Pizzagate: Got in a second fight with my best friend today

10  2016-11-28 by [deleted]



Some people don't want, I mean can't believe that there's fucked up shit going on in the world. They want to stay "plugged into the matrix". Sorry for that reference but it's so true.

Spot on

I agree. I'm married to one.

Messing with a woman's tasty steak can be dangerous :)


So am I. Granted I might believe in too many conspiracies but at the same time, I'm not blind to all that goes around me either.

Start with this video. It establishes that it has been an ongoing problem that has been swept under the rug for a long time. It's a documentary by the discovery channel.


Switch over to 9/11.


Heh, started there and quit a while ago, but 9/11 doesn't get my piss boiling like this does anymore. I mean, yeah, 9/11 pisses me off, but this is ongoing, and the denial makes me nauseous.

I want to gouge out John Podesta's eyes, hang him from a fucking lamp post, douse him in kerosene, and set him on fire. (That sentence is of course modern art, just like his fucking sick paintings).

I hear ya.. What if it turns out he himself was abused as a child, essentially programmed for this behavior before he even learned to read?

I don't have a great answer. If ever there was a case for public safety, this is it. But still..

Well, I was abused as a child, and I don't go around raping and killing, nor do I feel like it. In fact, I'd prefer to put John Podesta through a trial and lock him up forever, rather than make the more gory form of art of him.

I think you're right. It's important to maintain compassion and understand the causes here. The likes of Podesta et al are already so deep in existential shit, they need it more than anyone, and apparently we are the adults here.

These people are lost, and even though the notion is absurd and anti-scientific, I hope for their sake that their consciousness and subjective experience will cease when they die. I don't think they'll have such luck however.

The simile of the Buddha and the pirate captain explains very well how I feel about this.

Hang his as s from an overpass


Yeah, I was just expecting more of her, and I certainly wasn't expecting her to attack me as being delusional. As if I would bring any of this shit up if it wasn't important and if I hadn't investigated it.

She looks at one piece of information, finds an excuse, sees it in isolation, and then points the finger at me. Fuck people. They fucking deserve what's coming.


Thanks. Cool monologue. The thing is, we've taken ayahuasca together, a lot, we're quite close, and I know she's smarter than this. It's like there's an artefact of conditioned, reflexive denial in her, just like so many others, and she doesn't even see the absurdity of her own line of argumentation (or line of fallacies rather).

I don't understand how it's possible to be so honest about one self, and yet so delusional about the rest of the world.


If you can't live and let live about opinions regarding world affairs with friends and family, then you're the one off the deep end. I've disagreed with my own father about entire wars, but he's still a good person.

Save your strawmen for someone who doesn't recognize them.

It's not a strawman when it's exactly what we're talking about. Your anger level here is really something.

I usually just bring up the human trafficking aspect and the amount of money involved then relate it to the Cia trafficking cocaine to fund covert operations. Avoid the whole cult aspect.

I want to believe the cult aspect is the reason it is so hard to wake the masses. People just refuse to even hear what you have to say if you mention it.

Same fucking thing happened to me last night when I tried to show a friend how they're speaking in code that is known to be used by pedos.

I know it's frustrating, but ultimately all this is going to be exposed and people will know the truth sooner or later.

I hope so. This tacit complicity through ignorance and convenient myths is sickening.

What pisses me off is that my best friend trusts fucking propagandists and child rapists over me, who has no fucking interest in this being real. I really, really want to be delusional in this context. I want all this to be a big fat lie so badly. It's not, it's real, and at this point, burying one's head in the sand is the same as approving of the rape and murder of other humans.

I hear you. Fucking sucks how asleep some people are.

But to be honest, I think pizzagate is so disturbing and fucked up, and involves so many very prominent people, that it just might be the one conspiracy that brings down the American establishment.

I really hope so.

I keep mentioning this in other threads so sorry for doing it again but she really needs to checkout Dave McGowan's 'programmed to kill'. It's what opened my eyes.

Send her a text quoting the great Aristotle : "it is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it". It's essentially a polite way of telling her she's an idiot.

Hehe, I managed not to quote Einstein on ignorance yet: "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance".

Thanks for giving me a more diplomatic and useful quote :)

Einstein never said that.

Apparently not. Or well, of course we don't know what he has add hasn't said, but there's no evidence he ever made that statement, as far as I can find out. It's still a fairly good definition of height of ignorance.

This was a lot of interesting information:

Maybe consider that the "evidence" you find compelling does not seem compelling to someone else? Perhaps they are considering it with an open mind, but the conclusion they have reached is that it's not convincing. There are people who hold beliefs, and "evidence" to support same, that you would probably find crazy if they shared with you, and who would feel exactly how you are describing when they saw your reaction. Be careful of an echo chamber.

This makes you dangerously arrogant btw

If I were trying to convince someone I would probably try to stick to giving them the facts and not the speculation. The links to all the actual sex offenders/traffickers is a good solid one, Jeffrey Epstein, Dennis Hastert, Brock Pierce, Laura Silsby, Clem Freud, The Podesta/McCann case etc., Also Bill Clinton being a rapist, and Hillary defending one.

There is not much point bringing up the pictures and music videos and the code in the e-mail (except the kids in the pool one was creepy af) because it makes it seem like pure speculation with no meat. You need to get them interested in the solid facts first and then give them some of the more tenuous connections and let them put it together.

I know several people that believe it and know in their hearts and minds it's true, yet don't want to hear about it or think about it.....burying their head in the sand becuse they dont believe it affects them. However, as a mother with two young children, it disturbs me greatly, especially when strangers approach me and offer to get my daughter into modeling or child acting. Nope, nope. Stay the hell away from my family.

You did your part as a good friend. If anything happens to her, just look after her, don't be those ass that say 'I told you so'. We are not a fear-mongering religious cult or anything, we can't force them to open their eyes if they refuse.

Just don't be angry at her or yourself.

We both stopped smoking weed a few days ago. We were both edgier than usual yesterdsay. We just sat down for coffee and everything's good. I just had to vent a little :) Thanks for the good advice.

I certainly won't be telling her, "I told you so" in any context. She's a succesful author though, and I'd love for her to become more aware of this subject, because it could very well make it into future best-sellers.

It's not real. No evidence.

You're not real. No evidence.


Good thing these people are conveniently situated to make sure it stays that way then.

I hope you're not serious.

Good thing these people are conveniently situated to make sure it stays that way then.

I hope you're not serious.

You're not real. No evidence.

I want to believe the cult aspect is the reason it is so hard to wake the masses. People just refuse to even hear what you have to say if you mention it.