What is your take on marijuana?

8  2016-11-27 by [deleted]



Should be treated similar to alcohol and cigarettes.

Oh man, good ole cannabis. Well first off I'm a user of about 9 years now. At first I used it recreationally/with friends but slowly developed into a medicine of sorts for my ADHD. I used to have to take Adderall on a daily basis to treat what I have. I remember not knowing any different because I was young but the way Adderall made me feel was no different than being a literal shell of a human.

I fully support the legalization of cannabis not only because of the health benefits but also the fact it can be converted to fuel and leave no carbon footprint.

That being said, there should be age restrictions on it. If it's legal you have to be 25 or older to use it. Simply because from birth to about 25 years if age your brain is developing and using cannabis can inhibit that.

A quarter of a century might be a bit steep. I say 18.

i think its horrible and you should surrender any that you have to me. I'll make sure the children dont get it.

Injected 4 marihuanas once, died twice.

10/10 would do again

Like all technologies it can be used positively and/or negatively. There's little to no downsides for occasional use, and quite a few health benefits. If you're using to better appreciate nature, find a spark of creativity, deepen appreciation for music, or to relax and get closer to a friend - no problem. If you're using everyday all day, playing video games and watching tv nonstop - that could be a problem.

I think I have a problem..

Luckily there are little to no physical issues with quitting, it will be mostly psychological. Check out /r/leaves for support!

I absolutely love Marijuana and it's benefits couldn't be understated more. However, as a recreational user, I am also acutely aware that it can AT TIMES be a gateway to other substances, and it is definitely not something you should be smoking alot of if you are actively in school or have to get important shit done. Being aware of yourself and the reality of things will give you a leg up I feel. I recommend it to anybody who needs pain relief. Stay the FUCK away from pharma, as I am also a recovering addict manufactured by big pharma, I know ALLLLL about their diabolical racket. In summation: pot is fairly harmless. And works wonders for pain and appetite.

This video pretty well sums up my thoughts on the subject.


It's pretty nice. Can help spiritually but also can hinder. It can be medicine and can also be poison. It's most fun when it's both. Stupid that it isn't legal.

Elaborate on the hinder part? Also the poison part, if you will.

It can kill motivation and become habitual, isn't great for long term memory, screws up dreaming. Smoking isn't good for any part of your body, even vaping isn't completely harmless. Munchies cost too much. Can bring you down if you are getting super sattvic with yo self. Ditch weed headaches. Buying from a new guy you never met and wondering if you are indirectly subsidizing some kind of serious criminal element.

Super sattvic? I find myself becoming paranoid when I have to drive with it lately

meditating, eating right, sleeping early, avoiding excess and indulgence, nofap, being a warrior-monk.

I hate being stoned in a car.

Don't personally use it anymore but see no reason why it's illegal. Even if it was legal i still wouldn't smoke or eat it because it's just not for me..but my wife smokes almost daily and it helps her wonderfully. She suffers from anxiety and depression and cannibus helps her more than any pill she's been prescribed in the 20 years I've known her! I say it's not for me because in my line Of work i am tested often and have certain clearances that don't allow me To smoke!! Lol

Endocrine disruptor, so bad for developing teens and young adults. Majority of the strains have been GMO'd. They're pushing it now, just as hard as the opiates.

If an organic strain is grown and responsibly used, great. Medicinal is a miracle, compared to most pharma side effects. But being addicted? That doesn't make one liberated or enlightened. It makes one easily distracted or manipulated, not to mention a gigantic waste of resources and potential energy.

Where's evidence strains have been GMOd

People selectively bred them; but that's like cave man genetic modification if you ask me

I enjoy it, but it makes me fat, so I don't use it. Except for that, and maybe cottonmouth, it's good.

It can kill you


Obviously you don't know about the power of the kush as well as a joke lol jk jk

Haha, moron.

Obviously you don't know the power of the kush, or a joke lol jk jk!!!!!