Update from the user who found 30ish wifi signals underground at a fake distillery connected to Pizzagate

5268  2016-11-26 by [deleted]



This was posted just a few minutes ago and has already been downvoted heavily. There is very suspicious activity going on with all of the pizzagate posts. People receive massive amounts of upvotes when they call pizzagate crazy, but they don't provide any arguments against the evidence compiled in this investigation.

This is not how this sub usually works. Sure, there are always people who disagree on various theories, and arguing the evidence is what makes this sub so great. However, the recent actions of some posters here, many of whom I've never seen before, makes me think there is a concerted effort to not only attack pizzagate, but also attack this community as a whole. It's starting to feel too much like r/politics and the manufactured opinions there

Everything pizzagate-related is being reported constantly.

I'm very concerned about what's going on here.

I've never seen so many people attack a theory with such credence to it. In /r/conspiracy of all places.

Whoa hey buddy, this isn't the place for discussing conspiracies. Better report that comment too guys. /s

I got downvoted to hell yesterday when I told people that as an old pizzagate mod we could only show you 1/3 of the info we had here. If you saw the rest your jaw would drop to the floor.

Then BAM! Downvotes instantly.

There is some suspicious shit going on.

Bécasse that sounds like complete bullshit. This is the first post that got me interested in pizza gate and hearing someone say "if you had the info I had then you'd believe me" doesn't convince people. You're a stranger on the internet so until shown proof I won't take your word. With that, good luck and good on you guys to manage to stir up a discussion. Even if this all sounds crazy I'll keep an open mind.

Obviously it's good that people like you question the validity of things but in this case we have about 600 people with everything I just talked about. I'm not saying "Believe me believe me!". What I was trying to say is any sort of pizzagate related topics have been downvoted to oblivion. Posts not just by me but by hundreds of other people, on r/conspiracy nonetheless.

There is some weird shit going on here and trust me, if the pizzagate subreddit was still up I'd be posting this stuff I say would make your jaw drop but we can't anymore on Reddit so we took to other avenues.

Find those other avenues and you won't be saying it's complete bullshit.

Dude the honest answer is that /r/all is completely sick of being flooded with pizzagate posts that for the most part are ridiculous.

No, it's shills and it's fucking obvious

This is literally on the front page right now, and the rest of reddit thinks you're crazy.

I think it's become pretty fucking evident these last few weeks that reddit as a majority isn't home to the brightest thinkers around. Don't throw reddit around as if we should be listening to the consensus.

Oh? So if they aren't shills they are just stupid. Yea. You show em, tiger.

They are shills. I was just commenting that reddit is mostly sheep. That much is true.

So now we are back to "all the downvotes are from shills." Great.

Mass down votes within "minutes" of posting is hard to explain with anything other than bots and shills to be fair.

As we discuss in a thread that made it to the FRONT PAGE.

Just give up man. I had to unsubscribe from the sub because it seems over the last few months it's been co-opted by the_donald. Like, unless you absolutely concede that Hillary is a child raping cannibal you're obviously a fucking shill. A bunch of people talking about 'critical thinking' and all that bullshit but then turn around and use a bunch of tangentially related threads and a whole lot of wild speculation to spin some anti-DNC narrative.

I mean 4 out of every 5 threads is some haphazard attempt to smear shit on the Dems.

Wheres any posts critical of the president elect and all the shady business deals he's involved in? Or any of his ties to Russia etc. Not a peep. Everyone's too busy smearing the candidate who lost rather than scrutinizing Trump.

And then they all cry 'shill' or 'bias' or 'CRT'... my question is who's really shilling for who here?

God damn, you are right.

I mean, your right. Unfortunately. As soon as anyone got wind of "rigging" and "corruption" they instantly came to conspiracy in mass. It's shitty, and I do wish we could split our time up more evenly because there's definitely plenty to say about Trump and is campaign people. Manafort has some pretty interesting ties to Russia that should really be investigated. It's almost like they set a super easy target in front of us knowing we'd chase it to the point where the normal people don't care any more and ignore the other target in favor of chasing further.

But really though I may not get the people that call her a cannibal rapist pedophile, there's never gonna be solid evidence of that, but it's been solidly proven that her entire campaign is the definition of political corruption and there's a pretty compelling argument for the DNC being just as bad.

I appreciate your nuanced and highbrow comment here. I absolutely agree that there was corruption in the DNC and Clinton campaign. It does, regardless, feel like reddit is actively having its discourse manipulated by external forces beyond her camp or CTR.

Someone elsewhere in the thread suggested that the average reddit user is lazy and stupid. I'm not going to dispute that, but we are (mostly) all human, we make mistakes and are subject to being sucked into the hive mind if we aren't careful.

Also, the "controversial" marker by the comment score leads me to believe we aren't the only ones who think like this. Keep your head up.

there were hit pieces on trump in conspiracy. the hate for hillary is completely justified though so i dont think you can complain about it.

Did I say it was impossible that the number and timing of down votes was massively exaggerated? No, it's entirely possible most of the brigade is imagined. But, I don't believe in coincidence. If something gets shit on as soon as it starts to gain some traction, you have to try and figure out where it's coming from. A half assed bot brigade would certainly give a large spike in down votes while probably letting it stay on the front page for a while.

Honestly tho if someone was using bots and shllls to mass downvote a post it would be easy to bury said post without hope of a comeback, this is on the front page so I'm sorry if I'm completely skeptical of your shill/bots theory.

This sub is basically becoming T_D2. Anyone who doesn't drink the anti-dnc koolaid is outright ridiculed and dismissed as a shill.

So much for rational, critical thought.

Is it Kool-aid if there's pretty clear evidence, even ignoring the existence of pizza gate, that the organization is corrupt from the top down? There's perfectly valid reason to despise the DNC regardless of how you feel about T_D. I've never met someone who was informed, who had read through the Podesta emails and seen the inner workings who could continue to actually support the DNC and not think they're rotten to the core.

Its almost like there should be more to /r/conspiracy than just DNC investigations. How about Manaforts ties to Russia?

I didn't say it was impossible to explain, just very hard to explain. It's also possible he's exaggerating the number and timing of down votes. We may never know.

Skepticism is good, it means your questioning what you're hearing. I can't fault that.

If you say it's hard to explain with anything other than shills and bots then what you're saying is that the most likely scenario is the downvotes coming from shills and bots.

But if it comes from shills and bots the downvotes should be more numerous due to how easy setting up a botnet and creating accounts on reddit is.

So when you say "mass downvotes" you're being disingenuous by implying (whether you intended to or not) that they are a substantial amount when in reality the amount of downvotes is so mall in the big scheme of things that it is unimportant, so the most likely scenario following that wouldn't be bots nor shills.

Like it or not, reddit starts hating anything that is popular for enough time, a conspiracy is not going to be an exception. Call them sheep or whatever you want but it changes nothing, fact is that seeing so many posts about pizzagate in r/all is making a ton of people that browse this website hate the conspiracy for no other reason than they're tired of seeing it on the frontpage.

So the most likely scenario? People with nothing to do browsing the new section of the sub or r/all and downvoting whatever pizzagate related because they're tired of it.

The same happens with any particular topic that gets popular enough to the point of flooding the front page and it's honestly embarrassing how people still don't realize this shit, it also happens in small subreddit, although in a smaller scale of course.

Actually, with so many people vocalizing their anger even in the pizzagate posts themselves one would think that the fact that the pizzagate posts are reaching the frontpage with thousands of upvotes would be a conspiracy on itself but nobody ever ponders that, I've seen plenty of people easily entertaining the thought that those upvotes come from the silent majority that cares, explaining upvotes away as 100% fair with no doubt in their mind or care in their heart but when it comes to downvotes (dissent) even in small numbers the easiest explanation is shills and bots. But upvotes? Nah, those must be totally legit.

The lack of consistency in that mentality is what drives me insane about this community, when things go right for you it must surely mean everyone is playing fair but when things go south it becomes suddenly suspicious.

Yes, thank you. There is vote manipulation happening in /r/conspiracy and t_d. You'd be silly to assume not. It is a game to some people, it really is.

The rest of reddit thought Trump never had a chance to be POTUS, either.

You are attempting to stifle curiosity into a possible connection with CST. Why are you more worried about DC insider's reputation than the exploitation of Children?

Ohhh and there it is the "if you don't agree with me the pedophiles win" argument. Literally won't someone think of the children argument.

chuckles persistent group, aren't ya'll?

If you are trying to imply I am a shill... well, that'd be hilarious actually.

"rest of reddit"

A couple of bots and the people who simply refuse to see facts.

The way I see it, if the prospect of sexually abused kids being trafficked doesn't turn on someone's "woke alarm" to start really looking at the evidence, that person is hopeless and probably deserves their ignorance.

The prospect of calling someone a pedophile with no real evidence is ignorant as well.

There is more than enough evidence for anyone to find. Literally anyone in the world can fact check this stuff. It's all very accessible and incontrovertible. Simply research James Alefantis instagram, ask about what drives this guy, and then connect the dots through the Podesta files to the Clintons and ask yourself why this guy is so connected. Literally anyone can connect the dots (and are).

Can attest. Am on reddit, think shills guy is crazy.

you think taping kids to tables is normal?

and thats exactly why pedophiles get away with this shit cuz people like you think its crazy

Oh wow. Just laying the blame at my feet for the sickos, eh?

if catholic priests are proven pedophiles its not hard to believe these freaks are too

Thats fallacious as hell and you know it.

your fallacious as hell you prob are one of them keep defending them freak


well when people just dismiss it .. thats how pedophiles get away with it they fuckin threaten there victims telling them noone will believe them

Wasn't that picture a customer's pic that the pizza place shared?

does that matter?

Just saying, snopes article on it didn't make it sound so damming. Kids tape each other to tables and do other stupid shit. Parents are amused and take pic, etc etc.

naw man.. dont trust snopes

But they actually explained things. Those kids' parents have those images on their own social media and stuff, and they'd tag or share the restaurant, who would then post it. They didn't just make a bunch of spurious links.

With that said, I'm still keeping an open mind. But I remember what happened with Reddit's Boston bomber and daycare investigations... Right now all the "evidence" I've read isn't evidence at all.

Ya because there pedophiles what kind of parent would put a pic of there kid taped to a table on social media ... that's sick

I saw the pic. Not much tape, plus it's masking tape, only on hands, plus child is smiling. Could be a joke about kid stealing pizza off siblings plate or hitting or something, and humorously taping hands to table to teach her to keep get hands to herself.

To automatically jump to pedophilia is crazy.

There's really no arguement it's fucked up keep defending it

I'm not defending it. I'm saying you act like this stuff is fact when there's so many crazy leaps in logic or unclear (and often fabricated/assumed) links.

I'm just skeptical since Reddit sleuths have a history of being wrong.

That picture was taken by a customer. Do you have kids? They definitely do all kinds of weird shit. Pretty sure my older brothers taped me to a few chairs when I was a kid.

no one ever fuckin taped me to a table then took a pic .. thats so fucked up...

don't have kids

The Frontpage only shows subs you are subscribed to. Did you mean r/all?


No, it's people like me that think you're all insane and are sick of seeing the same shit on the top of all every day. Same way I feel about the_donald.

But there were people like you for the catholicism scandal, and the Hollywood rings and the UK rings. I'm not a disciple of this by any means, but the smug dismissal of this kind of shit by so many doesn't seem healthy.

It will be dismissed until reputable and substantive evidence is given. Sorry.

Not the person to say sorry to, but with every high profile scandal there's someone who looks like an idiot for dismissing it so easily at first. This is certainly not unprecedented.

Well, yeah. That's one position to hold I guess, but personally I would rather actually have substantial evidence before I start accusing people of running a pedo ring.

There is also precedent for people looking like idiots because they assume guilt when it turned out all the evidence was refutable and bunk. Hell, the USA has murdered innocent people because of our shitty standard for evidence in a lot of cases, so I would rather be on the skeptical side and wait before I grab my pitchfork.

Personally, I wouldn't call someone an idiot for dismissing something like this case for which there is little good evidence. As I've stated before, if something was given to me that was substantial and irrefutable I would of course admit that I was wrong. At the present time, I have been given no such reason.

I think both parties are idiots. In this case I think there's plenty to raise your eyebrows at, such as the sketches and Podesta's tastes but there's certainly the potential for rational explanations. So you see, considering the parameters of idiocy we've established, completely dismissing it as you have done seems like a mistake.

Haha, down-voted for saying he needs substantial evidence. Never change, /r/conspiricuck

Word, lets just sweep it under the rug and let history keep repeating itself because you hate reading. Great approach to life. http://archives.chicagotribune.com/1977/05/16/page/1/article/chicago-is-center-of-national-child-porno-ring

I'm not sweeping anything under any rug. It's a post on Reddit and I'm a random dude.

I've read through all the PizzaGate "evidence" and without a massive leap in logic it's completely dismissible. If something concrete comes in the future I'll change my tune but until then I have absolutely no reason to give it any credence.

Jeezus you sound like a newborn baby that just got spanked. Nice account SHILL

That makes absolutely zero sense.

Also, calling everyone who disagrees with you a shill makes YOU look childish, not the other way round.

Thanks though.

It's easy to wake dopes like you up. The only question is do you want to be woke? If at this point, you haven't looked at the evidence critically enough, you probably don't. If your "woke trigger" isn't triggered at all by the prospect of sexually abused/trafficked children, then you just are like a 10 on the self-absorbed scale and there's probably no hope for ever getting you out of that stupor.

But I can try. Anyone can come to appreciate just how terrible this stuff is. All they have to do is want to understand. To do that, it's simple: Find all the Jimmy Alefantis instagram pics that you can. look through them all and ask yourself what his motivations are - really question them. Then as you consider that, cross reference his name in the Podesta files and ask yourself why a creepy guy like this (and you will think he's very creepy is you go through his instagram) has such deep connection in DC.

Literally anyone can verify this stuff if they look into Jimmy Alefantis. The guy was a real dope and put it all out there on Instagram, showing you slices of his existence. Anyone who studies this guy has to ask questions about what the fuck is going on here.

Lots of text, and no evidence.

so you support pedophiles

No. if that's what you took from this comment, you're literally mentally deficient.

Nope. Normal redditors sucks of the election bullshit that pizzagate began with. I suspect the silent majority is sick of it. Lots down vote and become the loud majority/minority. And a few are defs shills.

Admins and mods are defs suss. But don't doubt just how God awful 2 years of bullshit politics from a country a lot of us aren't even from is. Especially when no matter how many subs you block, people just make new one that reach the front page and you're flooded with shit again.

Every time I browse all I'm bombarded with this bullshit.

I couldn't give less of a fuck, and in truth, it really just makes me hungry.

That's not how reddit works. The majority are not what decides posts. It's people who troll new and rising.

It's incredibly rare once a post gets velocity for the site to decidedly turn against it. Most votes are upvotes.

But it goes way beyond "election bullshit". Deep seeded corruption in the political elite is a trend that transcends election cycles and won't go away until confronted.

Happy Cake Day!

And that's no conspiracy!

Jesus fucking Christ. Must be nice to think everyone who disagrees with your BS is a God damn shill. Listen to yourself for 5 fucking seconds with an "open mind" and maybe you will realize why everyone is sick of this shit.

Shill detected.

Bet you don't even believe in the reptile government.

You're the one not using an open mind. There is a pedo ring within our government, it's not like it's made up.

Be careful. Don't want get banned for calling them out though.

Ultimately the only way things will change is getting out into the streets on a massive scale. The numbers and motivation still is not there yet but the tipping point is getting closer. Subs like these will always be infiltrated and shut down. We need better organization. It'll come though. People are starting to figure everything out.

If it got to the front page then people arent sick of it? That is the whole point on voting

Except that reddit only displays 30 subscribed subs at a time so only a fraction of reddit will ever vote, AND /r/conspiracy has enough userbase to push something to the front page on their own.

Then good for them. If you dont like it, then just downvote it and stop bitching because the site isnt acting the way you want it

I am educating you, not bitching.

and you say: "Dude the honest answer is that /r/all is completely sick of being flooded with pizzagate posts that for the most part are ridiculous."

that's not educating. that's just being a whiny bitch.

So it's working as designed.

Right, but I am explaining why the majority of reddit could be sick of a topic even if it gets to /r/all... Try to keep up.

You should have run for president as you clearly seem to know what "the majority of reddit" wants.

Reddit does not represent the rest of the US.

Why not just flood Reddit with this information. If you spread it everywhere on Reddit they'll censor it. But not in time for tons of people to see. Just continually spread the info through Reddit.

Doing that is the reason you are getting downvoted...

The cognitive dissonance here is unreal..

How so?

The fact that you guys actually think pizzagate is getting downvoted for any other reason than that most people on here think it's bullshit.

What do you mean?

People downvote stuff they don't want to see or don't care about, having stuff taking up a lot of the front page because a small group of people want to keep it there will just make other people downvote it more.

I really dont downvote a lot so I was going off of personal experience. But what I was getting at was more a broadcasting situation. Where all of a sudden Reddit is flooded with pizzagate information on various subreddits.

Yes, that is the fastest way to make people just annoyed without giving a shit about your message...

I'm not even taking any sides here, but people will not listen to you just because you spam something.

The majority of people want but you'll get the few that will. And that slowly builds over time. Its not gonna work like a light switch. Your not just going to magicakally make everyone believe this clearly. But all we do is stay hidden on the various subreddits this is a subject of discussion on, that's our problem. We need to spread imo

I guess people take their downvotes seriously. Personally I wouldn't give a damn if I was sharing stuff I believed to be legit and help move this forward for others to see and contemplate vs downvotes. Even if 3 people open their eyes and I get 1000 downvotes - worth it.

You are pushing more people away by spamming than you would ever gain from it.

That is the very definition of spamming.

The wikileak DNC stuff was complete shit for the most part. They had all caps headlines, "Get in there", "vote this to the top" etc calls for brigading.

The whole thing stank of being delusional.

My favorite all caps statement is "100% TRUE" but then they post no sources just a meme


Not gonna lie. I was on the bandwagon. I definitely still believe trump is a better option then Hillary was. But he has gone back on some things he was VERY adamant about. So now im questioning his validity just like every other politician.

He is the poster-child for the political term "back pedalling" or just plain lying.

Sadly Hillary was worse than he was. Its just so fucked man.

No. He has no clear idea of the actual limitations the office that the POTUS has.

When he was in charge of his fiefdom, he had free reign to be a tyrant.

As a POTUS you have to be able to listen to both sides and come up with compromises.

But turning your back on the "backbone" of America was better. Hillary didn't care about the working class. She likes to hold the poor down by giving them handouts instead of a real chance to succeed. She deletes 33000 emails to cover her ass and smashes blackberries and laptops. She trusted Anthony Wiener a known pedophile with classified information. Trump is just a jack ass that's all we know definitely from hi.. But you've said your part, I've said mine. Lets not dwell on these issues. Lets focus our attention on the bigger things at hand.

HRC was never in charge of domestic policies. She did work on committees getting money for the health issues of 9/11 1st responders plus work on the US senate commitee https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Senate_Committee_on_Health,_Education,_Labor_and_Pensions

I delete emails as a matter of course to help me keep my inbox trimmed down. BTW weren't those all recovered for various buzzards to pick over? I also destroy old hard drives when I upgrade computers so as to keep old data from prying eyes, identity thieves etc. Is it somehow criminal for someone with more responsibilities to do less I do? As points aside, most of these problems arise from there being no clear policy to follow from say the NSA or whomever is deemed to be in charge?

