Why is r-politics still seemingly occupied by Hillary shills?

132  2016-11-30 by [deleted]

Every single post on there is still anti trump and has at the very least several thousand upvotes... Why are they still fighting the war if she lost?


To sway public opinion & control the debate. That was the whole point of Correct The Record & Media Matters. It was naive to think they would be gone after the election.

There was that one day of Hillary bashing after the elections. Before ctr got their instructions

They are fighting for 2018 and 2020, and those battles have already begun.

And lost. Identity politics doesn't work anymore. Expect the rhetoric to get far more threatening and violent.

Well, if you believe the popular vote identity politics won and the left isn't going to give up on it....they will just call everything Trump does racist, and use that to repackage and resell it.

I shared a meme which concisely demonstrates that, if it were by popular vote, 319 square miles of the almost 4 million sq miles of the US votes would only count. And my liberal friends even thought that was fucked up. Minds can be changed with information.

Population density much?

This is why the electoral college exists. Most people either don't know this, or don't care and whine and virtue signal for fame and glory from complete strangers.

well let the 4 miles decide if that's where a huge majority live. as a true lib I am for pop vote.

as a true lib

This is not a liberal or conservative policy.

What a ridiculous argument. Democracy means every person gets an equal vote, not every unit of distance. "Oh sorry, you live too close to these other people, so your vote doesn't count."

You think the electoral college is a joke? So then 319 square miles should determine the election for 3,979,000 square miles? Just another liberal idiot.

Why the fuck do you consider miles to be sentient creatures. PEOPLE determine the election. Why does it matter where they live or in what proximity to each other. Two million people had their vote invalidated and you're worried about some empty cornfield not getting a voice. "319" square miles didn't decide anything, the millions of citizens that happen to live there did.

I hope they do, they'll look even more foolish and incompetent. Their hubris has led them this far, I will only laugh if they double down.

yeah more losses incoming. they kept Pelosi, voted for schumer, looking to use booker as prez and gillebrand as vp (or other way around) in 2020 which are all conservadems meaning another landslide loss.

And 2018 is going to be a bloodbath in the senate. Dems have to defend 25 out of 33 seats. At least 9 are considered vulnerable.

They are still fighting to stop Trump from being sworn in as President.

Reddit's establishment masters keep the new world order/council on foreign relations propaganda narritive going on the main sites like politics world news, news.etc. I am never allowed to post on news or wold news because what I post disagrees with every aspect of the propaganda narritive. Of course Hillary is/was a main branch of the narritive.

I made a post about the nature of trust on /r/worldnews a week or so ago and it was downvoted. It wasn't even controversial in my mind..

Trust is a thing that, once broken, cannot be repaired fully. Much like a piece of paper, once creased the crease will always be visible even if the paper is made flat again.

Of course nobody took the time to explain why I was wrong or deserved to be downvoted, so I'll have to assume the message I was supposed to be hearing is that we should trust the media no matter how many times they break that trust.

Well you're being downvoted by liars.

I get down voted relentless on there. I try and have civil, coherent debates and they don't want any of that. They want a nonstop echo chamber. I love discussions and I'm a complete middle of the road moderate who abstained from voting because no candidate spoke to me. I go there to try and break them from their bubble and they want no part of it.

It's a fight against the backfire effect and literal shills. Neither of which you will ever win.

Just because she lost, doesn't mean her supporters have to support Trump. Look at the republicans for the past 8 years, for a perfect example of that.

it died down with the CTR for a few days after the election, I guess they were in shock and to wait for new orders.

Or maybe people genuinely don't want a trump presidency??

I believe that yeah

in this context tho, I know they didn't want a Hillary one either and it was weird how that sub was sane for a few days after the election, not right now tho.

The sub is not pro-hilary so much as terrified by Trumps' plans, cabinet, lack of presidential decorum, opaque finances, conflicts of interest etc...

People are upset because they perceive a false equivalence was drawn between candidates and now that Trump has been elected his predictably unpresidential conduct, unpreparedness, and the right-wing allegiance are manifestly evident.

