Who is on your Pizzagate arrest wishlist?

2  2016-12-03 by SirSirob

When Justice finally comes down who do you expect to go down in DC, Wall Street, Hollywood?


The Pope and Black Pope.

Do you think the Queen? Logic tells me yes, but I kind of have always liked her, so I want to say no.

The Royal Family? I'd say, hell yes. IMO, they are in deep with this sick shit...

Prince Phillip for sure

I think they all are. Either partaking, or enabling it... Both are one in the same...


I think Prince Harry is in into good old-fashioned trim

Is he the cute redhead? If so, then yes, I agree.



JJ Abrams, Jack Dorsey, Podesta Bros, + Kevin Spacey

Clintons; Bushes; Every dirty senator & congressman. Every dirty lobbyist. Every person given a job because they had a history of covering up or enabling abusers.

Soros clan Adding the entire Clinton team, foundation & campaign team including Chelsea

John Podesta, Tony Podesta, James Alefantis (and close associates), Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner

Jeffery Epstein

Donald J. Trump

Hillary Clinton

George Herbert Walker Bush

Henry Kissinger

Why is Trump on that list?

Trump rides the Lolita Express and has been friends with the Clintons forever. He currently has a case against him for raping a teenager

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I was thinking Clarence Thomas for sure.

That would be spicy . . . dirty old woman ordering a hot dog

David cameron, clintons

Melissa McCarthy.

Amy Schumer

Sarah Silverman!!!

Chelsea Clinton

Kidman, Bush, The Royal family, DHHS, and the BAR.

Haha, you said justice...

Hil la ry


Sarah Silverman!!!
