Assange has no internet? Can't someone with a "hotspot" stand outside his room?

26  2016-11-27 by RideTheHasselHoff


because i don't think the guy who runs wikileaks is just going to hop on some random dudes fucking cellphone wifi hotspot

If you use crypto then it's a moot point if the wifi is hostile. That's literally the point of secure communications

Pretty sure you can fudge an ssl connection with a man in the middle attack using sslstrip

Hey! You guilded me!!! Don't think I forgot about you!

haha. seriously. just tether his ass back to the internets.

he's gone. most plausible explanation is the ambassador moved him and WL just been giving us the run around for awhile not to jeapordize his location.

Why wouldn't his people just beam in a directional microwave network?

There's a tech called rhonda which is red visible light communications. he could have communicated using semaphores / flag communications (to morse code for example) to someone very far off to set this up for himself (ie the initial handshake), and had them set up low power laser (pointer like for his cat), or red visible light communication or p2p microwave as you suggest, but the microwave thing would require equipment he doesn't have...he could probably rig visible light communications with junk he has laying around.

I think the point is he's not there.

If I were the most wanted person in the world, internet security related, I know I'd join a hotspot, but the name would need to be trustworthy.

"Scream Penis Out The Balcony Window For Password"

jackie's free warezzz xxtreme

I've been wondering about just have cell phone service. Does he not have access to a smart phone with 4g?

It would be trivial to block a cell from connecting to the tower.

if they are jamming it locally that is some serious emf radiation for a prolonged period, everyone in that embassy life is in danger

Someone send him a megaphone.

Sometimes I question the future of human civilization with questions like these.

Assuming he's still there, I'd imagine he's been told in no uncertain terms NOT to use the Internet.

I'm sure the embassy still has Internet. He's just not allowed to use it.

Really, twitter isn't secure, he could go on to post a living video of himself.

They might have jammers all around him