It's amazing how easy it is to get people to celebrate censorship if you single out a minority and brand them as a common evil.

405  2016-12-01 by [deleted]



If you don't care for a particular sub on reddit you can just block it. ...just saying

I know, and I have been banned from t_d for almost a year now.

I still think this is a very bad precedent and slippery slope and there shouldn't be an exception for any subreddit in any circumstance, especially because of different political views.

/r/"redacted" was at least as bad for months on end and nothing was done about it because it fit the admins' political opinions.

Slippery slopers seem to have taken over the leftist/liberal identity in the past few years. There used to be a real effort, or at least the perception of an effort, to be the "intellectual" position, but recently it seems as if they've thrown any thought out the window in an attempt to live by the feels.

This trend is directly responsible for the so called alt right which basically rejects everything the emotional liberal espouses.

Yeah, both the regressive left and alt-right are highly emotional movements. And it's almost like those emotions are being stoked and then directed in such a manner as to, in effect, make them fight each other.. huh.. I wonder why anyone would do that?

I just don't see much of the alt-right though...or at least whatever the MSM decided it was when Hillary announced the term to the world a few months back.

I do see a lot of the regressive left though. I am just trying to be honest here. I think the MSM has sensationalized something that really doesn't exist. At least in the way they are portraying it. Are there white people who are proud of their country? Of course. Does that make them white nationalists? Well I guess...but they are trying brainwash the average person into believing white nationalist = KKK = 4th reich.

It is complete and utter propaganda and brain washing.

Redacted continues to be bad. In that community I continue to be shouted down any time I bring up maybe it's time Democrats make some changes after the misadventure we just had. In this election cycle I feel excluded from the party I've identified with for my voting life, it's a bizarre feeling that Trump supporters are more inviting than those I usually support.

Or just don't look at it! Cover your eyes. Click on something else. Haha.

That's what I don't understand! "It's ruining my reddit experience." Um...just don't read it? Crisis averted.

60% percent of the time a sub is blocked, it works 90% of the time. Curiosity killed the cat

You mean censor it?

It's so sad to see how easily people will jump on bandwagons of hate. So what the subreddit figured out a way to exploit the voting system to reach /r/all? You have a "frontpage" option on all platforms to only show subreddits you want to see. I use this, along with visiting /r/all maybe every few days just to see what's up, idk man. I am so confused. It seems like when people are most divided is when they crave for rules to establish stability, they don't give a shit what freedoms they're taking away from other people.

Wrap shit in a shiny package and bow, people will want it. Presentation is everything.

If you guys are talking about the_donald, the people there and the mods also ban anyone who in any way expresses an opinion or states a fact that they don't like to see - you're banned instantly for any questioning - so why is it any different when the site-wide "mods" (admins) do the same thing to them? How is this different? This entire situation is such a great example of why the_donald is being banned from the frontpage, they are like /r/subredditdrama, only they are centered around shared support for a billionaire Clinton donor and family friend / Bill's golf buddy, Donald Trump.

treating it as if it's an attack on 'freedom of speech' is just ridic. How is it any different from what the people in the_donald do? If this post was in the_donald, I'd be banned, but I already am banned for asking about the fact trump is a clinton donor and family friend who was set up to "run against" a Clinton.

The_Donald is a fan club. Reddit is a large and influential privately owned tech company.

Privately owned. Exactly. Their site, their rules.

Don't down vote this guy. He's right. I had 2 names and this one banned from the Donald for joking around. If you disagree with a single thing they say they turn on your like rabid dogs.

They're exactly the same as the safe zone liberals they hate. They can dish it and can't handle it. It's hilarious to watch as someone who doesn't identify as either side. Watching these 2 identical groups rabidly hate each other.

Don't be fooled into thinking one side is just or right.

BINGO [] they are young and have just been red-pilled or whatever the fuck kids are calling it these days. Two sides of the same coin.

