Pizzagate: Calling it now Reddit will attempt to shut down any discussion regarding Pizzagate after today's events. We have to remain vigilant and give a voice to the voiceless. Don't be scared into silence

3213  2016-12-05 by BransonOnTheInternet


After what many are considering a false flag op around Comet I am willing to be we are going to see a crackdown not only on this sub, but Reddit as a whole. Though I may not agree with some of the discussion, or more importantly how it is framed, its none the less an important discussion too have; now more than ever.

So keep in mind this is what they want, as we already saw with the closing of /r/pizzagate last month, and today's events will only provide the ammunition to shut down this discussion and frame it not only as "fake news" but a witch hunt that has turned violent. We have to be ever vigilant at this time and realize that though they have the power in this regard and though they can attempt to control the narrative they can't silence everyone and though they can try to ignore it they can't make this go away. Also keep in mind that now more then ever we cannot come off as supporting (not that anyone has) any actions like the ones attempting to be framed today. We have to ensure we don't proivse the alternate side ammunition to use against anyone involved into looking into this, or allow them to easily discredit anyone. Be vigilant not only in what you say, but how you say it. Now more than ever is this important.

Keep digging, keep discussing, and keep giving a voice to the voiceless.

Edit: and the trolls/shills have arrived my friends. Play nice.

Edit 2: if you want to come in here and call people names, shill, troll, please understand what sub you're in. You may noy agree with what people have to say, or how they've gone about this, but please respect their right to do so - regardless of your feelings regarding this matter. If you can't do that, then please take this friendly advice and reconsider being a part of a sub about conspiracies. Thank you.

Edit 3: It's sad that this must be said, but let me make this clear: NO ONE in this thread has encouraged, advocated for, or condoned what happened at Comet Pizza. Let me repeat that, NO ONE in this thread has encouraged, advocated for, or condoned what happened at Comet Pizza. Not a single person. Nowhere in this thread, nor any other that I have seen has there been any discussion regarding this being okay, in any way shape or form.

The only people that are attempting to push this particular narrative are those attempting to discredit anyone speaking about Pizzagate itself. The truth is if anyone did condone, advocate, or encourage such they would be downvoted, reported, and informed of how misplaced/misguided they are.

What happened at Comet Pizza is unfortunate and should not have happened. That being said, it does not mean that the conversation surrounding such stops; no matter how much some may wish it to be so. We are not responsible for what others may do with this information, we cannot be culpable for an individuals actions or how they may act upon such. We are simply asking questions that many believe need to be asked. If some poor misguided soul misinterprets that, then that is on them, and cannot be laid at the feet of Conspiracy as a whole. If you believe it to be otherwise then I would respectfully ask you to read the above, and remember where you are and what this sub is about.

With that being said, I am off to bed. Thank you for keeping this discussion alive and for the most part remaining civil, even in the face of trolls/shill/those attempting to derail and defame the conversation. Keep up the good work and keep doing what you know is right.

Edit: Let me make this as fucking clear as I can since some of you insane assholes don't seem to fucking get it (this is a post in this thread as well, but due to massive amounts of hate thrown towards this post and users here I think it's important to make this very clear).

I was/am simply calling for people not to be scared of discussing it. I don't believe anyone should be going to comet, or leaking peoples names, etc. Hell I can admit the Instagram shit, not what's on it the posting of it to shame someone, makes me uncomfortable.

Hence why generally I'm not involved in any discussion regarding such matters. I just think people should be able to discuss this issue in a way that is both looking for the truth and respectful of individuals rights, no matter what some may think they are involved in.

At the same time I recognize that I can't police the discussion. It's going to happen whether I like it or not. All I can do is make my points and not engage in any I may disagree with. I have to be respectful of people and allow them to make their own decisions even if I disagree with such. I think people need to realize that we all come from different backgrounds and approach this in different ways. Some people view privacy on the internet differently. We can't, as stated police that, its not our place. All we can is pick and choose how and when we will enter into the discussion, if at all.

People just need to be respectful of other opinions and rights, rather than attempting to attack and engage in the very behavior they are accusing others of, ie witch hunts.

We need to understand that people are upset about this because they have been lied to and they feel disenfranchised. They feel as if they are being misled, because sadly they have been, so many times before. People believe this because for years many they were being told, no there's no pedophile problem, only to find out that there was. Whether it be the BBC, Jimmy Saville, The Vatican, members of Congress, CEO's, etc, the truth has come out - and after years of people being told they were crazy and the media ignoring it and writing it off. So yea, it may not be true, you may not have proof you like, but that's no reason that others shouldn't be looking. They've been down this road before and had the same attacks labeled against them and they've seen where it ended up. With this in mind there's no reason why these people shouldn't be concerned, its history playing out like it has so many times before.


Message to ALL users: Please refrain from attacking users or using abusive/threatening language. We will be removing any comments that violate our subs rules.

Don't attack anyone on Reddit and don't incite gunmen to go into pizza shops and threaten people either....

Screw personal responsibility, am I right? Its not the gunmans fault, its this sub's fault.

Its not the gunmans fault, its this sub's fault.

Oh really? Do you have links between him and this sub or you just spewing BS with hopes people believe?

Im 100% sarcastic.

Im 100% sarcastic.

Im 110% real and not about spewing lies to confuse people.

Read it again, its pretty obvious its sarcasm considering the first sentence.

Screw personal responsibility, am I right? Its not the gunmans fault, its this sub's fault.

Nice political alt

When you start naming people and places and real-life things you start endangering others-- if the people who have actively involved themselves in implicating actual people with families believe they have no responsibility when that information is acted upon then they become far more dangerous than whatever boogeyman they thought they saw through the trees.

The news does this all day every day? What are you, handicapped?

Insults aside, the media as of late has been irresponsible in their reporting. But please tell me more about how one group doing something unethical makes it okay for others to do the same.

Because YOU base YOUR logic, morality and ethics on what they tell YOU?

There are thousands of documents worth of circumstantial evidence, and any reasonable person who has looked at it would draw the same conclusions as many people have here, which is quite contrary to what you believe in your government-issued thought bubble.

You have made not one credible argument dismissing a single piece of evidence raised by pizzagate and there is an unlimited amount of evidence.

Instead you make uneducated blanket statements handed down from a mainstream news source you probably didn't even read or comprehend any way other than explicitly how you were told to.

Try observing the evidence and then making your own rational decision. I know thinking for yourself takes work, if I had a camera pointed at a pretty face to regurgitate my message would you be more inclined to listen?

  1. You cannot prove a negative, the burden of proof lies on the accuser. 2. I don't need to debunk your conspiracy theory to tell you that accusing actual fucking people trying to live their lives of being child sex-traffickers can have actual consequences. This isn't about the placement of a traffic camera or some "pizza code" you found in an email, this is about a man with weapons that just stormed a pizza place and fired at least one shot. edit- grammar

You can use legalese all you want, the accused are experts in it.

Which is exactly why they jump through the giant gaping loopholes they left for themselves.

When the law doesn't work, people in history often turn to vigilante justice. It's a natural reaction to a system not serving the people. The accused should be charged, but they won't be, because the corrupt system you cite your irrelevant rules from will let them walk.

Deal with the problem or the people will. Seems simple.

i bet you look at some nnnnasssstttyyyy child porn.

When you start naming people and places and real-life things you start endangering others

So not naming the young kids being tortured is saving them from the people that own businesses?

Illuminati Wife Tells All

People forget just how easily the words they type on the internet make things come to life for either better or worse.

tell that to podesta.

I would suggest that this sub should have a rule against wild unsubstantiated conspiracies

What about the "wild unsubstantiated lies" that Hillary would be president or Trump is a bad man?

This is not T_D. The majority of us in this sub are skeptics which require some amount of proof to base our theories upon. We are actually allowed to dissent here too, imagine that. There is not a shred of a shadow of truth to y'alls claims. They are wild and based off a thousand unrelated pieces. It's maybe the most bogus theory I've seen passed off in my life, and yet you are all espousing it as the holy truth and disregarding any facts that stand in the way of your totally fabricated wet dream of a conspiracy theory.

Well those sound a bit more plausible than a child sex ring based out of a pizza shop supported by one of the most notable politicians in the country.

Except you haven't addressed any of the thousands of pictures or other pieces of damning evidence that have been collected. Just repeating baseless echo chamber opinion of 0 value that we've heard 100 times from other ignorant people.

Contribute an original thought or something worthwhile, or go away. There is enough circumstantial evidence to carry this research on for another 50 years and your valueless opinion will not change that.

Boy this one pulled the shills outta the woodwork didn't it.

Gotta say, they're doing an excellent job increasing the comment count on these threads and thus increasing the overall interest in #Pizzagate.

Deny deny deny. Argue argue argue. Nitpick nitpick nitpick. "I'm here to debunk conspiracy theories"...

Besta watch out, at this rate they'll have the whole topic shut down!!


Are you capable of understanding the implicit meanings of things or do you take everything you see at face value?

There is infinite context to these allegations, where would you like to start? We could spend the next week addressing the vast amounts of evidence, and you might just be able to comprehend the bigger picture when you add it all together. How about the fact John and Tony Podesta look exactly like two men wanted in connection with a missing person.

How about we start by addressing this? How about they defend themselves? How about they respond to the allegations? How about they explain what the emails actually mean if nothing nefarious is going on?

They are identical to two people wanted in connection with a missing girl. How much cognitive dissonance and plausible deniability can one use in their favor? Deny deny deny deny. The sky is still blue.


Plausible deniability is a helluva drug. In fact, drug dealers use it all the time.

It's not breaking the law if the police don't stop you right?

Hitler said it himself "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."

Spirit cooking is just a coincidence?

Those creepy dinners, nothing to see there?

Pizza handkerchief? Pretty common I own several.

Obama ordering 65k worth of pizza and hot dogs? No problem I hope you got your fair share of your money's worth as a taxpayer.

Hillary wants a hot dog with no bun, she must be gluten free.

Oh did I mention Tony Podesta has a pizza oven in his back yard? Obama moved in next door! Who doesn't have a pizza oven in their back yard? Pretty common thing to have if you ask me. Do you have one?

I love collecting art that depicts the murdering style of serial killers, don't you, fine normal well adjusted person? Pretty normal shit.

Nothing to see here, nothing weird going on. Just a bunch of grown adults eating pizza with no specific pizza toppings while being accused of child trafficking while many of them have accrued vast quantities of wealth in undefined ways.

These people could be waving their dicks around on the street in public and you probably wouldn't be able to discern something was wrong, at this rate.

Plausible deniability is a helluva drug. In fact, drug dealers use it all the time

Clearly you DON'T know what the term even means.

Plausible deniability is the ability for persons (typically senior officials in a formal or informal chain of command) to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by others (usually subordinates in an organizational hierarchy.)

you know, like drug dealers.

Now look at the context in which you are using it, lol. No one mentioned anything about drugs and then you just all of a sudden mention drug dealers in the hopes of applying the term when the guy was ripping holes in your argument.

Politicians in this instance are using plausible deniability, kind of like Hillary Clinton did with her email servers.

She's just a silly old lady who can't use a computer! Woopsie, grandma's sorry.

When are you coming over for the pizza and hot dog party?

Politicians in this instance are using plausible deniability, kind of like Hillary Clinton did with her email servers.

So you would have to have evidence of wrong doing. Not 4chan and reddit posts.

She's just a silly old lady who can't use a computer! Woopsie, grandma's sorry.

I'm going to address this at the end of the post.

When are you coming over for the pizza and hot dog party?

What exactly does that mean? Did a person who was actually involved with it break ranks and disclose what these words mean? For all we know pizza and hot dog party could be cocaine and playing scrabble. It could mean anything.

Now let me address a couple of points. To think that the stooges of the global elite, will arrest, indict and convict their masters, based on the ramblings on 4chan and reddit, are comical. Now when I say this, I am not saying or implying that these people are not involved in rituals, pedos, etc. I firmly believe they are and my research and what I create is my proof of this. However, if the CJ system were not corrupt, you would still need evidence that can be quantified, evidence such as video, images, audio, someone breaking ranks, ledgers, etc. Why do you need this and not circumstantial evidence? Because of the nature of the crime. When you or anyone else talking about pizzagate, can cite case precedent where someone was arrested, indicted and convicted with the same type of "evidence" that is presented now then you will have done something. However, you can't and you won't because those involved with child porn aren't convicted like that, shit they aren't even arrested like that let alone seeing a charging document. The second reason why this is bullshit is because these people don't have the problem of reliving the moment. Those who have a problem reliving it are those who lack access to the victims. So don't think for one second that the silly old lady, who can't use a computer, is going to be filmed in some sexual acts.

So you're playing devil's advocate and arguing with me based on a technicality? Making assertions based on all of the available information is far better than blind ignorance.

Circumstantial evidence won't get them in court, but justice can be served in a variety of ways.

So you're playing devil's advocate and arguing with me based on a technicality?

I'm not playing devils advocate and I'm not arguing with you. I'm having a discussion with you while utilizing critical thought and knowledge, while not relying on confirmation bias, to support what I am saying.

Making assertions based on all of the available information is far better than blind ignorance.

When those assertions are based in critical reading/examination/thought and writing? Yes. When based on inductive and deductive reasoning? Yes. When based on information that is not clarified and can't be quantified? No. When based on 4chan and reddit ramblings? No. Be skeptic, question everything, but don't be so quick to hop on shit because you think it's one way when, in fact, it could be something totally different.

Circumstantial evidence won't get them in court,

So then what's the point? What is the point of all of this if they won't see a courtroom? So people will be "awake?" If you needed 4chan and reddit posts to wake you then then you're the problem and so is your school board and family. BTW, when I say "you" I am not talking about you specifically. I mean it in general terms.

but justice can be served in a variety of ways.

It absolutely can. However, people need to think long and hard about it.


You should expect me to do the same, I could do it all day and all night. There is literally that much to cover, it's called context. You still wont have any of these people answering to what they are accused of.

Do you want to come over for pizza and hot dogs or no? Tell me, using your own mind, what are they doing if not what they are accused?

There is nothing implicit about the photo I shared, but there is plenty of implicit speech in the DKIM VERIFIED emails. I was simply asking you if you were capable of discerning implicit meaning before we even got past the fact you don't believe in one minor theory, there are fortunately dozens upon dozens more and I'll gladly move forward if you think there's nothing in that particular direction. You'll never be able to deny it all.

Tell me, why do you think Tony Podesta collects the kind of art he does. What does one base their personal taste in art on? What kind of music do you listen to? What kind of imagery do you enjoy? Tell me, how is taste developed?


You feel like I'm ducking your questions? I've asked you at least TEN that have gone unanswered specifically. You instead project that I'm somehow avoiding the task at hand. I am completely game for continuing, just answer the questions I've already asked and then I can begin to answer yours! First I'm trying to understand what it is you actually believe. You ACTUALLY believe $65,000 worth of pizza was ordered? That's what you believe?


I'd love to hear your explanation for the collection of Jeffrey Dahmer-style art!

damning evidence?

What do you consider damming? Im guessing "child porn" is not if you make statements like that.


I'd prefer not to be linked to anything illegal

You stop spreading lies and supporting illegal CP. Thats what you are doing by using a new account in this sub.

Sore Thumb Theory!


You still never answered the question above.


No. Its out there. Also stop watching MSN.



Or Main Stream News.


Nice save.

No save. Reality. News source? Are you the official debunker?

one of the most notable politicians in the country.

Who would that be?

Why, Senator Jefferson Smith, of course


Oh yeah, because pedophile rings in the elite is such a new thing I'm baffled....


This sub has always welcomed valid AND wild theories. Where the hell have you been? Let me guess: NOT in this sub.

Nope. Open discussion is better.

That's not realistic. Even if that was a rule how would you expect us to go about enforcing something like that here?

By deleting literally every post, I presume

Like I was trying to say your suggestion isn't going to work.

Nah, it'd definitely work

please respect their right to do so...

There is no right to go around making allegations of heinous crimes on the basis of the whack-job 'evidence' gathering that you people cobble together.

You talk High Principles with phrases like 'voice for the silent' and so forth but basically you conspiracy people are being highly irresponsible and completely intractable.

The sort of detail that you people find satisfactory wouldn't be enough in the real world to convict a kid of stealing from the biscuit tin, never mind fatal conspiracies involving respectable people.

I repeat, there is no 'right' to do what you're doing. You're exploiting a privilege, and if that privilege is taken away from you, you only have yourself to blame.

Let's see...

whack-job 'evidence' gathering that you people cobble together

but basically you conspiracy people are being highly irresponsible

The sort of detail that you people find satisfactory

Three separate instances of whitewashing this entire sub as literally 1 big group of people. But it seems you don't see yourself in this group, since you're not part of the "you" in these three sentences.

So why are you even here?

Let's wrap with:

never mind fatal conspiracies involving respectable people respectable people

All politicans involved are known criminals ranging from voter fraud to lying to the American people. And the ones who haven't done anything are just people living without public personas.

How do you know they're respectable people? Do you know them? Why would you specifically try to defend their moral character while at the same time stating that "us people" don't have the right to investigate, speak our minds, share PUBLIC information, and of course for good measure drop in that we're just whackjobs...

Yep nothing suspicious or biased about this post.

I think the "you people" refers more specifically to the rabid pizzagators. Who are, to my mind, blinded by enthusiasm and an ideology that will not allow mainstream news to be taken at face value at all, so they've taken to making stuff up/reading tea leaves/being scared of satanists.

Pizzagate is not based on any hard evidence. It's libel. It's damaging to individuals and to society.

Of course that's who it refers to. But conspiracy people will always argue the point and in this case, this was the only thing he had to go off. Really speaks to how solid the argument against them is.

Do you take mainstream news at face value?

If pizzagate was libel they would be suing the fuck out of everybody. Notice they haven't filed against anybody anywhere? WEIRD!

At this point it would definitely count as defamation if untrue, and it already damaged his character so (assuming it's a lie) the criteria to sue is met


You think a judge would agree that they're retarded? Lmfao


I like people like you.


case closed.

Are you saying that since they arn't suing anyone it must be true? Because that line of reasoning would be beyond terrible.

Why is that? He has lost money (business), they defamed his character, and now armed people are coming to his shop. Why on earth would he not want this to stop?

I don't know why he hasn't sued and I'm not saying he doesn't want it to stop. All I am saying is that him choosing not to pursue any sort of legal action doesn't make him guilty or at all point towards him being guilty. Which is what I got the impression you were implying, that he's not suing because it's true.

Of course it doesn't make him guilty. I said it was WEIRD.

I don't think it's that wierd, I mean who is he supposed to sue? You? Anyone else subbed to r/conspiracy? Suing wouldn't be an end to these allegations so why bother? There's a ton of reasons he chose not to sue, maybe he is a childmolestor or maybe he doesn't have the money to spare on a legal battle, maybe he's just hoping all this will blow over. The question and it's answers are so open ened you can't use it as evidence of anything.

He is very connected and definitely has the resources to fight.

He "could" sue infowars. They are a known entity, they pushed the story. They have faces and names so they can be tracked down.

Do you have any other guesses?

I could make guesses all day that make more sense than that he doesn't want his secret pedo organization uncovered. Maybe he's doing other shady shit like tax fraud that would be uncovered during the lawsuit, maybe he like the controversy because it actually brings in sympathetic liberal and has drummed up his bussiness, maybe he just can't be bothered. There are tons of reasons he may not want to sue.

I do think it's funny that the majority of your suggestions were actually illegal, even tough you said him not filing doesn't mean he's guilty

None of the things I said were illegal except 1. And that thing makes infinity more sense and is infinity more probably than some secret elite pedo ring. And I said Him not filing doesn't make him guilty, I NEVER said him not filing makes him innocent.

He is very connected and definitely has the resources to fight.

Another evidence-free assertion.

Because not taking legal action is often the best option. I frequently advise my clients that. The idiocy may die down, but if you issue proceedings it's going to be part of your life for at least a year.

Well I live in the U.K., so yes I do trust institutions like the BBC and the Guardian, but I seek to verify controversial claims from original sources when it matters. If something seems too good or bad to be true, check it out further.

As I've said elsewhere, the libel/defamation line is tricky because this is a new circumstance where potentially thousands of people are saying these things with a degree of anonymity. But since I believe that pizzagate is bunk, I do think that the entire thing is problematic and this movement is hurting real people who are likely innocent.

jimmy savile?

Ya holy fuck... how do you miss that connection.

The BBC has already covered up paedophilia.

so yes I do trust institutions like the BBC and the Guardian

No, it hasn't! This is just utmost piffle.

A few people failed to act as they should have done according to currently accepted doctrines 40 to 50 years ago. That was bad; but what they knew about was allegations that Savile was grabbing girls on set, something that wasn't that uncommon.

By coincidence, I was talking to some women on Friday night in a pub. We were discussing changes in attitudes. One of them said that her mum, when her bottom was pinched in the 1970s, would have been likely to giggle and smack the man's hand, saying something like 'you are awful!', because in those days it was not forbidden behaviour. The lady I was talking to said that by the time she was an adult a pinch on the bottom would have provoked a slap in the face.

Grabbing a 15 year old girl's arse during preparations for Top of the Pops or groping the tits of a 14 year old would not have rung particular alarm bells in the 1970s. You would change your opinion of someone doing that but it would be because of the groping not because of their ages.

So if and when a producer was told 'Bloody Savile's been at it again', he would have said 'Try to keep him off set when he's not needed', rather than phone the police.

That's the extent of the BBC's wrongdoing. Calling it a 'cover up' makes it sound like BBC management committee was taking action to prevent everyone else finding out what Savile was doing while allowing him to go on doing it.

Having said all that, because of sheer embarrassment and fear of political fall-out, they didn't make a clean breast of it as early as they should have done.

Over 100 people knew and it was dubbed an "atmosphere of fear". It lasted for 46 years, well across this generational divide you're claiming. You say 1970s, but it happened up until far more recently than that, and a lot of people knew about it. If you truly think that it was this weird thing that happened back in the 70s, I'd suggest you do a bit more research.

O boy, are you over-exaggerating.

The post above was about a cover-up. The judge's report was quite clear there had been no such thing; just mistakes, misjudgments, over-cautiousness.

The 'atmosphere of fear' referred to by the judge applied to all celebrities ('the talent', in the industry parlance), and was not associated with Savile in particular, and certainly not with his criminal proclivities - although the report states that it contributed to his ability to get away with them.

THE 70's WERE NO MEASURE FOR MORALITY, you chomo fuck.



Did you feel it go over your head?

gaslight gaslight, blah blah blah. chomo.

Multiple newspapers around the world have reported on it


a) libel suits have a statute of limitations ranging from 1-3 years depending on state; it's not common to see a libel suit within weeks or a couple months of the offending action.

b) Most of those placing allegations against Comet Pizza don't likely have enough money to make it worth filing suit. While they could pursue injunction, there's probably too many people people spreading this rumor (most behind a layer of anonymity from the internet) to affordably identify and serve legal notice. A pizza shop likely doesn't have enough resources to pursue legal action of this nature, nor would the benefits outweigh the costs.

Source: law student and legal consultant

A pizza shop likely doesn't have enough resources to pursue legal action of this nature, nor would the benefits outweigh the costs.

