure out how everything really is. That way, it is almost unchangeable.

Almost but the internet gave us all of their secrets. It's up to us to use it responsibly. Honestly all of that stuff; magick, the mysteries etc is about evolution through responsibility for yourself. That's the bottom line. Those evil bastards are exploiting a loophole that they don't think they'll ever have to pay on. Completely incorrect. They'll owe big time & find that so long as they harmed others, they've harmed themselves in return. Same goes for the priests that abused children etc. they have all this knowledge but no wisdom. Apes. Unevolved apes. The golden rule, the golden mean, still applies. Do onto others while the Law is Love. Even that last bit, that's from Crowley and is something JayZ put in a tshirt for dummies; Do what thou wilt.,. Bla bla .,. Under the Law of Love. That love part really effes with being a satanic bastard so they pick and choose what they'll obey. I hope you come to enjoy your occult studies. IMO it's really all about learning to use Art properly as Art is the first human technology. That's why so much occult stuff pops up in art, it's the basis of it. But eyes to see and all that.

I think humanity is going through an awakening. We are no longer so willing to accept what we are told at face value, especially by the government and main stream media.

Yes, one side of the coin is Brotherhood and mankind helping mankind. I am a Secular Humanist.

The opposite side of the coin is what we are all fighting against. It is pure, unadulterated greed, and this greed will be the downfall of humans.

I agree. To the occult affect that greed (advarce) is rooted in ignorance. Ignorance is the only enemy.

Where, other than via you, is the Pizzagate child abuse connected to your "satanic cults"?

Are you a disgusting disinfo agent?

Satanic panic

Beelzebub hubbub

No one said it was harmless o.O

Shills are out in force in this thread.

Why is anyone who disagrees a shill or a concern troll these days? Some people have different opinions that they aren't being paid to share.

Because it's a good chance they are. The narrative is pushed by shills and all the contrarians latch onto it and help spread the message.

A lot of people migrated to voat or had their accounts banned

Fuck off, everyone who disagrees with you guys isn't a shill. You lose legitimacy when you cry shill at every sign of resistance.

Where in my comment did I say that every one who disagrees is a shill?

"Let me just say everyone that disagreed without Trump is a shill regardless of actual meaning"

Not a shill, I do not like being called one because it conveniently means you can then ignore anything I say.

It is a very dangerous way to think because it then means you end up getting more and more narrow minded as you just class anyone who has an opposing viewpoint as working against you... it used to be conspiracy theorists had very open minds, I am really not sure what happened.

Because it's a bunch of crazy conspiracy nuts making wild claims backed by an actual active measures campaign from the Kremlin? Just like every other fucking sub/issue that's come out of the cesspit that is Trump's reddit supporters. You want a conspiracy? Look at what the Kremlin's been doing with internet media and fake news. You don't need to look far because you've all fucking hooked yourselves up to it on a goddamn mainline. You like it on facebook, you upvote it on reddit, you listen to it on Infowars, and you think you've found some fucking rabbit hole showing how evil "the elites" are. No, you've found what fucking happens when Russia decides to put it's intelligence services to work in an offensive capacity.

Because it's a bunch of crazy conspiracy nuts making wild claims

Don't like anything.....its Russia Russia Russia!

Thanks for proving the point

hilarious that the DNC is showing its John Bircher roots.

You must be a shill or easily brainwashed because the only fake news is the main street media. If you believe Russia is involved with this you have bought into the Hillary kool-aid hook line and sinker.

I don't think I mentioned the msm. But now that you've brought it up yes, media with an actual editorial process is generally more credible than youtube videos, Facebook, and whatever hilarious thing Alex Jones decides to grab onto this week. As for the Russians, they've been extremely active with targeted offensive cyber strikes and disinformation campaigns against countries in eastern Europe for years. In a lot of ways they're a lot better at it than the west, or at least they've shown themselves far more willing to wage a low level war for hearts and minds electronically via straight up black propaganda.

That said, I bet you could find a dozen stories written by teenagers in Macedonia that say that Russia would never be so underhanded. I'm sure they're well sourced.

We keep hearing about the Russians, but the internet has replaced the anchorman. There are no verifiable, open source proofs that "the Russians" are doing any of this. Just "trust us", "our source", etc. Everything that came up during the election had at least some shred of tangible evidence that wasn't behind a gatekeeper. Even loosely put together, it's miles better than "our source". If the old guard wants to maintain it's level of credibility with me they're going to have to be a little more transparent.

If what you say is true, it's a damn shame the information gate keepers in the US aren't doing more to recapture credibility with the masses of people who tuned out.

It seems like a ton of circumstantial evidence to not look further in to. Even though there are not photos of John Podesta skull fucking a Haitian kid, when did pedo art become chic and acceptable to decent human beings? What the fuck was going on with that Instagram account? Where can I find more humor in that tone? Because I haven't seen it before. Are you just sweeping the twittergate day under the rug? Just another unfortunate coincidence?

I honestly don't know. I would not participate in nor encourage any unlawful behavior in terms of investigating it. It would be one thing for there to just be a pushback against the doxing, but there's a pushback against everything. I really hope for the sake of random children it's just the most unfortunate string of coincidences in the history of social media.

The Kremlin are behind the pedo rings, which were set up to trap western politicians, and this is why the security forces of western nations are covering it up, because in fact it would topple the governments of these nations overnight if in fact the evidence were presented to the public.

So, it's a great thing we all know about maskirovka and how to defeat it, right kids? Basically, we just reject the truth and continue the fantasy, justice for pedo victims be damned... the cost of life in a free society.

Look at what the Kremlin's been doing with internet media and fake news.

You believe this baseless propaganda claim, and yet you are accusing others of being conspiracy theorists? Open your eyes.

I just don't understand how you can so solidly buy into an idea that the Kremlin placed fake information in Podestas email and somehow got James Alefantis with his friends to post incredibly suggestive material on their Instagrams.

Federal officials have been caught before, as has been shown in this thread and the news for the past couple decades. Pedophile rings are real, for some reason some of the rich and powerful are involved. Sure the rabbit hole stuff about the entire Whitehouse being involved is most likely far-fetched, but let's deal with the information available and search it out a little more.

I claimed neither of those things. Political parties politicking is a normal thing with regard to pd Podesta. The rise of pizza gate and it's origins make it extremely suspect. I did however claim that Russia has undertaken a concerted disinformation campaign using paid trolls and blocs on social media as well as more direct cyber attacks for years. I'll also say that the Republican party has been more than happy to ignore th8s for the most part and glean votes off ignorance and outright lies that folks seem incapable of fact checking in the slightest. It's media is beyond the pale with its blanket acceptance of anything from almost any source. what does that have to do with pizzagate?

The emails and pictures are out there and at the very least it's pretty fucking weird

You're grasping at straws more than anyone else is here, and that's saying a lot

Let me clear that up. I view pizzagate, based only on it's origination in The_Donald and the Wikileaks subs, both of which are so fucking aligned with Russian geopolitical goals and biased against America it isn't even funny, as entirely without credence. It is literally not worth even reading about or investigating based solely on where it originates.

This goes back to my original post, that banning the subreddit and a "hitpiece" by the Times are entirely reasonable because it's an idiot theory propagated by idiots who are so far into a media bubble populated by actual russian trolls and people who've realized how much fucking money you can make by lying your fucking ass off on the internet that Pizzagate is entirely unworthy of any consideration.

TLDR if you think this shit is legit you need to fucking delete facebook, reddit, and your infowars bookmark because you're literally the cancer killing this country. This retarded "conspiracy" is emblematic of why we just elected a fucking corrupt facist.


OMFG, Donald Trump is working for the Kremlin.

somebody at DNC HQ been watching the Manchurian Candidate perchance !?

I don't know. Maybe because accusing people of being involved in a massive child molester/devil worshipping scheme with out any real evidence is y'know considered libel and slander.

Seriously, the only convincing shit anyone's put forward is that podesta is a creep, the pizza place is sketchy, and that christer chick in haiti is an idiot. *there's absolutely nothing saying it's connected to each other, and there's nothing concrete. Everything else is built on 4chan slang, elaborate pyramids of assumption, and tinfoil bullshit.

If you people give so much of a shit, why don't you campaign to bring justice to the victims of child-molesters who the catholic church is shielding? There's actual, factual real evidence for that and you could do some good.

You can tell this dude loves reddit drama. Shows up on a conspiracy forum and accuses other redditers of not being proactive enough.

I'm accusing you of clinical retardation for buying into this horseshit and claiming to care when real things exist that are actually problems.

Reading a bunch of nonsense into some e-mails and acting like there's an NWO out to fuck your kids and sacrifice them to satan is delusional. Unless there was real evidence. Which, there's a real paucity of.

There are real heinous conspiracies out there. Scientology, the catholic church, gerrymandering, Rigged elections, the war on drugs, but no. People have to make a mountain out of wishes and tweets and cloud it with a bunch of hokey cloak and dagger shit to suck people in.

Ignore it if you want, but don't act like crusaders if you're slaying imaginary dragons

Seems like there'd be no reason to censor "delusional nutjobs."