I don't by the popular vote argument, Hilary won by a huge margin - true, the electoral college is likely an undemocratic insitution - true, but they were playing a different game and Trump won according to the rules of the contest.

Also, all this fantasy about recounts, electoral college overriding the vote, and impeachment on day 1 are fanciful liberal coping strategies. Also, if any of things happen it would be terrifying... like riots and violence terrifying.

But overall, people are concerned that Trump is showing no restraint on Twitter, surrounding himself with a very right wing cast of characters, and showing now understanding of what a blind trust is, conflicts of interest, and emoluments.

The sub is not pro-Hilary

stopped reading there


That's what people keep telling me, at least. But those same people also said there was no chance in hell Trump would be President, so why should I trust them?

I mean, it was during the election. Post election is just been anti trump really.

It is pro hilary in that it is anti-trump.

You couldn't bring up wikileaks at all, then the very next day on the front was a wikileaks article. That's when I was creeped the fuck out thinking how many people did they pay to constantly post.

I actually have a feeling that they were hired back to deflect pizzagate discussion since that implicates David Brock and a whole many other power players close to HRC.

Noooooooooo, r/politics changed overnight in a huge way. It was very odd and creepy like dirty kind of creepy, I will never trust r/politics anymore it will always be a CTR place to me even if it's cleaned up. But now it is somewhat a CTR shit show again.

I do not think ctr was ever as prevalent as advertised. Reddit is full of young, upper middle class young professionals with a liberal alignment... most of them are vehemently anti trump and after Bernie lost they saw an opportunity to push Hilary... who many young professionals, finance people etc back.

Also, I think there were pro trump shills, that if not paid for by the trump campaign were paid for by pacs or even working out of Russian funded operations.


Calling anyone with a different perspective than yours a shill suggests a closed mindedness against the spirit of the sub. It also suggests you have not truly considered others positions. How can you win anyone over if you do not understand their fears, interests, positions? Moreover, how can you be awake or a free thinker without being able to consider the other side? Do you need a safe space and echo chamber? If that's what you want then you are just another sheep, just with a different allegiance than most, but just as blind and limited.

If this sub was about intellectual growth, argument, discussion, evidence then maybe people would take the conspiracy theorists more seriously. Until then you are just a contrarian sheep...

I come from the perspective where many I know are still in shock and disbelief about trumps win and are genuinely concerned for the future. Many being well off will weather this ok most likely but they are worried that things they care for will be destroyed. Researchers who need grants, doctors who work with patient with a wide swath socio exonomic back grounds, teachers in the public schools systems etc... and then people who care about advancing knowledge, science or care about civil liberties.

First off I was laughing when I wrote the "you sound like a shill" and still am. I have alot of time to read, and I read alot. I seen the downfall of r/politics and knew the whole sub was being fucked with, so I made a note to myself to check out the front of r/politics if Trump was going to win. I had a feeling he would win and he did, so the next day I went to r/politics and it was a completely different sub. So from the time Trump won to the next morning something happend. Now I'm not the only one who notice this, many other people noticed this. Maybe just by chance all the Hillary posters and mods spent the first two days crying, maybe they all unplugged for those few days, or maybe the whole sub was bought and no one was being payed anymore. I don't know what happened but something happend and I'm not the only one that notice the comments, topics, and links all changed all of a sudden.

Are their Hillary supporters in r/politics? of course, I'm not saying that. I'm saying the sub changed in a huge way that can only be described as the money went dry as soon as she lost.

great counter argument to their points.

I had a good laugh


I'm sure there are some genuine people in r/politics who are oblivious or dismissive of the CTR presence. But during the election, the blatant manipulation was simply so obvious, especially the day after the election. As u/newdisease mentions, it was clear they had taken the day off. Posts and comments you hadn't been allowed to see in months suddenly appeared. In the comments, people were openly saying, "WTF? So I guess we're allowed to have a discussion now. This place had become a shit-hole." Then a day or two later, they clamped right back down. The discussion there is kept within tight parameters. If your own real opinion happens to fit, then of course it will pass unfiltered, but only a fool will not realize he's in an echo-chamber.