This is the same pizza shop owner that got a subreddit banned, and had national news agencies defending it well before any of this shooter business started. Dude has more pull than your average restaurant owner.

the same pizza shop owner that got a subreddit banned,

Really? How did he do that then?

Well multiple news sources have reported on it, like infowars.

If infowars is spreading lies calling them pedophiles, why not stop them? Infowars has enough money to make it worthwhile, and if infowars actually got punished for libel then it would kill all these rumors.

So can you revisit your second point?

So a quick google search of "infowars pizzagate" didn't turn up any articles like you mentioned, but what I'd be looking for if I were considering filing a claim against Infowars for a client:

1) they would have to make demonstrably false statements. It can't be like those Rush Limbaugh "I'm not actually making any accusations, I'm just asking questions" type of statements, but a factual like "So and so is a pedophile."

2) Infowars has enough pull and/or money to make injunction and/or monetary compensation worth it. Pull would be number of people who actually believe the publication, and not necessarily the number of people who read it. I don't know how much money they have on their books, or if they could afford to pay for damages + legal fees

3) Comet is incurring enough harm to make it worthwhile to seek an injunction or monetary damages. If all the pizza shop can show for damages is harassing phone calls and a bullet hole, it might not be worth it; however, if you get a good lawyer in there who can claim psychological distress (which requires medical examination and bills), demonstrable drops in sales, or other quantifiable harms, now you're getting somewhere. But like I said in the first point, figuring all that stuff out takes time.

From what I understand, Comet Pizza is a popular pizza joint in DC. 95% of the country has no idea what the Podesta emails are (although maybe more people have heard about it in DC), let alone the allegations against the restaurant, and then let alone people who used to go to the restaurant and might alter their habits based on a Alex Jones circulated reddit conspiracy. While the guy going into the place and firing a few rounds might be the first real tangible effect on the place, it's unlikely that all of the activity on reddit, InfoWars and otherwise has had much of an effect on the operations of a popular local pizza joint. Until someone goes out and starts walking around with a sign saying "your kids will be raped if you eat here" or somebody comes by and starts shooting into the crowd, it's unlikely there will be any demonstrable damages worth pursuing this case until other quantities of damages can be measured. Especially those that could be verifiably linked to InfoWars.

Sure there hasn't been much physical damage to the pizza place but he said he has gotten death threats. On something that's "false". I wouldn't want to possibly die over misinformation, especially now that there was a shooter.

Again though, even assuming death threats from strangers would make it "worth it" enough to the owner to satisfy point 3, points 1 and 2 are still necessary to seek injuntionary relief via defamation. If there's no kill shot "so and so is a pedophile" from a publication source with a reasonable amount of "pull" and a way to prove that kill shot statement directly or likely caused the threats or physical harm, courts won't help.

Defamation cases are famously difficult to succeed on. Donald Trump has made statements on wanting to make it easier to win defamation because of how regularly he suffers negative PR from misleading media reports and feels powerless against them. If you're concerned about death threats, turning evidence to investigators and hiring a body guard is what you do, a defamation suit is a non-starter (at least until hard monetary damages can be assessed, if ever).

your average pizza shop wouldn't have the resources. but we're talking about one owned by the 49th most powerful bro in washington d.c., apparently.

well i believe the Streisand effect would occur. If they began suing everybody for libel, the pizzagate believers will assume that they are suing because they are nearing the truth and the situation will escalate.


Because these people know about the Streisand effect and it's probably not worth going to court for?

It he proves in federal court that it's defamation, how would that hurt him?

Because then for weeks/months until the court case is over, the person suing is labeled across all media as the person who everyone is calling a pedophile.

Right now maybe 2-3 percent of the country have even heard that there is a story and don't know anything about it. Why would someone put themselves in the middle of a battle where 50+% of the country connects his name to the allegations? That would be a terrible move, and an instant death blow to his restaurant.

Do you ever stop to think about the opposing side of the argument, or do you just ask leading questions in the hope that no one responds?

Why would I ask questions I didn't want answered? And where are you getting this stat that only 5% had heard of wikileaks and 2% of pizzagate?

I never said anything about Wikileaks. And I said "maybe 2-3 percent". Why would you think there would be more?

It he proves in federal court....?

You say that like it's going to the corner shop for some fags.

You clearly have no concept of the effort and cost involved in such an enterprise.

If pizzagate was libel they would be suing the fuck out of everybody. Notice they haven't filed against anybody anywhere? WEIRD!

Found the Donald Trump tweet.

to the society of pedos* ftfy

Well first of all, cases have been solved before without any hard evidence. Soft evidence is pretty powerful especially when there is no hard evidence.

And why do you think it is so unbelievable that a group of pedophiles could reach key positions of power? Former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, pleaded to being a serial child molester. That right there should show you that it's possible. A former FBI director actually retired and gave a big speech about certain satanist, pedophiles in key positions of power abusing their influence. He mentions a lot of the names you are hearing from pizza gate today and this happened in 2003. I'll link the video at the bottom of the comment. You should really watch it.

And why do you say this evidence is "crackpot?" Do you not think its credible because it's just ordinary people researching this and not some government agency with a fancy name and uniform? This whole investigation started with the DNC's emails were dumped and users happened to find John Podesta speaking with the official FBI pedophile code language. YOU can look at the emails yourself. Not have somebody tell you what the emails say. Just YOU and your EYES. As goes for the logo of Besta Pizza that is just happened to be owned by Andrew Kline of the Human Trafficking persecution unit of the DOJ. An official FBI pedo symbol that has since been changed as a result of this investigation. All of this is not debatable so far. These things have happened and you can physically see it.

While we are discussing undebatable facts that have happened, let's look at comet ping pongs Facebook. You can see the weird pictures of kids they have posted. There's a kid taped to a desk. There's is a dude wearing a shirt that says "I <3 kids" in French while he standing next to what looks like strippers. There is a picture of a baby saying its for sale. A lot of the photos are also liked publicly by John Podesta. You can go on Facebook and look at all this if it hasn't been deleted yet. Even then, countless people have screenshots.

I don't see why the FBI would not investigate these companies unless they had certain people in key positions like Andrew Kline to prevent them from investigating. If I had a pizza place with weird pictures of kids the Facebook, pedophile code words in my pms, a pedophile symbol for the logo of the business, and a history of pedophiles in my inner circle, you would bet your ass that the FBI would be at my business in no time. And that is what you should question the most. Overall, why would the media not want this discussed? After all, it's only an idea. Ideas don't hurt people, actions do. Why would Reddit try to squash the community behind the investigation. Why can't I hear an opposition to this that isn't "oh they are just a bunch of crackpot conspiracy theorists who don't know any better?" Why don't you actually point out which parts of evidence aren't right?

And I'm feeling generous. Here's some footage of Joe Biden molesting kids in public. You're welcome.

Not libel, we believe the allegations being brought forth. Libel is knowingly spreading false information with the intent of causing damage to a person.

We don't know this information is false, the people here think it's true, and the belief that it's true is enough of a defense against libel

Why do you think none of the "Obama's a secret muslim" people got sued

Not libel, we believe the allegations being brought forth.

That's not a defence to libel.

Oh yeah? Have you ever looked at a fucking tabloid? It's like these people don't understand the first fucking amendment.

Libel requires an official claim to be made. It is not libel to say something like, "______ suggests these people are involved in a pedo ring". It is not libel to speculate and try to connect dots about someone involved in something bad.

Pizzagate is an investigation into alleged human trafficking. As a movement it hasn't made any hard claims against anyone, it has only presented circumstantial evidence to encourage more investigation into the people believed to be involved. That is not libel.

I see the opposite, I see a community making massive claims on a regular basis with very little proof. Looking at the real effects this could have on someone's reputation, there's a genuine problem here. Maybe our libel laws don't cover it perfectly but we've never had a situation before where thousands of people are writing damaging lies/speculation on a daily basis. It's hugely problematic.

Plus devils advocate, if they are really monsters the movement is too open and they'll be able to hide evidence.

Basically, this is not how you run an investigation and I won't be surprised if legit sites start banning discussion for legal concerns.

So you just downvote and ignore my question? I think it is a fair thing to ask. You said that people are writing damaging lies yet I have read as much of this as I can and haven't found any lies. So I would like for you to back that up and show me some of the official pizzagate lies. Back up your statement.

Specific lies I've read just today though - Podestas Kidnapped Madeline McCann, Abramovic is a witch/satanist who cooks with semen. That's some madness.

Excuse me? I haven't downvoted anything, and I've been elsewhere not reading the thread for a bit, chill.

When I say "lies" it's because I think that pizzagate is nonsense. It's literally made up. By insinuating that the people are child traffickers and paedophiles you are lying. On the balance of evidence, I think the people championing this are misguided at best.

And it's also impossible to ignore the political spin to this. The alt right that were galvanized by the Trump campaign are moving on to this - a paedophilic conspiracy by the liberal elite. It's not credible, none of the sources are strong enough to justify this becoming a massive deal. Which is why I understand and agree with Reddit's decision to ban the sub.

That's not to say that I don't think shady shit is going down in many places. UK history shows that powerful people do seem to indulge in this kind of stuff. The Epstein Island thing seems to be shady as hell, and in that case it's easy to make the connections. I don't get that feeling in this case, the evidence is too sparse, and further context easily debunks so many points (i.e. The kill room instagram, obvs a Dexter reference).

Okay so what I'm getting is that you don't fully understand pizzagate and that you don't know what a lie is (not trying to be rude).

Insinuating something or presenting evidence for something isn't a lie. Saying you believe evidence for something suggests a given thing isn't a lie. A lie is an intentionally false statement. It requires that you know the information is not true and that you are presenting it as fact.

Someone saying, "The podestas fit very closely to the police sketches of the Madeline McCann kidnappers so I believe they are likely involved," is not a lie. Someone saying, "Marina Abramovic participates in strange satanic rituals that appear to be more than just art," is not a lie.

Pizzagate is based on facts that do not necessarily prove wrongdoing but do build a network of circumstantial evidence for alleged wrongdoing. For someone to believe this evidence proves something is not a lie.

If there is a certain piece of evidence you think is untrue, however, that is a fair and different story. I would gladly hear what you have to say about some of them. But from what you've said already, no, those are not lies. The podestas do look a lot like the police sketches and could be involved in the abduction and Abramovic does conduct strange satanic pieces that could be more than just art behind closed doors. You are free to believe that the evidence is not sufficient or that it isn't the case, but that does not mean others are wrong to believe there is more going on.

What lies?

Dude. The restaurant in question doesn't even HAVE a basement.

Funny, Alefantis is quoted as saying it DOES have a basement. And it DOES NOT have a basement.

/both in MSM.

Rookie mistake, /u/MysteryGamer!

Don't get drawn into detailed arguments, you can't beat them at that game. They will shift the ground, move the goalposts, throw irrelevant details at you, and you'll die the death of a thousand trivialities.

I'll show my source if you show yours.

"Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in."

It is noted in your article that Alefantis owns at least three buildings, and the "basement" referred to is not specifically mentioned as being in the building. But when you are looking for something, you will look past these sorts of details.

Considering he is talking about the pizza sauce he makes - regarding the episode of Diner's, Drive-In's and Dives that took place at Comet Ping-Pong - and he states that he keeps it in "the basement", and in that same paragraph refers to a line-up "from the front of the restaurant, down and around the corner". For logistics reasons why wouldn't you keep the pizza sauce you use for your pizza on site?

Are you really that dense? Is your reading comprehension that bad?

Ok. So where's your source proving the place doesn't have a basement then?

kami you can go fuck yourself ok?

I'm going to assume that you can't provide a source either...

You're an obvious cuck.




It is noted in your article that Alefantis owns at least three buildings, and the "basement" referred to is not specifically mentioned as being in the building. But when you are looking for something, you will look past these sorts of details.

Feel free to debunk this article while you're up there on your high horse. Tell me how it could never happen again.

this article

If this article proves Hillary Clinton is guilty of sex trafficking, then you are guilty of assault because of yesterday's events.

It details the rampant history of paedophilia committed by employees of the United States government. Feel free to educate yourself, or feel free to remain ignorant. Or keep deflecting... but know that the information is there for you.

That may be true. There is also a rampant history of conspiracy theorists taking matters into their own hands and killing people, or shooting off their gun, like yesterday. Are you therefore guilty of murder and assault?

I was unaware that someone died yesterday... now who's talking shit? All you can do is stand behind hyperbole. I'm showing you facts here, and you're linking together these really weak ad hominems. Can you show me a single time a "conspiracy theorist" took matters into their own hands and killed someone? I bet you can't.

I get that you're scared by the implications but I'm not your enemy here.

I was unaware that someone died yesterday

I didn't say that. I said killing, or shooting off their gun, like yesterday.

Thank you for illustrating in real time how conspiracy theorists are willing to selectively take people's words out of context to fit their narrative. It was an absolute pleasure.

Do you have an answer for my question?

The number of pedophiles in government far outweigh the amount of vigilante conspiracy theorists who take the law into their own hands. Have you read that article yet? It was written before pizzagate. Can you give me an example of a conspiracy theorist killing someone in an event similar to yesterday's? Because I can provide dozens of accounts similar to the allegations that people are laying regarding pizzagate... but you can't name one conspiracy theorist who went out of their way to murder someone.

Ever hear of a guy named Timothy McVeigh? I'm not going to have a pissing contest over this. Do you have an answer for my question or not?

McVeigh? You mean the MK-Ultra plant? And that was nothing like yesterday.

I never said it was anything like yesterday, it's just an example of the inevitable outcome when you peddle irresponsible rhetoric. But I forgot one important thing. None of you ever take any responsibility for the consequences of your lies. It is always someone else's fault.

jeez... talk about a false equivalency. Do you even know why McVeigh did what he did? It wasn't because of online rumours, and it was certainly magnitudes larger than walking into a pizza shop and harmlessly firing a single chamber for the purposes of attention.

harmlessly firing a single chamber.

Wow. I never knew firing a gun in a public resturant was harmless.

Did it harm anyone?

Critical thinking skills aren't your strong suit, eh?

The people who work there probably are going to be stressed out for awhile. Not to mention the harm he caused to himself by firing the shot, and the burden he will be on us tax payers. That is called critical thinking my friend.

Are you kidding? Ever had a gun pointed at you? Ever had a lunatic with a gun come into the restaurant you're eating at and start shooting? Aside from the incredibly obvious psychological trauma, it's still assault with a deadly weapon. Yes, there was significant harm. You'd be incredibly thick to think they weren't harmed.

lmao... i hope you were this upset about trauma when Carlos Danger was firing off dick pics to minors

While that has literally nothing to do with this, yeah, of course I was upset by that. Who wouldn't be?

It's just fucking shocking to me that you couldn't possibly see how the innocent restaurant-goers were traumatized.

Was there even anyone in the restaurant at the time? I haven't seen any "eye witness" reports stating that was the case. It seems that you're just jumping to conclusions without having any proof... I can't tell if that's ironic.

Did it harm anyone?

Uh yes, it likely caused profound psychological trauma for those who were there. But who cares right? All that matters is you managing to cover this up for your own needs. The irony of that should never be lost.

likely caused

Thanks for your guess. Is this where I start crying about burden of proof?

It wasn't because of online rumours

Timothy McVeigh floated around the conspiracy community and conspiracies are cited in his manifesto. During his trial it was stressed that a major reason for his attack on the United States was his belief that the government caused and covered up the 1993 fire which destroyed the Branch Davidian Compound in Waco.

I understand that you guys are never going to take responsibility for anything you do, but hopefully some other people will read this far and see it for themselves. The conspiracy community is shameless in their quest to cover up and deflect any and all violence related to them. The irony of that should NEVER be lost.

All conspiracy theorists are responsible for the actions of McVeigh, but 50 pedos in the government and none of them are related. Now That is irony.

All conspiracy theorists are responsible for the actions of McVeigh, but 50 pedos in the government and none of them are related.

Oh so are you backtracking now on McVeigh's involvement with your community? All I said was that if you're going to implicate everyone in the government because of that horrible case, then you also have to implicate everyone in your own community when the history of death and destruction is brought to light. You then proceeded to try to deny that said bloodshed existed, so I had to go and prove it to you, and then you denied McVeigh's motives, so I had to go out and prove it, and now you are far enough along in the conversation so that you think you can derail to your emotionally based avoidance of the logical conclusion. You might have pulled that off with other people, but you're not going to with me.

Ironically, you just conspired to cover up your own community's history of violence and murder. There are many more examples of it, and no, I won't cite them and make you backtrack on whether or not your community had anything to do with them right now. If you want to blame everyone in government for that pedo ring, that's your business. Just make sure you're consistent and aggressively slather blame indiscriminately across your own community as well for your own history of bloodshed and attempted bloodshed.

No. I'm saying that you're pulling at straws and using a deceitful argument while denying the implications of that same argument against your initial stance.

you're pulling at straws

I am theoretically applying your own standard of behavior to your own community, for the sake of showing you why your standard is absurd. If you don't like the standard I am applying then stop applying it to the government. Unlike you, who finds the entire government responsible, I do not actually find the entire conspiracy community to be responsible for these murders. I am simply extending your own belief system onto a group that you identify with, for the sake of illustrating to you why what you believe is ridiculous. And now, you have illustrated that you are not actually willing to consistently apply this standard, only selectively when it fits your narrative.

Every single time I have interacted with you I have said "if this is true" or some other qualifier like this. Go take a look back through the conversation.

Go find where I implicated the entire government if you're gonna start holding yourself to standards.

the rampant history of paedophilia committed by employees of the United States government.

My evidence for a nationwide government involved pedo ring was a nationwide group of government employed pedos... but of course it's not satanic enough and doesn't fit between your narrow goalposts so it doesn't count and these guys get a pass. This was all happening before pizzagate by the way... to any rational person with a heart in their chest, 42 arrests would mean there's probably more than 42 people involved. Couple that with the fact that they were mostly using government computers and you need to figure that - with the ages, and careers and lengths of time some of these people were in office - someone else must've known outside of those 42 people. Then couple that with the fact that the Podesta's hang out with known pedos, that James Alefantis' instagram picture is a homage to a patron saint of pederasty, and include the knowledge that Laura Silsby was arrested for human trafficking and then freed by Clinton + given a job alongside the Amber Alert program... probably just coincidences right?

Please do not act like you're not implicating an all encompassing ring of people who work for the US government.

all encompassing ring

This is something that you inferred.

someone else must've known outside of those 42 people.

Yeah... like an individual... like Joe Patero in the Sandusky case... not THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. All the rest of the stuff you bolded regarding Hillary, Podesta and Alefantis are facts easily found in the public domain.

jeez... if this is the kind of stuff that you're gleaning from these sorts of comments it's no wonder you're unable to entertain an idea like Pizzagate...

The mark of an intelligent mind is the ability to entertain an idea without accepting it... remember that

So you know, the justification for the Holocaust was a conspiracy theory.

But didn't you see the creepy picture of that metal walled kill room???

Oh wait that's a walk in and every restaurant has one just like it.

And every restaurant has people commenting about it being the kill room. Every restaurant also has the same circumstances as this situation. Yep, every single one can be put in the same context as this.

Have you ever worked in a restaurant? I think maybe you would be shocked at how many references to killing people cooks make. They also might listen to "satanic" music and have evil tattoos.

Do you really think if someone designed a "kill room" (that looked just like a walk in) they would post it online? And someone who did the killing would post a comment referring to it as such?

At some point you have to take a deep breath and think hard about these "clues". If you were running a child rape and murder center, would you post about it on social media and leave a trail of "clues" anyone with an internet connection could follow?

If I had direct ties to the global elite then yeah, I would probably feel pretty ballsy about what I could get away with.

Can you fill me in on the direct ties?

Clinton, Obama, Podesta, Soros, and more. They've all been there and contributed money.

Reminds of going to LA. Every server, cab driver and security guard is "in Hollywood"

Does every pizza place in hollywood get direct funding from Steven Spielberg?

I think it would be safe to say with some digging you could find a pizza place in LA that has gotten a crazy amount of money over the years from Spielberg.

You ever borrowed a pizza for an hour? Podesta does.


Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over

Yes, a gross mis-representation on my part.

No, but I've used pizza as code for weed tons of times so if you read my texts it would make no sense at all.

Really? Do you often receive weed-related emails like this one?

Hi John,

The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it.


Yeah, sounds pretty innocent. And, inb4, "Yeah, well, that's not enough." Yes. It's not enough. There's more. LOTS more.

Have you never used clumsy code with your dealer? Dude that sounds just like that shit!

I've read all the stuff posted here because i think it's interesting but have yet to see anything at all weird.

My dealer? Sorry, are we all supposed to have dealers? Like that's normal?

This scandal is not being driven JUST by a few random pedo codewords in a few random emails. This is what some of us think we are uncovering. It's been going on for centuries, and it's too much.

It has 168 up votes too. Nothing suspicious

Over 300 now

Because this hit /r/all and most people realize pizzagate is a nonsense conspiracy theory based entirely around handkerchiefs and made up code words.

Shills are doing their jobs correctly apparently

Shill: anyone who disagrees with me

well... not exactly.The meaning of shill has quickly changed from "someone who disagrees with me" to "someone who hasn't done the requisite amount of research to be an authority on this specific topic, yet still butts their nose in, in an effort to deflect from those who are asking questions".

I've read all the pizzagate shit. I've wasted time watching the stupid videos pizzatards have made. It's utter garbage pulled from nutjob's asses.

Ok fine, so why are you here bothering us?

I don't know, maybe because someone was inspired by this bullshit to take a gun into a pizza place and threaten people?

Good thing you're here to fix it then...your answer was dumb.

And side note maybe our corrupt government landscape inspired him to take some sort of terrible action like he did, not discussions on Reddit. Smh man

You're a fucking idiot

Perfect glad you're still here saving the universe from "weird conspiracies" that don't have any affect on your life. Get fucked guy

Lol says the guy saving the world from a satanic pedo pizza cult you fucking retard

Oh you're still here handing out abuse? Perfect.

Because you are actually hurting real people. It's not like flat earth, UFO, moon hoax or illuminati stuff.

By trying to find out if people in power who are known to be corrupt are actually hurting people? Sure. Way to twist that up with shit logic

Not quite there homeboy

I agreed with the overwhelming majority of the post, so I voted up. But I guess we can blame CTR instead. Booboo

That's a nice strawman you have there.

You literally cannot defend this stupid "pizzagate" so you attack a meaningless part of his post. Well played

Did their comment make you mad? Do you want to shut them up?

Then just provide some actual evidence.

The post is in /all and half of the people in this sub are dumbasses. Of course the one sane comment got upvoted.

Here you go fucktard:;espv=2&amp;biw=1600&amp;bih=864&amp;source=lnms&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjEk4jOq93QAhVnlVQKHc82A88Q_AUIBygC

Since you apparently can't google.

I'll go away as soon as you tell me why scotland yard sat on those efits for five years. Or why the MCcanns won't acknolwedge them, and why MI5 stated they are gagged, etc etc.

Good try shilly.

