For those immersed in the Pizzagate scandal, I implore you to look into the work of the late Dave McGowan, specifically his book entitled Programmed to Kill.

49  2016-12-03 by DPerman1983


Strongly agree, that book is fantastic

There are yt videos as well....

can you help me a little here? I am not reading an entire book just to check if you have a point. Thanks

Do a quick search on this sub and you can see multiple posts with loads of information on his work. You won't suddenly wake up to something in an instant to what is going on with what is starting to surface mainstream. This is years of multiple instances of networks of horrifying things that have been done to corrupt innocent children, our legal systems and our governments. You can't get answers or form your own judgements that easily and quite frankly, it's lazy. This type of attitude is part of the problem we have today; everybody wants a quick, headline answer to either reaffirm their beliefs, or to trigger a quick emotional charge to fire back an angry argument. Inform yourself and take time to thoroughly engage in stuff like this if you're truly interested and really want to enlighten yourself to the truth.

I have no idea why I haven't seen more people saying this. You're right about that type of attitude being part of the problem.

you don't know me yet you assume I'm some ignorant brainwashed fuck just because i don't know the guy and i don't want to read an entire book. ok.

"This type of attitude is part of the problem we have today; everybody wants a quick, headline answer to either reaffirm their beliefs, or to trigger a quick emotional charge to fire back an angry argument. Inform yourself and take time to thoroughly engage in stuff like this if you're truly interested and really want to enlighten yourself to the truth."


No I don't. But if you look him up yourself you'll probably enjoy taking the time out to read his stuff.

You're not very witty.

OP is helping you.

Your unwillingness to utilize an innate ability to read, reason & thereafter create a personal understanding of things as they may be is a detriment not only to you; but those important to you, in your life.

It is your path towards enlightenment/samadhi/nirvana/heaven/hell etc., OP is sharing a part of his/her experience, and based on my familiarity with the work & the author, he is indeed doing you a solid.

Perhaps you can listen to these interviews instead...

Dave's website

"Programmed to Kill" by David McGowan

The specter of the marauding serial killer has become a relatively common feature on the American landscape. Reactions to these modern-day monsters range from revulsion to morbid fascination-fascination that is either fed by, or a product of, the saturation coverage provided by print and broadcast media, along with a dizzying array of books, documentary films, websites, and “Movies of the Week”. The prevalence in Western culture of images of serial killers (and mass murderers) has created in the public mind a consensus view of what a serial killer is. Most people are aware, to some degree, of the classic serial killer ‘profile.’ But what if there is a much different ‘profile’-one that has not received much media attention? In Programmed to Kill, acclaimed and always controversial author David McGowan takes a fresh look at the lives of many of America’s most notorious accused murderers, focusing on the largely hidden patterns that suggest that there may be more to the average serial killer story than meets the eye. Think you know everything there is to know about serial killers? Or is it possible that sometimes what everyone ‘knows’ to be true isn’t really true at all?

You can always read reviews to get a sense of a book, and many times get the "highlights" or "cliffs notes" version you mandate.

Edit: Jan Irvin & David McGowan 4 Hour Discussion / Interview

I love this reply!!! ^ TRUTH.. thank you , thank you... there is humanity and sanity in the world.. Love Dave McGowan btw. Read his Laurel Canyon Conspiracy...awesome , mind blowing book. Peace~~~

thank you very, very much. I'll dive into it.

thank you very, very much. I'll dive into it.

Here you go. It's free. Use the table of contents and Ctrl+F if you don't want to read the whole thing.

Ooh, or how about using this, then you don't even HAVE to read!!