It was a huge WTF! You read about CTR, your told about CTR, but to fucking see it with your own eyes kind of hurts. You knew it was true but kind of denied it to yourself but then to be awaken by it changes you, makes you feel just how dirty this world is.

I will always remember that day because it was a little scary that this is our reality.

Are liberals supposed to like Trump? The people that hated on bush for tax cuts aren't gonna be licking Trump's balls like his supporters do.

Trump is a liberal that's pretending to be a republican.

I was wrong, he's been conservative and very consistent since the early 80's.

what evidence is there that trump is a liberal... he is probably best described as self-serving, but the people who are going to be doing the actual work in his administration are going to rip through every program liberals hold dear and expand the military industrial comlex.

His brain trust is republican insiders, conservative billionaires and the military.

  • Pence, VP, head transition team: Very right wing on social and economic issues
  • Munchin, sec treasury: Banker, ties to wall street and hollywood
  • Sessions, AG: Right wing republican senator
  • Tom Price, HHS: Right wing senator, wants to repeal ACA
  • Elaine Chao, transportation: Wife of mitch mconnel, sec transporation under bush
  • Betsy Davos, education: Pro school vouchers, anti public school, faih based philanthropy, ? vouchers for religous schools
  • Priebus, chief of staff: head of RNC, right wing establishment
  • Candidates for Sec def, nsc, sec state: Mathis, Flynn, Patreus... not exactly going to be reigning in defence spending.

Nikki Haley is an exception but she is still right wing.

The republicans are getting ready to:

  • Repeal ACA
  • Privatize medicare
  • Cut taxes on the rich, raise taxes on middle class
  • Gut public schools
  • Stop funding climate research at NASA
  • Go after Marijuana on a federal level
  • End net neutrality

Under anti muslim sentiment get ready for:

  • Patriot Act return
  • Torture

Also, conservative on the supreme court will mean:

  • Go after Roe V Wade
  • No chance to repeal Citizens United

How is this going to be liberal???

But the Donald is anti-establishment! He would NEVER do any of those things! He's on our side! /s

This sub went for trump so hard, but just wait until he destroys net neutrality, encourages torture, allies with the military industrial complex, deregulates large business (like Monsanto), authorizes spying on US citizens, deregulates banks, limits the first amendment, and maybe starts a war... all things this sub is against? Or is pizzagate the only conspiracy of note ever? Even Wikileaks and assange are fallen by the wayside...

For real though. This sub was so pro-Trump before the election I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Like I didn't think so many people here would fall for his shtick. Like you said, he literally represents everything we oppose here lol.

I mean the guy and his kids are planning to make a business of the US presidency banana rebuklc style... the Batista of the 21st century, and then wants to surround himself with generals and ruling elites... it's a shameless anti democratic power play but this reddit is going after a pizza place with an unfortunate logo.

Real unprecedented power plays and conspiracies happen in broad daylight, even Romney bows to kiss the dons ring and no one here blinks an eye.

Serious question.. why would he want to do all that? What's the motivation and end game to all those agendas?

This sub did not go for trump so hard, it was invaded by /r/The_Donald about 6 months ago. Most of the regulars here saw him for what he was: an authoritarian demagogue.

Read my now edited comment, I was wrong, it's bad enough I have to admit it, but you making me do it twice? So evil, J/K, I was wrong though.

Sorry did not see edit, will leave my post for education of others

please do.

he'll have essentially all the same policies as Obama, except spending more

If you ignore his ideas on taxes, financial regulation, healthcare, and squint your eyes really hard after a couple shot, sure.


So if you can't trust what Trump says why would a fool like you assume he is a liberal? Your 'special' understanding of him is fake.

You like him so you filter out the parts that disagree with what you believe. Cute.

