The origin of the word Comet, means "Evil Star". Now put on your thinking caps...

25  2016-12-03 by Beneficial1

"In fact, comets have been observed for far longer in history. The ancient Greeks called them "evil stars," which in Greek is dys evil and astron a star. This is the origin of the modern word disaster. The association of comets with untoward events or prophecies continued as recently as the twentieth century, when Comet Halley made an unusually close rendezvous with earth.[9]

-Lucifer is also known as a Fallen Star.

look at this

Every time I bring this up it gets slammed. This is my last attempt.


The origin of the word Comet, means "Evil Star".

No it doesn't. It comes from the Greek word 'come' meaning 'hair', and denotes a star with a tail.

('Coma', the medical term, is Greek too: "koma" meaning sleep)

They've been thought of as omens for centuries, and get a mention in Shakespeare: "When beggars die, there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes."

You can see the same idea in the Heaven's Gate cult, who thought the Hale-Bopp comet of 1997 was a spaceship and committed suicide in order to be 'taken aboard'.

But that's by the by. Things are named 'Comet' because comets comeback regularly and spectacularly, so they are a good thing to be remembered for. Just off the top of my head I can think of two newspapers in the UK called 'The Comet' and one wholesale distributor (gone bust now, I think).

And Lucifer isn't (or wasn't) a 'fallen star'. The name means 'Light bearer' and is usually applied to Venus as a morning star, heralding the sunrise. Lucifer (as in Satan) was a fallen angel, if you like, but not a fallen star. Big difference.

They've been thought of as omens for centuries

dys = evil

astron = star

disaster = evil star

Since they were described before being named, disaster is a possible alternative etymological derivation for the word "comet". You probably don't see it on Wikitionary or other lefty etymology sites because of the devilish connection (gotta stamp out all traces of that evil!)

Also just a simple Google search will tell you that Lucifer is referred to as "Fallen Star" by Christians and non-Christians alike.

Since they were described before being named, disaster is a possible alternative etymological derivation for the word "comet".

This is gobbledygook.

You probably don't see it on Wikitionary or other lefty etymology sites because of the devilish connection (gotta stamp out all traces of that evil!)

This is unhinged.

Also just a simple Google search will tell you that Lucifer is referred to as "Fallen Star" by Christians and non-Christians alike.

And this is untrue.

I'm not sure why people find this so hard to believe.

These people believe Lucifer is God.

They are simply showcasing their religious imagery with their business. Probably as a way of being thankful for their success.

You can google the origin of the word comet. It's not what this guy is saying. This is guesswork at best, lunacy at worst.

Forget about the meaning of the word.

You can't deny the symbolism of imagery used.

It's a lost cause. I keep telling people to abandon the Satanic angle because it's too "out there" for most. It overwhelms the dismissal threshold.

Too bad, because that's exactly what the symbologist/sigilizer wants. For it to creep under the radar, right into the subconscious. For it to be accepted by all yet known by none, and worn as a badge of pride by some dissaffected goth type, etc.

The whole concept is pretty sickening when you do finally accept the true meaning of symbolism under the proper context.

Check my thread submissions. This is my third attempt to point out the obvious.

"" Laugh my Fucking Ass Off

As others have said, in the real world it means (to wear) long hair.

You mean your tin foil hats? Conjecture, speculation, guess work. Which is fine except when taken to fanatical witch hunt proportions, which it is now, and discrediting all real investigations, and this sub.

Notice that for 9/11 credible, educated, professional investigators came on board. Not for pizzagate, because the standard of evidence needs more substance before serious people will pile in. Serious pedophile investigators will build on real cases and expand their efforts proportionate to the real world information being actionable within any sane legal system. They know how to smell a psy op. And there are also cases of false child abuse accusations to learn from:

Listen, I am just pointing out an air tight connection which supports the satanic pedo perception of altefantis.

Its typical narrative to discount this and go on a diatribe saying this hurts this sub. When it does not. It's solid evidence. It can't be debunked. No one has been able to.

pointing out an air tight connection which supports the satanic pedo perception

Weird symbolic memes ("satanic", "occult", "Illuminati" ) have totally invaded mainstream culture/Hollywood/celebrities and do not have clear meanings or tight connections any more. Every kid in America is reading Harry Potter!!!!

