Guys I am serious...There's a global meditation every sunday and they say if 144,000 people meditated it would go a really long way

176  2016-11-27 by Daryatash

I am just afraid to post the link here cuz it's Cobra, you should find it if you search 2012portal...I feel soo much energy in the air on Sundays sometimes from a day before

Edit: The downvotes, I find it interesting how some 'people' can get turned off so fast by the harmless idea of meditating...almost as if there's a conspiracy behind it

edit 2: sorry if you feel I'm showing off here but I just have to mention that after meditating a lot I saw another dimension with thousands of beings, woken up twice by very scary/threatening entity sounds or voice of satan weapon, body floated up and a Nordic contacted me. Now TPTB torture me remotely with frequency weapons whenever I meditate or am between sleep/wake state which is when lot of paranormal activity happens, I have no doubt aliens exist and anyone can contact by meditating a lot

Instructions and a count down are here: (4PM GMT)


okay i am in. I got time anyways.

_right? Same here

I don't know why but this made me remember when I was a kid I met a self proclaimed "mystic" that said if an entire football stadium of people focused with thoughts of fire on a tree planted at the 50 yard line, the tree would spontaneously combust within moments.

Then I thought, if that was true, why can't they will a player to break every tackle and make it into the end zone every time.

Because a stadium is full of people with opposing wills. And a lot of them are drunk

Lol maybe we have the power of the force but our physic power is spread thin

Also, maybe conflicting realities do exist, but we cancel out each other, whats left is a world half in everything, the majority believe in basic laws like gravity, you ain't flying if i aint flying

One madman cuts off the grid and it becomes a collective psychic freefall. 100 years later were forging swords out of industrial wreckage and shooting laserbeams with magick

Read a book like that, sword of shannara, weirded me out as a lotr story, but theres a good scifi fantasy universe

It's amazing how you just can't compel people to work together for shit. It seems like we should be able to get enough people together to easily and cheaply try this experiment. I wonder why it's never been done?

That would really be something to watch a game where one team is actually trying to score against themselves.

If that were true, the military would already be using it.

Yeah, pretty sure my drill instructor would have pulled his pants down and stuck his rifle up his ass and started fucking himself if everybody thinking the same thing made it happen.

Hahaha you just wrote my favorite comment of today.

The military actually has quite the interest in psychic phenomena.

Some more interesting reads on this subject:

ESP, Hypnosis, Paraphysics, and Remote Viewing

by Iona Miller and Richard Alan Miller, 2003


by Richard Alan Miller, c2001 (lot of interesting sources at bottom)

Richard Alan Miller is a lonely old man doing what lonely old men do best, telling insane stories to anybody willing to listen.

The guy literally thinks he is the smoking man character in the x-files.

I know they do. Also, I have quite an interest in living for 1000 years. Doesn't mean it's going to happen.

They do.

really good point

I wonder if a nations military tried something like that. I wouldnt be surprised if the US tried that.

Three letter agencies and governments for all of time have done experiments like that, what was learned if anything from them has never been officially revealed.

I believe someone made a similar test where they had a large portion of people meditating for one cause. However, if I remember it correctly, it was quite vague and the person who held in it claimed it to be successful even though the results were very vague. I can't quite remember what it was but I think it was meditation in Europe and they meditated to help people in disaster zones(I think it was Haiti earthquake a while back) but my memory is very vague on this story. EDIT: Look in the replies for this comment for the correct study.

Another interesting thing about group meditation is that someone made a box that randomly generates numbers all the time. They place these boxes all over the world and then generate charts to determine spikes in the boxes(several boxes generate same numbers over again or something similar like that) and what they noticed was that there were very strong spikes right before or during disasters(9/11 was mentioned). The creator claimed that people in disaster areas affected the generators because of their stress, intentions or feelings. I read some more about it and I found out that they had spikes on other occasions too but couldn't explain it which kind of burst my bubble but if they can recreate this with much more details, wouldn't it be interesting?

Obviously very vague and please don't take my word for the stories to be exactly like I said, I can't quite remember.

That study was about 7,000 people meditating, which reduced the world occurences of "terrorism" decrease significantly. Then you'd have to define terrorism, and violence, and that would be quite the undertaking in and of itself, but I'm not saying it didn't happen.

Ah that was it! Man was I wrong! I should stop talking!

Yeah, that's why I thought it was vague

I'm going full nuts so hold on to your butt.

I'm extremely into the Alien/UFO conspiracy, I've been active in the subject for over 10 year religiously. I have a lot of spare time so this is probably something I've spent more time on than anything else in my life. Most of it is just interesting to me and I am aware of all the fabricated information. Usually 60-80% is considered fake or disinformation. Sometimes people tend to lean towards 90%.

So, this ties into your post because recently most "contactees"(a person who claim they're in contact with ETs) have been reaching out towards meditation communities where they ask if they would be interested in joined or larger scale meditation. It's been so heavily talked about we have one day a year called "Disclosure Day" which is dedicated towards the political movement of governments across the globe to disclose information regarding UFOs and ETs. This year, the day was tied together with a global meditation session.

