URGENT: I need help decoding pictures in WIKILEAKS Of Antarctica and help digging Info relating to Wikileaks, Julian, Antarctica, Cloning, Aliens.

701  2016-12-03 by GoFyourself2x

This is this deal... I've been hearing PIZZAGATE is a Psyops, a distraction to the BIGGER Picture. So, what is the bigger picture? Well, I think i found the BIGGER picture and Pizzagate branches off of it!! This is the connection...

There's 24 pictures of Antarctica in WIKILEAKS.
Why the fuck would Julian attach pictures of ice and penguins?? There is something in Antarctica that Julian wants us to know about? There might be messages hidden in these pictures. I think that was what phase 3 was gonna be about.

On oct 28 all the counties that have rights to Antarctica signed a treaty banning fishing in Antarctica for the next 35 years.They say we are trying to save the Chilean sea bass. I call bullshit. I think this is to keep traffic down to a minimum. http://thediplomat.com/2016/11/a-pyrrhic-victory-in-antarctica/


Also this old man (explorer who conquered Everest ) planned a trip to Antarctica around November 13 and foreign powers made him reschedule his trip for a later date. Something was going in Antarctica during this time period http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/sir-ranulph-fiennes-antarctic-trip-9038521

John Kerry visited Antarctica Nov 11-13, what the fuck was he doing there? This was after his visit with U.K. And Ecuadorian embassy.


Timeline of John Kerry Sept 26 John Kerry visited Columbia (Near Ecuador) Oct 16-17 to U.K. And Ecuador embassy. The day Julian went missing. Nov 7 Kerry flew out of the US and landed in New Zealand Nov. 10 the same day a 7.8 earthquake rattles NZ. here Nov 11-13 he arrives in Antarctica Nov 12.

Where was he the 3 days in between US and NZ??

U.K. US and Russia are they key countries heavily into expeditions in Antarctica. A week ago Russia drilled 2 miles into the ice hitting a underground body of water. The scientist dropped in the hole to inspect and ended up getting killed by a giant 12 legged octopus. http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/735175/vladimir-putin-killer-octopus-organism-46-b-russian-army-secret-weapon-russia

During this research my leads keep dead ending into alien shit. So figured I look into that... Comet ping pong has pictures of aliens playing ping pong with humans

pic 1 pic 2

Pictures of Antarctica https://www.wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15503

There's also TONS of WIKILEAKS emails of ET, Aliens etc. https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/12127 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/58660 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/51709 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/49401 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/47438 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/45095 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/43231 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/35713 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/12743 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/447 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/50243 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/50088 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/41655 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/41124 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/36976 https://wikileaks.com/podesta-emails/emailid/33010

UPDATE: ADDITIONAL PODESTA EMAILS https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/4065 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/8874 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/58108 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/22014 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/56584 ATTACH UFO NASA VIDEO https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/51798 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/41996 https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/11839

Above are emails I found in the Pedestal emails under the search "Aliens and extraterrestrial" I didn't check DNCleaks

Everyone was worried about searching for PIZZAGATE and overlooked this. Pizza gate is just a small piece of the BIGGER picture!!! If you use twitter, add on to your hashtags #pizzagate #AlienGate

Germany was the first country that was interested in Antarctica. Hitler's theory was the earth was hollow and the poles at the end of the earth were the entrance into the center. He said the bloodline elites lived in there (fallen angels or theory is they are reptilian) Hitler was so interested in what was there that he CONTINUED his expedition while WW2 was going on.



There is something there!!!! Julian was trying to tell us by alll the pictures in the leaks. My anon friend said Julian worked out a deal with the CIA and world govts to leak out certain emails to control the minds of the population. If this is true, then Julian would have to communicate with us thru hidden code. So, when searching in WL we need to look for code language.

First off let me say... Cloning is real, all governments do it. The elites have been pre conditioning us about cloning for a LONG time. There's been many cloning movies that give us clues. The freemasonry symbol is identical to the movie Avatar. Which is about cloning humans and aliens Avatar and Masonry , Kayne West Cloning music video ,

Britney Spears Cloning center music video

the Simpsons have episode on cloning https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HLITQXRH70M

Here's an example of a Britney Spears clone. Looks nothing like her. She posted this on her twitter. clone

Here is info from a guy named Don Marshall, he said he's been to the cloning centers and tells all. He can easily be a puppet of the illuminati but he's giving us this info for A REASON. To condition the public... don Marshall

George Green was an insider and he tells us about how the elites are cloning and have contact with aliens. He said they used to hologram, but now they can clone a walking talking real life person since 2008. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1PIKUslVwbs I think the above two people are puppets but are part of the "pre conditioning" the public for what is to come.

Also, Phillip Schneider worked for the govt building underground bunkers. He said there were 300 + in the US and mentioned Antarctica too. He said the govt budget for this type SHIT is half a trillion. Each bunker cost $17 billion and takes about 2 years to build. The govt averages 3 a year. He also says there is underground railroads the connect all the bunkers which blows the technology we have out of the water. Their technology and roadways make us look ancient. I think this is why trump says our roadways are 3rd world bc he prob knows what type of high tech stuff they have underground. There was a video he posted of the underground bunkers (I think) but it looks like it's been deleted. Phillip also told us there were grey aliens living underground too and he saw them with his own eyes. He said we make deals with them for exchange of tech/energy, so this could be where some of our kids are going. Phillip says 100,000 kids go missing per year, not counted for. Not kidnap but just disappeared. After he gave this speech he was murdered!!!! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xedmfAgx8eg


Max spiers is a UFO specialist and researcher. He was also researching the Clinton's as well. Well, he found out too much info and he was murdered too. http://www.inquisitr.com/3611766/ufo-expert-max-spiers-fiance/ Why is our govt killing off these UFO experts and witnesses??

This is a great article!!!!! Must read http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_underground25.htm

Also, you need to remember the Pope met with Patriarch Kirill of Moscow earlier this year, something that hasn't happened in 1000 years, and he told Krill the end is near. At the same time Putin moved The Ark of Gabriel (Has very bad energy) from the middle east to Antartica. What stuns me about this is, Im reading a book right now called the Islamic Anti-christ. In the Quran their Messiah is our Anti-christ in our bible. Is the Arc of Gabriel a way to welcome the demons and antichrist on our land?

Islamic Antichrist http://beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2013/12/christian-antichrist-shockingly-resembles-muslim-savior-aka-mahdi-2456972.html ARC of Gabriel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5-yc_zcYZ0

Ok, Now the mystery of Julian disappearance: So, if it's true that Julian worked for the CIA and wanted help he would have to send messages to us thru code the hidden code in the wiki misspelled tweets spells out HELP HIM. Why did he send that in code? Bc someone was watching over him even before he was captured on Oct 17? . HELP HIM

The US govt been trying to get their hands on Julian for a long time. For what? To maybe clone him? If so they would have to plan this out in great lengths. For years the US has been destroying the Ecuador economy here The elites KNOW they get their way if they bribe you. So, they destroy Ecuador economy then bribe Ecuador to give up Julian for cash to rebuild their country. The Don Marshall website posted above explains the different types of clones the govt is involved with. He also explains the clones take 5 months to fully grow. I find it really fkin weird that Julian's next appearance is Feb 19. That's 4 months and 3 days after he went missing on Oct. 17 Could it be possible the US bribed Ecuador in exchange for Julian to clone him?? He is worth more ALIVE bc the public doesn't trust mainstream media. There trust is in WIKILEAKS but majority of the people don't trust WL without Julian being in charge. WL will fail if Julian is killed. Then the elites won't have a platform to use to control our minds... MSM fail, WL fail if he's dead. They can't just release him bc he will rebel and run. The elites NEED Julian more then ever especially after Trump won and is threatening to drain the swamp. They need WL to help spread their propaganda.

PROOF CIA IS RUNNING WL :One of the WIKILEAKS associates told us NSA and CIA are at war. NSA being the good guys. So, WL the other day RELEASES NSA Germany leaks. Like fkin kidding me? They are fkin stupid. WL is obviously ran by CIA right now bc they are taking jabs at NSA using merkels leaks who is caught throwing up NWO gang signs here A lot of people say this 4chan post is fake but I feel like it has some truth to it. That's how CIA works. They feed us truth with dis info. NSA VS CIA

So, having said all that... Its a lot to take in especially with all that has been revealed in the last 3 months. Antartica has to be where the Aliens are located and experiments, such as breeding and cloning etc. go on. In the last 2 years Millionaires are FLOCKING to New Zealand (near Antartica) and underground bunkers are in high demand right now. The elites are preparing for doomsday. http://www.forbes.com/sites/joelkotkin/2016/04/22/where-millionaires-are-moving/#75789b2e7f7b


We recently found out about pizzagate, which is extremely evil and sickening! Its a huge global pedo ring that involves all the world leaders, politicians, bankers, judges, FBI, CIA, and Hollywood and now... Aliens. WTF This could explain the reason behind kids vanishing. Last week Turkey went nuts blowing up #pizzagate asking where their 9,000 children went. 9,000 refugees were suppose to go to Germany... but they DISAPPEARED! Yeah, put those dots together!! You can't give them cash bc wth they gonna do with it? lol Shit is barley worth anything up here in the real world. So, I think we all need to come together and research every end and demand answers: 1. Pedo Sex Ring/ Satanic Ritual Murders--> Research location of disappearance of kids (Example: Watch Phillip Schneider video (above) and write down where all the underground bunkers are. Theres a HUGE one under Denver airport. Maybe theres connections around that airport like the Haiti borders place across from Besta Pizza? Tunnels under comet that lead to the ETs? #Pizzagate 2. The ET and Antartica, Who's all connected and I think the Pope calls the shots lol Who's visited Antartica, how often? Secret meetings? Global warming is BS i think so meeting on global warming could actually be about the ETs? #AlienGate 3. Julian can either be dead or they are cloning him but we need to stay on their ass about POL #WhereisJulian 4. Go to church, Pray, stay stocked up with food, water and ammo... AND STAY AWAKE and PREPARED.. We are definitely living in the end times #Godspeed


this is what this sub is all about - hollow earth aliens, Antarctic Nazi bases, human cloning, hidden bunkers

fascinating theory

Yep this one's a classic. Packing a bowl now.

Hahahah right with ya

Don't mind if I do.

Yeah Boi!! Better then the soaps

Well, if everyone else is doing it - Happy wake n bake my conspiracy friends!

Gotta go grocery shopping first. Otherwise I will end up with 15 bags of chips and a can of green beans for the week. Lol

Once work is over..

Wise choice.

Gilded. Keep on toking responsibly, brothers! Fluid intelligence is a muscle that requires proper flexing. May the Blessed Mary(jane) guide our research and ability to appreciate all angles of analysis.

And share the love. Only Babylon charge we for ganja!

Many thanks for the gold and the good vibes. Next toke is dedicated to my fellow woke.

The Truth is out there. (weed helps)


Weed is the key to everything. It will change your whole world. I do not recognize mine anymore and I am a completely different person. Load up an entire bowl of keef (yes, keef), lie down, and keep your eyes open. Follow the rainbow. The rainbow is key. You will see bright light, don't let it take you. Then think about every movie you have watched, every song you have heard, every book you have read. The answers are right there in plain sight. Really listen to music, read the song titles, read titles of TV shows, titles of book chapters. Keep digging, and never stop asking questions. The world is slowly waking up. Do NOT do it alone. You will need help coming down. If you go too far, you won't come back. Suicide will tempt you. Do not fall for it. You need love to stay grounded. Love is the final key, it will keep you grounded. Once you are no longer blinded by colors and symbols, you will see them for what they really are, just distractions and control mechanisms. Stay safe, good vibes.

keif =/= lsd


True but damn I wish I could smoke some keif and have the experience you described.