Trump threw out a lot of truths in his campaign without any history or pretext to explain the entire situation, just like Alex Jones does all the time. You are going to see a lot of people jumping to conclusions and a lot of people getting emotions involved. It's completely normal and it happened in the conspiracy circuits in the days leading up to, and the days after 9/11. I was 16-17 when 9/11 happened and already heavily into the conspiracy circuit in every aspect of my life. I saw it happen then and I'm seeing it again today. The only tip I have to offer for a situation like this is EDUCATION EDUCATION EDUCATION, and in this day and age everybody must educate themselves. I am 100% serious you MUST educate yourself, trust no one, do your own research, come to your own conclusions.

It's easy to get upset about the donald fan club or whatever but you must always remember, you were once like them and back then, you didn't have an outlet like this sub. Back then you couldn't even talk about it on the internet without getting put on a no-fly list. Now the no-fly list is so big it's completely irrelevant, they have moved on and so should we. Push the next big button that moves humanity forward, forget about the history of divisiveness that controls all of us. We are all equals; nobody here chose to be born, so everybody get off your high horse or low horse and start cooperating towards the common good. Only the truth can lead us to common good and a symbiotic relationship with our planet.

This is not directed at the parent commenter just a general statement for truth today. Clarifying in advance.

Another Clarification: I don't mean young as an age-term. I've seen 60+ year old men and women wake up to the truth overnight and have the same issues any human would at any age.

Did the conspiracy community have an influx of new members on both occasions? I can imagine that it did in the aftermath of 9/11 obviously, just maybe not right away.

I'm asking because I get the impression that there has been a large number of right wing oriented individuals that has caught wind of it recently, especially considering Alex Jones.

I wish people would set aside their political filters temporarily, whichever wing or allegiance, and open up more for seeing what is possibly going on and take it for what it is.

Yeah there was a huge influx of people as early as that very night, I remember staying up all night reading about it and just sleeping in school the next day. With that influx came a lot of jumping to conclusions and misconstruing facts. (I was also guilty of this)

I mean just look at the events of that day, you'd be crazy NOT to ask questions because it was painfully obvious they were hiding evidence and the media was flat out lying to us. You are absolutely correct though on the political wing bullshit. Most people researching conspiracies already knew Clinton was trash (Democrat) and everybody knows GW Bush is trash (Republican) so I would say from memory, there was very rarely an argument about which of the 2 parties is better, because they were both so fucking deplorable. Everyone just wanted the truth and the folks responsible to be put behind bars. A crime is a crime no matter what your allegiance is.

The biggest influx came after the 1st edition of Loose Change was released. So many new people looking into all types of conspiracies after that came out. <><><> it may have been a different documentary than loose change, I'm pulling this from memory sorry.

yup. fuck t_d. I got banned there just for pointing out that hating on Bernie Sanders after the election was over was pointless.

Haha! It really doesn't take much. You probably forgot to use the word cuck, that's why.

Just got a PM of another one being banned today for asking why there was no news on Trump and politic and only spez spam.

Apparently there's a better platform for the Trump supporters where people are super friendly, mods are fair and it's not on T_D.

I've had a different experience. There are occasions I rebutted anti-Sanders submissions in that community and had a conversation about it without bans.

How are you approaching the conversation?

I suspect stepping in and parroting a headline from Washington Post / New York Times that is questionable and unsupported, without bringing any additional sources to learn from, is not going to go over well. Most of those engaging in the Donald have been shouted down for months on end when engaging in other political subs. They're tuned in to the types of approach used to drown out conversation rather than foster it, and resist that.

well I can confirm you will be banned and your post's content will be deleted if you raise questions, no matter if you are a supporter of Trump or not.

