Just wanted to get on here and say "thank you" to what appears to be the biggest contingent of idiots on Reddit - possibly the internet...

0  2016-12-04 by [deleted]



so lemme get this straight. you spent all that time crafting a shame-ridden diatribe blaming people who don't make policy for bad policy? good job. maybe tomorrow you can go to a cancer ward and blame cancer patients for getting sick.

So much cluelessness in this post I wouldn't know where to start should I decide to bother, except to opine that when you run out of your meds you should probably not post until you can make it to the pharmacy.

Exercising your rights under the first amendment is the reason the first amendment is being assaulted?


Let the anger flow through you


I am so retarded


That's okay, the sooner we realize we aren't the smartest the sooner we can find the real answers. :) C you on the other side


Lol you have no idea who you're talking to on these forums. I'd say 75% of people here who aren't shills (So about 5-10%[LOL]) would mop the floor with you in intelligence.

Funny you think we are falling for it. Look around. Hard even trying to talk to people like you.


Smart people don't go out of there way to get so angry. Not to mention your childish name calling and swearing.


If I eat all your cookies and blame your dog for eating them are you going to go yell at your dog?

...a pack of retards. LMFAO

Fucking retards.

So you're saying we should stop using free speech in order to protect free speech? That's some worldclass double-think champ.

Perhaps you should ask yourself why, out of the all of the countless "conspiracy theories" out there, this one alone has prompted an hysterical reaction by the American political elite. Perhaps the "retards" investigating Pizzagate are onto something?


hasn't elicited ANY response from the political elite other than punching the first hole in the first amendment.

Right. So it produced an hysterical reaction. You really are a master of double think.


Do you also think the radio is telling you sekret information? Seek help.

You do realize you are just victim blaming? You've provided no proof in how it's this subs fault that legislation was passed that limits freedom of speech. I find it curious that you come here out if all places - where freedom of speech is excercised daily. Your post is just a rant with heavy use of ad hominems with a couple random facts sprinkled here and there.


It is precisely your attitude that brings division among us (which is good dor the card holders). We both believe in free speech. What's the difference between us? You must see that we have that in common, at least.


Well, I was pointing out that we have something in common - we are both on this sub and we are both sharing our POVs freely in this thread. You keep responding, so I assume you're an individual who likes a good discussion. Me too. What is your interpretation of "hive mind"? No I do not support thoughtless bandwagons following some trend or information. I would rather we (humans) think more critically. If you call that a "hive mind" mentality I disagree. I gather from your attitude that you also appreciate good research - and I support that as well.

Political paedophilia is not a false idea. I've been seeing periodic reports of it for close to twenty years.



I'm not even native and I got it just fine lol.

You know that we didn't write or pass the legislation, right? Your logic is the same as someone blaming a hostage for trying to escape a captor and the captor shooting someone as punishment. The hostage is not the perpetrator of that crime.

Well, looks like a little pizza peddler was indeed among the most powerful men in DC. Guess it really does matter who's d you s.



If the sexualized pictures of children on Alefantis Instagram were fabricated, he should have said so.


If you think someone planted the sexualized pics of children on his IG feed then call the cops.

Most of us are more than willing to admit when we make mistakes, just one example of what sets us apart.

Personal attacks, damn, this guy is fuckig pissed!! Guess what OP we ain't all Americans and I for 1 can say I don't give two fucks about your freedom of speech. What I can say I give a fuck about is your corrupt government, as should you. Yet you post on here calling us all retards, well what does that make you?


Lol, cause that's the only thing you've said?? You're honestly just an ignorant person in general from what it seems. Saying the members of this reddit know nothing, aslong as many other slurs used is benign, yeah. At this point you're just angry and immature, and from ur comments also a sheep.

Do you have sand in your vagina?


I just replied in the same disrespectful tone as you. Doesn't feel so good, does it?

You're welcome

Haha winner of the simplest and best comment award.

I suggest you get your anger in check.


Seriously man? I get that you are angry, I really do. A lot of us are angry. But for you to come in here and start blaming the 1500 some odd people that post to this sub for D.C. Assholes changing laws, you can fuck right the fuck off!

If you really think the users of this sub are to blame for this shit, you are delusional at best.

And you really think I have the powers to have the NSA come to your house? What the fuck are you talking about? I'm just over here baking Christmas goodies for my local LEO's and Firefighters trying to have a nice afternoon.

So like I said, check your anger. The people you need to be angry at are not us. So I suggest going for a nice walk and put this shit in perspective.

Yeah this sub bears 100% of the guilt for the new legislation passed. /s.

The powers that be can try to censor the internet and all it's users, but we know it's impossible. We will continue to speak freely until the moment this sub is shut down and will then move onto another open forum to share knowledge about whatever we choose. The right to free speech can never truly be silenced.

Big money took over the US long ago. Our "fake news" research didn't cause this, we're simply searching for the truth of our world. I can't speak for all, but I think most people who frequent this sub and other parts of reddit would have gladly voted for Bernie Sanders over either of the shills the parties "elected" in the primaries.

Quit spouting hate and blaming a small conspiracy community on an online forum for the infringement of your rights. If you truly want to ensure your rights are maintained and not slowly subverted, organize a true non-violent demonstration similar to the DAPL protest and make your voice heard. Unity is the only way to move forward and actually effect proper change.

Btw, this isn't a democracy. It's a constitutional republic.


Removed, warning for rule 10

How do I get a warning for saying the exact same thing he said to us back to him? Remove it but these forums are naziville

Because your comment was reported, I don't have time to check all reports for context when you clearly broke a rule. Report them too and they'll be dealt with.

Honestly, pizza, Trump, Hillary, parties and whatever aside, you act like you are ready to kill for your convictions and that is a slippery slope. You know who loves that sort of reactive tendency? It's the power hungry type, who you say have taken over the country. Then they can stir up the waters, marginalize and demonize all viewed to be in one specific group , and watch all the peons fight amongst themselves, very much distracted and oblivious to what is happening above them. It's a proven successful, oppressive tactic of governments and rulers all throughout history.

And before you--my literal neighbor--jump down my throat with more personal attacks I'd like you to know that this is maybe my second interaction with this sub, my life's a little too hectic to really even consider pizza at the moment (although I am curious), and I did not vote for Trump. In other words, I, like a lot of people who probably wander here, do not fit your stereotype of what is here. I even subscribe to /news, /worldnews, etc. for as many perspectives as possible. We probably do have some differing views, and maybe even some that are similar. But I have enough respect for you as a human being, my neighbor, to not slam you with personal insults--teeth showing and ready for blood--for having differing perceived views than I do. I know that if I do that then I am a perfect pawn for the power hungry.

Here here. This can't be stressed enough. United we stand, divided we fall.

Amazing I just spent my time on that.

Actually buddy that's your fault for accusing things of being "fake news." It's not the people that believe in pizzagate that are the problem. It's the people that don't believe in it that accuse everything they don't like as "Russian propaganda fake news." You are the reason for the downfall of the internet. You did this to yourself. That buzzword is nothing more than SOPA with a nice tidy bow on it and you bought it and spread the word around for them and gave SOPA 2.0 free advertising.

We love you too buddy.

Feel better? Just another one of those "everyone is crazy but me" posts. You can tell by the way he calls everyone retarded or a moron. We're stupid, he's not.

Removed already? I went through your comment history and you seem to share a lot of this subs views. I understand your anger, because it's warranted, but spreading unity, love, and hope is the only way. Name calling only entrenches a person in their beliefs, no matter if those beliefs are right or wrong. The only way to persuade people to the side of light is through compassion.

You're a douchebag

Haha winner of the simplest and best comment award.