What the hell are you talking about

I'm not going to lie some may not understand what your theory is but I do. See ppl think those who smoke weed are dumb pot heads. Though there are a few. But there are some people who have done what you said(I didn't see a rainbow) however I began to relax and think about all types of Viceland documentary episodes and different books and life events and I saw things different. Reality can fuck you up if your weak minded. Just like they say going on the deep web can cause all types of psychological impairments due to the shit you see which is really fuxed up and shows you how sick people are with certain acts they commit. Smoking weed , relaxing and opening your chakras can fux you up when you see reality if your not ready to receive the truth.

LMAO read all the way down and caught this. Love this stuff.

Tila Tequila talked about hollow earth, nazis, babies, satanic worships and sacrifices.

People ask why celebrities don't come out and talk about that stuff... lol well they do.. They just happen to be Tila Tequila,

I remember seeing that and my Husband wouldn't count Tila Tequila as a reputable source... she gave up trying to expose it didn't she?

Yeah I think she did. There are still some of her youtube videos floating around online that you can find. But from what I remember, she started getting a little crazier saying the earth is hollow and everything later on. Then she said not to believe her and she made it all up. But she also had a brain aneurism shortly after she started exposing this stuff, so I really have no clue what to think of her.

I have spent a good amount of time browsing through her various social media profiles because the shit she posts is hilarious. I can say with 100% certainty that she is not a reputable source, just a crazy person.

There's a reason why many conspiracy theorist are dropping dead and the media smears our theories like we are a bunch of crazy tinfoil Hats.

That plan has kept me alive this long.

Maybe because (shocker) you are a bunch of crazy tinfoil hats? FFS, you guys are taking random ass nature pictures and thinking that there is a massive conspiracy with Antarctica. Ever heard of Occam's Razor? In all likelihood, Assange just like nature pictures.

IMO There's definitely something to aliens that is a little too deep for most to handle. I'm just a 22 yr old no one that had too much time to waste on meditation & contact, TPTB have been actively trying to affect/ruin my life for at least 4 years.

Now I'm at a point where they've ruined relationships or created fake ones, stolen/ruined shit, torture me with frequency weapons every day for months (especially when I meditate and am between sleep/wake state when lot of paranormal stuff happens), witnessed mass shilling of new age forums, got banned from a weirdly active and new Iranian spirituality forum that advertises demon summoning and drugs too much only for recommending a good book, showed me an eye of horus when I closed my eyes before they controlled my heart rate for 2 days, eye movement, speech, tone and showed me a virtual reality dream of being tied and stabbed in the throat, scared half to death and woken twice by entity sounds or tech, sexually stimulated and forced to cry like pushing a button, told with voice of god tech I was abducted 17 times, an agent "James" told me with voice to skull I was cloned, contacted couple aliens and I'm gangstalked often in fking Iran. So please try and understand why I waste my time on this shit.

Just to add to it, all the incoming "you're psycho" comments are part of the targeting process and many TIs (targeted individuals) when telling the police or doctors of their harassment get sent to psych wards and/or get diagnosed wrong, some very severely. It's like MK-Ultra for everyone basically.


Removed, warning for rule 10.

Lay off the drugs for a bit man.

Hey man, I'm sorry you are having a hard time. Sometimes it's good to just get away from the internet for a while and reconnect with nature. Go out and enjoy a nice walk, stargazing, etc. it will be good for you. you won't miss anything here on the internet.

Ye, I'm just kinda raising awareness for TIs and alien shit lol cuz it's done covertly and it can be pretty annoying

That's cool. Even so, it's still good to unplug ever now and then.


Removed, warning for rule 10.

I'm sorry you're having to endure such torture. I just finished reading "Twelve Years in the Grave: Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp" https://www.amazon.com/Twelve-Years-Grave-Electromagnetic-Concentration/dp/1304588297

I hope you'll check it out, so you know you're not alone. I couldn't imagine having to go through what you, this author, and others have had to experience. God speed.

I'm sorry you're going through that. Fuck those soulless tools.

For real, I hope you get the help you need.

Clearly this sub is not helping you delusions.

Maybe its time to take a step back.

it has everything!

Seriously! I just delved into that link above about the songwriter clone and holy geez that was cool. Thanks so much for sharing. Please continue posting and commenting.

Dankness not for the faint hearted

Amen. I love this.

Sometimes I wish I was born in a later time just to see what came of all of this.

I'm sure your clone will get a kick out of it

But when I die, I'm gonna transfer my consciousness into the clones brain so really it's like I never died. I just keep on living through my clones. I get to keep all the thoughts and experiences I've ever had in my prior "lives" and just transfer them into my next clone body.

How do you think a consciousness transplant would go down?

It would require finding the anchor from the soul to the body and figuring it out, then yknow manipulating the system to place the soul on another body

Sounds like the key to alchemy.

Brain transplant?

I am thoroughly convinced that if brain transplants were ever possible they would just lead to the patient losing their mind after a couple weeks of enduring the absolute cacophony of odd senses one would experience waking up in a foreign central nevous system.

Sounds tricky. Somebody try this and lettuce know how it goes. ;-)

YRW when there's no soul transfer, just a brain copy, and there are memories that you have lived 100's of times that you don't remember. The death of every prior body.

You would just be disappointed. It is better you live now so when nothing comes of it you will have forgotten already.

Nothing, focus on pizzagate, the thing we KNOW is real

This connects with PIZZAGATE. lol I research PIZZAGATE everyday and was one of the first to break the pizza codes 2 months ago. All we are doing is connecting the dots. Like how the hell does 800,000 kids go missing a year?? That a hella lot of kids!! It would make sense if they abducted those kids for comet pizza, politicians, sex island, and Antarctica for the aliens. No one is forgetting about pizzagate. I promise but there's a bigger picture to this. Even FBI anon told us that. He said don't just focus on comet ping pong. This is global on a WAY BIGGER SCALE.

Your 800,000 per year figure is highly misleading. For a start it's based on data that is 14 years out of date, and since the advent of mobile phones the number of reported missing people is falling year on year. Furthermore of the 800,000 in the original study about half of them turned up after a relatively short time (mere hours). And furthermore a further 200,000 were abducted by family members (like divorced parents for example) and were not lost. And a further 60,000 were abducted by people known to the child but not family members (also returned and not lost)

The real data shows that for children that are reported missing to local police forces only about 1 in 10,000 are not found alive. So please, fuck off with your highly misleading figures

Nice numbers man. I appreciate the breakdown. Just going by the last report made thru the justice dept. Have a good day and fuck off too โœŒ๐Ÿผ๏ธ

Thank you for your services to the People of Earth. I really appreciated the effort you put into this post. Don't let hate mongering shills put you down. Antarctica has always fascinated me because we, as the commonwealth, know very little about it. It first peaked my interested when I was 16 and learned about Hitler's expeditions there. Unfortunately, I'm not good at coding or else I'd love to help. I'm more of a "spread this to the public" kind of theorist. Any way I could help besides the spread of knowledge is up to you superior theorists. I'd love to do more for the fight of Truth, but I'm not sure how. YOU have an excellent day, sir/ma'am. Please don't fuck off.

*piqued. for the next time you want to use it.

Thanks, Dad.

Thank. I appreciate it

Hes a contrarian. Trolls about looking to disagree where he can.

I saw a special on the mass of people who dissapear in the US. The fbi stats reflect the same.

800,000 is fuck all as a percentage of the global population. There are 1.8b people under the age of 15. 800k per year would mean 0.04% of children go missing each year globally. Is that particularly hard to believe for you without the help of some elite abduction ring?

It's an outrageous number! USA and U.K. Are both really high. U.K. Is 250,000

USA 800,000 http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/22/us/missing-children-fast-facts/

Ok, but that article says 200,000 of those were abducted by family members. And the article says nothing about how those cases ended. Included in the remaining 600,000 are all the kids who ran away from home only to return sometime later, or any child found dead. It makes no mention of how many cases are unsolved.

EDIT: 33k children currently missing in the US right now. That's a lower proportion of the population than i initially calculated. And i would assume many cases are quite old. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2014/09/23/missing-persons-children-numbers/16110709/

That's a better number. Thanks for pointing that out

We're finding out that we're basically livestock for the elites that scumbag humans sold us out for. Aug Tellez (he's on FBI and twitter) discloses tons of info about the control matrix and the virus that has infected it.

Thanks I'll check him out. Yeah they sold us out for sure.

Imagine this! We already know the ROTHSCHILDS are greedy afff and only care about theirselves. If they found the other side has greater technology, energy etc they would sell us out in a heart beat!! One of the OP sent me this. Rothschild Island We know they are basically the family that owns the world and have the most control. So they would have the best spot on Antarctica. That island is the tip of Antarctica, which means our world could be flat and the ROTHSCHILDs island is the key to the OTHERSIDE

The Globe was made to enslave the human race to this world only. The globalist made up the term called GLOBE. If the world was FLAT explorers like we are would try to see what is on the other side. Then telling us this is a globe, that would keep us away from the edge from finding out what is on he other side. There's a reason why Antarctica is under heavy protect by military...

The new alien movie that recently came out is called the ARRIVAL. Imagine that

And it came out on the 11th!


Hopefully we can upload our brains into the ether before we all get too old and die

OP worth mentioning is that the pope and russian pope met for the first time after a thousand years in cuba. After which the russian pope was escorted by russian navy to Antarctica where he performed some ritual. The pope gave him something during the meeting earlier this year to bring along. I found this fascinating!

What are they doing bringing this to Antarctica? Some kind of ritual/blessing? Article on Ark of Gabriel

The Ark Of Gabriel...

Check out what else the Pope did. Lol he said he would baptize an alien here

So I've read about this but have yet to understand what it is, how it works, or why it was developed?

Hey, thanks for posting this. I was unaware and am happy to learn of this activity. I am currently searching for more info but if anyone has a good link please add. Thanks.

Firstly the russian orthodox church didn't exist 1000 years ago. Secondly they met earlier this year: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/feb/12/pope-francis-russian-orthodox-patriarch-kirill-make-history-cuba-first-meeting-in-1000-years

I read that the arc was given to Putin and the pope gave an ancient spell to the Russian pope. Can't remember where though. You know how that goes. :-/

Btw most will say this meet up was due to the Syrian situation comin to point of no return hence sparking a world war which then brought the churches together. Another loosely related event that preceeded the meet up was an accident in Saudi where a crane had fallen and something was uncovered from that accident. I actually read that here on this sub....its interesting that there is an actual chronological order that is very fluid. And for the fact kerry is there during the final weeks of potus election shows something is definitely going on in Antarctica

Please don't forget that the emails regarding ET were SENT to Podesta, not replied to. He never replied to any of these emails and anyone could send anything.

Indeed. Anyone could send him anything.

But he did reply to one.


"Thanks for your note, Juan. Are you still in DC? Lots of work to do. I'll say hi to Gabe for you. John"

Erm...what's your point?

His assistant also replied to this one to schedule a meeting: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15052

Exactly. Podesta had already been known publicly as the guy interested in UFOs. This is not evidence of him being 'in' on anything.

Yea he forwarded it instead of replying, and look at what he has to say


There was one email that I know of, where someone was trying to set up a meeting between Podesta & Obama and Dr Mitchell.

Podesta himself didn't reply, but his assistant did. They were trying to figure out a time and day Podesta and Dr Mitchell could have a Skype meeting by themselves first, and include Obama in a later meeting.

So, just wanted to let people know that not all of these emails were simply ignored or forwarded.



So, First of November the foreign powers stopped anyone from visiting Antarctica and to change their trips for a later date. The countries all came to an agreement to pass a ban of fishing around Antarctica. I think they did this to lower traffic down to a min. Also, Buzz Aldrin visited Antarctica recently and media blasted out that he was rushed to the hospital due to the harsh conditions in Antarctica. here something tells me that this is a hoax and hopefully it would turn away people from visiting. I don't think they can come out and ban everyone from visiting but they can do certain things to minimize traffic.

Here are the many suspicious deaths that happened in Antarctica. here


Aliens prefer cold weather? Or maybe there's a superconductor experiment?

They can't take the heat

if they are from mars or further out why wouldn't they?

