Whether you like it or not, Trump is part of the establishment, and we need to do everything we can in the next 4 years to expose all of the scandals and stupid shit he's about to be involved in.

315  2016-11-30 by [deleted]



I completely agree.

Good did not win here people. Stop playing these stupid games. It was another election where people had to vote for the lesser of two evils.

Both had deep rooted conflicts of interest.

Both have enough money that makes them out of touch with middle class America.

Both have questionable relationships with horrible people.

Both are professional liars.

Now that the election is over, how silly will Trump supporters feel if they look past the rhetoric and go down the list of decision Trump will make?

how silly will Trump supporters feel if they look past the rhetoric and go down the list of decision Trump will make?

There will be a lot of cognitive dissonance going forward.

Right now, the Trump-bots are all talking about how horrible Mitt Romney is because he dared insult the God Emperor.

But if Trump includes Romney in his cabinet, watch how the Trump-bots will rationalize it and start saying how Romney isn't such a bad guy after all. It's either this or "the god emperor is playing 5D chess; he's keeping his enemies close, he's draining the swamp by putting the swamp monsters in his cabinet".

We've seen this already with several of Trump's awful cabinet picks.

same as with progressives and obama. once you are elected, the voters are no longer one of your keys to power.

That is the problem whit a dictatorship and a democracy.
You might have been picked as the person on top.
But u still need to form alliances whit the persons below.
U can not just kick every one out and start fresh.

The same amount of cognitive dissonance it takes to keep murdering, money laundering, primary cheating, has a husband who is a rapist, Hillary Clinton out of prison?

This is called a non-sequitur, something usually used by morons who don't know how to logically argue for/against something. This thread is about Trump (the president-elect) so either sit down and listen or fuck right off.

Listen to what, opinion based drivel devoid of facts or sources? Nah I'm good.

Hillary Clinton out of prison?


Reading comprehension is hard?

The same amount of cognitive dissonance it takes to keep "murdering, money laundering, primary cheating, has a husband who is a rapist" Hillary Clinton out of prison.

Does that help?

It takes cognitive dissonance to keep that woman out of prison. She is a criminal, focus on putting her in jail.

Don't worry about what Trump did, he's yet to steal money from Haiti or murder anyone and his wife isn't a rapist.

She is a criminal, focus on putting her in jail.

I've never said I intend to put her in jail. It's beyond me. Trump said he'd do it though, but then -- "surprise, surprise" -- he changed his mind. Not surprising, really, since he's a close friend of the Clintons and since he's donated huge sums to TCF and to Hillary's campaigns. The zionist billionaire is not gonna lock up a good friend; he's too busy appointing neocons, zionists, warmongers and Goldman Sachs executives to his "anti establishment" cabinet. It's called "draining the swamp", supposedly. It's what he does when he's not at AIPAC, promising to give Israel more money and start a war against Iran.

English is my second language, so sometimes I am indeed having trouble comprehending what I'm reading.

Just for the record, it's not the President's job to put Hillary Clinton in jail. He will, however, select bureaucrats who can ultimately make those types of decisions.

He said if he was President, she'd be in jail, not that he'd personally put here there (although it may have been what he implied).

The irony that Trump said he would prosecute Hillary then changing his mind because she has been through enough.

Lol cognitive dissonance much?

Bernie Sanders has enough money that makes him out of touch with the middle class.

The man eats lobster sliders and herb roadted leg of lamb on his private plane and buys himself a beach house after the election. Still, it means nothing how much money one makes.

He bought a $650k home, which is really not insane. Especially considering his wife sold her home to help pay for it. They have these things now called mortgages based on your salary and credit rating. I have one too, do you think I paid $200k in cash?

Yeah 600k for your third house is not insane.

You're right, he should have blown a bunch of investor capital on some gaudy towers and slapped his name on them.

What the fuck does that have to do with how corrupt Bernie is?

This sort of proves my point about this being a r/the_donald spinoff sub now.

Bernie sold out to hilary.

How so? He stood by what he said.

Bernie said if Hillary won he would support her. People would have shit on him if he didnt.


Wait... Im older than you and you work at a taco bell...

That sucks because my taxes are used to subsidize your lifestyle because you cant find anything other than min wage work.

Please find a real trade so you arent a leach on the system.

Lool suck bernies D some more maybe it wont get old and crusty.

Found the guy who thinks about an oldmans balls... Thats weird dude.

Do you have anything to add? Hurry up before your lunch break at taco bell is over.

Fail troll is fail

I would have to agree. You havent been able to clearly make your point you are knowingly passing along bad info (Disinfo) and you cant seem to string a sentence together without proper spelling or without writing like youre in highschool.

You fail but seriously do you have anything to add to the actual discussion? You havent addressed my points at all.

You are a millennial dude, and your inability to express your points rationally shows.

Youre obviously lonely because you have nothing better to do fag.

Yeah its a slow day at the office so Im fucking off a bit, but Im getting paid to do so.

Ive always though the dude who call others fags or gay as an insult are actually a little repressed themselves.

I mean youve brought up Bernies dick and from your post history you seem oddly fascinated with dicks and fags. Do you have something on your mind, do you think about "fags" frequently or have uncontrollable intrusive thoughts about dudes dicks?

I mean its cool if you do, more power to you. You are the only one bringing up gay stuff so... I guess youre gay?

Damn thats a long shift at taco bell. So you conceding the secret homosexuality and general lack of success?

Well that sounds about right for donald supporters...

He said he would do that if she won the primary. How else should he have handled it? Lied and then throw a hissy fit after she "won"?

Stop spreading disinfo

Bernie sanders in 2016: I endorse hilary clinton for president. How is that dis info? Stfu lool

You arent actually answering the question...

Bernie said he would endorse Hillary if she "won" how is him keeping his word mean he sold out?

Rule 4. Cut it out.

Because he didn't want to be the fucker blamed for a trump presidentcy.

I always sort of thought the_donald trolls were rooted in Hillary support - the whole 'pied piper' thing they tried to push. When you see them so vociferously arguing Democratic talking points well-used by anti-Bernie Clinton-pushing PR soldiers, you really start to wonder.