Seems like a fucking manhunt with no evidence could be a reason to "censor". A vile mob in the making.

lol, isn't this the sub that harassed that day care center for no reason at all?


Shhh, we're trying to forget that.

Am I missing something? That article doesn't clear anything up. I have no clue about this subject and this is the first I've heard of it. But the link you provided goes to an article that makes that place sound sketchy as fuck. The next door neighbor is quoted saying he's never seen any kids go in or out and thinks the place is creepy. The writer was apparently on location but never reports that he saw any children there. If that's supposed to be an article exonerating the business; they did a terrible job of it.

I saw the Instagram account with the little girl smiling with her arms taped to a table. I don't know about conspiracies but that was a messed up pic no matter how you look at it :/

No no nooo, you just don't get it. That was just a cute picture. Like when I want to take a cute picture of my young nieces and nephews, I hog tie their hands and feet together, and then put tape over their mouths. OMGGGGGG the cuteness.

and don't forget her eyes, massive bags under a toddlers eyes, children don't have the worries and problems adults have, so why the 'adult' eyes !!!

Madeline McCann the missing girl from Portugal also had those 'adult' eyes.

this is evidence of not nice things happening to small children.

Thank you!!!

Yeah I just touched base on this. The toddler photo's, the "Kill room" freezer photo. I guess we're supposed to just write this off right? Because this creepy ass dude is asking msm to back up him up? He is the owner of CTR David Brocks, boyfriend or exboyfriend. That's real convenient since CTR is known for having trolls spreading their agenda on the internet. Hm specifically Reddit maybe>????

Yep. And $65k for "pizza and hot dogs." If I'm a DC elite, I'll pay any price for a good frankfurter.

Pretty much anything involving a kid can be creepy if you want it to be.

It could also just be kids playing around and the guy thought it was a cute picture.

for fucks sake.

In this discussion, I really can't tell if you are agreeing with me or insulting me.

Masking tape can't hold a child down like that. It's clearly some kind of joke.

More and more the conspiracies prove out. Look at Bengazi, the theorists had the whole plot correct in less than 10 days while the media and Congress diluted the facts and let them trickle out over 4 years to blunt the impact of what happened.

By the way, nothing is "unfalsifiable" but everything can be obscured by a complicit media and political class. Present the facts, probe the events, and provide hard evidence that does not require a belief in Coincidence and the "unfalsefiable" could be proven wrong.

If the media took their job seriously and told the truth even when it hurt they might have some credibility.

Riddle me this, why do the media always expect us to write off damming pieces of circumstantial evidence as coincidence? Are they really coincidence or have the hard answers been obscured by layer after layer of propiganda to discredit the truth? How many coincidences do I need to start considering where there is smoke, there is fire?

Maybe I'm just skeptical and know if a DA had that kind of evidence against me, they would at least bring it to a grand jury and start serving supoeanas. In fact, if your not a political big wig in the Democrat party, most convictions are based on circumstantial evidence, not a smoking gun as the media keeps asking for.

Here is what thirty seconds of research turned up from reputable news sources. Clinton's association with Jeffery Epstein's high class Caribbean whore house would be easily more than enough to open an investigation on any other public figure.

Gimme a break, anyone else would be crushed and you couldn't claim the server ate my homework when the supoeanas were served. How on earth can anyone claim the Clintons arn't getting special treatment.

Law Enforcement Sources Confirm: Ready to File Charges Against ...

Nov 2, 2016 ... Clinton visited Epstein's private island multiple times and frequently ditched ... 26 confirmed flights on Epstein's private jet known as the “lolita express. ... Sources within the New York Police Department are confirming that the NYPD is currently investigating allegations that Bill Clinton performed sexual acts ...

Bill Clinton ditched Secret Service on multiple ‘Lolita Express’ flights: Report By Douglas Ernst - The Washington Times Saturday, May 14, 2016

The ‘sex slave’ scandal that exposed pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein

By Maureen Callahan

October 9, 2016 | 7:08am

Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

By Malia Zimmerman Published May 13, 2016

Both Trump And Clinton Went To Jeffrey Epstein's Sex Slave Island. By: Amanda Prestigiacomo May 16, 2016

Why Bill Clinton's 26 Trips on the Lolita Express Child Rape Jet Matter

This would be way more than enough to open an investigation and probably a grand jury summons for anyone else.

Yep. And shill-bot replies are at the top here. "No evidence."

This needs to be the top comment...

I can't believe how many of you all are so quick to dismiss this as a witch hunt... Yea, lynch mobs are dangerous, but r/pizzagate admins were trying to control the situation. The evidence compiled cannot be ignored, simple as that.


You really should use a better word, because what is ther is hearsay, "circumstantial" evidence and to be fair, a lot of really good questions. Is there something there? Maybe. But what we have is pretty far from real evidence.

Evidence is the correct word. These people put the information out there, and it has surfaced. Evidence != proof.

Hmm, good point.

Because morons on the internet should stop ruining people's lives.

"Could you believe this colored woman disrupted the entire bus today because she wanted to sit in the front! Its just a bus seat!"

You are comparing an online witch hunt to the civil rights movement? How very marxist of you.

There was a similar scandal in the UK years ago. Was swept under the rug though.

Which one? There are dozens out in the UK.

Australia too. America as well. Canada, yup.

This is a global issue. Trapping politicians with sex-crimes is a game as old as the hills.

Wow you may as well shut down this sub now, claims of there being no evidence and that Russia is behind it all is actually being upvoted.

Regardless of my own (mostly) scepticism on the whole pizzagate thing, it does looks like there's some brigading going on here.

This pizza gate shit is hitting /r/all. That means you get people who haven't been part of the circlejerk involved. That isn't a brigade this is people rightfully being disgusted by this baseless witchhunt.

It is an enormous change in tone for this sub.

It's always harmless, crazy conspiracy nuts until they're RIGHT. Then it's onto the next thing without a hint of critical thought or apology, as if nothing ever happened.

Yeah and nothing bad has ever happened due to politically motivated witch hunts, paranoia and disinformation. I would understand people investigating a link to the Clinton's and Epstein, but harassing a popular pizza place because of some wierd photos is just stupid and dangerou

I'm actually not talking about this case in particular, though it is intriguing


Oh no! They got him before he could finish his sentance.

harassing a popular pizza place

its the weakest link, this one crumbles the rest follows. standard MO for police detectives.

Happened with NSA, Hillary's health, Soros funding BLM... We're never right until we're ignored.

I think there might be something to this whole pedo thing, sure is a lot of fucky evidence. But I also know Reddit tends to switch to full auto and spray and pray, and I'd hate to see innocent bystanders caught in the fire. There really was a Boston Bomber, too, Reddit just picked the wrong guy and ruined his life.

innocent bystanders

no such thing, all are guilty.

The "you can't talk about conspiracies in /r/conspiracy" crowd here truly amazes me.

Doxxing or not, the information used is publicly available (we can argue about the leaks, but nonetheless their availability is public).

Anyone bothered to look at some account-ages / posting history for the most vociferous naysayers in this thread?

So much of it reads like professional shill tone.

They New York Times piece suspiciously failed to address the Twitter stuff at all. They didn't even touch it.

Because every time someone who's been past this already comments on this you label them a shill, miss the point and broil around in your turpid incubator.

Not everyone.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist IN THE LEAST, but I absolutely think something is going on with The Podestas and James Alefantis and co. There is something REALLY unsettling about all this. I feel it's a real life True Detective Season One Carcosa/Yellow King thing. I really hope this case gets cracked right open. I can't shake the creepiness of it all and there are WAY too many weird symbology and the child abuse paintings that adorn Tony Podesta's home are chalk full of child endangerment and damn near pornography. As a liberal, as liberal as they come, I belieb this is real life True Detective Season One shit in real life. The whole thing makes me nauseous. Something is NOT fucking right! I hope the darkness is brought to the light.

Watch a documentary on the Dutroux X dossier and realize nothing is gonna happen. 300,000 belgians protested when the lead detective was replaced by a puppet. If you recall how season 1 ends you know at best they're gonna bust Alefantis and claim he was the only rapist.

Pornographic child endangerment paintings in Podesta's home? You got a link to that? This whole thing sounds fishy to me.

Google it! It's true. Many photos of this, and it's in John Podesta's brothers home.

Yes, I could google it. However, there's too much nonsense to sift through and a lot of the sites are weird, partisan conspiratorial ones. I was hoping to at least see the same images on the same websites that you are seeing, something from a source who's a proper journalist.

I did see the photo with the "cannibal" painting hanging on the office wall. That's not that weird. Not to me at least. It's no weirder than Fuseli's "The Nightmare."

Shucks, with the right priming, anything can look incriminating.

But yeah, if you can share one of your links that'd help me immensely.

I dont just have links bookmarked man. There are links everywhere in seconds using google?

Edit- It seems WP has removed most of the photos of the Art which is why you only find photos on underground websites. Google "Tony Podesta Art" On google images & you'll see some weird shit. These photos were in original I guess what you would call "credible" news sources posts.

Thank you for sharing.

I know I can google links but google may personalize the results. So I may not get the same results you do which is what I want. I want to make sure that I'm looking at the exact same source you're looking at because that'll make it easier to have a discussion about it if we choose to.