Marketing people know it and use it accordingly because, surprise, it sells, to one of the single biggest markets out there, kids (and their doting parents), who buy stuff based on the symbology that is popular with kids.

Why don't you take the time to study up on professional investigative procedure? Why don't you look around and realize that its only a particular kind of demographic that is joining in on this, and notice that they are infatuated beyond all reasonable criteria, and that it has consumed a disproportionate portion of their bandwidth, in a forum that should be concerned about WWIII breaking out, in a forum that followed tens of thousands of victims of Catholic Church sex abuse with real standards of investigation from a similar victim demographic. All you have is "air tight" guess work. Welcome to Jim Jones level of kool aide here.

You need to look up the meaning of "air tight," "connection" and "solid evidence." (Hint don't go to for answers.)

I'm gonna nope your whole post. Kids don't lie. Except when they recant. They say it didn't happen, but it did. That's the only false claims.

Let's get specific. Show me a kid who is saying anything about pizzagate, maybe? Not one? Then kids lying has nothing to do with this specific situation. So, a witchhunt based on handkerchiefs and other symbols, and that's it. Oh, and a lot of guesswork.

Witch Hunt - Full Movie | Snagfilms

What's your point captain?

Sorry, I'm not going to click, we hardly know each other.

related conversation:

Me: "You mean your tin foil hats? Conjecture, speculation, guess work. Which is fine except when taken to fanatical witch hunt proportions, which it is now, and discrediting all real investigations, and this sub.

Notice that for 9/11 credible, educated, professional investigators came on board. Not for pizzagate, because the standard of evidence needs more substance before serious people will pile in. Serious pedophile investigators will build on real cases and expand their efforts proportionate to the real world information being actionable within any sane legal system. They know how to smell a psy op. And there are also cases of false child abuse accusations to learn from:

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[–]Beneficial1[S] -1 points an hour ago

Listen, I am just pointing out an air tight connection which supports the satanic pedo perception of altefantis.

Its typical narrative to discount this and go on a diatribe saying this hurts this sub. When it does not. It's solid evidence. It can't be debunked. No one has been able to.

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[–]rockytimber 3 points an hour ago

pointing out an air tight connection which supports the satanic pedo perception

Weird symbolic memes ("satanic", "occult", "Illuminati" ) have totally invaded mainstream culture/Hollywood/celebrities and do not have clear meanings or tight connections any more. Every kid in America is reading Harry Potter!!!!

Marketing people know it and use it accordingly because, surprise, it sells, to one of the single biggest markets out there, kids (and their doting parents), who buy stuff based on the symbology that is popular with kids.

Why don't you take the time to study up on professional investigative procedure? Why don't you look around and realize that its only a particular kind of demographic that is joining in on this, and notice that they are infatuated beyond all reasonable criteria, and that it has consumed a disproportionate portion of their bandwidth, in a forum that should be concerned about WWIII breaking out, in a forum that followed tens of thousands of victims of Catholic Church sex abuse with real standards of investigation from a similar victim demographic. All you have is "air tight" guess work. Welcome to Jim Jones level of kool aide here."

TLDR, you really should watch the movie: Witch Hunt - Full Movie at

Kids have been documented to have lied. In Kern County they lied against their own parents, and then recanted. Watch the movie.

It takes a special kind of person to tout the "children make false allegations" spewge. So, you have been accused, eh? Keep your issues to yourself. I don't really care what you're saying, and I certainly don't agree.

This is a conspiracy forum, where we look for truth dude, its not a place for people for personal problems and a chip on their shoulder. You claim to be an expert on CPS etc. but won't even acknowledge a case where 30 adults were wrongly convicted by their own kids who had been coached to believe in lies, and gave false testimony. Enjoy your witchhunt.

I will continue to search for real investigations vs witch hunts. If they can find a single kid or other single case linked to pizzagate, I will eat my hat. You are being played, sir. Mark my words, this pizzagate will backfire against all real truth seekers.

Right, so take the chip off your shoulder. I'm basing my opinions on current statistics. Uhmmk?

I'm basing my opinions on current statistics

What happened in the 80's is still relatively current, it should not be discounted in light of the fact there are no children speaking up in regards to pizzagate, but only some creepy leads that started on wikileaks. Don't forget Assange himself is the target of false pedophile charges and dubious rape charges, based also on sketchy material.

Maybe you would like to share some of your opinions (based) on current statistics?