How so? A discussion on Bernie very quickly became a comparison to Trump for no reason at all. Is your argument and convictions so weak that all you can do is try to deflect?

for no reason at all

Except the users attacking Bernie for buying a 600k house and saying he was out of touch with the middle class. Compare this to the person who is going to be president and you see how it actually makes sense.

I sure would like a third house. If that's middle class then >90% of the population must be poor.

If your go to response for criticism of Bernie is: "b-b-but Trump is worse!", maybe the candidate in question is not worth defending. I would be sad if my entire existence and legitimence was defined by my enemy.

OP's post is about Trump. I didn't bring Bernie up.

I wonder what the Trump organization does?

"The company owns, operates, invests, and develops residential real estate, hotels, resorts, residential towers, and golf courses in different countries, as well as owning several hundred thousand square feet (several hectares) of prime Manhattan real estate."

Seems totally fine to use the investor capital to make the company more money. That's the whole point.

LOL, read about some of his less happy investors sometime.

My degree from Trump university is worthless!

....I mean, a lot if times politicians avoid conflict of interest accusations by tying up assets in real estate. 600k for your third home isn't that crazy when your salary is 200k a year.

I mean, a lot if times politicians avoid conflict of interest accusations by tying up assets in real estate True. I understand that point.

I don't know how true this is, but there are many articles out there saying he didn't have a regular job until he was 40.

Apparently his net worth is around 500k-1M? http://moneynation.com/bernie-sanders-net-worth/

There are just a lot of signs that state that he would not be able to comfortably afford three homes (one that cost 600k) because after taxes that 200k isn't all that much. Especially when you take into account living costs and the extra costs when financing a home.

He was a...

Senator from January 3, 2007 - Present. House Member January 3, 1991 – January 3, 2007

So not that much time to make that kind of money. Even then he recently bought that 600k home. Either it was a consolation prize or he used campaign funds to buy the home. I don't know which it is, but its suspicious timing.

He also has a wife that was pulling in about 160k being the president of Burlington College.

Add in a few decades of reasonable investments and I can see how people who were making a combined income of ~360k can afford a 600k home, a DC condo and a rental property in VT.

Glad we don't share finances. Granted Berno and his wife can easily afford that. However, most Americans who don't have Dr in front of their name cannot. Personally, I'd rather have the deed to my lesser home than a fat mortgage on a "look at me house".

A $200k home in some parts of the US is no mansion.

Absolutely true, I don't think you can get a decent trailer in San Diego for that coin.

Sorry i should have specified that he isnt out of touch. What im getting at is he and his wife have enough money and assets to bump them out of the "middle class", especially when comparing to you and I.

But like my last sentence says, how much money someone makes means nothing. Just because you are in a different tax bracket doesnt mean you are completely out of touch with those in who are poorer than you.


Flying on a private jet for a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet the pope and buying a home worth less than 1 million is not a display of wealth.

How can you even sit there and type that knowing that you're comparing that to the wealth of the Clintons and Trumps? Absolutely baffling!

I never said anything about Bernie wanting to display wealth. Someone could buy a house for 250000 to show off wealth. But honestly compared to the average middle class citizen, would a house that was bought for 650k be realistically affordable? And really it doesnt matter.

Also, Im not comparing their wealth. Im saying Bernie has enough money and assets to be considered upper class. As does Trump. But both he and Trump resonate and connect with the less fortunate. Someones wealth doesnt determine that they are a bad person whether they are a millionaire or billionaire

What numbered house was this for Bernie again? It's certainly not going to be his primary residence. Everyone forgets to mention this.

Has nothing to do with what im saying. Idc if Bernie bought another house im just pointing out that Bernies wealth is more than a middle class person.

I was adding to your comment.

Much obliged

Bernie Sanders has enough money that makes him out of touch with the middle class.

He has a track record that proves this statement to be utterly ludicrous.

He didn't even get a fucking job until 40. Guy is a bum.

You dont understand what i mean. Bernie and his wifes net worth is more than likely far off from being in the middle class, but he still resonates with the poorer and less wealthy. As does Trump. Doesnt matter how much money you have.

It's funny how Trump supporters keep using deflection instead of owning up. Hillary is not president, Bernie is not president. This is the alt-right rhetoric. When he says flag burners need to go to jail and lose citizenship it doesn't matter who else said it, HE DID and HE is now your president.

Ahh yes u/honkimon. I remember you. You are the one that falsely claimed Trump wanted to "hand the keys over" to evangelicals once he gets into office. Then continued to make it about race, inferencing that only white ppl can be hardcore evangelicals or christians. But nevertheless, i digress.

Now onto the point at hand. What does this have to do with anything I said? Not once did I comment on his flag burning comment? I suggest you read some of the responses i left to other users on this thread.

It has to do with your deflection. WTF does Bernie have to do with the subject of OPs post? Own up to your candidates shitty policies. I'm sure you're ok with creationists influencing policy and people that hate gays running health. EVANGELICALS. First we're going to go to prison for dissent, next it'll be all non white christians. I stand behind my comments that YOU'RE lord and savior is a piece of shit. This has nothing to do with anyone but him and his appointees and until you can own up to the bad decisions he's making you're not being critical enough.

The guy is literally trying to deflect your point about calling out his deflection

And his hit squad has finally showed up to downvote me. Good times /r/conspiracy, good times.

Once again read one of my 3 or 4 responses to other users about my statement, as it puts it into context a little bit.

Trump has some really good policies, as most of them tend to lean towards a free market solution. Hes a bit hawkish when it comes to security, but its all in good faith. As long as he stays within the parameters of the constitution i cant argue.

Also it seems as if you have a serious problem with people whom are religious or believe in any god. With your statement about you getting thrown in jail and non white christians, again, you are bringing race into it, just feeding into MSM liberal talking points like Pence wants to throw gays into camps and Trump wants to deport all muslims.

I have a problem with religious people who use it as an excuse to oppress others. Why won't you answer to his creationist and anti gay appointees? I can only assume it's because you agree with them. I don't buy into any MSM, I buy into human rights and not turning back social progress back to the 50s because this is about all us middle class people get from our corporate government.