Weiner certainly is scum of some kind but hasn't been charged for any conduct towards minors beyond his sexting exploits.. But presumably as a Congressman he would have clearance to view classified information.

Trump is much more than a mere jackass. Women have gone ON THE RECORD about the things he's done, plus the tape he brushed off as "locker room" talk. His business dealings frequently end up in court with him/his corporations as the defendant. His treatment of the various people who did not want to sell land to him for his various projects in Scotland reads like the script for "Despicable Me" with him in the title role

Its not just the deletion of emails. Along with that is the private email server. And that she tries to play it off that "Russian Hackers" hacked her email. She's a fucking moron. What about the fact that she wrote off almost half the population as "Deplorabkes" or the fact that she dressed as a dominatrix for the cover of Spy http://www.hillaryclintonquarterly.com/hillary-clinton-the-dominatrix-spy-magazine-1993/
JHenry im gonna go on a limb here and say your a guy. Lets be honest if you are a guy you can't say that you've never rated a female by her body. If you say you haven't either your not into females or your a liar. Hes a billionaire I imagine those woman threw themselves at him. Even if they didn't The Clinton Foundation has been kidnapping children from Haiti and bill Clinton has been accused 36 times. Hillary is a fucking hypocrite as well. She backs woman and homosexual rights and in the same breath backs Islamic rights and accepts money from middle eastern countries. THESE SAME MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRIES KILL GAYS AND WOMEN. She is a hypocrite.

Removed, warning for rules 1 and 6.

Pizzagate posts have been flooding /all? What the fuck are you talking about? You have proof of this, right?

gasp its almost like this very thread hit top #10 in all today! 🙄


Then skip them. No one is forcing you to click on every single link to /all.

That is really a weak excuse, tbh. Just skip it.

Uh I do, and I downvote. thats what this thread is about. You guys think some sort of shill army has it out for pizza gate with the downvotes. No, its redditors skipping over the content because it sucks.


being flooded with pizzagate posts

prove it

This post was literally on the front page this morning, ya dolt

screenshot or it didn't happen

If you have evidence of a conspiracy post it here. You aren't only tied to r/pizzagate

He can't, because he's lying. They've posted everything they have, and its not compelling in the slightest.

Now that's a stretch.

And this is the real reason pizza gate stuff is getting downvoted. I love a good conspiracy, but this is way to politicized, plus I've dug through the info and I don't find it convincing in the least. And I hate HRC. I'm not the one downvoting, that would probably be the tons of people on this website who do like HRC.

Get the fuck out of here. If you have damping evidence, post it. If not shut the fuck up.


Wow guya, it must be true then. This guy says the sub will get banned...

Bullshit asshole.

describe it then

post it here and get banned from reddit?

shut the fuck up kid

Use an alt and post it. If you are concerned about your IP being figured out, use a VPN. Or you know, install TAILS on a USB and make an alt and post if you are that concerned about losing your precious karma.

e: https://tails.boum.org/install/win/usb/index.en.html That tells you how to make a bootable tails stick. For a VPN, use PIA. If you really want the truth to come out, let it the fuck out.

Or you know... post it on one of the other 100s of conspiracy forums/messageboards on the internet. They can't all be run by "shills" trying to stamp out the "evidence", right?

If you're an avid Reddit user, I can understand not wanting to risk being banned, even if you go through the hassle of making an alt and trying to avoid it being linked to your main account.

But I can't understand sitting on "evidence" indefinitely because you'll be silenced for posting it. That just reeks of bullshit and it's no surprise a lot of people are less than willing to support this theory, relying on your word that there's a mountain of information to show there really is something shady happening.

The real pro tip is always in the comments

You are baiting. Cut it the fuck out. Fuck your arbitrary demands.

Dude doesn't want to get banned from Reddit. I'm offering two different ways to protect his anonymity if he (or she) should feel the need to do so.

And yes, I'm bating this person. Put up or shut up.

You have evidence of a massive child sex trafficking ring that goes all the way to the top, and you are withholding it because you don't want to get an account banned from a website.

Let's just give a moment to let that sink in with him, Eh?

No, he does not have evidence of a sex trafficking ring.


Are you protecting anonymous sources who could be harmed if their identity is revealed?


This comment really helps your credibility

AS if anyone looking into this had any credibility with people like you anyway.

False Bravado.

How the fuck can you interpret that as bravado?

OH I can't. I just wanted to see if you were still paying attention :D

That's how the remake of The Game starring Michael Douglas that takes place exclusively on reddit would start. But yeah I definitely indulged in the aggressive pedant part of my online personality with that comment, it's nice to see it didn't immediately devolve into name calling.

Aren't you the guy that said that the reddit admins were unbanning the people you banned for doxxing just before the sub got banned?

I definitely think the story is horseshit now.

So you don't believe it. Cool. You know what normal people do? Walk away

Then PM it to me. Ill edit my comment to say whether you did or not in three hours. Edit: nope

RemindMe! Three hours

I think there really might be something to some of this pizza shit, but I still think your answer is flaky. This place isnt the end all be all for the jaw dropping information you have. Go post it on the Voat sub, on 4/8chan, hell try to get in touch with Alex Jones of PJW who are clearly sympathetic to the cause. Just saying "man if you seen what I have seen, but I cant show you because of this silly place" is a bullshit cop out.

When you say things like that it just gives the people who want to dismiss this all out of hand a golden ticket to keep doing so

600 people

Every single one of them need to have some serious offline, tor and encryption processes in place because you can bet your ads that TPTB will throw any one of those people in jail for possession of lewd Cheese Pizza images etc.

Those at the top might not go to jail even in 20 years from now because they're all connected at the hip and know they must band together to hide their evil hobby. You know this, and you probably also figured out that they would love to throw any one of their investigators in jail and frame them for cheese pizza possession.

That being said good on y'all for keeping up this good fight. These sickos - no matter how high up they are - must be brought to justice.

Do you think replacing child porn with cheese pizza is gonna trick the agents tasked with murder/suiciding everyone in this thread?

yeah fair point... [bites finger nails rapidly]

keep in mind spez is probably reading all you guys messages and giving info over to others

Messages on where

All private messages on reddit are viewable in the database and saved.

yeah, but he's also now liable for every user since he's admitted to editing user's posts.

You seem to think you would be afforded the same legal fairness as them.

exactly this. The people he will turn it over to wont care and will take his word anyway.

and then you sue, on the basis that Spez edited your comment.

There's no log, there's no proof, yet there is an admission of guilt from spez stating that he does have a tendency to edit comments that he disagrees with.

That is enough ambiguity to get anyone off. Spez fucked himself.

you would still to prove it was altered. and the people involved in pizzagate dont seem to be the kind of people to care about if things are legal

You can't prove/disprove it was altered.

Therefore it would result in a non-conviction.

My point is the people involved with pizza gate at this level wouldnt be trying to convict you. Theyd be trying to make you disappear most likely.

I'm not even really talking about pizzagate. I'm talking about actions taken against you for whatever you post on reddit.

You would have reason for the court to absolutely absolve you of any responsibility, due to Spez's admission of guilt.

...so... can you give us a hint as to those other avenues orrrr...

PM me the info

Is the most damning evidence viewable on voat now?

Oh no you didn't know? It's on a super secret database only true infowarriors know about.

Do you have any actual information

No I was being facetious, but I highly doubt this guy has any. If anything the NYPD had it but that was probably sealed away in an FBI vault weeks ago.

Is there somewhere outside of reddit that keeps a record of all the pizzagate info? This way people can stay informed, and don't have to deal with reddit spammers and shills.

There is some weird shit going on here and trust me, if the pizzagate subreddit was still up I'd be posting this stuff I say would make your jaw drop but we can't anymore on Reddit so we took to other avenues.

Can you give us a direct link to those other avenues you've posted the real jaw dropping stuff to? Or maybe via pm?

Pizzagate is clearly a distraction to force you to ignore the shaky start to the incoming administration. The president elect is disinterested and his cabinet is being populated by party loyalists in his absence.

What other avenues?

Happy 13th birthday. Grow up.

Don't worry about this poster. He goes around calling people weak and fat. Dismiss the b.s..

Excuse me? You must be weak and fat.


13 year old insults too. Wew lad.

There is some weird shit going on here and trust me, if the pizzagate subreddit was still up I'd be posting this stuff I say would make your jaw drop but we can't anymore on Reddit so we took to other avenues.

This is exactly the type of conversation that happens in schools.

How do those CTR paychecks feel you shill? Trying to prevent an investigation that saves children?

You're disgusting.

Lmao. Not only am I from the UK but I'm in between a set of squats replying to your dumb comments. Go back to S C H O O L.

Crazy is the world itself, i wouldn't be surprised at all if every theories on this matter came true.

I think the label is stupid. "pizzagate" is fucking tripe. Present evidence that requires zero, and I need to stress ZERO subjective interpretation in a clear, well written documentation and call it "Investigation of potential sex crimes" and people may actually give a shit. Post about "spooks" and call it pizzagate while insisting anyone who thinks it sounds retarded is a shill and see how far that goes.

Can we just stop for a second and ask what goddamn train in Hawaii this guy was on? There's only one in the whole goddamn state, and it's a novelty historical thing that goes nowhere. It certainly doesn't have a bar car.



It's people like you that bring about users' claims of shills and misinformation. I mean, it took 5 seconds to find your post to be full of shit.

Edit: looks like I'm probably wrong see below

Quite the opposite. People like you do a five second Google search, see "Hawaiian railroad" and boom, that's enough research.

Tell me which one of those railroads is currently open and isn't a historical novelty line that goes basically nowhere. Please, show me the commuter train line with a bar car.

Edit: and don't just ignore this post like every other internet genius. Come back and admit you were wrong.

From what I understand, there is no Amtrak in Hawaii, but in his post, he said he'd moved to another state, iirc.

Yea, it doesn't say in the op he is still in Hawaii.

Lol, you're right. It just goes to show how low-effort everyone around here is, and why it's persuasive to provide links/sources to everything (not saying you should have or that I would've done so in your OP, just that hopefully you can see how everyone came to the conclusions they did).

Also, don't be a prick. I did read your comment earlier and recognize that I was wrong. Sorry I didn't edit my comment to acknowledge my mistake, man. I'm against misinformation as much as the next guy but I'm still human, with the same thoughts, feelings, and propensity for error as you and everyone else in this thread. I'm not offended by your edit (lol) but it did seem pretty arrogant.

Edit: admittedly I did call you full of shit lol

Seriously? Your post was pretty damn hostile, in addition to being wrong and kind of laughably hypocritical.

Given the circumstances I think my response was warranted, if not a little tame in comparison. But I'm sorry if it offended you.

I do appreciate you coming back to admit your error. Most people don't.

If you click on those links two are not operational and the other two are considered 'heritage trains". You actually just bolstered the guy's claim.

Look closer, those trains are are all historic tourist attractions, not like what OP describes.

The whole post sounds ridiculous tbh.

soz but if either of you read properly he left Hawaii on a plane as stated.

These are not commuter rails

Woah, bringing logic and facts in? That's not how this works. You're supposed to have blind faith that random strangers on the internet are world class detectives and wouldn't dare string together random information to fit their narrative or flat out make shit up, knowing that the echo chamber isn't going to fact check anything that might shoot down the scenario they've already bought into fully.

To be clear, I'm not saying there's nothing going on with the pizzgate shit, but the amount of misinformation and blind faith in that information... It'd be absurd if applied to more mainstream topics.


Point being? Did you even read the link?

Why are you assuming that the guy is still in Hawaii? He indicated that he left the state and that the above incident happened in an amtrak so of course it didn't happen in Hawaii where there is no amtrak. Amtrak, though, does have bar cars.

If you're going to demand that people think critically, I would ask that you start with yourself.

I'm sorry for confusing the completely vague, jumbled up and inconsistent details of this ridiculous story. I'm totally the one who isn't exercising logic here.

By the way, anyone who has even a remote connection to the Department of State calls it "State," not DOS. I worked for the DoD for a while and if someone referred to it as "DD" I would have some suspicions. Just saying.

Same people who were getting paid to downvote anything Sanders/Trump are now getting paid to downvote anything Pizza related.

I'm certainly not paid, I just think this is completely unfounded and it just clutters r/all


This sounds like /r/politics all over again. Here's a fucking tip for you: use the /r/front instead of /r/all and then whining about what is in it. How fucking new here are you?

If you don't think it atleast heavily deserves an investigation, you did not read anything. Or are a shill.

Hey I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

"You either agree with me or are a shill" he said while also claiming to be reasonable.

Tell me how that's not reasonable regarding the evidence you haven't read.

I'll wait.

I don't know how many times I have to go through this. I have read it, and it's garbage. They are speaking in code, but the whole pedophilia thing is just conjecture and it's ruining peoples' lives. Get a grip.

10 years ago when I entered college I watched Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist 2 and The Obama Deception etc, all right up InfoWars.com alley (and Alex Jones) and it all turned out to be unsubstantiated crap. I wised up and stopped supporting shit based on shakey evidence, at best. I realized that conspiracies are humans trying to find patterns where there are none, and especially when those non patterns reinforce their bias. Pizzagate is garbage and the sooner people realize it the better.

So the long list of proven historical conspiracies are still just made up delusions? If you don't realize that the government and corporate elite conspire to do illegal and immoral things, then you're simply an idiot. This has been the MO since the beginning of civilization.

This is what I assume


I wish! Where can I sign up to get paid to downvote?!

I've been downvoting all of this bullshit for free and there are people getting paid? Send me a link, I wanna sign up.

Nothing like getting paid for something you already enjoy right?

Lol. Why come into a thread about a topic and then whine that everyone here is discussing the topic?

Also, you're not very credible with your 1 week old account.

Personally, because I try to keep a somewhat open mind and am curious to see what "evidence" comes up. Honestly, there's nothing here that doesn't sound like the "Operator" version of /r/nosleep . Construction guy with government contacts, on the run from black ops agents while guarding a weed farm? Do you realize how ridiculously b-movie that sounds? OP has no concrete evidence, just a fishy story and a picture of a building in Hawaii.

Well, I'd normally link you to the big posts in the pizza gate sub, but that's dead now. Since you aren't in the loop, you should know that this isn't the bulk of the research. This is a follow-up to something people were working on earlier.

The real research:

Here an archive of the summary post: http://archive.is/4Uzg8

Here's the picture of the research: https://sli.mg/a/ybiz3L

Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4OP--ZXOjcYouTube

Actually I've seen much of that, but this Hawaii bullshit is something new. I see zero evidence against this being someone's fantasy life, and all of this guy's writing leads in that direction. It's the single most ridiculous aspect of pizza gate that I've seen.

Yeah it's a young account, I figured I'd split my politics and porn up.

Just happened to be on all in time to see this garbage.

"You're not credible with your 1 week old account"

See this right here is a big part of the problem, Reddit accounts aren't credible at all, regardless of age. It's a website where everything can be edited at most mods, and any admins wishes. Lending credulity to any random person on Reddit just based on the age of their account is fucking hilarious.

Why would you name your "politics" acount "pm me your gfs tits" ?

That doesnt seem very political in my opinion.

....you're not a very critical reader are you? This is the porn account, which he was logged into while browsing r/all where he saw this and commented

Yes! Although FuzzGod666 doesn't sound political either I suppose. I didn't realize we had to make our user names relevant anyway lol.

I mean, in that case this guy is clearly Christ! Lol

Actually I'm Jason Bourne.

But conspiracy is more political than porny.

If you are going through the trouble of having two accounts, then why would you taint your porn account with conspiracy nutjobs? Now we wont leave him alone.

I think he was just browsing reddit after a porn binge and didn't log out lol. It ain't that deep.

This guys got it.

No. We need to go deeper /u/ClearlyChrist ...

Wait.... are you dristracting me? Maybe i should focus my tin foil hat at YOU! are you actually christ? It doesnt seem so clear to me!

Because this thought process people here use is so laughably poor, either most of you are in highschool or never learned how to do proper research. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary EVIDENCE, not excuses...

Well, I'd normally link you to the big posts in the pizza gate sub, but that's dead now. Since you aren't in the loop, you should know that this isn't the bulk of the research. This post is a follow-up to something people were working on earlier.

The real research:

Here an archive of the summary post: http://archive.is/4Uzg8

Here's the picture of the research: https://sli.mg/a/ybiz3L

Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4OP--ZXOjcYouTube

okay, i've been downvoting them all for free too

Why come into a thread about a topic and then whine that everyone here is discussing the topic?

where did he wine that people were discussing it?


Awwwww 12 days old how cute

Awwwe, someone that thinks Reddit accounts of any age are credible whatsoever when they're on a private site that can be edited at will.

You're adorable.

Not saying it's the case, but a week old account could be, ya know... someone who lurked and just made an account or someone new to Reddit all together.

Every account was a week old at one point, are you supposed to wait out some arbitrary time frame so your account's age looks more credible? Kinda dumb.

I've never seen someone shit on in /FantasyFootball for posting their opinion on a player, only to be told their voice doesn't matter because their account is only 12 days old. Or that you're a "shill" because you only started lurking /Gaming a few days ago.

I don't doubt that there are bots and people paid to post/spam/downvote, but to assume EVERYONE who disagrees with you falls into that category? It seems like a very immature way to end an argument when you can't defend yourself by any other means.

Which makes a twelve day account look even dumber

Not sure how, but whatever makes you feel better I guess.

Im not sure either, I was just being an asshole.

There are plenty of countries with decent internet, lots of English speakers and a low cost of living.

I like people from the Baltics amd the Philippines.

I don't think you meant to respond to me, if you did this makes no sense.

It's not complicated. If I want a shill or seo marketers, I can hire multiple qualified people for the price of a single American.

Send me somewhere, I want to sign up.

Think about how you might get an online job and go from there.

I would be interested in the next budget report that CTR has to file next quarter. Who knows, maybe their funding switched. Maybe they are now free agents, digital troll mercenaries for hire. Or maybe someone just opened up their own CTR and took all those people in, since the original CTR overlords just went bust.

Any PR group can do the same thing. I wouldnt hire the CTR one, ham-handed and ineffective.

I agree there will be some form of botting, but making the assumption of people getting paid to downvote is completely ridiculous, Imagine something has -100 votes, thats atleast 100 people downvoting, how much are they each getting paid?

Its a completely stupid assumption to make, and goes beyond tinfoil hat levels of stupidity.

It just takes away any credibility the person had going for them once they start claiming everyone is a shill or paid because they disagree with you.

What happened to discussing legitimate information and facts? For the people using the blanket "you must be a shill" label against anyone who doesn't agree... you're doing more harm to the cause than good.

I don't doubt that there are bots or accounts paid for posting/downvoting... but to think EVERYONE in disagreement is a covert agent on a mission to squash legit info? Pretty immature.

Yeah I agree

Good post. Collect your $0.02 on your way out.

Lol that CTR argument eh

Wikileaks denier.

What? How is that even relevant to this convo? Is that supposed to hurt my feelings?

Why could you only show 1/3? Ok so this subs collective jaws drop, and? Maybe people take it serious besides the people on the sub? Idk it's just to say there's 2/3 left that hasn't been seen leaves things way too open. We're all here on this sub for a reason, if you have it release it.

Can you direct me to where the other 2/3 of info is? I seem to be too late at finding newer info before it is removed or down voted out of existence, I just keep seeing the same references to the same couple of emails.

Of course they can't. It's totally real though. Yup, not at all made up bullshit.

Why can't you show us the other info?

Because it doesn't exist.

Can I find it on the voat version of that sub? If not where can I find this information? Right now the most convincing evidence is the extreme backlash towards pizzagate. Everything else is just suspicious, but not damning.