Sure, as soon as I finish studying.

And he was never seen in this thread again.

Kids don't lie.

Okay, but here's a link to a relevant PDF (which you'll probably not click 'cause you don't know me so I'll summarize it here) which was published in part due to the Jordan kids fabricating stories to please investigators, and in part due to the officers mishandling the investigation (shared interview results with other interviewees, interviewed the same child multiple times, etc.):

Children rarely lie about sexual abuse or ex- ploitation, but they do fantasize, furnish false information, furnish misleading information, misperceive events, try to please adults, respond to leading questions, and respond to rewards.

If you look into the original Jordan report there's about 6 or 7 interviews in a row that end up being thrown out because the kids can't keep their stories together.

"Morning Star" makes Garden Burgers and other frozen foods.

"Morning star" is the term also associated with Satan. They must be all satanic child rapers over there too! Get 'cher pitchforks! Oh, and put cher thinking cap on also! hurr hurr.

Way to deflect. Go troll somewhere else with your 5 month old and 28 karma troll account.

Oh you're hilarious. Your own account is newer than mine by 2 months, but you're going to say that I'm a troll?

Seeing as how you just started using it again 13 hours ago, and here you are, derailing the topic.

Disagreeing with you is not "derailing". All of you pizzagate people would have fit right in when we were burning witches in Salem 300 years ago.

Also, you have no idea if I've "just started using it again" or not. See what you did there, you assumed that something which you are doing in in your pizzagate obsession. Thanks for a perfect example. Just because people don't always write something on a forum, doesn't mean they don't read the forum.


Commenting and saying morning stars vegan burgers are Satan worshippers too, is derailing. Not disagreeing

I mean you're on a conspiracy sub. What are you doing here? If you don't want to discuss conspiracy.

You really would have burned witches back then?? Wtf is your problem?

Personally I find it funny how a lot of people on here make connections and show pictures of occult symbols. But these are the people that would have been burning the witches. Dumbass. Idk how you came up with that other then you just want to kill people who think differently from you

I gave as much evidence of a conspiracy as the OP did here. Pizzagate hasn't proven anything, except that it now has diverted all attention away from Wikileaks, what has become of Assange, and the Clinton Foundation corruption. It's being pushed in a concerted way, and has taken over this entire forum.

What evidence?

And actually this pizza gate (podesta) leak is what set the motion for shutting down assanges internet and potentially leading to his detention

And you didn't answer my question. Would you have really burned witches back then?

What evidence?

You clearly did not understand my point. I said, "I gave as much evidence of a conspiracy as the OP did here."

Would you have really burned witches back then?

Again, you missed my point entirely.

And actually this pizza gate (podesta) leak is what set the motion for shutting down assanges internet and potentially leading to his detention

That's quite a leap. Out of the many thousands of revelations wikileaks uncovered, over a period of ten years and just prior to the election, you're going to assume it was pizzagate that led to his detention.

Yeah because of what this has uncovered. They kill people and blackmail them to keep this pedophile ring hidden. Didn't you watch the 60 mins episode about elite govt officials in Britain abusing kids, and killing them if needed to protect themselves? What's so hard to believe about govt elites molesting kids? I mean surely if it happens there in England and they then BAN this episode from airing in England, wouldn't you suspect what they might be hiding from us?

And thanks for not answering my questions. Witchburner


I was going to answer you, but with this childish response have decided you don't deserve any more of my attention. It's not surprising to me you missed the entire point, and assume something else.

Of course there are real revelations. Are you familiar with the Epstein's Lolita Express? That has LOADS of REAL evidence involved, including witnesses, a convicted felon, an island that had the Clinton's, but wouldn't you know it, no one cares, and those that should are instead spending all of their time pouring over weird art and photos in this bullshit pizzagate thing.

I've been linking trump and Clinton together over Jeffry Epstein for the past year. And actually everybody on this sub does care about that. It's just old news you gotta keep up, I agree people get lost looking at silly pictures which will never amount to 'evdicence'.

But how can you dismiss pizzagate when this is exactly what pizzagate is exposing? esp the same circle of government rich elite. Which is what I sent the link To the 60mins thing about.

I'm not the one who said people making these claims would have been burned by witches by people like you. That seems more childish (or just dumb mob mentality), then me saying your a witchburner which you yourself said

"All of you pizzagate people would have fit right in when we were burning witches in Salem 300 years ago.