Plus the topic is an emotionally-charged highly political one which means there's a lot of BS out there to sort through. And doggone it I don't trust most things I read online.

Anyway, I'll look over the links you shared. And again, thanks a bunch!

Looks like Jon Rappoport (Canada Free Press) is the type of guy who gets embarrassed when he looks at a picture of Michelangelo's David. Here's what I found.

Tony Podesta

The images that you sent are from Serbian artist Biljana Djurdjevik's Living in Oblivion series. I haven't found evidence that these are hanging in Tony Podesta's home. To my knowledge they're not considered child pornography by American law enforcement. If they are then the FBI is gonna come knocking on our doors in the near future.

The one that's actually hanging in Tony Podesta's home from the Laura Wainman's June 2015 Washington Life article Inside Homes: Private Viewing is called Synchronized Swimming (2008). If you go to the article, you can see it hanging on his wall.

The Naked Teenagers

From the article of controversy:

Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes.1

Reading the above passage, the author never makes it clear that pictures of naked teenagers are hanging in a Podesta bedroom. It says that multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan are hanging in a bedroom. They might be. They might not be. Given the Jessica Dawson article, it's unclear. Katy Grannan has a large body of work, and there's plenty of nudity, adult and otherwise, to choose from.

If Podesta really wanted to stir things up, he should've gotten hold of some Nobuyoshi Araki or Robert Mapplethorpe to stir things up. Maybe leave a copy of Erotica Universalis laying around.

1 Dawson, Jessica. "Married, With Art Tony and Heather Podesta Are a Study in Power Collecting." Washington Post, 23 September 2004.

Comments on Jon Rappoport's article

Far as I can tell, Rappoport's article makes him look like a crank. He's surely doesn't conduct himself like a journalist (He may be gonzo, who knows?). This article is another online editorial rant, that one rant among millions lucky enough to gain real-world traction. Most of the article is Rappoport attempting to pass off his internal dialogue as evidence of craven and degenerate behavior by politicians and their familiars. I'm not saying that people in DC aren't degenerates. Surely they are. But Rappaport offers no evidence of that as it relates to Tony Podesta. If anything, the article makes Rappaport look like a puritanical moralizer, the type of guy who'd fly into a righteous fit at any woman discreetly breastfeeding in public.

The thing that tipped me off that Canada Free Press (CFP) is likely not a credible source of information is their tagline: Because without America, there is no free world. First, CFP is a publication advocating for a particular, pro-American view. There's nothing wrong being pro-American. However, I cannot trust that the information being given is accurate and credible. Second, without America there is a free world among which is Canada, all of Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, etc.

TL;DR I found nothing damning on Tony Podesta and I cannot take Canada Free Press seriously.

If the Holocaust really happened as it was stated to have, why is it a crime in some countries to challenge the established facts. Actually, to build upon that, why is it so socially taboo to question any supposedly established facts? If facts are facts, and are that way because they can be verified to be true, shouldn't questioning facts be encouraged because then the person doing the questioning can arrive at the same conclusion?

Devil's advocate: They are worried about innocent (but creepy) people getting caught up in a witch hunt.

On the other hand shutting down discussion and strawman debunkings don't really help in that regard and could backfire, making things worse.

I cant ever look at pizza the same way.

Umm.... because they were doxing people, encouraging harassment, and destroying innocent businesses?

When you lie down with pigs, you get covered in shit. If you don't want to get shut down, don't attack innocent people.

don't attack innocent people.

People who display art depicting torture of children and pedophilic themes probably are super innocent delicate flowers.

Pizza gaters called a pizza place and threatened to kill the owner and the employees but go ahead and keep supporting these kinds of people

How could you possibly equate that to support for the sub? I could support a conspiracy sub for a fake moon landing, but that doesn't mean I support someone phoning death threats to buzz Aldrin. Get a grip.

You deflected the "don't attack innocernt people" remark, I'm just pointing out to you that innocent people were in fact attacked and Pizzagate is to blame

How could you possibly equate that to support for the sub?

Don't support a sub that Doxx's people and sends death threats based off of fake information, simple as that

I don't think it is correct to blame the sub for actions IRL. It was supposed to be about uncovering information.

Where in the sub were people doxxed? You can be certain it wasn't edited by someone who didn't support the sub?

It was supposed to be about uncovering information

But it turned into accusing everybody under the sun of being a pedophile

Where in the sub were people doxxed? You can be certain it wasn't edited by someone who didn't support the sub?

Why is it every time a sub does something shitty people immediately call false flag? Did you see pizzagate before it was banned? the amount of anger and false accusations going on there? It's way more likely actual pizzagaters did it themselves

The fact is pizzagaters called a normal pizza place, threatened to kill the owners and employees and when that fact reached the news reddit decided it can't have that kind of group on it's site

I don't think it is correct to blame the sub for actions IRL

Oh but it is, r/fatpeoplehate was banned for the same thing, the fact is when sub reddits leak into the real world in a negative way it's a surefire way to get banned

But it turned into accusing everybody under the sun of being a pedophile

Mainly people with paedophile friends and art, or people connected to child abductors.

pizzagaters called a normal pizza place

Were they pizzagaters? Also, most people would not regard a pizza place that gets donations from George soros, whose owner is one of the top 50 most powerful people in the political center of the world's most powerful nation, and displays art of an ejaculating ping pong player with the motto "shut up and fiuck" as a "normal" pizza place. Of course, he shouldn't get death threats and those folks definitely deserve investigation. What came of that criminal matter?

Mainly people with paedophile friends and art, or people connected to child abductors.

Or the innocent owner and employees of a pizza place, or the admins of reddit, or hillary clinton

What came of that criminal matter?

It was only reported on a couple days ago, I don't know

It's possible the employees are a, bunch of innocents, yes. The Clinton's need to explain their ties to people like Laura silsby the child snatcher, and Jeffrey Epstein, the child sex trafficker. Some people aren't comfortable with child sex trafficking and abducting kids, it's baffling that people can't understand that.

It's possible the employees are a, bunch of innocents

It's more then possible, it's almost certain.

The Clinton's need to explain their ties to people like Laura silsby the child snatcher, and Jeffrey Epstein, the child sex trafficker.

Still doesn't make them paedophiles and until solid evidence comes through they aren't.

Some people aren't comfortable with child sex trafficking and abducting kids, it's baffling that people can't understand that.

Right but all pizzagate has led to is false accusations, harassment and people screaming on the internet. Not exactly a good way to go about this kind of thing

Yes, you are correct in that they definitely could have handled it better, but I have doubts about people phoning death threats unless I could hear it from the police. Anyway, don't advertise as kid friendly or have sleepovers if you have hyper sexual art and performers. You are just begging for negative attention that way. Too much bizarre stuff there.

About the Clintons, they might not be paedophiles, but how often can you fly on the "Lolita express" and hang out with a guy who offered kids to powerful and wealthy folks for sex until you start to draw suspicion? Trump did the same thing, do you really think he didn't have sexual with any of Epstein's girls? And as for Hillary, what possible excuse does she have for being connected to Laura Silsby? It's too strange. Another sick twist: Silsby was also involved in the Amber Alert system. That is messed up.

In a statement, the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department said it was monitoring the situation and is “aware of general threats being made against this establishment.” The F.B.I. said it “does not confirm or deny the existence of investigations.”

and to address your other paragraph, you can have suspicions all you want but until solid evidence comes through that proves she's a pedo you can't really call her that, well you can but no one is going to take you seriously

I don't think anyone has ever called Hillary a pedophile, including me. Why even bring that up? Obviously her link to a child snatcher is disturbing. At least I hope that disturbs you.

However, II don't think anyone would be shocked if Bill or Donald were pedos.

I don't think anyone has ever called Hillary a pedophile

Did you see the pizzagate sub before it was banned? She was one of the people they accused very often

Anyways, I think we're kind of going in circles at this point

Yes, I don't think the Clintons or Trump will ever have to explain their connections to child sex traffickers and child abductors.

Is it just me or does there seem to be a massive influx of disinfo agents in this threads kind of giving real similar replies and having massive upvotes? "Remember when /r/conspiracy thought they caught the Bostom bomber//Pizzagate is lunatic BULLSHIT!" hundreds of Alefantis aka "Jimmy_Comet" Is/was David Brock's lover. Brock runs "Correct the Record" Which has shills everywhere online. You don't think these people feel they are untouchables? If you are an average person who have seen some of the infographs on #Pizzagate and you saw the disturbing photos from Comet's instagram & You think it doesn't warrant any sort of speculation then Idk what's wrong with you. For someone to dismiss all of this completely, I cannot reason with you & there is more to it than just Mr Comet.

That's the shit that is annoying me the most. I'm not fulllllly in on Pizzagate, but I've done multiple hours of my own research, and I think it's irresponsible to dismiss it completely. Some of the responses in this thread about how it's complete bullshit is absolutely maddening. And I bet all the people saying it's nothing have done zero research into it and are saying is bullshitt because other people are. I'll be the first to admit that it sounds like some "aliens exist mannnnn" shit, but there is just too much weird shit and weird coincidences that all you have to do is look for two minutes to realize something has to be up. For the sake of these children I hope every bit of this is false, but any logical person who gives it a fair chance will see this shit is shady as fuck.