Do you not realize how insane this sounds to others? I'm totally behind the pizzagate stuff but you undoubtedly hurt the cause when you start talking like Trump saying you have the best evidence you just can't show it. Asinine bullshit in my opinion, you deserve the downvotes if you can't be articulate and connect dots without saying "just trust me."

Forgive my lack of knowledge but what is pizzagate even? Im finding loads of evidence posts and arguments but i cant sort out what all this is actually about

Not saying I don't believe you but statements like that just make you sound like an assange wannabe.

There is some suspicious shit going on.

No shit.

Can you say what or why you couldn't post 2/3 of the info you had?

because reddit doesn't allow it

How would it break the rules? No workarounds?

I want to see that other 2/3rds. Unless its illegal. Then I'd rather not.

Nothing illegal to have or possess. Just other stuff that reddit won't allow

Dm a link?

I have. When people started to investigate that daycare center that was obviously child trafficking. After a while, anyone who talked about it got banned.


"Doxxing" =/= taking pictures of a building.

Oh please, you released phone numbers, names, photos, addresses. Some sketchy people were reported as looking and lurking in the windows of the day care. Totally creepy.

You guys RUINED that business and didn't find anything. Le redditor strikes again. 🙄

Comet pingpong has all their info on their website, and I lurked a lot on that sub, but the only really disturbing thing I saw was someone apparently uploaded a zip file with CP as "evidence".

Rest of it was analyzing the wikileaks mails and instagram accounts. You can find all that personal info (email adresses for the most part) in the wikileaks mails.

There was a whois info dump. And once again, just because its publicly available doesn't mean its not doxxing.

doxxing is usually done for two purposes; to blackmail, or to incite violence. i still havent heard of attacks or death threats on any of these people, at most ive heard like people tracking them. and with all the tracking an average citizen puts up with anyway just from the government/corporations, i really dont give a shit that powerful people now have to worry about it

look at the pictures therse lots of evidence

Umm yeah you're pretty much full of shit. No names or phone numbers were ever released, a few people posted pics of the place and Admins got all bent out of shape. Also, who the fuck are you? Pretty sure you weren't even around when that was going on so

What are you talking about? I've been on reddit since 2011. You must be one of those super autists that remembers every username he encounters! 🙄

And YES yall did dox the place. Hell this quick recap shows that reddit even did a whois info on the websites owner.


That is not even the tip of the doxxing that occurred on site and off.

Never saw the first address, or phone number.

Whois info dump got scoured

Coordinating people going by to take those pictures and come up with excuses as to why they are conducting surveillance on the building is a form of doxxing

Had you pulled this same shit on a person and not a business it would be called stalking.

Get over it, you people have gone far off the deep end.

Actually, that's not "doxxing," nor is it illegal. If I took a picture odf someone in public, literally nothing would happen, because it's not "stalking."

Uh, it is doxxing. All you need to doxx somebody is their name and address, in its most basic form. Lord knows 4chan has done some serious damage with just that.

what if you post that picture publicly on one of the most popular forum online with the mention "pedophile / child molester"? And then that picture is then used on 30 different sites with that face and name and allegations?

Would that be alright too? Because that's what you guys do. You're the judge and jury now (and mob).

Come on, even one of your dude went "protesting" with a sign in front of a pizzeria. That's nut!

That's quite a strawman.

If I took a picture odf someone in public, literally nothing would happen, because it's not "stalking."

It's a strawman to ask you if posting the pictures, logos, names and mention these guys are also pedophiles is the same as taking pictures of people in a park?

Because that's what you guys are doing.

That's very different from posting random pictures.

It's also because of people like you guys we'll lose internet privacy and the privilege of anonymity. Sad.

While i dont agree with all these theories, accusing anyone doing anything yiu dont like as doxxing is poor form. The definition seems to keep changing. First it was releasing private information about a person. Then it became to also include posting information that was already in the oublic sohere of knowledge.

Doxxing has always been collecting and releasing public information on somebody. You can doxx someone with just an address and name. You know what harm some websites can do with an address...

Boxing.. anyone remember boxing? Oh man those were good times.

I had totally forgotten about that....fuck

Lol that place is like 20 minutes from me, I used to live up the street. It's not that sketchy.

I wouldn't be surprised it's just a neighbor who wants to buy his property land but can't. So they're gonna harrass him to death. There's other post on 4chan about him and some unrelated guy! Someone is clearly trying to make him look horrible.

While I can see why you'd believe it I don't think the evidence is substantial enough at the moment to make accusations. That being said, it's wrong to dismiss it entirely, especially with all the pedophillia rings that have been found recently, a lot of which included members of the government. Thinking something on the level of this theory is crazy is just dumb.

I was making this point the other day. The alleged crimes are serious enough to warrant a solid look. And for the non believers, the U.K. Pedo ring hit pretty big name people as well, so don't think it can't happen here.

The UK ring definitely lends credence IMO. Everyone said the Catholic Church was clean too, until some investigative reporting uncovered the truth. Iirc that was like a two year investigation (and executed much more stealthily than pizzagate is)

Must be getting close!!

Remember when you guys said sandy hook was faked?

Who is "you guys?" I am not associated with pizzagate or the Donald. I'm just a training clinical psychologist who finds the evidence to be deeply unsettling.

I certainly never said Sandy hook was fake.

I'm just a training clinical psychologist who finds the evidence to be deeply unsettling.

I'm just a nuclear physicist who thinks you're full of shit.

You mean like the pizza place that got all the threats against it?

Yes the one where the owner was posting pictures of children on Instagram and making sexually suggestive references in the comments

Yet no police want to investigate.

It's because it keeps hitting r/all and people are sick of reading "pizzagate" it sounds like something a high schooler would call some bullshit school dance drama. That coupled with the fact that the only evidence anyone really saw on r/all till this was just two emails about a handkerchief and a 4chan user with zero credibility telling his that pizza and hotdogs were code words for pedophiles. Along with that ever since r/pizzagate was closed this subreddit has become its new hub. It's on here every single day now. It's not crazy to believe that the majority of subscribers as well as those from r/all are downvoting this stuff purely out of fatigue.

That's a gross oversimplification of the situation. Here, this will help you out: https://aceloewgold.com/2016/11/20/pizzagate-clinton-podesta-what-is-it-and-is-it-credible/

Considering James Alefantis (one of the main subjects in question) is the boyfriend of David Brock, the leader of CTR, it wouldn't be crazy to believe CTR was shilling for Alefantis. We already know that CTR has had quite a presence on Reddit.

I know it was a gross oversimplification. I'm trying to explain why it's likely these posts are just being downvoted. You ever notice how some subs constantly have comments complaining about stale memes? Seeing the same thing over and over becomes irritating. Especially when it's something you don't care about or hasn't had any solid evidence. This place used to be fun to come to in order to see people discuss and debate conspiracies and their legitimacy. Now it's either you are wholly on board or you are a ctr shill. People are getting sick of it.

Before you get pissed about the "solid evidence" comment most of what's been shown has just been possible links. We don't even know for sure yet that this ring even exists. It's still just assumptions. I eagerly await the day this is proven or disproven so it will either be gone or these kids can be helped. Until there is solid proof I'm not sold. At all.

Before you get pissed about the "solid evidence" comment most of what's been shown has just been possible links.

That's why it's called a "theory." And remember where you are: /r/conspiracy. It's very unusual for so many people to be attacking a theory in /r/conspiracy, especially one with so much credence to it. And these aren't normal discussions or debates about theories; they are baseless, hate-filled, personal attacks. Very unusual for this sub.

That is unusual. I honestly think it's because these posts keep hitting r/all and because before it moved to here pizzagate was its own subreddit. Some people might not recognize it as a theory. I also feel like both sides are pretty intense about it. I got defensive because I see a lot of people being called shit for not falling in line. The shit slinging just isn't what this sub should be about

Right, but it's pretty easy to identify shilling. And something is def going on with this sub.

What's the difference between shilling and just general disagreement? I must be less perceptive than you because most of what I see here is people asking for more substantial evidence as well as claims of heavy downvoting. I can't figure out how to see invite percentage on Mobile. I really think the influx of downvotes comes when the post hits r/all. It goes from a couple thousand people with accounts seeing it to around a million. That's a lot of potential votes.

And this is why I'm spending more time over at voat site.

it's because they've never needed to before.

When you step on the nest the hornets come out

Because it's fucking retarded and your clutching at straws. Taking 4chan posts for gospel is a bad idea.


"Bury your head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist" seems kind of contrary to what r/conspiracy is supposed to be about.

So does "believe exactly what we are telling you, do not be skeptical about it or we will label you for your skepticism." Seems to me that folks on r/conspiracy of all places would be against that kind of thinking.

And yet here we are.

I do agree it's fishy but with respect to the amount of evidence I feel like I keep chasing my tail when trying to connect things

Maybe because some of us feel that individuals are being accused of being pedophiles and can relate to them if we'd be in the same position. Assuming innocence, can you imagine the emotional torment the Comet guy is going through? I'm sure most of the locals know about it now and are treating him like the plague. It would be real shitty if you showed up to work tomorrow and all of your co-workers/friends/family heard that you're accused of being a pedophile. Not only that, but also don't want anything to do with you because it brings them into the mess - including those who support your business. And it's likely going to follow him his entire life.

EDIT: That all said, reporting it and moderation fail once pandora's box has been opened. Especially due to the nature of the content. Seems to have blown up more since the acknowledgement than prior.

Well maybe he shouldn't of done stuff that makes him look like a pedophile. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck its probably a fucking duck.

Well maybe he shouldn't of done stuff that makes him look like a pedophile.


EDIT: I'm asking for specific evidence here, because half of the shit people are accusing him of is quite easily debunk-able (IE the supposed "I LOVE CHILDREN" tshirt). Anyone - be my guest and paste a bunch of shit, I'll do my best to defend it if applicable.

Uhm like posting multiple pictures of very young children that aren't his on his public Instagram page. No one in their right mind does that.

With his friends commenting about how creepy it is and that he shouldn't do that, considering people are already suspicious about him.

You're talking about this image, yes?

It's a fucking doll. Zoom in on the teeth/ear.

Once you strip away the narrative and realize it's a fucking doll, I think it becomes pretty obvious that they're calling the doll creepy.

No the one with the girl tied down. They are hinting that he's been implicated in something, and this will will make him look worse.

Didn't catch that one. Makes sense on that image though.

Link for reference

Regardless, the fact it's a family friend's kid makes it much more harmless IMO.

Yea I don't know why those comments don't show up in some screenshots of that. I saw it the night the story broke before he deleted his insta.

It does make it less harmless. Still though... You're a creep if you post that on your insta and "joke" with that caption. These creeps are directly linked to Clinton, and rated in the 50 most powerful people of D.C.

You mean his godchild? Most are the same kid taken over a few year period (look at the weeks). Others are people tagged there.

The german $1200 is a doll - it's not a real child. Zoom in and it's plain as day.

My godfather molested me in 2001. That title means shit to me. Also google images isn't enough evidence to prove that's his god child.

Sorry to hear that. I was pointing out it was his Godchild as that means it's not just some random children he's posting. They're mostly all the same child.

Every picture of that kid is tagged with the same hashtag (#carisjames) - here are a few. The same instagram handle consistently likes it (@Scummimgs). One picture talks about going to Europe with @Scummimgs and is a picture of the child with the money. At one point, someone refers to him as "Grandpa Jimmy". He calls himself the "godfather" in a video posted by someone protesting a few days ago.

It's obvious that this child is someone close to him - possibly a friends kid (I'd assume Scummimgs).

Try not to use logic in this sub, you'll upset someone.

Well it's still worth questioning. Some of those pictures aren't normal pictures to be taking of a child no matter how "close" she is to him...

Ehhh it's gone beyond questioning at this point, though.

It all started with the Podesta emails about cheese, pasta, and dominos.

Then people started critiquing every aspect of Podesta's life and found an artist who painted in his house. Then people looked into that artist and found a few racy paintings.

Then people found Comet mentioned in the Podesta emails. Then they started digging through Jimmy's instagram and posting everything suggestive. Then they started digging through everyone who visited Comet's instagram and posted all of that, too. During that process, no one really gave a shit about fact-checking stuff like "I Love L'Enfant" and when people tried to say "Uhhh L'Enfant is a part of DC" they got called shills.

Then all of that info got jumbled up and people made some batshit crazy fan theory alternate reality narrative where nothing is fact-checkable or even presents alternatives. Realities where Podesta no longer the fan of the artist and they're instead paintings in Comet. Ones where everything on patrons instagrams were attributed to Jimmy. Ones where a "German Baby" is a real child and not a doll being sold in the store. Ones where someone replying with "creepy" isnt referring to the doll, but instead him.

IMO it's spun out of control and become more than people "just questioning." Questioning things often results in answers to some of the questions being found and trying to solve the questions that remain. In this case, the answers have been completely ignored and people's lives are being harmed in the process.

Could you please tell me how taping a child to a table and taking a picture of it is ok and socially acceptable? Why exactly is james alefantis on the list of the top 50 most powerful people in DC? How are podesta's paintings acceptable as well? Also have you read the wikileak emails yourself? They are definitely using code words throughout some emails. You're silly if you think there's no way that Podesta may be involved in some sketchy dealings with or without Jame's help. I am in no way advocating harassing the employee's/owners of comet ping pong but there should be a thorough investigation. There's a reason Julian Assange released these emails.. And its ironic he went missing not too long after.

Lengthy post, but I think I explain the emails fairly well here. The pizza handkerchief/pasta/cheese all make literal sense.

Could you please tell me how taping a child to a table and taking a picture of it is ok and socially acceptable?

Does the kid look upset/sad? She looks pretty damn happy to me. Her father even commented or liked the picture. You don't know the story as to how it happened and Jimmy has known the family the kids life and as far as I'm concerned, don't tell other people how to raise their kids. Hell, you know what else people could be offended by? My brother has a picture of his kid with a brand new (unused of course) toilet seat as a necklace. If Jimmy had that picture on his Instagram, I'm sure people would be going crazy.

How are podesta's paintings acceptable as well?

How are they not? Here are the three that Podesta has in his house. You do realize that the artist isn't quite the "PEDOPHILE ARTIST" the internet made her out to be. Look through all of her work, very few are "pedophilic". None of which that Podesta has on display. The majority of her work are adults, including these grandmothers.

You know.. Maybe I'm on to something. Podesta not only is part of a child solicitation network, but also a granny solicitation network. Has anyone creepily dug through dozens of people's Instagrams to see if there's a nursing home kidnapping story to be discussed?

Just looking at Podestas emails unveiled coded secrets

One strategy, which I was going to persue if we got John: see if Rick Miller would host at his home on Jantzen Island. This may not be what you want to do - he is newly a democrat, so it a base guy - but he is close to Sen Wyden and I feel sure he'd be eager to help. He owned a chain of 60 nursing homes, was a centrist R, and changed to Dem in anticipation of running for office...

60 nursing home chain to kidnap the elderly

PS - John, you missed a large gathering of the Dukakis campaign in Greece last week - some of them even had Dukakis campaign t-shirts.

Greece is known for the invention of anal sex. They are obviously anal raping the elderly.

important and difficult work that service sector workers do every day to take care of our children, elderly and the disabled.

Oh god they're kidnapping the disabled too??

You sure used a lot of words to say very little.

I am true to my name

You're a shitty troll who is prob deep down a pedophile which is why you're defending them so hard. Go fuck yourself.

That was his restaurant. It's a kids restaurant. It's like chuck e cheese doing that. Is chucky cheese in on pizzagate now?

Yeah a kids restaurant with posters in the bathroom that say "SHUT UP AND FUCK". IDK where you're sending your kids to eat but any sensible parent would know that certainly such language and obscenities dont belong around children, furthermore the fact that he brands his filthy creepy "pizza" restaurant as a place for kids should raise red flags to anyone with an IQ above that of room temperature.

Oh my god are you for real? It is not even a sign. its just some graffiti scratched into the wall on the shitter. 😂😂 oh man

Uh it looks like half the dives on the east coast. So?

I doubt the legitimacy of those signs. And have you ever been to a chucky cheese? Because thise are way more sketchy. way more. This is just a hipstery pizza place with ping pong, jesus christ.

Hipstery pizza with pedo references and creepy ass artwork, also with ties to jeffrey epstein the guy who runs his own creepy ass orgy island and also ties to the sketchy podesta brothers who like to practise and collect even more creepy "artwork". Nope not any ordinary hipstery pizza place, i've been to a few and none make my hair rise as this one does.

Hipstery pizza with pedo references and creepy ass artwork

The creepy artwork is in Podestas house. As far as I know, there's nothing creepy in Comet except the supposed graffiti in a stall.

The porn one is at a museum, not at his restaurant. The "Shut up 'n fuck" is graffiti/vandalism. My middle school bathroom was far worse plus I doubt he wanted his own restaurant and a mural he paid for vandalized. The explicit ones aren't posted by him.

Yeah, youre not going to get any evidence proving those signs are in the bathroom there. Conspiracy tards don't care about evidence.

You've got to be the densest rock or a bot. No way are you comparing Comet Pizza to Chuck E Cheeses. No way are they similar. Unless it comes out the founder of Chuck E Cheeses is also a pedophile they don't belong in the same sentence.

As far as I know doing that doesn't break any law.


Being at the center of a pedophile cannibalistic solicitation ring and being unprofessional are two vastly different offenses.

Even though most of the pictures are shot inside comet?

Do you not understand how tagging by location works? Most of the "racy evidence" isn't even a picture he took. It's patrons tagging themselves at the location. It'd be like blaming Starbucks for someone taking a picture of a line of coke in a Starbucks and tagging it "starbucks". Most of it wasn't "official". They're people he might have never even met.

He did have a few at most questionable things on his instagram over 3 years, but hardly pedophilic. Don't tell me your friends and family don't have an occasionally questionable image on FB/Twitter/Instagram. Example: When my brother got a new toilet seat, he put it on his toddler as a necklace for a funny picture. If that same shit was on Jame's instagram, nuts would probably try to say "it's obviously a child for sale for those with scat fetishes." Scotch tape picture is the same shit. The kid is smiling and laughing, it's obviously a fucking joke. The only reason it offends you is because you're being misled by a narrative and you made your conclusion that he's "bad" before even doing your own research.

You're digging into the social media of a dude who was just a normal dude with some small-business owner connections until a few weeks ago. Someone who never really thought his Instagram would be critiqued with a fine comb by the entire internet. Someone who makes crude jokes here and there. Do you know the Instagram of the owner of your local pizza/coffee shop? Probably not - because he's just a normal fucking guy who has served some people serving time in office.

Agreed- this dudes worst crime is running a good pizza place that some politicians liked.

When those questionable images on his social media account are of a pedophiliac nature and he owns/operates an establishment by and large about children, he should at the very least be subject to public scrutiny and if his business falls because of it, then we have done a service to our fellow man by exposing it.

So, stop defending him as a normal person. He's clearly not normal, but if he is so normal, let's just make a brochure with some of those images and highlight his comments. Give the brochure to any would-be patrons of Comet and see if they decide to take their kids elsewhere for entertainment.

Please link me to the supposed "pedophilic images linked by him" on his Instagram. I will gladly debunk it for you as I did the "I LOVE L'ENFANT" picture.

Everything else that's questionable is either (I think the nudity at a museum was a bit racy to have on instagram).

Most of the shit has only been pedophilic after some insane "yellow necklace = analingus" armchair discussion is had. Don't you understand that they're only pedophilic by nature if you're looking at them in a pedophilic context?

