Why has Anthony Weiner's damning laptop evidence been forgotten wrt pizzagate?

381  2016-11-26 by asampaleanu

Somehow people are forgetting that a lot of evidence was found on Weiner's laptop implicating many of the top people in DC. Anyone talking about pizzagate should bring up this case as well.


Whatever evidence is on AW's laptop is as yet unknown, not forgotten.

I meant forgotten by the public which should be crying out for the evidence to be brought to light. I suppose it could still be a matter of Obama's pardons getting in the way of that.

Perhaps it's a matter of pardons.

Perhaps it's a matter of critical mass.

Perhaps it's a matter of prosecution.

Whatever. I'm interested as hell.

Every day I wake up and am excited to see what new revelations have unfolded. Thanks, Podesta.

"Forgotten" by the major media.

Since it wasn't leaked publicly, we'll never know what it truly contained.

We hope the FBI are waiting for trump to take office

I don't understand how they got all the NYPD guys to agree to keep quiet.

I guess death threats are pretty convincing.

I hope they made copies of all the files and the FBI doesn't have the only ones.

They did. Members of congress also have copies.


People who have the connections have said as much.

Good to know. Do you happen to have a source you can link to or no?

I'd think of it this way. If theres any genuine people involved they made copies. If its all corrupt they'll make sure everything was destroyed. Or the wildcard, they're all dirty but someone made copies to use as blackmail. Or a second wildcard, other copies exist somewhere they aren't aware of and could potentially surface, like Huma's stuff syncing with AW laptop.

yah no way there isnt a few russel crowe lookin' cops drinking themselves to oblivion, hiding in underground nyc with the files printed

waitin for a knock and bang, or for the glorious day of crowning of the emperor

I believe NYPD has copies. I have faith in people doing the right thing and I think cops are more or less decent average guys. I also don't have faith in secrets kept with overwhelming numbers of people involved. Unless they are people with a lot to lose.

the whole world to lose, maybe..

I think copies are out there. Even if they thought they destroyed them all I think theres copies hidden away somewhere that'll eventually surface. I also agree with the amount of people in the mix it would be impossible to keep everything secret.

I'm putting my bets on "no"

It's fine, I didn't expect one. And I wasn't being sarcastic either, if that's why I got downvotes. I already believe in this day and age there's very little data anywhere that's safe from replication, especially if it's even slightly potentially valuable, it's safe to assume there's copies.

Me too. But I don't say that because I think /u/EyeCrush is wrong. I think /u/EyeCrush is right and he knows it.

The FBI probably destroyed all the files.


Trump isn't gonna do shit about it.

That's exactly what we hope. Obama will interfere.

The NYPD handed all the evidence over to the FBI, and then supposedly told the NYPD not to pursue any prosecutions. A few things that happened since a NYPD chief was threatening to make it public though- Julian Assange dissapeared, WikiLeaks strongly appears to be compromised, 2 veteran NYPD police officers were murdered, massive DDOS attack on the east coast DNS provider.

I've theorized personally that it was all related. 1st, shut up Julian. 2nd, stop the deads mans switch. 3rd, take/destroy evidence in NYPD custody. DDOS May have been used as a cover to infiltrate NYPD HQ and delete evidence. 4th eliminate the 1 or 2 other NYPD officers who knew about the evidence.

Personally I think this theory is really reaching, but I don't understand why we haven't heard from the police chief who stated "What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,”. If he doesn't follow up with actions, his words are meaningless. Unless, he was in on the cover up, or he no longer has any evidence.

Link to NYPD chief statements - http://www.infowars.com/breaking-bombshell-nypd-blows-whistle-on-new-hillary-emails-money-laundering-sex-crimes-with-children-child-exploitation-pay-to-play-perjury/

Edit- Also, this theory could explain why alternate news stopped reporting on it. If the evidence disappeared and everyone with inside knowledge knew it. Then the alternate news sources got hit with possible libel/defamation if they continued covering it..

that laptop with its 650K emails is likely one of the missing HRC email server laptops.


As prophesied by the sages if old...

/Why not?

//The kids have...

///Not that they wanted to...

Where is the "Bombshell" we were promised from wikileaks?

with all the others they never release.

My guess optimistic guess is that the case has been put on hold so as to avoid having to press charges while Obama is president as he could then put the charges before a court so as to pardon the involved parties.

My pessimistic guess is that the evidence was taken by the FBI and ''misplaced''.

Because the elites won the election. They don't give a stuff about using the conspiracy movement to bash their political enemies (The left) anymore. The Economic/Monetary and cultural elites now control all areas of government.

Now their agenda will be radical cultural engineering. FEMA camps and shit.

Because the elites lost the election.


