An Important Fact relating to PizzaGate

124  2016-11-28 by [deleted]

I've heard many people express skepticism over PizzaGate due to the seemingly large number of women involved. Both feminists and traditionalists have a habit of downplaying or ignoring sex crimes committed by females. Female pedophilia in particular is regarded as an extremely rare phenomenon.

In fact, women are (a) more likely to abuse children generally and (b) make up almost half of pedophiles. The number may well be half and even more than half given that both girls and boys are less likely to report being abused by women.

According to a major 2004 study commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education - In studies that ask students about offenders, sex differences are less than in adult reports. The 2000 AAUW data indicate that 57.2 percent of all students report a male offender and 42.4 percent a female offender with the Cameron et al. study reporting nearly identical proportions as the 2000 AAUW data (57 percent male offenders vs. 43 percent female offenders).. (Source .PDF Download)

Approximately 95% of all youth reporting staff sexual misconduct said they had been victimized by female staff. In 2008, 42% of staff in state juvenile facilities were female. (Bureau of Justice Report)

More women (58%) than men (42%) are perpetrators of all forms of child maltreatment. (Child Maltreatment: Facts at a Glance CDC)

One in six adult men reported being sexually molested as children, and -- in a surprise finding -- nearly 40 percent of the perpetrators were female, a new study found. (Source Link)

About 27 percent of women and 34 percent of men among the Dunedin study members reported they had been physically abused by their partner. About 37 percent of women and 22 percent of men said they had perpetrated the violence. (Source Link)

UBC Study Challenges Stereotypes of Sexually Exploited Youth: Boys as Likely as Girls to be Exploited (Link)(Report)

In a study of 17,337 survivors of childhood sexual abuse, 23% had a female-only perpetrator and 22% had both male and female perpetrators. ( Dube, Shanta R et al. “Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Gender of Victim.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine. (2005):28(5), p 430 – 438.)

From a new article on the subject in the Atlantic:

Tellingly, researchers have found that victims who experience childhood sexual abuse at the hands of both women and men are more reluctant to disclose the victimization perpetrated by women (Sgroi & Sargent, 1993). Indeed the discomfort of reporting child sexual victimization by a female perpetrator can be so acute that a victim may instead inaccurately report that his or her abuser was male (Longdon, 1993).

Male victims may experience pressure to interpret sexual victimization by women in a way more consistent with masculinity ideals, such as the idea that men should relish any available opportunity for sex (Davies & Rogers, 2006). Or, sexual victimization might be reframed as a form of sexual initiation or a rite of passage, to make it seem benign. In some cases, male victims are portrayed as responsible for the abuse. Particularly as male victims move from childhood to adolescence, they are ascribed more blame for encounters with adult women.

And according to the paper, when female abusers are reported, they are less likely to be investigated, arrested, or punished compared to male perpetrators, who are regarded as more harmful.

Stereotypes about women “include the notion that women are nurturing, submissive helpmates to men,” they write. “The idea that women can be sexually manipulative, dominant, and even violent runs counter to these stereotypes. Yet studies have documented female-perpetrated acts that span a wide spectrum of sexual abuse.”

They argue that female perpetration is downplayed among professionals in mental health, social work, public health, and law, with harmful results for male and female victims, in part due to these “stereotypical understandings of women as sexually harmless,” even as ongoing “heterosexism can render lesbian and bisexual victims of female-perpetrated sexual victimization invisible to professionals.”

Feminist mythology about rape, "rape culture" and pedophilia portrays it as a patriarchal conspiracy. The data does not support this view. Indeed a study cited by Karen Straughan found that a majority of imprisoned male rapists had been sexually abused as children by females. Many male serial killers report being sexually and otherwise abused by their mothers.

In light of this information it should not be surprising that we find large numbers of women involved in sex trafficking, or that they are often used as procurers of children for pedophile rings, or that they themselves are involved in the abuse. Often these women will have been abused themselves as children, and the same applies to the men.

Overall lesson: pedophilia and sexual aggression are not gendered issues.


I appreciate the time and effort you put into your post my friend. Thanks!

Thank you for compiling this info. If people cannot fathom pizzagate they can at least become aware of the reality of human trafficking and child abuse.


Feminist mythology about rape, "rape culture" and pedophilia portrays it as a patriarchal conspiracy.