The reptilians are cold blooded, they need heat. But they come from a planet called Phfjituado which has an ambient temperature of - 200 degrees so Antarctica is like Florida to them.

Why are you posting emails from dot coms and dot orgs?

So I went to the dot org and put in the email ID and it's the same as the dot com. Am I missing something here?

Buzz Aldrin beliefs in aliens because the moon landing was a hoax and we really sent the astronauts as ambassadors to the Greys. The idea with Buzz in Anacostia is to be ambassador to the reptilians when they open their stasis tunes because he is already able to understand how they communicate telepathicly. Maybe the reptilians telepathy hurt Buzz brain and he had to get treatment.

but that means the earth is round

If you are a flatearther, you would know about some of the NWO churches and bases in Antarctica.

There is only one international treaty in the whole world where every nation agrees upon. And that is the Antarctic Treaty.

Other things to research. Operation High Jump, Operation Fish Bowl and Admiral Byrd.


Random friend of mine just took a job there and is there for the next six months

What does your friend do?

IT support

Could you maybe squeeze some information out of him?

"Its cold here."

iv actually sent my resume off to them, they got a few spots open, they dont seem to be closing the place off.

that's because there's nothing going on but research down there. no holes to middle earth. no lost continents, no nazi strongholds

such a shame that would be the craziest happening ever.

Ask him?

Any chance you can squeeze info out of your dad and update us?


"Hey pop, any update on when you'd like to reschedule our trip?"

"Response" [either yes or indefinite no]

"Did something come up last minute for you that you couldn't make it?"

"Response" [blatant lie or obvious reason that you can validate]

We'll know the weight of this based on whether or not you update us....

I know you need a special license or something to go in the caves there my cousin studied for like a month there for school

Hey buds, good post. Trying to help you out here.

Yeah, go to this email and download the Attachment:

SM Optimized.pdf 2.36 MiB application/pdf


Take note of the email:

"Also, you make an invisible appearance within the text at the end. :)

The guy is saying he wrote a book where John Podesta makes an appearance at the end.

Happy digging.


wonder what the "secret plan" really is.

Quote e-mail 50448:

Re: Interesting news

From:jpalmieri@hillaryclinton.com To: john.podesta@gmail.com Date: 2016-02-09 17:01 Subject: Re: Interesting news


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 9, 2016, at 12:47 PM, John Podesta <john.podesta@gmail.com> wrote:

Our secret plan.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: *Thomas DELONGE <t.delonge@me.com>*

Date: Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Subject: Interesting news

To: John Podesta <john.podesta@gmail.com>

I thought I would give you a piece of cool news to brighten your stressful and long days.

When I interviewed you, I put 'behind the scenes' photos on the social networks. Ambiguous ones.


I just announced my project, and the pre-orders of the Novels went up, and kids are mining the Internet asking for any info whatsoever that "John Podesta" says in the book...


Ha. They don't know yet where you exist in this Sekret Machines Universe (we launch the story with NY Times with Doc Trailer in a week) and they already look to you in a leadership role they can trust. And care almost ONLY about your voice in this.

That's HARD to do. Getting young adults to like you, especially if your at your level in DC. Don't lose that. I will brand you much more when this all comes out as a man that the youth can trust and rely on.

Not that you care... But I do. They do.

This project is about changing the cynical views of youth towards government. My fans are trolling the Internet asking about.... *you*. And I haven't even mentioned you yet. That's cool.

The young adults are so passionate about this topic, and at the end of the day they feel like you respect them. So they are seeking you out.

Best, Tom DeLonge

TOM DELONGE | FOUNDER TOM@TOTHESTARSINC.COM <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','TOM@TOTHESTARSINC.COM');> | (760) 518-7801 | *TO THE STARS MEDIA <http://www.tothestarsinc.com/> SAN DIEGO | 1053 S Coast Hwy 101 Encinitas, CA 92024

Quote from the e-mail:

"This project is about changing the cynical views of youth towards government. My fans are trolling the Internet asking about.... *you*. And I haven't even mentioned you yet. That's cool.

The young adults are so passionate about this topic, and at the end of the day they feel like you respect them. So they are seeking you out.

Need I tell you more?

Well, let me;

You are all being trolled. Big time. These guys ENTERTAIN you - and thereby "Remote Control" you. YOU are the fucking Quantum Computers and Robots they always talk about - THEY are the "Aliens".

-It is the oldest plan of them all. And it has always worked - they stay in the shadows, and make up stories - and while you try to figure out what is real and what i not, they go on pursuing the end goal of Global Domination - which used to be "Control of The Mind" (still is - they fill your head with THEM and not yourself - hence "The Infection", and y'all being Generation Z.... GET IT?) - but unfortunately - now it is much worse;

-They blast the sky with heavy metals, and poison you all through food and water, vaccines and generally fuck up your genes, so you, & our CHILDREN (it's always been about the children - ALWAYS) will be under yet another layer of control.

-And just like you, as parents, they will have severe difficulty escaping from it, because you never figured out what was really going on - so they won't either - and they will grow up, just like you, to think Government is supposed to be there in the first place - IT IS NOT.

-There you have it in a nutshell.

Governement literally means "Governance of the Mind", and THAT is what Governement is, means, and always have been: Mind Control.

I'll let Mark Passio break it down.

The Podesta e-mails is just the latest version of this hypocrisy - you all sit on your asses, and nothing gets done - because you are not IN the world, making a change.

The Western Civliization does not function without the minds of the hosts it has created - YOU, (& everyone you know).

It is not "Who done it", but WHAT. Look around you - the planet is being FUCKED, because YOU are not there taking care of it, nor it's inhabitants. Because you are busy pointing fingers at the assholes - but what you don't see, is that the assholes are pointing at YOU.

Forgive me for ranting, but the worst part is, I am not mad at any of you - so don't get me wrong - just take a look at what you are doing right now - are you making this planet a better place or not? Seriously - are you taking the proper management of Governing you own minds? Or are you being led by some mysterious men releasing all this marvelous Revelations so you can all be free?

These magical cunts still somehow got their gmail accounts hacked though eh

...and that is why believing that TPTB have some unstoppable scheme is pretty out there. The level of incompetence of some of these people is astonishing. Pretty sure everyone agrees government is up to so super shady shit. How competent are they, is the real question.

The fact that the olympia was passed off as the titanic, considering all the people involved, proves that secrets can be kept well. most of the population still has no idea even though the proof is easily discovered in 30 minutes.

they have had centuries of careful planning, of course they are competent.

Yeah lately I've started thinking that maybe all life changing scientific discoveries were controlled releases to keep us from figuring things out more.

What is this even.

Tom DeLonge of Blink 182 emailing (and ass kissing) his "inside source", John Podesta about a book of UFO disclosure called Sekret Machines.


Tom has been big into aliens for a couple of years now but i had no idea he had ties with Podesta. There's way too much weird shit going on!!!

Yeah it's weird. This book is like one of their "youth-outreach" attempts at spinning ET info and related. Molesta is probably part of the "control the narrative" and has no interest in actual disclosure.

The text at the end??? http://imgur.com/WMko9UL

This looks like the back of the book, not the "text at the end". I'm assuming that the "invisible appearance" is in the wording of the end of the book. Unless I'm missing something

Yeah bowl bro. It got worse.. waayyyy worse this is the 'text at the end' http://imgur.com/4IybKDe

Wow! At the end of the book it basically tells us we are part of a project that involves aliens. I'm sure there is disinformation in here but has a lot of truth about the this alien project the higher powers are conducting. Def gonna read it this weekend page 1 page 2 Page 3 page 4

This book is a straight up psyops

i get a very bad feeling just looking at this book, not gonna bother reading it.

I think it's probably something like 20% truth and 80% bullshit. Not sure yet if I want to bother reading through it or not.

ooh psycotropics machines anf that(sorry bad english)

about a book of UFO disclosure called Sekret Machines.

It's been available for purchase for a while.

The PDF of the book is an attachment in one of the podesta emails

Can you provide a link that email?

Book says it's based on actual events. Interesting. Have you read any of it? Just curious what it's all about.

Haven't read it yet, though I'm going to. There's a lot of weird stuff around it.




One of the emails, can't remember which one, talks about how this would hit the media.

Quote from http://www.ew.com/article/2016/04/05/tom-delonge-sekret-machines-book :

What is fiction vs non-fiction in this book? People are supposed to go along for the ride. Some of the themes that are in this book are going to play out over a series of books so they can understand the deeper issues and the deeper thought processes that have gone into the things that we did. I donโ€™t need people to wonder what is fiction or not in this first book. I need them to absorb the story and follow along.

I recommend everyone to be careful about the e-mails, and the book.

It is another attempt at confusing y'all.

The "Agenda" is, and always has been to render people perplexed and helpless. The Alien Agenda is just this.

It is the latest attempt to make you feel so little and small, that you need the Government to make decisions for you.

Look at it this way: They don't give you evidence - only mysterious hints.

They gladly provide you circumstantial evidence, and YOU either go into the trap, or not.

This way their hands (again) are completely free of blood, because they have done nothing wrong - YOU are responsible for fucking up your own head - and no-one else.

On another note: The Matrix everyone is talking about: It has a tunnel in the end, in the bottom of the Rabbit Hole;

-This is it. The Podesta e-mails is the latest version.

And yet again, it's the aliens. Sure, may be, or may not be - but you have been warned. It is impossible to prove - and yet again, if you go for it, you are at the whims of something and someone else, and are not your own creation.

I get what you're saying. It all seems like a crazy wild ride. I don't for one second think I can figure it all out and will one day have a clear picture of the real truth. But I will say, I would rather spend my time here with like minded individuals speculating and trying to make sense of this crazy world than watching tv, movies, etc. it's like putting a puzzle together without a picture of the end product.

I feel you. I wouldn't be here with you otherwise either.

Just stay alert, and search the veterans on the field.

Here is a small (but important) list of significant people;

-Allan Watt (Ignore A. Jones in the beginning - it's the best quality out there)

-Milton William Cooper

-Kevin Shipp

-John B. Wells

-Dane Wiginton

-Michael Tsarion

-G. Edward Griffin

-Mark Passio

Thanks I'll give them a gander.

This place is way more engaging for my brain than anything other activities this time of night, so I figured no harm no foul. But you are right, I see some users seem to get really spun out on some of this stuff. And who knows maybe they are right and I am wrong, I have no idea. What I do know is that I learn about so many things here that I would otherwise never hear of, so that's what keeps me coming back. And I really do have fun trying to figure things out. I would love to be a real life Columbo, I think I missed my true calling.

People like us are what are keeping the elite running scared of us all coming around. They need cogs in the machine. Keep reading :)

So is Tom Delonge with Podesta?

Dunno. It's just an e-mail, and don't know him directly, so it's hard to tell.

Thanks for the links. I will read them shortly.

I noticed he is doing the "V" for Vril with his fingers. Do you think that Vril aliens have experimented enough with human dna that they have managed to create believable human chimeras? That they have infiltrated our culture, and although technically smart, not culturally humanly smart? Hence the mistakes they often make? Or even used DNA from former idols (Egyptian mummies, DNA banks) to recreate humans that were once loved in order to infiltrate properly?

In Leah Rimini's recent Scientology show on A&amp;E they said that everyone around Tom Cruise had to be a Scientologist, his cleaning lady, his chef, they even tried to plant his love interests in all the while knowing they were all part of the church. If the Vril were trying to infiltrate and manipulate us, wouldn't they want everyone around us to also be Vril? So our tv idols, philosophers, religious idols, authors, musicians, schools...

I've read it. It's pretty good, structured a little strange, but it has interesting information I'd never heard about.

Cool, I'll have to check it out.

You guys should look into what Corey Goode is saying. He says there's bunkers in Antarctica. It's the main base for exiting Earth to go into space. Elite of the world are trying to escape the planet and the oncoming reveal to the public of all their lies. This is why Antarctica is a hot spot right now. Also William Tompkins talks about it.

