The trump agents are going full force today. This is how the government wins. Remember fascism will come draped in the american flag, carrying the cross when it starts.

0  2016-12-02 by We-think-we-are-free

Never supported hillary but think starting in 2017 WW3 will be closer than ever. Trump will start his term being a nationalist, and end it as a globalist.

This would have been a great time for America to wake up.



Funny thing, if Hitler had been happy with Germany staying Germany there would not have been a WW2. It was only when he decided to take over the world that war broke out. Now they want us to believe that America being for Americans is fascism? That's just stupid. America has always been for Americans for all but the few that got rich selling out their country and their useful idiots.

It's not as simple as that. There was a lot of Western support for the Nazi regime in the early days, because it was seen as a defense against the spread of communism.

"It's not as simple as that. There was a lot of Western support for the Nazi regime in the early days, because it was seen as a defense against the spread of communism."

Communism sees everyone as equal. Workers unite and all that. Fascism is all about the elites. It's a 1920s face on feudalism. Globalism is the 21st Century face of fascism.

We will see. Atleast we have a sub we can be open about new theorys, honestly dont see this sub making it another year... sad but people are easliy entranced and brainwashed .


I know i have been conditioned, but because i understand what is happening, i can call out the fallacies. Best thing is be open minded. Dont close out any possibility. I dont claim to have answers, but i can tell when im being lied to.

World war 3 started long ago. The ruling elites vs the rest of us.

Most won't realise until it's too late.

I think your right, but more of a status world war.

Globalist = fascist

Probably, he did fall in with the republicans.

He has potential to be the next generation hitler

I'd like to say that the party with the "super delegates" is the party of the elites, but unfortunately I know better. Trump has been very much a populist, not an elitist. As long as that continues he has my support.

He has spoken like a populist. He hasn't appointed anybody who will act like a populist. We'll see what he does once he's in charge.

How did he keep the 800(which was originally gonna be 2000) Carrier jobs in the country? Oh, he gave them a tax break. Instead of taxing the company, like he said he would.

Maybe he told them if the mothership ever wanted another defense contract they'd better not move those jobs.

You are not paying attention. He gave them a tax break to convince them to keep some of the jobs in the usa.

I am paying attention, to the facts, not to the propaganda.

The tax deal isn't real?

I'm not saying that they didn't get tax breaks, but they weren't federal tax breaks and Trump isn't president of Indiana or anything right now. Those are facts.

Convenient that Pence is currently gov of Indiana.

What was that name, Pence? Not Trump? Wow, that is convenient.

Mike Pence is Trump's vice president.

Pence will be the vice-president on Jan 20, 2017. He is the governor of Indiana now.

Good job. Maybe you'll figure it out soon now.

How can you not call a man that builds hotels and casinos specifically for the elite , an elitist himself?

Sorry but there are deeper levels to this thing. They would never let somebody random just win, they play both sides... Cia mk ultra is heavily involved in this election.

This country has always been controlled by the elites. During most of our history the elites were very pro-America. After the Cold War was over that changed. Now we have politicians who are bought and paid for by foreign interests. Trump is the old style elite. His interests and mine and probably yours coincide. I'm all for that. Call it what you will.

Highly doubtable. Nice try tho


I dont know and dont care cause it doesnt matter, she is just as bad, probably worst.

I didnt vote for either of these crooks.

Better move to Canada.....


How is that going to work? Just today he promised that no more overthrowing of foreign governments, either?