Scotch tape picture is a good example. You're the one associating sex with it. You're the one creating pedophilic visuals in your mind. You're the one accusing him of S&M. You're the one of him selling the child for sex. Context says kid is laughing/smiling.

Comment says:

"New seating procedure for your youngest guests? Hilar."

As I established, the same kid is in numerous images. Jimmy is obviously is close to the family. If they thought there was a problem with it, I'm sure they'd have expressed concern and had him delete it.

Your defense of this guy is cringe-worthy. I'm not going to try and truth you anymore. I have better things to do. Good luck, cuck.

Cognitive dissonance.

Yes, from you. You refuse to accept the mountains of connections that came from pizzagate and which users continue on this sub, but go ahead and project onto me to appease your leftist mentality. Your safe space is waiting for you, I have no desire to wreck it or see you ever leave it. It's OK, snowflake.

Please link me to the supposed "pedophilic images linked by him" on his Instagram. I will gladly debunk it for you as I did the "I LOVE L'ENFANT" picture.

I've asked you numerous times to post "connections that were made." You have not.

Because you haven't earned it. The information is out there, so if you truly wanted it all you need to do is search for "pizzagate connections". I will not GTFY because you must have a desire to seek the truth for yourself before you will ever be able to see it.

Hahahha, go back to your safespace bud.

I already debunked most of the crap out there as being crap. I'm asking for more crap to debunk. Show me the smoking gun fam. Show me the offending images/evidence fam.

If you "debunked" it, why are you asking for more?

I'm not your fam. Your behavior is not indicative of anyone in my fam. Capice?

You claim "I just have this ability to easily overlook mental programming". You claim to be an advocate of the truth. Yet you're refusing to share evidence you suggest is the truth to someone asking you to? You don't wish to share your run-down of what you believe is the "most damning evidence" and let someone else go over that evidence and see if they find any holes?

Isn't that what "searching for the truth is?" The act of providing you another perspective with the same pool of information to potentially create a superior understanding of what's at play? Thus enabling you to eliminate what's potentially misinformation so that when you present your argument in the future to other skeptics they wont pick at the 10% of bad info vs. the 90% good?

Think about the situation here. This is so deep in a tree of comments that I'd bet it's highly unlikely anyone else will ever read it. Possibly just you and me. Yet, I'm still asking you for information because I genuinely care about the situation we're discussing. If you want to share with me what you think is important I'd love to hear it. You can give me a better understanding of what I have not addressed. Or, I can go over with you what I think is explainable/weak. If you're truly seeking truth, I hope you accept my request and share the time with me to disseminate information.

I'm not concerned with others reading this. I'm not concerned with downvotes or upvotes. TBH, I'm less and less concerned with reddit as a viable medium for thoughtful discussion and your initial posts speak volumes about why and how that regression is taking place.

It's quite enlightening to see your tone change, but I'm sorry. I treat commenters as people, not as most treat others here as a game with which they need to elicit strong points and make citations to back up their claims. In that light, first impressions are huge.

I've already told you where to look. It's quite wide-spread information at this point, and that's a direct result of my earlier efforts, not only on the pizzagate sub (which I was an early opponent of), but also on 4chan. I've already done the research, watched it gain traction, watched others take the red pill, then watched it get silenced.

When I fire from the hip now to make the statement, it's more a release for me, not so much a prolific statement. Those statements were already made. If you really want to continue debunking or clarifying (as you've changed to state now) the pizzagate connections, then you have no need of me. Go use your own research and then create your own post detailing your own thoughts.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I've already told you where to look. It's quite wide-spread information at this point, and that's a direct result of my earlier efforts, not only on the pizzagate sub (which I was an early opponent of), but also on 4chan.

And that's where my problem begins. Much of the information/discussion seems to mis-attribute the information to those associated. Either I'm missing pieces of the puzzle or I'm coming to a different conclusion. IE, my understanding is that the "creepy paintings" are Podestas, yet people seem to suggest they're in Comet Ping Pong. I've asked time and time again for people to show me which paintings were in Comet Ping Pong that are racy, but have yet to receive anything but hostility. I've searched myself and the best I can ever find is the graffiti. Yet people continue to insist that there are "others." So I'm trying to figure out if they're wrong or I just haven't found them yet.

The come creepy comments from Jimmy himself. I've eliminated most of them under the conditions that either

A. A patron posted them tagged as being at Planet Ping Pong IE this fellow - NSFW. Meaning it's not Jimmy posting or endorsing the comment - but a guest at his business posting it.


B. They're of the child of a family friend who the family has allowed Jimmy to be alone around for the past 4 years


C. It's easily explained with a bit of research. Like "La Boum Boum Room" is a monthly event at a bar in L'Enfant plaza. I Love L'Enfant is referring to L'Enfant Plaza - a cultural center in DC.

I'm looking for the D that isn't "yellow necklace means analingus" and "the menu logo is similar to a pedophile symbol". Something that can't be explained.

The comes the Podesta side. From my understanding, it all started with the email discussing Dominos, Cheese, and Pasta. I'll admit: when I first read into pizzagate that was my starting point. I wanted to find something in the Podesta emails. That email seemed particularly suspicious because people said dominos/cheese/pasta were code for something. Kept following the story lightly for the next few weeks seeing new revelations and shit spiraling out of control. The first time I read the Comet Ping Pong I thought it was blatant as fuck - especially after seeing the german baby (didn't realize it was a doll), the baby with euros, and the scotch tape.

After reading the Podesta cheese/pasta email like 5 times on different occasions I realized 'holy shit!' What if he's talking about a gift box/gift basket of cheese/pasta and thanking the Podestas for it.' The date is around Christmas, so that made sense to me and far less out of place. After that, I tried to understand wtf domino was. Then I found this email and concluded they were talking about a game of dominos.

From there, I went and looked back at the Comet Ping Pong stuff. After looking at the images a few times I started realizing "well.. Jimmy didn't post that" and crossed a bunch of my evidence off. Then I realized the artwork was tied to Podesta - not Jimmy. Then I realized all of the stuff I had seen that he did post was tagged #carisjames. Looked into that a little and eventually realized it was the same kid.

So it's like everything dismantled and I'm trying to find something to once again convince me something sinister is going on. I don't know if I am missing stuff that still would worth evaluating.

As for the HRC connections? Haven't really looked into that. I already pretty much accept she's scummy and have for a long time now. I believe the Haiti shit.

I'm mainly defending Jimmy because so far it seems like to me he just got tangled up in it. Podesta I don't care about as much if he gets shit on as he's a politician and his job is handling shitstorms. Jimmy on the other hand, in my mind, could just be a regular dude.

It seems quite convenient that Jimmy has all these connections and he's just a "regular dude". So convenient, in fact, that I believe it's by design.

I can give you some other connections to investigate because I agree with many others on pizzagate that they became tunnel visioned on Comet and Jimmy and the good clues were saturated under double posts about the same thing, really. That was part of why I was an early opponent of the sub, but when I spoke out I was banned.

I wanted things to remain on 4chan because there's not so much scrutiny. While you may be thinking scrutiny is a good thing for a conspiracy theory, the by-product is much worse. It makes the investigators retrace their steps and get caught in a perpetual loop just blasting the same information out constantly when someone new comes to scrutinize. They never move past because scrutiny fuels insecurities.

As for the names which I selectively focused on due to the overabundance of information on Jimmy/Comet: Rachel Chandler, Walter Pearce, Brigid (lilgovernment) Nastasia, William Wegman.

So Jimmy is acting like a pedo

You're completely delusional.

Wow you are a lefty retard.

And you're just a retard.

I'm not a retard. I just have this ability to easily overlook mental programming, thus when I tell you how the world truly is and that your defense of this shit is all a product of their program, you get angry and think I'm stupid. You'll probably believe it when the aliens come too because it will be on all the news channels so it must be real. Just keep saying moo.


you get angry and think I'm stupid.

Let me remind you it was you who got angry and called me retarded. But hey, keep spinning your lies. Maybe someone will believe you.

I'm not angry. I expect you to disagree because of your programming. However, I will call you stupid when you defend that programming and then I move on to learn more truth.

It is pretty appalling to see how many so-called truthers or conspiracy theorists shit on every conspiracy theory this sub creates. Do you think you're being clever by citing the teachings of false history to back up your defense? Well, you didn't do that, but excuse me for lumping you in with the rest who do...I apologize. Not all of the sheep lower themselves to my level and flame me.

Regardless, you stink of programming and brain-washing.


Rule 4.

As if I'd seek modern medicine for "help".

Or he's a shill . Or both

selling Cheese Pizza

I understand that but maybe he shouldn't have been acting like a pedo on social media. If you post pictures of kids and then make sexually suggestive references in the comments people are going to think you diddle kids.

I don't think that's how the real world works. I have many female friends on facebook who post sex memes and pictures of their children on the same account. As far as I know, none of them are diddlers.

This individual doesn't have any children and he wasn't just posting "sex memes." He was also making sexually suggestive comments on the posts with children.

Whether or not he is a diddler, he leaves himself and his business open to criticism with this kind of behavior.

This individual doesn't have any children and he wasn't just posting "sex memes." He was also making sexually suggestive comments on the posts with children.

Can you provide an example where he actually said something? I've asked numerous people to and they can't. Please don't suggest "google it" or "refer to an archived post" I've looked at what I can find.

He calls a baby a hotard, for example, which is well-known slang basically meaning "dumb slut." Very inappropriate insult for a child.

He also uses the hashtag "chicken lover" on a post of a man with a young child. Chicken lover is a term popularized by NAMBLA meaning "boy lover."

These are only a couple examples and they are part of a greater context. Overall, the account depicts a fascination with children, sadism, and sexually explicit material.

Thousands of people use the same hashtag ... and they're referring to food.

Notice how the only examples there that are sinister are the ones used by Pizzagaters? All the others are referring to food.

And the guy you're accusing works in the food industry.

Just one of the many, many shitty leaps in logic and examples of reading way too much into things that defines this conspiracy.

Sure, if it was a picture of chicken then it wouldn't be unusual at all. But it's not. It's a picture of a man with a young child. And since the term chicken lover also denotes a man who has sex with boys, you can see how this would raise eyebrows.

This picture isn't altogether damning itself, but when part of a larger context, it is certainly unusual, to say the least.

He calls a baby a hotard, for example, which is well-known slang basically meaning "dumb slut." Very inappropriate insult for a child.

Hardly. JoeWillis calls him a hotard and he responds back with #hotard.

He also uses the hashtag "chicken lover" on a post of a man with a young child. Chicken lover is a term popularized by NAMBLA meaning "boy lover."

chickenlover is a food hashtag. As a bullshitter myself, I could also see him politely calling his friend a cocklover. I don't buy the NAMBLA shit. Pretty sure you got memed by a someone referencing two Southpark episodes.

You're jumping through hoops trying to justify this. And you don't find anything unusual with his fascination with children, sadism, and sexually explicit material?

You're jumping through hoops trying to justify this.

Not really, I could see friends posting similar shit. The alternative theory suggests that a yellow necklace means analingus, pizza means child, etc.,

And you don't find anything unusual with his fascination with children, sadism, and sexually explicit material?

What sexually explicit material? The only inappropriate image that he posted was the nude one at a museum. Everything else was posted by patrons who tagged themselves at Comet Ping Pong. If you went there, you could tag anything you wanted.

What fascination with sadism? If you're suggesting the pictures by an artist who Podesta owns non-explicit paintings by the same artist - that's still Podesta not Jimmy.

What fascination with children? The only children that I'm aware he had on his instagram is a family friend (#CarisJames), her brother, #chickenlover, and the beauty pageant pizza girl. Everything else are pictures people tagged of their OWN CHILDREN at his business

If you're talking about comet ping pong being family friendly? No shit. It's a pizza restaurant with pingpong tables.

Kind of like the DNC accusing everyone who doesn't vote with them of being a racist and sexist.

I voted Johnson so I guess I'm racist and sexist.

Fuck the DNC, prosecute Hillary, and then fuck the DNC again.

By verifiable users or does it seem that a few are bots (no new posts,repeat reports, etc.) set to auto report?

Mods don't see who reports.


Yeah ive been banned from politics for abusing them through the reports. The admins can see tho.

Admins can do whatever the fuck they want. Proved the other day with the head of reddit no more.


Except they wouldn't see this on their front page unless they were subbed. Which means they came from /r/all, which means it isn't about what they want to see, it's about they want everyone else to see (or not see).

Wouldn't want any dissenting opinions here would we >.>

Edit: I seem to have misunderstood.


That's fair. I agree. Thank you for clarifying. :)

Just keep in mind, the list of unproven conspiracies is a hundred times longer, and most of those are almost certainly proven false at this point and should be considered such except its supporters refuse to listen to anything that says otherwise. The idea that some conspiracies are true is a horrible argument for believing this one could be true

How many more "Don't look into this, there are no connections, you're going to hurt peoples feelings" post am I going to have to fucking read? Get a handle on this shilling shit

How many more "I don't have any real evidence just follow me on these mental leaps" posts am I going to have to ducking read? Get a handle on this unsubstantiated shit.

I admire your newfound passion in this conspiracy, but you should probably unsub now.

I'm not subbed, it was on r/all

I think I'm going to sub though, just to come back laugh some more.

Try using your front page rather than all. It seems like a simple solution to this meltdown your having here.

A meltdown? You think this is a meltdown?

I'm just calmly responding to people lol.

I think ayurvedic medicine is complete bullshit, why don't you see me seeking out an ayurvedic subreddit I can spend my whole day arguing with people about? Does that seem stupid and pointless to you? How fucking empty is your life? Do you have any plans this weekend outside of /r/conspiracy? Do you have hobbies or interests? Try searching reddit for those, chances are there is a subreddit for it with other people that share that interest. No, no of course not. Because you are a troll and you get paid to bullshit people on reddit all day. Now, here comes the part where you say not everyone who disagrees with me is a shill, and then comes the part where I ask, yet again, why the fuck you are in a sub full of people who disagree with you.

It's was on r/all buddy.

It ain't that hard to figure out. Why are you so mad?

"You get paid to bullshit people on Reddit all day"

I keep seeing people saying this, can you PLEASE link me to an app, because right now I'm doing it for nothin and given how much salt I can get out of you maybe someone should be paying me.

EDIT: also, considering the comment you left, calling what I was doing a "meltdown" is the funniest shit.

Man, it's like you can't even read.

You'll get bored.


Hey hey hey - let's leave the ducks out of this one. They don't even like pizza.

This is /r/conspiracy, if this stuff was proven it wouldn't be in this sub.

Nobody's forcing you to read it, fuckface.


Doesn't even involve pizza ever

Everything pizzagate-related is being reported constantly.

Good thing there's no fire underneath all that smoke cover, right? /s

It's like they have absolutely no understanding of human nature whatsoever. All this censorship does is confirm our suspicions. These people simply do not learn.

They tried the same things with GamerGate and that's still going strong. Ask Gawker how well these tactics worked for them then!

Why not give it a new name so that you are able to at least create a thread to repost the info. Then funnel it towards other social media that is already trending the hashtag?

Because of the harassment issues. People are seriously harassing these people when that's not how the justice system works. Reddit is worried about a rouge person taking these matters into their own hands and blaming Reddit.

If anything the people meddling in this could be impeding an actual investigation.

That's it, I'm fucking done with this ridiculous sub. You all have gone off the fucking deep end and while it's been fun watching the train wreck at this point it's just sad.

Bye Falicia

I've been subbed here a long time and if people are willing to continue the work I think we should let them freely post here, this is one conspiracy I hope is not true.

Hoping or not, we have to keep digging. Evidence is getting more solid by the day, this needs to go out there. Out of every post about pizza gate that has been posted, this one has been the first to spook me.


Even then it will be hard. Conspiracy of Silence showed there was a massive amount of evidence against the Larry King pedophile ring, but so many big players in government, police, finance, intelligence were involved in the crimes that they sent the FBI to actively subvert the witnesses.

They will fight tooth and nail against this because exposing it will implicate a vast number of people in positions of power right now.

that fucking bucket

The little interview with the little girl who was abused back in the '80's perfectly describes a bucket with sludge in the bottom that they used for getting rid of bodies.

Like how does this post spook you? It's just unsubstantiated text with a picture of a spooky looking tent and distillery equipment.

I wonder how many people here failed psych exams but didn't want to give up on their careers

All of Reddit is suspicious recently. I would migrate to voat but the problem we face is systemic, not localized. Any sufficiently developed, anonymous, and populated forum will invariably be infiltrated by political/corporate shills, at which point the users who are more experienced will be able to tell that the heart and spirit of their community has been shifted, forcefully, leaving them with two options:

1.) Insulation: disallow new users; grow paranoid; require more and more proof of realness; make taboo the mention of the things shills try to advocate for (think /r/hailcorporate with their ban on naming products: a fine rule, but a reaction, not a solution); generally become like ants or wasps: self-policing, using the natural, tried-and-true method of being an untrusting jerk. It's insurmountable, as a reaction.

The problem with this method is that you begin to die, as a community, as a spirit, the second you start to engage in it, because any system, community, or institution that values old blood and is fearful of new blood is doomed over time. You can also become militant and angry; riddled with rules; rendered ineffective through your desire to regain your effect. I don't know that there are big example of this, but I think you can all see what I mean: in a phrase, distrust kills creativity.

2.) Migration: move to Voat, or move from Digg to Reddit, with the idea being that things in forums work like apples: if someone keeps throwing rotten ones in your barrel, then you should find a new barrel.

The problem with this, metaphorically, is that the bad-apple-throwers are well-funded, to say the least, and there are institutions, whole agencies in fact, that can wrap their minds around their throwing of said apples being a good thing, in the same way a shepherd sees no wrong in putting up a shock-fence after his sheep figure a way around the barbed wire. To the sheep, freedom is in their grasp; they've overcome the thing that has always been assumed to be all-powerful. To the shepherd, their product simply got some bad ideas in their head and they need to be reminded of the order of things. A good shepherd just adjusts his practices, and a bad one might, before changing, hang a few carcasses from his barbed wire, to try to show them he means business. In a way, they're right, and they're playing by The Rules (what can be done). They suck, and laws are supposed to stop The Rules, but sometimes a people have to work with them until such a time as law can be revived. I think we're living in one of those times.

What a burden, to feel as though each and every citizen must prove their suspicions in a court of law of which they have little access and less knowledge, when in fact a good system simply takes over and finishes the work that the people begin. Yet now, we are met with those who are either paid to repeat, or have internalized, a narrative of "it is true for it has been written" (by authority), and inversely "it is untrue for it has not been written" (by authority). They say "yeah but has it been proven?", or "show me real evidence" (another way of asking for authoritative agreement), and not just to pizzagate, but to anything that counters an agenda. It places a huge burden on the people, and is the exact reason behind the growing sentiment that we have moved into a "post-truth/fact" society.

We cannot trust basic understandings any longer, because we are forced to have such an understanding, individually, of the events of any case in question so as to be indistinguishable from an actual, paid, careered investigator. It is a world in which probable suspicion does not lead to proper investigation, and so the people are left to try to create some workable intelligence community amongst themselves, and all to save children. It is heartening, to me, to see that we are all willing to undertake something so large and complicated.

We're not sheep, though, and we have to remember that: we've simply been tamed and fenced in: The shepherds and the sheep in our metaphor are both human. If they install a shock-fence, we can look for the connection to the main line, sever it, and suddenly it's easier to escape than when the wire was sharp.

In the immortal words of the spirit of our community- We can do this, Reddit.

Recently? Correct the Record has had a known presence for a while, now.

