Until we know the truth about what happened on September 11th 2001, we shouldnt believe anything they say...

148  2016-12-04 by We-think-we-are-free


Our government has set out purposely to fool us and distort our reality. That means they cannot be believed in any information they give whatsoever.

Propaganda is now legal for use by the government against its own citizens and there are thousands of government disinformation specialists online at any given moment. Their credibility is therefore zero.

Propaganda wasnt illegal before. They just made the law to make sure every president keeps the ball rolling. .

Propaganda that was intended for targets overseas that tangentially was exposed to Americans was legal Directly targeting an American audience was not. The law was changed during the Obama presidency.to make targeting Americans by using domestically oriented propaganda, legal

Way ahead of you. They keep telling us shit happened without any proof, shaping our history with lies.

I distrusted them way before 9-11. But when i saw those towers come down, i knew that it was because of bombs..

The winners always write the history books

There's debate over whether he actually said this quote, but whoever said it, it certainly seems to have come true.

Holy shit, these people are against us..why is it so hard to see?

I haven't believed anything anyone has told me since I realized that they were lying about cannabis. Thankfully that was my entry into the conspiracy world.

wait a minute, you mean smoking a reefer won't make me batshit crazy?

Nope. You just might enjoy it also. ;)

We are taught that enjoyment is wrong. Fear, blind patriotism and work is all you need, so they say.

I was talking to my mom/dad about this the other day. I'm sure they've both smoked it before, as they're 50+ years old, but they said that after smoking pot, they tend to see through people. That's the way they described it, that you can see a person's intentions more clearly. Although, I have no way to verify this. Similarly with other "drugs" like schrooms or DMT.

The same people that did 911 are connected to the people in Pizzagate. These Satanic Pedo's pass laws such as the "Patriot Act" and "NDAA" in response to acts that they commit. Your freedoms are beings taken away by Psychopaths. The are all in on it worldwide. The top of this insane hierachy is "The Archons"..

So far pizzagate still hasnt broke. I wouldn't lump it to 9/11 just yet. But alot of the same players of the iran contra scandal were involved in PNAC

Have you looked into buildings 4, 5, and 6? Lots of clues there.

They being the government, media, bankers, and the infamous PTB.

Umm.. we know the truth about what happened on September 11th 2001, and we shouldn't believe anything they say.

We dont know everything. We can only speculate.

We can examine evidence and draw logical conclusions, as with any other criminal case.

Further, we should probably be very suspicious of who's saying it.

Why you bunch of goddamn antisemitic bastards!


9/11 was an operation done by cia and mossad; uae provided those men.

Imprison ALL federal intelligence/law enforcement agents. Beat the facts out of them. They like to torture people anyhow.

I thought 9/11 was an open and shut case? a bunch of guys somehow got into 4 different cockpits all using box cutters? the passport on the sidewalk of that terrorist is some pretty concrete evidence!



What is the official story about building 3? Why isn't there more attention around it? That's always amazed me.

OK, here's the truth.

In the 1930s, the US formed a tacit alliance with Saudi Arabia. The US gave the Saudis military protection, a promise of non-interference in internal Saudi affairs, American oil production science and technology, and American money, and in return the Saudis sent the US their oil. FDR guaranteed the Saudis security during WWII. The House of Saud eventually became very wealthy, and some family members became corrupt.

In the 1940s, the US recognized the State of Israel. Various Salafist Muslims, including clerics in Saudi Arabia, did not like this.

The US-Saudi alliance was particularly strong in the 70s when the USSR invaded Afghanistan, and in the early 90s when Iraq invaded Kuwait and threatened Saudi Arabia. The Saudis told George H W Bush that he was not allowed to depose Saddam after the Iraqis were kicked out of Kuwait, or the Saudis would kick the US off their gigantic airbases permanently and disrupt the alliance. This was probably because the Sunni Saudis wanted a Sunni strongman in Iraq instead of Shi'ite rule. Bush 41 obeyed. The no-fly zone and sanctions were imposed. This made the human rights community go nuts. Their propaganda found a receptive audience, among other audiences, with Salafist and Muslim Brotherhood-associated clerics. Some of these clerics declared jihad on the United States.