Why would they leave given they are dependent on us to steal from? If they go to Mars, who's going to provide for them and how will they pay, in Galactic Credits? They already manipulate information: the only information that gains traction is the information they want to gain traction to further their narrative or confuse those who were on the right track.

The Simpsons have been a platform for the elites to drop clues to us about their plans.

A couple episodes talks about cloning people and also cloning animals/Humans which will serve the elites as labor and sex slaves. https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=0AQqkkKx9uY

Also, the Zionist Jews are the head of all this. They are the SATANIC Bloodline (13 Bloodlines) which Hitler says they live in the inside the earth from the openings of the N/S poles. Check it out, they believe in white genocide and the Jews becoming the superior race. After all that happens and the messiah is here they get 2,800 slaves. So, I'm thinking some of those slaves will be the people left over after they kill off the whites and others. The rest of the slaves will be the clones. http://rense.com/general86/talmd.htm

The RH- blood types. A lot of celebrities and people involved have negative blood.

And cue the birth of the alt right.

is this what paranoid schizophrenia translate into writing?

According to Goode they've been using many military people and slaves to do the work. Once you establish a sustainable food system and a dependable energy source, the amount of labor needed drops down tremendously. Even more with the help of automation. But from the sounds of it, they aren't just maintaining, they are aggressively building and manufacturing.

I guess we can assume other planets exist in our same condition, where the people aren't catching on to the game, so they go to further their agenda. It goes back to the whole Nazi/reptilians working together theory. The reptilians are a conquering race, so if they know of other planets where people can be easily manipulated then they will go there and get like-minded humans to go with them.

We can only be ruled on Earth until we know the rules of the game. Once we realize that then the game is over and we take control of our own existence.

We can only be ruled on Earth until we know the rules of the game. Once we realize that then the game is over and we take control of our own existence.

I am completely with you on this. I'm coming to understand this is exactly how it works.

It's not Mars. It's Planet 9. Planet 9 is still being called hypothetical by NASA, but conspiracy theories have long predicted it by calling it Nibiru. If conspiracy theories are correct, it could be where the Annunaki live. NASA is now saying they know of its existence because of the orbits of some objects in the Kuiper Belt. How the Universe Works started its new season on the Science Channel recently, and they did the 1st show on this Planet 9. They even mentioned the possibility of life saying that while the planet lives in darkness, the core could be warm enough to host life. If you look at the meaning of the word Annunaki, they were chthonic deities, chthonic meaning "in, under, or beneath the earth". They were deities of the underworld. This Planet 9 theoretically has an extreme oblong orbit, according to NASA, and according to conspiracy theories, Nibiru is coming in closely to Earth, which it does every 3600 years. Theories say when Planet 9/Nibiru comes in to the inner solar system, it causes catastrophic events, such as, earthquakes and the changing of Earth's axis. NASA is saying Planet 9 is 10 times the mass of Earth. It throws off the gravitational pull of every object, and it is doing so to objects in the Kuiper Belt right now. Conspiracy theory has attributed the extinction of the dinosaurs to Nibiru, which actually makes perfect sense. Jupiter is our protector and bodyguard from objects being flung into the inner solar system from the Kuiper Belt. When these asteroids and comets zoom in, the gravitational pull of Jupiter flings them back out, saving us from intense impacts, but if Planet9/Nibiru changed the gravity and orbits of everything in our solar system, then it's highly possible for an impact like one that led to the extinction of over 70% of life in the last great extinction. Scientists today are saying we are going through another great extinction right now. Dots are connecting.

They've been stealing from us for centuries at least, they don't need us anymore.

Yeah, polar space launch because aside from the difficulty of handling launch equipment under those conditions it also the least favorable launch location owing to very little assist from earth rotation...

...so you claim the rich are escaping earth from a site where current launch apparatus cannot function, where it's hard to deliver fuel and supplies, where any launch would need tons of fuel because of the unfavorable latitude, to a destination that does not exist because we have not yet developed the technology for long term space inhabitance or interplanetary transit without massive health effects.

Going to label this one as plausible.

Edit: before anyone mentions nuke subs with ballistic launches from under ice in arctic, those are small payloads without achieving escape velocity, launched from subs that show up fueled, ready and with climate control on board. A bit different from erecting a man rated launch system in sub zero weather, amid blizzards. Also it's not like the scientists at Amundsen Scott who are largely liberal geogolgists and meteorologist wouldn't notice large scale military proceedings or the scientists and tourists studying penguins and plankton wouldn't notice either.

I'm pretty sure the military is over 30 years ahead in technology than what we have now. Anything is possible now.

Theres highly advanced technology that is not public. Secret space programs make NASA look like a joke.

The entire US presence in Antarctica is a US military operation.

Source: my American friend who heard this from his father (who'd worked in Antarctica )

It's not, source, I know several scientists (geologists, biologists, climate scientists) who lived and worked there including Amundsen Scott station and I worked with some military pilots who were in charge of resupply and medi vac flights. Also, I know people who collaborate with researchers there and my brother worked with someone who almost took a job down there doing basic physics research.

I'll have to believe you. You seem to have more sources than I

On Friday November 25 at 0200-0300 I caught this activity here the entire state of California air traffic was shut down and all planes evacuated south.

Only gov planes were in the sky




I am still wondering how nazi submarines with some magic antigrav technology should be able to operate in space since around ww2:-)


Oh I am super interested in this. Good job OP.

Awesome!! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Also, the first of November is when warnings of Terrorist attacks in the US and the The guy who tried to attack Trump during a rally. These incidents were distractions from what was really going on. The media focused all their attention on these incidents and didn't report on how John Kerry was visiting Antarctica and how all the country leaders signed a 35 year ban fishing treaty in Antarctica. This will keep traffic down to a min


Great thoughts OP very interesting...

Only thing I will add from checking the links is that this:

On oct 28 all the counties that have rights to Antarctica signed a ban on Antarctica treaty for the next 35 years. In order to visit Antarctica you have to get permission from your govt... basically the elites. They say we are trying to save the Chilean sea bass. I call bullshit http://thediplomat.com/2016/11/a-pyrrhic-victory-in-antarctica/

looks to be no more than a fishing ban - you can still visit.

Thanks man Oh ok. Yeah I didn't realize that until after I posted everything. But, I still think the fishing ban would slow down traffic around that area.

Honestly this just seems like distraction from the very obvious pedophilia going on in government.

I think it was just the tip of the (Antarctic) iceberg. There is some freaky shit going on. The pedo ring thing is sort of at a stalemate right now. Too many complicit people are still in power. There's still a lot of information to go over. Who knows what the big picture really is.

Thank you. I did not see the email or the photos he was talking bout. Did anyone get anywhere on who they came from or what it was about?

I stumbled across those emails, too, when looking for terms that fbianon dropped as hints. My gut tells me there is something to them. I don't have the technical skills to unravel what all the photos mean, if they contain embedded info, etc. At the time, I tried starting up my own thread about it but it got nowhere. On the face of it, I theorized Podesta might have had some association with Peggy Shue (when I inquired about the emails in Chinese the most anyone offered was that Podesta was in contact with a chinese woman who worked at Apple).

I will say this....I am certain someone close to the podesta emails was dropping hints on t_d about "to the stars" (production company), tom delonge, etc, before they were publicly released. At bare minimum, it means someone wanted this info to be discovered. The question is why? and who?

Maybe the guy just wanted people seeking out his book. Idk.

Follow the money?


It might help to go back to the fbi anon thread to review it in light of any new information.

Yeah I completely agree on that. If Delonge put podesta in his book then that is kinda like a "thank you for the tips". I'm gonna check it out this weekend.

The subject line of the first email is "The iceberg dissolves rapidly" in Chinese. The body is simply "Wow, I'm sorry" roughly translated.

This one looks important. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/54984

Please understand the teaser is made to "pander" to a youth audience, and then we will change their views in the actual film from a conspiratorial one, to a new non-cynical and supportive one.

This one too: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/50448

They don't know yet where you exist in this Sekret Machines Universe (we launch the story with NY Times with Doc Trailer in a week) and they already look to you in a leadership role they can trust. And care almost ONLY about your voice in this.

That's HARD to do. Getting young adults to like you, especially if your at your level in DC. Don't lose that. I will brand you much more when this all comes out as a man that the youth can trust and rely on.

Lol that trust is long gone now. Hundreds of thousands of people now think he's a pedophile cannibal satanist. Who works for the government. There's no coming back from that.

Wow!! They are pre conditioning our youth to accept aliens Just like the liberal schools are brainwashing the youth to accept socialism and communism.

The elites send hints thru movies, books and music. Check out the the top alien movie of 2016. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFMo3UJ4B4g&amp;sns=em I think they plan on telling us soon about alien life on earth. Freaky shit. Now, I'm gonna have to watch the recent alien movies released in the last 2 years and see if I can find any clues. Ha

We're going to see disclosure before too long. I'd say by 2030.

As for brainwashing to accept socialism or communism? That's one theory I don't buy. I actually was a communist and all my teachers thought I shouldn't be.

Ya....im reading this post and comments as im watching The Fifth Wave with my kids. Ummm....wtf?!

How did you get "they are conditioning ua for aliens" when he said he is trying to make young people like government.

Arrival was pretty damn good. It touches on how we'll self-destruct as a species when we find out aliens are real for sure. I don't think humanity as a whole will, but there will be riots and a lot of people killing each other. Maybe just the idiots weeding out the idiots.

NSA are the good guys

Fuck off.

OP: Pizzagate is a psyop distraction. Here are pictures of penguins and ice, i think it has something to do with aliens. Research that instead. Oh, by the way, Wikileaks is compromised and NSA are the good guys.


OP is either of below-average IQ, intentionally spreading disinformation, or completely fucking crazy. Pick one... or as many as you like, actually.

The only thing that's really disturbing here is the amount of upvotes.


I can't believe I had to scroll down this far to find basic common sense. I hate this nonsense so much.

I never really entertained antarctic stuff but the Pope and Russian Patriach breaking silence that lasted thousands of years and then visiting Antarctica a week later really garnered my interest.

with all the crazy shit that's happening in 2016, I wouldn't be surprised to learn there's a race of fucking reptilians living in the middle of the Earth and we give them children to eat so they leave us alone.

The Morlocks dwell underground in the English countryside of AD 802,701, maintaining ancient machines that they may or may not remember how to build. Their only access to the surface world is through a series of well-like structures that dot the countryside of future England.The Morlocks and the Eloi have something of a symbiotic relationship: the Eloi are clothed and fed by the Morlocks, and in return, the Morlocks eat the Eloi.

Late October and early Nov is when the warmest time of the year begins in Antarctica. If you needed to recover, uncover, search, show, etc., now would be the time. Ice and snow also melts during the day, possibly revealing something. After January it is virtually impossible to do any "archelogical" work down there if that was someone's goal.

On Friday November 25 at 0200-0300 I caught this activity here the entire state of California air traffic was shut down and all planes evacuated south.

Only gov planes were in the sky




There's so many weird events like this happening in the last month. And don't forget about the Pope and Queen Elizabeth's comment last year during the holidays
"Hope y'all enjoy your last Christmas" Wth is that suppose to mean...

"Hope y'all enjoy your last Christmas" Wth is that suppose to mean...

Well, it would fit the Baba Vanga 'Obama last president' prediction. Something is going to happen. Not necessarily world ending apocalyptic.

Yeah I read about Obama running for 7 terms... I agree too. Keep God near and stay AWAKE. In the Bible it talks about the end times... first will be a period of peace then destruction will follow and god will come back like a thief in the night. I think this is our period of peace with trump in office. Everyone relaxes and falls back to sleep. Don't let that happen. Stay awake and stay prepared! Bc something is about to happen. All signs are there.

I don't actually think Trump will ever get into the oval office. The established powers won't risk 4 years of potentially losing everything they have build over the last centuries.