Blaming CTR for everything that disagrees or gets downvoted makes it seem like offloading the counter argument.

If there's no room for valid disagreement because it's dismissed as shilling, then you're only listening to your own narrative and lose all perspective.

If the authoritarians have there propaganda mouthpieces spewing their garbage. Then there's 2 options, continue the investigation until THEY CANT ignore it.

Or continue the investigation and make sure the talking heads understood that there are consequences for promoting and defending the authoritarians. Make it so painful for the propagandists that they have trouble finding anyone who will do it.

Either way the investigation should continue

I would migrate to voat but the problem we face is systemic

But the alt-right on voat would eat this shit up

I'm liking this new copy pasta more and more everytime it's posted.

Hey thanks! I actually just wrote this.

I'm definitely a new name in this sub, but I'm no shill. just a Canadian dude who thinks all this whole shitshow is just fucked enough to be believable.

And I mean really, if I could get paid to just simply downvote your theories? I'd be all over it. Get at me, alphabet agencies.

Update: no weird clicks on my phone lines or blatant emails saying watup, its me ur cointel uncle. I'm disappointed.

I sincerely doubt there are a lot of people being paid to downvote on this issue... its more likely that there's a handful of people "in the know" running multiple accounts... or are manually manipulating the vote tally from within Reddit.

Point is, with CTR they could hire a ton of low level contractors to do the work because there was a clear cut mission that was above-board (not illegal, not sketchy). They astroturfed an entire default subreddit and it wasn't just controlling what posts made it to the top - they turfed the entire comment section of every post - for months. That's not trivial. That took serious manpower.

With this, the pushback has been a lot smaller, but surgical in terms of strategy.

If there is a group seeking to push down this story, they're likely to be small so as to limit how many people know what they are up to. The last thing they'd need is a single whistleblower to leak their agenda. The very existence of a group seeking to push back on this would break the case open if there was actual evidence of it happening.

This is all speculation of course. We still have no hard evidence that any of this is going on... but the circumstantial evidence is pretty compelling.

Still, it's just hard to say what's going on because this entire event (the election, the emails, the allegations, etc) has resulted in some massive migrations across the subs and the core users that used to form subs like this one are now being outnumbered by newcomers... which isn't bad or anything, it just thickens the fog around whatever might be going on.

I don't think your speculation is valid tho, pizzagate posts have been reaching frontpage and ridiculously high numbers of upvotes since the very beginning, if your goal was to neutralize that you wouldn't settle for a small number of accounts to downvote this shit.

In fact it would be more suspicious and risky to do so, so say if the whole pizzagate thing is true then I don't believe those people that so meticulously hid their wrong doing would be stupid enough to take half measures on the very group that is seeking to uncover the truth.

Your points are valid - the issue is obviously that this is almost all speculation. There isn't any statistical analysis to work from and we're all just sorta guessing in the dark at the shape of this event. Are we touching a huge hairy monster? Or a stuffed animal?

To your main argument on taking half-measures - I'm of the opinion that this isn't the work of a huge organization... rather, we're likely dealing with a "Jack the Ripper Machine", which is composed of single individuals planted in key spots of organizations involved with investigation and the justice system. Which isn't to say that the number of people involved isn't huge... just that the actual arm of pushback is small because that's all that was needed for centuries. This is likely the largest single leak in their history, and so this is uncharted territory.

There's also such a thing as a limited hangout - which, if that's the case here, would lead us to expect that a lot of "juicy" details would be allowed to leak, but the truly damaging leads would be put through the spoilage blender while they subtly encourage the community to pursue false leads to buy them time to prepare their defenses, vanish witnesses, issue bribes & threats, produce a media smokescreen, and ultimately prepare to establish the entire thing as a "public hysteria event".

But again, this is speculation that assumes that all of this is real... I'm also a big believer in notion that these events can also be explained by much simpler phenomena involving a few fucked up individuals and a huge social taboo surrounding the crimes alleged (which makes the media avoid the issue - and their avoidance makes observers think that the issue is bigger than it is - and the nature of the allegations being so gross makes it oddly compelling to follow, which leads us to a situation like we have here).

But I mean those single individuals still wouldn't think they can throw a handful of downvotes to a new post and bury it forever, that would be half measures and would never work, I don't care how new of a territory that is because I'm a dumbass and I know that so they must surely know it too.

I'm curious tho, how exactly would they manage to bury the truly damaging leads? There are thousands of people following this whole pizzagate story so unless they're manipulating the ones giving all the info I don't see how they would be able to achieve what you're speculating here.

If they can supposedly manipulate the important people following the conspiracy, then you'll be running in circles forever with no hopes of ever uncovering anything. You already lost if your speculation is true.

People don't read giant conspiracy posts about something they don't know about - they read the post title and skip to see the feedback in the comments.

Someone could see a post about pizzagate and how a huge number of people are calling bullshit and come to the conclusion (or have that conclusion reinforced) without even seeing any of the evidence (or "evidence") that brought others to the conclusion of conspiracy.

That's why these astroturfing campaigns are so successful. Smart, wealthy people notice these trends in human behavior and are able to manipulate it to further an agenda.

Enough of them will go past the post title, if there was anything there worthy of this whole ruckus it would've been exploding by now, but it isn't, it is barely a single match and hundreds of people fighting with tooth and nail to keep it from vanishing.

The well put dissent in this post clearly comes from legit users, there's nothing indicating otherwise and had they been full of disingenuous or misconstrued info, it would be easy for the side with the truth to put them down with a single link to the appropriate truth.

None of that is happening, the dissent is being meet with cries of shilling because there is no other answer, the people in this conspiracy know they have nothing but a hunch and get frustrated when people don't give them the privilege of believing in them. Defending your points is easiest when the truth is on your side, when it is not you can only deflect which is what I'm seeing as a response to any and all dissent with this conspiracy.

So there are no bots, but apparently the major dissent must be astroturfing. I'll believe that when the conspiracy guys stop crying about it and do something.

If there is a group seeking to push down this story, they're likely to be small so as to limit how many people know what they are up to. The last thing they'd need is a single whistleblower to leak their agenda. The very existence of a group seeking to push back on this would break the case open if there was actual evidence of it happening.

They could justify it to the workers that they are combating "fake news" and protecting the reputations of innocent people.

Also, there have been quite a few whistleblowers, and people tend not to believe what they have to say. It's frequently claimed that these people are just trolling. In one instance where a post received a huge amount of attention on Reddit, the admins chimed in to claim that the person was lying and everyone believed it.

Link to list of shill whistleblowers here.

This isn't too big of a subreddit. I recon you could effectively push down a theory with just one nerd virgin working in the spare time he's not on r/politics.

I'm not sure ctr get paid.

Maybe they are kidnapped hatian orphans that David Brock has kept chained in his vault,raised to be nothing but ctr shills.

This would explain why they are so fucking useless at there jobs

This would explain why they are so fucking useless at there jobs

Have you been on /r/politics recently? They seem pretty good at it to me.

No I don't go there anymore,I'm not sure if anyone does can't tell who is ctr and who isn't.

When I say useless,the main thing a paid shill needs is anonymity, ctr blew that long ago

I'm not sure how much validity it holds but the leaked slack chats showed a mod who lived outside of the US who supposedly was getting checks from CTR, they also stated that those in the US did not get paid. Again, not sure how much weight it holds so I'd take it with a grain of salt.

HRC loves the Philippines.

scratch that-

Filipinos living in the Philippines love HRC's money.

It was a joke.

I'm not sure that it was or wasn't honestly, just pointing out that it was said, also stated to take it with a grain of salt. Just reading from the slack leaks you only get so much context so who knows really. I would imagine that there are people more than willing to do it for free but I also don't find it hard to believe that they would pay people either, can't verify one way or the other though.

Canadian here too! I'd like some of that easy cash too :p

Canadian traitor. Classy.

I got called crazy a day or two ago. That is part of the shill playbook.

This is the most posted conspiracy this side of 9/11 and JFK in the history of Reddit. More than Sandy Hook considering how long it has been out there.

If this Pizzagate stuff breaks wide open, it would blow the entire global power structure up even more than if 9/11 was proven to be an inside job. They will do what they can to suppress this, but don't think for a minute we are alone on this one. There is a very strong aspect of the government that wants this information out. This isn't just coming out by chance.

Still, be careful. I have no idea what the perpetrators have done or would do to conceal their crimes. I can only guess they would start World War III if that meant they could avoid exposure. Let alone hurt or kill any single person or group of people.

Been wondering if there will be a huge news story breaking soon to mask all this. Let's hope WWIII is going too far, although our world's appearing pretty bonkers at the minute.

Going a bit too far me all this and what's bothering me a lot is the fact I've been arsing about on the internet since about '96 and I have never come across the horrible stuff I've been seeing these last couple of weeks. My name is Rubber Superior ffs, I'm into Rubber, I'm into Nuns dressed in Rubber, I'm into BDSM, I'm into my husband doing things to me in the bedroom that's apparently being censored in the UK very soon. Yet I have never in all these years come across this disgusting shit I'm seeing lately.

Sorry for ranting.

I was wondering that too. I think its odd that there is a desperate attempt of shielding and/or squashing this. To them, it is worth shielding like you say, but they could have said nothing. It would have garnered some attention but not enough exposure.

By starting the whole "fake news" and "crazy" trend, it's going to make more people curious, especially people who use the internet.

Negative exposure is still exposure and it does have an effect , ie. the recent election.

I don't know what this shadow gov't is planning but it ain't good.

This is a direct result of conspiracies rapidly being proven these days, that they can no longer simply say 'conspiracy theory' and have a problem go away, now that title warrants normal people looking into it more. So we now have a new buzz term 'fake news'.

I agree completely, that's how I came across it, from news about "fake news ruining the life of innocent, well liked Northern Washington pizza shop owner"

After reading through a few threads, some shit definitely does look shady - especially stuff like the instagram posts. But I'd have never stumbled upon it or had any idea at all what "pizzagate" was unless it was brought to my attention by a mainstream "news" site writing articles to discredit it completely.

By starting the whole "fake news" and "crazy" trend

What at all do you mean by this? I get that the whole Facebook actually fake news is a relatively recent development, but there have been conspiracy theorists and people who call them crazy since the dawn of time... Shit, X-Files ran on that trend for almost a decade, 25 years ago

Yeah, I got the weird feeling that the FBI anon and a few of the other chan/Reddit guys who were the OPs that connected the dots between the emails/code words/main connecting players - those definitely came from some insiders of some sort.


Its weird how much we attacked for talking about conspiracy theories on r/conspiracy,thats the point of the sub?

Maybe people are just sick of how it's taken over the entire sub, like the election stuff. For example, there was legit news about pyramids discovered in Antarctica but there is no discussion going on here because the pizzagate stuff is overshadowing everything.

What prymids?

Got a link?

Is that why Kerry went there?

Just google "Antarctica pyramids" there was some very vague coverage, even by some MSM sources. Strange things have been going on down there. Kerry was there, and the pope had a meeting with the leader of the Eastern Orthodox Church who also went down there. It's something to keep your eye on.


Seems to originate from third faze of the moon.

Notorious hoaxers.

Worth keeping an eye on but we should be skeptical.


I tried but the articles were already posted.

I read a great theory over at infinite chan that the modus operandi with respect to Assange is this: If he's dead, he's a martyr, and alive he's a threat. The best way to keep him is somewhere in between, sort of like schroedinger's cat.

This causes the community to turn against itself as Proofers continue to demand proof. The problem is, it may not be safe for assange to provide proof. For all we know, the good guys cut his power, raided the embassy and flew him out of harm's way under the cover of a chemical event at Heathrow.

What's this got to do with pizzagate? Not much, other than to serve as an example of the high level of statecraft operations currently underway. Odds are we are dealing with more than low level CTR shills here. This has gone from an InfoWar to full blown Aquino-esque MindWar. What's MindWar? Google is your friend.

The proofers? Have you ever heard of innocent until proven guilty? We have rules to protect people from false accusations, but fuck it, his instagram is creepy! BURN THE WITCH!

Those rules apply to courts, not public forums.

I don't know what world you live in, but the world most of us live in with 24 hour news, you're guilty until proven innocent.

That's just one data point in the overall scheme of things. I don't know if you are familiar with the case of Dojo Pizza in St. Louis, all it took was one complaint to get the ball rolling.

I am not familiar with that, no. Explain?

Dojo Pizza Joint combined Karate with Pizza and helping runaway kids. The Pastor who ran the operation was accused of human trafficking. The details are bit sketchy because witnesses say they saw 3 men climb into the building, then the place was raided. The Pastor maintained his innocence. But later the authorities said he had dozens of pics of cheese pizza. Not sure if the photos are of the kids who stayed at Dojo Pizza. I can't recall. Recently they struck down an order to take pics of his gonads to compare to the photos. It could be a massive setup by the state to frame him and to get those kids into the state authority foster homes. Or he could legitimately be a predator.

What's it got to do with PizzaGate? The similarity in how the owner responded: Deny, maintains innocence, paints self as victim.

The whole drama was tipped off by some caller who had a complaint.

What I mean by Proofers is people who demand proof. But my response to that is: prove to me u/spez hasn't edited any of your comments. The truth is, you can't.

That's the point.

We want proof. We don't want to assume one way or the other.

You were just complaining about people demanding proof from you.

I don't know why, but even on the subreddit of my country (that has nothing to do with any of this) many people started arguing on how this pizzagate is a farse and everybody supporting it is just plain crazy. It's weird.

it seems insane from the outside and /r/all

i sincerely hope it is all insane ramblings, the alternative is depressing to think about

It is insane ramblings. There's actually nothing suspicious except the artwork which is just art. People looking for meaning where there is none. Take any evidence they try to bombard you with and ask yourself: How does it really relate to the rest of the conspiracy, is it verifiable or is it just random claims, is there a simpler context which explains it, what was omitted to make it look suspicious.

When you start to ask these questions there's seriously nothing left that links the pizzeria and codewords to satanic pedophilia except art interpretations, done by people who would claim real art is paintings of fruit. If you look at the art and you feel like there's something weird going on, try to read an article about the pieces written by someone who actually likes art and understands it in the context of modern art.

Look at this post which presents many examples of how the theory is weak at best:

The conspiracy bubble does not want to find the truth, if they did they would be dissecting the evidence spoonfed to them by dishonest youtubers and bloggers, but you won't find anyone doing that here.

Edit: Immediate downvote without a reply, which ironically proves my point: no critical thinking allowed.

People who refuse to research for themselves and dismiss anything that goes outside their perceived reality just use the weakest argument in known history. Accuse others you disagree with as crazy.




Slightly related but nt really. I've noticed a lot of posters defending spez editing posts because "it's only the donald"

If you ask then what they think about the admins/mods editing other posts like say, there they reply with ether

Why would they do that? Or It's thier website they can do what they want.

It's similar to the people who feel like the drug war is okay, or militarized police going after extremely low level drug offenders is fine and dandy because it doesn't directly impact them in any meaningful way (that they know about, at least).

But when you give someone an inch, especially if that someone is a government body with immense power, you'd be insane to think that they'll stick with that inch and not try to take more.

It's a slippery slope and once you allow people in power to squash free speech in one area or silence one small group - it's only a matter of time before you find yourself at the bottom of the ravine wondering "what the fuck happened??"

Inferior people don't understand ethics. They're not advanced enough to really think it over, so they have to look at it like a child would.

Unable to understand the ramifications or moral issues with changing posts, they resort to a child's comprehension of right and wrong.

Timmy, how would you like it if someone changed your words to make it look like you said something else?

Timmy wouldn't like it, but Tim is also not sure that in that position he wouldn't want to also abuse his power, so he pretends he can't see the right or wrong of it and denies that it will affect him.

Inferior people. Rofl. What a twat.

Inferior people. That's a good way of making people listen to you /s.

people here are linking mainstream media articles to "disprove" pizza gate with the words "FAKE NEWS" in the title and dozens of times in the body and i am being downvoted for pointing out that this is typical propaganda and in no way disproves pizza gate at all. This is the point where i usually confront them to demand they try to explain ATLEAST one of the spooky facets of pizza gate, it's at this point they mysteriously fuck off.

But their comment is at +45 (WTF?!) im at like -3, for calling out MSM on /r/conspiracy... something is definitely fucky here.

FFS in the same conversation someone was upvoted for argueing that MSM uses "trusted verifiable and non-fake sources" like jesus fuck.

The NY Times article was a joke: "so we asked the owner and he told us there's no child trafficking going on. Case closed."

I'm one of the people arguing the theory. I posted a link on this sub to this guy trying to debunk the theory
I think he has a good point that there's no link between pizzagate and this Hawaii thing.

(I also feel like arguing against the theory is met with a lot of condescension and hostility, that might be why so few people are)

I find it hilarious people here are accusing others of covering things up but downvoting any dissenting opinion.

this year a new bio of the old royal dutch family came out 2016.
More and more story,s about prins bernhard and pedophilia.
He was also a nazi.
i got a feeling we are being warmed up for something big

If I may play devil's advocate, I think there's a reason people react negatively to this particular conspiracy theory. Unlike, say, 9/11 theories, pizzagate is leveling unthinkably horrific accusations at specific, possibly completely innocent people. Combine that with the perception that these accusations are deeply politically motivated, and your average person is going to find the fervent confidence with which pizzagaters accuse people of the most horrible crimes to be unconscionable.

If they're innocent they can prove it

Guilty until proven innocent

That's not how it works. The burden of proof is on the people making the accusation.

how can you prove innocence without lending credibility to the accusations?

People are going to believe whatever they want to believe, even if it's disproven.

We need solid evidence linking people to crimes. They need solid alibis for when that evidence was taken.

That's not how it works.

That neatly demonstrates people's biggest problem with pizzagate I think

Just like Obama releasing his birth certificate shut up all the birthers right?

People receive massive amounts of upvotes when they call pizzagate crazy,

That's because a lot of it is crazy and far reaching. A creepy place in the middle of nowhere that doubles as a meth/moonshine manufacturer is far more likely than say a pizza parlor in the downtown D.C area.

This isn't Breaking Bad with Pablos Chicken...

On all of those threads the top posters usually give very specific evidence why they believe pizzagate is misleading, or totally discredited.

I'm not clued in on the details so I can't say one way or another, but I can absolutely say from being a regular reddit user that your claim they never provide counter evidence is factually incorrect.

One thing about these threads that always strikes me super unlikely:

The people most motivated with this stuff always just happen to randomly stumble on these big finds. What are the odds that someone heavily invested in this conspiracy just happens to live above an underground facility directly connected to it? I mean, come on guys. From my brief look into this stuff, it appears "there is a there, there", but the conclusion jumps that immediately follow are so huge that it's hard to take anything I read here seriously.

And like it or not, but the influence of /the_donald shitposters and meme spouters does little to help the credibility of any finds.

For example, from OP's original post about the wifi signals:

"Also, i noticed a truck making multiple late night trips for many days removing lots of busted up new looking concrete from the neighbors city trash bins. The property i lived on and that neighbors property are lease holds held by the same person (not my old boss). Ive also recently connected my old boss to ebay accounts selling "faulty hard drives" and "faulty" electronics for strange prices. The buyer feedback is very bizarrely enthusiastic and there are lots of disturbing mentions of "very happy kids" and "no fakes" I think i stumbled on a possible human trafficking and child p*** ring."

Really? I mean fucking really? I know you guys want to believe this stuff, and maybe there is something there, but if this is the level of evidence you are willing to go all in on, you have no hope.