You are a shill. Not because youre being paid by TPTB to cause sow discord but because you are willfullu ignorant

Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.

Keep defending Pederasts.

Franklin Conspiracy was a hoax? Who killed Kennedy? Saudis did 9/11? 1-Choke on your blue pill.

Lol my bad we are on the same team. I got worked upfrom the /r/news comment section of the pizzagate article

Laura Silsby.

The good old "anybody who disagrees with us proves that there's a conspiracy against us" claim. How's that working out for you?

No there isn't anything suspicious about this post. Biased, yes. Suspicious, no. And that is the problem is that people involved have mixed biases and suspicions with scant facts.

I have him tagged for a reason. Cudos on spotting this bias immediately.

Well... apparently your comment made him change his post not to inculde the derogatory insinuations towards "conspiracy people".

Aaaannd now it's gilded. r/conspiracy is dead.

So why are you even here?

Because The_Donald keeps brigading this shit with thousands of upvotes.

This guy lied about having a basement in order to discredit this conversation... in an interview... and has another interview from last year talking about the basement.

Lying is generally viewed as an indication of guilt when the lie is specific to accusations being hurled at you.

Lying is generally viewed as an indication of guilt when the lie is specific to accusations being hurled at you.

Fun fact: The FBI sent one of the Boston Marathon bomber's friends to jail for 3 years for mixing up the date he met with one of the bombers for dinner. Protip: People get scared and get facts mixed up.

Mixing up an exact date and whether or not a restaurant you've owned for years has a basement or not are two radically different things.


Schrödingers basement

It's crazy that a megalomanic billionaire was just elected President with illegal help from Russia and the FBI, and this place is focused on the basement of a pizza place.

with illegal help from Russia and the FBI

Prove it.

It's all proven way way beyond the standards of proof around this crackpot sub. But you guys don't like that narrative one cares.

The FBI thing is proven pretty much solely by the timeline and proceeding actions/lack of actions on similar cases. Keith Olberman lays out the timeline pretty well here. And the entire US intelligence community has concluded that the Russians hacked the DNC. And that community is quite right wing. So their incentive to do so falsely is very low.

This is common sense shit, that literally stole an election. Corruption at the highest levels of government.

But please, this unprovable pizza thing that is supported by literal crazy people firing guns in public is much more important.

If you don't talk about actual conspiracies here, because these ones only hurt the Democrats, why should anyone take anything you say seriously?

While the timing of Comey's actions were fishy, it's not illegal.

And the entire US intelligence community has concluded that the Russians hacked the DNC.

I see this misleading bullshit line all the time and it's nonsense. It was one guy, who heads an organization, which represents many intelligence communities, saying,

"The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts."

A few things there. Wikileaks doesn't reveal their sources. How can this agency know that the methods of the "alleged hack" are? Especially if it's just an alleged hack and not an actual hack. Even if they magically know the source of the emails, and how those emails were obtained, all it says is that the methods are "consistent" with Russian methods. There is no proof whatsoever that the Russians had anything to do with the Wikileaks emails.

The reason i said the line is misleading is that it was the head of one organization that put out this bullshit memo, so to say that "the entire intelligence community agrees" is misleading because it implies that all 11 or whatever agencies looked into it and all concluded that this was the Russians, which is simply not what happened. One guy heading up one organization said that the methods that he couldn't possibly know are somehow consistent with Russia's methods.

Excuse me if I'm not entirely convinced by this. This is not "proof" by any stretch of the imagination.

What Comey and the other FBI agents did is a massive violation of the Hatch Act.

It was one guy, who heads an organization, which represents many intelligence communities

What a way to try to malign the DNI. Do you know what the DNI does? I used to work for an organization under the DNI. What the DNI says represents the prevailing view of all of the member groups. The DNI's job is to decompartmentalize data between intelligence organizations. FBI, CIA, NSA and DHS input certainly went into that report.

You picked one out of context line from the DNI's statement which represents the work and conclusions of tons of people, and specifically the DHS who joint released it. How about this line?

states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.

Or this?

The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations

They don't say things like that lightly, and they are, again, a bunch of right wing Republicans. Their motivation here is being factual.

There's also a ton more evidence that you're ignoring. Great collection of it was done by Thomas Rid, of the Department of War Studies at King's College London.

You're totally misrepresenting the situation to give yourself a sense of doubt. And yes, this is not a puzzle we have every piece of. But the overall picture is quite clear.

Meanwhile, Pizzagate doesn't have 1/100th of the evidence, and no one here gives a shit. Because everyone here is biased towards a narrative that makes them feel how they want to feel. Not towards the actual truth.

What Comey and the other FBI agents did is a massive violation of the Hatch Act.

No, it isn't. This article with a constitutional law expert lays this out pretty well here:

A notable takeaway, even if Comey did violate the Hatch Act, which he did not, this is not a criminal offense.

That link of collected "evidence" is hardly evidence at all, especially regarding the Wikileaks situation. There's a lot of "probably"s in there and no actual evidence. Like the DNI statement, there's not actual evidence that the Russians had anything to do with the DNC leaks. Why would the DNI statement say that they know the methods involved, then still call it an alleged hack? If they know the methods, then certainly they know it's a hack, right? They published that statement really quickly after the emails were made public. How were they able to find the leaker/hacker, analyse the methods used, and correlate them to Russian methods so quickly? It doesn't make sense. There is still no actual evidence.

Even if Russia was involved in the hacks, does it matter? It seems clear to me this whole hubbub about whether Russia was or was not involved in the Wikileaks revelations is just a smokescreen to distract from what was in the emails themselves.

To use an analogy, if a burglar breaks into a house and discovers 10 dead bodies in the basement, it would be strange for all the headlines to read, "Horrible criminal breaks into innocent citizen's house!".

I'm shocked that that website that's writing pro-Trump pro-Russia pieces picked this one guy's opinion. Here's an equally valid opinion by another expert.

The Hatch Act can be violated pretty easily. We were warned about it constantly during election years when I was in intelligence. I don't see how Reid was wrong. Comey's actions for "months" ARE egregious in hindsight, if we know the FBI was investigating Trump simultaneously and not given the same formal letter writing treatment that clearly harmed her candidacy. If you treat a certain candidate differently than another, and it seems the NYC agents were doing this even more directly, that clearly is "federal programs administered in a nonpartisan fashion."

But it's not criminal, you're right. I thought the Office of Special Council had prosecuting power. It's just a fireable offense.

Comey should be investigated and fired, the agents that helped Trump should be investigated and fired.

And this is all secondary to the Russia thing. A foreign power just, in part, decided our election. No matter who you support that should disturb you. You have no idea how intelligence works if you think there is going to be "proof" in a DNI press release. It's the summary of a bunch of classified data from a bunch of agencies. You don't just tell the Russians how you caught them. That would be insanely stupid. Again, it's a bunch of right wing GOP people, who only make statements like this when the information is conclusive. It makes them look bad. Our country was penetrated electronically by a foreign power, Russia, the biggest rival the US intel community has. You think they want to admit that? You're not using logic.

The emails were nothing. The DNC wanted one candidate over another candidate. Big whoop. They're a party, they can do what they want. I'm not happy about what they did. But the RNC did the exact same things to try to suppress and freeze out Trump, it just wasn't successful. If you hack any political organization some dirt will come out. The DNC's dirt was miniscule. But Russia weaponizing Wikileaks and the right wing media with that info, where it was conflated out to something much larger, to try to decide our election is terrifying.

There weren't bodies. And this isn't a burglary. This is the future of our country. US citizens are going to die when they lose their healthcare, if abortion rights go away, etc. There are actual bodies on the line here. Wake up and see the actual conspiracy. It's not juicy and fun to obsess over, but it happened and changed all our lives.


Fun Fact: The FBI shot one of the Boston Marathon Bomber's friends dead in his apartment, afterwards claiming that he was going for a knife. Dead men tell no tales.

Source please

What about all the lies you fucks have been spreading? What are you hiding???


Sure there's speculation and even some wild speculation but that doesn't equate to lying.

Lying is knowing that you're being dishonest.

Like talking about your basement in an interview and then attempting to discredit accusations by claiming it never existed a year later.

Wild speculation based on zero evidence.. Aka lies

Wild speculation does not equate to a lie.

You have to know you are being dishonest in order to lie.

If you want to make a case for the evidence that was provided being intentionally dishonest, I'm all ears.

I hope this guy isn't guilty honestly. I don't think he's handling this attention correctly and he's chancing ending up as a conspiracy theory footnote for the ages when he could easily disprove the accusations instead.

Lying is generally viewed as an indication of guilt when the lie is specific to accusations being hurled at you.

Breaking! Smoking gun evidence exposes Trump's pedophilia and child rape!

Is that how it works?

So have you ever lied? I'm sure you have because it's something everyone does. By your standard anything you do now is false., I can't believe anything about you because you lied once

I'm not making a public statement in my defence on a very specific subject which includes a blatant lie about one of the major pieces of evidence.

There's a huge difference.

major pieces of evidence.

No. Just no. There is no "major pieces of evidence" with this conspiracy.

There's actually a growing mountain of evidence. It's getting larger every day.

Lying about these subjects is fueling the fire.

Hiding what's already been found is fueling the fire.

Attempts to derail the conversation by utilizing corporate entities like CTR will fuel the fire as well.

The only answer to the problem CPP is experiencing is full visibility which has not been provided and at this point is too late to not be seen as a cover-up.


For me? A full blown investigation.

I know that's not enough for many of those here, but that's what I see as the correct course of action.

It would at the very least restore a bit of faith that our LEO's aren't completely compromised.


That would be in the hands of LE.

Since others have been (rightly or wrongly) convicted based on even less evidence than what's been provided, I would think that any investigation would be better than none and would help clear this guy's name in the end.

At this point (actually way before this point) he should be the one pushing for an investigation in order to clear his name. At the very least he should have asked a film crew over to tour the basement instead of lying about it.

any investigation would be better than none and would help clear this guy's name in the end.

Why don't you ask anyone who's been investigated and cleared for child rape if having their name dragged through the mud in the media with an official police investigation how "clearing their name" went. Ask their former employers if they rehired them after immediately firing them for such atrocious accusations. Ask family members if they suddenly started talking to the accused after exiling them from their lives after hearing of the accusations.

You really have no fucking idea how serious the claims you casually toss around are, do you?

I do. I haven't made any direct accusations and I'm not opposed to this guy being cleared either.

At this point doing anything other than an investigation will be worse for his public image than him coming out and welcoming one.

I would think an investigation to clear his name would be preferable to going down in infamy as the face of a conspiracy theory.


Isn't it too late already?

Left as is it will fester.

I don't totally believe any of this, but I don't totally dismiss it either. With this much smoke there's probably a fire around, but who's fire it is and who lit it are debatable.

If this guy is innocent, I feel like he needs some help clearing his name.

As far as occam's razor, that could be used against your stance as well couldn't it? Or do you really believe that all of this just happened through sheer chance?

Point being, this is a conspiracy either way. Watch closely and we might catch a glimpse of who's behind it.


Actually, I think they would believe the CIA was responsible.

I hope you're right though.

I hope no children suffered the fates depicted by the artists these people seem to favor.

I hope everything else like what his name translates to in french is a horrible coincidence.

There is an awful lot of coincidence here if that's the case.

you conspiracy people

(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)

I don't think there is any evidence that this guy who went into comet with the gun had anything to do with r/conspiracy. We are not held responsible for shit that other people do. Mods have made it very clear this is sub does not by any means advocate taking action.

Edit: let's say I am on an animal rights forum. There is talk of a lab that is suspected of abusing animals and everyone on the forum agrees it is wrong and something should be done about it. Then a lunatic PETA member goes and blows up the lab. That lunatic didn't have any connection to the online forum. The people on the forum are responsible for that?

Or how about someone who disagrees with abortion for whatever reason. If they are involved in an online community that shares their view, those people are responsible for the murder of the doctor who helps women get abortions?

And now that you've lumped all conspiracy theorists together, you'd all agree that the whole "one bad apple" excuse doesn't apply to us, but you will jump at that when it comes to deep seated racism on a national level with our police/justice system?

Don't let them control you like this. What happened was wrong and I'm sure a vast majority of r/conspiracy would agree with that. Don't hold us responsible for the actions of others. Wrong is wrong, and this guy should have known better.

This is what's scary. You all love to take credit and be justice warriors for your garbage conspiracy theories but the second something actually happens you all hold up your hands and swear you had nothing to do with it.

If you can't follow through with the consequences of being wrong you shouldn't be asserting that you are right so strongly.

It's irresponsible and cowardly. But it's too late anyway. You're associated with this and anything that happens, including this incident. No one buys the "it's cool guys, the mods put a "don't shoot up pizza places" rule on the subreddit so we are all free and clear.

It doesn't work that way

Yup, pretty much. Whenever I've spoken out against Pizzagate, I get the same excuse I got during the Sandy Hook and Boston Bombing witch hunts: "We're just asking questions! There's nothing wrong with asking questions!"

Yup, there's nothing wrong with accusing literally everyone under the sun - including the reddit admins when they step in and try to enforce their site rules - of being pedophiles or allowing kids to be raped through inaction or some obscure action, with "evidence" cobbled together with diagrams, hundreds of red lines and leaps of logic so great it's impossible to follow as a "normal" person.

And sure enough we're seeing the consequences of "asking questions" just like we saw when conspiracy theorists started showing up armed at Sandy Hook schools, School Committee meetings and outside of victims' houses harassing them.

But wait! Look! One person says a random traffic camera was tilted slightly and one of the many sources reporting on an armed man shooting up the pizza place we're telling our followers is owned by evil untouchable pedophiles who will never see justice unless we do something about it said it was published early! We're in the clear, it's a false-flag!

Considering you're so quick to dismiss this kind of topic I'm sure you'er all too aware of the people in this article.

This is what's scary. You all love to take credit and be justice warriors for your garbage conspiracy theories but the second something actually happens you all hold up your hands and swear you had nothing to do with it.

haha this is so on point

We have not been proven wrong. Nice try tho


The two emails referencing the "hankercheif with the pizza-related map" and the "Obama spent $65,000 on pizza and hotdogs to be flown in from Chicago" are the emails that indicate there is a pizza/food code being used - this is what the MSM has not reported on and is not addressed in the links above. What are your thoughts on those?

Can you provide your evidence that prove those are code words? Because all I've ever seen is people clutching straws saying "look it all fits if you hammer and bend it through the hole!"


Do you think $65,000 for hot dogs is reasonable?

I don't believe map means semen, and that is the only correlation you "disproved".

CTR shills are out in numbers. Wear your downvotes with PRIDE ;)


... ?

Taking credit for research you contributed to =! Taking credit for actions of others, responsible or not, dangerous or not, foolish or not.

I suppose I could say I'm responsible for the nation-wide legalization of gay marriage because I commented on the internet how bad the current policy was.

So if it comes out that Pizzagaters did uncover something. Will you throw up your hands and say you had nothing to do with it? Will you accept the consequences of being wrong.

This was one possibly mentally ill man acting alone. Not an act committed by all pizzagaters.

Do you call all muslims terrorists too?


Lol you're doing the same thing in this comment bud

ohohohoh good point

But it's too late anyway. You're associated with this and anything that happens, including this incident.

Yes ! This! JUST LIKE All Trump voters are RACISTS AND NAZIS!!

Would you please GTFO with these Glittering Generalities?

Not all dangerous idiots are pizzagators but all pizzagators are dangerous idiots. Not all Trump supporters are racists and nazis but every white racist and American neo-nazi voted for Trump.

not every connect thing is not connected, but to connect unconnect things is a thing.

You guys basically SWATTED this place but rather than call the police you called in wannabe heroes on the internet with guns. You all should really be ashamed and not doubling down right now

You guys

you called in

You all should

Excuse me. Fuck you.

Nah dude this sub has to take responsibility for their garbage.

You'll find that Trump and most of his supporters will almost never take responsibility for something that paints them in a bad light. this motherfucker serious?

Nah, you don't get to fucking tell everyone what to do.

Go away.

Did you take part in it?

If yes, he's talking about you. If no, then he's not talking about you and calm down. B

I don't understand your point of view.

If you're so sure of this conspiracy, why wouldn't you be trying to take action? These are SERIOUS allegations you guys have come up with... If these claims are true, you guys should be taking immediate action. Plain and simple, this is a bunch of bullshit. You advise people not to take action because you realize it's a crock of shit too.

I'm wondering if you've done any research on this subject at all, or if you're just puppeting what you've been told. If you're aware of the allegations are you also aware of the information that preempts them?


Yeah... the information.

At first I was really apprehensive at this whole thing, but these guys keep pulling at threads and finding more threads. It's not just about Podesta anymore.

Feel free to get your smarm on, and act all holier than thou though. You're spending your time defending something you know very little about. Feel free to debunk this article for me, detailing the gross history (30+ individuals) of paedophilia within the American Government, and then get back to me on my lack of information, and tell me how it couldn't happen again.

So many assumptions you just jumped to there. Really sheds light on the whole conspiracy mindset

Your ignorance is showing.

It takes more than 8 minutes to read the article I sent you detailing the rampant paedophilia among government employees. I'll be waiting.

I I have no interest in arguing with someone like you.

You've painted me with a brush despite not knowing anything about me. I have presented you with evidence of rampant history of paedophilia committed by US Government employees. At this point you can decide whether you educate yourself or remain wilfully ignorant... and if it's the latter than it is I who has no interest in you.

Go ahead and debunk it.

Lol yea I'm the one whose making assumptions. I've read your article, im not denying any history of sexual abuse in govornment. I've seen all the other evidence in this thread and nothing has led me to belive in a shadowy cabal of satanic pedophile elites. The problem with debating your claims is that you've already made up your mind. Anything I say will just further prove my bias or my ignorance or whatever buzzword you choose.

As the accuser, the burden of proof is on YOU.

If you just read that article and your first inclination is to come back here and keep rambling on to me about burdens of proof than there's something wrong with you.

Here we go again, you don't have anything to say so you stoop to insults and conjecture. Learn to think for yourself and maybe I'll get back to you.

Hey man... you're the one who needs a "shadowy cabal of satanic pedophile elites". I'm not sure why plain old pedophiles aren't doing it for you...

the burden of proof is on YOU.

If you want a direct connection between Clinton and child trafficking go look up Laura Silsby.

think for yourself

Says the guy who's been acting like a puppet...

ohhh i got no strings to hold me down...

Hey I'm not the one claiming there is a satanic pedophile cult, but that is what I've been hearing from the majority of pizzagaters. I never said nothing fishy is going on. But all of the wild accusations and pure conjecture are disvaluing any shred of legitimate evidence you have.

If the running narrative was "we think there is some strange things going on with the Clinton foundation" I would be more apt to listen to you guys. This isn't an investigation, you're not considering the evidence without bias.

This is a hunt, you've identified your target and are framing all of your evidence around the assumption you're correct. That's ignorant and dangerous and honestly just plain stupid.

but that is what I've been hearing from the majority of pizzagaters

Well, you're having a conversation with an individual who is not the representative of a culmination of individuals with their own motives, interests, and ideas. I know that with the partisanry of the internet that can be hard to realize, but I'm really not 'all pizzagaters'.

you're not considering the evidence without bias

I'd argue that you're not considering the evidence at all.

If the running narrative was "we think there is some strange things going on with the Clinton foundation" I would be more apt to listen to you guys

Well... there is a bunch of strange things going on with the Clinton Foundation, but why do we need to choose your narrative for you? This is proof enough to me that you're not actually interested in any of this. You need your hand to be held, and aren't willing to dig through it yourself. Sorry for not wanting to hold your hand, but don't blame me for your discomfort at someone else's narrative when you're just gonna turn around and pick up the other guy's (MSM) narrative when it comes down to it... maybe you should try to think for yourself instead of worrying about whose narrative you're following.

Lol enough with the assumptions.

You just claimed that you'd be more willing to listen to us if you were more accepting of the narrative... that's just begging to have your hand held.

It's a big world out there... go ahead and take a look around.

No its called researching for my own and not listening to a bunch of hard headed morons on a conspiracy sub-reddit said that you dismissed it because of the narrative. You didn't do any research.

you need to get your story straight.

No. I said I dismiss you idiots on pizzagate

Well looking at the article, it seems pedos and other sex offenders within government agencies are prosecuted and sentenced to jail without any sort of cover up or conspiracy.

At first I was really apprehensive at this whole thing

We believe you.

No bullshit. You are an arbiter for this gunman and his actions.

Evidence is pretty important when making accusations, is it?

Well, there's some evidence; it's not very compelling but the first 24 hours after incidents like this is always a misinformation minefield. You always wait until more reliable sources begin to agree on who did and said what and why.

The media is a nuisance, but not because they are involved in a conspiracy to cover up anything, but because a reporter will get one person to say 'uh, yeah, he might have said something about pizza and a gate...' and then they report 'The gunman announced that he was here to shoot paedophiles and chew gum, but he was all out of gum'.

But that's slightly different from my point.

Wow. 275 upvotes on a comment that completely shits on the members of the sub. Wonder how that happened.

Wonder how that happened.

You reached r/all

Yeah, and now everyone who doesn't know their asshole from their armpit gets to chime in on a topic that they know very little about. Good times.

So your evidence for a nationwide government involved pedo ring is a list of 42 people that have worked for or with the government over the course of 7 years?

42 arrests amongst 2.8 million people that work for the federal government alone.

General public conviction rate for child porn is much higher than 1 in 400,000.

I like how the author admits that she got her data through Google and Twitter.


If this what you consider solid evidence then yes, yes you are.

I love how at the end of the day all of you guys just dismiss this stuff. It's gross and it speaks volumes about the moral compass of this society, and it betrays your lack of character and spotty integrity.

As long as they're not fucking your kids right?

My evidence for a nationwide government involved pedo ring was a nationwide group of government employed pedos... but of course it's not satanic enough and doesn't fit between your narrow goalposts so it doesn't count and these guys get a pass. This was all happening before pizzagate by the way... to any rational person with a heart in their chest, 42 arrests would mean there's probably more than 42 people involved. Couple that with the fact that they were mostly using government computers and you need to figure that - with the ages, and careers and lengths of time some of these people were in office - someone else must've known outside of those 42 people.

Then couple that with the fact that the Podesta's hang out with known pedos, that James Alefantis' instagram picture is a homage to a patron saint of pederasty, and include the knowledge that Laura Silsby was arrested for human trafficking and then freed by Clinton + given a job alongside the Amber Alert program... probably just coincidences right?

But yeah... just blow it off.

It must be fun to live in your world where the investigations are already concluded before they occur, and any questions outside the official narrative are met with derision.

So you think there's an active cabal of satanist child molesters running pizza joints and all you do to stop it is... ?

You're the apathetic one.

My comment is aimed at grandstanding fools who are making the grossest allegations against perfectly ordinary people - we have phrase in law, '...of previously good character', and then hang around gloating and congratulating themselves on how noble they are.

That's not even all the people in this thread, let alone all the people in this sub.

Odd as fuck.

The sort of detail that you people find satisfactory wouldn't be enough in the real world to convict a kid of stealing from the biscuit tin, never mind fatal conspiracies involving respectable people.