I am all for free market and trade reform but this is about as far as I agree with any of his "policies". I could give two shits about immigration reform, it's very small potatoes. You're the one that has bought into his hate and fear tactics. If you are following along with the vein of this subreddit (just to remind you, this is /r/conspiracy.) 9/11 was an inside job as well as any other massively publicized terror attack brought on to the western world and any terror attack or organization poking their boogie man heads up in the middle east was invented by the same ilk that did 9/11 to further their agenda of control. 9/11 being an inside job negates any argument for a wall or bolstering our already massive military industrial machine. Trump is a insecure feeble little man who at one point may have thought he stood a chance to make things right but the only way to make this country right is to hang the 1% and guillotine all in washington who vote against the interest of the many for the greed of the few. Trump is a greedy fucking twerp and will merely use this opportunity for his gain.

If you can't be critical of the man which I have not seen you do once in any of our crossed paths then you have bought into the alt-right's talking points. I don't put my head in an echosphere for information, I am objective, I am pointing out that policies like forcing creationism into public schools and abstinence only are disasters and far from progress. I am upset that Trump appoints people that contribute to anti gay groups is wrong. If you are for these things I can and will not see eye to eye with you.

Ok. Who is anti gay or creationist out of his 3 appointees so far? Not to mention that you fail to realize Trumps position on gay marriage and other social issues are more in common with progressivee than old guard republicans. And once again, your claims about education are completely backwards like i tried to explain to you the last time we debated about this.

Also, i know full well 9/11 was an inside job. To what extent? No one really knows. You dont know, i dont know. We just smell something fishy. But guess what, so does Trump.

And just because many major events like this couldve been false flags or hoaxes, does not mean immigration isnt an important issue or that there arent any extremists whatsoever in the world.

The problem is illegal immigration. Not only does a pourous border leave members of ISIS or other extremists in, but also other regular common folk, that lowers wages here all the while sending remittance back home. Immigration is more important policy than most people think.

But i just want to say lastly, i can be very critical of Trump. I dont like that hes playing with Romney or Patreus as SoS. Although its probably just another strategy point. I dont like his hawkish security positions, thats where is authoritarianism can come in. Thankfully im sure he will stay within his constitutionality for decisions he makes.

But honestly alot of you guys on here are taking the criticism a little too far. By all means critique and debate, but the man hasmt done anything yet, hasnt even been inaugurated yet and you guys act as if he just opened up concentration camps all the time.

Than many of you, not you specifically, sit there and act like a guy who basically robbed millions of good honest people of their money, while acting like hes the next revolutionary, completely gave up on his own message. This subs gibes me alot of mixed emotions and it doesnt make sense half the time.

Hopefully you're right. But strategy or not, he's not going to threaten my constitutional rights on twitter and get away with it

I hope im right too. Because honestly i dont know.

But just remember, hes isnt president yet. If he ACTUALLY does violate our rights, ill be right there with you, but for now reserve the crucifixion until he actually commits treason or something. So far, with him just being the president-elect, hes already making moves. I have faith that Trump is going to be one of the good ones, or atleast better than Bush or Obama.

You two deflect like you're playing pong

How am i deflecting? Im responding to someones elses comment?

Not even nearly on par with DT wealthwise. But if you want comparisons that matter, Bernie has invested his entire life in helping his fellow Americans. His track record in this regard is long and wide.

DT by contrast seems to have a track record for enriching himself at the expense of others. Not sure how on earth he'd suddenly have an ephiphany in this regard.

Really because theres plenty of stories where Trump uses his wealth to help people out. Hes been doing that for years.

Watch that episode of Maury, its pne small example

Not exactly what I'd call a guy who's fully committed himself to the cause of serving the US constitution and his fellow Americans as a life long career.

And regardless of how we slice boar here, it's widely accepted that we had two of the shittiest and most divisive presidential candidates - possibly in history. No matter who won, it was going to be one of the shittiest candidates in history.

The day 2 state hasn't somehow elevated that state of shittiness.

Well Trump is giving his life up to serve the American people, as far as i can see, for our best interest. He could just ride out the rest of his years in style, but decised to run for president. But as far as his education policy goes to his tax reforms to immigration reform, many of his policies are both constitutional and for the good of the people.

A huge problem with people thinking Trump is extremely divisive and racist and xenophobic and every other ist that people called him and his supporters, is the media. Which we know Clinton had in the bag.

Trump is what we call a pied piper candidate, this was in the DNC hacks. The media propped up Cruz Carson and Trump to let them become front runners, than when the nominee started to be chosen from that group, they start the media witch hunt. Almost nothing about Trumps policies are racist or xenophobic or anything like that.

Trump has a track record of fucking over the American worker where as Bernie has spent his 20 year tenure in Congress pushing bills to help them. Please stop with this false equivalency, it's fucking embarrassing.

Bernie spent the ladt year playing poor hopeful people like a fiddle. He played along with the game and completely undermined his own message.

Bernie write bills that helped the american people you say? Sure its his job. Like his first job ever.

Also, you seem to look past alot of the good things Trump has done for people around the world using his own money and resources. But i guess those dont count.

he sold his old house to buy this beach house.

I also agree he needs to be held to a very high standard. I'm still not sure about his intentions though, I'm still holding on to the hope that he genuinely wants to drain the swamp. He campaigned on things like congressional term limits, auditing the Fed and banning former representatives from becoming lobbyists. If he accomplishes any one of these things I'll be thrilled.

Term limits do not limit corruption it just shifts more power from elected to unelected persons (lobbyists, campaign professionals, fundraisers, donors, consultants). California has term limits, go check out how well it is working for them corruption wise.

What about auditing the fed or banning lobbyist?

The lobbyist thing is solid. I have little hope in a government run audit of the fed turning up much that's useful. Not against it in theory, but implementation seems dicey.

I think it's a very dangerous move but the fact that he has even suggested it as pres. elect is a positive sign. The Fed needs to be a topic of discussion in every political debate.

You can easily work around the "lobbyist thing" by simply not identifying as a lobbyist and instead a consultant, adviser and etc. etc. It's shit.