The Donald is a sub with a few main topics , you don't go to /jokes to do an AMA that's how you get banned . Reddit /all is for everyone . And you are supporting censorship until it is you that gets censored

you are supporting censorship until it is you that gets censored

are you kidding me? dude, that's exactly what the donald people are doing. That's the whole point that's being made here! How are you missing that? They are supporting censorship until it's them and their garbage that gets censored. /r/all shouldn't be used as a place for individuals in a trump fanclub to promote their e-drama, and they censor everything they don't like, and they are now unhappy that the same thing is being done to them on a lesser scale.

trump is a clinton donor and family friend and he was set-up to co-opt and manage the 'anti establishment' sentiment that has been brewing in the US, he is all the things you think he isn't, same as obama. You are all free to spam each other about how great your favorite Clinton donor is on your own forum. You suppress freedom of speech there, and now you are upset when the same thing is being done to you by the very people whose posts you delete and ban / suppress for not liking what they say on your forum. This is a completely stupid argument.

[ Deleted ]

  • Spez


ohlawdwat has been banned

  • the_donald mod team

"spez is censoring us we can't stand for this breach of freedom of speech! censorship is wrong!"

maybe if you don't want people to censor you, don't do the same thing to everyone else. On top of it they then cry and attempt to concern-troll to everyone else who you all attempt to censor that "you're being censored omg omfg freedom of speech omg spez omg this is my website omfg this is my safespace spez violated my safespace freedom of speech freedom" while they literally censor and ban every single thing on the_donald that isn't some suck-up to the glorious leader Clinton donor and family friend Trump. Meanwhile they pretend to be on a great freedom of speech crusade while being persecuted by the evil /u/spez.

forgive the rest of reddit for not taking it seriously. consider that maybe you are free to control and censor your own circlejerk subreddit, and the owners and admins of reddit are free to censor the rest of reddit for the benefit of their users and shareholders. Seems rational to me.

Here's the thing the problem with censo... i'm gay your right your completely correct.

[edited by spez]

[banned by the_donald mods]

i can't believe i'm being censored - the_donald mods

banned most likely for going off topic on a sub like any other sub . Bots would either auto delete your post or an admin would and if you repeat you get banned. You just don't seem to wrap your head around the fact that /all is \all it means ALL. i can go and talk about the hair on my butthole that keeps poking me in ALL because its an ALL topic front page. Protest /the_donald by all means just do it on another sub and maybe if you make a point people will upvote you to the front page.

No I'm supporting responsible freedom of speech. Rights that come with responsibilities.

Is that unreasonable? Because that's what that sub was supposed to be about since it's a very basic rightist value. And well... it's so logical that pretty anyone no matter their political POV will agree with.

Don't worry my dear, I did not comment about puppies on a car sub.

Maybe the real issue is the mods there are a bit confused since they got 2 main topics, and now one is overshadowing the main mission of that sub. Usually I think people create a new sub for the new trend/topic to avoid that kind of issue.

There's some dissonance in their banning and that also shows where the priority is. It's not Trump.

I support you. Reasonable freedom of speech. I thought that's what slander laws were in place for.

I think this is a great place to speak up. Why not work together to solve problems, rather than fight for our own ideas to be #1?

You support responsible freedom of speech . That makes no sense you either have freedom of speech or you don't . we're fighting censorship for all even you . Not to mention I wasn't even a Donald till all this censorship started happening

Yeah, give most people a target and then make them feel like they are justified in hating that target. Most people will jump at the chance. Why?

Because strong emotions are very seductive. There's a kind of pleasure that goes along with just letting go and experiencing any emotion full force.

As for censorship? What we're seeing is censorship being dressed up as making people free from "hate speech" or "fake news" or any other kind of speech that's inconvenient to TPTB.

They're offering us censorship and tricking us into thinking it's freedom. Most people are so fucking stupid they're actually begging for it.

People don't seem to mind a little censorship until they're the ones that get censored.

How does that work when the anti-censorship people use brutal banning and censorship themselves on the people who don't agree with them and were there for the main topic of the sub?

How does that work? Should they not be banned or censored? I agree those mods should just grow some balls and let people comment freely or ignore the post if they are preaching about anti-censorship. What do you think?

PS: Personally, as someone who build, manage and participate in public forums, I do find it's a good deal to be reasonable. When I go on other's forums, I do think about the extra work the mods get there if people start going nut; a lot of time they are doing this work out of their own generosity and time. So I respect that. But maybe it's an empathy that isn't important here and not appreciated, I don't know.