The kind of evidence we have would be like the crumbs on the kids face and shirt. We don't have video proof of the kid taking the biscuit.

People coming in here saying "you have no proof" won't listen to any proof we have, because "it doesn't prove anything". Which is basically saying because we don't have a video of the guy killing/raping kids you won't take anything as evidence to at least have a real investigation into it. Even if we did have that kind of evidence, the people who had it would be put in jail for 30 years for "pedophilia" because they had video evidence.

I guarantee the guy is not going to get a real investigation because of how much power he has. He's not just some random pizza shop owner. He was literally listed in the top 50 most powerful people in the world, I think in 49th place.

I repeat, there is no 'right' to do what you're doing. You're exploiting a privilege, and if that privilege is taken away from you, you only have yourself to blame.

The only way they can take that privilege away is by taking away basically all of our internet rights; free speech for one. If they do that everybody suffers, and the UK already did so. Microsoft has a keylogger on windows, they take a high def picture of your face, THEN we have telemetry data they send back. They admit this as well.

They're already moving to take away any chance we have of un-fucking the world without violence. Because that's what we're headed to, a very bloody civil war. The average length of an empire is 250 years, and we are getting closer to that date every day. That's how long it takes for a government to go from for the people, kind of for the people, to corruption for power, and complete corruption for power. We are currently in that last stage.


What we have is proof that dozens of government employees have been arrested for child porn and related charges. You guys are just ignorant to that fact. Read this article. This isn't hyperbole. There is a problem with the system.


Sorry that my proof of government officials fucking kids isn't good enough for you... holy fuck man...

Yes, people in government are humans, and yes some percentage of humans piece of shit pedos. But that doesn't prove the rest of pizzagate.

Which is basically saying because we don't have a video of the guy killing/raping kids you won't take anything as evidence to at least have a real investigation into it.

Let me tell you about evidence.

I once had a client whose claim was what is called 'misrepresentation'. He had bought something because the guy who sold it told him a lot of lies. In particular, he told him:

'Hey, this guy has already bought this thing, he'll tell you all about how great it is. Plus, he can put you in touch with 3 or 4 other people who also bought the thing.'

So my client called all these four people, and they all raved about the thing. Said they'd had it for months, and it was amazing.

So he bought the thing.

By the time he came to me, he had lost his case. He couldn't figure out how. I told him there was only a really slim chance, if any, that I could pull his nuts out of the fire. [left out para setting out technical details]. He wanted to instruct me even though I told him costs would be high and prospects of success low.

I read his 70 page witness statement (that's right; 70 pages). It was hopeless. In all those 70 pages, only one paragraph (admittedly, it was more than a page long) dealt with this misrepresentation element.

But he had a statement from one of the four people saying that they'd been offered an inducement to lie like a carpet to him, and stating that he was, in fact, the first person to ever buy the thing.

This was his light sabre, his rail-gun, his unanswerable argument. Everything else in his witness statement was unnecessary. All he needed to say was:

I bought the thing because the seller gave me four names of people who'd already bought the thing and they told me how good the thing was and it turns out that they were lying and that he arranged for them to lie to me. Please see the letter from one of those people.

The seller could not have succeeded. The people he'd 'bribed' were highly unlikely to turn up at court and add perjury to their list of accomplishments.

In the end, he fired me.

He thought - you'll laugh at this, it's great - he thought he'd lost because of a conspiracy between the solicitor acting for the seller, and a clerk at the court. This is because his letter, which he posted on Tuesday, wasn't in the Court bundle that was given to the judge by his clerk on the Friday. Never mind the fact of frequent postal delays; never mind the fact of commonplace delays in the court office in processing incoming post and getting it to the relevant file, never mind the fact of errors in everything human beings ever do. So far as he was concerned, the only possible explanation was a conspiracy. No evidence of such; his thought process was: the letter wasn't there; that benefited my opponent; therefore my opponent must have been responsible for it; and the only way he could have done that is if he conspired with court staff.

The possibility was absurd, and furthermore I'm not going to make allegations like that without better evidence. So he fired me. Shame. I might have got him an appeal, if he'd not been so pig-headed.

These things are COMPLEX. Evaluation of evidence requires EFFORT. It also requires INTELLECTUAL CAPABILITY. In another answer I wrote 'some people are better at baseball; some people are better at thinking'. It's a fact; not so comfortable to the people who aren't so good at thinking, because who wants to think other people can do that better?

So: evidence is hard.

Then how do you suggest we get this evidence we need? Because we're trying to get some police to actually investigate it because there's enough "coincidences" everywhere that it makes it suspicious, and on top of that we have the media shitting on it, then we have a fake gunman who never fired a single bullet, and nobody can make up their minds if he had one, two, or even three guns.

What are we going to do to get evidence, because we can't get evidence over the internet like this. It needs to be physical evidence.

Of course that's never going to happen because too many people with too much power don't want it to happen.

No fucking shit we aren't pushing for them to be arrested. No fucking shit we don't have evidence admissible in court. We're trying to get that goddamn evidence.

You don't have a crime. You don't have a victim.

You can't get the evidence you need because you don't have a crime of which to get evidence for. People being into creepy art and sick humor and bad bands is not a crime.

Then how do you suggest we get this evidence we need?

'Needing' evidence - in this context, of an 'investigation' or 'enquiry' - suggests that you already have a conclusion. That's not how it works. In an investigation you look for the evidence, and if it isn't there, you abandon the investigation.

Way to pick a single word out of my entire comment to correct and not even answer the question.

Actually, that was my answer to the whole of your question.


Go on. Show us where this business states the word "pedophilia". Go ahead, point it out.


You said:

Remember, this business PUBLICLY mentions the word pedophilia

And I asked you for an example.

You have totally failed to provide any such example, even though this is something you personally stated as FACT.

Come on, show us you're not full of bullshit. Bring out the heavy guns, objective evidence that can be evaluated fairly and publicly. DO IT OR SHUT UP.

Holy shit this is dumb. Nothing you posted there backs up your claims. If you ever got out to concerts you'd realize that a show advertised as "all ages" doesn't mean it's meant for children ( especially a late show like that) it just means they won't turn away someone based on age like they would at a show that serves alcohol. It's a common thing

Well, although the comment was deleted, some of us have it still. Care to comment about the class of showcase talent the kids get with their Cheese Pizza, or will you just conveniently move the goal posts on what 'evidence' is, to you?

I predict the latter.

Show me where the business mentioned the word "pedophilia". Go on.

You are barking at the wrong redditor. I never said that. Take it up with the OP.

You accused me of moving the goalposts, for absolutely no reason.

I'm giving you the same opportunity to present facts that I gave him.

Oh hold your breath. I'm not investigating anything. I'm just defending those who do.

Freedom of speech is a privilege? Wow, next thing you know the Constitution is just an old piece of paper.

You have a constitutional right to express an opinion.

You don't have a right to do it on reddit.

It's quite simple really.

Also, whilst the state won't stop you from alleging that X and Y are involved in a criminal conspiracy to sexually abuse children and kill people, X and Y can bring defamation proceedings against you.

But until the time that they bring these proceedings, how can it be fair for Reddit to regulate that?

reddit does whatever it considers reasonable, appropriate, proper.

What you, apparently, and many other people fail to realise is that to all of us normals out here? What you are doing is toxic. You are all railing around, making completely unfounded allegations because you have bought in to or even enthusiastically embrace this half-witted, half-arsed, but viciously and manically pursued conspiracy theory which is likely to reach out and cause bad things in real life.

If reddit wants to stop that, it has every right to do so.

If you were doing this on Facebook or Twitter it would have been shut down days, probably weeks ago. I can only imagine the people in charge of reddit are working on the basis that it will peter out, and /r/conspiracy can go back to discussing moon landings and JFK.

I personally haven't named names or made any direct accusations, to be honest I haven't even dug into this that extensively, and it's the censorship that's making me look more into it. While it may seem funny to say that we should go back to looking at the moon landings, you do know that an astronaut punched a guy who confronted him over it, because it also affected him allegedly. You can't question reality and expect people to not get angry.

Since you seem to know so much about this stuff, feel free to debunk this article for me. Tell me how it could never happen again, since you're so sure of it. I bet you'd be the first guy defending all the people on that list.

Where did I say 'X can't happen again', whatever you suppose X might have been??

wow for this comment to have this many upvotes on this subreddit, the end is near /r/conspiracy

You're exploiting a privilege, and if that privilege is taken away from you, you only have yourself to blame.

You mean exercising our constitutionally protected rights? You realize free speech is a right not a privilege?

Stop with the Anti-American sentiment, if you don't want free speech, there are plenty of countries you can go to

Love it or leave it

You have a constitutional right to express an opinion.

You don't have a right to do it on reddit.

It's quite simple really.

Also, whilst the state won't stop you from alleging that X and Y are involved in a criminal conspiracy to sexually abuse children and kill people, X and Y can bring defamation proceedings against you.

My opinion is James alefantis is a pedo and I'm legally entitled to share it


Can the state prevent you? I think probably not.

Is it lawful? No. It's defamatory. And the reason why he isn't taking proceedings against you is i. costs, and ii. he hopes that idiots like you will be distracted by something else (you've seen kittens with string, haven't you?) and it will all die down.

I hope he's right.

But if you arseholes don't start taking notice then the possibility that he will take action against reddit will become real and then reddit will shut you down. Hopefully that won't involve shutting down the whole of /r/conspiracy, because that would be a shame.

In 2014 the Ninth Circuit Court ruled[6] that liability for a defamatory blog post involving a matter of public concern cannot be imposed without proof of fault and actual damages.[7] Bloggers saying libelous things about private citizens concerning public matters can only be sued if they are negligent i.e., the plaintiff must prove the defendants negligence – the same standard that applies when news media are sued.[8] The Court held that in defamation cases not the identity of the speaker, but rather the public-figure status of a plaintiff and the public importance of the statement at issue provide the First Amendment foundation.[9]

Yeah its defamatory but I'm legally entitled to my opinion again. It would never stand up in court and, as defense his sexualized images of infants and toddlers would be shown, something tells me he doesn't want that.

He defamed himself with his creepy instagram account

There's fuck all point in leaving the annotation numbers in with nothing attached to them.

So not addressing anything I'm actually saying... seems to be a pattern with pizzagate deniers

How can I address your post if the crucial annotations are left out.

By the way: pizzagate? There's nothing to deny. It's not like 'holocaust deniers', FFS.

They are denying that Podestas emails referencing pizza and James Alefantis's instagram are suspicious.

Here's the thing - sexualized images of toddlers is fucking suspicious

Sexualised images are in the eye of the beholder. I don't see anything sexualised, and neither do most healthy people.


Most healthy people don't think hotard is an appropriate label for an infant

But let me guess, that's just a joke right?

That's enough for me now.

I have to get some sleep, so I don't get paranoid delusions.

Lol so no answer for that got it

You know what sub this is right lol

I do, lol!

I've seen it all (or most of it).

It's nothing, it's unsupported assertions, links made without justification, wild surmises, projection. A law student could make mincemeat of it in written submissions.

So could an FBI investigator. Who would be using the FBI logo sheet to identify why these pedo logos are used among all these businesses.

Where were all you concern trolls when Anthony Weiner was firing dick pics off to minors?

Thanks for gold.

It feels good to know that there are other people who find this evidence-free zone of vile allegations, intolerable.

Fuck you Shillary.


You have a constitutional right to express an opinion.

You don't have a right to do it on reddit.

It's quite simple really.

Also, whilst the state won't stop you from alleging that X and Y are involved in a criminal conspiracy to sexually abuse children and kill people, X and Y can bring defamation proceedings against you.

Freedom of speech

Doesn't cover slander or libel.

Slander and libel are proven in court - not just randomly stated as facts.

BTW in court you have to PROVE you are not guilty of the crime order to win a libel suit against your accuser.

You seem to have confused the enforcement of a law with the law itself.

If I vandalize someone's house, I'm guilty of the crime, regardless of whether or not there is enough evidence to actually find me guilty.

Repeating damaging lies about people is illegal. What's more, it's wrong.

The US government can't stop you saying this shit; but the people who run reddit certainly can.

It isn't a magic wand, by the way, that wards off everything you don't like. Freedom of speech is vital; it's so vital that people like you who use it to be hysterically insulting pisses off the rest of us.

I dont get you people...How can whatever it may be that you are receiving be worth perverting justice to murdered and raped kids? Is it just money? Whatever the endgame may be for us on planet earth, be there gods or alien game show creators, surely, suuuurely, our souls or essence or whatever you want to call it will be judged in some sort of way...please, dont bother replying to me with your stock standard bullshit, just promise me youll reflect on what you are doing, and if it is really worth it.

I think what everyone is telling you is to wait and see if the real investigators can find, if any, real evidence.

I'm not even paid to be a skeptic.

I think you guys self-PSTD yourself with your theories and speculations. That's why you can't believe there's skeptics and people who aren't emotional about the 'mountain of evidences'.

Who said i was referring to you? We were talking about something seperate so what made you chime in and say you arent being paid? Fact of the matter is many people are, and they are the ones im referring to. People with one month old accounts flocking on to these forums to cast doubt and look down on people for merely investigating matters, like look at all these upvoted posts lol, what the fuck is their substance? All the same thing, you dont have complete 100% concrete evidence so stop bothering looking? If its all about evidence would you pls link me some in regards to the epidemic of personal attacks and comments directed towards possible pedophiles on here? There must be hundreds considering how many SJW/bot accounts repeat the rhetoric in here on a daily basis. So much so in fact, that alot of you dont think its worth investigating possible child murders and rape, and before you chime in and say 'oh im just saying we n33d more evidencez' (which we all fucking agree with), due note that my original comment wasnt intended for people like yourself. But yes, poster im replying to does tick the right boxes; anger/demeaning undertones, never addresses individual points of interest, etc etc.

I get what you're saying and I agree that everyone should try to reflect themselves from an outside perspective, obviously. I also think that the pizzagate community as a whole does not really do that and, as in most conspiracy theories, this ends in a lot of ignorant and fear driven tendencies that are in no way addressed - as far as I see. Cognitive bias to that degree are unbearable for me and the fact that critique is labeled as acts of "shills" does strengthen the impression, that beyond the unknown factual reality, conspiracy circles follow underlying agendas. So stop calling people shills for your own sake AND for your argument. Critique ultimately strengthens any cause - not using that is naive, childish and a sign of weak structure and arguments.

We do have libel laws.

Which are not up to the users of r/conspiracy to enforce

Which wasn't what the response was to.

The response was to whether people had a "right" to do what they're doing. They don't. Freedom of speech does not cover lying about people in a public forum.

So you're a public defender coming here to make people aware of these things despite not being interested in the subject matter or conspiracy in general? In your 2 and a half year account history your only posts on /r/conspiracy are in this thread... why are you here trying to derail conversation?

You're exactly right. But Reddit is a corporation, and the buck does stop somewhere. So when your mods don't do their jobs and tamp down the crazy, and the admins have to step in and ban this place, I'm sure you'll be real understanding, right? Because it's someone's job to prevent this sort of violence.

Yeah but the mods are doing their jobs. Any information that isn't publically available gets stamped out within minutes. The mods on this sub are fantastic. there is no doxxing here.

Exactly, Reddit has the freedom to silence your speech on their website when they see people using their site to harass people

No, as he stated, you have the privilege of using Reddit to discuss your conspiracies, not the right.

There are those who would argue that major websites approach the status of public areas due to their universalness. Of course, at the moment that's more an academic debate than a legal one.

This is reddit, we are not guaranteed freedom of speech on reddit. It's a private company. Freedom of speech protects against government censorship, nothing more. Reddit admins can do whatever the fuck they want on their own website. Or do you think we should nationalize so i media? Communist.

Wow. You got downvoted for saying that.

Honestly, whoever downvoted your post needs a kick in the nuts.

that's fine try and stop us


Shilling for what? For whom?

What makes you think I'm a shill? Because I disagree with you, and say so vociferously? Are you absolutely certain that no-one could look at what you've looked at and reach a different conclusion?

What gives you that certainty? What in your life allows you to be so certain that you've got it right and people like me have got it wrong?

Then help us understand why you are motivated to take time out of your random life, and throw shade on questions about a DC insider who owns a small business in the District?

Why are YOU so adamant to discourage anyone from even talking about this? That is the real question, here. Motive?

Because it irresponsibly encouraged a neckbeard, mall ninja to show up armed at this establishment.

This whole stupid theory almost got people killed. It's time to call "pizzagate" out as the ridiculous bullshit it is.

Whatever you say boss.

Go away.

No. Not until this shit stops.

"What are your motives for commenting on Reddit?"

Is anybody who disagree a shill? Am I shill now?

ITT: a lot of people who are doing anything but "just talking" about the subject. The hysteria is palpable. I'm tryna let a bit of pressure out of the tyres before the vehicle runs out of control.

Why do I do it? Because insistent, repeated, continuous repetition of baseless allegations can in itself be dangerous.

There are two possibilities:

If it turns out that the guy with the gun was motivated to take the law into his own hands because of all the pizzagate hysteria on the internet, then the hysteria will have come close to being deadly.

If it turns out that this wasn't what motivated him, then the problem is that for a short time, no-one could be sure the hysteria isn't what motivated him - and that tells us that it was only chance that gets the conspiracy spreaders off the hook.

Crazy shills in here. 2 year accounts with 300 karma and such.. Karma all comes from single sentences or basic 'agreements': "Yeah, thats crazy" = So much shilling in here its crazy!

I think pizzagate is insane BS. how can you dismiss my account?

no u dont get it its the hillaries

Like any REAL conspiracy: facts don't match story.

You can't answer one question presented, can you?

Why did SY hide efits for 5 years? Why Podestas match efit perfectly? What they were doing at clems house? All their fucking pedo shit.

-just one coincidence after another.. yeah. ok.

So you just assume that these things all mean pedophile stuff. This shit is deranged

Tell me why Scotland yard sat on efits for 5 years? Podestas won't comment on their whereabouts?

LOL. You're fucking laughable.

<nothing to see here huh?>


spirit cooking

Fuck CTR shills.

I don't know why (or even if) Scotland Yard would sit on that. There can be many reason not dealing with pedophiles. So that proves nothing.

Also do you really think I'm a CTR shill? That's literally insane

Probably works for CTR amirite?

I'm very out of the loop... but what were the events that happened today?

An armed man was arrested outside of Comet today. The story that's beingf pushed is he was going to Comet for presumed pizzagate related street justice.

That's the short of it essentially and trying to keep it light. Its all on the front page for anyone interested.

Either way here's the top post about it:

Well, but then this goes at the heart of the drama. Where is the investigation? At least, the local police has a responsibility to investigate such a massive accusation of such a heinous crime.

If there's no investigation after all this noise, then the masses should be concerned.

Edit: You would think someone would at least check to see if there are pedophilic pornographic images on the bathroom walls, or even if they are the same bathroom. How could any self-respecting beat cop not check in on that?

the local police has a responsibility to investigate such a massive accusation of such a heinous crime.

There isn't a massive accusation. There's a few sad but very annoying internet commentators who can't tell evidence from a hole in the ground. Any professional detective looking at this stuff is more likely to contact mental welfare people to help the idiot making the report.

Bullshit. You cannot look at all the shit pizzagate has brought up and not think it should be investigated.


...yes, yes I can.

And I'm a lawyer; a litigator. I spend my working life evaluating evidence, and


Happenstances, coincidences, chinese whispers, ambiguity. That's all there is.

People always forget it's innocent until proven guilty when it's people they don't like.

They said investigating though I don't think they said conviction or anything along those lines

However I do believe that more info needs to be found or brought to light in order to prove these guys are behind anything more than an incredibly weird sense of humor and art

But with all of the (very) circumstantial and (IMO) accidental imagery combined with weird emails and political pull I do believe he needs to be looked into more to determine what exactly is going on wether nefarious or not

And "if he's not doing anything wrong he's got nothing to worry about" this time it's just civilians doing the hacking and remote viewing instead of the government

Your aware of what you guys are doing, right?

How would you feel if a group of random people from the internet started stalking your every online move, going to all of your livelihoods social media pages and saying your a pedophile, and eventually started violently confronting you in person all because some fucking idiots at the_donald said to based on what couldn't even be called the barest shreds of evidence?

This is pretty much an online version of angry mob lynching.

How would you feel if a group of random people from the internet started stalking your every online move, going to all of your livelihoods social media pages and saying your a pedophile

If I had an instagram account like that I think I would expect such a reaction.

No, it isn't. You can't hold a group of individuals accountable for another individual's actions. Use your brain.

Yes you can??

Just because you didn't pull the rope doesn't excuse you from being part of the lynch mob.

If you're on the side of "investigate, investigate, investigate", then sure, awesome, whatever. I hope you find something to validate your suspicions! But holding on to something like Pizzagate despite have 0 evidence is delusional. Excusing the actions of the mob this sub and the_donald generated - such as the active harassment of the owners and patrons - laid the groundwork for what this moron did today.

Do not pretend that one person (or even many people) acting inappropriately, as vigilantes, somehow means that every other person with reasonable suspicions in this issue should lose their right to discuss it.

Think very carefully of the precedent that would set. It means that you can discredit any discussion merely by planting an agitator. In fact, there are fully disclosed CIA programs from the 60s and 70s that had this exact purpose.

Think for yourself. It is healthy.

Way to not actually read my post. And please, take your patronizing tone elsewhere. You sound like /r/iamverysmart.

0 concrete evidence doesn't provide reasonable suspicion, unless you're holding yourself to an even more vague standard than cops do. And discussion doesn't equal accusation. The truth is that this sub, and others like it, have effectively issued an indictment of Comet Pizza with no evidence.

Those of us who do "think for ourselves" recognize the relationship between baseless accusations and are not surprised when less stable members of the group decide to act in a violent way.

I read every word of your post.

Yes you can??

Just because you didn't pull the rope doesn't excuse you from being part of the lynch mob.

I am not part of a lynch mob, and thus require no "excuses" for the actions of an individual(s) you claim to represent the views of another set of individuals.

Also, I've noticed that you changed your stance a bit:

0 evidence


0 concrete evidence

which I applaud you for. Now, it would be more true to say that you have found no concrete evidence, not that none exists.

Look, I don't want to argue here on and on. I understand where people are coming from with wanting to curb the vigilantism. What I want people to know is that from the outset, there have been a large number of individuals investigating the phenomenon of pedophilia rings that have called for exactly that: the prevention of a witch hunt. This thing has gotten very big. There are many groups and individuals with a variety of opinions.

I want to point out that there actually is evidence. It may not hold up in court (in fact I highly doubt it would). There is a term called circumstantial evidence. Any honest person doing even a modest amount of research into "pizzagate" will likely come to the conclusion that there is some evidence, as well as a whole lot of nonsense and noise. What I'm trying to communicate is that the noise and nonsense doesn't erase the real evidence which is highly suspicious. Before you reply, consider at least one piece of information (which I will not even call evidence for the sake of not wanting to carry on with this tired argument). Please examine the death of Monica Peterson. Even though there may not be "concrete evidence" linking her to "pizzagate" or whatever else, please consider that real human lives are being snuffed out before you demand censorship.