This is an incredibly closed-off way of thinking. Being a problem of the patriarchy does NOT mean it's part of a "conspiracy". The patriarchy is NOT a conspiracy, it is not "a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful". The patriarchy is a confluence of societal influences that does some good things and some bad things and affects people differently based on their gender, race, age, etc. The patriarchy is NOT a secret cabal of men who covertly subvert the popular goal of gender equality or whatever the fuck you're pretending it is, it is merely a word that we can use to describe the male-centric culture that we live in.

Both feminists and traditionalists have a habit of downplaying or ignoring sex crimes committed by females.

Saying this is like saying "Catholics have a habit of downplaying sex crimes." Broad strokes bullshit that doesn't actually represent what individuals think. It feels like you know no feminists, have scarcely ever talked about this subject with feminists if at all, and have never actually studied feminist philosophy. Feminism is NOT about protecting women or putting them above men or pretending women are perfect or anything, which is the feeling I'm getting based on what you're saying. There are some fringe assholes who call themselves feminists who WOULD do the bullshit you're talking about, but they're rare within the movement, especially today. Modern feminism is more interested in a concept called intersectionality and gender equality for all, including transgender people, intersex people, and even men.

I say all of this as a radical feminist myself and someone with a keen interest in this pizzagate stuff, someone with an intense desire to see justice for any and all criminals regardless of their gender.

There is something to be said about the fact that women are more likely to avoid being called a pedophile than a man, but that's not because of feminists. Our male-centric culture says that women are more nurturing or more caring or other stupid bullshit. It also says that men are sex-crazed or lack the emotional depth of a woman or other stupid bullshit. This is why men are more likely to be considered for the crime of sexual assault, even in cases where statistics show women are likely to be guilty of the crime as well. This is why a man out in public alone with a child might receive plenty of side-eye even if it's their own child, but a woman with a child alone in public is seen as completely normal. This is all part of the patriarchy, and it's important to remember that just because the Patriarchy is generally male-centric, that doesn't mean that there aren't areas where the Patriarchy limits or hurts men too. There's not some fucking conspiracy of feminists out there covering up for women who commit crimes. There's no ideology within the feminist movement that women cannot be guilty of pedophilia or something.

You concluded by saying "pedophilia and sexual aggression are not gendered issues." This is a decent conclusion, and I generally agree. I just can't stand when people falsely accuse feminism of bullshit because they don't know anything about the movement or anyone who is actually involved with it.

Good luck getting anyone here to read that with a half open mind. But it's a great explanation of where OP is misinformed.

^ Read all before downvoting, guys.

That was a nice comment, thanks. I'm not sure what is a radical feminist but it doesn't matter, I wouldn't know by your comment.

About your last paragraph: I know it may be annoying to hear the "feminist are at war" or "feminists think xyz" but the perception might be because a lot of vocal feminists do not express themselves the way you did and unfortunately, they are what people know of feminists from the mainstream. Hopefully we'll see more people like you speak up and we might get a better perspective. Can we just be brutally honest though? There's feminists who are really irrational, and the OP is probably referring to that category of 'very angry wymen'. I don't think you should include yourself in this but I guess you know that already!

I'll try to find that study again but it might interest you to know that women abusers "create" more pedophiles than men abusers.

The study was showing how a bigger percentage of pedophiles were abused by a women when they were young. Crazy I know.

So the cycle of pedophiles keeps going in part because it's "cool" in society to encourage young men and boys to have sex with women or older girls.

We always put the focus on how girls are affected by abuses no matter who did them, and how boys can 'only' be affected negatively by an homosexual abuse but the reality is there a whole hetero abuse going on on boys and is totally ignored. Even encouraged!

Since we don't really know what to do yet with pedophiles, it would be wise to at least look at what may be a root problem.

It's alright to bring feminism, and even without it, you'd still have a majority of women still claiming they cannot commit any violence or abuse.

In fact, I'd tell you most of the ones in denial aren't even feminists; they are mothers.

I'll try to find that study again but it might interest you to know that women abusers "create" more pedophiles than men abusers.

That's really interesting. I'd love to see it if you end up finding it again!

I'd never actually thought about it before until reading this, but I've only just now realized that (as a female) the men who sexually abused me throughout my childhood and teen years were themselves sexually abused by a female family member of theirs.