I just thought that was interesting.

The way they explain this is that the ETs are essentially "watching" or "observing" us as a civilization. They're interested in us having technological advancements. The reason they're not intervening is spread across few points. Basically, they want us to reach a level of understanding and moral point where we will have a prosperous civilization where we do not harm each other and our environment. Obviously, this is in general and it is not "a requirement" that everyone on the planet need to turn vegetarian for example, that is not the case. It is, however, seen as a "spiritual advancement" to become vegetarian. Every time I hear the word "spirituality", I tend to lean towards that it means more like a moral and ethical standpoint where you're using conditional love in your everyday life. Much like various religions across the globe. I believe this is the key for a civilization to prosper and that is why the word "spirituality" is used so much together with alien intervention.

Therefore, my belief is that if ETs are real and if they're here, the reason they have not intervened on a global scale yet is that we're not morally ready. I like to use the analogy that you wouldn't want a destructive neighbor, would you? So, you'd made sure your neighborhood is free from destructive people. I believe they're making sure we have a healthy up-bringing as a civilization and a stable phase where we go from stage 0 civilization, to stage 1.

This is what people talks about when they refer to our civilisation as "not ready yet" or "awaking" in terms of alien intervention.

If anyone reading this is interested in what I wrote above, feel free to ask any questions or if you're interested in documentaries or compelling evidence, just ask away!

EDIT: added some words. It's very late in my country right now so I'll answer as much as I can when I wake up if anyone is interested. If you're interested in something specific, please say so and I can give a more specific answer. Also, you can visit /r/EBEs or /r/aliens (although, /r/aliens is more of a hub where we discuss everything and /r/EBEs are more of a subreddit for critical thinking)

Do you think there is 1 alien race or competing multiple alien races that have physical access to earth? If so, how many?

My beliefs are very vague. I tend to leave my beliefs behind when researching things that cannot really be determined. I mean, even if a alien told me theres 100 races in the universe, I can't know for sure that the alien knows for sure, you know?

Anyhow, to answer your question there's normally talk of 4 or 5 engaging races. Sometimes more. Whistleblowers claim the government are aware of around 57+ different races but only a handful are engaging the Earth. The typical ones are the

  • Grays(yes, our famous hollywood type, quite often considered part biological, part robot)
  • Tall grays(Grays' counterpart of non-robotic entity, they're often seen with the smaller grays during abductions)
  • Nordics(Swedish supermodels with spacecrafts, also known as "Pleiadians")
  • Mantids(quite common with abductees to mention Mantids from time to time)
  • Arcturians(Now we're deep into the tin foil hat part, basically they're often talked of like one of the oldest races which is very powerful and very often tied to spirituality )
  • Reptilians(I am NOT an advocate of reptilians but they're sometimes considered one of the active races, they're basically lizard people living underground using holograms to make themselves look like us, they feed on humans. Reptilians are also often considered more than one race because of their ancestry and different agendas)
  • Tall whites(Very tall and slim white(not pink) humonoids, Not very often mentioned but one whistleblower claim they use Earth as a holiday home and uses various american bases to house their ships during visit, the whistleblower claim they stop on Earth when they travel long distances to "stretch their legs", he even claims they've gone shopping, playing the casinos and eating at restaurants in Las Vegas but that they used disguised and a lot of guards. The whistleblower claims he met them many many times and that he's had a lot of interactions with them)

There's mention of loads more but it's so hard to compile large portion of cases where these have been seen or in a encounter. There's also a lot of talk of multi-dimensional beings and that a lot of the different races are part multi-dimensional or that they've uncovered technology to pass through dimensions.

Remember, if you're a person who wants facts and evidence, this is not really for you. This part of the whole ET subject is more for the people who wants to verify their own accounts or just want something mysterious to read about. I wouldn't consider anything I've mentioned as fact or truth but if I had to bet on some to be real, the smaller grays and nordics have my vote.

If you're interested in reading more, I could recommend a supposedly leaked and translated book from the Russian government explaining in detail both the subject and all the races they have information on. I have to remind you though that this is quite deep and most people couldn't probably stand reading it because of how vague the whole subject is. The book have added pictures for the different races when translated and the story is that a young guy(in his 20s) found the book in his families belongings and contacted a family member who was a high ranking official in Ukraine. He explained that this book is only for very high ranking officials and he received it a long time ago. The young guy translated the book with one of his friends and released it. I wouldn't consider this to be evidence without another outside source to confirm it but maybe you'd find it interesting. Here it is!

Sorry for typing such a long reply!

Thanks for the detailed reply, that's interesting to think about. It's a shame there isn't more directly-accessible evidence for stuff like this. It'd be so fun if this stuff was all true

I agree. Even after 10 years I have daily thoughts about it being all made up. I have never had an encounter or sighting myself so the whole "what races are there" is something I will never be able to answer, unfortunately.