They have been forced into one subreddit because to show support for Trump anywhere else on Reddit gets banned or gets hundreds of downvotes so of course they are going to protect their only space. Especially with CTR overrunning the site. And why do people keep comparing the actions of the admins affecting the entire site with what the rules are in one subreddit. It's a false equivalency logical fallacy and no one is being fooled by it so that you can make people think censorship of the only sub on Reddit that supports the president of the United States is fine because their sub has rules to protect itself.

You did not answer the question.

In fact you add more content to prove how labeling people "ctr" or "shills" by the crowd can be used as an excuse to censor them. It is a witch hunt based on no scientific data, no social study, no evidence, only the instinct of the leading mass or majority. Medieval wisdom and fairness.

The same way people were lined up and shot for being "imperialist spies" in some very though time... yet we learn now they were mostly intellectuals and normal people, and that all this was actually a purge of the free thinkers.

What is your safeguard that this injustice would not happen with your "failproof instinct"?

So I'm asking again:

How does fighting censorship using censorship works? You either censor or you don't. That means even "shills" and trolls have a right to free speech. That means, you need to find another way to control shills or trolls than censoring them.

Otherwise you are just as good as the ones who want to censor you.

How would that work in society? What's the safeguard that prevents people from being sent to the "guantanamo" of Reddit? How do you know for sure, instinct?

There's no abea corpus here. No trial. Not even discussion about it on that community (obviously.)

Do you understand why we have a justice system, trials, democracy and we don't let people use their "feelings" and "instincts" to judge or punish people in most first world countries?

You lost all credibility when you deny that CTR exists. Tldr waste of time.


You are just a racist that's why it seems that way for you . Not everyone is like you


Baseless accusations



This post could have been edited by u/spez

You are just a racist that's why it seems that way for you . Not everyone is like you

I forget what class I watched the 1981 version in but it always stuck with me.

The book "Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman should be a must read for everyone in this sub and frankly part of our educational system. It brings forth so many cognitive mistakes our brain makes it's enlightening.

Yeah, you are right, I got "removed" from that particular team that is always whining because I actually support their Leader but not what the "agents" are doing with their sabotage of the "group". Amazingly, the fight is against censorship but censorship is also the weapon used by these "protesters" to make sure the ranks look solid.

It's amazing how easy it is to hide your own bias, get rid of the dissidents in a gulag, censor any intellectual debate, have no default downvote button on a theme and then cry about censorship and the potato bugs.

When it's done well (as it is), you will believe that everybody around you agrees with your ideology and that you are all victims fighting the good cause!

The world from the outside will look at you and think "How come they don't see the dictatorship and fascism going on? How come they don't see what's happening to their people and agree to this restriction of their freedom willingly? Don't they see the self-destruction?"

And then you discover it's disinfo, subversion, propaganda and manipulation; it wasn't the fault of these poor people, they didn't know! They thought they knew better than the whole world and they were following the ones claiming to want their best interest!

And everybody lost (besides the outside world.)


Can we single out politicians as a minority group?

you can get people to go along with anything. the nazi's proved that.

/r/The_Donald is censoring every dissenting voice.

And now they complain about censorship.

Am I the only one who finds this hypocritical?

You don't get it , the Donald is a sub supporting Donald you get banned if you go to /jokes to do an AMA

That guy keeps repeating the same lines over and over.

He's a bot or a paid troll for the T_D.

You too are a bot . Ignores statement makes new excuse

So? That means there are rules and whoever ignores them can get banned?

Isn't that against free speech?

Go to /jokes and do a AMA tell me how it goes

So you agree that free speech on reddit does not apply and that breaking the rules should result in censoring?

You are alright.

I'm a supporter, but I'm their victim too because I dared not agree with the "protest".

So the big guys got me out.

But people don't know this.

Do you go to /jokes to do an ELI5 ? You can question them but on another sub that's what /all is for

Wow are you stalking me? Creepy.