Yes, yes it is. People here were encouraging a group to go in and forcibly take a pizza the other day. After paying for it, of course.

Groupthink begets groupthink only among the willing. The good news is, no matter the numbers, rights to speech are inalienable.

Actually, they're not. The only right to free speech you have is from the government. Congress can't censor you, but pretty damn near anyone else can at will without repercussion.

Incorrect. But nice try. While I agree that Reddit or any other platform can (and will) censor users, as they have the right to, that is not what free speech means. Free speech is not granted as a privilege government, but is inalienable. The first amendment does not grant free speech. It denies Congress the ability to make law that would impede it.

Reddit is at liberty to shut down videogame discussions in general if they wanted to if they for some reason hated videogames. This is not about Reddit, or any particular forum. This is about conformist thought. All the fake upvotes and downvotes in the world aren't going to quell the discussion. Streisand effect is taking shape here, and the hush hush movement ain't working.

When did I say you should confront or attack or even talk to him? It's just investigating and whatever you put on the internet in public domain is allowed to be looked at

"if he's not doing anything wrong he's got nothing to worry about". Exactly weren't we against this logic before. I know for a fact you can paint a pretty bad picture of me, if you go through my post history and actively chop and choose what you choose to present as "evidence".

I've used this example before but the reason these NSA things are so bad is that you can frame the argument by chopping and choosing what is shown. America probably just chose the most corrupt president they've ever had and they did it because the (admittedly not innocent) other party was framed as worse.

For example if I told you to choose between this nice german man, who only wants what's best for Germany, and loves dogs vs this black terrorist who was arrested for treason and attempted murder and was so dangerous he was sent to prison on an island - Robben Island - who do you choose?

But that's not that bad. I mean as long as Alefantis (and let's use his real name to remember he is an actual human being) isn't being punished it's not that bad to investigate the innocent, right? It's just to prove his innocence then, right? Except James Alefantis is being punished. How many customers has James Alefantis lost in this time? How much emotional damage has James Alefantis suffered? The answer if he's innocent, is too much

Doesnt reddit usually rail about how cops and public officials should be held to a higher standard?

Not when it comes to suspected pedophilia and human trafficking it seems.

People like you forget this is the internet, reddit, and not a court of law. Those are law rules. This is a casual global citizen investigation.

Lol nice to see you respond to me again at a completely different comment. Nah I'm not forgetting shit. This isn't The_Donald - I don't have to agree with you. I'm allowed to have a different opinion.

And my opinion is pizzagate is harassment and should be illegal. The law is slow, the problem of how to enforce it over the internet is real but ask yourself if the things the pizzagaters have done behind their computer screens wouldn't at least be criminal in terms of stalking, harassment and libel if they weren't done of the internet?

It would definitely be considered illegal if making new laws wasn't so shitty and the problem of how to enforce those laws such a massive issue. But it's not illegal is such a low fucking bar. I mean come on man, surely you're better than that. It's not illegal for me to destroy the world by creating a machine to release greenhouse gases but that's only because the law is a shitty immobile thing. But I consider myself better than that. Plus PS the spirit of the law does consider those things illegal even over the internet

Like I replied to you in the other comment. The problem with this casual global citizen investigation (lol) is that they don't operate ethically and cant be held liable for their actions. Pizzagate quite clearly crosses the line between conspiracy into vigilantism to anyone that's followed it and maintained some modicum of impartiality.

Why do you dismiss it so easily? You don't think the people with global power would do things like that?

Nah I mean Saville proved that there are sick fucks everywhere. Hell what we should be doing is looking at that sony leak.

I dismissed pizzagate because I'm familiar with the concept of if you look for a pattern you'll find one. And when I read the emails that's what I saw.

I didn't see pedos. I saw people making inside jokes and weird innuendos. The same things I do except they were being judged under the light of being presumed guilty (admittedly at first, not guilty of being pedos but of being guilty).

And that's what happened people threw out theories about what they were guilty about and the pedo thing stuck and then people ran away with that. Except people forgot to ask if they're even guilty. And very quickly I realised I was participating and actively supporting harassment and stopped going to those sites you not believe in innocent til proven guilty?

doesn't matter, we're not on the Andaman islands mate!

There's a justice system and that's how modern civilizations deal with that.

I don't think you understand how investigations start. Cool, you say you're a lawyer. We won't get any evidence you can use in a case if it doesn't get investigated. I'm sure you know how a warrant is served. Enough "coincidences" that they think it needs an investigation.

They literally had a pedophilia symbol in their sign right on the front of their building. Disturbing photos on their instagram. Even more disturbing comments on the photos. Photos of rooms that shouldn't even be in a pizza parlor. 2 or 3 Children that have a genetic disorder that occurs in .0001 percent of all children.

Take your time and go through this entire image. I think we have much more than nothing.

You're on the wrong side of history.

I see it takes about 35 minutes for the shills to find me.

I've always dismissed pizzagate out of hand because it seemed totally ridiculous. Now that I've looked at that image.... y'all are seriously a bunch of delusional idiots grasping at straws.

DC has an area L'Enfant plaza, it's a big mall... Bro I think this goes deeper cause clearly that means the whole city is full of pedos who shop for kids at malls!!

The funniest part of this whole thing is that they act like Marina Abramovic is some fringe occult figure, and that associating with her is some kind of evidence of wrongdoing.

Or maybe it's the part where they think that having two pizza places on the same street is suspicious.

Or maybe it's the part where they think that a conspiracy of elite pedophiles would intentionally put pedophilia symbols in their business logos.


I can only wonder how the 1500 people who participated in The Artist is Present are linked to Pizzagate.

To be fair some of the art, namely the obvious child rape posters, should not be in an all ages pizza parlour.

They're not. Supposedly they are inside Tony Podesta's house.

They were part of a Comet poster advertising a music night.

Tbf nobody understands modern art.

or using rock show posters as proof of satanism/immorality. Do these people go outside?

Is some of the stuff on that photo shady and distasteful? Fuck yeah.

Is any of it any sort of evidence of a massive child sex trafficing ring? Absolutely fucking not. This is just plain retarded.

None of them know what satanism actually is either. It's like the most compassionate "religion" there is.

People in this thread think that Satanic Panic was legitimate.

Yeah because obviously nobody in the government has ever been a pedophile.

I don't even know what to do with people like you anymore. I honestly don't know how you can look at that image and not be in the least suspicious. Some people are so comfortable with their lives they don't want to break their delusion that something like this isn't possible. I'm getting sick of it.

Does this fucking look family friendly to you?

Lets look at what kind of artwork tony likes.

How can you look at all this evidence and shrug it off like it's nothing. It's disgusting. You should be more than ashamed of yourself.

Dude you literally just linked all the same shit that was in the image I responded to. I honestly think you need to seek help if you think that there's a huge pedo conspiracy in the upper reaches of our government that has previously gone unnoticed, yet apparently uses glaringly obvious imagery and social media posts that clearly and easily identified them as pedophiles

huge pedo conspiracy in the upper reaches of our government

You mean that thing that happens in pretty much every government at some point?

yet apparently uses glaringly obvious imagery and social media posts that clearly and easily identified them as pedophiles

They are bold because useful idiots/willful idiots cover for them, like this right here.

You mean like in the UK government?

Is there a reason you ignored the second half of the sentence that contains the salient part of the point I was making?

... thats rather disturbing that thats the salient point of your argument rather than the actual pedo ring and whether we can trust our government to not be covering that up. But yes, because it obviously wasnt "clearly" identifying them the same way having a colored handkerchief in your back pocket for the different kind of sex you want was "glaringly obvious" but the vast majority of people didnt know

The salient point being that I don't believe there is one. You can jerk about how a pizza place is secretly a haven for big time pedophiles as much as you want, but that's dumb as hell and based on laughably ridiculous evidence

Exactly the type of talk against the UK ring.

Pls show me the evidence that people are citing about the UK ring that comes from symbols in business logos, band posters and social media posts

I wouldve posted the 60 minutes piece on it but its only on their site as all the youtube videos have been taken down

I'm not asking whether the secret service covered for government, I'm asking for the evidence that was gathered from social media, band posters and business logos

60 minutes wouldve been better for that sort of info but i can't get to the video and anything on youtube has been yanked.

Also, it wasn't exposed during a time that was so internet connected. It's going to be harder to find stuff like this in general (and to be fair, there may not be any nearly as concrete as pizzagate)

Slightly off topic, but isnt there currently breaking in the uk a massive illegal human trafficking network- spanning dozens of football clubs involving hundres of victims- that has been secretly going on for a very long time?? This is my first question. The second being, that if this is accurate, why is it hard to believe that some of the biggest power players in the western world couldnt be involved in something similar?

That's not the part that's hard to believe, the part that's hard to believe is that pizzagate is contingent on them not taking any measures to be secretive and to be openly advertising what they're doing online, through their businesses and through email. People who would be competent enough to rise to the pinnacle of wealth and power in the western world simply would not do that, it'd be absurd. Ya'll conspiracy nuts need to readjust those tinfoil hats

right, like, they usually need a private email server, or gag orders on their private speeches, use tor, or password protected archives... to be fair, these are emails and messages that where leaked and NEVER meant to be public~ so there's that to consider~ (we don't know what level of protection or encryption they where under, only that there has been no denial of their validity- only complaints that it musta been the russians/ it caused the secretary of state to encourage Ecuador to cut assange's internet 6__6 ~)

as much as this MIGHT be a big thing (like ol' sanduski ...or the european footballerz club pedo-busts happing now- i am of the opinion that this is being blown out of proportion to distract from much more complex and blatanly illegal activities hinted at in the email leaks/ being targeted as the most fringe/ least damning of the claims in the emails so as to discredit the whole cabootle~

.... i am assuming by your condor and blanket labeling of conspiracy nuts and using the tin foil hat trope, that you are not a person who would normally visit or entertain a subreddit specifically about 'Conspiracies'~ (forgive me if i am wrong- ;]

You are certainly right, I got here cause the post hit /r/all and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. This stuff is on par with that daycare this sub terrorized lmao

It is clear that Hillary Clinton is not tech savvy whatsoever. I always assumed this was because of her age. I mean, for Christ sakes she didn't know what it meant to "wipe" a hard drive. ("like with a cloth?")

I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the members in this elite pedophilia ring are as clueless as she is.

Lol at you never having seen a restaurant cooler room before and taking those jokes about a kill room seriously. #getajobinfoodservice

Also the show posters. There are 1000's of show posters with very similar imagery on them all around most major cities, promoting bands playing at local venues. It's like theses people have never seen album covers or promotional posters before. How do you even make that connection? "They put up a poster where there is a cartoon picture with a lady holding a knife, I bet that means people fuck children there." Get the fuck outta here with that Shit.

How exactly do you know that they are joking? The conjecture with the cooler room to a kill room ( besides the fact cooler rooms have been use as kill rooms before) is made in context in relation to other highly suggested imagery......

No it isn't. The other highly suggested imagery is "a band once put up a poster here that was weird looking" or "this other totally unrelated guy who has maybe never met these two guys talking likes weird art". It's only related if you invent connections that aren't there. Cooler rooms look creepy, that joke is one some of my friends might have made, it's not evidence of anything, just like all the other "evidence" that's pure conjecture on things taken completely out of context and probably totally misunderstood, like the poster above claiming no pizza place should have a cooler room. It's 1% weird stuff and 99% clueless misinterpretation in the most negative possible light.

......You need a gold medal in mental gymnastics. Are you saying the picture of the little girl being restrained isn't highly suggested? Or Comic Pong Pong having and promoting "those posters" aren't suggesting anything? Are you blind? Do they need to have a little girl licking a popsicle with her tongue sticking before you say its highly suggested? And here you are stating there aren't any connections whatsoever. You seem to have this misconception that conjecture is fabrication. Let me tell you this, it isn't. You can not make conjectures without having SOME evidence go off of. If you don't then you're are making up stories and not conjectures. So if a guy who was trial for murder and was found innocent then a few weeks later after the trial he is found on video of himself bragging of how he got away with murder, would you say that isn't suggesting anything and isn't in any shape or form of him wrongdoing? Or do you think he is being misinterpret and being taken out of context? It isn't normally for a pizza restaurant to have a cooler room like that. The cooler room in the photo seems like one for a butcher. Pizza restaurant usually don't butcher meat. It is rather odd for Comic Pong Pong to have a cooler of that size, while a smaller one would have been more sensible......

Oh, you know their restaurant space was purpose built for them, they didn't maybe lease an already finished restaurant space? What does it matter if their cooler room is bigger than they might need? Are you suggesting they have food in one half and a kiddie torture room in the other half? Because that's what it sounds like you're suggesting. And it's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Maybe you should go sneak back there and check it out so you can alert the police. Or the health department that regularly inspects it anyway. You aren't conjecturing, you're making shit up from whole cloth. If a large cooler room is evidence of a child torture sex ring, then literally everything could be construed as "evidence".

You posting about it on the internet is even stronger evidence that you're interested in pedophilia than that cooler room is. And man, if you live alone, or own a van, then god help you. That's enough for a conviction on this subreddit.

I didn't make make any claims that the restaurant was built for them? Why are you making conjectures? :) How do you know that they might have lease the place for the large cooler room? If they did why would they want such a large cooler room? Could they be butchering meat? If so, what kind of meat are they cutting up? More importantly, why would a pizza restaurant be butchering meat? A kiddie torture room you say? Man you and your conjectures, but that would explain the need for a cooler room like that. You find the thought of a cooler room being used as a kiddie torture chamber the most retarded thing you ever heard? You must have a very shelter life......I doubt I could "sneak up" on an actual kiddie sex ring and even if I did (based on their know relationships to some big cats) I doubt contacting the police would help much. The health department is already corrupt (just look at the current health industry in the US) so their inspections are worth jack-shit. Not everything can be used as evidence. For example, you can't use a picture of someone's who eating cheeseburger to prove that he is a vegan. Also, a piece of evidence can be used draw very different conclusions. For example, you have a student that get 100's on his tests while in the classroom with his classmates but get 50's when he is by himself. You could take that to mean he is a good cheater or you could take that to mean he works best while in a group or you could draw different conclusions. Your example is off (to say the least) since you are completely ignoring context that is available in front of you and would pretty much damn anyone on this thread. If you're saying they are taking pictures out of context, then I would like you to show evidence that they are misrepresenting Comic Pong Pong.......;client=ms-android-verizon&amp;prmd=ivsn&amp;source=lnms&amp;tbm=isch&amp;sa=X&amp;ved=0ahUKEwjz0uirjt7QAhUJwVQKHTMtAWAQ_AUIBygB

Yep, I bet everyone that took these pictures is for sure, without a shadow of a doubt a pedophile... Jesus Christ y'all are delusional.

.........Would a pedo do something like tie up kids? Based on what you're saying I take it that your answer is a no. You are ignoring context again........

Screenshots of red boxes drawn over unverifiable images and Google maps isn't evidence. Writing larger font just like screaming doesn't make your delusions anymore real.


Why would a room like this be in a PIZZA PARLOR

That's called a walk-in freezer/cooler, and just about anyone who has worked in food service has seen one before.

and have people comment #killroom, and to "just rinse it off when you're done".

Because everything that is said on the internet is $100% really real, and pedo-murderers are just being honest since they're commenting on a photo online. (Just a friendly side note: Don't watch the TV show Dexter. I don't want you feeling the need to call up Miami-Dade police to tell them they have a murderer on staff.)

Why would a room like this be in a PIZZA PARLOR.

Because its a pizza shop, and every pizza shop has a walk-in cooler to store dough, meats, veggies, marinara etc.

And what good pizza place doesn't wash out the #killroom when they're done for the day, right?

You're right. Someone's friend making a comment in jest means that Hillary Clinton is involved in a pedophile ring operating out of a Pizza Shop in DC. You've solved the mystery.

I'm getting sick of this stupid pizzagate stuff, so I'm going to debunk all of your evidence now so I can just copy-paste it later.

Why would a room like this be in a PIZZA PARLOR

It's a walk in freezer. Most pizza parlors in America have one.

What kind of sick fuck takes a picture of a kid like this

A lot of people, actually. I don't think you understand that most people don't find this picture weird.

Why do they have a pedophilia symbol on their parlor sign

Because most normal people, including most logo designers, have absolutely no idea of any damn pedophilia signs. From your examples, the Sega Dreamcast logo is a far closer suspect. I imagine the business reacted the same as almost any business would after the first person calls in saying their logo is a pedophile symbol, and changed it quickly.

These are posters for "all ages" events. Sex stains? Heavy Breathing? Acid Mothers Temple? All ages? Are you fucking kidding me?

Here's a Google list of punk bands. If you think Sex Stains and Heavy Breathing are bad, give that a few scrolls. This is a good explanation for the concert posters, as well.

Here's a police render image of a sketch of a child kidnapper.

Here's where you can read up on the Madeleine Mccann case. As you can see, they've got evidence pointing everywhere. As for the police sketch photos, you could also say it looks like Andy Garcia and Joey from Friends. E-fit facial composites are known for being kind of a crap shoot.

Lets look at what kind of artwork tony likes.

I don't understand fancy modern artist shit myself, but I researched the artists. As for the sculpture, it's by Louise Borgeois, and hanging bodies and parts is one of her schticks. As for the paintings, they're by Biljana Djurdjevic, and her whole portfolio isn't just half-naked kids so much as half-naked everybody.

So I just read as much about it as possible and, yeah, some of it is definitely a bit creepy. I can see how one might be convinced, especially if you already didn't like Hillary Clinton. The high rate of missing children is very weird, and a lot of the emails do seem pretty strange (although I am dubious about the "code"- I'd like a source for that before I even considered believing any part of it because it's stated as authoritative fact and it kind of just seems made up). Oh and the sketches are eerily like the Podestas- if they were really in Portugal that is pretty strange, although I'd like to know who exactly "alleges" this.

But several pieces of it are just obviously a huge reach, or outright false.

One thing that struck me in particular is that there doesn't seem to be a lot of internal logic. Like a lot of the evidence relies on the idea they were sort of "hiding in plain sight". But why would they do that? They have so much to lose, and so much of this is very easily found. It just doesn't seem plausible that they'd abuse children in a location that has a known paedophile logo on the front of it in a major metropolitan area.

And given that the well-established narrative is that they're abducting refugees and at risk children etc., why on earth would they abduct Madeleine McCann? I'm not sure how familiar you Americans have been with the case prior to this whole thing, but there was a huge media furore about it. It absolutely dominated the headlines for a long period and returned sporadically to the news for years, every time there was a new development. This would not have been a surprise to them. So it just seems internally inconsistent that they would take such an enormous risk when they already had this much easier method of obtaining victims.

But would it have ever been noticed if the emails weren't released?

Wow, jokes about a walk in cooler? Damning! Playfully taping a smiling child with masking tape? Incontrovertible Proof! Concert Posters????? Where i live those are provided by the artists not the venue. We got em guys!

you people are delusional.

Concert Posters????? Where i live those are provided by the artists not the venue.

no silly, the entire dc music scene is pedos, also the entire art scene - i mean some of the pictures they're using as 'evidence' are literally hanging in significant galleries being seen by hundreds if not thousands of people every day... and it's international, every art gallery in the world - i was in a really cool little space showing Gee Vaucher's work, the artist behind the legendary CRASS album covers, some of her work covers the subjects of violence against children - i mean sure she'd say she'd devoted her life to raising awareness and understanding of these things so we can try and confront them and stop them happening but i happen to be able to guess she's eaten [vegan] pizza at some point in her life!!!!

Literally everyone that has any form of education is an evil pedo, the evidence is obvious - i mean did you see the one they demonstrated that the Greek statue someone used as their avatar is probably an pedo... yes, i know it's crazy just imagine how long he must have had to search through antiquity to find someone involved in that sort of thing! oh, and he's the most commonly represented figure in Greek statuary btw so basically anyone with any Neoclassical architecture or artwork is in the evil gang too....

Suddenly though it becomes clear, it's the same people who have always been upto something, it's the evil smart people that stop us doing all the fun things we want to do like holding fireworks and getting rich on pyramid schemes....

I"m not claiming anything is "incontrovertible proof" or "damning".

My point is that it is most definitely suspicious enough to have an actual investigation. Why is that so bad? We need actual investigators to actually investigate a suspicious situation.

If it was damning evidence they would be lynched when people saw it.(And I'm not calling for this either.)

And how is taping a child to a table with masking tape "playful"? It's downright creepy. Irregardless of whether or not she was actually restrained in any way it's extremely creepy.

Do you have children? Do you interact with children in real life? I can easily see a scenario where my niece and I were playing some silly game and she would have her hands taped. This is not nefarious, imo

Yes. It is suspicious enough to warrant an investigation that involves spending 5 minutes on Wikipedia and Snopes to conclude that it is not worth proceeding with any form of investigation beyond that. If you believe that an Internet hoax is worth spending actual money on to investigate then you can get your wallet out.

I'm sorry but this isn't a movie. It's real life and you're kind of ridiculous.

Btw that kill room is a walk in freezer. Do some real research please.

Why would a room like this be in a PIZZA PARLOR and have people comment #killroom, and to "just rinse it off when you're done".

Has no one around here ever worked in a restaurant? That's a walk-in freezer or fridge. Those units along the ceiling are the blowers that pump the cold air in. Every restaurant you've ever been in has one or two of them. During normal daily operation they have racks around the walls with food stored on them.

This is a nice example of the logic problem with a lot of conspiracy theories. You're looking for and assuming something nefarious is going on, so you're going to find it whether it exists or not. It's all confirmation bias.

I believe it's called "willful ignorance".

Those posters are for bands, did you even bother googling or doing any research besides drawing shapes around things you thought were weird?

Because there's not pedophilia in the music/entertainment/movie industry whatsover, but that's a completely different can of worms.

If you truly believe all of this has merit and you've got substantial evidence why have you not gone to a PI and spoken to them about this?

Those punk band shows are for all ages so teenagers can come, since many shows are 18+

Actually are you implying that these bands are complicit with pedophilic acts?

Not really. But the fact that these posters are normal is disturbing.

So you're looking to comment in on alternative and punk music culture with 0 knowledge on the matter? Also since when did art have to conform to normal?

*"kill room" = walk in freezer... that they have in every restaurant. the comments are just dark humor.
*that kid has masking tape on her, she was playing and looks like she's having fun. another kid probably taped her, parent snapped a picture of kiddo hijinx.
*flecks of color in the eye? not uncommon... could be reflection anyways
*a spiral triangle is a simple shape, easy coincidence to makes a spiral pizza slice.... they changed it once they learned of the similarity. (why would a pedophile lair use publicly known pedo symbols as a logo? seem kinda too brazen? or maybe just a coincidence?)
* looks like cool bands i'd go see.
--seriously, lots of bands use scary-movie-poster style posters
* police render sketch actually does look close. i mean, generic faces but kinda creepy.
* thats not a spiral heart, that's an outlined heart, or two hearts... and come on, how cliche is a hand on a heart? I could find 1,000,000 hand on heart logos in one google image search
* the kidnapper potesta thing... and the art work... you should focus on just that. it's not evidence but at least interesting.
damn it... most of your evidence seems cray cray... but some...
like that email about pizza and demolishing children? what context would even make sense?
fine, i'm putting my tinfoil hat back on

like that email about pizza and demolishing children? what context would even make sense?