Tell me more about the arcturians please.

Reading that word raised a shit load of kundalini.

I haven't accumulated much information about any alien race because of how hard it would be to test the information out there. I cannot verify what someone says to be true or even close to the truth. This is why I refrain from investigating further, personally.

All I know/have read is that they're supposedly one of the oldest races in the universe and because they've been in their powerful position for so long, they're basically a peace-keeping united nations type of deal. They're highly spiritual and some claim they're fully multidimensional where they can disappear and appear at will.

Because of how highly evolved they are both spiritually and in technological sense, they are freely shaping whole planets around the galaxy. Some claim they're currently working on "Earth 2.0" where we will be shipped there once havoc breaks out here on our planet. This planet-shaping thing is also part of other various alien contactee cases where part of us(and any other race) evolving later on will be to transcend physical plane and we'll end up like multidimensional beings that shape worlds with their slightest touch. This will happen once we've reached some sort of "enlightened stage". This is because having less evolved beings using these "powers" could lead to devastating effects. Some claim these beings are also encouraged to make contact to a few amount of beings to guide them(essentially spiritually boosting them).

Like other ET races, they're said to withhold information that could lead to technological advancement to our race because of how primitive we are. It's like giving nuclear bombs to cavemen and then hope for nothing bad to happen. It's not our technology that needs fixing, it's us.

Contactee cases of Arcturians are uncommon but I've seen claims from at least mid 70s but I'm sure you can find someone before that.

My advice for anyone reading this is that do not take all of this information serious. In fact, don't take any of this serious. It could be unhealthy to be deeply involved in something so far from our reality and truth, some times for the greater good it's better to focus on social and economical issues in our world in order for us to prosper rather than meditating for days hoping to make contact.

However, if this is a hobby you'd like to take up then I would point you in directions of weird 90s looking websites and blogs. Read everything for what the content is and decide what you think about it then. Do not make up your mind because of flaws in design or logic, let the contactee make their case and then you can decide what you think. I find this to be the best and most healthiest way because you cannot(ever) fully know what is true and what is not. Accumulate information over time and look for patterns and similarities. Forget about proving anything, we're past that point. This is not for truth-seekers. This is for people with nothing but interest in the subject just like someone would enjoy a comic book. For seeking content, most of the time it's on blogs or forums. I enjoy watching interviews on youtube as well.

This planet-shaping thing is also part of other various alien contactee cases where part of us(and any other race) evolving later on will be to transcend physical plane and we'll end up like multidimensional beings that shape worlds with their slightest touch.

Dayum I heard of this planet shaping thing 1 other time, I'm really happy to hear more about it. When I had a vivid dream of another dimension 2 years ago at first I saw mountains rising up fast in a vast plane and then there were monitors on top of the mountains showing people's happy faces, I rose up in the sky and there were thousands of clear beings spiraling around 2 bright red spheres in the distance, the only other red things were their hearts and veins going through their body with lots in the brain. The air felt electric and fluid-like, one came closer and through the barrier turned into a beautiful human like being and stared and smiled at me for a few seconds, I woke up with the most euphoric feeling. Soon after that experience they attacked me with really scary voices and I'm pretty sure electronic weapons that made me very angry/depressed and gave me UTI (urinary tract infection) which lot of abductees report (saw lot of flashes of white light in the air which they've done another time when my programming was really heavy, they told me I was cloned with V2K and abducted 17 times with voice of god weapon...I'm not sure what to believe anymore lol)

Tell me more

What would you like to know?

I'm pretty interested in aliens, would like to know some compelling evidence. Or a good place to start reading. Thanks!

Well, recently a person in our community made this website. I think it's a great way to find information to start you off. Always keep in mind that anything and everything could be disinformation, fabrication or lies.

EDIT: The documentaries mentioned on this website are really really liked in the community. It's probably the first answer you'd get from asking in /r/aliens or /r/ebes or /r/UFOs (although I'm not a frequent viewer). The documentaries mentioned are "Out of the blue" and "I know what I saw".

That is a very well made website. Good job, and thank you for sharing.

No problem! It was made by /u/EarthmanJoel and he/she should get all of the credit. A very good job, indeed!

Thank you for sharing and for the credits! :D

edit: Oh, but I just discovered that's not my site. lol. this is. I am unsure of who made 'real-ufos', but I enjoyed it as well.

I did ;-)

Oh damn, My bad! I'm sorry..

It's all guuud. :)

Thank you for the compliments I hope you can find what you would like to know! I'm still researching and adding every month! And yes, /u/zeuph is right - keep a healthy dose of skepticism and seek the truth yourself!

Yes. Tell me more too! Got any good documentaries to recommend?

Well, that depends on what you'd like to know more about.

I'm more into the political movement nowadays but I've been interested in the whole subject as a whole during my time exploring it.

What people tend to be interested in is major evidence points and obviously(and sadly) I cannot supply evidence enough to convince you, probably.

