I seriously believe that I may have prevented a nuclear war from happening, with the assistance of Aliens. I am not crazy. But I do need help.

4  2016-11-27 by [deleted]



Dude, honestly, you need to stop taking drugs. It seems you're way under and you need help.

some really hilarious lines in here....

'so i thought, the best thing i could possibly do was drink as much dxm as possible and read everything david icke ever wrote'

'so the next day i took as much dxm as possible and then got on the city bus'

and i am like dude, it sounds like no matter what is going on, the best reaction is to take dxm and then do whatever it was you were going to do anyway.

😂 lol


like, are you on dxm right now?

(cant believe OP wrote me....)

so this....isn't...satire?

Gonna have to call bs and say either, go to detox, or nice troll.


Took Drugs visited by reptiles, is chosen one to save us from evil reptiles, still don't know what I read.

Hahahaha thank you

Took a heroic dose and saw sum shit.

He sees the control network of inter-dimensional spiders. Worth a read if you're into it.

Dude.... You oded on red-pills

Holy fuck! Lay off the drugs, dude. I think you've had enough.

DXM has a tendency to imbue every thought and experience with an infinite-seeming degree of hyper-meaning, even if you are hallucinating utter nonsense. Maybe all of your conclusions are correct, but I think that if you are trying to be sincere you have been hoodwinked by this drug. You have been way too hard on your body and mind. Stick with the weed, and try to replace the DXM with natural psychedelics like psilocybin, peyote, ayahuasca if you can find the real deal.

Note: I say all this as an extremely open-minded conspiracy theorizing lover of psychedelic drugs, who is technically agnostic towards but very skeptical about Icke's more esoteric ideas.

I have used DXM (in hindsight, would never have touched the stuff) and DMT (a powerful but potentially misleading tool) before and with both I have had experiences that I might describe as encounters with "entities" if I were not so rigorous about analyzing and critiquing the nature of said experiences afterwards.

Watup agent smith?

TL:DR. I agree that you need help though.

What a load of garbage.

Go to /r/C_S_T and cross post this. They might have some better advice for you...

Am I allowed to do that? Thank you for your advice! :)

I haven't taken any drugs. But I've seen those spider things.

Hey, I read the whole thing and found your ideas very interesting.

Yeah, it's pretty creative. It was a lot of text so I skimmed over some of it. But I noticed a lot of weed and DXM use.

I never got into DXM, but do have some experience with weed and a few other drugs. Lots of regular cannabis can give you the most amazing boost in imagination, but it can definitely make you paranoid as well.

Mix enough weed and DXM and whatever else together and who knows where your thoughts will take you?

Reminds me of Rosetta Stoned by Tool. I've seen those bloody spiders, too. Met a reptile once, as well. Was LSD for me. I guess the interesting thing here is the sort of ubiquitous nature of these entities. Sorry to say, though, man, but it appears that you've failed whatever initiation you've been given. Not to say that it will be your last chance, but maybe you should practice a bit more discernment when dealing with Astral entities in the future. Thanks for sharing and best of luck!

Don't encourage him.

interesting story.

Harald Kautz Vella: Black Goo, Alien Spiders


Wow, thanks for taking the time to write all that out, I found it really fascinating.

Thank you :]

i read the whole thing. have an upvote.

Thank you to everybody for the comments so far :)..

So what do you need help with?

Hey Tyleon, here is the link. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/andromeda/esp_andromedacom_2a.htm#Regarding the Frequency Shift and Third Density Implosion

A ton of stuff there.

What happened with the lottery numbers? These numbers are personally significant to me, so your story fascinated me even more. It's well written btw and you sound pretty rational (although you've got balls to DXM trip on a city bus and in class).

I found contactee Alex Collier through the Icke forums. Collier's notes and lectures linked there describe your reptilians exactly. I found this stuff not long ago and your post seemed to describe the very same entities.

Thank you all for the comments so far

Thank you all again for the comments so far.

Overview of the Hatybov Material

Analysis of the Megrez Arachnid Intervention, or a Potential Origin Story

Start off with the interviews at the bottom OP. Haven't read your entire post but will do sometime.



Ignore the shills, this is great stuff. I read the whole thing and it makes a lot of sense. Congrats on being able to maintain your sanity for the whole thing.

What kind of help do you need?

Thank you for reading..

I need people to wake up to this.

People who really know what's going on will believe you.

This thread was filled immediately with comments telling you you're crazy. That's a good sign that you're on the right path.

Please don't suggest that OP doesn't require help or that people advising him to seek help are "shills". He definitely has some sort of mental condition, which may or may not be a result of his drug use, and it's dangerous and irresponsible for you to suggest otherwise.

OP, you absolutely need to seek psychological advice, just judging from your post I'd suggest you're experiencing some form of psychosis. You're not crazy, but you do need help. At the very least you should be laying off the drugs.

Schizophrenia is next to shamanism. Feel free to Google the phrase if you need more information.

OP sounds like he is doing alright. There are many dimensions around us at the same time, OP is seeing this first hand.

Do you think David Icke and people like him are also experiencing psychosis?

People are talking about this. This is part of the grand conspiracy. It can't be all called psychosis just because it can't be explained with the standard psychological method.

If someone comes in a thread a posts nothing more than "you need help lolz", they're not adding any value. Look at how many comments there are here attacking OP. Do you really think that many people on r/conspiracy feel that way?

These are clearly shills designed to make OP look crazy.

OP does NOT sound like he is doing alright. He is not, and you are flat out wrong.

It's called psychosis because it affects your psyche, to the point where you're no longer experiencing objective reality and are seeing or doing things which are not real.

They aren't shills, they're just people that aren't fucking idiots like you, and aren't going to tell a person with clear mental issues to fucking carry on and make their issues worse. So yes, I think there are plenty of people on /r/conspiracy who aren't complete fucking morons.

If you seriously think the OP is thinking clearly and requires no help, I'd advise you to step the fuck back for a reality check and seek professional mental advice yourself.

Again - what about everyone else with the same accounts? Countless other people with very similar experiences. Do you explain this as some kind of group-psychosis?

You are worse than a shill. You have been brainwashed by the establishment and you do you shilling for free, out of the goodness of your "heart". At least shills get paid.

If OP was having a shared experience with several other individuals and they all experienced the exact same event and could prove it as such, maybe you'd have a leg to stand on and the events described could have been real.

Otherwise as far as I can see, OP may just be hallucinating things and ideas he's probably already been exposed to, with some of his own imagination thrown in. You know like how you tend you dream about things you've been thinking of recently, or if you're been playing a game a lot you might daydream about it.

The human imagination is a powerful thing, and in OP's case, could be a dangerous thing.

I don't think you read the entire post by OP.

These are experiences that several other people have had. Google it.

Just because you have a similar dream to someone else doesn't mean you were literally in the same dream and that it was real.

It's understandable that you're so mad over all this.

I'd get pissed too if someone tried to wake me up while I was in a deep sleep.