Red Scare. They are Trying to throw the election. This isn't just Jill grabbing cash.

93  2016-12-03 by thetruthhurts2016

Important Updates. I'm sorry guys, as soon as Donald is elected, I will personally work to clear our Sub for the non-political stuff about Donald. BUT, fuckery is going on, and we underestimated what is happening.

Faithless Electors

More to come


This is definately something to be concerned about, I posted a while back (atleast if it feels like a while ago, maybe only a week or so) about Steins recount and the possibility that they will throw the election back to Hillary and kick off a civil war. The fact that trump has appointed Maddog Mattis might be his insurance policy to ensure the Military is on his side in the event of a steal. This could get rough, if you are in a large city in America I suggest you get some food and water together, incase it gets ugly

I don't think it will matter, Clinton conceded the election to Trump. It's like the 2004 election where Kerry conceded while Ohio was basically still up for grabs.

Legally that doesn't matter. And I think most of us know not to ever trust a single thing a Clinton says.

1) Clinton had nothing to do with it. And, 2) Bernie and Trump Both are more dishonest than she has been per fact-checking. Her reputation for being dishonest is perpetuated by false news and propaganda. Hillary Clinton has a 72% Truth rating versus 14% for Trump, and 14% for Bernie Sanders.

How can you possibly believe Clinton can't be trusted to be honest? Don't like facts?

Tell me about that time she landed in Bosnia under sniper fire.

Really? That's your big deal? You think that overshadows a lying, fraudulent, sexual predator who screws over small businesses to build his projects and refuses to pay them? The Clinton/LIAR narrative is debunked and widely inaccurate. Trump is a very very dangerous man. I don't know why you voted for him but you will regret it one day if not already.

What about his inescapable conflicts of interest? They are major NATSEC problems and threats that could easily start a war. There's no way to escape them. The day he's inaugurated, Trump can be blackmailed, his properties around the world will be attacked. Do you think he should go to war with Qatar one day just because his tower there was demolished?

Really? That's your big deal? You think that overshadows a lying, fraudulent, sexual predator who screws over small businesses to build his projects and refuses to pay them?

Everyone lies. dont blame him for using us laws to his advantage. Sexual Predator where are all those women allegations against him now? He wont pay people that dont do good work... they then sue him thats buisness.

I am canadian I dont vote in U.S elections. I dont vote in sham democracy.

Plus Clinton was much worse i seen what she has done while secratery of state I saw the emails from Wikileaks.

You know who would have started a war? Clinton. I mean they were setting up more anti russian narrative over time only a matter of time.

Trump winning averted ww3 for a little bit longer.

Should you make assumptions into whats gonna happen? Qatar gave money to the clintons so did saudi arabia what do they do to women and gays? But you trust the person that took over 25 million dollars in donations from them?

You make lots of assumpions sit back relax see what happens dont get your panties in a bunch you dont know whats gonna happen and you cant change it.

Don't listen to people who have no evidence for their claims. They're full of it.

a lying, fraudulent, sexual predator who screws over small businesses

Thought you were talking about her dear husband there for a second...

Cool username! Is "plate" euphemism for "Hillary's asshole"?

Can't believe CNN never showed you the picture of her kissing Her mentor KKK leader Robert c Byrd.

Bird renounced his affiliation with the KKK in the 1950s. Pay attention much?

Probably where hillary gets her "public position, private position" idea from.

Like KKK leader is something you just give up over night when you decide to run for senate.

nice user name lol.

and.... you are either dumb or a liar. It doesn't matter which.

She has flip flopped on every major issue multiple times. How do you explain the "Landing under sniper fire" lie.

Dude, Poltifact, really? Is your backup Snoopes?

And Bernie, as much as I'd love to talk shit about that Commie quack, he probably is the most truthful.

Politifact isn't a questionable source whatsoever. Are you aware of one single instance in which they've been wrong, or are you just saying that cause you don't have anything legit to cite.

What's wrong with Politifact? They are not in any way suspected of being biased.