My go-to case or documentary are Rendlesham forest incident. Maybe it's because I found it early on and it blew my mind but I still find it very interesting. TL;DWatch would be that a military base in England was visited during 2 days and most personell on the base was witnesses(I think 82 in total). All of which are American Military Personell and they were guarding nuclear weapons(not known at the time). The men who saw the object ventured out into the forest to take a closer look, deputy base commander Lieutenant Colonel Charles I. Halt brought his voice recorder and recorded the whole thing(available for anyone). He also brought his notebook and made sketches of what he saw and what he experienced.

What the men saw in the forest was a landed craft, they approached it and Halt touched the craft. The next day the men were greeted by the object again, but this time the object had a small companion. A orb-type hovering object that "dropped" fluid similar to that of magma(red color and very bright).

The men reported this to the base commander which concluded it was nonsense and the same day Halt was visited by some men in suits telling him whatever he saw isn't something he should be talking about.

The documentaries available what I know have poor quality which is a shame because this is my favorite case.

2 of the witnesses are today active in the field and have stated they will go in front of the congress to testify. They have also been present at previous press conference regarding the subject and a informal congressional hearing with former congressmen and women.

I'm not sure of this but I believe the case was concluded in court to either had happened or the entire group of witnesses were simultaneously hallucinating the same thing.

I'm sorry this became such a long post about something you might not at all be interested in but I thought it's a interesting case. Hopefully my details aren't too wrong. Here's the full documentary. Here's former employee of the British Government's Ministry of Defence from 1985 to 2006 talking about the case. He's also a major figure in this field.

EDIT: The second clip I haven't watched so I don't know if its good or not but Nick Pope is always very professional and have experience of this subject from working inside the government on this specific subject. He does not, however, disclose any information still classified(obviously). Him being active in the movement could almost be seen as if he found something while working inside the government. I mean, if he was convinced it wasn't real after working inside the MoD, he wouldn't be this active in my opinion.

Here's a good one. This is a summary video, quite well edited for a non-pro studio. It is based on the Russian documentary, Men in Black (not with Will Smith), and Admiral Byrd's trip down to Antarctica. His Naval regiment turned around and floated back home, wounded and completely shocked at the technology they encountered down there. (Then question why did John Kerry go down there on election day?!)

There are thousands of whistleblowers, and we're only going to see more and more. Dr. Greer, as you may know, has over 400 sworn witnesses by now, he's done many lectures. Also his organization Sirius Disclosure has a YouTube channel, and they released their previous documentary for free here.

Been thinking about meat

The rat eats the critter, the snake eats the rat, the human eats the snake

We live in a time where abundance can conquer need of meat

Time and matter sprung from big bang, moldy intelligences(as in, we are the mold that inhabits this crust) are either a consequence or the point of ?everthying? modern science can't explain conciousness, it never will because science basically asks who,what,when, where and how

But not why, too scared to ask "why"

Im off my rocker but this is /r/conspiracy

I'm not quite sure what you meant but I was not advocating vegetarianism, I am not a vegetarian but I would like to be for the sake of our environment. I agree with the consciousness part, though. I believe it would be very hard for us to reach a scientific standpoint where we can recreate consciousness.

it's really easy to be a vegetarian, still means you're enslaving cows and chickens tho. i eat vegan and technically im sort of enslaving plants, although i doubt they feel most if any sensations negatively, so i have the tiniest high horse in the world.Just try it for a few weeks.

It is very strong of you to become vegan! I haven't really tried yet because I've had other types of diets this whole year but I've been thinking of trying out becoming vegetarian Januari 2017, but we'll see how that works out for me! One of those life-goals, you know? heh

Not really, been a few years now and it's just a matter of eating different stuff lol. Social aspect is the hardest. I've given up trying to explain or argue with people, most don't want to listen. Go vegetarian first then go vegan when you feel comfortable. It's seemed to me that meat is somewhat addictive.

I see. Yeah, vegan will eventually become a goal, too.

Ah my point was life is a natural consequence to the laws of physics and matter

Isn't life evolving, through mutation? The consequence of primitive man was he probably couldn't risk his time with cave painting, couldn't afford to try and fail agriculture - it meant starving

I'm just working off memory, but our evolutionary parent was a rat-like critter, they owe their success to having a larger than normal brain, used to distinguish sounds, it was a boon.

back to my point, a larger brain has way more energy needs, best way for naked primitive man to sustain his growing intelligence is to eat other animals that do the hard work of digesting thick greens

Thus, intelligent species needs meat to expand knowledge, but it will eventually master agriculture and science to do away with it

Brings me to my cincher, im no vegan, love steak, bacon for its taste, but meat has a downside to economy, just the ammount of shipping trucks moving cow carcasses, we dedicate alot of time to watering crops to feed meat, also the diseases born from meat.