Because people are being harassed, doxxed, and slandered mercilessly.

This is the exact same as the Boston Marathon bombing "investigation" done on reddit, and you should all be ashamed for falling for the same stupid shit again.

Because at some point you need to say stop fucking making shit up. When half the people reading it are too stupid to know better, it goes from harmless trolling to dangerously fucking stupid.

Because at some point you need to say stop fucking making shit up.

hurts your feelings does it !?

all you /r/topminds rushing in to doctor to the 'tards' in r/conspiracy.

do you get paid by the word or by the patient !?

My feelings aren't hurt. Imagine your neighbor was in his back yard, convinced there was gold buried under his house. Maybe he read about it online, or someone came door to door or whatever. He bought a back-hoe and made a massive hole, his house sunk in and it started growing and fucking with your house.

I'm fine with conspiracies. I'm super-ok with exposing shitty people. I'm not ok when your ignorance begins to bleed into my life. When your own lack of basic reasoning skills ends up electing people that will actively work against the causes the majority of Americans agree are important, I will say something about it. That's just sort of normal human behavior. No one's feelings are hurt. No one is being paid. My interests are being threatened, and I'm trying to protect them. Calm the fuck down.

Because it's hurting real people and real businesses with NO ACTUAL PROOF

Doesn't conspiracy do this most of the time?

Definitely seems that there's more harassment going on with this.

because it's not harmless and deserving of ridicule.

Is Laura Silsby working to protect your kids funny?

I would investigate, but pretty sure only CNN are allowed to do that.

Don't you worry. They'll curate the info for you, citizen!

Conspiracy 101, you are doing it wrong.

you know what i hate

fucking fake omninous music to try and set a mood or get you riled up.

They can accuse us of pedophilia. We can't accuse them.

Your candidate bragged about it on Howard Stern. You guys had to steal a private email account, invent a system of code words, and post people's baby photos from their social media accounts in order to accuse Hillary.

Jill Stein did all that? Crazy. Source?

Oh, I thought you were referring to the candidate who actually was accused of pedophilia this election.

I said "they" as in tptb in these pedo/sex trafficking circles who control the government, media, judges, etc. I didn't name any one candidate and then for some reason you said my candidate admitted to being a pedo on Howard Stern.

There have been accusations on both sides but so far everyone is innocent until proven guilty. One of the women that accused Trump just had a press conference with Gloria Allred to beg Trump not to sue her so I don't think that one is going to trial.

since when did accusing people who disagree with you pedophiles considered "harmless", that shit is the absolutely opposite of "harmless"

pretty amazing, i'm reading this story in my local small town newspaper this morning... you guys rock...

There's a lot of bullshit shill-like comments in this thread.

An unnatural amount of shilling. Like the last link from OP, the comments would have you believe no people have ever conspired to do anything! You stupid stupid conspiracy nutjobs... Apparently shills were working hard yesterday.

Look at the holier than thou first comment. Reddit is a fucking joke. Fuck you u/spez

Heavily shilled.

Could it be that the same ones who told us in the 1970s, that there was no satanic cults terrorizing children, that the kids were lying, are the ones running the pedo ring?

Well actually because is all false. Is a fake news item.

That is why.

What part of this huge archive is supposed to refute the spirit cooking issue as clarified by snopes?

I laugh my ass off when someone thinks they are pulling out the big dog of verification and cites Snopes.

Snopes is a joke

Yep. Just two fat fucks, who have their heads firmly up Hillary's failing sphincter.

I hear they have some nice cats, though.

Oh shit yeah, that's that. Hey everyone, it's all been figured out. said it's false so no need to look any further. Good work /u/AzraelKans you're a champ. You should email that Snopes link to someone in the FBI and let them know they don't need to allocate anymore resources into the case. Imagine the look on the FBI's face when they realize all they had to do was ask Snopes. You think while they're at it they could Snopes whether or not Bush assasinated JFK, or whether Lee Harvey Oswald did 9/11?

100% agree. I think it's pretty obvious, when there is a full-media blackout, the great puppet masters are behind the scenes steadily pulling the strings.

Forget conspiracy or conjecture, my spider sense is tingling telling me this is HUGE story.

Never forget.

Never forgive.

Yup. Like Savile. Curious how many people here are so anti-conspiracy theory.

Yup. Like Savile.

Curious how many people here are so anti-conspiracy theory.

For the people who are confused about the issue. This is the best report on the the issue I have seen. Clears up a lot and backs it with sources. This is not evidence of course. I do think however that there are far too many coincidences for pizzagate to be nothing.


Edit: it figures the anti-free speech ()Eddit community would down vote information

Cmon, OP, posts like this are catnip for CTR. James Alefantis and David Brock were lovers, after all.


That's news to me. Thanks. Any good links for that one?

Top comments are dis info. Pizzagate is very real, and the truth of it all will alter our understanding of reality so much that it may take 50 yrs for the public to rightfully consume it

This x200

This is the first time I've commented on this sub, and I don't have any evidence or really know where I'm going with this. I just wanted to point out something that I noticed that got me thinking. If there is any truth to pizzagate then it has got to bigger than just one pizza joint in DC and is part of much larger network.

I was watching the video of the Al Smith Charity dinner where I saw Cardinal Timothy Dolan sandwiched in between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump cutting it up with both

Cardinal Dolan is the Catholic Archbishop of New York and took over the role in 2009 as Clinton was finishing up her time as senator. We all know the problems the Catholic church has had with pedofilia. The connection I made was Cardinal Dolan's St. Louis roots. Less than 5 miles away from the Seminary (where they train priest) in St. Louis is/was a place called Dojo Pizza. The owner has been brought up on child porn charges and makes me wonder if more places throughout the world are directly or indirectly connected to pizzagate. Again, nothing solid, but it got me wondering how deep this whole thing really goes.

While you sit here and all bicker, another kid just got diddled.

Wow didn't think I would see shills in action here, but fuck you guys and fuck your masters. The reckoning is at hand

I didn't even expect my post to see the light of day. Reading through the comments, it's obvious some of these people are either being sent here, or are loyalists (and probably pedo in the game).

Man its fucking scary how stupid people are these days, my own sister buys into the msm narrative. No matter how hard I try she just pushes back, we can only hope people stop listening to them

This is a fake news story that you tin foil wearing idiots are giving traction. That's why. The continued emphasis on this only serves to discredit the stories that deserve broader attention and discussion.

It is not fake news, but an effort that was spurred by many, many connections to paedophile-related material. The weird symbols, the connections of the owner to the podestas, who display pedophilic art, some depicting torture, and who are themselves friends of politically prominent convicted paedophiles such as Denny hastert, the podesta's boss Clinton's bizarre connection to Laura Silsby, who was arrested for stealing Haitian children after earlier thwarted attempts. Just too much freaky shit has been dug up related to pedophilic activity, starting from this pizza place that had a painting of an ejaculating man playing ping pong with the motto "shut up and fuck". Which gives a little credence to the contention that "ping pong" and "Play, Eat, Drink" (PED) have sexual connotations. And probably isn't a great place for kids to have sleepovers.

Anyway, all this crap attracted attention from people who want to find out what the hell is going on and assumed the worst.

We are the media now.

This is one of the most absurd of the conspiracy theories ever. It's like a troll conspiracy theory to troll the conspiracy theorists. Yet you guys ran with it like it's gospel.

I guess all the coincidences don't matter....

How many Spirit Cooking dinners have you been too?

How many pizzas have you ordered? More than 0? You must be involved in child porn you sicko.

For those who think this is much ado about nothing, how do you explain the myriad of coincidences? For all these to happen it would be like winning the lottery. Twice.

Exactly. It's not nothing. There's something. Something worth censoring and writing hit pieces about.

because being wrongfully accused of being a pedophile is a big fucking deal?

This entire subreddit should be completely and utterly railing against this fucking "pizzagate" nonsense as hard as you possibly can.

These are the kinds of idiots that give people who believe in conspiracies a bad name.

Anyone who reads those emails and goes "HMMMM MAKES U THINK" either doesn't have kids, doesn't have friends, or both. They are some of the most innocuous emails I've ever read in my life.

I love some people are still saying there is nothing there to investigate.

Pizzagate to me is Ashley Cole and his then Arsenal team mates throwing a wobbly in the Old Trafford tunnel after taking a beating from Manchester United. 2005.

Let's go Gunners!

What the fuck is going on in this thread? This is still /r/conspiracy right? Where did all these fucks crying about a witch hunt come from?

Shills aren't the smartest.

Right. The best of the commenters in here don't normally take sides. We think they're all guilty bastards plotting against the public for some more $$$ or power. Now that there's a bizarre trail of evidence that involves Spirit Cooking and $65k worth of pizza and hot dogs, we're on a witch hunt? Obvious trolls are obvious.

You answered your own question after you asked it.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is some sort of pedo ring but the government is using it as a honeypot to catch terrible people and you guys keep trying to blow it wide open with your unsubstantiated rumors and weird speculation.

because fake news from foreign governments affected the outcome of america's election. Imagine if Jerusalem wanted a bunch of military funding, and lied to the american public to convince them to vote against their own interests, and in the interests of themselves. So Now we have editors who read the fake news and delete it if its fake.

