So tell me...

0  2016-11-28 by [deleted]



Jesus spoke in meme


Yea love them pedos, that's gonna halp. mmhmm

Did you read the gospels? He explains the parables to those who want to know more, the parables are to get the simple message out to every person regardless of religion, culture, or class.

Still obfuscated the truth which is a lie by ommision

Which parable was unclear to you? There is a deeper meaning but the moral is the same. There isn't a lie, by omission or otherwise.

There is no Absolute truth. You are going to pick up that info online. You need meditation & Works not wifi

I don't really think so... when people asked him questions, he didn't give a straight "yes" or "no", but the parables he answered in always adhered to the subject of the question in some way or another.

I'll say this Jesus lied. IMO

and this has to do with conspiracy how?

He faked the crucifixion... It was done with magnets.

no, no...It was done with mirrors, and invisible thread!

Religion is a huge part of the conspiracy world.

Read a book dude

tell me which book you are referring to? Be glad to

Yep read it already.

I would also recommend "why we fight"

I would love to check it out...added to Amazon card! Best.

the only thing Jesus said was "burn the Romans"

Seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear. The whole ministry of Jesus was laid out in the book of Isaiah and the reason for speaking in parables. It wasnt a lie of omission, it was a way of getting truth past corrupt gate keepers. 2000 years later we have his parables, and the Pharisees version of the Israelites religion is know to only a handful of scholars of obscure religious history.

Yea sure, that's why 2k years later no one has a fking clue still.

About what? Existential purpose?

OP how is this a conspiracy?

Considering it is the greatest conspiracy on the planet I'd say it is one. The Bible is the greatest lie ever told.

Not necessarily...

You sure about that?

Still obfuscated the truth which is a lie by ommision