If aliens are here, well eliminating meat consumption ourselves would be a good test to see if we are capable of ignoring hedonistic impulse AKA acting in the interests of something greater vs personal wants/needs

Again, not a vegan, not pushing anti-meat, just theories. I eat meat.

I agree with your theory! I also think that going non-meat is a achievement ETs consider good for the greater good.

A side note I can mention is that soon enough we will have lab-fabricated meat. There's kickstarter-type companies that already have their pledged amount and they're currently setting up shop doing lab-fabricated meat and expect to be ready 2021 if I remember correctly. I can't quite remember the name but "meat" was in the name of the product.

I just hope it's tasty!

EDIT: Supermeat!

You should do what you think is right rather than what you think the magical 'benevolent' beings from space think you should do. I'm highly sceptical of that stuff, sounds like religion coming round full circle, good gods and bad gods that amazingly no-one ever can prove they have seen.

Ah no, I'm doing it almost entirely because I want to become more environmental friendly. In fact, I wasn't aware of the ET detail when I was interested in going into a non-meat lifestyle. I would also like to add that the only reason vegetarianism is tied to the ET stuff is because contactees have said for some time that non-meat diets would help you make contact(which I'm sort of not really agreeing with but that's what they claim). Some others claim the general idea that the ETs have suggested a non-meat lifestyle would help the planet and our population in numerous ways, it will also help larger and smaller communities because the alternative can be grown in a much smaller space, its stationary, takes less time and requires less resources. I'm sure you're aware of all of that, though.

I agree with your skepticism and it is heavily justified, this stuff isn't anything anyone should take as truth! It's more of a hobby for me.


Meh, not really into the environmental argument. Not a big believer in the whole man-made climate change thing, unless you count weather modification ;). More into the moral argument, up to a point. The ETs seem to conveniently share views with hypocritical globalists... Maybe in a few more years of eating veggies i'll be able astral travel up to their ships and have a chat with them.

I'm sure you won't have to wait a few years. hehe

I would say the disinfo and false information is leaning over 95%. Not to burst your bubble but there isn't any evidence supporting ETs/Aliens or "meditation contacts".

Yes, I know. The reason I'm leaning towards 60-80% is because I'm already convinced it's real. I'm not treating anything as real but rather the large picture of it all. I cannot tell anyone what is real or what isn't but whistleblowers and officials saying this is happening is enough for me to spark interest. If I'm wrong then I've had my sci-fi ride of the day. If I'm right then I have a arsenal of puzzle pieces to put this large puzzle together.

I don't mind it at all but I can understand why people wouldn't want to listen to bullshit all day long only to have it never confirmed. I wouldn't encourage anyone to follow my footsteps because honestly, most of this is unusable even if we were to be contacted one day. Some people like doing other activities, this is what I spend my free time on.

Yes, I know. The reason I'm leaning towards 60-80% is because I'm already convinced it's real. I'm not treating anything as real but rather the large picture of it all. I cannot tell anyone what is real or what isn't but whistleblowers and officials saying this is happening is enough for me to spark interest. If I'm wrong then I've had my sci-fi ride of the day. If I'm right then I have a arsenal of puzzle pieces to put this large puzzle together.

I do believe that there ETs out there... However, the current whistleblower and officials information is almost entirely disinfo/made-up. The Alien narrative is illogical and doesn't make any sense at all. The sightings could be of question, as there is some unexplained phenomenon, yet that is around probably <1% in the case of true sightings.

I don't mind it at all but I can understand why people wouldn't want to listen to bullshit all day long only to have it never confirmed. I wouldn't encourage anyone to follow my footsteps because honestly, most of this is unusable even if we were to be contacted one day. Some people like doing other activities, this is what I spend my free time on.

It's the thing that the ET/Alien topic is a distraction from the issues right in front of us. You spend less researching the corruption (i.e. Pizzagate, CF, etc) and possible solutions & our potential (a topic that people barely touch on).

However, the current whistleblower and officials information is almost entirely disinfo/made-up.

This is a opinion. There's whistleblowers who supply documents to support their claim. All of them have dispatch papers proving they were what they claim they were and there's over 400 of them, most of them are ready any day to testify in front of congress under oath. I'm not saying they're not spreading disinfo but it's enough to at least spark a investigation in my opinion.

The Alien narrative is illogical and doesn't make any sense at all.

What other narrative is logical? I mean, it would benefit the power that shouldn't be if it were illogical at this stage because it gets no coverage. I would even go as far as to say that for people who believe reptilians then this fits the narrative perfect. The reptilian community is said to enjoy eating babies or young children the most. The reptilian community is said to be a widespread world-wide community. They're said to have tied with satanic cults in northern england. I'm not an advocate of reptilians and this fact alone makes me never watch David Icke. However, in this context it makes sense for me. This pedophelia ring is MASSIVE and word-wide.

It's the thing that the ET/Alien topic is a distraction from the issues right in front of us.

Or it's tied together. Or what you're reading is a distraction.