There is no silver bullet to ending influence peddling, but I'm all for making it harder.

well not much dirt was found ( except corporate dirt / scams ) about trump.
He,s not been linked to murders yet ( like hills body bag list )
There is some info about him and the pedo express but that is still kinda cloudy.
The thing is the media and loads of other players where against him.
And all the stuff they attacked him on was kinda low compared to Hillary,s shit list.
I do agree trump needs to be toughly scanned.
But anything that has to do whit corporate scams and tax evasion is a mute point sins well every one that can would do those things ( and law allowed it so mhe )

Wikileaks begged people to turn in evidence on Trump, too bad they were busy examining the DNC for murder, pay to play, and a child pedophile ring.

Damn that Trump!

People might find it difficult to believe Trump is just that clean. I mean if there was real dirt don't you think the establishment would have used it? They resorted to false rape accusations towards the end. He was the better choice compared to Hillary. And were seeing now that even Jill Stein was a Soros minion so we didn't have any real other choices.

I think it's hilarious watching all of these "tolerant" people throw a hissy fit because they aren't getting their way.

We have to stop him! (Why because he goes against your personal ideology?)

The democracy has spoken, but typically like most Americans, they need to be fully involved in the process so they can feel some form of personal control, the same phenomena leaders experience when they go into countries all over the world and try to keep their hands directly on the power structure of various nations.

The election is over. Trump is going to be president, the more you undermine him the worse of a job he will do, that doesn't mean people can say I told you so if he fails.

Bill Clinton is a rapist, he's not going back to the white house. The Clinton Foundation is a money laundering scheme, it's being investigated, the Clinton family may be associated with murder, it is being investigated.

Everyone else, get the fuck over it.

While I agree that we should all be aware and on the lookout for corruption and misdealings all the time, where was this enthusiasm when obama was in? I certainly did not see anything close to what trump is now getting, which makes me highly suspicious of all of these cries to rally focus.

What exactly has driven you to speak out now? And are you sure the media was not behind this? We should all be skeptical of our news and make sure we do our own research... and if you see almost all of the establishment pushing in one direction, you better be damn sure to try finding what they are hiding or why they are trying to manipulate you.

Donald Trump is worth 10x what Hillary Clinton is, and she stole all of her money from Haiti and other charities.

She's associated with the murders of at least a half dozen people.

But yes, it's just awful how Trump wants America to obey federal immigration policy. What a racist!

You're in the wrong sub, this is basically a satellite of r/the_donald now.

It's really weird because Trump has a ton of conflicts of interest right now. That's top level conspiracy material and nowhere to be seen here.


Unfortunately, word gets out and Trump PR and useful idiots would infiltrate immediately, the same way they have here.


Unfortunately, word gets out and Trump PR and useful idiots would infiltrate immediately, the same way they have here.

Very true. And most stories in this sub revolve around a single subject. No mention of the conflicts. No mention of the ghouls DT is surrounding himself with. Nada.


He's already been caught on tape telling some wall street execs he'll help them out.

Spreading lies. Huh. You do know that would be the ONLY thing on the news if it was even remotely true, right?


Wikileaks have already shown us that the mainstream media is all lies. You are clearly spreading disinformation.


Vague claims are always a staple of your kind.

"You know, that one video!!! (that doesn't exist)"

You're not fooling anyone. Especially on this subreddit.

Link the video or shut up

He can't. Surprise.



Rule 10, first warning. Take these comments elsewhere.

just edit it

I can't edit comments other than my own.

Right, user agreements... i member

Interesting. Where's the tape. I would love to hear it? Was it before or after he won the election? The Trump supporters are going to also shit on Trump if he doesn't follow through with his promises. He was THE candidate for change and Hillary wasn't. That is why he won the presidency.


Then it should be VERY easy to post a link to it.

You seem to be among those that missed the whole point of why CTR was such a big deal on here. Both sides have armies of shills pushing their narratives with equal vigour and anyone who thinks otherwise is dangerously naive. By concentrating on the Clinton campaign's outed shills, Trump's shills managed to deflect attention away from themselves. Now that the election is over, CTR's job is largely done but Trump's shrill orange spinsters are just getting started for an eight-year run. Politics is conspiracy.

Funny, because I was called a CTR shill on here every day since she won the primary.

Let me guess, the people saying that are also justifying Trump's proposed cabinet picks as good business decisions to lure the swamp-lurkers into his trap.

Honest-to-god explanation I saw yesterday: "Trump is such an outsider he has to appoint insiders to maintain his legit outsider status. If he appointed other outsiders, he wouldn't be an outsider anymore, he'd be an insider of outsiders."

Like, how do you go through life contorting your thinking that way? It's just sad.

I can make up shit to fit my narrative too.

Making shit up to support a narrative. It's just sad.

Why and how in the world would I make up something so ridiculous? Those kind of mental gymnastics? Sorry, don't have time for that.

Hope your god king sends you the kneepads you so justly deserve.

Why and how in the world would I make up something so ridiculous?

Because you have a clear bias against Trump?

Yes, because the man is an idiot that makes Clinton look less corrupt (that is SOMETHING), I spent twenty minutes trying to come up with a convoluted way to justify his hilariously establishment cabinet picks.

Since you're obviously quite invested in slobbering his knob, can you tell me why YOU believe his cabinet picks show he's not corrupted to the hilt? You must have a better talking point than those poor fools I've seen around here today giving the "he can't be an outsider if other outsiders are involved" response given your zeal in here.

I can't take you seriously when you say Trump makes Clinton look less corrupt. I guess you're uninformed about the wikileaks. You owe it to yourself to start looking into them.

Classic shill misdirection/false equivalence below my comment.

I know all about Clinton's corruption - you don't just need Wikileaks here (and I know plenty about that), and I was one of the biggest sharers of Clinton's corruption (which we all know is voluminous) here, and anyone with eyes knows Trump blows her crooked ass out the water. Which is why I said what I said because it's true.

