Reddit has done what nobody else could do..

55  2016-12-01 by inbetweentime

They've convinced me to subscribe & upvote in the_donald.

Fuck censorship

BTW, many of you know this but it's only the beginning. This censorship thing is going to get a lot worse, and fast. The 'fake news' concept that came out of nowhere - consider it a cog in the machine. It is just one of many increasingly aggressive silencing tactics that are prepped up for when the timing is right, or when they are needed. Their computers analyze our data in ways we can't imagine, monitoring trends and truths and predicting when and how to suppress things. These tactics wait prepared, ready to be activated at the touch of a button.

As their censorship snowballs it itself inspires more people to seek the truth. This is something those in control of the narrative expect. They are not unprepared for this. But they know it will be a tumultuous battle. That is why I say it is going to get worse fast; the machine has been set in motion. We will always have power but the battle will get a whole lot harder if their efforts succeed.

This is independent of 'politics' in front of the curtain. This has little to do with Trump or Clinton, and it doesn't revolve every 4-8 years.

If this is a battle we want to win, we need to grow, maintain energy, and most importantly get creative. We have to be unpredictable. We will continue to be silenced. One by one, they will attempt to take away our outlets, and if it grows then this one is included. Be prepared for this and use them wisely while we can.

Much love to you all, just ranting.. keep fighting back.


Don't be afraid of T_D it is the perfect example of people putting aside a great number of unimportant differences and rallying behind a greater idea together... comradery at it's finest... especially when the driving theme is Make America Great Again. TPTB try to divide everyone as much as possible and T_D is a natural honest response to this kind of manipulation... instead of being repelled and driven asunder they have seen through the bullshit and stick together based on what they feel in their hearts... and not what the media feeds you to make you full of fear and hate.

It's subreddit feels like the old Reddit ways.

Yup. T_D is the new front page of the internet.


Exactly. We put our differences aside because we are Americans above all. Worst you can say is we are Nationalist, and I take no offense to that.

The Donald is a fan subreddit, not political.

Our right to "assemble" even digitally is being perverted, edited, deleted or hidden...I troll here, comment because I don't trust the voting anymore but am moving to voat will see how long it takes for that to get polluted.

If you hate censorship why would you join a subreddit that bans people with differing opinions by their own admission?

It's a Nationalist sub. If you love America and believe Trump will MAGA then your welcome. If you think someone other than Trump was suited, then create your own sub and support America.

The fact that so many people are going crazy over censorship on a privately owned discussion group website cracks me up. Of course it's censored and it always has been.

I bet you awould shit your pants if a Republican said a bakery is a private business and should be able to deny service to gays...oh wait, people like you did that...but you're willing to deny services to people if they offend your bullshit sensibilities.

People should be allowed to deny service to homosexuals. The rest of society can just decide not to support such a terrible person. The idea that the State should need to step in and force us to not be deplorable is ridiculous.

THIS> There should be social consequences, but ultimately the government should not intervene. Note, this only applies to private companies, the government shall not discriminate on any basis. Look at what happened with companies that were using child labor, it was the people that boycotted, not the "benevolent government"

Sexual orientation is a protected class in some states. Political opinion is not.

A christian baker may be forced to bake a cake for a gay couple, but they would not be forced to bake a cake that expressed the political message that gay marriage should be legal.

Likewise, Reddit need not be forced to service all political opinions.

Yes yes, the bullshit "protected classes." Just admit it, you're a racist bigot. Fuck you, you're not welcome in the US

Huh? I'm a racist bigot for explain how the law works?

I'm a Republican

Try making a rational statement there about Trump not being god and see how long before you're banned.

Make a post... Why did TD lie, and find just one example, see how long you last.

It's a vile place.

I check three subs for different reasons. When I feel like educated comments, and normal rational thinking from warm humans, I'll check out r/politics. When I feel like challenging the accepted norms, thinking outside of the box, making connections, finding novelty, I'll come to r/conspiracy. When I feel like seeing the worst humanity has to offer, blind following, celebrity worship, hive mind mentality to the fucking 975th degree, what the alt-right believes, I'll check out r/the_donald.

I probably visit all three every day.