I am spending time reading about any kind of corruption, the reason I got to the point that I'm reading about corruption is because of the alien subject. My beliefs is that they recovered a disc in 1947 and have since covered it up. They continue to cover it up and exclude certain intelligence agencies and the public to access information on the subject. This lead me to look for these people which eventually ended up with the corporate overlords we so often speak about here.

Eventually it all boils down to opinions. What is suitable evidence to convince someone and what is 'logical' as you mentioned. I believe that even if the ETs isn't true, the narrative of this world is not logical enough to piece it together completely using logic. There's so many people involved and much like you cannot foresee someones behavior, you cannot expect them to follow any narrative than their own.

This is a opinion. There's whistleblowers who supply documents to support their claim. All of them have dispatch papers proving they were what they claim they were and there's over 400 of them, most of them are ready any day to testify in front of congress under oath. I'm not saying they're not spreading disinfo but it's enough to at least spark a investigation in my opinion.

Look up the people who have been supporting the whistleblower/official scene on the Alien topic and you'll have a good understanding as to why I say that it is mostly disinfo/made-up.

What other narrative is logical? I mean, it would benefit the power that shouldn't be if it were illogical at this stage because it gets no coverage. I would even go as far as to say that for people who believe reptilians then this fits the narrative perfect. The reptilian community is said to enjoy eating babies or young children the most. The reptilian community is said to be a widespread world-wide community. They're said to have tied with satanic cults in northern england. I'm not an advocate of reptilians and this fact alone makes me never watch David Icke. However, in this context it makes sense for me. This pedophelia ring is MASSIVE and word-wide.

Or you're missing the possibility that pedophilia has been a real concept for millenniums and that the pedo ring is used as a form of blackmail in the regime. There is more to be gained by TPTB to put disinfo to make you fear them when they're just human.

Or what you're reading is a distraction.

So you're saying that grounding things to a humanistic and realistic level and that there is no supporting evidence of ET is a distraction?

I am spending time reading about any kind of corruption, the reason I got to the point that I'm reading about corruption is because of the alien subject.

I see. However, it's important to understand that the in the Red pill & Blue analogy, that the Red pill we perceive is actually a redder blue pill. I got invested in the ET topic for a little while before taking a step back into what I was looking at. ET topic is one that has been largely inflated.

Eventually it all boils down to opinions.

No. Questioning everything, especially our assumptions and gathering hard facts while removing and analyzing the narratives given.

Look up the people who have been supporting the whistleblower/official scene on the Alien topic and you'll have a good understanding as to why I say that it is mostly disinfo/made-up.

You mean Steven Greer? I can agree he seems slimy and sometimes even seems like he has ill intent. I do not follow him, rather the disclosure movement. I do believe that for the political disclosure movement, he has done some good work to get people interested. Much like I do not think President-elect Trump is a viable candidate. I do however agree that if he does what he claim he will do, it will be good for the people to rid a large portion of the corrupt establishment.

So you're saying that grounding things to a humanistic and realistic level and that there is no supporting evidence of ET is a distraction?

Not at all. I believe ET has been used as a distraction(Documentary Mirage Men is a good one which shows exactly this). I do, however, believe that the corruption we're trying to figure out and throw out can coexist with the ET conspiracy.

Yeah, the reptilian thing is very out there and I am not a believer nor advocate of that conspiracy but I thought the vague connections was enough to fit in to an extent. The pedophelia ring and the ET issue is separate, in my beliefs.

I'm not saying you should believe what I believe. In fact, I wouldn't advocate anyone to spend their time doing what I do but if they made that choice, I would gladly supply information I found interesting. I think that what you said is very true. I believe we should focus more on our issues and how to fix them before looking into the stars. But, as a hobby, I find this very interesting.

Are, are you Tom DeLonge?

I wish!

Meditacion contacts are real. I know many people who does this.

Just google astral projection (and no its not lucid dream) r/astralprojection

And google chanelling.

There are millions of experiences. And you can experience it yourself. Learn to meditate

Cobra? What.

It's some heavy shit about pyramids being ancient power plants, psychic energy, space Jews, reptilians, the works. It's groovy, but really out there stuff.

space Jews

oy vega

Ahh see now we know why Mel Brooks "History of the World Part2" never made it to production. It was too real with "we're jeeeews iiiiin spaaaace".

It did, I beleive you know it as "space balls"

Why is OP afraid to post cobra?

Topics there include defeating a global cabal. The stuff about extra-terrestials is hard to comprehend. Some of it seems misinfo, some other parts of it seem very thought provoking.

I think the general idea is there is a resistance movement towards the dark forces in this world. And basically the dark forces have shut down or compromised the positive and feminine aspects of the energetic grid of the collective consciousness.

So every Sunday is a global meditation to restore our connections to each other and to the planetary and universal vibrations we are connected to.


G I Joe? Sigma 6?

I like this idea.