When Rudy Giuliani is stomping around the White house I find that hard to believe.

When Rudy Giuliani is stomping around the White house I find that hard to believe.

Rudy Giuliani doesn't have free roam of the white house. What the fuck are you talking about.

Damn you're creeping like Rudy following me around like this.

I think you've been mislead

they will be more concerned with a stronger happier America.

we are in competition with China and Europe and India and Russia, and all te rest.

seems pizzagate was a manufactured distraction.


I for one am distracting from the distraction to distract us.

You don't distract me, you give me more resolve.

go get on that Weiner!

Huma-na, Huma-na, Huma-na. Tony boy!

Norton? Norton my friend...come on down hereya I wanna show ya something!

While everyone is obssessing over the possibility that Podesta might be a paedo', hardly anyone is looking into whether Huma is a Saudi spy.


Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin. One of the most prolific of the Clintonístas.

why democrats always want to run all these foreigners?



i think everyone remembers.

im surprised shes still alive.

she either betrayed Clinton or was extremely incompetent (whether through her fault or husband). i cant believe she hasn't had a gym accident.

Likely the same people are implicated. The pizzagate evidence came by way of WikiLeaks, while the laptop contained far worse and came to the NYPD through the investigation into Weiner's sexting, IIRC. So pizzagate is not a distraction - it's the same thing.

because it was an unsubstantiated rumor created by the internet. there was no source to what they found on his laptop. where are you getting this from?

Sure, lots of things are unsubstantiated until someone is formally charged. IIRC, Roger Stone had a connection at the NYPD (a chief). The guy is pretty well connected as far as I know. Whether you believe him is another thing. I heard him talking about his source on the Alex Jones show.


i listen to alex jones also, and ive read most of pizzagate. ive been listening to alex jones for 15 years. if you believe everything on infowars is the gospel truth youre doing it wrong.

I don't, but he's not all crazy. He covered the Bohemian Grove goings-on more than a decade ago. The Spirit Cooking stuff is in the same vein, IMO. People at the top do these things. I don't think that can be denied. Whether it's just a crazy exercise for all of them is debatable. Why, even if for shits and giggles do the rituals have to involve sacrifice, children, blood?

I didn't say he was crazy, and I agree with you. My point is, there is no substantial source material on what specifically was found on that laptop. I'm also saying that most of what involves pizzagate, while I'll admit is certainly bizarre, doesn't necessarily implicate criminal wrong doing. I'm not saying it isn't a possibility that this stuff holds weight, but there's also a very serious possibility that it's being severely exaggerated and taken way too far.

In my personal opinion, this pizza gate stuff seems to be co-intel pro that can be used to discredit this "movement" and certainly the people at /r/the_donald. Seems like everyone is taking the bait also. It could also be the reason why Alex Jones isn't covering it as heavily as everyone here on reddit is. There are much more opportunities for us to make progress on issues that have credibility to them, in terms of defeating globalism, the oligarchs, and the new world order then pizzagate in my opinion. Pizzagate can be used (if false) to completely discredit everything. Just my opinion as someone who's been paying attention to this shit for half my life.

This guy believes the same as you wrt Pizzagate. He just put out a video in which he makes a case for how it could be used to attack free speech.

Pizzagate - ATTACK on FREE SPEECH? How Soros Can Silence You (as 'Fake News')!

The thing is that a lot of the evidence came to light through the WikiLeaks dumps. This is stuff that very likely wasn't meant to be accidentally made public, IMO. If you believe that the dumps weren't tampered with - and I do, then for it to be co-intel pro seems a stretch.

so when did they go public with the emails, or was that just a load of bullshit?

No, they have not. Think I've read that there was an order to stand down on going public from higher up.

But i heard it on /r/conspiracy

Norton? Norton my friend...come on down hereya I wanna show ya something!

But i heard it on /r/conspiracy

Sure, lots of things are unsubstantiated until someone is formally charged. IIRC, Roger Stone had a connection at the NYPD (a chief). The guy is pretty well connected as far as I know. Whether you believe him is another thing. I heard him talking about his source on the Alex Jones show.


I believe NYPD has copies. I have faith in people doing the right thing and I think cops are more or less decent average guys. I also don't have faith in secrets kept with overwhelming numbers of people involved. Unless they are people with a lot to lose.

the whole world to lose, maybe..

I think copies are out there. Even if they thought they destroyed them all I think theres copies hidden away somewhere that'll eventually surface. I also agree with the amount of people in the mix it would be impossible to keep everything secret.

yah no way there isnt a few russel crowe lookin' cops drinking themselves to oblivion, hiding in underground nyc with the files printed

waitin for a knock and bang, or for the glorious day of crowning of the emperor