In fact, ARE YOU A BOT?


I knew they had paid shills. Maybe that upvoting bot rumor isn't that crazy after all...

Sure lol

Sure lol

Sure lol

Like it's being done with the Jews?

Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, Rule #13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy.

This generation of lefties is really inept, though. Castro, FDR's and Stalin's generation were masters, these guys are like engineering kids playing with lego Mindstorms.

It's going to be interesting to see what happens when the true socialist grand masters all die off, and only the wind-up toys are left.

just like its amazing how people will accept that the state kills people JUST BECAUSE they killed a lot of people.

i mean come on, if you remove the fact that they killed people, they did nothing wrong.

people are celebrating the ABILITY to filter T_D from all, because the fucking sub exists to piss people off (or jerk off over a political figure).

and they fixed a bug that T_D was exploiting to get stuff on the front page. boo fucking hoo. its about time reddit fought fire with fire.

this aint even censorship for fucks sake.

It's not a bug and Reddit didn't fix it. They just let every other sub do it excpet the_donald

because T_D was using it differently than other subs.

Good points.

It's not censorship, it's fixing something that obviously didn't work well for what reddit is intended to be used for.

I was a T_D (before they banned me for pointing it out) and I never agreed with their daily outrage lately claiming censorship. It wasn't fair for the other subs to simply be overshadowed because that sub who grew big quick brought new challenges reddit probably never had to deal with before.

Gotta love how they are using an anti Nazi saying today, like not being allowed to troll compares to persecution under the Nazi regime, never mind the alt right implications

Yes I know, they're actually serious and they're probably too young to get the irony. Apparently there's a huge discord server and those guys hang there. Might explain why there's a "movement" of organized spam and trolling going around spreading on other subs, and they got their group of zealots brigading.

You sir fall into the sheep category . Now imagine spez was on our side and censored you on this post and edited it to say you love the Donald

id leave. i don't see why you don't :)

That's your best response? you should join /the_Donald and be learn to be high energy , even if you don't support trump it's pretty fun and endless entertainment

yeah thanks no, ill pass on the cult.

That's your best response? you should join the Donald and be learn to be high energy , even if you don't support trump it's pretty fun and endless entertainment

I've just come across this Pizzagate shit - Can anyone send me the best links to learn about it. I get it's a Pedophile ring, but who runs it? Who is going? How is this allowed to just happen?

What Reddit/Leftists/Globalists/Elites don't understand is that the silent majority around the world is waking up at an exponential rate.

Not that this is the best example, but since spez made his announcement, T_D has gotten almost 7k new subs. That is 7k people who would have never ever subscribed otherwise.

This kind of censorship backfires completely. If you want to play that game you need to either go all out and censor everything you disagree with, or start a war. There are enough people awake and not falling for this shit anymore.

yeah the irony is the new 7k are Hillary supporters. TD isn't about Trump. It's about "dur dur dur gonna destroy da reddit"

Look at how quickly Trump supporters were willing to abandon the constitution, something they claim to hold dear, just so they could silence 'leftists'.


Flag-burning. Whether anyone likes it or not, it's constitutionally defended, and yet you have hoards of Drumpf supporters agreeing with him that individuals who do it should be jailed or have their citizenship revoked for doing it.

Since Hillary (co)sponsored a bill that would have done the same this doesn't seem a right vs left issue.

i'm against every politician pulling this shit. right doesn't mean trump and left doesn't mean hillary. i want to own a gun responsibly and shoot or burn any goddamn flag i want. i want be able to parade my dick in the streets if i want to. my freedom should end where your liberty is infringed and no fucking sooner.

While I think you should be "allowed" to burn a flag. Your a Pos with no respect and shouldn't be in the US if that's how you feel about it. That's my 2 cents anyways. Freedom of speech is great, half the time.

I don't know how to quote on here but "Freedom of speech is great, half the time. "

Are you fucking kidding me? That is the one single most important thing human society has created and you want to say HALF the time? not even 99.9% of the time? not even 99.999999999999999% of the time? What about the respect to the millions of people who literally gave their life so everybody in this country could actually have that right? Fuck your ignorant comment but be damned if you aren't allowed to say it, so have an upvote for proving my point.

