Child abuse and abduction is not as much a conspiracy as it is a proven fact, with many unsolved cases. Its a law enforcement issue, and even worse, it's documented now that police and judicial efforts are intentionally in stand down mode.

154  2016-11-29 by rockytimber

So, what that means is that child abuse and abduction is likely rampant among the elite, who currently are effectively in control of the police and judicial, even the legislative and executive powers.

So, in addition to using institutions like the Federal Reserve to figuratively rape us, they are literally supporting a system that allows far too many children to fall victim.

But again, this is not really a conspiracy. All you have to do is look at the record of Hastert, Savile, Sandusky, or even Bill Cosby, or the Catholic Church, to know the system has been set up to let these types slip through, especially if they have any money, fame, or power.


correct - the only conspiracy here is the coverup

Right, it's well known that DOJ trafficks children assisted by DHHS/PD (represented by AG) through family court and probate court on the American taxpayers dollar, and launders profits through Catholic charities.

here is my working definition of pizzagate:

#pedosgate (or #pizzagate, as it is more commonly known) is i criminal conspiracy theory fueled by wikileaks' (1) release of John Podesta's emails (2). (Jon Podesta is Hillary Clinton's "right hand man" and Campaign Manager.(3)) The conspiracy theory places Podesta (and his brother Tony(4)) in a ring of criminal activity involving the abducting(5) and trafficking(6) of children for sex(7), bloodletting(8) and serial murder(9) - Madeleine McCann(10) among the theorized victims. James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong(11) (and friend to Podesta's(12)), is also theorized to be one of the central power brokers(13). (James Alefantis has publicly refuted to be untruths from fame news. (14)). The online investigation lead to the exposure of 100’s of twitter accounts that were trafficking photography documenting the entire supply chain - from the abductions(15), to the coffins (16). It is unknown is Twitter was aware of the account prior to the disclosure form online investigators, or if these accounts had been able to slip through Twitter - hence #twittergate. In the rush to purge Twitter of the associated accounts, the personal Twitter account of Jack Dorsey (founder of Square and Twitter, and who also sits on he board of Disney) was accidentally banned - but quickly re-activated.

the numbers will eventually be sources...

Not a conspiracy or not a theory?

A proven fact.

What's your definition of conspiracy?

See the side bar for this subreddit

No need, I know what it means.

See your post...

You're saying fact is the opposite of conspiracy.

As someone else said, the conspiracy of child abuse and abduction is in the system of laws, enforcement and justice, in the secrecy about covering up instances.

In other words, the instances themselves are known to be there, its mainly just hard to get at them because the system virtually protects them.

I agree. But that's not what I'm talking about.

not as much a conspiracy as a proven fact

Meaning "it's a fact, not a conspiracy". Implicating "conspiracy" cannot be "fact"

That's why I asked if you meant "conspiracy" or" theory".

You seem to think that the definition of conspiracy is something that is inherently false. That's why it seems you don't know the definition of conspiracy.

You seem to think that the definition of conspiracy is something that is inherently false.

Sorry if I gave that impression. I think conspiracies are proven fact, in many cases.

The belief in bogeymen types of superstition on the other hand, I don't call that conspiracy theory, I call that tin foil hat or religious delusion.

But in particular, a lot of the sexual predation that occurs is done by individuals, lone individuals, not groups. So that kind of rules out conspiracy.

I knew what you were getting at... con·spir·a·cy kənˈspirəsē/ noun noun: conspiracy; plural noun: conspiracies

a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
"a conspiracy to destroy the government"
synonyms:   plot, scheme, plan, machination, ploy, trick, ruse, subterfuge; informalracket
"a conspiracy to manipulate the results"
    the action of plotting or conspiring.
    "they were cleared of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice"
    synonyms:   plotting, collusion, intrigue, connivance, machination, collaboration; treason
    "conspiracy to commit murder"

Origin late Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French conspiracie, alteration of Old French conspiration, based on Latin conspirare ‘agree, plot’ (see conspire). Translate conspiracy to Use over time for: conspiracy

i think too many accusations have been taken as truth with this conspiracy. some hints of possible connection to a pedo ring are taken as truth and seen as multiple tiny pieces that add up to the suspected whole. what if some of this is just coincidence and we are simply witchhunting, just like we've seen done in the past, by only looking at evidence that confirms our suspicious?

when someone asked me today to prove pizzagate with evidence, we ended up agreeing that we there is just as much reason to believe pizzagate is real as there is to believe it isnt real. most importantly, he brought up a very very critical fact: that pizzagate assumes that literally hundreds and hundreds of people are in on this with not a single one snitching. we all know how poorly secrets are kept among 2 people, let alone hundreds. not a single whistleblower?

Oh lordy...does the military manage to keep secrets of operations? Do corporations manage as well with business secrets? Secrets are the name of the game...