Wow, you managed to miss the point of my comment about Salem witch trials 4 times now. Great job! I already told you, I'm no longer interested in what you have to say.

What was your point about the Salem witch trials?

Other then people would have fit right in?

And again, what's so hard to believe about pizzagate, when 60 mins did a piece of govt elite abusing and killing kids and it didn't get aired, and the fact clinton and trump have both been on the Lolita express? With that, how is it hard to believe govt insiders abusing kids in America too?

What was your point about the Salem witch trials?

I see you went for 5 times.

I've answered all of your questions in this thread. Go away.


Removed, warning for rule 10.

Just trying to help ya there buddy. My comment is factual and pertinent to this conversation.

The topic is comet ping pong. Just admit he is a Satanist.

Of course they're Satanic.

You have to be Satanic to manage a successful business.

I don't have to admit anything. I'm not obsessed with it as you are. What you have are suspicions, suppositions. I've not seen one piece of pizzagate "evidence" that convinces me of anything except these people are weird, and like weird art. It's all wild speculation like you've displayed here.

The "weird art" is borderline child porn. They have bands perform at their venue that allude to sex with kids in their lyrics and imagery. You're tripping if you think they're "just weird".


I'm not here to defend these people, but did you notice your own choice of words? The truth is, until there is ANY tangible evidence of any kind, pizzagate is nothing but wild speculation.

Yes, borderline. Because actual child porn on their walls is illegal.

There is evidence. You're just naive.

It is a pizza place for pedophiles, ran by pedophiles.

Just like they have gay clubs for gay people. Do they need images of guys sucking dick on their walls for you to realize that?

Where is your evidence? Why haven't arrests been made yet?

I spent hours on end looking into this conspiracy, and my own conclusion is that it's a way to divert attention from the Clinton Foundation and Assange. It's weird, it's strange, but with many thousands of people digging into it, there is still nothing but weird art and wild accusations.

Arrests haven't been made because the pedophile controlled media immediately suppresses it as "fake news". You might as well be saying that Godzilla is coming. It's not even looked into.

It's not diverting any attention from the Clinton Foundation. It is showing exactly what they're about. Gun running and child trafficking for sex cults.

It's not diverting any attention from the Clinton Foundation. It is showing exactly what they're about. Gun running and child trafficking for sex cults.

I have no doubt whatsoever that the Clinton Foundation is corrupt, and a money laundering scheme. Read about Haiti alone, and the many millions stolen from the natural disaster victims there. But I have to disagree with your statement. The american public has a short attention span. This pizzagate shit is designed to divert attention, before allowing the Clinton Foundation and wikileaks other thousands of revelations to fade into the background.

Arrests haven't been made because the pedophile controlled media immediately suppresses it as "fake news".

No, that's not true at all. Arrests haven't been made because there is no evidence. If dozens or hundreds of children are being raped by hundreds or thousands of powerful people, involving thousands of others, it will come out. In fact, it probably would have by now.

This isn't Joe neighbor committing these acts. These are powerful people and people connected to powerful people.

People who can make phone calls to have Law Enforcement back off. People who can have the media spin it as bullshit.

Look into Boystown and what went down in Omaha, Nebraska. The whole city kept their corruption and pedophilia hush hush because they were all implicated.

That is what most people don't realize. We have been conditioned to think that pedophiles are some isolated sickos who act alone, but what we're slowly coming to realize is that pedophilia is actually a sexual orientation that is prevalent in society and especially among the elite.

Look at history, all of the aristocrats would marry women age 14 and younger. It's part of their culture to have the youngest, most innocent sex partners.

US laws (18 and over) and all of that is not meant to protect children, but put there to stop commoners from practicing the same sexual preference as the elites.

Look into Boystown

Look into the Lolita Express. There is a boatload of real evidence, including manifests, witnesses, a conviction, the Clinton's and royalty, etc etc, but instead of investigating that child abduction and rape of girls as young as 14, (Epstein is a convicted felon, and Bill visited his island numerous times...) people are instead interested in this BS.

I have no doubt whatsoever the elite take part in eyes wide shut style shit. Pizzagate has yet to come close to proving anything remotely as interesting as the Lolita express case.

Lolita Express, Pizzagate, it's part of the same monster.

