Wild speculation and Pizzagate, why is logic and fact down voted?

10  2016-12-04 by chasmoffaith

As in why does fact checking and shutting down wild speculation with logic looked on as shills and dis-info.


Examples? Gonna have to be very specific...

Take your pic, any new information that is offered up is almost immediately passed off as real. The mob does not investigate with care to the facts.

So no examples?

When you disrupt someones thinking, ideas, etc and force them to consider critical reading, critical examination, critical thought, inductive and deductive reasoning, you've basically pointed a gun at their intrinsic value set.

They're going to fight tooth and nail because they are fearful of true self examination.

well said

Random news articles about people in government being convicted and tried do not show that there is a government wide conspiracy.

Power corrupts i agree, though what you are proposing with pizzagate is a system of abuse run by various organizations and people to maintain power and control.

Those were not random news articles. They are of ex state dept officials who were working in the state dept while under the head of Secretary Clinton. All except the military lawyer at the bottom had that connection.

Also the first site wasn't necessarily a news site, it's from the FBI archives

My point being obviously people in the government have been proven to molest children, particularly these people.

Further more, to see something interesting pull up the sex offender maps by family watch dog and look up D.C. , That's hella red dots all over the. Nations capital. And compared to other cities or even the city I live in. Not nearly as many considering the population density.

They are of ex state dept officials

Yes, again they are random in that they do not show causation, if you take a pool of people(ex state dept of said years) and find a certain amount did this it does not prove some higher up "Dr. Claw" orchestrated it.

I'm simply saying it's pretty obvious there are a lot of people who worked for the govt, who have molested children. There's actually a lot more. Look up the family watch dog map of sex offenders in DC and notice how red it is compared to other similar cities.

I guess you will only ever think It's random they all worked for the state dept, and ended up being sick people.

I'm def not saying higher up people 'orchestrated it' But these are the people who got caught. Low level individuals accused of transporting loads of CP where the investigations end with the conviction of one. Reading those documents and seeing how he transported it tells me obviously he must have been sharing. But this with the podesta emails and suggestive and weird images of kids eating pizza, the sketch of madelines abductors matching the podesta brothers whose johns emails were erased the day before the abduction back in 07 seems hard not to draw these conclusions.

I'm not saying every govt official is a Satan worshipping child molester. In simply saying it seems as though the speculation of a pedophile ring involving govt officials can't be too far fetched considering this 60 mins doc and the fact many govt officials have been arrested for sex crimes involving childern. How can one not start to question it?

I'm simply saying it's pretty obvious there are a lot of people who worked for the govt, who have molested children.

A lot of people who haven't worked for the government have molested children. A reasonable person would compare crime statistics of government workers to the general population (or populations with similar positions of power) before concluding that something is up.

Maybe it is the way you are coming across? I need an example, but maybe you might be insisting that there is absolutely no conspiracy, refusing to be open minded and consider so many odd coincidences as something more.

But more than that, maybe it is the insistence that other people stop having healthy skepticism and asking questions? And calling them crazy for asking questions about the whole thing. Not saying you do that.

I agree there is some weird stuff but people make absolutely ridiculous leaps in judgment. Refusing to look or listen to how their leaps dont stay up to a fact check.

Examples please.

I took my lumps earlier today for saying the same thing. Good for you OP. The way this is being pushed is very telling. It's almost as if people don't want discussion of the Clinton Foundation or Assange.

Michael Shermer joins Dave Rubin to discuss conspiracy theories


useful idiot or bought and paid for... not sure

Fact checking doesnt stick. People repost, regurgitate the same bogus, debunked claims over and over. They simply want to believe. They have made up their minds that there is a conspiracy to dismantle pizzagate because it is so damaging, not realizing that the damage it causes is to the innocent people being targeted. There is no fear by the msm or elites from the sad, asinine pizzagate investigation.

Pizzagate has no evidence of any wrongdoing, it is a witchhunt, just like previous Reddit witchhunts (the bumbling daycare and boston witchhunts).

At this point, just about anything confirms their beliefs.

Pedophile pizza shop employee in St. Louis? Obviously connected. Media not reporting on it? Obviously a cover-up. Email with no-context or vague reference. It's some kind of code. Ridiculed by someone on a different sub? They're paid to suppress the truth. Pizzagate shutdown? More suppression!

I know this is a conspiracy sub, but I expected more out of people who say you shouldn't take things at face value.

mob mentality and that they are piling on assumptions and guilt by association or in other words not using logic

I'll give you the perspective on a unqualified outsider:

Pizzagate is nothing new.

The same thought patterns and (il)logical traps are present in staunch believers of any conspiracy. People who've concluded that the moon landing was faked will believe anything that confirms their beliefs and refuse to consider anything you have to say. Some will go further and take take your opposition of their beliefs as evidence that that theirs are valid. It's run of the mill confirmation bias, combined with jumping through any hoop necessary interpret things favorably.

I don't think you really need help with this answer. The US has just voted for Trump and the UK for Brexit.

Your planet is full of morons. :/

redditor for 20 days

2,922 comment karma

shit posting

totally legit account guys

What constitutes an illegitimate account? :/

I guess that depends on what the definition of "is" is.

I'm listening. In your definition of is, for instance?

Ok, you're comment history is all banal nonsense. You got 2000+ upvotes for a cliche joke, you think it's amusing to role play an alien, and your arguments consist of "people who don't agree with my opnions are duuuumb!"

Most of that I completely agree with. And I don't feel any need to defend any of it. The last part though I do. I don't think anyone is duuuumb. I don't in most cases air an opinion. The alien is naive. The point of him is to see what humans are doing. And I'm still a little confused about what got you so riled.

As you are well aware the forum is still relatively new to me. And I don't expect to please all of the people all of the time. But I don't attempt to cause offence so I'm a little surprised by your reaction.

I don't think anyone is duuumb

Your planet is full of morons. :/

Yes. I don't think a line that's supposed to be funny really constitutes a true representation of someone. Especially when they are role playing.

I also don't assume that anyone on the internet is really to be taken too seriously or assumed to be who they appear to be.

Why do you care? Trump was elected and Brexit passed so obviously the astroturfing is having little effect.

I don't know what astroturfing is. In the assumption that it's not laying plastic grass. :/

And I don't care.

What constitutes an illegitimate account? :/

They are of ex state dept officials

Yes, again they are random in that they do not show causation, if you take a pool of people(ex state dept of said years) and find a certain amount did this it does not prove some higher up "Dr. Claw" orchestrated it.

Why do you care? Trump was elected and Brexit passed so obviously the astroturfing is having little effect.