Just read this: http://www.snopes.com/pizzagate-conspiracy/

You can see with cold hard evidence that much of the initial "evidence" used to start this thing was flat out manufactured. Again, maybe, just maybe there is something here. But when your entire investigation is prompted from undeniably manufactured evidence, why should anyone who is neutral trust you?

lol @ that snopes article.

Is that really what you consider cold hard evidence? That woman is a hack.

You can debate any agenda, but the specific evidence outlined in the article is concrete. It shows how things were taken totally out of context, or just flat out manufactured, and used to bolster the conspiracy in it's early stages.

But in typical dishonest fashion, you chose to intentionally leave out your actual arguments.

"lol" is not a defense of a position worth taking serious.

In your post you mention that you're not clued into details and then go on to reference that snopes article as proof that all evidence in pizzagate is "undeniably" manufactured.

That snopes article barely even begins to address evidence presented in pizzagate...

So maybe you should do some more research an educate yourself further on pizzagate before you decide all the evidence manufactured?

You also quote a small snippet of evidence from the OP's original post about the wifi signals and respond, "Really? I mean fucking really? I know you guys want to believe this stuff, and maybe there is something there, but if this is the level of evidence you are willing to go all in on, you have no hope."

But if you read the entire post from the OP, there is much much more evidence that lends to his credibility. And then you call me dishonest?

What are the odds that someone heavily invested in this conspiracy just happens to live above an underground facility directly connected to it?

The original post from that person predates pizzagate, if you follow the link from OP, they originally posted about the wifi signals and possible pedophilia 7 months ago.

EDIT: So I read the snopes article about pizzagate and it really doesn't do anything to exonerate the accused. I'm not standing on either side of the isle, but if you really read the snopes article its only evidence is a NYT article that flat out says that "It isn't true", taking the owner at his own word.

Snopes article is completely biased and doesn't address anything.. wtf are you tallking about? They are dismissing / confirming it to be fake without addressing any evidence at all. They are literally taking James Alefantis' word of "Its not true" and claiming it as fact. The one we are accusing. Is that normal for Snopes or is there some shitty cover up here?

When 4chan is involved, dismissing something out of hand is a safe assumption. You do know what 4chan is, right? Because I've talked to a lot of well meaning conservatives who don't know that their big conspiracy source is a message board infamous for posting cp, gore and bestiality.

You haven't seen the "blue bucket containing 'dissolved human brain'" picture? OP was comparing a giant rain bucket with a freaking industrial paint bucket and mentioned "it looks like the ones in breaking bad"... lol

Looks more likely like the kid is the son of the neighbor and they're trying to coerce him to sell his property. Not uncommon way for some people to get back a tiny weird parcel stuck into a bigger one. Especially a rented parcel.

For real. Anyone disagreeing has hundreds of upvotes. David Brock has the shills out.

There proving there's a cover up by doing it

No, we just think it's an insane theory and this bullshit is impressionable on young minds.

why is it insane? look at norway politicians just got arrested catholic priests have been caught

Exactly. Had this been some nut job theory like the president is an alien. No one would pay it any mind. However the moment someone starts attacking it is proof that SOMETHING IS THERE.

thats why people get away with these things

I'm just a regular guy with more than 3 brain cells who has been actively downvoting all of this retarded fucking shit that shows up on all because it's completely fucking stupid and it needs to die already. Honestly I can't even believe how many people are moronic enough to believe this idea. There are way more of us than there are you dumb fucks. There's nothing here but a witch hunt being perpetuated stupid children.

Okay, you're a regular guy. Awesome pointing that out.....I have been following all of it since the emails were released, and for you to blatantly downplay it all is disturbing to say the least. I do not agree with the witch hunt of particulars that are involved surrounding all of this, but a lot of the information that is out there and has been presented is absolutely suspect. Dumb fucks? Nice touch. Maybe you should pull your head out of your ass hole and stop being biased. This is "Conspiracy" And the amount of people flooding this sub with biased post's completely downplaying all of this and having massive upvotes in my opinion is completely out of the ordinary for this sub, and it comes in waves. I mean really why are you so bashful about this? It's like you have a vested personal interest. I doubt you've even read or looked into anything that's being presented in any of these subs.

How very unsurprising that you've assumed a bunch of shit about me with absolutely nothing to even suggest it might be true. I spent hours a few days back looking at all the supposed evidence and there's absolutely nothing there. It's just a bunch of coincidental stuff that people are bending over backwards to assign meaning to. You people invented a story and worked backwards from there to make the innocuous crap you've dug up fit that narrative. That's not how skepticism works.

As far as why your seeing down votes come in waves, that's stupidly easy to understand. Your cadre of idiots votes this nonsense up enough that it hits all where the not clinically retarded can see it and we do what we should with dangerously idiotic dumb fuckery.

You people are an embarrassment to humanity.

I did not say downvotes in waves. I said a sudden surge of shill posts with massive upvotes that are much out of the norm. You must be referring to your downvotes. "You people" invented a story. Give me a break guy...You're creepy.

Someone close to the case does after all run "Correct the Record". Have a good day, not going to argue with you, you're ridiculous.

Of course you won't. You've got nothing but made up bullshit to argue with.

Boston bomber the second.

Once again my point I've brought up validated.


looks like your hundreds of free shill upvotes got stuck in the mail, lol

Funny you say that because the last time I looked I was at -28.

that's the joke

I recon it's casual observers who have been introduced to the theory through the recent controversy. That being said there's definitely something booky going on.

People aren't shills, they just know logic and don't agree with your fabulations. And you're all so psychotic that you think like zealots "If they try to stop me, that must be the higher powah telling me something!"

You guys would totally fail the James Randi test.

Hit me with the logic bomb that explains away all the circumstantial evidence because there's an awful lot of it.

Your "fabulations" are just too crazy to respond to, except to respond and say youre crazy. Its not even worth talking about or looking into why cant you tinfoil hat wearing crazies see this!!! /s

I'm a neutral and you're not really convincing me of anything, other than that it's the exact type of comment a shill might make. Denying burden of proof, strawman, etc.

If you consider anything in this post to be evidence, that's why.

It's tinfoil nonsense.

You were wrong about Trump winning the election. Perhaps one could say your judgement is not that open-minded.

Probably because the donald became obsessed with this conspiracy for political reasons so everyone else is reacting to that.


Astoturfing tactics are so obvious.

Why? You don't want pedos to be exposed?

Sure, but there is noting to this witch hunt.

We don't need people's lives ruined because you are a retard.

Rule 10. Keep it civil, please.

There is literally nothing to debunk. It's some ordinary looking pictures with bizarre speculation. What is one suppose to say about someone presenting nothing but some conduit and shit in a bucket?

Thats because it reads like a delusional fairy tale, no dates, no time, just a bunch of flowery language and circumstantial "evidence." Really, what did this post add to the conversation?

Your post and everything here is heavily upvoted.

Honestly, I could see their point of view. They argue that our investigation into pizzagate is harmful to the ones implicated in the leaked emails. I have discussed with a few and their point is this: What if these people are innocent?(Which we always have to be open to that thought. Could be that this I'd just one huge coincident, however, IMO I don't think it is) If these people that are being blamed IE Podesta and that other guy, the name is slipping away from me ATM, are in fact innocent, this can and is harmful to not only their businesses but their personal image.

However, my rebuttal to these claims is how come the emails that have been leaked, and are actual evidence, not enough to hurt the ones implicated in this pizzagate scandal. I think it's hilarious how close minded some people can be to the thought that there could be a global pizza ring going on and their reaction to the ones that want to find the truth is, "You guys are crazy and or insane. You have nothing to prove you theories and should just drop everything and go on with your lives." The ignorance of people is outstanding.

However, going deeper into your point, it could be possible that fake accounts are made to discourage the investigation on the premise that we have no golden ticket that proves our claims. There are too many variables here and it is just to easy to catfish this very terrifying claim. The internet is truly a mind fuck.

Downvoted because someone doesn't want it seen or its complete nonsense?

Looks like the same social media counter-op that was used for r/politics before the election ended. Someone is making sure this does not get into the light. It's difficult to hide an effort being made to censor people. Censorship works both ways. Just like tracer rounds. They reveal their position.

I get the same feeling, however, I can't help but notice that I don't recognize your name either and your user page shows your account is only two months old. There's tons of new accounts all around pushing agendas here.

There's a certain non-casual writing style in common too. This does seem like attack day indeed.

I know I downvote it because I'm so fucking sick of anything to do with Hillary or Donald. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

There were paid shills by Hillary Clinton during the election right? Someone with info on that please confirm or denied this claim.

u/spez trying to bury the posts so he doesn't get caught.

People receive massive amounts of upvotes when they call pizzagate crazy, but they don't provide any arguments against the evidence compiled in this investigation.

What evidence? Show me one, just one single piece of concrete evidence. This shit, particularly this post, reads like the insane ramblings of a crazy person. In a dozen or so posts I tried browsing on the old sub, not one single piece of hard evidence anywhere. Not one.

So please, show me one piece of actual, irrefutable evidence that there is some kind of pedophile ring conspiracy going on.

I'm not going to start or be a part of anything like this, because I'm a coward and value my life/freedom too much, but I think the only thing to do is set up very restricted small networks of trusted researchers who communicate as privately and with as much encryption as possible. These groups would post anonymously via VPN to all the related communities in reddit/the chans (each group could have an encrypted security hash used in all subsequent posts to build credibility).

I'm hoping this is being arranged already.

Has this been shared with the folks at voat as well?

Why are you guys still here? www.Voat.co/v/pizzagate

this is where the humans are going.

Because this conspiracy is bs dude this is worse than bush did 9/11


Well they make it sound crazy. I'm sure there's some anti snopes people on here. But the way it's been presented on this sub.. I can't follow the shitty infographics. I just want to understand why the orange thunder fucks at T_D started it, and now this sub has "uncovered the illuminati". (Seriously that's how big this story is hyped by believers. Because a small business owner diddles kid.. go on. Anyone have some succinct explanation for this 'gate' because right now I'm lost.

I feel like /pol/ got to this sub like they did T_d...

Someone out there point me towards reason. ALWAYS looking for facts and evidence. So if anyone can help with a tldr and/or more academic approach towards proof I'd be grateful

There is very suspicious activity going on with all of the pizzagate posts.

Nah, it just looks like crazy people in tinfoil hats

Well in the interest of transparency, I downvoted it. I did so because it offers no new solid information, and we don't even know if it was the same guy. And the scenarios described, while possible, sound like LARPing to me.


Rule 4. Take a break.

Wow, that Hawaii anon investigator is righteously brave. His update reports some heavy shit that he was fortunate and savvy enough to elude.

Shame his girlfriend left him. Hopefully he knows that truth and light will bring him more comfort than her.

She panicked and ran out on him as she was no doubt scared shitless. At least she didn't set him up, plus now he only has to worry about his own safety.

This is (sadly) not all that uncommon. But if someone isn't ready for the truth (or can't handle its implications) then expending energy on them is not the most beneficial use of one's own energy.

There's being able to handle the truth, and being thrust into a life threatening conspiracy.


You want truth? There are no commuter train lines in the state of Hawaii

he said he flew out of hawaii

Then what is the crap above about working on a weed farm then getting scared and meeting people on a train. This shit is so vague and disjointed, it's amazing anyone can make sense of it, let alone cite it as proof of something.

yea, the ties around this part are pretty weak, I won't deny that. But people have been wondering about what happened to this guy for a long time, so that's why people are upvoting.

I meant his girlfriend leaving him...

Or she couldn't handle his mental illness, dude is either crazy or trolling.

Everyone has an opinion, who cares?

The truth can't suck a mean dick though, jus sayin

A picture of an extractor in a shed?

The picture of a bucket he found in the property really blows the whole thing wide open.

I mean, he saw breaking bad, so naturally those buckets were used for human remains...

That bucket is clearly the kind that Satanists use to kill babies. It even has the don't kill babies logo on the side.

I always wondered why that warning was on there, apparently because Satanists use them to drown babies.

That did look like actual fetid flesh, I'd know since I've volunteered cleaning up roadkill. Not to mention; Have you ever poured hydrogen peroxide on a scab? The blood and infection coagulate and react just like that to the peroxide.

I am as sure that this is a big joke as I am sure that the IQ of most redditors is in the double digits.

Most of the pizzagate shit is conjecture and circumstance(not saying it's all crap)

This Hawaii spot should have been the main focus (actual evidence!)

Afraid it's all been cleaned up at this point.

Funny that as soon as it was found out, all attention was pointed in other directions

As far as the 30 wifi connections go, it's likely a wifi throwie. I've made one using a 3$ ESP8266 board. He said all 30 wifi networks were the same signal strength, and it's probably because it's simply all handled by the same chip.

Also, in regards to the new post, there's literally no new info. It does scream LARPing. Even if it's legit, then there's no other new info besides the site being under investigation? Which isn't really too much of a stretch.

I've been a wifi guy and at one point you might see 30 SSIDs appear near my house using standard vendor gear. For someone not running tests I agree it's likely someone running a "FakeAP" type of script that creates many bogus SSIDs for distraction.

Also agree 100% that this screams LARP.

He posted a new photo which wasn't taken from any previous thread. Are you suggesting he went down to that dangerous site suspected of heavy child trafficking/ corpse disposing, not giving a fuck and just took another pic for some lolz to LARP away on a random 4chan thread?

Well, do we know it's the same guy? Alright, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. It's a pedo spot. The new info? There's a fake distillery in a tent? Can we make any conclusion or discovery based on this new knowledge? Why would a fake distillery be there? How did he conclude it's fake? Why was the distillery in a tent?



Tell people irl where you're going and be careful


someone on 4chan said a couple of weeks ago they are going to the place to investigate. Still no pics of that place yet. Good luck.

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someone on 4chan said

This is all the information you need to understand Pizzagate.

Its gone!


Well, if you live nearby, what is most informative isn't necessarily like having a close picture per-se. We know it's sketchy people and putting yourself in harms way won't get us anywhere better. If you had a solid zoom lens though (400-800mm), and periodically checking (every other week) would provide more than enough.


Remindme! 24 hours

It's gone!

Sorry you're right, I had a real brain fart. I just really thought at first it was larp and forgot about it immediately. I'm not sure I can think of a solid reason to have people work on a distillery for months and somehow still not have it work. I can imagine a personal project or something you do on your off time, but have a team on it and fail? If anything it just raises more questions personally, mostly that aren't related directly to the sketchiness of the place depending on the answers. I'm sorry I feel like I'm being equally as unproductive as the cheesybay post :/

It's clearly not even the right equipment for a distillery. It looks like a rig for extracting hash oil from weed.


Speaking of Hawaii, remember trump saying he was there looking for Obama's birth certificate...just maybe....

Maybe it's the distillery of Malik Obama's brother.

How would you know the source of a random photo?

It was proven to match the same ones in the original thread... same camera resolution same place same blue tents..


Ive not verified this but you can look up the exif/ meta data on Lightroom or photoshop. It's pretty detailed resolution, camera type, gps coordinates (sometimes) etc etc. I have not done this with the pics though, so I'm unsure if it was verified .

And that's why I don't put pics on 4chan. 4chan's image host doesn't strip the exif data, meaning that it can be used to determine your location.

It's scary how it's like that, the casual loss of privacy. If you post a pic to Google Photos, and use it as an image host, it uses WiFi and GPS data to put your location on google maps.


Specifically what tests? CSI-style "enhancing?" Photoshop brightness and contrast similarities? Geotagged location similarities? This thread is too full of vague information without clarification.

Because these are deluded children, probably.

Its because this whole thing is a LARP.

dangerous site suspected of heavy child trafficking/ corpse disposing

imaginary danger lmfao

Are you suggesting he went down to that dangerous site suspected of heavy child trafficking/ corpse disposing, not giving a fuck and just took another pic for some lolz to LARP away on a random 4chan thread?

If he's trolling 4chan in the first place, I'd imagine he doesn't take those suspicions very seriously


Those guys just can't believe people are simply coldly rational about it here and not going hysterical whenever someone says "I GOT A PROOF".

What normal investigators call "potential clue", they call evidences. Then you get called a pedo or a shill for pointing that out. -- sighs --

True . The conspiracy theory people tend to jump on the bandwagon of any new theory. But thee is enough circumstantial evidence or "clues" to warrant more investigation

It's simple, you're getting autistic about terms and being pedantic instead of actually helping. A clue can later become evidence and when an amatuer investigator gets excited about something it's not a crime against humanity. N.B. Amateur investigation. So yeah you sound exactly like a shill.

Live action role playing? Or does LARP have another meaning?

In this context it means someone who is making up their story.

Anon used Conspiracy Pandering!

It's super effective!

Took me 5 seconds to google "LARP acronym"

Took me 10 seconds to read through this page.

The wikipedia page for Lightweight Access Point Protocol describes itself as "a protocol that can control multiple Wi-Fi wireless access points at once."

Took me about 180 seconds to write up this explanation. Come on man, expecting information to be spoon-fed to us is what caused the media shitshow we're in today. At least try to look into things before asking others to hold your hand through it.

Thanks for helping a brother out! I was in rural California on the EDGE network, I shouldn't have been trying to reddit out there since it was a pain in the ass. But asking was easier than taking a trip down google lane.

Ugh, low bandwidth is the worst - my condolences.

Is it me or is there no new information here? We got some nice stories from a guy who could be larping, and a photo that shows distillery equipment. Anon somehow runs into pizzagate anons on Amtrak?? Was this in Hawaii? Do they have Amtrak in Hawaii??

There is no rail service on Hawaii. They are building a rail connection but that'll take years to complete. This is complete made up bullshit

But but why are people downvotimg this beave effort of this not retarded shit. Mimimi? Hurr durr im so smart le pedophiles.

but that'll take years to complete

Hawaii expat, it's not happening lol


UGH. Jesus, you are blinded by this man.

So what is the order of events here, he ran into some dudes on Amtrack and then fled Hawaii or he fled Hawaii then ran into the dudes on the Amtrack? Things are looking kind of wonky on this. Why did he leave Hawaii again?


You can't be serious, right? You are all delusional.



Did he leave Hawaii? Where does it say that?

You wanna copy paste that one more time? An ellipsis has ... count them 1... 2... 3... dots. Idiot.


Oh cool, you are insane. I was just checking

Sounds fake as fuck. There are no trains in Hawaii.

Or actual hotdog stands. None that I've seen anyway

Catch me on a stressful work day and I'm sure I'd say something like "one day I'm going to leave all this shit, run away and open a hotdog stand in Hawaii". It strikes me as that fabled place you would run away to. Nothing sinister and certainly not some code.

I've seen someone comment almost this exact same reasoning in a thread before. Was that you? Did you see that comment?

No I didn't. Don't think it was me.

Well but he did say he left Hawaii, so that may have been after.

After clicking all of the links and reading the threads, I don't see a connection the connection to pizzagate. What am I missing?

Would it seriously injure someone to format this any better than not at all.

Have some coffee and cigarettes, man, you're freaking out

Hey barney, give this guy a cigarette

Day bow bow

Thanks, this helps immensely.

Its the main reason I havent read it yet. I cant follow the formatting easily and the picture resolution is awful.

... it seems like they were intentionally using silly-sounding names to decrease credibility. comet ping pong pizza sounds fucking absurd like something poorly made up. But yeah it's really a place apparently? And calling something Cheesebay also sounds ridiculous. I'm starting to get uncomfortable with all this. Their straining attempts to sound innocuous have crossed some sort of line into the conspicuous.

It's a real restaurant. You can go inside and eat pizza and play ping pong. I have half a dozen friends who worked there for years.

