The Conspiracy Is Real - There is a coup in the making: 'Four of the nine (Democratic) national electors from Colorado met and discussed how they might reach out to other national electors across the country as part of a plan to keep Trump from the Oval Office'

173  2016-11-29 by Bernie4Ever

In this article, they argue they are doing this to find a 'Republican' alternative to Trump, but no one should be fooled: their plan is to get Clinton on the Iron Throne. They even don't try to hide it:

"Baca is clear that her obvious preference would be for Clinton to become president, especially following any official recounts that might occur in a handful of battleground states."

Lock her up!



If they successfully block trump from the presidency that is officially the end of the American experiment, the country will tear itself to pieces before the people with all the guns let their president get couped out in the open. Godamn I hope the electors aren't that retarded.

those traitor electors would be first on a hit list

I'm imagining a Mouselini type execution/public display. Hung by their nuts.

I'm visualizing this regularly as a meditation. Hang em high

Should just do away with them and stick to the popular vote then I guess. Oh wait, he lost that.

But shillery stole 3 million votes right, I mean infowares cited the twitter of a guy who used to work for Newt Gingrich and won't release his data - what more proof do you need!?

What Hillary did was lose the election (the real one... not the popularity contest) to a Giant Pumpkin.

So true. If our election was based on popular vote we would see very different results. Candidates would campaign in different places, people would vote more because their vote would actually matter if they lived in a majority blue or red state, etc., etc.

Point being, Trump won this election how it was intended to be played.

Trump is Dubya/Raygun 2.0: a front man for the deep state bureaucracy. Or maybe even a new Charles II of Spain if we believe some of the claims about his health. He will put on his act for the cameras when required, while the representatives of the business world and lobbiests and neocons in his administration will run the show.

I agree this won't happen. People are saying Soros wants a civil war and all this shit but it is not true. Most Americans live in a bubble where nothing exists other than watching the Kardashians or football. If that bubble were to burst it is essentially hitting a reset button on the country. I think it's much easier to control people how they have been doing it for the last 100 years in this country.

That's honestly a more terrifying outcome to me than a civil war. At least in the latter scenario, there's some form of unity in mutual feelings. In the former, we're just cattle willing to be slaughtered.

How do I throw up the red pill? :(

There's no throwing it up now. Morpheus gave you the option and you accepted the red pill. Keep waking people up one by one.

that is officially the end of the American experiment

Wouldn't it be nice.

It should be clear to any of these politicians that trying to stop the Trump Train while it is going at this speed will only end up with them getting crushed underneath it's weight. I know they got a lot on the line, but sometimes ya just gotta stand back and lose your job instead of your credibility and possibly freedom.

These people are going to prison when Trump gets in. They're literally fighting for their lives.

Trump will still be president but don't think these people will try absolutely anything to stop themselves going to prison, up and including civil war.

Fuck... at least I think we're out of the woods for a world war... and it is getting too cold out to try for a civil war when the ones that are "right" have already won. These soft SJWs are gonna get tuckered out and the checks will start to bounce and they will just mope back to their parent's houses where they came from.

I can understand the politicians scrapping to the very end, but there is a difference between surrendering and going down shooting.

I've wondered what civil war would look like in modern day America. The biggest force that either side will try to grab is the local/State PD and Sherriff's Depts. Which ever side has them wins. If they side with TPTB then we have the final piece of proof we are living in an Orwellian nightmare.

I don't think Trump's gonna be putting any of them in prison really.

These people are going to prison when Trump gets in. They're literally fighting for their lives.

I doubt it... Trump ain't gonna do shit they aren't going to prison.

I don't know why you're being downvoted. He's already going back on a lot of the things he's said. And idk why people think Trump is going to be any different from the establishment. Just look at the guy's cabinet and it will tell you all you need to know. Trump is part of the same club as the rest of these crooks.

Glad somebody gets it.

After saying he wouldn't send Clinton to jail, what makes you think he'll spend his time dealing with the people below her?

That quote was paraphrased.

You think Trump is going to put his political opponents in jail? That's literally third world banana republic level of tyranny.

Is it tyranny if they're guilty of the crimes?

If he has a special prosecutor to specifically target his political opponents, then yes it is.

Hillary is worse

Lock that bitch the fuck up.