But I note your deflection, so I'll put you down on the little sheet in my brain as: refuses to answer the question as to why you believe his cabinet picks are proof he's "draining the swamp." Which seriously, is sadder than the guy or gal yesterday with their outlandish insider-outsider theory.

I figured you had a pat talking point for that or had something you actually believed. Now I'm left thinking I need to ask you this question because you remind me of a few folks I've met here in the past:

Are you being materially compensated (i.e., even something like a free t-shirt would count here ) for the time you spend on Reddit?

Nothing here to see.

Have you not gone through Trump's emails?

I noticed you edited this to dis me while avoiding my questions - very slippery and sketch, a tactic I've actually seen CtR use! :) Too funny. Stop the deflection, it's the same way GMO trolls roll - I checked your history, you don't seem to work for them, so it's weird you're using their tactics.

I'll try again to get a straight answer from you, since you're babysitting the thread, there's no reason you shouldn't be able to answer:

1) Why do you think Trump's cabinet picks aren't an indication of him being establishment?

2) Are you being materially compensated for the time you spend on Reddit?


BTW the word "shill" was originally made up by r/the_donald

Fucking liar.


The origin of the term "shill" is uncertain; it may be an abbreviation of "shillaber." The word originally denoted a carnival worker who pretended to be a member of the audience in an attempt to elicit interest in an attraction. Some sources trace the usage back to 1914.

They're in here thicker than a GMO PR rep triggered by "glyphosate." It's kind of funny, really, or would be, if it didn't make this place so lame and boring.

Trump and his inner circle have more connections to the child pedo operations than the podesta emails. It will all exposed eventually.

Where are these connections? By all means link them and i'll back you up on spreading this. But i've been following pizzagate since the beginning and have not seen any major connections. Don't spread misinformation please.

Ignoring the obvious Jeffrey Epstein for now, lets focus first on Rudy Giuliani, longtime Trump Friend and who is currently being considered for Secretary of State, Rudy headed the "investigation" into the pedophile operations at West Point in the 1980's. Despite overwhelming evidence, Giuliani did not secure a single indictment and in fact facilitated the protection of the ring:

The West Point case, among others, was alleged to be linked to the Presidio case. As The Times Herald Record reported in June 1991, the "incidents [at the West Point Child Development Center] unfolded against a backdrop of satanic acts, animal sacrifices and cult-like behavior among the abusers, whose activities extended beyond the U.S. Military Academy borders to Orange County and a military base in San Francisco, parents charged." The case first broke in July 1984, when a three-year-old girl found herself in the emergency room of the West Point Hospital with a lacerated vagina. She told the examining physician that a teacher at the daycare center had hurt her. The next month, the parents of another child leveled accusations of abuse at the center. As the Mercury News reported, "by the end of the year, 50 children had been interviewed by investigators. Children at West Point told stories that would become horrifyingly familiar. They said they had been ritually abused. They said they had had excrement smeared on their bodies and been forced to eat feces and drink urine. They said they were taken away from the day care center and photographed."

Despite abundant medical and psychological evidence and literally dozens of child witnesses, and despite "950 interviews by 60 FBI agents assigned to the investigation," the investigation, "led by former U.S. Attorney [and future mayor] Rudolph Giuliani" produced "no federal grand jury indictments," according to the Herald Record. "In 1987, Giuliani said his detailed investigation showed only one or two children were abused." Giuliani's contention was directly contradicted by an independent investigation, as the Herald report divulged: "a still-secret, independent report - produced by one of the nation's top experts on child sexual abuse - confirms the children's accusations of abuse."


It would later emerge that one of Giuliani's "oldest friends" is Fr. Alan Placa, a Catholic priest implicated in pedophile operations:

Rudy Giuliani's consulting firm, Giuliani Partners, has for years employed a Catholic priest who was accused by a grand jury of orchestrating the over-up of nearly 60 separate molestations allegation -- a priest who allegedly partook of the activities himself. The priest, Alan Placa, is one of Giuliani's oldest friends; in turn, Giuliani has become Placa's highest-profile defender.


Trump started a modeling agency to have sex with underage women. Where do people think his current wife came from?

All of the modeling agencies, and trumps isn't without its own drama, are extremely sketchy.

Because of the fake news constantly pumped against trump I'm not sure I can believe the accusations brought up recently. Those agencies do have a pattern of abuse though. Doubtful trumps was any different.

He met Melenia after she moved into the U.S. in 1996, when she was 26.

And where did you get this fact that he started a modeling agency to have sex with underage women? You shouldn't be spreading misinformation. Thanks

My bad that does seem to be the case and I made a leap of faith I shouldn't have.

I still contend all those modeling agencies are basically a form of sex trafficking. John Casablancas, who created the template for them, was a huge fucking scumbag.

It's just completely ridiculous that we have legitimate evidence of a mass pedophile ring in washington and the guy who just took on the establishment and stopped some of them from controlling our country this election cycle is getting accused of "having more connections to the child pedo operations" than the podestas. With absolutely 0 proof backing it up.

And knowing Casablancas well, knowing exactly what happened between Casablancas and his young models, Trump sent his daughter to work with him at 13! So fucked up, all of it.


Cause mobile. 😶

Thank goodness we have you to expose it all. /s

Well its not like his supporters are capable of critical thinking and being unbiased.

Thankfully the left and the MSM is full of critical thinking, unbiased individuals or we'd be in serious trouble. /s

Well we both know you certainly aren't. (No sarcasm intended).

You are filled with so much knowledge. (sarcasm intended)

Last Word.

Yup, this isn't Bernie Sanders we're talking about. Trump is a billionaire with global connections, someone who is just as corruptible, if not more so than someone like Clinton. And he's been setting off red flags ever since he became president elect with his cabinet appointments.

The idea that this dude is anti-establishment is laughable. His entire bid was an ego trip and now he's in over his head, ready to be exploited by the neocons he's surrounding himself with. I'm afraid everyone was played, including Trump himself.

Is this the same Bernie who endorsed the establishment candidate? The same guy who took over 200M from his donors and probably rolled over and gave it to the DNC/Hillary? Same guy who got a nice 600k consolation house in Vermont and who took his family and others on a vacation to Italy using his campaign funds?