The context is quite clear. And there's nothing about pizza in it either. A grandfather was sent an assortment of cheeses. He is waiting for his children/grandchildren to return from vacation so they can "demolish them" (eat the cheeses) together. It's pretty fucking straightforward.

I've been reading through pretty much all the "evidence" these people have invented. The only really scary thing to me about all this is that seemingly anyone can be accused of these heinous acts, and people will believe it based on insane interpretations of completely harmless statements and images.

sounds like something a satanic pedophile cannibal would say...

I searched for "pizzagate podesta genetic disorder" but came up with nothing. Am quite interested in what's up with that little girl's eye and what disorder it is?

Don't forget this. It ties together the whole Instagram account, even the "innocent" pictures of kids that were on it. That's still his profile picture. Today. And the entire account is filled with kids and sexually graphic images. That is a pedophile's Instagram account, it's not even a debate anymore.

The people here denying pizzagate are simply trying to "correct the record". The fact that they're fighting it so hard just shows that there's validity to it.

Annnnnd the rabbit hole just got deeper. Jeez man that's nuts. Thanks for the pic there.

The fact this false flag even happened is proof we are getting close to something sensitive. Ignore the false upvotes, and keep powering forward. This is just a filter to discourage some from participating.

I wish I could share this everywhere. I don't know how people can claim to disbelieve this shit so easily, I guess it's easier to ignore human trafficking when there's a paycheck involved. Makes me sick.

Your brain no work proper.

Glad you think so.

Acid Mothers Temple is a great band. You seriously think they have time for pedophilia amidst all those lengthy guitar solos?

Why would a room like this be in a PIZZA PARLOR and have people comment #killroom, and to "just rinse it off when you're done". could have posted those. They're public comments...

hahaha seriously I always wondered what the "evidence was" but I just read that whole thing and pizza gaters are the craziest tinfoil hat wearers I've heard of in a long time

Your attempts at discrediting us by insult will not work on us, pal. We're conspiracy theorists, we have faced adversity before.

Its not meant to work on you, im just trying to reinforce to people readinh your craziness that if you really think about it for half a second, it's just a silly conspiracy theory. The fewer people that join the cult of pizzahate the better

On the one hand, here I am spending time commenting on this thread but on the other hand whoever made that graphic needs a better fucking hobby.
There's gotta be a clever name to describe the ludicrous practice of applying a bullshit/irrelevant word substitution guide to any communication in order to create the appearance of sinister intent.

Madlad Madlibs?

Comet Substitutions?

Delusional Fantasy?

Anyways, that edit in the title absolving redditors of blame for circlejerking this fan fiction into real world consequence is cowardly logic. You can't push for justice over an imagined crime and not expect someone to possibly act on it. The accusations are so terribly serious they should require serious proof to investigate and all these people have come up with is some totally disconnected theory.

Sex stains, Heavy Breathing, Acid Mothers Temple are all regularly touring bands and I have seen them play at "all ages venues."

its nuts the significance they selectively ascribe and tunnel vision these losers have. they act like "kid-friendly" is the raison d'etre for his restaurants instead of standard menu-jargon.

literally nobody has stepped back and said "hey, maybe thats something tons of restaurants put on their menus/advertisements because people have kids and want to know if it would be rude to bring them", literally just a cue as to the type of restaurant it is.

instead its automatically "they're trying to lure children into their rape locker!"

what fucking idiocy, pizzagate fails by every rational measure

I saw the Circle Jerks at an all-ages show in 1985. Can you believe the conspiracy goes back that far?!?!

"All ages venues" generally means "we let in people too young to drink.". I'd ask if these people have never gone to a club or been interested in music before the age of 21, but the answer is obvious.

I think we have much more than nothing.

The only thing you'd have would be comedy gold, if it weren't for the fact that this is hurting people.

They are calling for investigation, not a guilty sentence. In a nation where a cop says he sees you chewing while looking underage is enough to get your car searched... I think the minimum threshold of suspicion and evidence is present to justify an investigation.

So you're admitting this is nothing more than a witch hunt. Thanks for the honesty.

i've already read that Alefantis has had plenty of time to 'clean up' the dungeon and hide the evidence yadda yadda, which is why this shithead from NC didn't find anything when he busted into CPP and ordered everyone out

so now pizzagate fuck heads will contend that its too late and that all the evidence is gone, but they need to re-double their efforts to bring him to justice based on some instragram photos Alefantis comments on....or just ruin his life and livelihood, probably the latter

Do you think a criminal( that has at least average intelligence) would leave damnable evidence at his place of work?

no he would clearly plaster his public instagram with pictures of abducted children, but not before branding his business with overt pedophile symbolism

This isn't damnable evidence. Though it should arouse some suspicions at least. as for why he would do that (as you seemingly are asking), think of it like a game of "catch me of you can". They're essentially are taunts as I view them.......

there is no amount of evidence that would assuage one who thinks this is entertainment or fun, instead of a serious infringement on others' safety. you're all demented nihilists for whom the burden of proof moves with every assertion to the contrary. you're fucking lost.

I am demented for thinking its reasonable to come to a mess up conclusion after seeing some mess up shit, while you're sane and normal for looking up at some mess up shit and think its a joke. When have I moved the burden of proof? If anything it is you that need evidence for claiming all of this is a misunderstanding and its all fun & entertainment, besides saying its something one of your friends would've done. Oh please guide this lost lamb.......

This isn't hurting people, situations like the Franklin cover-up are actually hurting people. Situations like the Laura Silsby child-trafficking case are actually hurting people, yet people like you are willing to stick up for the James Alefantis' of the world....

Ping Pong in London probably sounds pretty fun to you too huh? Don't forget the date rape drug!

This isn't hurting people,

It's hurting the owners, employees, and customers of Comet.

It's hurting the owners, employees, and customers of Comet.

Maybe don't post disturbing pedo content on your Instagram page or associate with people like Bill Clinton who are brokering deals to release child traffickers. Or if you are an employee/customer of Comet, fucking quit/stop going there when you see they are posting date rape drugs on Instagram.

None of these accusations is based in fact.

What is all this then

What indeed? For starters:
1. Less of James Alefantis' life than the police have investigated.
2. A waste of your time.
3. A Rorschach test to see if you spend way too much time thinking about pedophilia.
4. State's evidence at Edgar Welch's upcoming trial.
5. Why we need to increase access to care for the mentally ill.
6. A stress-test for Poe's Law.
7. Not a reason to shoot up the man's business and terrorize his customers.

  1. Not a reason to shoot up the man's business and terrorize his customers.

you mean the false flag?

Didn't wanna touch the Silsby case huh?

What about the Franklin cover up?

Anyone who can defend those Instagram posts is a sad excuse for a human being.

Hastert, Weiner, Pedo-esta. Plenty of fact-based evidence to go off. You aren't fooling anyone, keep sticking up for child-trafficking though. Good look on you!

you mean the false flag?

How'd you come to that conclusion?

Still don't want to touch Silsby or the Franklin cover up? I don't blame you.

Do we really need to get into the history of government false flag operations how much time do you got?

Do we really need to get into the history of government false flag operations

No, the incident you just claimed was one is fine.

Sure thing, right after you cover the Silsby child-trafficking case and the Franklin cover up.

Please refresh my memory. What am I supposed to believe about these again? What does it have to do with the campaign to harass Comet Ping Pong? What does it have to do with your supposition that the shooting at Comet was a "false flag"?

What do you mean believe? I just want you to address the facts of these two cases.

With Silsby we have Bill Clinton going out of his way to get convicted child-traffickers off the hook in Haiti. I heard that he has a connection or two to Alefantis and Podesta and Weiner and Epstein.

With the Franklin case we have a prominent example of how the ruling elite use pedophilia to control their lesser minions.

" This was the biggest pedophile scandal in the history of the U.S.A. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it.

Former republican Senator John Decamp was involved in the production a documentary called "Conspiracy of Silence" it was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired."

If anyone is interested in learning about pedophilia/child-trafficking and the government Laura Silsby and the Franklin Cover Up are a good place to start.

What do old human trafficking cases have to do with shooting up a pizza place?

Lol what does Bill Clinton getting child-traffickers off the hook have to do with pizzagate?

Next you're going to try and argue that child-trafficking and pedophilia aren't connected.

I'm not even trying to be cheeky anymore; I'm just trying to follow your line of, for lack of a better term, thought. Even if I conceded everything you and your 50-page article from Harvard Human Rights Review (tl;dr) said about Bill Clinton, that still doesn't prove anything as to Edgar Welch's reasons for shooting up Comet last weekend.

that still doesn't prove anything as to Edgar Welch's reasons for shooting up Comet last weekend.

It proves that a close Alefantis associate is tied to child-trafficking so interesting point.

I don't blame you for not touching the Franklin Cover Up though that gotta be a tough one for someone trying to stop the discussion.

It proves that a close Alefantis associate is tied to child-trafficking so interesting point.

What does that have to do with Edgar Welch?

shooting up Comet last weekend.

We are talking about Comet no?

Yes. You said the shooting was a "false flag". How do you know?

You really aren't very good at this.

Just be a good little peon and keeping spouting whatever BS is coming from CNN/NYT/Fox FakeNews.

Am I to take that to mean you can't prove it?

I can prove it to the same extent that you can prove it wasnt.

Was that link supposed to include the statement?

"A North Carolina man was arrested in Washington, D.C., Sunday after he walked into a popular pizza shop, carrying an assault rifle, intending to investigate an outlandish conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton during the presidential election."

And you are calling that proof it wasn't a false flag? That's cute. Israel thought the USS Liberty was an Egyptian ship too right?

It's more proof than you've offered, for all your bloviating. Give me a reason I shouldn't take Welch at his word.

Even if that was directly from the guys mouth on video, which obviously it wasn't.

That still wouldn't be evidence it was legit. The articles being written about the event prior to it allegedly occurring is more convincing than that quote.

Even if that was directly from the guys mouth on video, which obviously it wasn't. That still wouldn't be evidence it was legit.

Of course it is. What it's not is ironclad, incontrovertible proof beyond a shadow of a doubt. It is, after all, a police statement on an arrest submitted to a wire service. Assuming he doesn't plead, we'll probably have to wait for his trial for more information as to his motives. But I've asked you for hours for any evidence that the shooting was a "false flag", of which you seem convinced, and you haven't provided a single piece of evidence relating to Edgar Welch. Why should I listen to you?

The articles being written about the event prior to it allegedly occurring is more convincing than that quote.

What are you talking about? The dateline is today, reporting on something that happened yesterday.

Whatever you say.

Hey fun question for you! Who is the statue in the profile picture for James Alefantis' Instagram account?


a google search of his name shows he's an actor

That doesn't prove anything. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by an actor.

Show me the proof Mugatu wasn't behind this and maybe I'll believe you.

Sorry, I should have said he was assassinated by a model/actor.

But why male models?

You serious...? I just told you.

Haha Jesus Christ. You're getting pissed off from the amount of bullshit you are seeing on this planet? What in the actual fuck does that even mean?

Yep, I'm just a paid shill here to troll your brilliant ideas. Whatever it takes to insulate your fragile psyche from criticism.

The problem with talking to conspiracy theorists is that it ultimately doesn't matter to them whether it's remotely true or not, they're just happy that someone is paying them attention.

I would call you an idiot but I'm off the clock

I think you missed a good opportunity to say "wrong slice of history" instead.

Brilliant 😄😄

Well right off the bat you have a "phrase key" that was pretty much invented by Pizzagators. There's zero evidence that any of those words mean anything. In order to get past the very first part of that photo, I need to take the word of the people inventing this conspiracy that their list of "code words" is accurate without any way to verify it.

So at the second line of your "master evidence of Pizzagate" I'm already arriving at false, unverifiable information invented by those searching for a conspiracy. I continued, and found more fabricated information. there's a pic of someone affiliated with the resturant holding a kid with the hashtag "chicken lover," with the infographic claiming that's a word used by pedophiles. Googling the phrase I only find references to a restaurant. Gooling "Chicken Lovers" + pedophilia I only get articles about Pizzagate. Another fabricated pedophilia "code word" that the existence of this conspiracy relies on.

Don't you understand

Google is curating your search results to supress We The People from learning the Truth and dispensing Justice

Look at their logo

Primary colors

Where else are primary colors common?

That's right


Where they reap their harvest

Can't tell if sarcastic... or serious.

He's really serious. SMH

I wonder how many graphic designers did 'pedophiles' logos by accident and how many stock image sites sell them.

Welcome to 2016.

there's a reason why Kindergarten is still in german


No, there's an FBI document noting common pedophile symbols, and the pizza place logo loosely resembled one of the common patterns in that document.

Is this the same FBI that refuses to investigate this or Hillary?
Are they competent or incompetent?

What in gods fucking green earth does a random Hillary Clinton swipe have to do with this?

It's not random. She's at the heart of this. The same FBI that gave her a pass on the emails being cited also released all of the information on pedophiles that's being used.
Are they in on it or aren't they?
Are they competent enough to pull off this massive conspiracy or did they goof and put a pedo symbol on their big lit up storefront sign?
It doesn't make sense to cite the organization and then discredit it in the same conspiracy theory.

This circular logic is worse than a cat chasing its tail.
It's more like a cat bit its own nuts and got lockjaw.

The pizza and hot dogs from Chicago one kills me.

And really, for me, that really hurts the entire pizzagate argument.

Claiming that is pedophile speak when they're signature foods from Chicago, really illustrates how far they're reaching for "evidence".

You guys do know that "All Ages" when on a poster for a music show just means that people younger than 21 are welcome, don't you? The shows all start at 9pm, 10pm and such. Do you HONESTLY think they're encouraging young children to attend these shows?

Weird, freaky imagery on a rock-band's poster? Oh noes! Have you ever SEEN an album cover?

So we are going to start investigations based on random Internet rumors and word of mouth? McArthur trials 2.0 my friend.

It will never stop baffling me how much trouble understanding performance art gives you spirit cooking people.

Oh my god we've all seen this image. It's actual crazy talk. No hard proof at all just a bunch of 2spooky coincidences. Then when people show up with guns because of your hysterical posting, its all "but my free speech!". Well, here's free speech, just not consequence free speech.

Then when people show up with guns because of your hysterical posting, its all "but my free speech!".

Funny that people say this after an actor supposedly goes into a pizza parlor with a gun. No video evidence of that. No testimony other than police. In fact there's testimony to the contrary saying "there were no gunshots, and I was one of the last to leave the building".

Oh my god we've all seen this image.

You obviously can't think for yourself. Keep drinking the coolaid.

No hard proof at all just a bunch of 2spooky coincidences.

Yeah we're pushing for an actual investigation by police. That's how a warrant get's served, "2spooky coincidences" cause a judge to think it's a good idea to look into it.

No. Evidence and hard facts do. Not a web of noise.

Evidence and hard facts put people in jail. An investigation is how you get those.

Hey man, i see from your post history youre busy looking at animated Japanese porno, but any chance you got that source I was asking for? You know, the one you claim to have seen that discredits every major news source covering the topic.

For the most part I've stopped talking to people because we're both talking to brick walls.

But you are the one drinking the coolaid. You are drinking the coolaid of 4chan. They lead you on this hilarious goose chase and you have fallen for it hard. I bet the creator of this nonsense is constantly pissing himself laughing. They are a master troll. Well done, 4chan.

Where it says "the code" on the left hand side, it's a shame that wasn't sourced. It was copy/pasted from one post on 4chan. When one single post on 4chan is the source you're afraid to cite that the entire "case" hinges upon, there is a problem, and that problem is your commitment to dishonesty.

I'm very much in favor of investigating the emails, but too many assumptions have been made along the way and this public "investigation" is compromised. Possibly by CTR, but also possibly just by dumb kids.

You know what, here's a quote from me:

I don't even know what to do with people anymore. Some people are so comfortable with their lives they don't want to break their delusion that something like this isn't possible. I'm getting sick of it. Here, let me take out some of the bits that have no reliable source. No cheese pizza, chicken lover, or anything else. No "code" bullcrap included. The case does not solely rely on bullcrap code. I would hope people could actually filter properly but I guess not. I have to hold everyone's hand.

Does this fucking look family friendly to you?

Lets look at what kind of artwork tony likes.

How can you look at all this evidence and shrug it off like it's nothing. It's disgusting.

It's all very fascinating but extremely disjointed and still not evidence of anything. Everything that you just mentioned I could pull an explanation out of my ass for, each one something other than "evidence of a massive pedophile conspiracy." But you know that, and you know that your assumption of the value of these items is exactly that: an assumption based on the conclusion that you want to see.

Like I said, the entire public "investigation" is compromised by people like you. Maybe you're working for someone and you're doing this to discredit the investigation from the inside, or maybe you're actually retarded enough to think that what you've just provided me is evidence of anything but confirmation bias.

Regardless of which is true, it's just ridiculous. It was a very important investigation and people like you fucked it up. Whether you were paid to or whether you're just so fucking stupid is beyond my knowledge, but I hope you're proud of yourself.

I support the theory and the investigation. I DO NOT support confirmation bias. I follow facts and convincing data. All of this data is random and not convincing to form a single large narrative. The fact that you think otherwise is confirmation bias in action. Please, for the love of god, pretend to be intelligent enough for a moment and perform a legitimate investigation instead of spreading so much misinformation that no legitimate investigation can be had in the public square.

It's not confirmation bias. You don't need to look for it to see how fucked up even just the pictures on jimmycomet's instagram are. Too many "coincidences".

And you know what? The concerted effort between the media, police, a perfectly timed shooty-mcshooterpants(An actor. Magically, 22 hours before hand, the street camera was turned off/away. How convenient.[A psyops]) is what convinced me that this investigation is legitimate. The very thing that actually convinced me there's something to this investigation is how much every single "official" news source is trying to debunk/discredit it. How the "Fake News" narrative was pushed immediately after google searches of pizza-gate went rocketing.

You're right, he's a sick guy and has a really fucked up instagram account. He has a really weird restaurant with stupid artwork. He's probably a really shitty person to be around too.

I know another guy that fits those descriptions. Oh shit, you think he's connected? My kid drew a picture of both him and the guy you're talking about and both of their heads were round. Looks similar. Smoking gun!

This is retarded. I support the investigation, I do not support people like you unwilling to question the incredible leaps made by extraordinary assumptions along the way. So much of this investigation is borderline kindergarten quality. I don't even know what I support anymore when I say "I support the investigation." All I seem to find are people like you involved in it now. The intelligent people seem to have jumped ship already.

Fuck the CTR shills for polluting the investigation with false information, and fuck the people who propagate their false information to discredit what was, originally, a very important investigation. I hope someone, somewhere, is investigating it all on their own from the beginning. Whoever is driving/funding this needs people like me to be downvoted so the child-like investigative "evidence summaries" can be promoted to the top, to frame us all as unintelligent. It's working, too. That's the conspiracy in front of us right now, and it's being drowned out.

Completely ignores the last 2/3rds of my comment stating why I believe we're onto something.

It's not just the coincidences that make me think we need a real investigation. Too much MSM opposition.

Why do you think a pizza shop shouldn't have a walk-in cooler?

Get help.

Thanks for the support.

There is zero fucking proof in that image.

There's maybe a loose connection of coincidences.

I'm sorry, I just have to evaluate what I see, and that just doesn't hold up.

Ehats the bit about children with genetic disorders? Ive been out of the loop for about a week

Wow, I'm convinced! That text was so emphatic about it. Pizzagate is a real thing everyone it's not the delusions of basement dwellers between Minecraft runs!

You're on the wrong side of history.

I feel sorry for you.

I'm sorry you're mentally impaired and can't determine that this is suspicious.

Leave it up to the professionals, kid. Don't turn out like Crazy McShootypants.

Crazy McShootyPants is an actor. Nobody even heard a gunshot at comet pizza. If there really was a "Crazy McShootyPants" who wasn't supposed to be there, the fucker would have been shot by police the second they saw him. He was arrested without incident. That doesn't happen.

The influx of ignorance and shills is perfectly timed with the false flag event. Cool.

"Help, I've fallen into an alternate reality and I can't get up."

The forces of the world will be increasingly aligned against you. The conspiracy will grow larger, and seem to encompass the entire world. And you will never question if, maybe, it's because you're wrong. Instead you will only find ever-more-intricate explanations that will keep you pulling out your hair until some poor, unstable sap kills people.

...and even then, you'll go to your grave ranting about false flags. Hopefully one day you'll pull yourself out of it.

It's almost as if people think nothing like this has happened before. Guess what sugarcup, corruption and pedophilia has been in basically every government ever. It's in our history. It's happened every time. It's like people can't believe their almighty leaders would do something like that.

Bad things have happened, thus my 4chan-citations are real.

Based on the gratuitous use of a semi-colon -- lawyership confirmed.



Hey man, we have a slew of circumstantial evidence. That kept Zodiac hunters going for decades.

sure you are buddy we believe you.

Bull, again.

What's the phrase the left wing always uses? "It's the seriousness of the charge that demands investigation." Unless, of course, it is they who are under the microscope.

Um... I never said that.

If you like, I might venture a formula something like this: 'the seriousness of the charge' x 'the quality of the evidence'.

Surely you must see this? If someone turns round and says: 'Sean Hannity skins kittens alive and fries and eats their organs', nobody goes around to arrest Sean Hannity. They say 'What makes you say that?', and then you say: 'There's this email in which he says that's what he does', and if they police investigator reads the email and you've misunderstood, then there is no further investigation.

A British lawyer, litigator don't come in here and act all high and mighty about Americans rights to question and discuss concerning images and strange strange coincidences when you aren't barred or legally able to tell people that you can help them with American law. Take your European "I'm still pissed about Brexit" attitude and insult people someplace else you bully. What happened today won't be helped or solved with someone like you attacking and stereotyping everyone in this sub that works very hard to think outside of the box and attempt to explain very difficult questions. Can you explain why George Soros donated to this pizza place? Can you explain the pedophilia symbols in the former Bestas pizza logo? No you can't, but somehow people finding connections, relationships, and other evidence are retarded morons while you, clearly the superior, are smart enough to stick your head in the sand while yelling as loud as you can. No immediate threats or violence should happen to anyone who is under question because all Americans are entitled to a trial but acting like ALL the evidence is garbage and telling people that you're an attorney who knows the laws applicable to this case is not only illegal but downright bigoted.

I'm sticking my head in the sand? What makes you say that? I'm here debating the issue aren't I?

Also, I didn't make any remark about 'everyone in this sub'. I didn't even talk about everyone in this thread. My remarks are to those people who posture and aggrandize themselves as 'defenders of little children' while burbling on about inconsequential particulars and grabbing this fact from that continent and that fact from this continent and then amazing themselves with the wonderfulness of their creation - in the meantime making the most utmost serious allegations against people merely because they don't like them.