You know what, you're right, I thought he was historically liberal, but he's not. Sorry about that, I was wrong and am better educated now. Dunno why you had to take it personal but yes, you were right. He's also maintained a very consistent stance. I don't think he'll be able to change much lest he get's Kennedy cursed, I think that he's trying to pretend to rock the boat, but not rock it too much because there's too many special interests controlling Washington.

Dunno why you had to take it personal

I didnt... You called me a fool, I called you a fool. Don't know why you took it personally.

He's also maintained a very consistent stance.

If you take 10 shots and redefine consistent, then maybe.

Saying to fool you isn't the same as calling you a fool. If you're not a fool, then obviously you wouldn't be fooled.

Seems like you just feel like contradicting me, fair enough.

Interviews that I've seen he never claims to be a democrat.


This interview is the closest I've seen but he never outright says "I'm a democrat."

I like how your post just assumes that of course r/politics is the liberal sub. "Why would they suddenly support him?" That's the whole point of the OP: it is deliberately manipulated to make it so. The question isn't why 'they' would suddenly support him, but rather why, after the election is done, is the sub still being so tightly controlled to eliminate alternative points of view.

You mean why would it continue being like it's been for a nearly decade.

Reddit is a liberal leaning website

Anybody who was even open-minded about Trump has already been shouted at so much that they have left.

I doubt they think it's over yet... Recount talk shows that. They won't think it's over till he makes it to the White House

Even then, they won't stop

Yeah they will they fear Pence even more

The recount is rigged and CTR is prepping r/politics to sway public opinion when the result goes Clinton's way. Spez also censored r/The_Donald today in anticipation of the recount tomorrow.

How do you know he did that today? Is there a log tracking these changes?

Spez just made a note about removing r/The_Donald stickies from r/All.


Coincidentally, no r/T_Donald posts are now on the first two pages of r/All (if you paid attention) while they were this morning.

r/The_Donald users are currently suspecting we have been completely removed from r/All and are in panic mode.

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Isn't the recount dead?

Not everyone who supported hillary is a shill. Some people, mainly lgbtq people, are legitimately horrified by Trump's extremely homophobic cabinet. Others are also concerned with the fact that his AG pick may go after Medical or recreational cannabis. Others are concerned with Trump's many conflicts of interest and the fact that he hasn't done anything about his assests.

The real question is why are people still supporting Trump when he's already gone back on his promises and the things he's campaigned on? Why are people supporting him when he's gone back on his promises of "draining the swamp" and hired basically all Washington insiders?

TPP is already dead. He's kept one major campaign promise before assuming office. I've never been more than hopeful that he'd do more than that(sovereignity was what I cared about most there), keeping gun rights, and not starting a new cold war.

Yeah, that's not a lot, but as LGBT issues are not a voting issue for me, and my gf is rabidly pro-life, Hillary didn't really offer anything but minimum wage increases, which my state did via ballot initiative anyway. If he gives us the 30K EIC that'll mean he was better for the working class in my state than the Dem.

Am I thrilled with him? No, of course not. Is he still looking like he might be the better alternative from where I'm sitting? Yeah, definitely.

They have to keep the establishment narrative going or else the pedophilia will take over the news cycle. It's still worth a lot of money to keep that quiet.

Because the war didn't end with the election. That was one battle.

What they seek now is an Orwellian level of control over political discourse on major internet forums to match the Oligarchy's dominance of traditional tv, radio, and print outlets.

"Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."

Those controls have yet to be relinquished.

Because Clinton is still trying to hijack the election.

There are some people that actually support her.

I used to be a Ron Paul "shill". Meaning I was a real outspoken supporter. If you we want to stop all these "shills", we have to better out communicating skills.

State your view, acknowledge any foibles, keep an open mind, act civilized.

You can't be a shill if you believe in your cause. You supported Ron Paul...These Hillary "shills" are more like trolls, they want to mess with people or they are still getting paid.