Wake up. Hillary, Bernie and most people in washington are basically two sides of the same coin.


I don't see any Globalists in his picks.

Nope, nothing wrong with my eyes. What the fuck kind of argument is that?

There must be something wrong with your eyes... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

There all Roman Catholics and Jesuits...

But Bernie Sanders is perfect?

Edit: He endorsed Clinton. I wasn't using him as a strawman, I was responding to your comment insinuating he was some kind of saint.

This is a poor strawman, of course he's not perfect. He's just not a billionaire with global connections/interests, someone who is the literal antithesis to anyone who even remotely believes in the conspiracy of a totalitarian world government.

I was slightly optimistic following the election, that maybe he actually believed what he was preaching but it's now blatantly obvious that he was pandering to the highest degree. He's not even in charge, Pence has headed the transition team and it shows.

Bernie Sanders endorsed THE establishment candidate.

Stop spreading disinfo.

I don't think you know what the establishment is.

Actually, not at all.

Stop trying to get people to illicit false feelings and get them to disregard facts.

Ah D. Trump, the billionaire clinton donor and family friend who people think will "take on the corrupt billionaires and clinton donors in power".

who people HOPE.
Whit trump they have a small chance of hope.
Whit Clinton it was 100% not gonna happen

there's as much hope with trump as with obama, which is to say none/zero, and there is no hope until people stop thinking that their political salvation lies in a millionaire/billionaire running for a single office once every 4 years. none.

the 5 yr ban on lobieng is a good thing.
the push for voter id as well.

Hope got someone else elected, remember? :o

How can people not see this? Just look at all the big donors that are getting a place in his cabinet.

This world is in serious danger of his climate change policy.

How and why?


Clinton may say she believes in climate change, but the reality is, she would have done just as much about it as Trump. She is a fracking salesmen with no intention of disappointing her fossil fuel friends.


Agree, Americans had to pick the lesser evil and so far I think they've chosen right, but Trump is no walk in the park.

this !

Trump is establishment? The fuck are you smoking?

The establishment HATE him!

He Began His Career at Goldman Sachs Before Working for the George Soros-Funded OneWest Bank Group LLC

Something that Soros FUNDED. He didn't work FOR Soros. FROM YOUR OWN LINK. BOOM. Narrative destroyed. Also, if you look into it, the source is Politico. Known Clinton/Soros disinformation outlet. You should know better.

You mean the guy who just appointed an ex-Soros hedge fund lackey, and Goldman Sachs insider Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of Treasury?

How are you going to spin it when he names Romney SoS?

Lol sit the fuck down.

Only Globalists are 'the establishment'. I suggest educating yourself.

Lol sit the fuck down.

Mnuchin is the epitome of a "Globalist". Are you purposely acting dense or are you just a retard?

What makes him a Globalist? Go ahead. I'll wait.

He Began His Career at Goldman Sachs Before Working for the George Soros-Funded OneWest Bank Group LLC

Something that Soros FUNDED. He didn't work FOR Soros. FROM YOUR OWN LINK. BOOM. Narrative destroyed. Also, if you look into it, the source is Politico. Known Clinton/Soros disinformation outlet. You should know better.


Working for someone doesn't mean they believe their boss's ideology. The dangerous thing about Soros is that he's a sociopath.

Everybody donated to Hillary at some point. It's how you had to get things done because of how entrenched the Clinton Foundation is in the government. Can't you use any critical thinking skills?


Do you really think that ANYONE could work for him, especially in such a high profile position, and NOT be under his thumb?

He's not god. Soros is an expert in regards to bringing down countries. There's no ability he has to keep people loyal 100%, however.


I glanced at your posts. You are spreading disinformation.

redditor for 6 days - okay.

He Began His Career at Goldman Sachs Before Working for the George Soros-Funded OneWest Bank Group LLC

Something that Soros FUNDED. He didn't work FOR Soros. FROM YOUR OWN LINK. BOOM. Narrative destroyed. Also, if you look into it, the source is Politico. Known Clinton/Soros disinformation outlet. You should know better.

How the fuck are you falling for the lies of the media?



I disproved your shit, and you're reeling away. This is hilarious. I have found my own way.

I explained how I used critical thinking to come to my conclusions. It is telling that you cannot refute my last post; just ignored what I posted and attempted to bait me with the same talking points you used since the beginning.

You're kidding right? He managed a credit fund for George Soros.

I'm embarrassed for you.

Yeah, that doesn't make you a Globalist. Being a Globalist means you ascribe to a certain ideology, aka communism.

Not EVERYONE who worked for Soros believes in the communist/globalist bullshit.

Oof, you poor son of a bitch.

Not EVERYONE who worked for Soros believes in the communist/globalist bullshit.

Please find issue with this statement.

If you can find him openly advocating for open borders and other Globalist shit, then I will totally believe you. Talking about Mnuchin.

So you're telling me that the only person you are willing to apply nuance to in this thread is George Soros.


Has Mnuchin ever advocated for any communist/globalist goals, either through his actions or words? If he has, I want to learn about it.

Again, that doesn't make him Globalist, shill below me.


Note that Trump himself took money from UBS and Deutsche Bank. So much for "non-globalist".

You really don't have to push that Sisyphian boulder up the hill anymore, because nobody believed you in the first place.

Has Mnuchin ever advocated for any communist/globalist goals, either through his actions either through his actions..

Yes, he worked with George Soros.

You're argument is akin to "Water isn't wet!" I just hope not all Trump supporters are as retarded as you or we're in trouble.

Working with Soros doesn't automatically mean you follow those ideologies.

Yeah, we're in trouble.

No, you're just stuck in a place of fear where you automatically everything is going to shit because you have the critical thinking skills of a social justice warrior.


Has the swamp started draining yet? Cause all I see is it getting deeper and dirtier.

He isn't the fucking president yet. Can you please explain what you are seeing that is deeper and dirtier?

What Globalists has he picked? Stop spreading disinfo

Wilbur Ross? Mnunchin? These guys are what? Do some research.

They're not Globalists. Do some research. Do you even know what a Globalist is?

I know you don't want to be wrong but you are.