Politics sub is all like, "Trump is bad. Told ya he was corrupt, look at who he appointed, he's a bad person. Ya all gonna get screwed. Sanders is perfect every way. Glad Clinton is out of the picture." A little one sided, sure.

Conspiracy sub is all like, "PIZZAGATE! Do we like trump or hate him right now? I'm not quite sure. Just as long as this place doesn't become TD and worship him. Btw, Clinton is bad. This sub has gone to shit, it's basically TD 2.0. Here's a whack conspiracy theory easily resolved by 15 minutes of research. Here's an actually really interesting piece." You really have to filter what's here. Especially since TD leaked here.

The_Donald sub is all like, "Praise God emperor Trump that he may save us all, high energy, nothing can ever stop us, we're immortal and all powerful. The universe trembles before us. If you don't believe it, you're a shill, CTR, sheep, cuck, low energy. Spez is bad. Trump is perfect in every way. Let's pay more attention to Hillary because she's still... relevant. trump would have had 99% of the popular vote if only Americans voted. Trump is God. Let's coordinate harassing people that don't believe what we believe." Which is really why they are getting shut down. It's fine to say shit, whatever. This isn't about censorship. TD should be shut down for witch hunting, harassing mods, creating a bad climate on reddit, abusing voting systems, using paid bots to upvote their posts on TD (every post just about 5000 upvote regardless of time, quality, or anything else, very weird), sticking to get front paged.

Sometimes I can't stomach the thought of TD. It's quite sickening. Visit all three though. Check it out.

because these "why did Trump lie?!?!" posts are concern trolling.

what did he lie about? the cabinet appointment that he hasnt even made yet and that people are only speculating based on "inside info from people who are acquainted with The Presidents way of thinking" ???? literally making shit up and trying make a discussion of it.

Only time will tell. If he fails at his promises, then T_D fans are idiots if they maintain loyalty.

If he fails at his promises, they are idiots for being loyal in the first place.

All you saw on that sub was Hillary emails and security, and Hillary talks with Goldman Sachs.

And look at who Trump appointed and it's just face palm.

Trump fans will always be trump fans no matter what he does. That's the way that sub works. Trump could start nuking American cities and that sub would applaud him,

your leaps of logic are very amusing.

Why is this in conspiracy??

Are all the Donald banned or is it that you cannot post anything there that will actually get attention because of the massive spam?

Did you even read anything aside from the title?

How has reddit inspired you to join and upvote an echo chamber that allows no opinion that doesn't love the newly elected government?

Because I take offense to Reddit deciding on my behalf that I need to be protected from its influence.

I think its the admins duty to maintain their website and with a subreddit thats has considerable amount of doxxing, brigading and bot/vote manipulation its a no brainer that they have to restructure the rules around T_D. Its not you that needs protecting, its the website as a whole

Doxxing on here isn't cool but I'm sure it's dealt with over at the_donald. The mods would be doing everything they can to not get the sub banned. Brigading and bot/vote manipulation are reddit-wide problems and sometimes even committed by reddit itself, so I don't agree with your point.

The_donald wasn't hurting anyone, they are scared of its potential to spread truth.

The_donald wasn't hurting anyone, they are scared of its potential to spread truth.

what are these truths that the_donald is able to spread? I think reddit as a whole leans quite liberal but having a subreddit that is at the front of /r/all every hour of every day with shitposts and wild claims about political figures shouldn't be commentable by only those who agree with their agenda. I would have absolutely no problem with the_donald on the front page or /r/all all the time if they didn't ban everyone who disagreed with them. Its hurting the site as a whole to have a subreddit so popular and in the limelight that cannot have proper discussion.

if they didn't ban everyone who disagreed with them

It is a bit ironic overall, but I don't think we should fight fire with fire.

I really don't see how making their sticky posts unable to reach /r/all is the same as banning everyone with a dissenting opinion. false equivalency

Really you don't see how they're both forms of censorship?

They are absolutely both forms of censorship but they are not equivalent. thats what false equivalency means.

Okay... I'm not sure where you heard that they're equivalent. Maybe you're misunderstanding the term 'fighting fire with fire'.

It's easy to love the government when this new government is looking so gosh darned lovable.

Kinda like Obama before he took office?

Yup. T_D is the new front page of the internet.