I will gladly debate this with you if you could be so kind as to remind me on Dec 10th or later. I am in the middle of school Finals and honestly don't have time. But I'd be happy to sort it out, and naturally I will concede IF I am wrong. Not trying to be a dick, but this is relatively low priority until finals are over.

I'll bring the popcorn!

Hm. Does this work on this sub?
Remind me! 10 days

Don't forget fellow Wayer that 'remindme' has to be one word. At least I think so.

drat! thx.

Those downvotes. You realize you're in the conspiracy sub right? Most people here, left or right, despise the Clintons. Lies? How about murder? Blatant corruption? Politifact is controlled. Either you've drunk too much of the koolaid or you're on the payroll.

I'm sure they're just the victims of a 'vast right-wing conspiracy'.

Clearly your not a trump fan based on your other post, and to be honest that is perfectly fine. However, this is about stealing an election, and regardless of whether you like the candidate or not, this is a slipperly slope if you don't believe in being in-partial about your preferred candidate and preserving democracy.

As much as I hate Hillary and Bernie, If they won fair and square I'd fight against stealing the election from them.

This is about Principle and not about you or I.

You can't be sure what kind of fan I am. I generally don't vote for liars.

If you want to base it on principle then wouldn't supporting constitutional election law be the principle in question? Afterall, that is the principle our country is founded upon. Not sure where you are getting the idea that correcting what was done incorrectly to begin with is considered "stealing." In that case, destroying thousands of ballots on Nov 8—which isn't debatable, it's a fact —was an attempt (almost successful even) to steal the election in the first place, right?

And actually it is about you or I, given your an American citizen. As an American citizen, I really don't dig people trying to rig the system by throwing away fellow American voters ballots. Yours mine or anyone's. It's bigly illegal and unAmerican, right? Are you wanting your candidate to win by any means necessary, or any legal means necessary?

Also "Fuckery" already happened on Nov 8. Do you expect peeler to sit back and show that to persist and do nothing? You know better than that. Fair and square is the only way out here. No one will accept voter suppression. You wouldn't, why should anyone else?

Who knows, maybe it'll be advantageous for you. Looks like many promised are being reneged in already. Trump voters might have been conned. Not looking very good. What happens when coal miners get screwed, which is guaranteed. What about Medicare? That affects everyone, parents, grandparents etc. What then? Will you be willing to pay for your parents health care? And Disability, what if you became disabled? Ryan wants to gut ALL of that. Do you support doing that?

Fuckery did happen, but it wasn't from the woman project veritas outed!

Lol politifact. Talk about deceptive reporting.


You sir are either paid to write this drivel, or you are completely and utterly in denial about all the researched facts that are out there. So I'll assume it's the latter and help you out.

  1. Http:// created a document here that is 90 pages long.
  2. Watch The Clinton Chronicles

Facts about the Clintons does NOT mean I like Trump. He'll sooner drive America into the ground before Make it great again, but this doesn't mean Hillary is not a criminal, where her and Bill should be convicted of (at the very least) Treason and Rackiteering under the RICO Act.

1) Facts? I'm sorry you had to help grandpa on that farm and drop out of the fifth grade there Joey. There isn't a damn fact on that stupid website. If there was don't you think the FBI would be bringing charges, despite all the decoder rings you chumps self-fellate with? Are you in the FBI? A layer? No? Shut the fuck up with your servile hazardous waste. Unless the FBI bring charges, you're wasting your pathetic homework time. I'm 67, finished high school and college little Timmy.

Still good to have an eye on it. Hillary is changing her minds like underpants.

Coincidentally, both are full of shit

Is not a Hillary thing. It's an election thing plus voter ethics and integrity. Anamolous evidence related to voter log counts vs actual votes triggered a legitimate problem. You can't have more votes than voters typically. Clinton remained outside of the folks who identified and zeroed in on this. She's only recently become involved because the NSA and FBI notified her campaign (and the opposition) formally.

Apparently numerous polling machines showed upwards of 1000 more votes than voters. In one county ward some 5000 votes were discarded due to mislabeled ID validation. It's a real mess.

If, after an audit, they determine new totals, they'll need to be authenticated and subsequently update official totals. If the new totals affect the election outcome, who knows what they'll do.