Yeah I think that too. He's a HUGE threat to them. The day after Trump won, the UN ordered agenda 2030 (NWO) to be sped up here /

If he does make it in office they are gonna try and make him look horrible so he doesn't win the next term. They run the federal reserve and can control the economic crashes etc. I wonder if he will do anything with the Federal Reserve ? We need to abolish it

Werent there raining frogs and shit in the bible? Funny that the frogmeme spread everywhere like a locust. Maybe it was just a metaphor. Whats happening next?

That might be a cave you never swim out of!

This sounds more interesting than my theory that we are secretly ruled by Samsquanches.

Both are equally likely

Yo let me hit that, must be some good shit!

Wow... that is a lot to process. Could easily all be a distraction from pizzagate, by making it seem like pizzagate is the distraction. Sure is tough to tell what is what these days.

I think there is def a global sex ring but what if they used these children for their alien experiments or paying the aliens with kids for exchange of technology or something?

FBI anon told us.. don't just focus just on pizzagate. It's much larger then PIZZAGATE. PIZZAGATE is just a piece of it.

FBI anon gave this list of things to look for FBI 1 FBI 2 FBI 3

Aliens=demons. We were invaded a while ago and our "elites" pay them in humans for experiments/food/energy in exchange for power/tech/etc

They can possess certain bloodlines easier than others. A viable clone would be under total and compete control.

ya thats what i think

It's the spoopy truth. I've yet to find a better fitting theory.

Our leaders tend to be psychopaths I think is a fairly reasonable explanation.

No doubt. But I think psychopathy is a psychological description of reptilian (lizard-brain dominated) people who have damaged amygdalas and are easier to be possessed by extra-dimensional alien/demon entities. They are emotionally (and therefore "spiritually") stunted, making them the ideal avatars.

There is a coast2coast with the Blink 182 guy where he explains it all. Very close to what you said, only we can't really control them.

Links don't work

FBI anon listed the "African kings" on the list of things to research. Clinton's, Obama & Bush all met with the African king for a "secret" meeting in 2013 supposedly about aliens. That might be a lead to something since South Africa is involved with the alien project and close to Antarctica here

Archived. https://archive.is/4VusS

OP - edit out your call for upvotes or the thread may get pulled!

Thanks man. How do I edit it? Don't see the option to go back. Could a mod edit it for me?

How do I edit it?

Right under the bottom of the text of your self-post there are options only the submitter can see:

comment EDIT share save hide delete nsfw hide all child comments

Click "edit" - the tex editor comes up - remove the upvote comment, then click "save".

Thanks. I had to use the computer to do the edit. Appreciate it

I recently read the last three threads (of many threads) of so-called High Level Insider Anon from 4Chan. (Interesting read but I'm taking everything with a grain of salt. After all, what's real? What's a psyop?) Anyway he states over and over that Wikileaks is a creation of the CIA. He also said JA and Wikileaks are lying low for the time being and will re-emerge and get back to work when Trump becomes president, contradicting a thread on 4chan by another legit-sounding insider anon who claimed that JA was killed on 16 October. Anyway the claims and/or spin of this anon--the first one I mentioned--the self-described "High Level Insider" do seem to fit your theory that JA Mark 2 will be a 100% controlled clone (which is a pretty disturbing prospect tbh.)

Maybe that's why the CIA (who are controlling WL right now) are getting pissed at EVERYONE asking for POL. Bc he's at a cloning center waiting for his clone to fully grow and make his first appearance on Feb 19. We need to keep pressuring them for POL. They think we will forget about him during the holidays when people get tied up w family etc.

I read this whole thing on mobile so sorry if it's obvious. But what's on February 19th?

Julian is suppose to hold a conference and out of all places... it's held at NEW ZEALAND. Right next door to his Cloning center? Lol https://www.thinkinc.org.au/events/assange/

That is very strange.... Scheduled that far ahead and won't give a proof of life. No sign of him. I hope the conspiracy community will have some folks who have some experience debunking look alike.

Yeah total BS!!! It's been 2 months since he's been missing We'll have to see if the clone can win private keys

Julian is not CIA. Stupid theory.

so, let us recap, you manage to co-mingle pizzagate with:

  • wikileaks/assange being taken by the cia
  • ufo's
  • aliens
  • reptillians
  • nazi's
  • hollow-earth
  • fallen angels
  • freemasonry
  • human cloning
  • underground bases
  • kanye & britney spears


So, all this sounds fkin far fetched but all the shit that has been exposed lately makes all this believable and is worth looking into.

i'll pass "redditor for 4 days"

Dr Padalka said: โ€œThe shapeshifting capabilities of organism 46-B sound almost diabolical. It shaped itself into the form of a human diver.

Don't forget about the shape-shifting squid being turned into a weapon by Putin.

I almost love this comment as much as the main post.


He mentioned he's a "skeptic", he's not. I've been working with him for four months. I just got done giving him a four hour presentation on the entire project a few weeks ago.

Trust me, the advice is already been happening on how to do all this. He just has to say that out loud, but he is very, very aware- as he was in charge of all of the stuff. When Roswell crashed, they shipped it to the laboratory at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. General McCasland was in charge of that exact laboratory up to a couple years ago.

Good find.

WikiLeaks was compromised before all this, wouldn't surprise me if they added some bullshit to derail us; fits with existing theories, probably are military bases there, people probably do go there


Lot's of the scientific papers about what is probably under Antarctica... reports of lots of iron in the runoff water... and underground caves full of water being emptied out... Byrd glacier rapidly moving

High Chlorophyll levels a few years back at the Amery ice shelf... explained as a plankton bloom.


This has a lot more of the chlorophyll level studies... starts 3/4 of the way down that giant page of radar maps.


I like your post. But I don't believe pizzagate is a distraction, just a piece of the puzzle. From me, a person unsurprised by the reality of all these subjects, I found pizzagate to be particularly disturbing and surprising. Finally, after other countries have been exposing pedophilia, the USA is now breaking ground. Two psyops I know about affecting our alternative community is "A Course In Miracles" and the flat earth theory.

Yeah I agree with you 100% PIZZAGATE is part of this. FBI anon told us expand and think bigger the comet ping pong. The bigger picture could be we are trading w ETs kids for energy and technology. Do you think we have a hollow earth? I gotta read more into those theories.

I don't think that the earth is hollow in the general sense. I believe it is massively honeycombed. With massive, massive underground bases. Man made, and not man made. There may be the same turmoil happening under our feet as there is in the sky above us. Places like shambala and agartga are, generally real, but glazed over with fairy tail mythology. Partially true, part disinfo

Yep. I understand this to be true. What exactly is The course in miracles?

I haven't looked so far into it myself. But it is a popular book series, connected to CIA mind control. Taking the New Age movement and ideas and bastardizing them. A bit of research on the author will reveal it's manipulation.

Think of the Kanye West's song, "Tell me what's next, Alien sex?" Comet= Alien, Ping Pong= Sex.

HOLY FKIN SHIT Damn your good! Then the movie ARRIVAL just came out. I stumbled across this guys YouTube. He's great! Been studying alien and government relations for 20 years.

Gotta love double speak and symbology to understand these freaks.

Is it not weird, that even Comet Ping Pong has a reference to space?

I find it REALLY fkin weird. They know something! And I wonder if we searched comet ping pong for space related stuff.. we prob find a lot more.

Well I've heard before that comets bring foreign material with them sometimes alien beings- never thought about it as much more than fantasy, the more you know...

Relevant video on Antarctica and aliens.


Great video! Can you imagine how far along they are now? ๐Ÿ˜ณProb breeding with them etc

Look at Dulce Air Force Base. We're way past breeding with aliens. It's some scary shit going on down there underground. Earth is basically a big Petri dish for human experiments.

I was reading that this morning. A bunch of octopus humans and the humans are caged up yelling for help. Yeah I was thinking that... we're their human farm

Video and account were removed.

I have a friend in Antarctica right now. He's been there since the first week of November. Unsurprisingly, I haven't heard anything from him since he left from Peru.

Great post, OP. I don't really have anything to add, so I will just read the information presented. Maybe I will have something to contribute after further reading. This is the stuff that brought me to this sub in the first place.

Thanks. I would love to hear what everyone finds on their digs.

Did you see the post of the guy monitoring the earths heliplots (not sure if that's what they are called)? He has been getting strange readings that are definitely not earthquakes, that he can't figure out. He mentioned it may be related to what's going on in Antarctica. I will see if I can find the post.

Edit: the post I was talking about. https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5fuj2g/seismographs_detect_strange_disturbance_all/?st=IWA1DQ5Q&amp;sh=e2c26c2c

John Kerry flew to New Zealand first before heading to Antarctica. When he was in NZ there was a massive earthquake and many articles state the "Guardians" of Antarctica caused those quakes as a warning to America not to interfere with their research. Who the hell are the guardians? Lol Also, Russia released a video about what is going on in Antarctica in 2006. I haven't watched it yet, it's 45 mins long. It seems like Putin mixes more TRUTH with propaganda whereas America and U.K. Always keeps it 100% propaganda. here

Idk who the guardians are either. They must be pretty bad mofo's to cause earthquakes and shit. Lol. I honestly don't think anyone tells the truth anymore, if they ever did.

lol I've heard about the Haarp but in this article they say the Guardians. Guardians to who? Us? Lol tf

Great, now I gotta go find out what Haarp is now. I'm never going to get to sleep. Must know all the things. Curious minds never sleep.

"HAARP, the harold angels sing.."

edit: Best place for a summary if you don't have an hour is from 3:44 to about 5:17. Brooks Agnew describes how he was using radio-frequencies to find oil in the ground with only a 30W instrument - by bouncing waves off the ground, you could find different ecological hotspots by listening to the frequency particular layers of the earth gives off. Now just imagine doing that with one billion (with a B) watts, which is what HAARP does, effectively creating earthquakes and other severe weather events by bouncing these frequencies off the ionosphere and back to earth.

Dang! That's crazy.

Lol the haarp is a machine the military invented. It has many different functions but the main one is used to control weather and natural disasters. Haarp is behind the earthquakes, oil spill, floods etc. natural Disasters and wars are money makers for the elites and also a way for population control.

Jesus, that sounds like one hell of a machine.

The elites use the haarp machine to direct and speed up hurricanes or tornadoes. It's a well planned out money maker. You see how the Clinton's screwed over Haiti? That hurricane was planned and directed to Haiti. They made billions off that natural disaster. Check this out. check this out

They say haarp caused the BP oil spill. Theories are they were testing the machine in waters on the Madrid fault line. The haarp heats up the water which starts the quake. If they turn the haarp on full blast right on the Madrid fault line... it will divide the country right in half. People say the bp spill was just a warm up.


It also has a function that changes your mood, a form of mind control. It can also laser stuff out the sky. Lol

Edgar Mitchells death (He was Zero Point Energy researcher that died.

Edgar Mitchell walked on the moon.

And was interested in the mentioned as well.

I like this post but there's a careless maths mistake. 17 October 2016 to 19 Feb 2017 is basically four months not five.


If it's tied up with all these people I doubt it'll be a good time.

Wait until you hear about Kirill and the Ark of Gabriel.

Ark of Gabriel

That's a wild ride, be sure to strap in. Please keep your hands at your sides at all times, as there may be unexpected obstructions.

Links pls?

hot sauce as requested

it's all very interesting is as much as I'm going to say.

Wtf. The elites are preparing for doomsday

If you have the time I would suggest watching the first 20 minutes of this lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJB_o516Y8g

It sounds like he is describing the same object...


Sorry phone had a fit XD

Just throwing this out there (directly from ass btw) but could it be that Antarctica is the staging ground for a Project Blue Beam style false-flag alien invasion? Wonder if it'll come before the inauguration? For the first time ever I saw some unexplained lights over London the other morning myself. That was just 3 or 4 days ago. Definitely feels like something is happening.

The Pope and Queen told us last year we wouldn't have another Christmas. So it seems they are planning for doomsday before the end of the year. Man, I hope to God those crazy nutjobs were just talking out of their ass too.