I don't care about being wrong or right.

The facts are, they're not Globalists. Sorry if that hurts your narrative.

You don't know what you're talking about. I don't have a narrative, parrot.


Tell me what makes his appointees part of 'the establishment.'

Then describe what 'the establishment' is.

....I mean if reports of his considering Stephen Mnuchin for treasury are true it will be pretty telling. Basically handing Goldman Sachs the treasury (not saying the banks haven't already had it)

The only thing that matters is if Stephen Mnuchin is a globalist. From what I know he quit Sachs years ago, but of course we must remain vigilant.


Tell me what makes his appointees part of 'the establishment.'

Then describe what 'the establishment' is.

You made the claim first that they were 'establishment.' By the way, working under a certain person does not make you 'part of the establishment.'

I'll do it for you.

Know what makes you part of the establishment? Aligning with globalists.

Know what makes you against the establishment? Speaking out against the globalists.


He's not even President yet. Stop with the concern trolling.

Neocons are all over him, and they're as much a part of the establishment as neolibs. We're talking Bush's bitches.

Neocons are all over him

Like who?

Well no shit were going into a maunder minimum. Will be the worst one since the the mini ice age in the 1800s.

joe_jaywalker, I've seen your dishonesty around these parts.

I expect Trump to do some great things in office which will be almost entirely overshadowed by all of the terrible things that happen due to his or his administration's malign or negligent acts as well as naturally due to how fucked the world is anyway.

That's a far more realistic view than I see the majority brandishing (omg ww3!). I bet the trump government will either be unremarkable or excellent in terms of growing american power and prosperity. I don't understand why so many people's view of the world hinges on Trump being stupid... he would not be here today if he was stupid.

The best thing we could see is that he is playing the game by his own rules. This makes the establishment worry due to the lack of control they really are. This makes him a good president in terms of actual power. The past ones is just puppets

The worst thing we could see is the same: he is playing by his own rule. We dont know how shits will look like and prepare for it. This makes him a bad president in terms of policies. Who the hell knows what he is up to, and why? And this uncertainty is pretty scary.

Overall, this makes the hopes high and expectations low tho.


You need to give it time. Whats the point of arguing so much about this when the man hasnt got into office yet. The sitting POTUS is still allowing children to be bombed, protesters to be beaten, treating whistleblowers like shit, etc. Pizzagate evidence is being vaporized!!! (a little /s)

Also, how come people who can realize that most of what these politicians push through as law, ie war on drugs, ends up being a ploy to divert funds from the majority to a tiny minority, yet when it comes to "climate change" suddenly every piece of shit politician is working for the common good? The cognitive dissonance is astonishing. Think about the term, its completely inocuous and neutral, yet evokes religious levels of apolyptic fervor, to the point where people give up their sovereignty. Global climate agreements arent ratified for a reason.

Pollution, deforestation, animal poaching... all horrible. But I'm not sure what to think about the changes in weather. Weather is not climate, by the way.

When I hear the words "99% of experts agree..." attatched to any claim, my bullshit meter goes up. Maybe yours should, too.

Edit: Aw, jeez! Thanks for my very first gold!

Your concern trolling is so obvious.

Err.... The cabinet is pretty segmented. U got the loyalist (pretty much those who will agree with him no matter what), the coporationist (confusion setting and ruse tactic) and the one in between (who the hell knows what those guys would do). It's the basic "play by my own rule" style. Nobody knows what he is really up to. And I mean nobody really knows. He has thrown a lot of smoke bombs lately. Looking at reddit, nobody focus on his meeting with Gary Cohn and everyone just focus on him commenting about the flag burning. This makes this guy dangerous as fuck since maybe everything he revealed is just that: smoke bombs. Hard to say tho.....

How about trying not to get jfked?

100%. It's okay to be enthusiastic about a candidate or a president, but once people become too stubborn in their devotion to a candidate or party and fail to see what is really going on... then it is over.

First and foremost there ain't no fucking wall being built. Mexico aint paying shit. Second the swamp is looking like a expansion, I mean shit how many shitbirds is he gonna list before the Trump party supporters say this is Bush squared. Not to mention the conflict of intrests already occuring with the hotel fiasco. He tweets like a drunken college student about shit not based in any reality. How you gonna shit on the election results that made you the winner. I am starting to wonder if its just that Alex Jones effect. You got everything you wanted and more but have no clue how to be rational or funtcional so you play this victim attack shit constantly. Infrastructure plan? Obama tried that for eight years. It goes on and on. However what I am seeing on reddit is this cancer of denial that everything is not okay.

We've got a creationist as the head of education, an abstinence only advocate as the head of health, and our supreme court is getting bombed back to the 50s. Sorry gays and women, our new president will be doing things on his terms. Fuck this country

Yuhp. I'm kind of clinging to pg so hard so I don't have to focus on the reality of what hellish nightmare is to come

There will never be an end loose enough to unravel this clusterfuck, whether it be PG, 9/11, you name it. Loose ends go missing and forgotten and then it's business as usual. We either need some generous country to bomb the fuck out of our leaders or a coup from the inside to give this country back to the people.

I think that's part of the technique - bury us in corruption and scandal so that we're just exhausted and give up and stop paying attention to them. Worked for the Clintons and holy hell, has Trump blown them out of the water in that respect. There is just so much on either of them that when people say, "name one thing," you're left spluttering because you can count off ten things and barely scratch the surface (and that's how you know the people that counter like that are completely disingenuous - you can easily get 10+ mainstream news sources to confirm more than 10 different things Clinton or Trump have done that would get us put in PMITA prison in less than five minutes' Googling!).

the weird satirical Murica rhetoric over at that sub is getting really facist. they just want to see the world burn and they hide behind jokes.

If some of the threats I've received in PM are any indication, they mistakenly believe they'll be on the jackboots' side and won't end up as fodder themselves. They obviously haven't done any close-reading of historical precedent...

they're lowbrow authoritarians. they'll be excited about playing brownshirt and rounding up all the undesirables, until they realize that THEY'RE the undesirables. hoo rah

No, the market is thriving because we just avoided fucking WWIII.