Because you can't spout lies like the theater is on fire, because people get trampled to death.

This shit will inevitably hit the fan. Little do they realize the Streisand effect, the more they try to hide it, the more attention it gets.

I can see why this could get to a point of being harmful. Being falsely accused of something like pedophilia if you are innocent can destroy a life. That much is certain. However, I see that we have a group of folks on here who, I believe, have the best intentions. Shit, lets face it, Anyone with a brain can look at the world and know that there are some clear facts. 1: Children are kidnapped and put into conditions of sexual slavery and pedophilia so disgusting as to make you wretch just reading about what may be being done to them. 2: Most likely these children have been taken by a highly coordinated individuals or groups, which require money and logistical support of a nature that would lead me to believe its not one of these dirty weirdos that live in their mothers basement seeking porn on the internet 3: In fact, a large pedophile scandal has already been exposed within the aristocracy of Britain. This includes members of Parlaiment[SIC] and members of high society. To think that this group, who clearly was well coordinated and able to bring to bear forces to protect themselves through coercion and legal hurdles put in place by possibly compromised members of law enforcement, is some sort of minority or aberration, is to blind oneself to reality. Something is going on that much is clear. Whether it has something to do with Pizza...well...there is some smoke there. The part of this that seems the most sad is that there are so few in real positions of power, who might be able to do something about this, doing it. Shit, doesn't it at least feel like there is a cover up? It sure as hell does to me. I don't want to wait 20 years to have some 30 year old woman recount her abuse on some forum and say that in those darkest hours she wondered " why doesn't someone help me?" We want to help. We want to stop this. We want to expose those who are truly guilty of this. I think it's worth looking into. I don't want innocent people to be ruined. But where the hell are the people that can do this with legal backing? No-fucking-where.

Totally agreed.

The narrative is out in force. Sickening, coherent pieces of evidence are nothing. This proves they haven't investigated, or they are used to that level of depravity.

/all leaking and talking out of their ass as always...

Is there some sort of master post that clearly outlines the evidence?

No as there is no evidence.

Voat has some. Here's an archive of more.

No as there is no evidence.

By every interpretation of the doxxing rules nobody will ever be allowed to whistle blow regardless of someone's obvious guilt.

There is some evidence of actual abuse but not everyone linked to pizza gate is linked to the same evidence. A lot of it is tied together by guilt by association and suspicion based on rumors, symbols, and suspicious behavior.

The biggest problem is nobody really can investigate too deeply without catching a charge because just looking at the evidence is a crime.

Hate to rain on your parade but... Maybe mostly because you are targetting someone who is wealthy and well-connected...

Because they're lunatics rounding up lynch mobs to go after people with at best circumstantial evidence, and more often none at all.

Has anyone considered that the reason /r/pizzagate got shut down is because these poor pizza shop employees were receiving death threats based on practically nothing?

Where are the men's rights people on this one? it's a golden opportunity to get the movement more popularity.

Unless they've moved on to greener pastures..

The people harassing the business owners are harmful, but if there is any truth to any of this isn't their harm in ignoring it? Too many people looking at this with tunnel vision. Not everything is black and white, and not every conspiracy theory is the delusion of some schitzo. The people who make death threats and harass people are accountable for their own actions, just like everyone is accountable for their own actions. It's not reddits (or its admins) place to exercise censorship and tell us what we can and can not discuss.

Because people are getting death threats from idiots who think the grand elite pedophile conspiracy employs the same terminology as 4chan to refer to child porn.

So maintain the investigation and discussion, but don't dox or threaten or anything like that on reddit.

Anybody watch that Corey Feldman interview? This is one of the most vile things on the planet (human trafficking), and our beloved media and police turn a blind eye to it. We are being lied to, and children are suffering.

PizzaGate may or may not be true, the goal here is to censor all of the internet through the plot of "Fake News", from mainstream medias, to Youtube, Facebook, Reddit etc...

Be wary.

At 1:22 the subtitle says "[unintelligible]" but it's not. He/she/it says "is this what happens when mothers fuck babies".

Can someone explain what pizzagate is to me? I want to be educated.


No, I'll cross reference the information with facts. I want someone to rationalize it and go into points popular news sources don't.

Don't be such a dick.


I dont agree with this conspiracy, but liberals need to stop using Snopes as a source to debunk things. It is CLEARLY liberal biased, and if a site is supposed to examine the truthfulness of topics, they need to NOT be biased. How do people think this is an acceptable source?

No problem. Here you go -

2015: Deputy head's 1,500 spycam photos of pupils undressing were found when he hanged himself after being quizzed over child porn

A deputy headteacher's haul of 1,500 spycam photographs of young boys undressing was found when he hanged himself after being questioned over indecent images of children.

Martin Goldberg, 46, was found hanged in the garage of his home in Shoeburyness, Essex, the day after he was quizzed by police over child pornography he purchased online, the inquest into his death heard.

Archived version:

FBI FOIA Requests?

[this post edited by /u/spez]

dun dun DUN!

Because "crazy" is popular.

There is nothing harmless about slander.

Because they are doxing people as pedophiles and there's people in America that kill people labeled as pedophiles, perhaps?

The only thing this thing has done is made me crave cheese pizza. And if I lived near Comet, I would probably be buying that cheese pizza, from Comet, right now. I'm so wired!

No one expects a Pizza Inquisition!

That last video had the clip of that guy in charge of South America getting really defensive when asked about drugs. Why would he act this way? Hmm

it was not harmless.

because you keep making slanderous accusations of participations against people without evidence just b/c you don't like them, you vapid dumbfucks

The fact that you have to ask is exactly what scares me about people like you. You have no connection to the human consequences of what you do.

Can someone tell me what pizzagate is?

What really sickens me is the large amount of people here who hurt the investigation into what might be the largest pedo ring in human history. Fuck you people...

When evidence is covered up and professional investigations are never conducted its up to the average joe, the people that never asked for it, to figure out what is going on. No one wants to believe in a pizzagate ESPECIALLY the people who are investigating it but they found too many circumstances that point to a disturbing reality.

Your right, if it was all bullshit, why would the New York Times report on the veracity of the claims being made. Almost as if they report the facts there at that establishment. HMMMMMMMM

I don't get why they would be so blatant about it if they were actually involved in a pedo ring. Having a pedo logo for your pizza place where you're doing illegal pedo stuff makes zero sense.

What is that?

It's the street and landmark design around congress. Some people suggest it's on the dollar too.

Because of the harassment.

Maybe people will actually lend an ear if the users didn't go around harassing and threatening and accusing everyone of being a pedophile...idk, you tell me.

What started as a promising expose quickly devolved into the most idiotic and paranoid sideshow I have ever seen.

Who the hell ever said it was 'harmless'?



You elected a tyrant.

I grew up a few blocks from Comet Ping Pong. Myself and friends hung out there late at night as a preteen and teenager mostly alone without parent supervision. Never once was any of us harassed or solicited for sex. I am sick of this conspiracy theory. There are more important things y'all could be focusing on then this. Hell four blocks from this pizzeria, there was a nazi meeting at an italian restaurant. I've heard 0 mention of that here.


Rule 10.

It's a real shame you guys didn't take it seriously until it was gone...

FACT There is absolutely NO evidence of any crime other then speculation and guesses. TWO its not up to private citizens to investigate, convict, haress or threaten! THREE: One supposed leaked email does not a World Wide Conspiracy Make! FOUR: Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, David Icke was talking about this 2 decades ago! Did anyone care then? NO! As they do not care Now! FIVE given above for FACTS.. Right now and for the forseeable future. #Pizzagate remains Bullshit!

This is what I hate that politicians do, use child abuse as a flimsy excuse to push an agenda. Now the "revolutionaries" are doing the same shit. Pizzagate is stupid wish theyd ban the donald and any other all caps vote manipulating meme sub.


Ok, this "MSM" stuff has to stop. I worked as a reporter, and I know lots and lots and lots of reporters and producers who work at "mainstream" broadcast networks and publications.

I can assure you they are not sitting in meetings with freemasons and senators and CEOs coming up with elaborate plans to influence the American people. They are regular working class people making like $50,000 a year, who are just trying to hit their deadlines, fix the leaky shower head, go to the gym more, etc. They write and produce their own material, and I can promise you that if an owner/publisher started telling them what and how to report on stuff, you would hear about it immediately.

When you talk about the "mainstream media" - or "the government," for that matter - you sound like a potsmoking 15 year old who just watched V for Vendetta for the first time and wants to "bring the system down."

If you think there is a problem that isn't getting enough attention in the news that's one thing, but claiming that they are all working together as part of some massive, nationwide conspiracy is laughably naive.

my dad teaches journalism. he, at one time, published and edited a newspaper.

I think I can elaborate on my statements, however.

different media outlets have varying levels of power and influence. if the editors of, say, NPR or CNN or NYT would have, at the very least, to face great risk of embarrassment and disgrace if they veered a little too far away from what you would expect to hear or read. I think that it falls into the realm of following unwritten rules of conduct. they do, not want to stray too far outside of consensus reality or anger too many people.