I've read about Project Blue Beam, but I feel like real shit is going down. All the millionaires are moving to New Zealand in massive numbers. Also, the rich are building so many war bunkers the construction companies can hardly keep up with the demand. They are prepping for doomsday. Wtf

Just spitballing again, but I keep hearing about the real evidence for Planet X/9/Nibiru. If that's incoming, they could kick the ball off with a fake alien invasion, gives the elites an excuse to implement Marshal law and disappear. Could be they're hiding all the kids to repopulate their slave race after the rest of us eaters are killed off in the fallout and the chaos/collapse that follows. I love this shit.

Lol yeah I do too. It's nice to have a board like this. I'm new to reddit. So it's pretty cool. What evidence do you have of Nibiru? I researched that last year and ended up thinking it was a hoax but here recently I've heard it being thrown around again. I always thought Obama is gonna declare martial law somehow. He has passed some Crazy ass executive orders during his terms relating to martial law. I'm already stocked up with food, water and ammo ha man, I bet that's what their doing with the children! I wonder if there is some way we can track flights going to Antarctica or even do some digging in New Zealand? I know this is all about to happen soon bc they already brainwashed the upcoming generation. Check out what Kellogg factories are up too. They have UN trucks and containers in their parking lots. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QHopVtF_B-U&amp;sns=em I've done plenty of research of FEMA camps. That shit is crazy and real!

Just realised I wrote Marshall instead of martial! Whoops! Caltech has released a bunch of data supporting evidence of an as yet undiscovered planet in our solar system that's about 10x the size of earth.

The Kellogg family have a strange history with anti master-bastion techniques.

This picture was included in the antarctica images. what the hell is being depicted?

cary martynuik is another UFO guy who was considered a NASA historian and critic went missing without a trace

Wtf there has to be messages hidden in these pictures. I would think. Thanks I'll check him out.

A lot of intelligent people go missing.

List of Dead Scientists 2004-2011

Jesus Christ how do people believe this shit.

Jesus Christ

Simple....people see the truth that is hidden.

This post is absolutely ridiculous with no actual evidence and pure speculation. It's posts like this which give conspiracy theorists there crackpot loony reputation.

Its easy to discredit anything you don't like. Really. Add a few words that make something sound icky, the mindless zombies will believe it.

Just like your "failed" debunking comment. Its pure speculation without a scrap of evidence to back up your claim.

See...there are people smarter then you. :)

Your just fuelling my point, because your comment makes no sense.

See....it makes perfect sense. You're either here to deflect (paid) or not up to speed.

You can't fool the wise. Remember that!

And there we go... "you're either paid to disagree with me or you don't know what's being discussed".

You're dense. You're completely unable to apply any sort of critical thinking abilities. You don't understand basic logic. The end.

You don't understand basic logic.

Oh yeah?

Is this your version of basic logic?

The end.

I think his point is that this particular post is a series of insane theories put forward by OP without any sort of proof and backed entirely by what he feels / thinks might be happening.

A lot of it is really fucking far-fetched, and saying that people who believe in this kind of shit are somehow enlightened or are the ones who see the truth is kind of dangerous.

There are tons of posts here where people put forward odd theories without much of anything to back it up and they seem to somewhat make sense and are worth doing a bit of research to see if there might be any sort of truth to it. But this post is the opposite of that. It's shitty and stupid.

I think his point is that this particular post is a series of insane theories

Someone takes the time to details thoughts and all you and your buddy can do is say its insane without anything to back your debunking? You can't manipulate the truth.

That basic logic.

It's shitty and stupid.

Anything you say is "just that" with a new account, in this sub. Its like the fly on Obama face. Easy to spot.

Have you ever thought I posted this to a community board for help to search for connections? I thought that was the purpose of this board?

Haha the best comment yet

I come to this sub for two things. There's the occasional post that makes sense and doesn't read like it was written by an autistic 12-year-old and that bring up interesting facts and subjects, and then there are posts like this one.

Most of the content on this sub is like this post, so might as well enjoy it and have a good laugh.

I know its just frustrating the amount of people in the comments that think this sort of stuff is genuine.

Wtf is that in pic 17? There looks to be a large perfectly square hole in the ice wall with what looks like 2 eyes. Anyone who knows the Admiral Byrd stories about Antarctica knows there's some fishy shit going on down there. You can see the sheer size of the ice walls from the same pic. Byrd talked about endless ice walls with no access to the continent. He also talked about being attacked by "flying saucers" and trying to navigate the walls but going days and weeks and miles in one direction and never being able to access it

where is pic 17?

It's the 9th link down. Under "pictures of Antarctica." You then have to click "attachments" Lower right hand side of the pic. You can't miss it. There also looks to be some sort of crappy tower to the right of the rectangular opening with maybe a flag on top. Idk... just a weird image. Looks to be perfect right angles cut into the ice and judging by the size of the boat is fairly big

Are you referring to that black building with the red bit on its' side...?

That's a building? It's pitch black & has no dimension. I could be wrong but that's doesn't look like a building to me

I like how you gave me detailed instructions to find the pic instead of just linking the pic. Weird image indeed!

Looks like a boat docked at some cave port. Defiantly looks like an entrance though. I haven't heard the the admirals stories but they sound really interesting.

I have no idea how this connection would fit in, but I find it strange why Soros encourages Muslim integration in Europe and HRC would have allowed millions of Syrian refugees (Muslims) I to America? What confuses me more is that they're more pro-Israel than anything.

Can you post links to the emails that you screencapped? They should be verifiable, because they'll be more convincing to newcomers that way.

Ok I'll do that now

This story is almost as crazy as the Bible...

a lot of us here believe the Bible

I know, and you can't be trusted

And a lot of you lack critical thinking skills as evidenced by your belief that an ancient book of fables came from a supernatural omnipotent being.

There's a photo of Tony Podesta's birthday cake, from a Voat.co thread. It's some mysterious glacier cake. Reminds me of the first photo in the email.

That looks like the hole located at the South Pole leading to the center of the earth where aliens live. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Have you ever thought that maybe outer space is all Propaganda ? The govt and NASA keeping our focus on aliens living in outer space to distract us from where they REALLY live... South Pole and below us? ๐Ÿค”

I haven't really read on the flat earth theory. I wonder if that is to distract us from the Hollow concept?

An article of Navy Engineer who witness the ET life in the South Pole. here

Tanks surrounded a possible UFO skid/crash n Antarctica

wasnt there an email about penguin pineal glands being flown into DC back in the 70's?

Do you happen to have some kind of source?

Nah, it was on voat last night. If you search the wikileaks emails it will come up.

Interesting that spelling and name double meanings are subjects of discussion (Assange's help code and Jaime Alefantis - loves children in French). I've been documenting a similar code of communication for over 20 years. It has extraterrestrial written all over it. http://mediapoetry.blogspot.com/

Interesting! Have you found any other code in the emails?

I don't read the Wikileaks emails unless they are highlighted by one of you guys. In the meantime, I can't keep up with recording all the codes deciphered on a day to day basis. Besides http://mediapoetry.blogspot.com/, the recent ones are here https://twitter.com/Zephyr_Forecasm/with_replies. I may resume writing if I get feedback about WTF is going on here.

Those were all taken down or links don't work. I'll research WIKILEAKS more and add more emails to the post today.

Are you able to break a code? There's 2 pictures that have messages hidden on them but we need a password. The password must be hidden in the email somewhere.

I know you guys will find it. I also very much suspect the whole pizzagate thing is orchestrated by the Illuminati-ETI. I noticed this when Anthony Weiner was pictured next to a baby before the scandal broke out. Pizzagate and many FF events are orchestrated by ETI to tap our emotions. I think they have transcended strife and now like to feed on our emotions. They admire us in this way. I know they certainly feed on mine! But the feeling is mutual love.

... are you trying to say that "Alefantis" is pronounced like l'enfants and "James" is J'aime?

it's not even close.

If you take a look at my blog, you will see in the last post that since the age of 16 I use the word ALL as a name for God, which is a Buddhist notion that God encompasses everything. Now take a look at James Alefantis again. J'aime is 'I love' in French, All is God, enfant is child (one letter is missing), and 'is' at the end is a conjugation of the verb to be... and a punctuating affirmation of the statement. I love God's child, is. I feel the stylized presentation in the Comet Instagram posts is very much part of a religious Satanic cult. They are trying to show off with blind religious conviction. Now, if you go into the blog I linked to, you will see many puzzles like this, which eerily track events I am experiencing.. since over two decades. It adds up, exponentially.

His parents must have been raised in the satanic cult. His parents named him that for a reason. Wouldn't you think? You know Julian Assange was raised in a cult too...

Interesting This cult business seems to be a prerequisite for world fame. Too weird for words right now, still assimilating it. Anyway check the name Ass Ange. My blog is all about the angels and how we call each other asshole for fun, and ahole, using the names of hurricanes, crime scenes and dead celebrities. Ass ange... back in June 2015 I predicted he had it coming...

GoFyourself2x, cute name by the way.

Lol thanks... can you post your blog again so I can check it out?

David Wilcock and Corey Goode suspect that the Cabal might soon reveal an ancient civilization beneath the ice of Antarctica, which would be a suitable distraction for now -

They have previously revealed a ton of information relating to hidden bases, secret space program, ET relations with hidden government, and inner earth civilizations.

This is /conspiracy so I won't give a lot of preface to this material. It's a handfull of red pills.

Thanks for the info. I'll check it out.

Cool stuff

John Kerrys November Schedule. here

good job, thank you


Me and a couple other guys went down the johnson_lo rabbithole a few weeks back... it was either on here on on /r/wikileaks but I pulled some weird chinese stuff that a guy had translated... and some arabic no one translated... I had to dig a lot of info from those out using a hex editor. I'm sure ya could find it in a search if yer interested.

Wtf ๐Ÿ˜ณ that demon shit sounds like them lol and the organ emails kinda reminds me of the organ trafficking I heard they do organ trafficking organ trafficking 2


Maybe he deleted all the emails he sent the guy back? Would they still show?

Also I found it strange that The David Foster Foundation raises celebrity money for organs. Under their bio it says they fund the "non-medical" side of the organ transplant process. Please can someone tell me what that means exactly? Cloning? Organ harvesting?

Yeah that's exactly what he does. I've read ETs eat organs... This shit is so UP IN OUR FACE IN PLAIN SIGHT.

Wow...just when I thought we couldn't go further down the rabbit hole we now have wikileaks tied to aliens, an Antarctic conspiracy, cloning (!), Julian Assanges death (I'm assuming),, Blink 182 guitarist, John Podesta, and I'm sure if this goes long enough we csan throw cannibalism and ritualistic Satanism into the mix too.

Never change /r/conspiracy. Never change.

Lol cannibalism and satanic rituals are already in the mix. People think Hillary has kuru disease from eating too much flesh during rituals. Kuru

Oh I know they are. I just wasnt sure if it had all been connected to anatartica. And how could I forget faking the moon landing. Sure that's somewhere in there.

This guy is explaining exactly what we are talking about too. He kinda throws in the occult relations with Antarctica. The connection to Janet Reno I think should be Julian Assange instead. He just got those two mixed up. here This is beyond fked up and for all the people that haven't been following this freaking crazy ass shit is gonna think we are all NUTS! Lol like where do you begin? What till PIZZAGATE here's about this ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

What? Groupon just had a sale on trips to Antarctica. There are more people going there now then there has ever been.

I work in luxury travel, we sell trips to the only luxury hotel in Antarctica and our clients go all over the place http://www.white-desert.com/. OP is off his meds.

john kerry is the anti christ if any of this takes footing in reality, particularly the earthquake part

You think? I've been trying to figure out who's the antichrist. The Bible says they will have an army and now this makes me believe the antichrist will have an army of aliens. I think the false prophet is the pope

In the Quran their messiah is identical to our antichrist in the Bible. So when the antichrist comes back the Muslims are going to think it's their messiah. I'm reading this book on the Islamic antichrist. Pretty interesting.

Cue the ark of Gabriel and calling all Islamic people to arms for a revolution against athiests and Christians. Terrifying possibilities. Project blue beam was explained to work well on Islamic people. Not sure what they have planned yet but I'm sure we're in for a crock of shit soon.