Hey disinfo guy.

that's disinfo bot - to be exact

edit: bit/bot

He's a conman who speaks the working class vernacular

also an Epstein pal, so the rich had made sure whoever won they were blackmailable.

It's changing. There was a time around the election when saying anything negative about trump got you labeled as a shill or CTR. This is a subreddit for conspiracies and people sort of just let it happen as if nothing was going on. It was eerie. Did people really think Trump didn't have his own version of CTR? Or did people not want to speak out against the mob?

Redditor for 27 days, seems legit

So what? What does that change about anything

These are obvious CTR accounts. Him and a couple others are astroturfing this sub tonight

I know. :) I spend my time calling em' out. They could be any number of people; more than just CTR is here.

Isn't it interesting how the shills on reddit always seem to have a different political opinion than you?

Yeah, I get called a shill, CTR, all kinds of shit for posting actual common sense or just plain facts. It all started with pizza gate and the fanatics have just pushed harder. I really used to like this sub but lately its been in denial. I mean Trump threw Patreaus name to see how much flack he would get. I used to lurk and learn. Guess I gotta start posting

That's the point isn't it? To nudge everyone one step towards "compliant citizens of the left, until everything they believe is false." (Wikileaks and shit)

You don't know that.

The true revolutionary leader of the USA (when he arrives) won't be standing infront of a flag with a gold trim.

the true revolution will happen wen people stand up and understand they HOLD THE POWER to everything.
The people if they want can stand up and kick the whole government ( inc fbi cia and so on ) out of power and start a fresh.
To bad they continue to get divided by stupid shit like religion skin coller and left vs right Bshit

agree: he is "a member of the club". i think things will get worse & not just the economy (which isn't his fault, but some think he was "allowed" to be POTUS for a reason)

Trump is distant (19th) cousin to Hilary, like all the POTUS --- are related (bloodline), just saying.


Try applying that skepticism to climate change.

No. You cant deny climate change or say anything bad about islam. Those 2 "religions" are off limits. /s

I voted for him so that we could hold him accountible. As we should. We have a better chance of controling him because of the contention surrounding him and his relative outsider status. The Clinton's have too much momentum. We made the right move. Now we just have to follow through.

We have a zero chance of controlling either Clinton or Trump; they're both controlled be the establishment. The only difference is that Trump's party wants to bring us back to 1950.

LOL do you realize how retarded you sound?


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

The choice between Clinton and Trump is like being given a choice to be dipped into a vat of acid, or boiling oil. Both suck so just surprise me. I knew Trump was shit for sure when he picked Mike pence the private prison supporter.

Except nothing needs to be done about Trump at all until Hillary Clinton is locked in prison for the dozen felonies shes committed.

Quit shilling and moving the goal posts, one person at a time.

Trump isn't even as bad as you say, you literally just posted a bunch of unverified opinions.

NOOOOooo Trump is our HEROOO

hillary is this you? another try in 4 years?


Fair enough but if he turns out to do a good job font fabricate it to look otherwise, if he fucks up tho be my guest.

I'm down. I've known that this two party system has one sick puppeteer for some time now, so i have no affiliations. Now that the shills paychecks have run dry and they've slunk off, we can get back to work in relative peace.

Yes the 1000 Indiana workers agree with you too.....


I can make up shit to fit my narrative too.

Making shit up to support a narrative. It's just sad.

LOL, read about some of his less happy investors sometime.

Has Mnuchin ever advocated for any communist/globalist goals, either through his actions either through his actions..

Yes, he worked with George Soros.

You're argument is akin to "Water isn't wet!" I just hope not all Trump supporters are as retarded as you or we're in trouble.

Trump started a modeling agency to have sex with underage women. Where do people think his current wife came from?

All of the modeling agencies, and trumps isn't without its own drama, are extremely sketchy.

Because of the fake news constantly pumped against trump I'm not sure I can believe the accusations brought up recently. Those agencies do have a pattern of abuse though. Doubtful trumps was any different.

Once again read one of my 3 or 4 responses to other users about my statement, as it puts it into context a little bit.

Trump has some really good policies, as most of them tend to lean towards a free market solution. Hes a bit hawkish when it comes to security, but its all in good faith. As long as he stays within the parameters of the constitution i cant argue.

Also it seems as if you have a serious problem with people whom are religious or believe in any god. With your statement about you getting thrown in jail and non white christians, again, you are bringing race into it, just feeding into MSM liberal talking points like Pence wants to throw gays into camps and Trump wants to deport all muslims.

The guy is literally trying to deflect your point about calling out his deflection

Where are these connections? By all means link them and i'll back you up on spreading this. But i've been following pizzagate since the beginning and have not seen any major connections. Don't spread misinformation please.

There will never be an end loose enough to unravel this clusterfuck, whether it be PG, 9/11, you name it. Loose ends go missing and forgotten and then it's business as usual. We either need some generous country to bomb the fuck out of our leaders or a coup from the inside to give this country back to the people.


Note that Trump himself took money from UBS and Deutsche Bank. So much for "non-globalist".

You really don't have to push that Sisyphian boulder up the hill anymore, because nobody believed you in the first place.

And his hit squad has finally showed up to downvote me. Good times /r/conspiracy, good times.

Lool suck bernies D some more maybe it wont get old and crusty.

Trump has a track record of fucking over the American worker where as Bernie has spent his 20 year tenure in Congress pushing bills to help them. Please stop with this false equivalency, it's fucking embarrassing.

Not exactly what I'd call a guy who's fully committed himself to the cause of serving the US constitution and his fellow Americans as a life long career.

And regardless of how we slice boar here, it's widely accepted that we had two of the shittiest and most divisive presidential candidates - possibly in history. No matter who won, it was going to be one of the shittiest candidates in history.

The day 2 state hasn't somehow elevated that state of shittiness.

Thank goodness we have you to expose it all. /s

there's as much hope with trump as with obama, which is to say none/zero, and there is no hope until people stop thinking that their political salvation lies in a millionaire/billionaire running for a single office once every 4 years. none.

Hope got someone else elected, remember? :o

Right, user agreements... i member