I'll be in every week, thanks for sharing. Search out for my energy, it has the number 33 attached to it :)

Surround yourself with orchids as well, they are mystical and contain great power. Search for Dancing Girls Orchid, Balerina Orchid, Skull orchid, Monk Orchid & Cradle Orchid. All contain powerful energy.

meditating is healthy and beneficial for one,s self.
Noting wrong whit trying it folks !
Its been used here in the medical profession in certn cases

I'm in. Can you give more info on times, etc.

Every Sunday ay 7PM GMT, worldwide.



They shifted the time 3 hours back not too long ago so more could join it's 4PM GMT. Instructions can be found here:

I'm in!

Might as well

I meditate for 16 minutes every day. What time and time zone does this happen on Sunday. What is the intention?

This is the link it has methods and a count down on the right:

Why 144,000?

Isn't that number connected with jehovahs witnesses? They say that when the apocalypse comes that only 144,000 will be saved.

144k will rule in heaven with God. The rest of us will be reborn on a perfect earth...

Or so they claim.

And those alive when Armageddon come who aren't part of the 144,000 just won't ever die. Those who have died will be resurrected.

Makes my sphincter pucker up even talking about that shitty cult I was born into!

The number 144,000 comes from somewhere in Revelation chapter 7 and chapter 14. 12 tribes of 12,000 each or something.

I studied with them for a while, but fortunately escaped. Coming from the occult world, they were my first introduction to the Bible.

Be glad you escaped friend :)

Oh I am. It is one of the things I thank my wife for. She also saved me from the hell hole that is California.

Wait, so you're saying that shit is all actually true? Fuck it, shabbat shalom motherfucker.

OP is kind of silly for not posting the link. I, for one, am not afraid of sharing a link to a non-attack site. Anyway here is what OP talking about if you are interested. He's right it's a weird blog full of what I consider mostly nonsense

If you want to experience contact with the pleidian or brotherhood of the serpents or whatever then just do psychedelic mushrooms. You surely will make contact. In fact, this may be the only way that we know of

and THAT is what they don't want you to know and why a stupid little brown thing that grows on shit is the more dangerous than the neutron bomb

What do you mean by non-attack site? Also how are Psilocybin mushrooms more dangerous than a neutron bomb? Do you mean powerful or more dangerous to the establishment because neutron bombs suck for everyone. Either way I completely agree with you, the psychedelic revolution is at hand.

I just meant I try not to link to dangerous sites.

mushrooms are more dangerous than a neutron bomb because they awaken everyone to the idea that our reality is not real...that there is a place and existence beyond this one...beyond death. And it gives us ideas of peace, prosperity, opportunity, equality and all the other things above and beyond--they give people inspiration, they let you talk to God, experience rapture/ union, they let you experience infinity and the kingdom of heaven within you; once people have seen, they cannot unsee. They are forever changed.

And if you change people's minds in this way, you'll transmute culture, and culture will change history. A neutron bomb just kills people and all life around it. It's not impressive. Death is easy, anyone can do it. Life and happiness and freedom: that's hard, but not so hard as we think. The mushroom: that's the key

It's also a bomb, but it obliderates harmful ideologies

They talk about "the mysteries of faith" but never allow you the tools to do so; and in a way, what they do is create a liar out of you. Did you expereince the mystery of faith? Yes father I did. LIAR you did not eat mushrooms you ate a wheat cracker from a factory in iowa and pretended it was jesus. Hahah every one of you is a fool, now give me mah money. I mean please donate to God and the Church so we can expand our pyramid scheme.

all day or at a certain time? I'm not much of a meditator but i'd through in a couple minutes if I knew when it would count the most

The time and instructions are posted on Cobra's blog here (4 PM GMT Sundays):

there's no time limit for the meditation I usually go till I can't stay awake any longer, some even start from an hour before

thanks. thats very early morning for me but maybe i'll wake up a few mins and then go back to sleep. :)

I've been wondering and hoping for a gathering of people to be organized like this. Thank you for the information I will look it up.

I officially can say , having good intention to others is nice to do, at least. I accept you.

We have experience with this type of thing in prayer sessions to prevent the death of the Great Leader etc. It does not work.

Why are you afraid to post cobra?

Cuz the general accepted consensus surrounding Cobra in this sub is that he's too out there...I'm really happy to see many will give it a try :)

Chant Hare Krsna.


woken up twice by very scary/threatening entity sounds or voice of satan weapon, body floated up and a Nordic contacted me. Now TPTB torture me remotely with frequency weapons whenever I meditate or am between sleep/wake state which is when lot of paranormal activity happens, I have no doubt aliens exist and anyone can contact by meditating a lot

I gotta say that if this is what is in store, I might have to pass O.o

All I can say is we've been in a war for a while and don't be a pussy :( JK but come on...a little torture from TPTB, I see that as a good sign, na?