I like how he doesn't look into it, but then tells you to look into something that's obviously also connected.

there is still nothing but weird art and wild accusations... I don't think so , there is more . There is evidence that we have not seen and probably won't be released . They cannot release child pornography . It's illegal. So any of it in the Wikileak dumps won't be seen by the public. It is a crime and it would be called evidence.

If there were any real evidence, people would have been arrested by now. Like in the Cosby case, people would have come forward with their stories. "Innocent until proven guilty" is a thing.

Of course, because the government couldn't possibly be implicated because they are all pure and holy and above corruption, and if this were real it would have been over by now. The good people would have done the right things.

Do you even hear yourself? Or know where you are? People are jailed for days for being mere suspects in cases far, far below this caliber. It's guilty until proven innocent, UNLESS you have a position of power, in which case it's always innocent.

I don't see how you can admit the Clinton Foundation needs looking into, but you can't see how the NCMEC (organized originally by Bill Clinton) and CPS have been colluding with the FBI (who don't track missing children statistics, hmm wonder why), and that that's the big connection behind pizzagate.

Tens of thousands of people, not only in this country, but around the entire world are pouring over every single minuscule aspect of every single email.

Yes, I absolutely do say that if anything damning enough were to come to light, (and it would happen fairly soon, wouldn't it? There are only so many emails.) arrests would be made.

Supposing there is real evidence, the news would hit social media in a hot second, people would freak the fuck out and demand an arrest. Just look at how unhinged people are right now! I saw one poster who doxxed someone, came here and said, "Look (so and so) has a second cousin that's an anesthesiologist! So naturally, the implication is that must mean the relative knocks out small children so elite can have a fuck fest. Others have shown someone wearing a pendant of two intertwined hearts, so obviously that woman likes "hotdog" every full moon!

Do you even hear yourself?

Yes. Do you hear yourself? I'm rational, and most of you are out of your goddamn minds.

If there is some undeniable evidence, then why haven't you called the cops, or the FBI? It's an easy thing to do. Faxing your evidence would work also. Email. You'll be a big hero for causing the first arrest. Stop what you are doing, and do it right now. It'll be world wide news. I'm quite serious, why haven't YOU called, if kids are being fucked all over, and you've got the PROOF???????????? After all, " People are jailed for days for being mere suspects..." Alephantis is not an elite untouchable, is he? Many of the people implicated are not.

Do you even hear yourself?

Pizzagate is a psy-op to take attention away from the corruption of the Clinton Foundation, and the whereabouts and condition of Julian Assange.

I think the point was they could have the pictures hanging on their walls and deniers would still say it's not enough evidence.

So no gay clubs don't need to have pictures of that because they wouldn't even believe it for child abusers.

But no matter how creepy their art is like that statue crawling upside in the position of that guy dalmer murdered or the fact the Washington post said in 2004

"Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes."

I find it hard to believe that people can't connect these dots. Sure /conspiracy goes over board and claims little stars in the corner are proof they worship Satan.

But at what point does the defense of these places have to have to much defense? My point, there is mounting evidence of this. Not of them abusing children, yet. But when or if they do, all of the art work and those emails will be then looked at as an obvious sign.

I just hope the media doesn't completely cover this shit up. Like they did in England with the 60 mins program that was never aired there In fact I think all these fucks are still free.

Some people don't know the history, behaviors and narrative of sex/ slave/Santanist freaks and their cohorts throughout society .. We see and hear allegations , from victims and witnesses of Child pornography , child trafficking , kidnapping , Pedophilia , Satan worship ... and these groups of perverts are usually connected to great wealth and political power , etc,.. these NWO perverts write about their exploits , fantasies and 'doublespeak' ideas about 'sexuality' and how pedophilia has to be accepted , it's a 'choice ' and all the usual lies they tell to make it seem not so bad (but it is bad and always will be to normal people) . ...and their dreams of world domination in books , lectures , etc. There is a lot of evidence to suggest there are groups of wicked people who like to do evil things to little children and babies.. the most vulnerable of society ... and they band together thinking they are not wicked , and brag about stuff they do ( buy and showcase weird suggestive sadistic 'art ' , involvement with spiritual practices that are Satanic , ritualistic , secretive. . Only , in the real world, what they like to do , is illegal. Morally, ethically , spiritually. The entire disgusting thing. IT's almost like an Us and them.. ugh.People who are repulsed and angered at those who exploit children sexually are appalled at any suggestion or hint of it , be it flagrant 'art' , music , or code , symbols , anything that is catered to the child abusers glorifying their perversions . This is the worst of the worst. Apparently , imo , there are things , peculiar things, that the wealthy and privileged feel they can do and get away with .It is seemingly so common, they even find groups of like minded folk to engage in their heinous behavior with . Generally these people don't get caught and if they have allegations against them , they usually can survive it because so many are complicit in their crimes by covering them up. Low level guys or participants will take the fall if any thing . Arrests aren't made because it is not the norm for these types of weird convoluted cases with people that are in high places and well connected.Their money and influence gets them covered up... They usually have several allies , in various positions , law enforcement, local and federal government , or justice dept See the Franklin cover up. See The Marc Dutruox cover up Pentagon Child Pornography case goes nowhere .. FBI Investigates Persidio Child Care Center child sexual abuse ..