Seriously, it's a super popular place in a nice area of the city, and makes a good sized venue to hold events and fundraisers. The place is practically a landmark. I've been several times and know people who have gone for years and years.



I think one of the big ones is how the owner is "one of the 30 most powerful men in D.C." regardless of how popular it is, there's a limit to how much revenue a restaurant can make, based off of capacity, profit margins, and average time spent per customer. It exceeds that limit.






Bif Skipman” runs a “distillery” business at that address. It’s an alias, of an alias, of an alias.

David Stone is “Bif Skipman” accoding to several links including the brand of hawaiian vodka he sells being seen at the “Bif Skipman” compound.

E-mails dug out of his gmail account reference a “Richard Windsor” Pseudonym that Lisa P. Jackson was caught using.

She works for the Clinton Foundation. The e-mail is possibly from the Music booker at Comet Ping Pong pizza.

The pizza place owned by the former gay boyfriend of David Brock, the CEO of Correct The Record and the venue for dozens of events for the Hillary campaign staff.


Great find!

Whats the proof that windsor guy isn't really a winsor guy? There's a popular dancer with that name, which makes sense in the context.... sasha is a performer too.

The "hacked" emails that are not from Wikileaks are totally unreliable in their form. And even if it was reliable, it proves nothing at all since you have NO proof the windor in the email is an alias of jackson or not.

Also, contacting someone by email once doesn't imply anything, especially with the content of the message used as "proof".

Let's be rational. You're going too fast on making connections and conclusions.

Also, contacting someone by email once doesn't imply anything, especially with the content of the message used as "proof"

Proof is for a court of law. We just want these sick fuckers investigated by the agencies who are capable of establishing that through search warrants etc.

Let's be rational. You're going too fast on making connections and conclusions.

That's what really scares you, huh? How fast this crowdsourced investigation is proceeding. Nah, we're not going to slow down buddy. We're just getting warmed up.

Edit - holy shit, your whole account is dedicated to dismissing pizzagate and concern-trolling r/conspiracy and the_donald...will leave it at that to avoid rule 10 violation...everyone can make up their own minds.

No, I'm worried about how many lives you'll destroy this year with dumb accusations and you willingly do it in a way that has nothing to do with science or the law system or any serious investigations.

At this point, you're very close to false rape and abuse claims.

Stalking me much? You're already breaching rule #10 by attacking me, stalking my posts on the_donald/here and not addressing the point.


What with the date?

If you understand your proofs, you should be able to simply TLDR or show the quotes that specifically link Jackson's email alias to the distillery.

What I'm saying is there's absolute no proof so far:

*1 - the email is real *2 - the names on the emails are really the people you think it is. Their names are pretty common *3 - that they have a real connection beside 1 email. I get emails everyday from random people asking for work. It's not far fetched to me that a business owner would get these too.

And you guys are cherry picking what looks like reliable info and reject what totally look like BS, some examples:

While developing technologies to accelerate the maturation of distilled spirits for Generic vodka company in Honolulu, OP’s innate senses that something wasn’t right...

Did I miss something? The guy who wrote that is the OP but talks about himself at the third person.

The bucket after I spilled all the goo inside. Can see brain in the lower inside and gross stuff on sides (https://imgur.com/bPeMnbw)

What do you fit in a small bucket like that? Oh right, a baby and his brain is the last thing that dissolved............... Come on.

Imgur link is bad

It's the same bucket as on the other imgur. Try this one (last pic):


Career concern troll gtfo. Cry doxxing my lad cry doxxing!

"Wikileaks is compromised guys!"

--> trusts 4chan annon


Then why no one can show the proof these guys are who you claim they are?

Should be easier than posting 2 paragraphs on why I'm 'bad" for asking for it.

There is no rail in Hawaii how do you explain that?


It doesn't say that. It says he ran into 4 ppl on an Amtrak. Doesn't say he left before he says that

Shouldn't a fake distillery be made to look like a distillery? It just looks like someone's set up to extract hash oil.

Interesting since he was coming from a cannabis farm

Critical thinking skills

30 wifi signals "could" be an internal tracking / reporting system.

Sensors that are too far apart for bluetooth setups, and if they wanted to get away from a wired setup, then wifi is a way to go.

If the fake distillery is actually a distillery, then simple temp sensors on vats could be sending data to a host.

Wifi chips are cheep! And easy to program, use, and the output easy to format and read.

Just a thought!

The real distillery of that guy seems actually quite high-tech indeed (according to his website, pictures, and articles.)

Not to mention why have 30 signals in a such a small area. That's like 29 more signals than needed. If hiding something, go wired or a single hidden ssid and have the routers on low power not to broadcast further than necessary.

30 wifi signals at a hidden illegal facility might as well being playing a radio real loud


Exactly, if it was a sensor network then you would only really need one network (SSID) and your sensors would report across that via a standard network interface. Of course I can't think of much of a need for that many illicit signals either. It's very odd if true.

I'm going for the multiple wireless devices theory. My work has 12 other wireless broadcasters but they are printers and IP cameras.

If this place was dirty, the ssids could be wireless cameras. Such a thing is stupid but also simple to set up.

Some home security cams use wifi and they have ssid names broadcasted.

Interesting but he said he worked there for 9 months and 0 progress...doesn't sound like a real distillery

I'm very skeptical of all the bizarre "pizzagate" connections showing up here and on YouTube etc. Reminds me of the witch hunt 20 or so years ago of all the satanic pedophile day-cares that caught America up in a frenzy of bullshit. The children were coaxed, families ruined and by no more than some "suggestive" psychologists and a storm of national media attention.

It was lunacy in hindsight. Do some research on this if you're not aware. There are more similarities than not to that situation, in my opinion.

Remember when reddit found the boston bomber?

What's the story on that?

Reddit tried to figure out who the boston bomber was, fucked up, and drove a dude to suicide.

Yes we fucking know people have been saying this and not just America but the UK too and for over 30 years but its always the same: they are crazy / charged with perjury and its swept under the rug. Since you seem to have trouble figuring things out on your own, ill try and put it in simpler terms - THE FOX IS GUARDING THE HEN HOUSE

So let me get this straight: your rebuttal is that those tings were real but they were covered up?

I used to like this sub for the sketchy stuff, now it's for the popcorn.

Good point, but calm down. You are responding to a shill user (or coward) that was made yesterday and has only 2 comments.

I've never seen a wild goose chase quite like this before. Personally I think it's hilarious

I thought the UK was known for pedophiles, not the US.

That means we haven't found ours.

the churches are a good place to start....

Apparently the Aussies too. Nicole Kidman's father is the most recent person implicated. He's "mysteriously" dead now after fleeing to the Philippines I think.

No worries. The kind of people that go on witch hunts can't decipher this word / image vomit that the conspiracy theorists are using to claim it real. I have a headache from reading this post alone.

all that could have been a coverup, or a false flag to make everyone think "that doesn't REALLY happen"

same goes for the 80s Satanic Panic - same time frame

A simple example of 1 nonsense case influenced by the satanic lean from the same era: the West Memphis 3.


Coward, lobbing comments from a 3 day old account... lame.

yes I deleted my previous 4 year account after the spez bullshit. you got a problem with that?

Reading about The Finders, some part of that was true.

How can you people take this shit seriously...?

They have nothing better to do and think it makes them badass spy's that people will like. It's pathetic.

Or they want to see pedophiles arrested. Pathetic I guess

Well, ya know... that parts not real, so...

Protip, because I think you're nearly right: The badass spy fantasy is at its best when the evidence quality is the best, so the people who get into this stuff for lack of anything better to do end up doing a lot of digging.

I'm guessing they'll get bored or move somewhere else after realizing everybody who disagrees is a shill (eg. apparently the new word for rational people now).

Its fun to watch disinformation users talk with each other thinking they are doing good. I give it a 5.

Ah yes, everybody who does to believe in this shit at face value is an "agent" for "them" or a shill.

So you think they're all crazy and they think you're all shills. Ever thought maybe you're both fucking stupid?

And let me guess, you are the morally and factually superior being that stands above us petty peasants?

Do you expect anyone else except conspiracytards to buy this shit with only a screenshot of a 4chan post and a few images of someone's backyard as proof?

No. I'm Australian and I don't give a shit about the pedos that run your country.

Nice assumptions there, buddy. What makes you think I am American?

I don't care man.

So you are here just to bloat your superiority complex. Got it.

Pretty much. Have fun with life peasant.

Fake comment?

Random words?

Fake is Faker? Im getting lost with all the lies now.

What the fuck are you even going on about?

Exactly. Shills are lost souls.

yeah but I wish they wouldn't downvote the pizza/occult debunking simply because it's debunking :/


Best comment by you. Problem solved.

very trendy too among business people.

write in greentext format

very important people telling me well kept secrets

this is totally real bro

mfw federal agents identify themself to strangers who come sit with them XD

Seriously though, DOS? Department of State? DOS agents are called DSS. and that's not even who would handle pedo shit within the US. It would be FBI.

Some guy forgot his bread on the picture. Not really an unused spot.

That's not really a commercial distillery either and there's people who have them at home you know. Same as there's people who have their basement full of weed.

Being an outdoor person, I find it hard to believe, especially in a tropical environment, that someone would leave that kind of equipment outside in a cheap tent for 9 months and it would look like in the picture. No cobwebs, no dust, no bird s*** on the roof, etc. It's clean enough to let food there.

And the guy took ONE SINGLE picture? Hmm k.

How did you guys come again to accusing a guy who could be simply a vodka distiller to be a pedophile?

Obscure cheese references on a facebook with a potato that happens to be on his website and 2.5 millions other websites as well?

"Weird guy"?

"Weird building"?

Did the OP said it was his last boss? Have you considered it doesn't make much sense he would know so much about this company but give you so little details, letting you figuring it all out? Doesn't make any sense.

It would make more sense this ex-employee (real original-OP) has a vendetta on that business owner. Could even be a competitor. Just saying.

The hot-dog email with the added bondage guy for effect:

The email --> https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/30231

It was sent FROM "Stern, Todd D" to JOHN PODESTA. There's other emails with the 2 of them.

Does John has a hot dog stand in Hawaii now? Is that the idea? Or "hot-dog = little boy" so that must be a little-boy stand in Hawaii owned by podesta, right? And that makes Todd another pedophile on your list?

Is Todd an alias of Jackson or what? He looks like a real guy and it's a state.gov email address, not an alias or gmail. (The guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Todd_Stern)

What's the link there? "Hawaii"?

A person who works 40-60hr a week does dream of flipping burgers & hot-dogs on an Hawaiian beach once in a while. That's a very VERY common thing to say for busy people.

It looks like the only link between the 'evil' pizzeria and this Hawaii story is Anita Lord "hacked email" and 3 potato man pictures.

This is an hacked email not really of the Wikileaks level of credibility, let's be honest. That R. Windsor guy could really be a R. Windsor. What's the proofs this is a real email? What is the proof that email was really sent to the same email as Jackson's alias? None besides a name. Not even the email address. Nothing anyone can verify and use as evidence.

There's a quite popular Windsor and it would make PERFECT SENSE why a woman such as Sacha (supposing it's Sasha/Anita and that you got this one right at least) who works as a performer in music and dance would contact that dude, also in the same area of business.

Horrible how you guys just share blindly names and business info of people you "think" are pedophile or flesh eater because you found a freaking small bucket on a property.

Online reputation "cleaner" will have a LOT of business this year with your "investigations". Oh god... SMH


Also, the kid claimed he drilled the slab, poured water into "suspicious hole" (with a metal pole of the same size right next to it), used some whatever-tool to calculate his weird wifi reading, walked around the property, emptied the "blue bucket like the hydroxide one in breaking bad and may contain brain substance", took 5-6 pictures, went behind an alembic, and did all this while being scared to death.

He took about 5-6 pictures, no different angles, and irrelevant subjects. Never took pictures of his readings.

Then he had to flee for his life and his GF even dropped him. He even had the equivalent of Men in Black after him. So he thought: "I'll post on the most monitored conspiracy forums and on 4 chan. People need to see my blue bucket picture." Seems perfectly rational. Still, there's NO CRIME' NO VICTIMS' NO TRANSACTIONS.

Now I guess someone will say "that was not done in the same day" --> then why no more evidences and pictures?

The truth is the whole thing is most likely posted by the kid of an upset neighbor, a way to coerce the guy to sell his land parcel (go google map), someone not happy with his business, etc. Don't look only at his friends but his enemies too. The wifi reading can also be explained.

When pizza gate was up you'd see posts like this and in the comments things like "OMG SMOKING GUN" and "I'm literally crying right now. This is so disturbing." And "is anyone else legitimately in fear for their life for what we are doing?" Etc

Great reply. Love to see some critical thought.

OP how did you find the connection between 7-month-old reddit post and the 4chan post? good memory or what?



same way they found the potato man and pizza connection :(

How is this connected top the Pizzagate exactly? This could be a concealed nuclear fallout bunker. A rich prepper could afford this. How do you connect the dots here?

It's not.

All they have is the fact Jackson had an alias with the name "windsor".

They connect the probably (single) unreliable "hacked" email to Sasha Lord (supposely aka Anita) who has to be the same Anita Lord on that fake email writing to Jackson under the alias Windsor! And Sasha is a DJ at Comet Pizza... It's ridiculous.

They don't even have email addresses to compare.

You really think people running a fucking pedophile ring for the elite would make it that easy.

I don't think it's that easy. That's the point.

Making connections so easily is actually thinking those criminals are stupids. I actually think they are smarter than that.

edited original post

Pizzagate stuff bothers me. This is going to be one of those things that will either be impossible to prove or will shatter. If Hillary is involved, tragic accidents will abound. I'm surprised Podesta has made it this long. When you look at what happened with the Russian doctor who committed 'suicide' by stabbing himself to death for identifying the radioactive poison used on the old spy, who knows what is going to happen next.

With that said, I know I am going to get downvoted to hell, but let me say a couple of things I do know. , the picture isn't a distillery. That's barely even something you'd make moonshine with. That looks like someones backyard setup. Now yes, facade is everything in the game, so simple is something like that you'd look over and make the scene more realistic to an outside viewer.

Second, if he was picking up 30+ wifi from underground, they'd have to be putting out a lot of juice or it would have to be a fairly large complex. If your security is good, you wouldn't even broadcast an SSID, you would hand that out on a case by case basis. A good admin can also limit the broadcast range so that it wouldn't go beyond a certain distance. A lot of companies won't let their broadcast go beyond the walls of a building.

Now these are people who fell for phishing scams and let the SOS run an email server offsite, so anything is possible.

Just a few counter points. 1) op said the 30 SSIDs were changing often, I think he said every 5 minutes. I can't think of any real world need to do that. As you said, for security sake the SSID broadcast could have been turned off and left unseen. 2)OP mentioned they were broadcast at very low power from a central spot. It was unclear to me if they were broadcasting at low voltage or if the signal was degrading from the concrete slab. 3) it wouldn't take much voltage to broadcast 30 SSIDs if all were coming from one AP.

Yes, but WHY broadcast 30 ssid let alone rotate them every 5 minutes. Unless you've got 30 people all wandering around with their phones broadcasting as WIFI hotspots (though now that I think about it, that might make sense). When I said a lot of power, I meant you've have to turn the signal up to make it to the outside. For something of this level, you wouldn't just have something directly below a slab. Rebar and concrete make it difficult to clearly get signals through. With something on this level why even use Wifi? Cat5/6/7 room to room would be a hell of a lot more secure.

Maybe, one idea to have 30 SSIDs rotating out every 5 minutes would be to obscure something else. Security through obscurity? So if you want to protect a real AP, you could setup some weird AP honeypot to let you know if anything is trying to scan networks. Weird layer and idea but best I can come up with.

Also, note the OP was able to drill the concrete near the center of signal. Might be the slab there isn't too thick and the AP radio is mounted near that spot.

Quick note: not broadcasting the SSID does nothing at all for security these days.

It's considered legacy, along with WEP and MAC address filters.

True. Just trying to think how they might be thinking, even when using bad logic. These are the same people that setup a windows server 2003 mail server to house classified emails while leaving all services on and ports open.

What does it prove when somebody takes pictures of a random building - with BUCKETS - and claims it has 30 wifi signals? Where even is the screenshot of the wifi signals?

In all fairness there are amazing hotdog stands in Hawaii, pooka dogs.

Do you think any of them are owned by Podesta?

so they mentioned something about club 939. I did a yelp search for club 939... there is one in honolulu, and its a strip club with yelp pics that would correspond to that examples: strippers pics of the place, but then with all the pics there is a pic of a young boy " boy haircuts comb." what is that doing in there? it seemed really innocent but out of place until you see read all the posts above. link to yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/club-939-honolulu pic in question: https://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/club-939-honolulu?select=YWwa78Cql0b8hihwB2yFWA *edited for format and to add links

The update: https://i.imgur.com/USjRJY0.png


Holy motherfucking shit on that very last comment, bro. Wow.

That feels like larping to me to be honest. Cant trust anything in 4chan if its not sourced

I don't know enough about that dynamic one way or the other, but I will post what OP responded with when met with this very same type of comment:



So they had obvious training and were also mentally unstable? How would this guy even know?

I’d imagine one doesn’t need a great deal of either to still qualify for having both. One can have just enough training to have an idea of how to surround someone in an aggressive detainment formation yet still be the type of person that is sufficiently mentally unstable as to have little problem committing great harm.

I can totally see how such a thing can be easily demonstrable to even a mildly discerning eye actually.

How did anyone get this guy's email without getting a whole bunch more?

This is the creepiest ARG yet!

This sounds like total bs, and you can check my post history to judge my motives.

This sounds like a 'fake news' honeypot. It sounds entirely too 'good' to be true.

Caustic buckets filled with melted flesh? WTF? Just lying around?

And if this place was so well guarded, how did they get away with hammering into the concrete?

Look, I'm all for finding out what exactly is going on with these pizzagate findings, and for punishing any criminals involved.

This is just too much...

What's the best way to hide something? Hide it in plain sight. I'll allow it for now until the evidence is overwhelming on the defenses team

I have no doubt that elite pedo circles are at work in the world, probably in our government (as in any government or place where power is concentrated).

I just doubt this story is related to it.

And is possibly a manufactured distraction.

All criminals involved in this belong behind bars.

But we must be sure to follow the right trail, with the proper procedures.

Anyone else here remember reddit's response to the Boston Marathon bombing?

Just because you fail one test doesn't mean you will fail them all. Reddit isn't prosecuting anyone as of yet. From what I see they are just trying to make a puzzle that either fits or it doesn't. We pray that it doesn't but if it does thank god we caught it


Feels like a cherry picked /r/creepy post that just fits the general narrative.

I've been listening to Coast to Coast AM since the 90s and on abovetopsecret forums as a semi-lurker only a bit less than half that time.

This story doesn't 'scan'.

It may be something strange, it just doesn't crystallize like most of the other research has...

If this man is in real danger, the last place you need to be discussing this is on reddit. I really cannot stress this enough. Nothing you say is safe on here.

Don't worry, it's completely made up

Nothing you say is safe on here.

Where is a safe space these days? In government prisons?

Nah, those aren't safe either.

And honestly, meeting in person is about the safest you can do it. The internet is locked down.

The internet is locked down.

How so.

Rather then typing it all out I'll point you towards this post I put up regarding this subject, as there's a lot of info.


Yeah. Know about that subject.

Did you read the links in that post, not about Spez. About Prism, Karma Police, The Third Party Doctrine, GCHQ/NSA cooperation, etc? Because if you know about that, then you know that everything you do on the net, on your cell phone, on your home phone, etc is being traced, cataloged, and recorded at all times.