My apologies as my comment clearly was misconstrued. I was jokingly saying "half the time" as in when someone disagrees with you, or says something hate-filled. I completely agree it's the most important Western Value, and the reason it's the 1st amendment. I also highly value the 2nd amendment which is a fall back when the first amendment or any other human rights are taken.

It's all good I will remove the fuck you from my comment and I also apologize. Much appreciate your honesty! I will save the "fuck you"'s for more deserving individuals haha

If you live I the us and you burn a flag you are spitting on the army that keeps you alive lol

No dude, that's a metaphor. Which means nobody is actually getting hurt except in their feelings. They are being only being offended.

Hillary Clinton is right-wing. Don't bother using the left-right paradigm if you don't even understand it, how can someone with the same views and policies as Dick Cheney ever be considered 'leftist'?

I understand she did and I don't agree with her actions, but that's sort of beside my point.

My point is, Trump supporters are always very vocally touting the merits of the constitution (more so than anyone else) and yet they seem to be willing to ignore it solely because the people who are burning these flags at the moment happen to be predominantly Left-wing.

It shouldn't be a right vs left issue in of itself, but to Trumps supporters it very much is.

It shouldn't be a right vs left issue in of itself, but to Trumps supporters it very much is.

Nope, the media has been painting them in an awful light the whole election, and then they broadcast the protests against Trump like they are some kind of godsend. The media is dividing everyone, along with George Soros, not Trump supporters.

Let me give you an example: Billy is white and Johnny is black. Johnny hit Billy in the arm because Billy was bullying him, typical child stuff. So Billy went and told the teacher, and instead of sending Johnny to the office, she decided to make an announcement to the whole class: "Racism will not be tolerated! Johnny hit Billy because he is white, and I will not settle for this kind of behavior in my class! We are a peaceful class and we are to get along with one another, not hate one another based on the color of our skin!" Then the teacher decides to get the principle involved, and they run a school-wide campaign about how racism is wrong, and the other teachers start to notice how kids of different colors have a type of animosity towards one another (they don't, they're just kids) and see this is obviously a problem! The teachers would bug the kids and tell them to please accept one another, and then eventually the children began to get annoyed with one another based on skin color because every time they were by one another they would get accused of being racist.

The whole situation wasn't about race to begin with, but it became that way because people in positions of power kept perpetuating the same message over and over again. Then it eventually became a problem. Of course this is a fabrication, but how stories and events are framed are very powerful in how others will receive it; you're being told how to understand the situation. Just because it is a media source does not make it right, they are human just like the rest of us and are susceptible to bias, especially since they've been bought out and have close to no journalistic integrity anymore.

But there is good news, there is always a time to bounce back and get re-centered to focus on real problems, and what time is better than now. It starts with us, not any media or authority telling us how we need to understand one another.

The media is dividing everyone, along with George Soros, not Trump supporters.

You're missing the main point here. The media may be dividing everyone, but Trump and his supporters are still the ones calling for actions that would be in violation of your constitution, which is what my initial point has been about all along.

You should go burn the flag in protest.

I don't live in the US, so I don't really know where I'd even get a flag or what point there would be to burning one

In case you haven't noticed Trump is a troll. HE suggested it to get the left to attack him, and then pointed out Hillary was the one who suggested it. Same as building the wall, deporting Mexicans, gay marriage. etc. etc.. Which btw, Bill and Hillary all supported. Google Clinton Dormo

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

It's constitutionally defended because five judges said burning a flag counts as "speech". That is where the argument lies.

Wtf are you talking about?

The media is dividing everyone, along with George Soros, not Trump supporters.

You're missing the main point here. The media may be dividing everyone, but Trump and his supporters are still the ones calling for actions that would be in violation of your constitution, which is what my initial point has been about all along.

[ Deleted ]

  • Spez