I believe that they do fear a top-down backlash but that they also fear a backlash from the people and guilt and fear at having acted against societal norms. I also believe that the editors, publishers and programmers of those large and powerful outlets also have convictions and beliefs and they would not want, for example, to see Trump get elected President. so no, I do not think that they fear death squads sent out by the Clintons but more the massive social fallout, let us say, among other things.

and the smaller, less influential publishers, while also subject to same internal and external pressures, follow likewise.

I have given a simplified version of what I think just as earlier I gave an even more simplified version.

my dad teaches journalism.

This is only relevant if he taught it to you. You don't become a journalist by osmosis.

it means that I have headstart on thinking of journalists as real people.

I think you're confusing "simplified" with "non-specific." You just made a bunch of general statements based on personal beliefs and assumptions, with no evidence or experience to back them up. Which is my entire point.

Based off your comments, I'll hazard a guess that you're a Trump supporter. And, like it or not, your opinions on "mainstream media" are the direct result of his campaign strategy. Before the primaries even began, his campaign staff planted the seed that the "mainstream media" were a bunch of liars, in bed with the Democrats, and hell bent on bringing him down. It was kind of brilliant, because from then on he had a built-in response to any sort of criticism. No matter what news outlet, no matter what story, he and his supporters could completely disregard it, simply by saying "See? I told you the liberal mainstream media would be out to get me." It also gave people the green light to start reading and trusting extremely biased blogs and fake "news" sites, which are completely devoid of any journalistic ethics and whose "reporters" have zero credentials or training.

Who, exactly, are the "mainstream media?" Is Fox News in that category? How about the Huffington Post, or Buzzfeed, or Breitbart? Is there an actual list, or is it simply any news outlet that publishes stories you don't agree with?

Yes, CNN is a turd sandwich, as is Fox. But can you give me one, specific example of the New York Times acting inappropriately, or altering their coverage due to the "top-down pressure" you're talking about? If their coverage was as biased or slanted as you say, how come there have been no lawsuits filed or retractions issued during the entirety of the campaign?

My point is simple: there is no such thing as the "the mainstream media," in the sense that people use that term. That's like saying that candy sucks just because you don't like Mike and Ikes. And, more importantly, the distrust that people have developed for mainstream news has nothing to do with accuracy or actual corruption. It's the result of a carefully crafted campaign strategy that encouraged people to disregard any news that they don't personally agree with, or that doesn't conform to their established sociopolitical views. Because it's easier to believe there is a massive national conspiracy involving thousands of journalists and editors than it is to admit your candidate, party, or worldview has a few flaws.

I did not get into specific instances of the media ignoring what I do not believe the media should ignore,, because if I did I would get bogged down in depending on my views on those. (in my experience, internet arguments get sidetracked that way.)

Based off your comments, I'll hazard a guess that you're a Trump supporter.

not at all. I volunteered dozens of hours for Bernie. I voted for him the local primary and then voted for Jill Stein. if I had lived in a swing state, I think I would have voted for Hillary.

I have to say that I distrusted the MSM already. over the course of the year, my distrust for them evaporated from marginal to pretty much nothing.

personally, I try to read around the spectrum, from all sides. I have ridiculously left-biased FB feed. literally no one posted any pro-Trump stories. the majority favored Bernie or Stein or vote for no one, with a few pro-Hillary supporters, increasing in number as the election grew nearer.

Who, exactly, are the "mainstream media?" Is Fox News in that category? How about the Huffington Post, or Buzzfeed, or Breitbart? Is there an actual list, or is it simply any news outlet that publishes stories you don't agree with?

good question. Fox and Breitbart no, because while widely disseminated, they pushed different narratives. however, if they came across info contrary to their narratives, I think we both know what would happen, right?

Yes, CNN is a turd sandwich, as is Fox.

okay, then! we agree!

But can you give me one, specific example of the New York Times acting inappropriately, or altering their coverage due to the "top-down pressure" you're talking about?

well let's say that a person does one bad thing. okay, you can forgive them. then they do a number of bad things and it forms a pattern and so on.

If their coverage was as biased or slanted as you say, how come there have been no lawsuits filed or retractions issued during the entirety of the campaign?

well all media outlets issue retractions, all the time.

but I mean you can't sue the NYT for general bias, can you? I mean I think that they do not so much outright lie as slant and spin and select what they print and what they don't.

It's the result of a carefully crafted campaign strategy that encouraged people to disregard any news that they don't personally agree with, or that doesn't conform to their established sociopolitical views. Because it's easier to believe there is a massive national conspiracy involving thousands of journalists and editors than it is to admit your candidate, party, or worldview has a few flaws.

I will tell you what has influenced my POV on this: the works of the sociologist Erving Goffman, McLuhan, Robert Anton Wilson, Timothy Leary and Noam Chomsky (in Manufacturing Consent), Charles Fort and Adam Curtis (though I do not take his POV as gospel).

also very influential: The Cultural Cold War by Frances Stonor Saunders.

Sorry for assuming your affiliation. As an independent I get that all the time, and I should have known better.

You still haven't cited one example of the New York Times "bias." If they have a pattern of slanted coverage, as you say, it shouldn't be that hard. And most large publications do not issue retractions "all the time." It's very, very rare, and usually results in at least one termination. Corrections, maybe, but those are simply issued due to a small, unintentional errors, like getting someone's title wrong. Retractions are issued when a publication has most of a story, or at least some major points wrong, or their sources proved to be liars, etc.

If the Times was as wrong as often as you say, they would have been sued and forced to issue retractions. They even employ an ombudsman, who works as an objective overseer to ensure coverage is fair and accurate.

Off topic, but a lot of the critics you mentioned either focus on society at large or systems of government. Few, if any, would posit that "mainstream media" are working in concert with the government to push an agenda, as you claim. Again, we're talking about dozens of separate, competing companies. The idea that they can all be referenced as one single entity is ridiculous.

And Tim Leary? Seriously? The guy was an acid enthusiast who simply ranted off the top of his head. He is not an authority on anything.

You still haven't cited one example of the New York Times "bias." If they have a pattern of slanted coverage, as you say, it shouldn't be that hard.

the NYT did not, as far as I know, speak directly about the evidence that the Democrats deliberately undermined Bernie's campaign. or any of the other material damaging to the DNC and to HRC released via Wikileaks. the MSM spoke of the damaging effect of the leaks and the possible Russian connection but I regard that as a distraction from the main issue.

so that stands out.

it also stands out that, AFAIK, no major US newspaper endorsed Gary Johnson or Bernie Sanders or, for that matter, Donald Trump or Jill Stein. so this would indicate to me embarrassment or shame at the idea of swerving away the consensus, for better or for worse.

If the Times was as wrong as often as you say, they would have been sued and forced to issue retractions. They even employ an ombudsman, who works as an objective overseer to ensure coverage is fair and accurate.

and the meat industry hires people to make sure that they slaughter cattle "humanely" but that does not mean that they do the really humane thing and not kill cattle at all. (as you will have guessed, I do not eat meat.)

Off topic, but a lot of the critics you mentioned either focus on society at large or systems of government.

newspaper publishers and editors live in society, too, and they live under systems of government.

Few, if any, would posit that "mainstream media" are working in concert with the government to push an agenda, as you claim.

I did not state so. the Saunders book, though, does indicate that you cannot always trust that what you see around you happened just by chance. even if deliberate government and corporate manipulation does not exist, information systems of control exist. the Saunders book showed me that perhaps things which sound completely crazy maybe do happen in the real world.

And Tim Leary? Seriously? The guy was an acid enthusiast who simply ranted off the top of his head. He is not an authority on anything.

I would actually read his work on the Eight Circuit Mode of Consciousness rather than dismiss it out of hand. specifically, I think that his description of the terrestrial circuits and of reality tunnels sound plausible. he gets less plausible as he talks about the post-terrestrial circuits.

This took about 30 seconds to find. It reports on both the leaked emails and the DNC's attacks on Sanders:

There are more. Is it possible you don't really read the Times, and just assume they don't report on things because that's what other people say? This is my point in a nutshell. General statements, opinions and assumptions based on personal feelings, rather than actual facts.

This is why people are so uninformed. Everyone believes they are so smart they don't need to research - they just "know" the truth.

And nobody endorsed Sanders because he wasn't running for president anymore. Maybe nobody endorsed Johnson or Stein because they weren't good candidates. Hillary wasn't either, which is why many publications chose to endorse no one. Saying a publication is biased simply because they didn't endorse your candidate is about as childish as it gets.

I bought up the recent election because it came first to my mind. the NYT may have run one or two articles but I think that given the enormity of the DNC's misdeeds, not a whole lot.

actually, though, an example came to mind this morning. the British media declined to out Jimmy Savile as a serial pederast until after his death. yes, I know of the Louis Theroux documentary. so many people sat on their hands on this one.

And nobody endorsed Sanders because he wasn't running for president anymore.

I meant in the lead up to the election.

Maybe nobody endorsed Johnson or Stein because they weren't good candidates.

perhaps. but my argument has to do with a consensus regarding regarding it.

now granted, the MSM also has a consensus as to climate change and I believe in climate change. but you can see the difference, I hope, between science and politics.

