Lets get this to the top so we can get Facebook to stop Extorting people for their personal information in return for unlocking their accounts. #BoycottFacebook #StopExtortingUsFacebook "Whats up with Facebook asking me for a Gov't ID to login to my personal account? Anyone else have this problem?

56  2016-12-04 by keptfloatin707

UPDATE:: So I caved and sent Facebook a photo to ID me with


Email response from facebook and my follow up might have gone a little far with the criminal harassment thing but its really starting to feel like I'm being harassed maybe legal action is in order. I've had to create a second account ( this one) and now its locked as well I'm done with this shit. Something bigger is happening here.

Reposting because mod's removed my first post because I had a Facebook link in the body. Everything is Imgur hosted now as per rules.

If we can get this to the front page I encourage anyone with Twitter to tweet at the official Facebook page on Twitter and #FacebookStopExtorting #BoycottFacebook #MakeFacebookPrivateAgain.

/u/enterbulate "Quotes Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard Zuck: Just ask Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS [Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one? Zuck: People just submitted it. Zuck: I don't know why. Zuck: They "trust me" Zuck: Dumb fucks


So a month or so ago I got my original facebook profile shutdown by facebook not because I violated terms or was bullying or anything that would merit my pages removal.

I said fuck it I was using my nickname as my last name ( which hasn't been a problem for the last 5+ years ) Facebook said I had to give them an ID to open my page back up.

Well, Fuck that - So I photoshopped my fake last name onto my california DL and it was flawless I also blurred my address out because they themselves even said I could do it.

And for a second form I showed a piece of mail again with the address blurred.

So I sent it in I get a response from Facebook rep " Steve " saying that they can't accept those because it seems they have been altered. I explain that this is been altered for my own safety and privacy as per their own advice. So after a week of back and forth from my personal email ( always headed with my first and last name ) I say fuck it I need to stay in contact with friends that don't use IG or Twitter so I make a new account .

This time With my full real name.

Yesterday I get a notice that my password isn't safe so I have to make a new password. Okay. Did that. I go to sign on today and I'm hit with the same bullshit message again saying for my safety they need to verify my identity?

message 1

message 2

Theres got to be something else going on I see fake pages everyday on facebook get requests from catfish pages ect. but my REAL life personal page keeps getting flagged either by someone I know or Facebook themselves.

Why does facebook need my personal information? If I have access to my email address for the account I am clearly who I say I am. I understand people get other peoples passwords to email and could control accounts this way but anyone with a email probably has a second email address and should have setup that as a backup account in the event their new email is compromised.

There has to be an alterior motive for FB to want private information such as that would be on a gov't ID .

I'm not giving them shit and noone else should either theres some fuckery afoot. Facebook became a billion dollar entity I don't doubt for one second theres not something malicious going on here.

So I say to my fellow /r/conspiracy subscribers if they ask for this info just never go back to facebook. they are up to something. #BoycottFacebook #DeleteYourFacebook they are extorting your personal pages for your private information.

a quick search shows they've been fishing for private info for at least the last 3 years now





Edit: heres more of their bullshit from the emails I've been sent - ONE OF THEM THEY EVEN REFER TO ME BY NAME ?! Thats the most ass backwards approach to ask for information about someone by saying their name before you ask for their name

maybe it was jesse not steve


the one with my name ( blurred

Just wanna throw a " Fuck you Facebook " in there you done changed.

And for anyone who wants to know why this is a big deal - its because I can't stay in contact with people like I need to and its also how I do a lot of my business in graphic art , car sales , photography ect. So this inconvenience could be taking money from my pockets which is opposite of what a free safe service should do.

more edits:

Heres where their page takes you when you say you can't upload a photo.

Seems like photo ID isn't the end of what they want from you. They can mandate you give them your mobile phone number as well as seen here

" what happens to my id after its uploaded "

1 of 3 forms they accept

2 of 3

3 of 3


Here's a solution for ya: don't use Facebook.

I don't get how what they are doing is LEGAL is my point above all else - This is extortion nothing less

They're an LLC. Anything they ask for you willingly give them. They could ask you for your SSN, bank account info, etc. and you'd still be willingly giving it to them.

I personally wouldn't but yeah I agree thats the point of this post the avg joe or jane would probably I'm just thankful my grandma doesn't have a FB page..

This is not the answer. The answer is to stop using Facebook.

not possible untill there is an alternative social network.

delete your facebook

it only takes a couple of people in any social group to remove their accounts to get the ball rolling

that's the point of this post but I'm afraid I am a part of a select few that get this treatment. I do post a lot of anti Trump / Hilary stuff they probably see me as UN-Patriotic

I'm in the exact same boat.

Have you deleted your account yet? Because it sounds like you are still using Facebook.

I can't delete my account I am LOCKED OUT of my account .

No excuses

awh shit

Eh. Stop using Facebook. I have to take a picture of my driver's license and send it to blizzard every time I want to remove the Authenticator off my battle.net account when I get a new phone. It's just a thing companies do. Facebook already knows everyone you've ever slept with, everything you've ever googled, your entire life history, everyone you speak to, everything you do even when you're not on Facebook, etc. so if you're that concerned about your privacy, get rid of it. Not only will it make you a happier person but you'll eliminate like 30% of all the internet spying done to you and you'll never have to see a photo of someone else's kid or a shared Facebook account between an unreasonably "happy" couple.

Children, Children, Face fuck was nice when we needed a break from Myspace. Surley by now you all know that this is the biggest data collection interface we've ever created right? "Wait how many likes?!? DAAAAAAAAAP!" God, kids please limit your time on Flouride Book To 1 Hr. per Decade, you know the actaul time you spend with people you friend on this behemoth. Damn dude i was called c. Theorist back when Zuck created this shit. Now it's Mainstream... FML,... and apparently everyone else's.

Next they'll be asking for DNA samples.

"did you get the facebook chip? oh sorry ^ _^ can't let you use your account til you're "Verified" "

Quotes Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard Zuck: Just ask Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS [Redacted Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one? Zuck: People just submitted it. Zuck: I don't know why. Zuck: They "trust me" Zuck: Dumb fucks


My SO and I come from high tech backgrounds. Neither of us have ever set up a facebook account because we knew what would happen in regard to privacy. If only we could have predicted the lottery instead...

I deleted my fb a few days ago bc it was just getting to be too much. I started seeing ads for things mentioned in private messages almost instantly.

wtf thats creepy

Several people have told me they've got ads for things they swear they only talked about while Facebook was open. And I don't mean conspiracy kinda people. Friends of my mums, stuff like that.

I assume they're harvesting audio at the very least...


I can't, because I've never had a Facebook account.

I suppose I could email Zchmuckerberg, and threaten to open an account - and then delete it...

Would that help?

I am relatively sure email still exists. You can keep In touch with people that way.

I talk to people other than my grama.

how will i get all my contacts if im blocked from facebook- i use it for marketing networking branding ect

Removed Messenger and Facebook from my phone and the battery life improved dramatically. Those shit apps are constantly running in the background and spying on you. Use SMS and regular voice calls (not Viber or WhatsApp).

yeah i never downloaded the fb messenger for that reason I use FB mostly to just keep in touch with long distance friends and networking for work and stuff

Telegram for messaging seems ok..

They fucking did this to me too.

just threaten pressing charges for harassment and cyber bullying . They unlocked both of my accounts ( i had to make a new one the first time and then the second time i really started laying into them they cleared me and said thanks for sending a photo ID when i obviously didn't lol

Don't support the new Gestapo asking for everyone's papers... Whatever your reason for using Facebook, it's just not worth it. Please stop drinking the water.

wtf thats creepy