To be fair, that's just her public policy.

I appreciate the political stuff, 2016 was "reality" mashes "crazy conspiracy"

Lots of shit i've heard about, so many times i wrote off conspiracy theorists, political conspiracy are what normies are most capable of believing in

Once you shatter that notion, its like a crack in a dam, i know this

Yeah, but it got so bad we couldn't enjoy 'good' old-fashioned conspiracies.

Ah, that is unfortunate, I have no want to piss on the parade

Infact, well im eager to join the parade, i'm like "Okay, msm is shamelessly shilling for HRC, lets get alternate news"

I now believe in some kind of space brothers theory, don't know why, it just feels true, people keep telling me the elite are reptiles...a year ago that was like justification for the looneybin..

Who cares we would just trade one cousin for another cousin. They're all family.

Never did I think I would look back longingly at the simpler days of hanging chads.

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Who the fuck even cares? They are all bad.

Because I like having a job, hot food on the table, and a stable government. Because I don't want to have to fight a civil war because some globalist shit head can't keep from stealing an election. Because some of us still believe in the Constitution and freedom.

The principle of our electoral process(which is a much broader discussion) warrants the principle of integrity be preserved,less a slippery slope be created the next time there is a candidate that you or any one else deems "not bad" may also robbed .

Oh man, the only thing better than seeing all the crying, salty clinton supporters would be seeing all the salty donald supporters if they handed it back to clinton. A 2-fer.

Problem is, I think it will be blood and not tears. It wont be sadness, but anger. This isn't good for anyone.

But your missing the bigger point here. If it were Hillary, as much as it would pain me, I'd still take the same stance. It's not a path I want to embark on regarding election manipulation. Extremely slippery slope. This isn't about Trump or Hillary, it's about the integrity of our Nations election process, which frankly, already has more than enough problems.

I mean, I don't honestly know how much the tampering affected anything else, but way more than the HRC switcheroo, I'm concerned about people getting the other elected officials and ballot issues properly represented. Yeah, it's the principle of the thing.

Legally that doesn't matter. And I think most of us know not to ever trust a single thing a Clinton says.

Still good to have an eye on it. Hillary is changing her minds like underpants.

1) Clinton had nothing to do with it. And, 2) Bernie and Trump Both are more dishonest than she has been per fact-checking. Her reputation for being dishonest is perpetuated by false news and propaganda. Hillary Clinton has a 72% Truth rating versus 14% for Trump, and 14% for Bernie Sanders.

How can you possibly believe Clinton can't be trusted to be honest? Don't like facts?

She has flip flopped on every major issue multiple times. How do you explain the "Landing under sniper fire" lie.

Dude, Poltifact, really? Is your backup Snoopes?

And Bernie, as much as I'd love to talk shit about that Commie quack, he probably is the most truthful.

Clearly your not a trump fan based on your other post, and to be honest that is perfectly fine. However, this is about stealing an election, and regardless of whether you like the candidate or not, this is a slipperly slope if you don't believe in being in-partial about your preferred candidate and preserving democracy.

As much as I hate Hillary and Bernie, If they won fair and square I'd fight against stealing the election from them.

This is about Principle and not about you or I.

Tell me about that time she landed in Bosnia under sniper fire.

Those downvotes. You realize you're in the conspiracy sub right? Most people here, left or right, despise the Clintons. Lies? How about murder? Blatant corruption? Politifact is controlled. Either you've drunk too much of the koolaid or you're on the payroll.

I'm sure they're just the victims of a 'vast right-wing conspiracy'.


Lol politifact. Talk about deceptive reporting.

To be fair, that's just her public policy.

You sir are either paid to write this drivel, or you are completely and utterly in denial about all the researched facts that are out there. So I'll assume it's the latter and help you out.

  1. Http:// created a document here that is 90 pages long.
  2. Watch The Clinton Chronicles

Facts about the Clintons does NOT mean I like Trump. He'll sooner drive America into the ground before Make it great again, but this doesn't mean Hillary is not a criminal, where her and Bill should be convicted of (at the very least) Treason and Rackiteering under the RICO Act.