Alex Jones Interviews David Icke

1  2016-12-01 by astralrocker2001

You may not agree with everything they say. But these two men have woken up many people worldwide. This is a very interesting interview.


Thanks for linking the hour and a half video instead of the clip 😫

Who is David Icke?

The lizzards guy.

He believes in lizzard people? lol

Well he also believed in paedophilia and satanic rituals in the wealthy elite and recently that hasn't been so funny.

I was like "fuck , he was right about this, maybe he is right about lizzards, too ?"

idk the story behind lizzard people. it just sounds so funny. pedophiles are nothing new.

What about the satanic ritual part?

that shit is nothing new either. was portrayed in movies back in the 80s.

he did bring it to the forefront. and i have to admit i didn't believe it was as crazy as he made it sound.

So maybe you're wrong about this one.

Quick hint, who are they worshipping in their rituals?

I don't know the details it has not interested me.

It was a rhetorical question. I'm giving you a lead on the reptile thing.

Depends -- there seem to be more than one cult. Are you saying they are worshipping lizzard people?


ok. you gonna tell me what your riddle is? or do i ahve to play 20 questions

Lets jump to the extreme here and mention Lizards eat other lizards.

Yup. I saw the "Baby Cheesus" on the menu.

They worship the Reptilians. The reptilians are also known as "Archons"

I think its sort of a metaphor, he refers to the reptilian part of our brain in these peoples behaviour.

so just the savageness of reptilian brains?

Thats what i take from it, that guy is usually way over my head though but im trying to get on his level. Might need a couple doses of DMT though


if he just says 'lizard people' as an insult, like calling someone a zombie or something than its make a lot more sense if he's not REALLY beliving they are actually lizzards.

The next level of our brain is the limbic structure which is what gives us emotion and it seems like the people in power dont show that which puts them at level 1 : Reptilian brain

Makes sense.

Well, boy, was he wrong then