If you don't, read some of the links in the post, and disregard the stuff about Spez. Its not important. What is is the real info regarding what is outlined above.

everything you do on the net, on your cell phone, on your home phone, etc is being traced, cataloged, and recorded at all times.

Yup. That means they know everything about everyone and we should be able to see all that data on government officials.

One would think.


Users in /r/politics tell me never to believe stuff from 4chan

Can someone give me an TLDR please? I'm still confused after reading this twice.

here:https://i.imgur.com/RkxadrN.png ...

start from the upper right corner with Podesta emails

Podesta mentioned Comet Ping Pong (the owner is James Alefantis with his creepy instagram)

hacked email belong to Sasha Lord (music booker at Comet Ping Pong) they found email with guy called David Flintstone/Bif Skipman who runs a "distillery" in Hawaii

and then the pictures of the distillery which taken by Hawaiian guy 7 month ago in this post here asking about strange 30is wifi networks in the erea.

sasha lord=lord satan

I am almost 100% this post was somehow changed... I was on mobile when I first started reading it could not finish cause it was almost 3 pages long.... then after an hour I came back to the same post and it was short...in the post I saw first it had a long story about how was shooting the roosters...

*EDIT post I was referring to http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1113994/pg3

Yea soz if u wanna read that its in the other link it was way too long i was trying to format it better

appericate the feedback, can you link ? I am on mobile now. so searching is kinda fuckered up. much appreciated.

didnt notice this before but the posts are from like 4/19/2016....

The more we get silenced, the more you know we are on the right track.

wut the fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

This is some real dark shit..

This is it, this is the time in history where the elite will exposed and conquered.

It had to happen at some point. It's getting to a boiling point. The corruption in the U.S- Soros inciting riots, 90% of major news outlets are shills and people know it. Thus Trump victory.

Europe is ripe for a civil war with the Islamic invasion. An invasion orchestrated by the same elites trying behind the corruption in the U.S

Shit is going to get crazy.

What a time

You're like the personification of the Ron Paul "it's happening" gif.

I'm moving to voat.co for this discussion. It's too obvious that this is being plagued with paid shills.

How to drown out free speech with paid verbal thugs.

idek if his is relevant but in that picture, those aren't for distilling. someone is making BHO

Yeah I think he was working at a grow op so that would make sense. The dude probably just got way too stoned and thought his buddy's closed loop was a machine for liquifying dead children.

I'm happy to see an update of this, and I'm wondering if anyone has researched any construction permits for the property. I would think this would be public information.

Story just sounds like a meth maker covering with at least 2 cover businesses, a legal vodka distillery and an illegal cock fighting setup. Either of those is a better fall to take.

There is a tunnel network that goes right under that area from downtown. There are other threads on it. That is a major exit node around there inside those buildings.

This was the information that convinced me a couple of weeks ago. Too many coincidences in this set of connections.

Someone explain, because none of this makes sense.

a distillery with VERY high tech wi fi......who are they talking to?

Can someone give me an ELI5 version of the tech details? I don't know enough about networks to understand the implications. TIA

well...speaking as a baby boomer....it's just really weird that VERY high tech wi fi is in a distillery. who are they talking to....?

So has this been reported to local police? I mean a gravel pad with wifi that is generating heat from some unknown buried source is odd enough to tell local police and see what they think or do.

I think it's been confirmed that this does have something to do with pizzagate, so it might not be a bad option. If "voiceareason" is really in deep shit the cops may offer him protection.

Man, I am so far out of the loop I really need a sparknotes version of all this.

OP: what is the significance of the Mr. Potato Head imagery?

Personally I think it's their brains' pattern recognition systems finding connections where they aren't.

of course! a perfectly reasonable explanation. It's obviously a defect!

Guy who originally posted was a throwaway, why couldnt he repost on throwaway? Don't buy into any of this until more evidence is presented.

This is all looking very fishy.

I have a question, did Anon Investigator converse with anybody else on 4chan boards or is it just the one?

What are you talking about converse with just the one? When you post your post is seen by all in that thread.

Right, so did he post talking about it to anyone else

could someone explain this to me, this distillery in the photo belong to Bif Skipman? and the Hawaiian guy was working there? then he found ebay account called cheesybay which also belong to Bif Skipman?

i'm a baby boomer and i can hardly keep up!

Don't let this connection slip down the memory hole.

The people wondering why these are so heavily downvoted must not be aware of these people being tied to CTR. Some of these people are literally the people who started it

That's some Metal Gear Solid shit...

When the all-night crowing of these nuisance animals reached the point where OP’s ability to sleep had effectively been taken from him, he responded by developing a program of targeted assassination of the most dominant and correspondingly-noisy males. He noted the characteristics of these individuals, and took notes on the particular trees in which they roosted. He recorded the specific tufts of branches and leaves in which each code-named individual preferred to roost in drawings of their night-time habitats. He used his skills that he developed building and customizing AR-platform sporting rifles to zero a 22-caliber nitro piston pellet rifle with variable 3-9x and multi-range focus optic to ensure that he could cull these individuals without broadcasting unnecessary reports to the highly protective Pferder. He researched the anatomy of the rooster to discover that at the ft-lbs of impact force and projectile velocity that his pellet rifle was capable of transmitting, only the region between the top of the eye and the transverse line between the lower comb and back of neck would generate a one-shot kill. He also improvised a body retrieval system from 550-cord and a scrap piece of 12 foot long tube steel that was on the property to prevent Mr. Pferder from knowing who was taking his beloved birds.

Wtf, the OP guy killed this guy's roosters?

Honestly think this guy needs some help.

Looks like he is making BHO.

Closed loop for life dude, but you still gotta winterize that shit, I'm not looking to smoke concetrated plant lipids.

Did anyone notice that the original op had found a eBay account with the username cheesybay that he suspected of human trafficking? And that was like 100 days ago

comment was removed by mods. I suspect a conspiracy.

I must be OOTL. What is pizza gate? I'm very confused.

The name for the child trafficking ring within our government. The ring is decades old, the term pizzagate is just a modern branding for the ring

Thats why i love reddit. The only real thing out there but its taking a beating heavily. This pizzagate now might just be it...

Anyway this evidence found now regarding the wifi signals reminds me of the mr robot first episode where the guy elliot talks to right at the beginning... Is a pedofile... I dont know what they gonna try to NB push with this show but pedofilia and the crash of the market are here now...

Might be worth to check any links to that

FOR ALL THOSE CONFUSED: Pizzagate is the codename for a supposedly large network of human trafficking / child pornography kingpins which seem to work internationally. The 30 WiFi signals may have a corrilation with a section of pizzagate, if not, some other illegal operation.

WTF are they distilling then?


oh fuck...

What if they're making some kind of alchemist potion using dead babies. Some sort of life-extending potion.

edit: The Philosophers Stone. This reminds me of Full-Metal Alchemist. The recipe for eternal life is more disgusting than ever imagined.

Also hard to get evidence when you turn your dead bodies into raspberry thickshakes and pour it into the ocean. Would probably go for some good $$ to rich occultists though wouldn't it

Do you have the full size version of the picture posted in the 4chan thread? Or an archive link to it?

Damn, that bucket even shows how to put children inside it.

You might have been sarcastic saying that, but if not, know those buckets have that warning on all 5 gallon buckets warning parents it is a kill hazard to children playing with them as they can fall in but not get out. And easily drown

Thank You!

There has actually been studies conducted by Harvard and the likes that are extending life spans by transfusing young blood into older bodies.These are not new articles or newer studies. This has been information that never got attention by the press despite being something as revolutionary as "life extension".

Exactly. But if this kind of distillation equipment is involved, this is much more than a blood transfusion.

America is Amestris

I vote for Dumplings, House of Cards, and Breaking Bad rolled into one.

It's a lot more resource-effective to keep the captives alive and harvest their tears (well-known for their regenerative and life-extending properties) . A vial of anguished children tears can go for quite a lot and are a lot more renewable

Speaking of Hawaii, remember trump saying he was there looking for Obama's birth certificate...just maybe....

Speaking of Hawaii, what about that "hot dog stand in Hawaii" ??


I mainly just lurk, but finding an update on this post at the top of this sub = virtually unbelievable. WTF, really? Can it be? This post actually has an update? Even more unbelievable, this infograph with Hawaii and how seamlessly OP ties all these loose ends up in a sweet, proper bow...why is Hawaii ringing so many bells? Oh yea, that's right, $65,000 (?) worth of hot dogs.

Unfortunately all this is coming back to me now. Suppose combing through all those wikileaks wasn't all for naught (maybe).

Isn't it strange how seamless it is? When did anyone hack somebody else's gmail account related to this incident? Was it just those two emails, or were there more?

Pizza sauce ?

Maybe, but that distillation equipment pictured is for way more than just sauce.

Depends on what type of "pizza sauce" you are making.

Holy shit.

Moy Tovarisch can someone explain it to what happen me i don understand

The whole thing was interesting reading but when you made the "hotdog stand in hawaii" connection I jizzed my pants a little bit

Did we catch ted cruz's father for killing JFK?

There are no commuter trains in Hawaii.

you didn't even read the post, he's not in Hawaii


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What this spot means? How the discoverer is thinking this? Possibly concerned with some crime?

I was able to find this, now I have to go into my internet history to find this thread, I can't find it anywhere else, I think this thread is ghosted.

It's on /r/all, so probably not that

I don't want to be an a-hole but a lot of the fear comes from the fact that doxxing is illegal. Reddit may be freaking out about this stuff but not because it's a conspiracy as much as its a liability to the company.

I know most are smart enough not to but no matter how juicy the info just don't doxx people. It's literally illegal and if you do it to the wrong person (like someone who actually does have connections in DC) who knows what could happen.

Doxxing is not "literally illegal", especially if all of the information was obtained through publicly available sources, and not through hacking. Journalists do it all the fucking time. Now, using information obtained through doxxing to THREATEN somebody can definitely be illegal. But simply searching for information on somebody, compiling that information, and publishing it is not illegal. It is, however, against the Reddit TOS.

You sound like a shill.

Actually it is unless it can be shown to be from public sources. Once someone is sued for libel then Reddit can be sued.

I'm going to guess you weren't around here for the whole Boston Bomber thing. I'm not a shill but I felt legit bad for that family who had their kid (who committed suicide) falsely accused like that. The problem with searches like this is there's no accurate form of error-checking so we can drag a person's name through the mud really well before there's even any non-circumstantial evidence (this is why real investigators don't name suspects until they have good reason to).

As someone else said this isn't really a conspiracy to me at this point as much as it's honestly like an ARG (which is why I think people are finding it so intriguing). All there is are weird connections/activity, smoke and mirrors.

le concern troll face xD

The skillful use of slang really connects with me. Rock on, fellow youth, I will now take on your views in order to fit in.


Can someone give me the TD;LR of the whole pizzagate thing going on?

Children are getting molested, raped, and killed by some of the most powerful political and corporate figures in the country and world.

this is the core of it-this is the secret they will die to protect!

Correct, and this is the very thing we need to keep working very hard, very diligently, at exposing - and not give up.

Am I the only one who thought of not declaring it newsworthy until someone would be able to hack the devices connected to these wifi and connections. Man, I bet they still have it logged in. Though I'm too far away and no friends over there


Isn't LARP supposed to be with swords and throwing fake magic balls at npcs ?

What is insane is this is all before the Podesta leaks and any talk about Cheese being code, or comet ping pong being a thing.

guys i'm new here what the hell is happening, i'm outofthe loop, what is pizzagate, what is this post and what is with 30+wifi guy ?

See that little search option...?

This Pizzagate shit is so crazy. So crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy.


it isn't my story and this is your first post in this sub, so why do you care so much? And the rest of your posts are in some weird porn subs.. creepy


Weird how you found the sub adorable porn huh? That's creepy considering what we are talking about


totally lmao

The photo/sketch don't match up IMO... idk. Look at the nose (one is narrow, the other is broad), the eye separation, even the general shape of the heads is different.

The only major similarity is the hair, which is a shoddy link being that anyone can cut their hair (whereas distinguishing characteristics like facial structure is much harder to be part of a random coincidence).

Idk. Feels like it doesn't match up to me.

The rest is interesting though.

can I get a ELI5 on pizzagate?

Reddit found some dude who runs a pizza shop. He's friends with some politicians and his shop is great for kids cuz it's cheap and has games. Therefore, his social media is full of kids. They therefore figured out he is running a pedophile ring and went full boston bomber hunt on him.

This is a fucking awful explanation. The dude also post lots of references to being a pedo on his instagram and has weird ass satanic art all in his restaurant

...except none of what you just said is true. He has posted zero references to being a pedo, but holy shit have people been trying to twist his words into something else, and he has art you don't like on the wall at his pizzeria - that doesn't make it satanic. This whole thing is a fairly impressive example of imagination run wild, and yet so far there hasn't been anything that the real world would even begin to consider to be evidence of anything pedophilia or Satan related.

CTR right here folks.

I somehow doubt that.

Can someone update me on what pizzagate is?

Use the search bar ffs ..so lazy.

For fucks sake. Search before you diarrhea everywhere asking for info.

Cool story, bro

I've read a bunch of disparate links but I'm still totally confused. Is there a one-stop-shop where I can read about Pizzagate from start to present?

Duck Duck Go

I am really confused, what is pizzagate and is this story satire?

How was your coma? You've missed a lot. Start searching then come back.

I'll search some, been off r/all for a while because i'm tired of all the_dickhead posts and am just waiting for them to die off.


: |

Well I think so..

You guys really ought to start taking your medication



For Trump I'd shill for free, baby!

This is possibly the most stupid "conspiracy?" Yall have ever bought into.


Thanks! Your opinion means everything!

Wtf is pizzagate?

If u need to ask, your in the wrong sub. Search, motherfucket!


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hey there ;)

How would you know the source of a random photo?

Well, do we know it's the same guy? Alright, let's give him the benefit of the doubt. It's a pedo spot. The new info? There's a fake distillery in a tent? Can we make any conclusion or discovery based on this new knowledge? Why would a fake distillery be there? How did he conclude it's fake? Why was the distillery in a tent?

In this context it means someone who is making up their story.

Its because this whole thing is a LARP.

same way they found the potato man and pizza connection :(


I'm guessing they'll get bored or move somewhere else after realizing everybody who disagrees is a shill (eg. apparently the new word for rational people now).

UGH. Jesus, you are blinded by this man.

So what is the order of events here, he ran into some dudes on Amtrack and then fled Hawaii or he fled Hawaii then ran into the dudes on the Amtrack? Things are looking kind of wonky on this. Why did he leave Hawaii again?

Or they want to see pedophiles arrested. Pathetic I guess

Rather then typing it all out I'll point you towards this post I put up regarding this subject, as there's a lot of info.


Use the search bar ffs ..so lazy.

Its the main reason I havent read it yet. I cant follow the formatting easily and the picture resolution is awful.

Uh, it is doxxing. All you need to doxx somebody is their name and address, in its most basic form. Lord knows 4chan has done some serious damage with just that.

Your points are valid - the issue is obviously that this is almost all speculation. There isn't any statistical analysis to work from and we're all just sorta guessing in the dark at the shape of this event. Are we touching a huge hairy monster? Or a stuffed animal?

To your main argument on taking half-measures - I'm of the opinion that this isn't the work of a huge organization... rather, we're likely dealing with a "Jack the Ripper Machine", which is composed of single individuals planted in key spots of organizations involved with investigation and the justice system. Which isn't to say that the number of people involved isn't huge... just that the actual arm of pushback is small because that's all that was needed for centuries. This is likely the largest single leak in their history, and so this is uncharted territory.

There's also such a thing as a limited hangout - which, if that's the case here, would lead us to expect that a lot of "juicy" details would be allowed to leak, but the truly damaging leads would be put through the spoilage blender while they subtly encourage the community to pursue false leads to buy them time to prepare their defenses, vanish witnesses, issue bribes & threats, produce a media smokescreen, and ultimately prepare to establish the entire thing as a "public hysteria event".

But again, this is speculation that assumes that all of this is real... I'm also a big believer in notion that these events can also be explained by much simpler phenomena involving a few fucked up individuals and a huge social taboo surrounding the crimes alleged (which makes the media avoid the issue - and their avoidance makes observers think that the issue is bigger than it is - and the nature of the allegations being so gross makes it oddly compelling to follow, which leads us to a situation like we have here).

For fucks sake. Search before you diarrhea everywhere asking for info.

It will be dismissed until reputable and substantive evidence is given. Sorry.

How was your coma? You've missed a lot. Start searching then come back.


I'm not sweeping anything under any rug. It's a post on Reddit and I'm a random dude.

I've read through all the PizzaGate "evidence" and without a massive leap in logic it's completely dismissible. If something concrete comes in the future I'll change my tune but until then I have absolutely no reason to give it any credence.

Except that reddit only displays 30 subscribed subs at a time so only a fraction of reddit will ever vote, AND /r/conspiracy has enough userbase to push something to the front page on their own.

dangerous site suspected of heavy child trafficking/ corpse disposing

imaginary danger lmfao

what if you post that picture publicly on one of the most popular forum online with the mention "pedophile / child molester"? And then that picture is then used on 30 different sites with that face and name and allegations?

Would that be alright too? Because that's what you guys do. You're the judge and jury now (and mob).

Come on, even one of your dude went "protesting" with a sign in front of a pizzeria. That's nut!

A simple example of 1 nonsense case influenced by the satanic lean from the same era: the West Memphis 3.

Are you suggesting he went down to that dangerous site suspected of heavy child trafficking/ corpse disposing, not giving a fuck and just took another pic for some lolz to LARP away on a random 4chan thread?

If he's trolling 4chan in the first place, I'd imagine he doesn't take those suspicions very seriously

Day bow bow

this is the core of it-this is the secret they will die to protect!

Coward, lobbing comments from a 3 day old account... lame.

People don't read giant conspiracy posts about something they don't know about - they read the post title and skip to see the feedback in the comments.

Someone could see a post about pizzagate and how a huge number of people are calling bullshit and come to the conclusion (or have that conclusion reinforced) without even seeing any of the evidence (or "evidence") that brought others to the conclusion of conspiracy.

That's why these astroturfing campaigns are so successful. Smart, wealthy people notice these trends in human behavior and are able to manipulate it to further an agenda.


mfw federal agents identify themself to strangers who come sit with them XD

Seriously though, DOS? Department of State? DOS agents are called DSS. and that's not even who would handle pedo shit within the US. It would be FBI.

Personally I think it's their brains' pattern recognition systems finding connections where they aren't.

That's how the remake of The Game starring Michael Douglas that takes place exclusively on reddit would start. But yeah I definitely indulged in the aggressive pedant part of my online personality with that comment, it's nice to see it didn't immediately devolve into name calling.

Reading about The Finders, some part of that was true.


No. I'm Australian and I don't give a shit about the pedos that run your country.

Took me 5 seconds to google "LARP acronym"

Took me 10 seconds to read through this page.

The wikipedia page for Lightweight Access Point Protocol describes itself as "a protocol that can control multiple Wi-Fi wireless access points at once."

Took me about 180 seconds to write up this explanation. Come on man, expecting information to be spoon-fed to us is what caused the media shitshow we're in today. At least try to look into things before asking others to hold your hand through it.

I am not familiar with that, no. Explain?

My favorite all caps statement is "100% TRUE" but then they post no sources just a meme

No. He has no clear idea of the actual limitations the office that the POTUS has.

When he was in charge of his fiefdom, he had free reign to be a tyrant.

As a POTUS you have to be able to listen to both sides and come up with compromises.