Meanwhile, Osama Bin Laden, who in fact never received any CIA funding or assistance (that went to other mujahadeen during the USSR-Afghanistan war), came under the belief that he had personally deposed the Soviet Union, and now he was going to do the same to the USA. He saw the plight of poor Palestinians and Iraqis and Somali aspirin factory workers, and decided he would avenge them. Bin Laden recruited some fighters including Mohammed Atta. They had battle experience in places like Kosovo, Afghanistan, and probably elsewhere like Palestine. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trained them to hijack planes, following the blueprint of the Bojinka attack that had gone sour, but he changed it to have the hijackers pilot the planes into civilian targets on the ground. A lot of Saudi money went into the attacks. Saudi money also propped up the Taliban regime, which protected Al Qaeda.

They intended to take down the twin WTC towers, the Pentagon, and the White House or the Capitol.

The US command structure probably had a secret wargame or something on the day of 9/11/2001 like it has and does many other days. Most likely that info got leaked to Al Qaeda and they chose that day to help prevent quick recognition of the attack. That probably helped the attacks to some extent.

The attack worked very closely according to their plan. What they didn't realize is that a short time afterward, a huge amount of firepower would come down on them in Afghanistan and elsewhere.

The only US military jets that were ready to be scrambled to intercept a jet didn't even have missiles loaded. The fourth flight probably would have hit its target if the passengers hadn't taken it down. The plane crashed near Shanksville, Pennsylvania at a very fast speed. The large kinetic energy it struck the ground with resulted in the actual disintegration of much of the aircraft.

Real Americans on the planes and in the buildings and others including first responders died.

After the attacks, the Bush family made sure to let all the Saudis and Bin Laden family members out of the country if they wanted to go without any questions being asked. This rightly has led to distrust of the Bush family's intentions.

Republicans haven't wanted to relive all of the details because they didn't heed the warnings of Richard Clarke mainly because they saw him as a Clintonite. In that and other ways, they did a bad job in letting the country get attacked.

Democrats haven't wanted to relive all of the details either because Clinton's pinprick strikes at Somalia and elsewhere emboldened Al Qaeda, according to KSM, and because Clinton had a chance to kill Bin Laden earlier and didn't take it.

In their defense, few anticipated anything like 9/11 coming out of the likes of Bin Laden or Al Qaeda.

Since 9/11, the House of Saud has understood that it had a problem in Al Qaeda and with other fanatics that could lead the Saudis to be deposed from the rulership of the Kingdom. Nevertheless, they have continued dabbling in terrorism as we see with ISIS.

Many Americans now believe that the 9/11 attacks were "an inside job" because it is hard to comprehend that a few ordinary people can wreak such havoc. Nevertheless, the truth is that with the technology of our world, that is the situation we have now, and the 19 radical Islamic hijackers did just that. These 9/11 skeptics haven't realized that if "the government" (which can't keep secrets) wanted to "grab power" the way to do that would have been to fabricate an attack that the government valiantly would have stopped, but almost didn't. Or at worst bomb a military installation only, not civilians. The amount of public distrust in a government that cannot protect its people will increase, not decrease, as we have seen.

I would strongly support a new, independent 9/11 commission to re-open the investigation and produce a new, lengthy report that dives into all of the conspiracy theories. I am very open to whatever facts it finds. I hope they uncover all the truth about the attacks. I would doubt it will find anything greatly different with my summary because this is the truth.

This is not the truth.

I thought you were onto something but then you mentioned that OBL wasn't reviewing cIA money, and your bias began to seek through.

This is where to make a choice

. The above story you're about to / just finished reading is the blue pill. Accept this as fact and you wake up in your bed tomorrow morning resuming life with little disregard to this comment.

If you choose not to accept that comment as truth, you're taking the red pill and you will be exposed to a whole new world of information hiding in plain sight that just wasn't visible before

Limited hangout.

The answer to the following question gives the answer: Cui Bono?

Who benefited the most in the years after 9/11 in the form of vastly increased (hard and soft dollar) funding from America and other western countries?

Which country continues to benefit from the wars that have been fought in the middle east using American tax dollars and soldiers?

Which country has the most dual citizenship (American and this other country) politicians and policy makers in the US that often cause things to happen to the benefit of this middle eastern state?

It's really not that hard to see.

Already with you. Been with you on this before you said it.

We already know that they lie and we cannot rely on anything they say. This much is already understood. Even if we have a revolution and take over, the new boss will eventually become just like the old boss (or worse ala the USSR).

Nuclear artillery and the Wigner Effect...

I'd say since Roswell, or even before. Hell George Washington himself warned of Illuminati infiltration.

We can examine evidence and draw logical conclusions, as with any other criminal case.

Propaganda that was intended for targets overseas that tangentially was exposed to Americans was legal Directly targeting an American audience was not. The law was changed during the Obama presidency.to make targeting Americans by using domestically oriented propaganda, legal