They're allowed to do this. This subreddit would be pissed if she had won electorally and lost the popular vote. I'm pointing this out because you'd actually be encouraging them to do it if it fit your wishes.

Doing something that is 100% legal to gain power is not a coup.

That isn't legal.

Of course it is. In most states the electors can technically vote for whomever they want. This is part of the reason many people want to get rid of the electoral college.

They're actively conspiring to steal the election.

It isn't stealing the election it they are legally allowed to do it.

Being able to change the vote outcome and steal the election in order to stop incompetent populist demagogues is one of the main reasons why the electoral college exists in the first place. Not only is it legal in many states, it's also its purpose.


Its bizarre, he has won and they are still claiming conspiracy.

Is it because they had been telling themselves for weeks it was going to be stollen, only for him to win and they still have all this pent up outrage that was going to be vented?

Is it some sort of collective narcissism, unable to accept that they aren't right and true and proper and validated by Trump winning in a landslide?

Is it a perpetual need to read plots into everything, to be the victim of der libruls, the illegals, the Jews?

I wonder what this pro domestic surveillance, pro torture, anti snowden, famous for outsourcing American jobs upper class billionaire did to convince everyone he was a man of the people.

He gave them targets to blame, normalised their pathology, told them they'd be made great again.

Here's the coup: voter suppression in the south in states like. North Carolina preventing poor and minorities from voting by limiting the number of polling stations in their neighbourhoods and limiting early voting + possible voting machine fraud in Wisconsin Michigan and Pennsylvania.

The coup has been perpetrated by the GOP. Again. It is 2000 all over again.

All of that is hard to believe with Hillary being the vetaran in all of those dirty tricks like she showed us in the primaries.

DNC staffers are on video talking about how they sign dems up to vote by mail but not republicans. afaik there's no real information about voter fraud, or voter suppression.

Hillary simply didn't get people out to vote. She's not an exciting candidate. She got something like 7-8 million fewer voters to the polls than obama in 2008... that's nobody's fault but hers and the DNC for putting forth such an impotent candidate.

hard to belive

no real information

You must live under a rock, on Mars.

Republicans have a long history of voter intimidation and suppression and fraud, Florida 2000, North Carolina republicans have boasted of suppressing black votes, and of course Steins recount.

Signing people up to vote by mail

And that's a problem?

not exciting

She's a politican not a theme park.

Now if you'd said she was a corporate stooge, then you'd have something.

7-8 million fewer

Obama got 68 million in 2008 and 65 million in 2012, and Clinton got 62 million.

Trump lost the popular vote, he shouldn't be president.

The game is scored by points, not by yards.

Thank you for playing.

Referring to the electoral college, it was designed to stop people like Trump. We'll see if it works. It would be the first time it NEEDS to work.

I'm not American nor a Trump supporter (although I'm conservative), but the electoral college is in place for a reason which I'm a sure you know and you have to agree that the founders of the US were right in implementing it otherwise Small population states would be irrelevant. Is it perfect? No. But honestly I think it's the best solution in the American situation

You're thinking of senate and representatives. It's kind of like a safe guard between the will of representatives and senators and the popular vote.

Let's say some jackass is nominated by the people because they prey on fear and ignorance, they have a history of business failure, and lie with two tongues. But the people eat it up, because they are racist, and live in an isolated culture of fear, and couldn't spend 15 minutes to learn about this persons's life and platform.

All of the other politicians and educated people know this person is a pile of rancid shit... The electoral college is there as a safeguard to make sure a QUALIFIED person is elected.

The founding fathers believed there would be a charismatic tyrant at some point.

The electoral college has a very important job to do, and I'm hoping for an unprecedented event and they do not nominate Trump.

They could give Obama two more years if they really wanted, if they could all agree.

So I'm confused, you want popular or electorate? You seem to want both

I want the most qualified person in the country to run the country. since we're not going to get that, the most qualified between the two.

I would love the popular vote, but I'd like an electoral college as well to protect us in case a populist fear mongerer that consists of 538ish highly educated and informed people to choose.

I don't think we have ever had a situation like Trump.

That quote was paraphrased.

That's honestly a more terrifying outcome to me than a civil war. At least in the latter scenario, there's some form of unity in mutual feelings. In the former, we're just cattle willing to be slaughtered.

How do I throw up the red pill? :(