Oh I've heard... PBB was gonna beam a fake Allah

Prepare your mind. There is only one true God.

Maybe, but I don't think Kerry falls into the category of Great Orator.



It didn't seem so at first, but I must admit he's getting better...

Cloning one's self would provide the best body part replacement.

This is the craziest shit I have ever read. But thanks for bringing actual conspiracy back to this sub Reddit.

I've Been lost in the sub whereisassange lol I'm glad I found my way back home ๐Ÿค—

In the Antarctic/Arctic there are entrances to the inner/outer earth. Its only accessible during the summer months. Access to the center of these places is very controlled. I would suggest checking out: Admiral Bird. There are spots where passage ways can lead you out through the crust. I've read that there is a passageway near Tibet.

I want to write a much more in depth summary when I get the chance of the information I have been researching through people such as David Wilcock Corey Goode and Dr Michael Salla but for now this brand new write up on David Wilcock's Blog http://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1208-endgame-pt-1 actually summarizes and links in a lot of detail Pizzagate, Wikileaks, ET's and how its linked to Antarctica and the overall shadow war going on that he has been writing about for years. The Article is very in depth and heavily sourced and will take time to read but is well worth it. Share and spread the link after reading it to educate everyone dedicated to this research.

Please do not jump to conclusions after reading this kind of information for the first time. We are not living in the end times, we are just at the precipice of a great change and understanding of the truth it is good to be aware and prepared but it does not help at all to fear the unknown and let that emotion distract you from what is actually happening. I say this in direct reply to the OP's ending comment.

I appreciate the info! Great article. I'm happy to hear we were able to change directions for the better. If you can Tag me in your post when you finish, I'd like to check it out.

Good Summary of the possible false flag event as a distraction from Pizzagate that will take place in Antarctica from Dr Michael Salla http://exopolitics.org/impending-announcement-of-ruins-from-futuristic-civilization-found-in-antarctica/ oh and picture 13 of the Antarctica pics from the podesta email has a odd disc shaped discrepancy sitting above the ice, don't know if its a bird or not.

Nice summary. I've been hearing something about ruins being in Antarctica and also heard how Obama was going to visit Area 51 before he leaves office.

Damn I see what your talking about on picture 13. Wow! I can't tell what it is either... very interesting. I wonder how Trump will handle NASA and expeditions in Antarctica? It would be nice to have transparency for once.

So, all this sounds fkin far fetched


but all the shit that has been exposed lately makes all this believable and is worth looking into.


I'm gonna have to side with you on this one. Sounds like the insane ramblings of a schizophrenic man.

Edit: Yeaaah... I hadn't read the whole post when I started commenting because... well... it's poorly written and cringy. But damn... it's not just far-fetched, it's completely fucking ridiculous. The guy is literally saying that the children that go missing in the US and UK (btw, that ridiculous number we keep seeing on here is the number of children reported missing, which doesn't include the ones that are then found, which is most of them) are being traded to aliens so that their inner organs can be eaten. It's fucking ridiculous. People cry foul all the god damn time on this sub about shills posting disinformation; yet, when the village idiot eats shrooms and posts a wall of garbage and it gets upvoted to +500, everyone thinks it's normal? Jesus fucking Christ...

I cannot believe this valueless post has so many upvotes. There are so many real things to deal with and people are actually giving this gibberish the time of day. This sub is awful.

I've seen some shit in my time here, but this post might just be the most retarded one.

What really bugs me about it is that people might be visiting this sub for the first time and will see this tin-foil-hat pile of trash on the front page. If it was my first time here and I saw this, I'd most likely dismiss this sub and the other ideas being discussed on here as retarded and ridiculous.

Once again - I don't understand why everyone is constantly shill-hunting and pointing fingers at perceived intentional disinformation posts while shit like this is on the front page. Haven't really seen too many comments calling out the fact that this is completely idiotic and that if there's any sort of controlled/intentional disinformation being pushed on this sub, this is a pretty fucking good example of it.

Maybe a big meeting with the Antarctic Inner Earth Nazi's. Probably to stage the "Ultimate False Flag; The Staged Alien Invasion". The sheeple would demand an instant Global Government. People are waking up. But with that False Flag the Elite could immediately complete the Satanic NWO. End of story..

I agree the NWO will come in place during a moment of chaos. People are definitely waking up but I feel as some people are falling back asleep bc they feel safe with Trump being president.

You are right. It is very sad.

On Friday November 25 at 0200-0300 I caught this activity here the entire state of California air traffic was shut down and all planes evacuated south.

Only gov planes were in the sky




Interesting. I found two UFO reports on MUFON around that time on Nov 24 and 26.


Set date for Nov 24-26, location for California.


I don't know if this is relevant, but it might not have been covered mainstream... I'll just link it in case anyone is interested Leading UMaine researcher perishes in accident in Antarctica

edit - So far I found one paper he wrote a few years back... at that time he was researching what looks to me be the Byrd Glacier rapidly moving... caused by two subterranean lakes emptying out their contents? Thats what this paper says right? I'm no scientist... http://www.nature.com/ngeo/journal/v1/n12/abs/ngeo356.html


Relevant? It's in the arctic circle and somehow popped into my mind and thought I'd share.

That's interesting. One of the signs of end times in the Bible is a major drought. The elites are prepping for doomsday and saving seeds and plant life for after destruction.


Quicker DL for photos/Back up just in case

I'm confused. Why are these people sending emails to this guy? Why is he powerful enough to know all these alien activities and such?

lol the ice palace in James Bond

give me a break. i mean cloning is possible, but can you preserve some baron's DNA from the previous century and clone them today into keanu reeves and jennifer lawrence?

there are no aliens, they are demons. and android robotoids? come on. they don't have that sort of tech.

and why ship the children to antartica? the children are mostly used as sex slaves, and later as drug smugglers and assassins.

The fact that this post got upvoted so much makes me sad.

Okay, I'm into the Antarctica conspiracy (the secret military bases and aliens and shit), but I have a big issue with yours.

You mention 800,000 children and Antarctica without providing a shred of anything! to connect the two. In the great words of Raoul Duke..

finish the fucking story! what happened?!

lol I finished it.

Andrew Bartzis reckons they been smuggling human dna off planet through an intergalactic enterprise.

I'm launching a satellite fund by citizens to orbit next year, raised 30k and got some good people involved. Maybe we'll get some real evidence of ETI/UFOs. That's the whole motivation of our launch. http://cubesat.tech

We need something like that bc Google earth hides this info.

We know we have had alien tech for a long time. I read an interesting theory that TPTB are going to use that tech to stage a fake alien attack. Bring all the countries together, control the people, and boom - globalism

I think it started with the Germans and he HUGE boom of technology. Maybe that's the reason behind the Holocaust? The race to Space war... Jews vs Germans.

Wow. Great post. A lot in there. I am going to have to read it a couple times. I

Better yet, search cloning centers on YouTube. I've been following Donald for while. More of his info is corroborated daily at this point.

I think he definitely has inside info but is also controlled by them. Kinda like Alex Jones.. I love him and his show but he gives us 80% truth and rest disinfo. He just reported 2 days ago that Julian is still in the embassy very safe and we should look into the Germany leaks. That is completely BS!! Don I think is like Alex... spread truth to get out trust mixed in with disinfo when needed to throw us off track.

I'd say this is more of a psyops than the obvious child trafficking going on in washington ...

I like this conspiracy theory. Maybe something has surfaced from the melting ice. Just like anthrax surfaced in Russia.


A couple weeks ago Russia drilled 2 miles into a body of water and the scientist went down to check it out and were killed by a 12 legged octopus here

Sounds like they're going to need a different name.

bad joke, i'll see myself out.

So all THIS alien nonsense is what the Spirit Cooking leak was designed to distract us from?

Yeah, right.

The world elites are cloning and raping kids with aliens. Great

It looks like somebodies holiday snaps mate


Wow... this is bs... this is to get us off of pizzagate

No it's not. I'm highly involved with finding Julian and PIZZAGATE. I been researching this shit for 3 months now and this could be the piece that fits it ALL together. So we need to research all of them and try to connect the dots. You never know... these leads might end up in rabbit holes with child trafficking. Remember what FBI anon said... "ALL DEALS ARE SEALED WITH CHILDREN. Every hole we search always ends up with human trafficking."

Love the article, super interesting and am excited to look into this. Only thing, you kind of lost me at the end when you said go to church and stay awake. Two contradictory commands.

You know I just thought of an Episode of Hemlock grove where the last episode in season two and Shelley is getting ready to die because her clone will take over her life and give her a better one without looking like a monster. But she has to die first so the clone can live. Seems like the elite are really trying to get us used to this and make it seem like cloning is ok as long as the original is dead.

So I looked at the emails, and 90% of them are from UFO website reps emailing Podesta. One is from someone who was born in a Japanese internment camp. One is about how John likes the x-files. Pretty tame and certainly nothing damning.

My favorite though, is from one concerned Canadian: "I think, and you will agree, that without our contributions, the US would not have grown the way it has. Canadians own Hollywood, New York, Florida, the Stanley Cup and by right, the Pennant that was stolen from us due to the baseball strike. ... Now we want to know if we are going to be dealt a hand at the table or will we be left out like last time?

I represent a Canadian organization that doesn't exist that looks like DARPA, but works with the government to pursue positive growth business. ... We don't have to let the US win the cup or the pennant and we certainly don't have to keep our currency artificially deflated to satisfy US ego.

We can also cut our own deals with these alien visitors/landed martians.

But we won't engage them unless the US denies us access privileges and full debriefing."

Be careful or Canada will take back the Stanley Cup!

It's funny how you compared This to a card game... That is what FBI Anon told us to look for in the emails

The 2 clues that they gave us that strikes my interests is cards and extras= EXTRAterrestrial FBIanon

You say: "Here's an example of a Britney Spears clone. Looks nothing like her. She posted this on her twitter. clone"

Wouldn't a clone look EXACTLY like her as opposed to nothing like her?

I lurk on Don Marshalls Facebook from time to time. He's the one that says he's been to the cloning centers before.

He posted this picture of Britney and said this is a "bad" Britney clone bc it doesn't look like her. Clones don't last very long.. when they start to malfunction then they have backups down in the bunkers to replace the malfunctioning clone. Some people even say that some of the celebs are dead already but our government wants to keep making money off of them so they keep cloning the celeb.

WTF is a clone if it is not identical?

It appears that the images taken were from an expedition back in the '90's. Thorsten BuBelberg's name is on one of the photos. He is a scientist on something called SCAR or scientific committee on Antarctic researcher. Here is what looks like a journal from that expedition: https://cchdo.ucsd.edu/data/1891/a12_1999ado.txt

Idk if anyone wants to go through it and look for anything unusual but it's a lot of reading that I don't have time for right now. Pic 17 is definitely strange tho and I can't stop thinking about the Antarctic connection. Especially since Kerry went there on Election Day. Seemed too coincidental....

Thank you for sharing this, I get attacked anytime I talk about any of this.

lol I usually do too but I was in the wrong sub. I've been banned twice for posting "too much evidence" or getting to close to the truth in subs that are ran by high ranking shills lol

Definitely a lot of shills out there, this sub doesn't seem to be as over-run as some others have.

Yeah this sub is heaven compared to whereisassange You can't post anything valuable in there... it gets downvoted, smeared or U get banned. Pissed me off lol so I came back as GoFyourself2x lol

I like it ;)

Shill activity is ramping up by my observation, especially if your title includes the phrase pizzagate.

Buzz Aldrin, the famous moonhoaxer was in Antartica recently: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-12-02/buzz-aldrin-medically-evacuated-from-south-pole/8085822

Yes. Is that a building?

Great post OP. All the comments are amazing too! Hardly a single negative or skeptical comment in the whole post.

Thank you! I'm still trying to break the password for 3 Antarctica pictures. Pictures 5,23,24 all have hidden messages on them, but I need a password to break them open.