It isn't just a question of being entitled to a trial; the allegations against Hillary Clinton are partly involved in handing the Presidency to the Ghastly Gurner, one of the most godawful twats in politics. And yet these allegations are either untrue outright or hugely inflated. Saying things over and over without properly checking your sources is damaging, and those of us who understand these things better - sorry, but there it is, some people are better at baseball, some people are better at thinking - have every right to call BULLSHIT when we see it happening.

The law of evidence in the UK (technically, England & Wales) is not the same as the law of evidence in the US. But most of the principles are the same. You cannot throw a couple of hundred grains of sand on the floor and exclaim that you have a beach.

And.. uh.. Monica Peterson. How convenient that you forgot about her.

So despite several arrests and charges over the years being laid on dozens of employees of the US Government you don't think that there is potential that there are more people involved?

I have no idea what connection you are trying to make.

It can't be 'some people somewhere have been arrested and they were employees of the US government therefore pizzagate', because that would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?


Well that's a bit of a leap. Nothing? Like nothing at all?

1.) Billy boy Clinton, he has his paws all over Comet Ping Pong, he's also flying to Haiti to broker deals for the release of convicted child traffickers. He's also flying around with convicted pedophile Epstein, and is obviously tied to Huma Abedin's pedophile husband Weiner. And he also has numerous accusers of rape and child abuse.

2.) We have James Alefantis' disturbing instagram account, nothing needs to be said here. Any parent can see how horrifying it is. Anyone can make the conclusion that there are subliminal messages in his post.

3.) John Pedo-esta, long known to have a taste for the young ones evident in his art and emails about pizza that make 0 sense in context, but complete sense when applying the Wikileaks confirmed pedophile code uncovered by the FBI.

4.) The Rao character being connected to the disgusting Alefantis Instagram while at the same time prosecuting child sex abuse crimes.

5.) The Franklin cover-up, shows that pedophilia is a tool used by the ruling elite on both sides of the political spectrum for blackmail purposes against their lesser minion politicians.

6.) Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House, admitted child molester gets 15 fucking months. Hastert, Pedo-esta, Weiner, Epstein, Laura Silsby, Brownstone....Yeah alright we have nothing. Now you're gonna tell me Podesta forgot his handy map of the local pizza restaurants behind that's all!

None of that is evidence.

It's assertions based on your conclusions arising from a hopeless over-dramatising of unconnected and insignificant trivialities.

None of that is evidence.

lol we are talking about facts here my delusional friend.

Fact #1. Laura Silsby and company were lying to parents in Haiti that they were taking their children someplace inside the country where they would be able to see them again, but instead trying to illegally smuggle them out of the country never to be seen by their real families again. They were convicted of child-trafficking by Haitian authorities and were represented by a lawyer with known ties to child-trafficking. These children weren't even Orphans...

Fact #2. Billy boy Clinton flew to Haiti in the flesh to broker a deal to get these subhumans off the hook for their crime.

Fact #3. Billy boy Clinton and his succubus "wife" are known associates of James Alefantis as evident in the Instagram posts and Wikileaks emails. Having had multiple events at the restaraunt.

Fact #4. That Instagram content is completely disgusting and has multiple subliminal messages referencing pedophilia. Art on the walls is horrifying as well.

Fact #5. Franklin Cover up proves the use of pedophilia by the ruling elite to control their lesser pawns is a tactic employed by these depraved individuals.

Fact #6. Billy boy Clinton, close pal of Alefantis, also flies around in jets with CONVICTED pedophiles.

Fact #7. Anthony Weiner, with a taste for young girls, is also a part of this circle of corruption.

hopeless over-dramatising of unconnected

Yes, sure I am over-dramatizing child-trafficking. Seriously how anyone could defend this type of shit is quite concerning.

succubus "wife"

This is why you can't ask people to engage with you seriously. Every word that drips from your pen (figuratively speaking) labels you as deluded and obsessive.

Because I accurately describe Hillary as a non-human it negates all of those FACTS?

You are defending child-traffickers. You are on the wrong side of history here.

Because I accurately describe Hillary as a non-human it negates all of those FACTS?

Are you all retarded?

What it does, is persuade me that I don't need to consider your posts in any detail.

Not even going to try and address the facts just stick to the personal insults that's really contributing to the discussion.

I know the facts. (At least, most of them. Every day some email is discovered with a single word in it which gets plugged in to the meshwork of foolishness.)

But they aren't what you think are the facts, and they don't point to a conspiracy.

You don't. If you did you would be aware that you are currently defending convicted child-traffickers.

Good look on you!

Some of this 'child trafficking' was about removing children from Haiti to what was thought to be a better life in the US after the earthquake.

I don't approve of it.

The rest of it may have been an attempt to get children without consequences to sell for adoption, or even just to provide them to childless couples thought to be 'more deserving' than the plantation niggers in Haiti.

It's horrible enough; but it's not kidnapping children to abuse them.

It's horrible enough; but it's not kidnapping children to abuse them.

Interesting argument, lying to a family about taking their child to safety within that country then illegally smuggling them out of the country isn't kidnapping? That's exactly what it is.

If this scenario were actually as you describe it they would have went through all the necessary legal channels.

The rest of it may have been an attempt to get children without consequences to sell for adoption, or even just to provide them to childless couples thought to be 'more deserving' than the plantation niggers in Haiti.

...... just speechless on this one.

It's horrible enough; but it's not kidnapping children to abuse them.

Perhaps you need to educate yourself some more.

It's horrible enough; but it's not kidnapping children to abuse them.

Interesting argument, lying to a family about taking their child to safety within that country then illegally smuggling them out of the country isn't kidnapping?

This is one of the reasons reasonable people get fed up talking to you dummies.

I have highlighted the noun phrase which - apparently - baffled you completely when I first wrote it.

If this scenario were actually as you describe it they would have went through all the necessary legal channels.

OMG. I wrote simple plain English and it went over your head like a 747 flies over an idiot.

It's because they didn't go through the legal channels that what they did was wrong. They didn't go through the legal channels because then they would have been stopped.

If you think there aren't still white American people around who think the worst possible fate for a piccaninny child is to be brought up by non-American black people, you aren't paying attention. And my use of offensive language labels is ironic, intended to convey their twisted way of thinking.

If I'd realised you were an idiot I wouldn't have done it.

I don't need to educate myself. What happened elsewhere to other people at other times is not relevant to whether pizzagate has any traction on reality.

but it's not kidnapping children to abuse them.

That is an assumption not a fact.

If I'd realised you were an idiot I wouldn't have done it.

Yes your insults are really helping your sad argument in favor of the pedophiles.

What happened elsewhere to other people at other times is not relevant to whether pizzagate has any traction on reality.

Of course, child-trafficking has nothing to do with pedophilia right? Not even when there is a common thread between the Laura Silsby case and Comet Ping Pong in the form of the 42nd President of the United States.

Here's a fun question for you. Who is the statue in James Alefantis Instagram profile picture of?

That is an assumption not a fact.

It's not an assumption, it's a conclusion. And for someone who believes in the pizzagate nonsense to write such a sentence is an astonishing piece of irony. LOL.

Yes your insults are really helping your sad argument in favor of the pedophiles.

  1. You're accusing people of heinous crimes, including child abuse and murder, but it's unacceptable for me to call you an idiot? ROFL.

  2. I'm not in favour of the paedophiles; I'm against toxic, vicious conspiracy theories and baseless accusations.

Of course, child-trafficking has nothing to do with pedophilia right?

Not necessarily, and most of it - no.

Not even when there is a common thread between the Laura Silsby case and Comet Ping Pong in the form of the 42nd President of the United States.

That's it, for you people. You remember '6 degrees of Bacon'? One person linking two other persons isn't evidence of anything. This is why rational people discount everything else you say.

Who is the statue in James Alefantis Instagram profile picture of?

No idea. Have you asked the artist?

You're accusing people of heinous crimes, including child abuse and murder, but it's unacceptable for me to call you an idiot? ROFL.

This is a board for discussion not insults. Your personal insults serve to weaken your argument, not that it was particularly strong to begin with. I accused convicted pedophiles and child-traffickers of crimes and I am saying that the people posting disturbing Instagram content and sending disturbing emails should be investigated.

Not necessarily, and most of it - no.

Really? There are mountains of evidence to contradict your argument here.

No idea. Have you asked the artist?

It's Antinous...Now he couldn't possibly be related to pedophilia too could he?

"I think Obama spent about $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?"

LOL how many hot dogs/pizza can one acquire for 65 g's?

There are mountains of evidence to contradict your argument here.

Mountains? Hah. There isn't enough evidence to make a lump under a carpet. Your problem is that you don't know the difference between evidence and inconsequential.

That child-trafficking and pedophilia are connected? There's plenty of evidence.

Hey how many pizzas can one acquire with $65,000 anyways. And whats your personal theory as to why Alefantis chose a statue of Antinous for his profile picture?

I'm not responding to your questions.

I'll give you an example. A while ago there was a 'meme' about Kennedy and Lincoln assassinations. E.g. Lincoln's killer fired in a theatre and his was arrested in a warehouse; Kennedy's killer fired from a warehouse and was arrested in a theatre.

This is the same level as your evidence. Insubstantial, trivial, fanciful, inconsequential. It deserves nothing but scorn.

And for you and others to make the absolutely horrible allegations and accusations that you do against ordinary people like a guy who runs a pizza parlour, and against public servants like the ex-Secretary of State, on such flimsy bullshit is inexcusable.

You should all shut up and give your fucking fingers a rest.

against ordinary people like a guy who runs a pizza parlour.

And is an Antinous enthusiast! Don't forget his affinity for Antinous and date rape drugs!

and against public servants like the ex-Secretary of State

Lol I gotta thank you for this one. This is literally the funniest/most absurd thing I have ever read.

I'm not responding to your questions.

Just to clarify for anyone who might be reading this is the question he didn't want to answer was what his personal theory on why Alefantis would choose one of the most prominent examples for the legitimacy of child love in human history.

Can't blame him can you?

The reason I don't answer your questions is because they are facile. That goes for all of them.

Seeing through your bs is facile.

I think more likely you don't have a good explanation for why the scumbag you are trying to defend would choose Antinous for his profile picture.

That's not what facile means. I guess you had to look it up...

If so, you misunderstood the definition.

Don't match wits with me; I can outwit you with my wits tied behind my back.

I'm not defending anyone, I keep saying that.

I'm attacking you and others like you for attacking people against whom you have no evidence.

However, I've been doing this a while now; I've made my point and made my stand.

I don't kid myself that I can stop you single-handed. Someone else will have to carry the baton.

I'm away to deal with normal people again, people who don't have minds twisted by delusion.

I'm away to deal with normal people again, people who don't have minds twisted by delusion.

Ah yes, like the normal guy with Antinous as his profile picture. You guys aren't fooling anyone

Hot dogs and pizza?

WTF? Did you miss the part about the flying? What do you suppose a private jet goes for these days? You know, round trip, Chicago to Washington and back?

Nobody cares whether you think people who have sent emails you personally find disturbing and Instagram posts you personally find disturbing should be 'investigated'.

Like all the others, you have no idea what constitutes actual evidence, as opposed to lame details stitched together with artificial conviction and conjecture.

If you had evidence, the relevant people would act on it. The fact that the relevant people aren't acting on it isn't evidence - there's that word again of conspiracy, it's evidence of your lack of evidence.

WTF? Did you miss the part about the flying? What do you suppose a private jet goes for these days? You know, round trip, Chicago to Washington and back?

My father is a relatively wealthy business owner, I actually know a thing or two about private jets and their charter prices. Round trip Washington-Chicago you are looking at around $20,000-30,000. So how many pizzas/hot dogs can you acquire with the rest of the funds? And why would anyone want to eat a pizza that had been sitting on a plane for that long?

Nobody cares whether you think people who have sent emails you personally find disturbing and Instagram posts you personally find disturbing should be 'investigated'.

It's not just me, thousands of people in particular parents are horrified by this content. Dude has a profile picture of Antinous for fuck sake takes a special kind of fucked up person to do so.

If you had evidence, the relevant people would act on it. The fact that the relevant people aren't acting on it isn't evidence - there's that word again of conspiracy, it's evidence of your lack of evidence.

Franklin Cover Up proves this to be complete garbage.

thousands of people in particular parents are horrified by this content

Source, dumbass.

A subreddit isn't thousands of people.

How many people were subscribed to just r/pizzagate before it got shut down again?

So how many pizzas/hot dogs can you acquire with the rest of the funds? I have been to the White House, party couldn't have had that many people.

It was 25,000 subs before it got canned. Those 25,000 subs consisted of thousands of people.

You aren't fooling anyone that Instagram page horrified every single parent I showed it to before even making them aware of who Antinous is or what he stands for.

Here's a fun theoretical for anyone who happens to be reading.

Lets say Alefantis is trying to get a job as a teacher, should be pretty easy for someone of his stature no? Well then the school gets to take a look at his instagram account. Any chance he gets the job?

I believe you're lying.

Either that or you live in a community of half wits.

Normal people see pictures of that type and they know nothing untoward is going on.

It's your sick minds that sexualise a picture which has no sexual content.

It's your sick minds that sexualise a picture which has no sexual content.

You were saying?

Are you gonna try and tell me Alefantis could get a teaching gig with an Instagram like that?

Those are intentionally sexual, and pretty funny. It's a hipster pizza place...

It's your sick minds that sexualise a picture which has no sexual content.

But I thought it was my sick mind that sexualized the picture?

intentionally sexual, and pretty funny. It's a hipster pizza place...

Where is the humor here again? Is this not supposed to be a family friendly restaurant?

But I thought it was my sick mind that sexualized the picture?

He was obviously talking about the non-sexual photos of the kids, not the penis art you just posted...

Where is the humor here again? Is this not supposed to be a family friendly restaurant?

These are pieces of art posted by what is apparently a transvestite band leader, with the location listed at comet, where they do music shows. Look at the accounts listed in his description, it's all photos of transvestites.

A guy who leads a shocking band uses shocking imagery to promote his shows at a venue that does shows after-hours.


A guy who leads a shocking band uses shocking imagery to promote his shows at a venue that does shows after-hours.

All ages appropriate ey?

Sorry you've never been to a concert- all ages means shows that aren't 21+. Any show that allows people under 21 will call itself "all ages."

Here are a zillion examples, dumbass.

Any show that allows people under 21 will call itself "all ages."

I am well aware of that. Hence why I pointed out that this disturbing content is not appropriate for say a 15 year old?

You do realize your personal insults only serve to weaken your argument right?

I am well aware of that. Hence why I pointed out that this disturbing content is not appropriate for say a 15 year old?

My parents thought most of the music I liked and the imagery related to it was inappropriate, but I still liked it, I still figured out ways to go, and the shows were still full of other teenagers. Teenage rebellion usually goes hand-in-hand with inappropriate musical artists...

You do realize your personal insults only serve to weaken your argument right?

I'll take my chances.

Teenage rebellion usually goes hand-in-hand with inappropriate musical artists...

So you are going to argue that content like that is suitable for teenagers?

You would be defending someone with Antinous as their profile picture.

So you are going to argue that content like that is suitable for teenagers?

Yeah, I could have handled that at 15. I would have woken up the next day. I don't think it's great art, but I could see 2edgy teenagers thinking it was cool.

I remember I was 15-16 when my folks showed me Pulp Fiction, which features a gay anal rape scene. Art can be shocking and have merit, or be popular with teenagers. Are you a hermit or something?

You would be defending someone with Antinous as their profile picture.

He's a symbol of homosexuality... on the profile photo of a famous gay restauranteur. From Wikipedia:

Antinous became associated with homosexuality in Western culture, appearing in the work of Oscar Wilde and Fernando Pessoa.

Homosexuality, not pedophilia...

Homosexuality, not pedophilia...

LOL he's Hadrians child lover from a culture that accepted pederasty please tell me more about how he isn't a symbol of pedophilia.

That shit isn't appropriate for all ages. Go to a school and see how many parents agree with you on that one.

OL he's Hadrians child lover please tell me more about how he isn't a symbol of pedophilia.

That's how homosexual relationships worked back then, jesus christ. If you cared at all to actually learn about him, he's been an icon of homosexuality for like 200 years. He was a fucking teenager anyways, and your stupid conspiracy is focused around children. You are grasping so desperately at straws.

I see you've given up trying to associate a shocking music artist's personal instagram account with evidence of a world-wide pedo ring- are you willing to admit that entire line of "evidence" is nonsense?

Of course not...

That's how homosexual relationships worked back then, jesus christ. If you cared at all to actually learn about him, he's been an icon of homosexuality for like 200 years.

Let the record show that fucking kids is just how relationships worked back then and Alefantis and his family friendly restaurant using Antinous is perfectly normal.

I see you've given up trying to associate a shocking music artist's personal instagram account with evidence of a world-wide pedo ring

The associations are already there for everyone to see.

You should start an Antinous fan club!

Let the record show that fucking kids is just how relationships worked back then

Yes, that's what I just said, that is a fact.

Alefantis and his family friendly restaurant using Antinous is perfectly normal.

Is he used in promotional materials for the restaurant? Or are we talking about a gay private citizen using a famous icon of homosexuality in an internet profile?

The associations are already there for everyone to see.

You didn't prove any association, dummy. You understand I could post anything on instagram and tag your house on that post? Does that mean you're complicit in what I post?

Or are we talking about a gay private citizen using a famous icon of homosexuality in an internet profile?

A famous icon for homosexual pedophilia. FTFY.

Except it's not used as an icon of pedophilia, only homosexuality. Maybe because he wasn't a child?

Maybe because he wasn't a child?

This is from Wikipedia:

For centuries, pederasty had long been socially acceptable among Greece's leisured and citizen classes, with an older erastes (aged between 20 and 40) undertaking a caring sexual relationship with an eromenos (aged between 12 and 18) and taking a key role in their education;[20] and Hadrian took Antinous as a favoured servant when they were aged about 48 and 13. Such a societal institution of pederasty was not indigenous to Roman culture, although bisexuality was the norm in the upper echelons of Roman society by the early 2nd century.[21]

You were saying?

(aged between 12 and 18)

Right, but this conspiracy is about pedos, which is attraction to younger kids than that... You know this, you're just trying your best to bend the facts to fit your narrative.

about 48 and 13

Lol you were saying?

Okay you convinced me- it's a massive pedo conspiracy, that's the only logical alternative. Thank you for enlightening me.

No no you are right. Total coincidence he's posting young children that aren't his, date rape drugs, moloch, Lolita AND has a figure famous for child love as his profile.

Let alone Podesta and his pool entertainment and all the Clinton shit.

You guys really aren't fooling anyone you know that right?

It's not a famous figure for child love, no matter how many times you repeat your lie. I don't believe any of your other unsourced claims. I'm sure they'll be as flimsy as your shocking "all ages" music poster, that was a winner.

Yikes. You do think content like that is appropriate for all ages?

It's not a famous figure for child love, no matter how many times you repeat your lie

You are almost right here, he is a famous figure for homosexual child love. Even his Wikipedia page says as much.

Maybe you think an 11, 9 and almost 7 year old in the pool is "entertainment" also?

It's no more shocking content than going to a GWAR show which I did as a teenager.

It's a homosexual icon, no matter how much you wish it could have been used as a pedophilic icon. Despite the historical character's age (teenager, not child, much bigger distinction in that time) he is used historically as a reference to homosexuality, not pedophilia... probably because he's not pre pubescent, since that is what this whole conspiracy is about.

The kids in the pool comment makes perfect sense in context. People think kids are fun- seriously read that whole section. It's people arranging a play date, it takes some serious mental gymnastics to turn it into "Hillary's pedo ring."

Anyways, at the end of the day you are flat out wrong.

The kids in the pool comment makes perfect sense in context. People think kids are fun- seriously read that whole section. It's people arranging a play date, it takes some serious mental gymnastics to turn it into "Hillary's pedo ring."

That's terrifying that anyone can come to the conclusion that young children being identified as entertainment is perfectly normal.

It's no more shocking content than going to a GWAR show which I did as a teenager.

For the record: This is what u/lobf finds appropriate for an all ages show

Also Antinous is a homosexual pedophilia icon. What do we call 48 year olds who sleep with 13 year olds again?

Teenagers can handle penis imagery, dork.

I'm glad you're admitting that you have nothing but a hostile interpretation of a play date to support the facts. Sounds perfectly innocuous in context.

And again, keep using the historical context that the homosexual icon lived in to misinterpret the facts. I bet Romeo and Juliet is pedo porn too?

Teenagers can handle penis imagery, dork.

So you are arguing that penis and ejaculation imagery is appropriate for all ages. OK sure.

I'm glad you're admitting that you have nothing but a hostile interpretation of a play date to support the facts. Sounds perfectly innocuous in context.

"we plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be uber service to transport Ruby, Emerson and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure."

They are being identified as entertainment for an adult. Horrifying,

And again, keep using the historical context that the homosexual icon lived in to misinterpret the facts. I bet Romeo and Juliet is pedo porn too?

Again what do we call 48 year olds who sleep with 13 year olds now? Sure it was acceptable in ancient Greece, Alefantis must long for such a time. Was Romeo 48 and Juliet 13?

So you are arguing that penis and ejaculation imagery is appropriate for all ages. OK sure.

For an all-ages show, it's not a deal breaker. You're trying to manipulate the language on a concert poster to mean something else. Let's just remember that this is a musician with a shocking homosexual schtick, not a member or in any way related to comet pizza. He's putting on a show that doesn't serve alcohol (thus all-ages) and promoting it on his own time with a penis image. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhocking.

They are being identified as entertainment for an adult. Horrifying,

Ha. Either she thinks her kids are fun, or it's a tongue-in-cheek way of saying that these kids are a handful, so have fun corralling them. Only a sick mind would take such a thing to mean "worldwide pedo ring confirmed."

Like, they talked about heating up the pool for the kids to swim in.

Again what do we call 48 year olds who sleep with 13 year olds now?

Nowadays they would be a criminal. Unfortunately, history doesn't fit neatly into the way we model society now, so some of the only homosexual love stories are in the Roman-style context. It's happenstance- if you actually bothered to look into what he has historically represented, it is homosexuality only.

Was Romeo 48 and Juliet 13?

No, they were both 13, which would be a scandalous, disgusting story today. But we ignore that, because in the historical context it wasn't icky, and we instead focus on what makes it an interesting, moving tale. Like Antinous.

if you actually bothered to look into what he has historically represented, it is homosexuality only.

Keep telling yourself that Hadrian's child lover has nothing to do with Pederastry.

For an all-ages show, it's not a deal breaker.

Yes because why wouldn't content like that be appropriate for young children?

Ha. Either she thinks her kids are fun, or it's a tongue-in-cheek way of saying that these kids are a handful, so have fun corralling them. Only a sick mind would take such a thing to mean "worldwide pedo ring confirmed."

Ha, so you think this is normal ey

Keep telling yourself that Hadrian's child lover has nothing to do with Pederastry.

Keep manipulating the historical context for the story to make this a symbol of something that it's not.

Convenient you ignore my Romeo & Juliet analogy, why don't you focus on the freaks putting on productions of this child sex tale?

Yes because why wouldn't content like that be appropriate for young children?

