Would it be suspicious if a pig farm Alefantis posted about happened to be owned by an anesthesiologist?

38  2016-12-03 by Contrary_mma_hipster

Just posing the hypothetical question since any link that could possibly support this crazy paranoid suspicion is not kosher on r/conspiracy apparently.


Could even use the pigs to dispose of bodies, they eat the bone and everything. Hmmmmmmmmm

Sounds like NBC's Hannibal

Or Snatch

Never trust a man who owns a pig farm.

Creeps me right the fuck out...

Especially with knowledge of the Pickton case in Canada.

*It was prostitutes in this case and not children. But there are theories that it was dozens of them. And that law enforcement looked away for many, many years.

I fucking hope - but certainly can't guarantee - that it was a unique case.

a unique case.

try googling for serial killer cannibals, it took quite some effort to bring up the remembered Pickton case, the two brothers and the female helpers.

'farm style' pies and sausages made and sold to local communities.

there are many many cannibals out there, getting caught and written up on.

Would take brass balls to feed farm style sausage pizza

Epstein has a room in one of his homes with a full dental chair. Anesthesia could very well be used for horrible things involving children. Keep connecting the dots!

Yeah, that picture freaked me the hell out. I don't even want to know what the hell happens there.

Source? This is some straight up serial killer shit


From the Guardian, July 2016!

Excellent find!