Really feel we're getting somewhere with this meditation 'woo crap.' There's also a big push from other side on this woo stuff to 'muddy the waters' sort of speak, for example I noticed lot of corporate shills in spiritual chatrooms and forums get infiltrated recently, got banned from a new/strangely active iranian occult/drug forum with lot of Crowley's more BS writings being advertised often only for recommending a book. some one showed me a clear eye of horus not shortly after when I closed my eyes

I can understand what many mean when they say 'it's a spiritual war'...even if it's technology it's advanced to such a point where it merges with woo crap cuz everything's connected and then it gets in an area where some people tend to connect it to BS paranormal hallucinations or only tech just cuz. but what if it's kind of like both (god damn they hurt me bad for this, lol)

I admit that it sounds pretty rad and I would love to get into meditation. I've been thinking about it for months, but I haven't tried it yet. If not for the cool shit, but because I'm noticing that I'm getting frustrated much more often. Especially at work and college where it's been very stressful. I'd like to find some inner peace ✌and release some of that stress.

Sorry, real talk for a sec.

Edit: oh, and I work on Sundays :(

Shall we set a time? Perhaps also an intention? My friends and I have also been discussing the need for group meditations.

Yes! The instructions and a count down are posted here (it's 4 PM GMT):

How long should the meditation last? 5m? 10m? 30m? 1h?

There's no limit, the longer the better. Some even start from an hour before

Thanks much. Already have the date marked on my calendar. Not super looking forward to having to get up early, as 4pm GMT is actually 8am my time (so I'll probably be getting up at 7/730am to start), but this sounds like an absolutely worthwhile activity. Thank you for making an OP and bringing it to the attention of the people here. Namaste,

why 144,000 exactly? Biblical?

It's not only related to the Bible, I'm not sure about 144,000 specifically but on Cobra's blog they talk a lot about certain numbers having certain powers. I prefer to look at it as math of the universe rather than the Bible

Lol. Get better soon OP. Your parents just want their son back.

Whats the mechanism? This is the thing that has always bothered me about metaphysics.

I understand the health and mental benefits of meditation but I have yet to see or hear how electrical signals in the brain translate in any way to the "real" world.

How did this evolve and why? Is this energy of some kind? Then it must be able to be measured. Why dont we see evidence of this phenomena way more frequently?

Is this related to dr. Stephen greere?

Something like 35 religious predictions of a big change in humanity...2012 and all

However, the current whistleblower and officials information is almost entirely disinfo/made-up.

This is a opinion. There's whistleblowers who supply documents to support their claim. All of them have dispatch papers proving they were what they claim they were and there's over 400 of them, most of them are ready any day to testify in front of congress under oath. I'm not saying they're not spreading disinfo but it's enough to at least spark a investigation in my opinion.

The Alien narrative is illogical and doesn't make any sense at all.

What other narrative is logical? I mean, it would benefit the power that shouldn't be if it were illogical at this stage because it gets no coverage. I would even go as far as to say that for people who believe reptilians then this fits the narrative perfect. The reptilian community is said to enjoy eating babies or young children the most. The reptilian community is said to be a widespread world-wide community. They're said to have tied with satanic cults in northern england. I'm not an advocate of reptilians and this fact alone makes me never watch David Icke. However, in this context it makes sense for me. This pedophelia ring is MASSIVE and word-wide.

It's the thing that the ET/Alien topic is a distraction from the issues right in front of us.

Or it's tied together. Or what you're reading is a distraction.

I am spending time reading about any kind of corruption, the reason I got to the point that I'm reading about corruption is because of the alien subject. My beliefs is that they recovered a disc in 1947 and have since covered it up. They continue to cover it up and exclude certain intelligence agencies and the public to access information on the subject. This lead me to look for these people which eventually ended up with the corporate overlords we so often speak about here.

Eventually it all boils down to opinions. What is suitable evidence to convince someone and what is 'logical' as you mentioned. I believe that even if the ETs isn't true, the narrative of this world is not logical enough to piece it together completely using logic. There's so many people involved and much like you cannot foresee someones behavior, you cannot expect them to follow any narrative than their own.

This is the link it has methods and a count down on the right:

It is very strong of you to become vegan! I haven't really tried yet because I've had other types of diets this whole year but I've been thinking of trying out becoming vegetarian Januari 2017, but we'll see how that works out for me! One of those life-goals, you know? heh

Ah no, I'm doing it almost entirely because I want to become more environmental friendly. In fact, I wasn't aware of the ET detail when I was interested in going into a non-meat lifestyle. I would also like to add that the only reason vegetarianism is tied to the ET stuff is because contactees have said for some time that non-meat diets would help you make contact(which I'm sort of not really agreeing with but that's what they claim). Some others claim the general idea that the ETs have suggested a non-meat lifestyle would help the planet and our population in numerous ways, it will also help larger and smaller communities because the alternative can be grown in a much smaller space, its stationary, takes less time and requires less resources. I'm sure you're aware of all of that, though.

I agree with your skepticism and it is heavily justified, this stuff isn't anything anyone should take as truth! It's more of a hobby for me.