I didn't actually find out that they were abused as well until my early 20s, only a year or two after I finally put a stop to my own abuse. Learning about the way abuse can cycle and be kind of "passed down" like that was the thing that helped me not feel like I was somehow at fault also.

I never had any female abusers (as far as I know), but everyone else besides my abusers that I personally know who had been sexually abused, aside from my mother who had male abusers, were abused by females (and in all cases family members.) 5 of them were male family members/ex's/friends, 1 female.

More related to pizzagate though - I've actually seen people dismiss it on the grounds that mothers letting their children be abused with their knowledge or approval is somehow farfetched. I guess that maybe some of them just don't want to think it's a possibility, or that all children are loved by their mother therefore they wouldn't let people hurt them.

My best friend in HS was pimped out for years by her mother for drug money, and it started when she was around 10 years old. So yeah, if anyone thinks this kind of thing is out of the question, really, think again. And that was just for drugs. I could see it happening more often in elite circles where massive amounts of money and power are involved.

Thanks for taking the time to share this. It's a difficult topic. There's a lot of noise about it but there's also a big blurry zone since not all abuses are reported. The victim is often stuck to figure it out all on their own.

I'm not surprised to hear your friend's story of being pimped as a child. Many mothers pimp their children in different levels for different rewards. Could be just to keep the family statu quo, buy peace, love, ego or to get a "promotion". It often starts innocently, then gradually the mother will be faced with the 2 options; what she wants vs the kid. The mom gets groomed and then the kid gets groomed. That's probably why there's a lot of denial and people try to "intellectualize" it. It's impossible for people to accept the mother self-interest might have had priority on the kid's self-interest (or that her kid is not her priority).

It's not always planned but it's one logical outcome and the real pedophiles have a radar for that. Most of them probably don't hang in pizzeria, they simply find a GF who is a single mom (maybe she hangs in pizzeria though ;) I do believe there's secret elite networks, but I see it more as honeypot. It's more political than real pedophilia. I'm also willing to accept some get entrapped too, to be blackmailed later. Of course some are just pedo too.

As you say, kids don't get in those places on their own and they don't choose their entourage. The predators are simply opportunistic and that's expected.

Of course I'm pointing the finger mainly at (bad) mothers because they are the ones with the biggest access to kids and are the most trusted with pretty much anything, yet they're also protected by their sacred social status. And well, there's also psychopaths/sociopaths women/mothers who look just like "normal mothers/women" if not better!

It's not that far-fetched to see women in trafficking, there's even a wikileak file reporting on a "baby factory" network in Malaysia, where women willingly gave birth and sold their babies for money. The network was uncovered because... some mom ended up complaining to the authority after not being paid by the trafficker. smh. Children are a commodity everywhere, in different ways. That cable is worth reading!

I found back the link to that study I told you about:

As they warn, they didn't have a big sample of women so they focus more on the effect of female abuses on males, and not fem on fem abuses. Those study are also based on self-report so they'll never be 100% precise as you certainly know already.

Of the 41 females attending the forensic psychotherapy service who were victims of sexual abuse, only one (about 2%) was also a perpetrator; however, of the 135 male victims, 79 were perpetrators (59%; χ2=86.4; P<0.001; odds ratio=27.36). Twenty-four male subjects reported having been sexually abused by females, 23 of whom were identified as female relatives and one other was not stated of the 24 were also abused by male relatives. Of these 24 males, 19 (79%) went on to become perpetrators of sexual abuse.

Of the 111 male subjects abused by males, 60 (54%) became perpetrators (χ2=5.1; P<0.05; odds ratio=3.2, 95% CI 1.13-9.29). This indicates that abuse of males by female relatives may be more likely to contribute to the male victim becoming an abuser than abuse by male relatives or persons outside the family.

This is another url that contains some sources you can maybe track back:


As a note for the big brothers/sisters or daddies/mommies, this should give you a damn good reason to stop promoting to your sons or bros to seek sexual relationships with women or girls much older than them. Not only it's self destructive for the child but this might also turn him into a child predator later. That's serious consequences and not just fun and games.