Are you really upset that no publications endorsed Sanders during the primaries? I mean, if you don't see why that's a little strange, there is no sense talking to you.

Also, you're bringing up the British media? What?

Are you really upset that no publications endorsed Sanders during the primaries?

exactly what I predicted has happened. we have started to get bogged down on a particular claim versus my larger argument.

I would not describe myself as upset about it. but given that Bernie did run as one of two Democratic nominees and given that the editors and publishers could have endorsed him (let alone a Republican or someone else), yes, that does seem to indicate a problem.

if the major media outlets in a country default to a predictable position on who to endorse, I say that indicates a problem.

I brought up Jimmy Savile as an indication that powerful media entities can in fact collude to at least not go on the offensive against a powerful person who committed sexual assault over the course of decades. if it can happen there it can happen here. (I don't know if any of the tabloids picked up or talked about it.) yes, I do know about the Louis Theroux documentary. even that came out after he would have done the most damage.

Newspapers don't endorse candidates in the primaries. Only in the general election.

How old are you?

insulting me doesn't help. I may not know much about the details of the political process. but I have a good grasp, I think, of a broader picture of how cultures work and of the flow and dissemination, in some case the stoppage of knowledge.

I have been there dozens of times. This is the stupidest, most made up shit ever. Pure fantasy.A

Pizzagate? You retards are hilarious.

I'll never get why people like you would come to this subreddit

Like me? You mean a LIZARD PERSON?!

That is exactly the form of control that the world powers have been kicking into high gear lately. They want to control what you see and hear, and control what you write and say.


Since the beginning, I have been entertaining the thought that this too is just more misdirection to incite violence and riots among the people. But why would they use a conspiracy story that unites all of us on an issue instead of keeping us separate and squabbling over petty differences?

If this is all true as I believe it to be, then distraction or not these people need to be prosecuted and the pedophile rings dismantled regardless. If the cost is a Rothschild in the President's cabinet, then I guess that's the price we pay to save millions of children. The Federal banks are another fight all together.

The sad thing is if they can cover this up and get away with it by keeping any and all coverage out of the media aside from labelling it a conspiracy theory, what will they be able to get away with in the future? This almost feels like a media coverup "fire alarm" for something big coming up.

Well it's been a pretty nice obfuscation of the single most solid piece of evidence linking these politicians to pedos, the Epstein plane. Pizzagate went so off the deep end, it only serves to delegitimize any of the real evidence that should be addressed.

It's a smart tactic. Crank up the noise and the signal gets lost.

...and we have some serious doxxing and Lynch mobs.

What is the end-game for any sort of subreddit like this one? It comes down to documentation about people and organizations that incriminates them in some manner (in this subreddit it incriminates them of conspiracy). That's honestly a big problem for a website like Reddit, where the ground rules are set up to protect the privacy of individuals.

how much more of a vicious circle jerk this sub and other communities have become

I assure you that it was MUCH worse on reddit before the witchhunting and anti doxxing rules were put in place.

Things were really, really awful. Even though it still looks bad, it's actually much better these days than it used to be.

Moreso they put the word GOD on the money as a magic trick and people fall right in line. Money is GOD anymore. As far as the Lucifer stuff there are many many books on spirituality that you can read to get the whole story. It's the occult so by name much of it is hidden. You have to do the reading yourself to find what it true for you. r/occult is a fantastic sub and the first community I embraced when I began reddit under a different u/ years ago. Give them a shot. Also they used to have a link for a library in the sidebar but I looked and couldnt find it. Someone there might be able to give you the name of it because I've forgotten but much of the content that you'd need to read would be in there and wouldn't be the semi fiction from today's writers.

Who does benefit from it?

Not saying you're wrong btw, essentially you're describing the run up to a Cultural Revolution.

The problem is that disavowing harassment isn't enough when doxxing is well-established as a method by which people are harassed. We don't tell pedophiles that they can go fuck themselves if they diddle the kids we leave in their care - that's neglectful of the reality of the situation. Doxxing is no different, which is why no legitimate web service or company tolerates it.

Doxxing is harassment, not just a vehicle for it. If you have a connection that could save children, pass it to different authorities, or report it to the news media. They both have mechanisms in place to protect individuals from blatant harassment, and they can be held liable for errors.

Politically affiliated anyone does much, MUCH better on prison. What fantasy world do you live in?

Ok, this "MSM" stuff has to stop. I worked as a reporter, and I know lots and lots and lots of reporters and producers who work at "mainstream" broadcast networks and publications.

I can assure you they are not sitting in meetings with freemasons and senators and CEOs coming up with elaborate plans to influence the American people. They are regular working class people making like $50,000 a year, who are just trying to hit their deadlines, fix the leaky shower head, go to the gym more, etc. They write and produce their own material, and I can promise you that if an owner/publisher started telling them what and how to report on stuff, you would hear about it immediately.

When you talk about the "mainstream media" - or "the government," for that matter - you sound like a potsmoking 15 year old who just watched V for Vendetta for the first time and wants to "bring the system down."

If you think there is a problem that isn't getting enough attention in the news that's one thing, but claiming that they are all working together as part of some massive, nationwide conspiracy is laughably naive.

whichever way is more convenient for the current storyline.

Fuck anyone who goes to Comet and causes problems in person.

Didn't this sub had a picture of a guy protesting said pizzeria and an encouraging title on the top of its front page? If so, I don't think you have the authority to say "now that we've disavowed".

It talks about finding private information using public domains like social media.

My question has to do with posting public information, like the address of a pizza place, for example.


I don't see anyone "acting like a pedo" there.

the shills are strong here lol

the shills wont respond to this xd

You still haven't cited one example of the New York Times "bias." If they have a pattern of slanted coverage, as you say, it shouldn't be that hard.

the NYT did not, as far as I know, speak directly about the evidence that the Democrats deliberately undermined Bernie's campaign. or any of the other material damaging to the DNC and to HRC released via Wikileaks. the MSM spoke of the damaging effect of the leaks and the possible Russian connection but I regard that as a distraction from the main issue.

so that stands out.

it also stands out that, AFAIK, no major US newspaper endorsed Gary Johnson or Bernie Sanders or, for that matter, Donald Trump or Jill Stein. so this would indicate to me embarrassment or shame at the idea of swerving away the consensus, for better or for worse.

If the Times was as wrong as often as you say, they would have been sued and forced to issue retractions. They even employ an ombudsman, who works as an objective overseer to ensure coverage is fair and accurate.

and the meat industry hires people to make sure that they slaughter cattle "humanely" but that does not mean that they do the really humane thing and not kill cattle at all. (as you will have guessed, I do not eat meat.)

Off topic, but a lot of the critics you mentioned either focus on society at large or systems of government.

newspaper publishers and editors live in society, too, and they live under systems of government.

Few, if any, would posit that "mainstream media" are working in concert with the government to push an agenda, as you claim.

I did not state so. the Saunders book, though, does indicate that you cannot always trust that what you see around you happened just by chance. even if deliberate government and corporate manipulation does not exist, information systems of control exist. the Saunders book showed me that perhaps things which sound completely crazy maybe do happen in the real world.

And Tim Leary? Seriously? The guy was an acid enthusiast who simply ranted off the top of his head. He is not an authority on anything.

I would actually read his work on the Eight Circuit Mode of Consciousness rather than dismiss it out of hand. specifically, I think that his description of the terrestrial circuits and of reality tunnels sound plausible. he gets less plausible as he talks about the post-terrestrial circuits.

I agree, people who said there isn't evidence are the people who didn't get to see the pizzagate subreddit before it was banned

Yes. The "real" bombers.

Wait, when did this conversation become about Trump? Are you saying this pizzagate thing is politically motivated?

By the way, remember Marilyn Manson's edgy performances? Did you believe a literal devil was at work there? Same thing, this woman is into edgy art, and wants to get a rise out of people like you just like MManson did in the 90s. You actually believe magic, real witches, and the devil exist, dont you?

Still no evidence

finding pedo art

Art with children in it isn't "pedo art". Innocent children have been a cherished subject of art for centuries/millennia.

I hope you realize how much perversion is being projected by the people who are persecuting this storyline. Just as people in the Middle Ages might see a woman who likes the woods and imagine she's having sex with the devil in them.

What are you talking about? That's exactly what they did. Most half-baked conspiracy theories don't get a rebuttal from the New York Times.

You tha man.

Let me clear that up. I view pizzagate, based only on it's origination in The_Donald and the Wikileaks subs, both of which are so fucking aligned with Russian geopolitical goals and biased against America it isn't even funny, as entirely without credence. It is literally not worth even reading about or investigating based solely on where it originates.

This goes back to my original post, that banning the subreddit and a "hitpiece" by the Times are entirely reasonable because it's an idiot theory propagated by idiots who are so far into a media bubble populated by actual russian trolls and people who've realized how much fucking money you can make by lying your fucking ass off on the internet that Pizzagate is entirely unworthy of any consideration.

TLDR if you think this shit is legit you need to fucking delete facebook, reddit, and your infowars bookmark because you're literally the cancer killing this country. This retarded "conspiracy" is emblematic of why we just elected a fucking corrupt facist.

