Since when did /r/conspiracy become a Trump loving, pro right wing agenda sub?

0  2016-12-03 by BransonOnTheInternet

Really the title says it all. I have noticed an upswing in pro trump pro right wing agenda post. Which to me, is just a bit strange for a sub about conspiracies. Just wondering whats going on and what's being done to combat this clear attempt at gearing this sub towards a particular agenda.

Edit: For the record, this post isn't saying "it should be pro Hillary" and anyone reading into that is being idiotic. I'm simply saying, this sub should be politically neutral and focus on the issues at hand, regardless of political spectrum. And that clearly its been geared towards one side more than the other as of late, especially in regards to what trends around here.

Telling people to "take a red pill bitch" or calling someone a "troll" isn't helping your case. In fact its kinda proving the point that you cant even mention one side without the other assuming its an attack and politicizing things. That's gross and there should be no place for that here. If I'm wrong, so be it. But I would think this sub would want to rise above the cacophony of noise that is /r/politics or /r/the_Donald.


Look at the time, I guess it's been an hour since the last one of these posts.


Does it have to say it for it to still be pushed that way? Fox news claims to be fair and balanced, do you think they are? I can say I'm the Queen of fucking england does that make it so?

Talking about any single candidate changing a system of control that has existed before Jamestown is contrary to the level of discussions previous to this election cycle. So please stop regurgitating "concern troll, cucks and shills" and scurry back under your rock. Winter is coming.

About every hour it's someone saying it's pro Trump, then pro Clinton.

I see more "Andy Kaufmann Is Alive!" posts than I see pro-trump posts on here ;)

I also see tons of anti-trump posts here though. Like, a lot. Mixture of everything really. A conspiracy board doesn't necessarily mean all members will believe and follow the exact same paths.

A lot of spill over from the_Donald and a lot of conspiracy minded people have simply bought into the Trump brand.

There are certain things Trump is getting away with right now that would have been huge stories in the conspiracy community if Hillary was carrying them out. It's not a good sign imo.

I largely feel like Trump was a ploy to trick a lot of the conspiracy minded back into the political game.

Thank you. That's pretty much my concern and why I wrote this. Look I fucking hate Hillary, but looking at Trumps cabinet has given me not only pause but very real concerns. And yet, its ignored by and large because... I don't know. That's what I'm trying to figure out. People have said he's done nothing to make us not trust him, but in have to ask - when is he going to prosecute Hillary like he said? What about draining the swamp then putting lobbyist in positions of power or former Goldman Sachs employees? Sure we can give the man a chance, but come on people - as you stated - if Hillary did this we would be up in arms , and with good reason.

I just don't get how a sub about conspiracies can think that ANYONE made it to that level without being involved in some way. It makes no fucking sense to me, if I'm being honest. And that's part of my problem. What made Trump so easy to digest and forget everything people have known before? We refused to do it for Hillary (rightly so), but why Trump? Because he's an "outsider" who has been doing business with all of them for years? I mean it really baffles my mind. And the only thing i can think is that this sub has been pushed towards a particular agenda by a particular group of people, and that saddens me as its a disservice to so many others here.

Sorry for the rant.

I noticed it about a month before the election.

This. We have had plenty of the alt-rights coming in about da Jews!, prolly since the day this sub was created, but the sheer amount of r/the_donald posters has just fuckin exploded. And notice what that sub is titled... it's not about policy, it's about his popularity, his persona. I hate to use the term "these people", but these people are fuckin crazy. And this sub has been subverted between Trump and Pizzagate. Wtf.

What you're seeing is an effect of confirmation bias, combined with the reality that we just had a presidential election less than a month ago and the effects of that are playing out in a big way in the news cycle so there will naturally be people discussing it.

HA. Protrump. The real freethinkers know he is as much part of the fold as the rest of them. It is not the American people that choose him, it's TPTB playing with our heads. Welcome to the red pill bitch! Swallow it whole!

I like to chew on my red pills. The effect comes quicker and is more extreme.

this sub was always tilted right and no one in their right mind was ever for hillary

where have you been

I'm not saying anyone was for Hillary. I'm saying this sub, a sub about conspiracies, would (I would think) be one that was questionable of the govt, whether left or right.

Which it has seemed to be. Till rather recently.

Damn near every post is questioning the government.

We just don't blindly hate a man that hasn't given us any reason to.

I'm not saying you should blindly hate him, never did, not once. I've edited the OP to make my point clearer.

We currently have more evidence against the dems than we do the republicans. If a podesta style email leak would happen on the other side of the aisle we would talk about it. But as it stands one of the most major conspiracies that has surfaced on this sub is directly linked to democrats. So we (the users who have been on this sub or awhile) may seem like we are leaning right but were still in the center. Many new users to this sub have migrated here from r/the_Donald and other places and they are totally welcome but they tend to push more of the right wing topics.

Thank you for the well worded and honest response.

I can see the point regarding the leaks and lack of evidence regarding the right, and you clearly have a point there.

I'm just concerned, I guess, that this sub will get pushed to far one way to the detriment of everyone. It should be political neutral, IMO. And hopefully it'll eventually get back to being that way.

I also find it concerning that I'm not the only one pointing this out, and yet anytime someone seems to do so the same type of comments keep popping up. Almost as if there is an agenda here to influence the direction of this sub. Much like we saw happen to /r/politics. I hope I, and others are wrong, but only time will tell.

I'm anticipating the sub leveling off to its usual self once trump gets sworn in and time goes on. Unless of course he prosecuted hildawg and we find out we were being ran by a cabal of child molesting devil worshippers.

I was here years before you. The sub was never "tilted right" until the flood of new accounts like yours.

i am waaaaaayyyyy to the left so whoa!

ps who the hell are you never seen you here!

Yes, I just arrived. CTR created 2 years of comments for me. You got me.

Too bad you made such a sweeping claim about this subreddit with a months-old account. Should've used one of your older accounts to make such a claim that the subreddit always "tilted right".

all i refered to was my OWN experience here

have a nice day


I would like to think so, and believe that is the intention, as it should be. I'm simply stating it seems that one side has clearly been pushing an agenda here which has caused a counter reaction from the other side dragging this whole thing down with it.

It's not. There are both righties and lefties in here, and plenty of people that aren't "cispolitical".

just a bit strange for a sub about conspiracies

the right wing has always had superior conspiracy theories

From a conspiracy standpoint what's not to love about Trump? Seems like a good fit.

This is bullshit