What's more shocking is that women can openly admit or even brag about being pedophiles or rapists and people will let them off. If a man admitted flat out that he was a sexual predator people would be disgusted, but when a woman does it people think it's funny, cute, or empowering.

Women being involved in a pedophile ring is par for the course, not some kind of fluke or anomaly. Women are people, and people do shitty things.

When does this happen? I've never heard a woman admit to being into kids in real life.

Women admitting to sexually abusing children is a lot less common than them admitting to being plain old rapists, but you do see it from time to time. Lena Dunham is a prominent example you may have heard of. She openly admitted to sexually abusing her little sister for at least a decade, and of course the MSM decided this long term grooming and abuse was "normal" and "healthy".

I've only heard that she's a disgusting woman. I guess now I know why. Was she also a child? That's the only reason not to hold her fully accountable. This reminds me of that pedo director. What's wrong with our media?

Edit: I looked this up. She was seven years old! Oh boy, you got me. I'm pretty sure you can't be a pedophile when you're in second grade. It sounds like she was a manipulative, curious, horny kid. What she did is wrong, but I'm going to have to out myself here and admit to playing doctor with my bestie at a younger age. I even remember tricking him into doing something I never intended to reciprocate. I regret doing that even though I'm pretty sure we were both having fun, because it was dishonest. I don't feel this makes me any more of a pedophile than her and by that I mean we're both at zero level of pedophilia. Kids are by nature egotistical, ignorant and sometimes amoral, even developmentally incapable of realizing the outcome of sexual abuse. So why are we comparing this to mature adults raping children? Oh God, I just realized kissing my brother at age eight must mean I've committed incest by your standards too. Saints preserve us.

I think you missed the part where she kept doing it (which in your defense has been largely swept under the rug by the MSM). At 7 it's easy to excuse it as a case of a curious kid with poor boundaries, but 17? That's more than old enough to know that kissing and masturbating with a prepubescent child is unacceptable behavior. The blame largely falls on their parents for not stopping it early on, but that doesn't make what she did innocent or okay. A 17 year old preying on an 11 year old is pedophilia, plain and simple.

Dude feminis extremists of the 1980s maybe. Modern feminists recognize that anyone can rape anyone and they would tell you in a heartbeat that women are just as capable of abusing children as men. You might get some crazy extremists who say women shit gold and men are all Satan's minions, but these "feminists" are considered hate-filled sexists by mainstream feminists. They are not supported or respected.

In my experience, there are two kinds of people who believe me when I tell them about my mom and dad abusing me: pedophiles and feminists. Everyone else wants to think women are naturally angelic caregivers. Feminists and pedos know better. Guess which ones actually care about helping survivors heal?

Something additional to consider is that survival needs are perceived very differently by the brain of a young child compared to the brain of an adult. Children instinctively understand that if they are rejected/abandoned by their parent(s), then they (children) will likely perish with no caregiver. Thus psychologically there is a very intense, desperate need for the child to 'bond' as best they can with at least one caregiver, no matter the costs (i.e. even if the child's psychological development will be severely warped/damaged in order to pull it off). Many animal-mammal and some human studies show how intensely significant the mother-child bond is for younger children in regards to their psychological/emotional development (not that fathers are not important, they are, there are just some unique factors when it comes to the the mother bond). So in many cases when the child's mind resorts to the splitting mechanism for survival, in a situation where both parents are abusive, the splitting will be such that the mother is perceived as all-good, safe, etc while the father is perceived as all-bad, unsafe, etc. This makes the child feel like they have options (even though in reality they don't). In the case where just the mother is abusive, the child's mind will still often split, perceiving the mother as two separate entities, the "good mother" and the "bad mother" so that the child can try to bond with the "good mother". (This is also the founding desperate coping mechanism that will in later life lead to Borderline Personality Disorder for many of these children, in which their mind will tragically split everyone they ever try to bond with.)

So there is more merit for the theory that victims are much less likely to report abuse if the perpetrator was their mother. They are much more likely to dissociate from it completely.

I must've missed your point.

I'm not sure how to help you. Perhaps re-read the first sentence?


Retake 4th grade English lit.

This is very interesting but has nothing to do with the claim that "pizza" means "pedophilia".

It has everything to do with the bullshit excuses people come up with to let them feel better about denying the abuse going on around them! Fuck, you make it hard to respect this sub's rules.