Combine that with skepticism of literally anything

The real problem is that people in this community aren't skeptical of everything. They're skeptical of only the things that don't support their already established beliefs.

5 Convicted? Name them.

Code words and connections on public media?

I don't think you're a shill. Just a fucking idiot.

Good response

Being friends with 5 convicted pedophiles is circumstantial evidence..

Five? Tony Podesta was friends with Hastert but the relationship with Clement Freud was fabricated. I haven't seen any evidence that either of them knew Epstein either. Who are the others?

connections to others with similar connections suggests a network. Knowing the history and connections of these people to a larger network is telling.

Everybody is connected to everybody else, literally. National politicians and their associates are connected to thousands of people. An analysis of Franklin Roosevelt's appointment book concluded that he had more than 22,000 acquaintances. Podesta's email on wikileaks has email from more than 4,200 email addresses (not all different people, of course).

Mostly they're connected because they're Democrats. We shouldn't forget that this is the reason they were targeted. This is why Podesta's email was hacked and this is the reason that hundreds of 4chan and The_Donald creeps examined every aspect of their lives that they could find.

code words

The code words were made up on 4chan three weeks ago. Go back and read the emails. They're talking about food.

C3PO has one silver leg.

Was this piece found in somebody's home/collection or is it just by the same artist as another painting from someone's home/collection?

Yes. Good point. It sounds like you have done your homework, and you are very knowledgeable about these issues.

What do you know about the Illuminati and Luciferianism?

the only problem with /r/conspiracy is most of /r/conspiracy.

Why isn't /r/politics shut down for generating hatred for President-elect Trump?

They only allow recent articles. They aren't crafting conspiracy theories in self posts. And most of the stuff that "generates hatred" for Trump is just quoting him directly.

Yes, they ask for tips or see if anyone recognizes a photo of a suspect.

They do not crowd source the investigation. They do not ask the American public to do the investigative legwork for them.

There is a YUGE difference between "Does anyone recognize this person?" and "Can you figure out who this person is?"

With all that alleged evidence, energy would be better spent trying to get some child abusers in prison, rather than just using it as simply another talking point against the other party.

You know what, if a real evidence is found, I'll come here and say I'm sorry. Until then I'll keep thinking you guys are lunatics.

Here's my problems with talking about it:

  1. The "evidence" comes from a private email account. Which means that even if here was evidence of a crime having been committed, that evidence was obtained from a private source without a search warrant. Any sort of investigation would be violating fundamental rights.

  2. There are multiple baby pictures being used as "evidence" of child rape. As a parent, seeing pictures people took of their babies being used this was is super creepy to me.

  3. The usual doxxing, don't ruin people's lives concerns.

Honestly, it's like the people who believe this stuff have forgotten that pizza was actually the most popular food in America for quite a while now.

Not really Lol...weird pictures don't equal pedophile

...code words

Here's the problem, right here. Those aren't evidence, and those "code words" are what started all this nonsense. The entire "code word" idea came from people reading the email strings - including previous messages - and saying to themselves, "they sure are talking about pizza and cheese a lot while they swap messages about this pizza party they're having. What could I make up that could turn their pizza party into something nefarious?"

Absolutely. Stand with you here mate.

There you go, source info just posted above.

What is more viable and more important than uncovering a child trafficking business?

We are judging anyone who has blindly posted the SLIMGUR link. If you did that, its on you. You are part of this.

haha look at yourself. look how angry you get when you're wrong. >Now look motherfucker lol whats the matter with you? stop acting like a child.

I just want to get this straight, because this seems like a strange concept: you're so passionately against doxxing that you want to show it by attempting to dox someone? get a life girl.

For one thing, the accounts you listed don't show a fascination with children and sexually explicit material, do they? And i certainly didn't list any individual's social media in a threatening way. Do you not see the difference?

At the end of the day, it's still just artwork. Like the same artwork that has caused "controversy" as long as culture has existed. The same artwork that the Vatican and Hitler supposedly burned.

It's not like they are photographs of children having sex being passed around as "artwork."

These are paintings. Paintings with symbolic meanings to the artist and viewers. Paintings that can be interpreted. Paintings that can be political. You made the mistake of letting someone else do the interpretation for you and now associate it with pedophilia.

Let me give an alternate analysis. If you think it's absurd that's fine - because I think your analysis that it's pedo art is equally absurd. Why can't the painting represent something about the submission of power and feminism (urgh)? Young women are forced to kneel against "a wall" imposed by society. I mean, it is Washington DC the people we're talking about are connected to the DNC. The DNC who just ran a candidate on "being the first woman president." Most of that voter base believe that they lived their childhood in a time when genders weren't so equal and pushed those barriers. So yeah, not exactly surprised that a symbolic submission of power as young females is a political theme in that base. Since politics is Washington's culture, it's also not exactly surprising that women and power pop up in the wealthy's "taste of the week".

This whole controversy is even more absurd, because 90% of the questionable artwork doesn't even have a direct connection to Comet. It'd be like if I went through your Facebook, found some creepy/quirky friends interest, made some 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon' jumps to find a questionable link to homosexuality, and posted a comment "proving" that you're a gay dude.

Replace "you" with "one can" and my sentiment remains

EDIT: Keyboard ate my wordz

If they can do that they can do other nefarious things as well, though, and we'd never know.

Nah I spent a good hour or two on your subreddit before it got canned for doxxing. There is a lot of stretches of logic in there that would get you laughed out of any real investigative team. I made another comment highlighting my favorites you can look for it if you're curious

Okay I'll bite. What do you think of this art work?

I don't like it. But I did google Biljana Djurdjevic and her works are actually supposed to reflect the violence and helplessness following the self destruction of yugoslavia.

I somehow thought that we are past the whole "it is perverted!!" critique of art. Everyone who listens to metal is a satanist, Rock'n'roll is perverted black music.. blahblahblah. humans never learn.

There's tons of stories we know are true and the media doesn't cover. Like how the media was working and taking shots from the Clinton camp. Oh wait, no wonder they don't want to talk about that. Or how about the Standing Rock protest? Or how about the Wildlife Refuge protest? Or how about huge surveillance bill that passed in UK? Or how about how voting machines are less transparent than Vegas slot machines? Instead they give us videos I already saw on eddit a few days ago and celebrity gossip.

let's not forget what's at the heart of the pizza gate conspiracy: children being sold into sex slavery.

You do realize the majority of people here in /r/conspiracy dont actually care about the children? They are into this shit because if a theory gets proved they can brag about it. "SEE!? I TOLD YOU GUYS!"

You're right, the three pictures you've linked are not incriminating. I don't think the art works are an important piece of evidence, just an interesting aside.

If you're interested in some reading I found this summary to be fairly reasonable, although some parts are still too circumstantial for my liking.

The most important parts to me are the "Laura Silsby" part, and the "Epstein Connection" - if these claims are true they are quite damning and not as ambiguous as a lot of the rest.

Although I realise it's circumstantial I think a lot of the rest is very strange: Jimmycomet's instagram, the 12 minute monologue video (what the fuck?), and a few specific emails that are very questionable (pool party, hot dog friday, headcount for pizza, did you leave a handkerchief, spirit cooking invitation)

You seem like a reasonable person so I'm curious to hear your thoughts on each of these. I do admit I enjoy indulging in this fantasy (for lack of a better word) so it'd be good to hear a more critical perspective

I've followed it since before it was called pizzagate, and I'm still open to the idea, but as of yet it hasn't produced a single piece of actual evidence.

There is no defense for that kind of artwork.


A: You only need the Fake News MSM to tell you what to think.

Oh, and a desire to cover-up the rape of little children, the true sign of a real piece of shit.

didn't they give him life?

How do you think the dominoes thing means anything? Guy ate a lot of food ("on" pizza, or whatever), then asks if he'll do better "on" (having eaten a lot of) pasta. It's such an obvious, Occam's Razor issue, but you want to believe it's something nefarious. Why?

In a statement, the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department said it was monitoring the situation and is “aware of general threats being made against this establishment.” The F.B.I. said it “does not confirm or deny the existence of investigations.”

and to address your other paragraph, you can have suspicions all you want but until solid evidence comes through that proves she's a pedo you can't really call her that, well you can but no one is going to take you seriously

I don't think anyone has ever called Hillary a pedophile, including me. Why even bring that up? Obviously her link to a child snatcher is disturbing. At least I hope that disturbs you.

However, II don't think anyone would be shocked if Bill or Donald were pedos.

Like you said, they are all "circumstancial evidence". Circumstancial evidence can't get you anywhere, neither in the academics/sciences nor in the legal system. People are innocent until prove otherwise. People should not be judged or harassed by self proclamed internet prosecutors.

Can you at least pretend that you are not a child that just got called out on obvious bullshit and who then pretended to stick his fingers in his ears and proceeded to call everybody else in the room names?

Reddit is not a single circlejerk no matter how long you keep repeating that to yourself. Dig your head out of your ass, get rid of your victim complex and grow up.

Another fantastic leap of logic, and then you try twist my argument against me? Alright man, you enjoy your "idea" of sensibility.

Absolutely brilliant response.