Shills are paid to troll. You are merely just a supporter of your own will

The point is CTR has taken over all mod positions in r/politics to stifle dissent. That sub, in theory, should be a place where various political perspectives are discussed, but that's not the case. And it is manipulated. I'll quote from my comment to another user above:

I'm sure there are some genuine people in r/politics who are oblivious or dismissive of the CTR presence. But during the election, the blatant manipulation was simply so obvious, especially the day after the election. As u/newdisease mentions, it was clear they had taken the day off. Posts and comments you hadn't been allowed to see in months suddenly appeared. In the comments, people were openly saying, "WTF? So I guess we're allowed to have a discussion now. This place had become a shit-hole." Then a day or two later, they clamped right back down. The discussion there is kept within tight parameters. If your own real opinion happens to fit, then of course it will pass unfiltered, but only a fool will not realize he's in an echo-chamber.

Thank you for explaining. I haven't been there in a long time. It was pretty bad back then, but it looks like it got a lot worse.

Because this is not over.

She isn't done yet...


Probably because "the plan" hasn't been fully carried out yet. They wouldn't fund all those shills for no reason if something was not coming down the pipe.

Pretty sure it's CTR & bots...and spez

Because it's not about Clinton, it's about how much of a pile of human garbage Trump is?

Because it's not about Clinton

What? Clinton is the leader of PizzaGate and a Global Sex Slave!


The election is over, but the court of public opinion is still in session.

Hillary's tactic is and always has been control of the narrative via echochambering, in both mainstream and social media.

The shit posting will continue until soros dies. Reddit is dead.

They salty and can't accept the terrible truth. Better than Shillary tho

You thought they'd just disappear. Deluded people aren't simply cured when things don't occur the way they believe they should. People are stubborn and will hold on as tight as they can. It's either that or admit they are wrong and people don't like doing that.

Because when she stop shilling she starts getting prosecuted, so expect this as long as she lasts or till she gets fucked.

they were all laid off after the election, but quickly rehired back to try and deflect the growing pizzagate information sharing.. haha good luck ctr failures!

Possibly wasn't just about Hillary, and so why stop a process that is still being funded to achieve a non-specific, long term goal? She was their failed play, but they're not going to stop playing the game. They can keep trying to push their agenda.

It's a mainstream media news channel on the Internet

First they tried to start the phony riots to justify bribing the Electoral College, then they had Stein as a proxy to get recounts. Next I'll expect they'll try to poison the well for Trump so he can be ignored and sidelined. They'll keep doubling down one failure after another.

A lot of people had very serious cognitive dissonance this election because it wasn't even really clear who the lesser evil was. In order to compensate for it a lot of them fell back into partisan politics. Yes, there are retarded numbers of shills, but a lot of it is just people who don't realize how thoroughly they lost.

Yeah they will they fear Pence even more

Well, if you believe the popular vote identity politics won and the left isn't going to give up on it....they will just call everything Trump does racist, and use that to repackage and resell it.

yeah more losses incoming. they kept Pelosi, voted for schumer, looking to use booker as prez and gillebrand as vp (or other way around) in 2020 which are all conservadems meaning another landslide loss.

The sub is not pro-Hilary

stopped reading there

Dunno why you had to take it personal

I didnt... You called me a fool, I called you a fool. Don't know why you took it personally.

He's also maintained a very consistent stance.

If you take 10 shots and redefine consistent, then maybe.

I had a good laugh

TPP is already dead. He's kept one major campaign promise before assuming office. I've never been more than hopeful that he'd do more than that(sovereignity was what I cared about most there), keeping gun rights, and not starting a new cold war.

Yeah, that's not a lot, but as LGBT issues are not a voting issue for me, and my gf is rabidly pro-life, Hillary didn't really offer anything but minimum wage increases, which my state did via ballot initiative anyway. If he gives us the 30K EIC that'll mean he was better for the working class in my state than the Dem.

Am I thrilled with him? No, of course not. Is he still looking like he might be the better alternative from where I'm sitting? Yeah, definitely.