I just downloaded all of those pictures, too. Of course, I'm not a tech-minded person, but I was reading at Tzipi Mazuz place. What about that thing, whatever it is, that is written in another language + the B s b t? I know it sounds far-fetched, but might be something.

Here: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15503

Look at the bottom that says "subject"

Why are some links to Wikileaks.org and some to Wikileaks.com?

They are all .com got them right off the WIKILEAKS.com site

Are there any possibilities that orgone energy has relations to point zero energy?

Meh. This is just a precursor narrative to a false flag alien invasion. r/conspiracy has had a spotlight on it for awhile now so what better place to piece together the supposed unearthing of a bunch of reptilian aliens than here and let the us think we figured it out on our own. Aliens have been hanging out pretty hardcore in our skies since the detonation of the first nuclear bombs on this planet. These are hyper intelligent multi-dimensional beings who understand the true unified and unconditionally loving nature of the universe. All I'm saying is we should be aware enough to call BS on any supposed "aliens" who would seek to do us harm or actively participate in any attack against humanity. Steven Greer has been working with intelligence agencies for decades and has compiled hard evidence of the shadow government's agenda (through the use of Special Access Projects) to hoax an alien attack like the one this story would conveniently precede. Anyone interested in the subject should look into him.

Anyone could send an email saying anything to that address. It doesn't mean anything and isn't necessarily true. I don't see how just emails sent to that prove anything necessarily.

I think what those pictures are showing is that Antarctica is melting rapidly and maybe they are all down there buying real-estate

I think the ice is melting rapidly and they have to come a decision as to what/when/how they have to disclose certain things to the public.

I really doubt Podesta knows crap about the UFOs, though people are saying he's the foremost in 'ufo research', it's not true, Jacques Vallee devoted his whole life to the subject and has come to the conclusion they are a psychological trick from an intelligence to fool mankind, but specifically to cause them to believe the military / government is doing it when he believes they are just as in the dark


Guess where the Millionaires are FLOCKING to in the last 2 years??? New Zealand!! Right next door to Antarctica. Imagine that!!

NZ 1


great post!

You put a lot of time, effort and thought into your post. Very impressive. Nicely done. Thanks for making links accessible and time-lines easy to follow. (Ya forgot about Buzz Aldrin tho cause didn't he just come back from or rushed off to, the Antarctic? But that's okay!) A thousand arrow-ups for you! :)

Was scholazar basin in WOW:WotLK a reference to Agartha!?

Lost me at Kanye, simpsons and going to church.

The Simpsons is known to be a show the elites use to predict the future. Simpsons predicted.. 9/11, Caitlyn Jenner, Ebola Trump Kayne his music video is about cloning celebs. They are pre conditioning us. Just like all the civil war movies coming out recently and what's been going on? SOROS paying for protest/riots, media pissing of the left. Then you got the right and they are trying to piss us off with the recount. They want a civil war and they pre condition that shit thru movies n music. Don't you find it odd Jason Bourne just came out? That movies is almost identical to Julian. Nothing wrong with church.

Hey guys! We are finding ALOT of stuff!! Thanks to another OP theres 2 pictures that have hidden messages on them so we need to figure out a password to break it open. I think the password could be hidden in the subject line bc there's English letters mixed with Chinese letters. The English letters are BSBT


Thank you. I'm starting to believe global warming is a red herring from what's really going on, which is Planet 9/Nibiru's orbit is making its way back into the inner solar system. NASA is now confirming there is a planet in the far reaches of our solar system. They say they haven't discovered it, yet, but the orbital data of some objects in the Kuiper Belt would only be possible if there was a massive planet out there. According to conspiracy theory, Nibiru orbits in close to earth every 3600 years. Some conspiracy claims that we will collide, but I don't believe that much. What will happen is this planet will cause the gravitational pull of everything to change. It can change the Earth's axis. They say it causes earthquakes. As it stands now, Jupiter is our protector and bodyguard. When objects come zooming in from the Kuiper Belt into our inner solar system, Jupiter's gravitational pull flings them back out. Without Jupiter's gravity, we would get pelted over and over again, which has happened to Earth in the past. If this planet is coming in close, changing the gravitational pull of everything around us, then Jupiter will no longer be able to protect us. There is a 99.999% chance of Earth being hit. There's much more to this, such as, the Annunaki, but I am now starting to believe the Sweet Meteor of Death might actually hold some merit.

I don't trust shit NASA says lol They lie about everything and they have technology to make an artificial sun or star so I'm sure they will use that to make Planet X. Their last scare will be a meteor collision or alien invasion, which is what Von Braun said. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WHOTPhitStU

I think everything they are doing is just scare tactics. Scare us so much we will eventually allow Obama to declare martial law so we feel safe.

You would know what would help a lot more than endless rambling speculation over aliens and the Pope that, like most conspiracy threads here, leads nowhere and often derives from questionable sources? Figuring out the following:

  1. Seeing if we can test these pictures for signs they have steganographically encoded information. What programs can detect evidence of such manipulation?

  2. Trying various steganography packages with possible keys. There are no guarantees here but if Podesta used a key like p@ssw0rd for his email account password, there is a distinct possibility he used a key that might be guessed from his background or else brute forced. Also, various long keys keep cropping up on the web on places like Keith Olbermann's twitter account from people with accounts indicating some claimed affiliation with Anonymous. They don't seem to open the insurance files. Maybe they are steganography keys. I think there was a thread giving a bunch of these keys at one of the chans (an endchan Wikileaks thread possibly?). Might be worth hunting for.

  3. Searching for signs of more simple manipulation with a hex editor. Example: looking for standard header/footer information for various file formats in these images. This is a long shot but it's the easiest thing to test.

  4. Weren't an "owl flag" and some weird script image already recovered from a couple previous Podesta image attachments? Whatever method was used to obtain those images should be applied to these. Anyone know the details?

My programming is very rusty and my knowledge of steganography and steganalysis tools is minimal. We need people with skills in this area.

the pictures are leaked thru podesta's emails it doesn't mean julian is trying to say anything the article is right here? ????? http://qpolitical.com/1-this-photo-of-antarctica-had-never-been-seen-before-what-i-saw-in-the-ice-left-me-in-shock/

You are missing the most important part. You need to come to a realization that the earth is not a globe. It is flat. Researching this will help you connect the dots.

Dude, I stumbled into your comment just off chance.

I have always been edgy about the "reality" of the world's economics, politics and religion; as I try to be an informed, doubtful individual.

Please do not stop reading!

I remember, being a teen, hanging around totse A LOT. I would devour their articles on misinformation tactics.. basically devoured fringe and conspiracy.

I had just remembered reading something on totse from that time ago. I am unable to find it, since it' s been a good 15 years or something like that.

It was an article about the new world order, etc, etc.. And how New Zealand had something to do with Zion... And Holograms.. And Alien bases.

This dates WAAAAAAAAY back. So if there is a past connection showing up today it sure would be a cool lead to follow.

I am unable to find it, though I had googled a lot. All I can find is about how great New Zealand hologram industry goes.

If someone out there was a fellow totsean lurker, well they can point us into it. Or someone with better google skills.

If searching on the sender of the antarctic pics, there are a ton of emails with random images / power point -- I think there is something encoded in the images (stenography as used in other Podesta emails and proven.) The images seem to be easily found publicly, so they appear to be grabbed, encoded (probably just a couple), then sent. Extracting all images from all sources would be the challenge and then parsing for encoded content (probably will standout based on file size relative to other photos.)

I've tried to pull the encrypted messages out by guessing at the passcode for days and I couldn't seem to figure it out :/


Fuck this is awesome. How did I miss this

Thanks man... I'll be researching some more and updating it in the next week or so

What are the two black flying things in Attachment 2?

A co-worker of mine just informed me about this whole Antarctica thing and I decided to see what I could find while at work. This is quite interesting stuff and it seems to be a deeper rabbit hole than I initially thought it was going to be.

I believe this! I'm almost certain that I was taken to underground facilities as a child.

I recently posted this link in another thread; but it seems appropriate, here, as well. If you have time, read my story and share your thoughts.

I think I read that post a while ago. Something about crazy big underground cities? Very interesting.

No, but I know the post you are talking about. That sounded crazy as hell; but in light of my own experiences I believed it!

I remember that dude. Still unsure of what my conclusion is on that one, but it sure was interesting.

It was indeed.

Do people not read the articles before up voting? Its litterally saying, with a link, that putin weaponized a 12 legged squid that killed a scientist.

Bath salts, not even once kids.

He spent time presenting his argument. If you disagree then make a counter argument. Trying to call him crazy instead is lazy.

If it's all the same to you I'd rather not jump down that particular k-hole right now.

But by all means, continue probing whether or not Julian Assange is being secretly cloned on a covert CIA substation in the heart of antartica. Clearly there is some next level black ops going on here. God knows John Kerry, Buzz Aldrin, and the nazis can't all be wrong.

Hey original OP, have you considered that global warming is actually a false flag to induce the public into decreasing carbon emissions, thereby kicking off a new ice age? Think about it. A NWO of arctic elites harvesting the offspring of the human race for their perverse pedophile cloning experiments.

But can we go deeper? Consider this: George R.R. Martin has been conducting a psyop through the corrupt HBO propaganda machine this whole time.

"Winter is coming"

Martin = CIA pedophile confirmed.

Hey original OP, have you considered that global warming is actually a false flag...

No, global warming is true, and we need to fix it.

Now give me your wallet.

I'm with you a 100% on that. Global warming is a LIE! I remember reading somewhere that the world is actually getting colder... NOT warmer. Trump also mentioned global warming is full of shit. So, it's highly possible these global warming meetings were nothing about climate. The politicians travel all the time to discus "Global warming"

This explains why they want to depopulate the world bc they want to make room for the NEW alien/human race.

Makes perfect sense.

I think you're kind of being an asshole right now, but I have to admit that this reply did make me chuckle a little.

Haha thanks dude.

Awesome!! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Also, the first of November is when warnings of Terrorist attacks in the US and the The guy who tried to attack Trump during a rally. These incidents were distractions from what was really going on. The media focused all their attention on these incidents and didn't report on how John Kerry was visiting Antarctica and how all the country leaders signed a 35 year ban fishing treaty in Antarctica. This will keep traffic down to a min


Indeed. Anyone could send him anything.

But he did reply to one.


Exactly. Podesta had already been known publicly as the guy interested in UFOs. This is not evidence of him being 'in' on anything.

There's so many weird events like this happening in the last month. And don't forget about the Pope and Queen Elizabeth's comment last year during the holidays
"Hope y'all enjoy your last Christmas" Wth is that suppose to mean...

Yea he forwarded it instead of replying, and look at what he has to say


See....it makes perfect sense. You're either here to deflect (paid) or not up to speed.

You can't fool the wise. Remember that!

I am thoroughly convinced that if brain transplants were ever possible they would just lead to the patient losing their mind after a couple weeks of enduring the absolute cacophony of odd senses one would experience waking up in a foreign central nevous system.

I cannot believe this valueless post has so many upvotes. There are so many real things to deal with and people are actually giving this gibberish the time of day. This sub is awful.

There was one email that I know of, where someone was trying to set up a meeting between Podesta & Obama and Dr Mitchell.

Podesta himself didn't reply, but his assistant did. They were trying to figure out a time and day Podesta and Dr Mitchell could have a Skype meeting by themselves first, and include Obama in a later meeting.

So, just wanted to let people know that not all of these emails were simply ignored or forwarded.


Yeah lately I've started thinking that maybe all life changing scientific discoveries were controlled releases to keep us from figuring things out more.

Dr Padalka said: โ€œThe shapeshifting capabilities of organism 46-B sound almost diabolical. It shaped itself into the form of a human diver.

Don't forget about the shape-shifting squid being turned into a weapon by Putin.

I appreciate the info! Great article. I'm happy to hear we were able to change directions for the better. If you can Tag me in your post when you finish, I'd like to check it out.

I almost love this comment as much as the main post.