He says the same thing other trolls say when I bring this up. It's Deja-vu for me.

Why are you even on conspiracy?

Deflection to me, typical. I use critical thinking skills. I'm sorry that is so foreign to you and how you operate. Now, I hope our conversation is over. You can find someone else to agree with you now, and go on your merry way.

Maybe this guy also drives a red car, you know... RED! The color of SATAN! You should look into that!

You are not being very effective if you have a side . But your lack of empathy has revealed you. Yes , put SATAN in caps. wtf? Go away and start a thread where there are others like yourself . You will just get fucking ignored here, I am done with you , idiot .. critical thinking ....hahahaha... you sound like a plant. , maybe a fern? Social engineer, gtfo.

if you have a side .

I choose the truth for a side. With how many thousands of people around the world on this goose-chase, why hasn't anything worthy of an arrest happened yet? It's been weeks. Why is this scandal more important than the Lolita Express case, where there is FAR more evidence and also children, girls as young as 14 being raped, trafficked and exploited, and also involving the Clinton's? Like I said, I use critical thinking skills, you apparently do not.

Your comment is drivel.

It's connected. They are looking. The ambitious researchers look at the whole picture - with an open mind. This means they're willing to consider the Satanic and other occult aspects, even etymology. Nothing should be dismissed until it can be verified as disinfo, via fact checking.

They're looking at Lolita Express, they're investigating who took rides on it, they're looking for links that will tie everything together. Pizzagate was just the starting gun, the push that got us all rolling. If you've been in this game for longer, sure, you can flaunt your experience and demand elder respect, but it doesn't mean you'll get it. Especially if you prioritize some leads over others.

So while some are doing the work, you sit here splitting hairs over what is more important to investigate, without doing any yourself. It's productive... if you're getting paid for it. Catch my drift?

If you've been in this game for longer, sure, you can flaunt your experience and demand elder respect, but it doesn't mean you'll get it.

WTF are you talking about? You sound like you think you're 007.

Right, anyone who thinks there isn't enough evidence, real evidence... is naturally a shill. Weak, man. Very simpleton style thinking.

You are sure there is evidence right now, correct? I mean, that's why you're here so high-and-mighty. You've seen it yourself. Then why the fuck aren't you on the phone with the FBI at this very moment? Why are you wasting time arguing with me, are you a shill perhaps? Catch my drift?

You're sure, aren't you? You can clearly write. If it holds water, someone will listen, so why haven't you made the call? Send a fax, or email. What are you waiting for?

PS, I just want to ask. Say two people know each other enough in their dark underworld to email each other using code words for important topics. Is there ever really going to be a time someone emails their buddy to say, "yeah, hey George, you left a cum-filled hanky from the ritual satanic child rape we just performed over here, do you want me to just MAIL it back to you?" Yeah, I'm sure that happens a lot, those terrible people.

The Lolita Express has a lot of real evidence. FAA manifests, the conviction of Epstein, 24 phone numbers for Bill Clinton, proof he was on the island on at least several occasions by eyewitnesses, dozens of girls as young as 14 being trafficked and raped by a convicted felon, kept on a private island owned by a billionaire in a foreign country... "Massages" given by aspiring models on the many plane rides, the young meat provided by a modeling agency and Epstein's friend, I could go on and on because I studied that one as well. I did "investigate" this topic. So far, you have weird art and odd circumstances, and that is it.


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