Sorry nobody has ever invited you to a concert. Once again, all ages just means <21 years old. I used to go to punk shows at the Phoenix Theatre every weekend for all-ages shows. You would find kids as young as 14-15 to see bands like Nekromantix (necrophilia / murder / rape themes) or Anal Cunt.

All ages just means no alcohol. It doesn't mean they're inviting 6 year olds to the show. Once again, google "all ages music posters" and tell me that Nirvana is really looking to reach the small child demographic.

Ha, so you think this is normal ey

A blog about a baby? Yeah, looks perfectly normal to me, why don't you tell me what the problem is?

Let me remind you that you're trying to connect Antinous with sexualization of infants, which is an entirely different fetish, but don't let the facts get in your way.

Keep manipulating the historical context for the story to make this a symbol of something that it's not.

One only needs to look at Antinous' wikipedia page to see that he goes hand in hand with pederasty.

Convenient you ignore my Romeo & Juliet analogy, why don't you focus on the freaks putting on productions of this child sex tale?

I'm sorry you actually think that two 13 year olds having sex is even close to being on the same level as a 48 and a 13 year old, but it's not.

Sorry nobody has ever invited you to a concert. Once again, all ages just means <21 years old. I used to go to punk shows at the Phoenix Theatre every weekend for all-ages shows. You would find kids as young as 14-15 to see bands like Nekromantix (necrophilia / murder / rape themes) or Anal Cunt.

Lol yeah I have never been to a concert before. You are arguing that penis' ejaculating is content that is appropriate for all ages. It isn't.

All ages just means no alcohol. It doesn't mean they're inviting 6 year olds to the show. Once again, google "all ages music posters" and tell me that Nirvana is really looking to reach the small child demographic.

All ages means literally any age is welcome. You have admitted that as well.

A blog about a baby? Yeah, looks perfectly normal to me, why don't you tell me what the problem is?

A blog about a baby?

For reference this is what u/lobf is trying to pass off as normal

"Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A, right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now,"

yeah totally normal blog here.

Let me remind you that you're trying to connect Antinous with sexualization of infants, which is an entirely different fetish, but don't let the facts get in your way.

Connecting Antinous with the sexualization of children. You want to say that a 48 year old sleeping with a 13 year old is that much different than a 48 year old sleeping with a child even younger well not sure how many people you are going to find that agree with that fucked up logic. The kids in the Alefantis Instagram posts aren't even infants so you are especially reaching here.

One only needs to look at Antinous' wikipedia page to see that he goes hand in hand with pederasty.

Like the cultural references part, where pederasty isn't mentioned once? Or are you referring to the section where it reminds you that pederasty was socially acceptable in that era?

I'm sorry you actually think that two 13 year olds having sex is even close to being on the same level as a 48 and a 13 year old, but it's not

Let the record shot that Harambe_Remembers has no problem with 13 year olds having sex, or in public recreations of such deviancy.

Lol yeah I have never been to a concert before. You are arguing that penis' ejaculating is content that is appropriate for all ages. It isn't.

You say this like it's objective, but it's not. Regardless, this is a shocking artist called Homo Riot or whatever putting on a show that doesn't serve alcohol. That's all. It doesn't mean that comet pizza gave small children prints of that guy's instagram page. We both know this, but you're choosing to ignore things that don't fit into your narrative.

What's your address, so I can tag your house on instagram and implicate you in the global lizard conspiracy?

"Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A, right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now,"

I hear parents call their children princesses, kings, queens all the time. It's a blog with raw, unedited video of her doing things like playing with her new toy. It's barely curated, this description sounds absolutely fine to me. There is nothing there that would convince a normal person that it's evidence that Hillary Clinton runs a pedo ring.

Connecting Antinous with the sexualization of children.

Not all sexualizations of children are equal, as your refusal to acknowledge Romeo and Juliet proves. Antinous is a romantic homosexual story, loved by loads of homosexuals who aren't pedo / ephebophiles. That's just how homosexual relationships worked back then.

I'll just remind you that the age of consent in a lot of places is still 14, so not everyone shares our perception of sexual maturity. And it's STILL mutually exclusive with pedophilia, which is the sexualization of pre-pubescent children.

You want to say that a 48 year old sleeping with a 13 year old is that much different than a 48 year old sleeping with a child even younger well not sure how many people you are going to find that agree with that fucked up logic.

Well, it's objectively a different sexual fetish, there is no room for interpretation there. Hadrian wasn't a pedophile, which the Romans recognized, he was having what was at the time a normal relationship. Sorry it's so icky for you, history is icky. We look past the context to find themes we can relate to in present day.

The kids in the Alefantis Instagram posts aren't even infants so you are especially reaching here.

So then why are they evidence of a pedo ring?

Like the cultural references part, where pederasty isn't mentioned once? Or are you referring to the section where it reminds you that pederasty was socially acceptable in that era?

Pederasty yes, like in the case of Antinous and Hadrian.

Let the record shot that Harambe_Remembers has no problem with 13 year olds having sex, or in public recreations of such deviancy.

I don't have a problem with two 13 year olds having intercourse no I was 14 when I lost my virginity and there are no issues with this. If I was 14 and lost my virginity to a 48 year old though?

It doesn't mean that comet pizza gave small children prints of that guy's instagram page. We both know this, but you're choosing to ignore things that don't fit into your narrative.

I never claimed that comet was distributing this to children. My point is that a family-friendly restaurant should never allow such performances, much less label them as all ages.

I hear parents call their children princesses, kings, queens all the time. It's a blog with raw, unedited video of her doing things like playing with her new toy. It's barely curated, this description sounds absolutely fine to me. There is nothing there that would convince a normal person that it's evidence that Hillary Clinton runs a pedo ring.

Really? You are going to argue that raw, uncut footage of someone else's young child being offered for a price to paying strangers is normal? How many parents could you find to support that argument? I won't hold my breath. Also no one is accusing Hillary as being the leader you are just throwing that out there randomly.

Not all sexualizations of children are equal, as your refusal to acknowledge Romeo and Juliet proves. Antinous is a romantic homosexual story, loved by loads of homosexuals who aren't pedo / ephebophiles. That's just how homosexual relationships worked back then.

Right homosexual-pedophilia was just how it worked back then. James Alefantis using him as his profile picture indicates he longs for those times to come back as well.

So then why are they evidence of a pedo ring?

Because pedophilia is sexual feelings for children there is no age specification. 13 year olds are children, Antinous represents pederasty no matter how you try and spin it.

Pederasty isn't just icky to me, it's icky to nearly everyone in today's society. Your comfort level with it speaks volumes about who you are as a person.

I don't have a problem with two 13 year olds having intercourse

Just want to save this one.

Regardless, you have no problem with the public recreation of 13 year olds fucking each other and dying. That's because, again, we ignore the historical context in favor of finding themes we can relate to.

Unfortunately the passionate story of love between these two kids wouldn't have been the same if it was about two adults from the era. The historical context dictated the setting, but not the themes we appreciate about the play. That's why this is ridiculous- nobody considers R&J a disgusting sexualization of children, just like nobody considers Antinous a symbol of pederasty.

I never claimed that comet was distributing this to children. My point is that a family-friendly restaurant should never allow such performances, much less label them as all ages.

So you just don't like the bands they allow to play there. Then how are you using that as evidence that comet is doing anything at all? They are not associated with the restaurant, certainly a band member's personal artwork is indicative of nothing other than their preference in art / promotional material for their band.

Really? You are going to argue that raw, uncut footage of someone else's young child being offered for a price to paying strangers is normal?

It's free, and yeah, there are loads of blogs / youtube pages / instagram accounts that are just dedicated to documenting the growth of children. You are willfully ignoring this fact.

Also, it's free, not for a price, you also know that but choose to ignore that fact.

Also no one is accusing Hillary as being the leader you are just throwing that out there randomly.

She's absolutely been implicated in this conspiracy.

Right homosexual-pedophilia was just how it worked back then. James Alefantis using him as his profile picture indicates he longs for those times to come back as well.

Or he's using the reference in the same way that everyone else does- as a symbol of homosexuality, ignoring the (now) icky historical fact that that was usually between men and younger men.

Because pedophilia is sexual feelings for children there is no age specification.

Well, you're objectively wrong. There is no wiggle room- You. Are. Wrong.

Antinous represents pederasty no matter how you try and spin it.

Not pedophilia, no matter how you try and spin it.

Pederasty isn't just icky to me, it's icky to nearly everyone in today's society.

Agreed, including me.

Your comfort level with it speaks volumes about who you are as a person.

I'm a history buff, I read / listen to material on classical antiquity constantly (taking a break to read Rise and Fall of the Third Reich right now) so I'm long desensitized the the facts about homosexuality in antiquity. You're ignorant so it's still shocking.

Unfortunately the passionate story of love between these two kids wouldn't have been the same if it was about two adults from the era. The historical context dictated the setting, but not the themes we appreciate about the play. That's why this is ridiculous- nobody considers R&J a disgusting sexualization of children, just like nobody considers Antinous a symbol of pederasty.

Lol this is just insane as far as reaches go, no one care about R&J because there is hardly anything shocking about two teenagers falling in love.

People consider Antinous a symbol of pederasty because he was a child who had a sexual relationship with an adult. Regardless of the how people of that time period felt about pederasty it is still a man-child love affair that you are trying to say has nothing to do with pederasty. No logic at all.

So you just don't like the bands they allow to play there. Then how are you using that as evidence that comet is doing anything at all? They are not associated with the restaurant, certainly a band member's personal artwork is indicative of nothing other than their preference in art / promotional material for their band.

Keep telling yourself that penis' ejaculating pizza is appropriate content for children.

It's free, and yeah, there are loads of blogs / youtube pages / instagram accounts that are just dedicated to documenting the growth of children. You are willfully ignoring this fact. Also, it's free, not for a price, you also know that but choose to ignore that fact.

Oh sorry the free raw, uncut footage for strangers is normal to you? Disgusting.

Well, you're objectively wrong. There is no wiggle room- You. Are. Wrong

I am not wrong look up the definition for pedophilia.

Agreed, including me.

You don't seem particularly disturbed by it, in fact you keep mentioning how normal it used to be as a justification for using Antinous as your profile picture. You are basically saying that since it used to be normal for grown men to sleep with boys that there's nothing strange about Alefantis choosing him as his profile picture. That's without even considering the date rape drugs, moloch, lolita, and all the young children on the page given that context the choice of Antinous becomes even more disturbing.

Not pedophilia, no matter how you try and spin it.

What do we call 48 year olds that fuck little boys? Normal adults? Pedophilia is defined as a sexual attraction to children. A 13 year old is a child. Antinous and Hadrian's relationship was pedophilia no matter how hard you deny it.

Look up the definition for pedophilia there's no age limit.

Dime a dozen

Hey this guys a lawyer ^

Lawyer. Right.

Then you ought to know better than anyone that THE RULES OF EVIDENCE DO NOT APPLY TO THE INTERNET.

This is not a court, we are not cops and you poor lawyers are not getting a piece of the action. Yet.

This is not the court's jurisdiction. We don't have to meet any arbitrary burden of proof. We are just going to poke around and see if we can find where the fire is, within these smoke filled rooms.

That's what they said at Penn State!

Is that right?

After seeing how adamantly you're trying to make excuses for potential pedophiles you have to begin to wonder why.

Denny hastert and Jeffrey Epstein would have loved having someone like you around to cover for them when they were raping kids.

What's that mean, 'potential paedophiles'?

Do you realise how nuts you sound?

Well potential means having the capacity to develop into something in the future.

A pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to children.

You put those together and it appears to mean that there are enough coincidences in the entire pizzagate story that some of the suspected characters may be pedophiles of there was a real investigation.

There have been numerous cases of pedophilia with establishment types and powerful people so to say it's nuts is frankly just ignorant. Like I said, look at Denny hastert, Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony wiener.

Look up the 1983 congressional page sex scandal. Congressman created a program to work with boys who were juniors in high school and ended up having sex with them.

Read about Corey haim and Corey Feldman or what Elijah wood said about how rampant pedophilia is in hollywood.

To act like this is unprecedented and "nuts" shows you are simply uniformed about a lot of this stuff or you think it's ok, idk.

  1. So far as I am aware, the allegations being made by pizzagate theorists are about actual paedophiles.

  2. You cannot multilply coincidences to reach conclusions. If something is merely a coincidence another coincidence doesn't change that. (I know that people think that this is acceptable, but it isn't.)

  3. My argument is not that this can't be true because 'establishment types' can't be paedophiles. My argument is that there isn't a shred of convincing evidence against the people accused.

  4. I don't know about the congressional programme; I do know what the Coreys have said. Neither has any bearing on whether pizzagate is real.

Do you seriously not understand what potential means? It doesn't mean they're not pedophiles now, it just means it hasn't been proven, it's like saying alleged.

Denny Hastert, Jeffrey Epstein, Anthony Weiner etc set a precedent. It's not some insane conspiracy theory like the dems claiming Trump was a Russian Agent, with absolutely no proof.

There is nothing dangerous about talking about this and it is astonishing that people are so intent on defending it or making excuses for these people. Like why have you spent so much time online tying to convince people of something you clearly don't have a clue about? The reason there is no concrete proof is because the Washington elites and msm won't cover this story. The same people that lied about hands up don't shoot, Duke lacrosse, mattress girl etc. so when the msm is willing to run stories that are proven to be false and had no proof but not willing to even discuss this? It doesn't make sense and god forbid they do prove that any children have been hurt because of people like you who try to shut down discussion than you are going to look really bad.

Look what happened at Penn State, do you remember how many people deemed that insane before all the facts came out?

Do you seriously not understand what potential means? It doesn't mean they're not pedophiles now, it just means it hasn't been proven, it's like saying alleged.

No, you're wrong.

In that situation the phrase to use in English is 'possible paedophile', or maybe 'suspected paedophile'.

The potential to be a pedophile absolutely makes sense and the fact that you are sitting here incorrectly playing semantics to change the subject from child rape because of whatever weird agenda you have.

You must be one of the people who thinks pedophillia isn't a crime, it's only a disorder.

Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old during the election with absolutely no proof and the media and dems ran with it because it fit their narrative.

So maybe instead of trying to misconstrue my words to make your point you can explain to us why you so adamantly defend or overlook children being raped? Clearly you don't think it's a bad thing and shouldn't be investigated unless caught in the act right?

You are a tedious idiot.

I repeat: I am not defending anyone. Actually, there isn't anyone to defend, if you put three times your 'evidence' in a bag with a dollar bill, you'd have a dollar bill. I'm just challenging the pizzagate bullshit.

Do you realize you're in a fucking conspiracy theory subreddit? Do you think you're in your liberal circle jerk in /r/politics or something? Where is it ok for people to discuss your pedophillia hobby?

You've spent over a day trying to get people to stop discussing this? Why? Wtf do you care? You do let have a clue what you're talking about either, you act like there is no evidence and people are just making this shit up lol.

I don't know if you yourself are a pedophile or if you just know one or something but to so blindly defend it shows you have at least some ties to it, and it's pretty sick.

I've explained why I'm doing this. Try to catch up.

You're in a conspiracy subreddit defending pedophiles.

Sorry, I missed the part where I defended anyone. Care to elaborate?

Just FYI, what I'm doing is attacking the ridiculousness of this pizzagate conspiracy circlejerk. There's nobody to defend, because nobody's done anything wrong.

You are in a conspiracy subreddit arguing against people discussing a conspiracy. You have no clue that nobody has done anything wrong. You don't want people to even discuss it because it sheds light on people like yourself who are attracted to children

You have no clue that nobody has done anything wrong.

That's not how it works. The accuser has the burden of proof.

It's symptomatic of your illness that you make vicious allegations against me simply because I don't agree with you and I say so vigorously. What a shitty person you must be.

You are in a conspiracy theory subreddit telling people they can't discuss a conspiracy. If you were just trolling you would have dropped it, but your obsession with it really makes you look like a pedophile sympathizer.

Do you understand what a conspiracy is? Can you tell us where people should be allowed to discuss conspiracies? Have you went into every topic in here and demanded evidence and if they couldn't provide it you tell them they can't discuss it? If not why? Why do you only care about pedophiles? There are other topics in here that are way more far fetched than this but you leave those alone. If you don't realize how big of a sign that is that you have some ties to pedophilia I don't know if you can be helped.

you need victims

I dont think this is bullshit, but it is too late. No victims, no evidence, no investigation. Most likely, if true, they cleaned up their operation and maybe in 15 years we will hear something

Cathy O brian.

The haiti children

The 800 missing children in the US every year

Your numbers are a bit off..

Going by memory. Feel free to correct/source me.

500,000 missing a year.

Also 140,000 in the UK each year. Never heard a thing about it other than the poster I saw this statistic on.

Are these FBI statistics? You know they refused to prosecute Clinton?
They can't be trusted.

Dude, you need to put in similar time like John DeCamp did before anyone even remotely takes you serious and even then, most will likely not take you very serious, case in point, John DeCamp knew about Jerry Sandusky 10 years before the MSM caught wind.

The missing children stats is never explained right (just informing people):

  • 800,000 total children (including teenagers)
  • About 200,000 kidnapped by their own parents
  • Majority of the rest are teenagers who fled home, got trapped with wrong gangs, fake modelling jobs, got lost, etc. (the majority of missing children are not kids but teenagers)
  • About 1000 kidnapped by total strangers
  • About 100 "white van kidnapper" kind of scenario (called stereotypical kidnapping). Apparently, half come home.
  • Over 96% of all abductees return home within 24 hours, majority are teenage runaways

Those statistics should "cheer" you up in the circumstances. Most kidnappers are also known to the child/teenager. Parents are the biggest kidnappers!

Also.... I'd like to point out that these are the US stats, so maybe the huge 'child trafficking network' isn't that big in USA but still there.

Soooooo I suggest AGAIN to people to look in third world countries or conflict zones if they want "quantity".

Has anyone ever wondered why Haiti international adoption was 50% lower on the year of the 2010 earthquake... in a country where lot of children are undocumented.... where huge mining and clothing industries got built..... and where the Epstein Foundation is building at least one mega school...... and that foundation also funds studies about human behaviors & AI, and stuff that would be highly unethical to test on human subjects .............

Has anyone ever wondered why Haiti international adoption was 50% lower on the year of the 2010 earthquake... in a country where lot of children are undocumented

Uh, probably because they had a huge earthquake?

You know that killed hundreds of thousands of people, destroyed an immense amount of infrastructure, sent their government into disarray, and allowed massive swathes of illness of cut through the country.

Not exactly a time when adoption numbers will be high?

Did you count the number of total children who were sent outside Haiti in the Clinton's emails and compared with that stats?


(and yes it was exactly a time where adoptions should be high)

Did you count the number of total children who were sent outside Haiti in the Clinton's emails and compared with that stats :)

No, did you? Or did you read it on some random website?

(and yes it was exactly a time where adoptions should be high)


Do you think I'd ask you and would need a random site when the Clinton emails themselves contain part of the answer? WTH is that useless smart ass question. That just to show how the info that was taken from those emails were cherry-picked by pizza peeps and you didn't even really verify the so called "adoption scandal" of Silsby.

Why the adoption should be higher than the previous and next years? Because half of the population are kids........................ Doesn't take a math genius to figure out even without looking at the casualties there's most likely more kids orphans than parents whose kids died. The point is the stat is intriguing and it's the theories why that are interesting, not how to disprove there's anything that went on there. It's not a competition, dude. Wanna save kids or not?

Now you're just using bad faith and fallacies for a mysterious reason and motivation. Doesn't make sense to look at Haiti? That's what I'm suggesting. Don't go insecure thinking I'm trying to disprove the fail pizzagate by using Haiti; both are possible at the same time but maybe you guys don't have much interest in black little kids, I don't know. It's not a secret either there's a lot of child labor there, just read the reports, check which corporation did the pay-to-play. Lot of relationships. You guys are horribly insecure and terrible investigators. I also find it interesting the Epstein note is of no interest to any of you and was mentioned many times....! Too much work, not enough pizza.

TH is that useless smart ass question

It's literally half as smart-assed as yours, you even included a fucking smilie face, the definition of smart ass.

Ask dumb questions, get dumb answers.

Why the adoption should be higher than the previous and next years? Because half of the population are kid


How exactly do you think adoptions happen? You think that # of adoptions is directly proportional to # of children who have recently been recently orphaned? You think that a government that has been totally devastated, an economy in shambles, and much bigger problems to deal with, is going to spend a ton of manpower and money to just shovel potentially orphaned children to other countries? Adoption processes take years to complete.

This low level of critical thinking is why no one believes you.

well actually yes they put that much manpower into it. There's over 1000 NGOs related to orphanages that were moved to haiti following the earthquake. They even sent kids oversea that were not even following the pre-adoption process.

It's also obvious they do if you read the emails on wikileaks in that time instead of cherry-picking what fits the 'validated chan theory'.

"14 children in limbos" as humanitarian parole so they can still be sent to USA even without knowing if they have parents or not. That’s something the haitian government is clearly trying to oppose.

This white paper outlining the situation of the 12 Haitian children still in limbo in Pittsburgh is too darned long but HHS feels it is essential for the senior decision makers in all three Departments to appreciate the full range of players who are interested in the decisions made about the children.

It lays out both side of the argument, including the Prime Ministers conviction that they are being robbed of desperately needed resources by a system that is bringing in commercial goods under the guise of humanitarian assistance. He once told a group of donors that in many instances the NGOs did not know that their own staffs were running smuggling rings while using them for cover.

Although the Governor's office believes all of these children were "in the adoption pipeline"…

Out of the 12 children listed who are at the Embassy now, we only have ever heard of 2 of them before.

None of these children match with any of those on the previous list except the two, and those two were not destined for France.

As the conversation is forwarded to Cheryl:

Update on the 12/twelve "new" children. Essentially they are really "new".

On November 12, MINUSTAH issued a public press statement confirming that peacekeepers who had served in the country were among the 50 individuals sanctioned for sexual abuse of women and minors in 2007.

The government did not register all births immediately and did not keep statistics concerning the number of births unregistered each year.

Credible and numerous NGOs reported widespread and endemic abuse at many of the country's more than 600 orphanages, the majority of which were unregistered or not licensed by the government

On September 16 (2009), Douglas Perlitz was arrested in the United States on suspicion of sexually abusing minors at a boys' home, which he founded and managed in Cap-Haitien. The facility closed in January.

In 1997, Perlitz obtained a grant from the Order of Malta, and founded “Project Pierre Toussaint” (PPT), a boys school in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, as well as “The Haiti Fund.”

From approximately 1998 through 2008, Perlitz sexually abused at least 18 of the minor children in his care. Perlitz engaged in predatory grooming techniques and abused his position as the director

Women from the Dominican Republic were trafficked into the country for sexual exploitation. Traffickers also used the country as a transit point for foreigners.

About Uganda child trafficking related to NGO and foreign adoption (intel files)

These cases generally do not involve traditional orphanages, but rather children connected to prospective adoptive parents through charities and child sponsorship programs. The biological parent(s) often reached out to the charity originally claiming the child was an orphan


I have actually read and research the topic... not image montages posted by "annon". This is just a glimpse btw but you guys fight so hard for your theory that you even attack people showing you other tracks and clues.


DELETED CONTENT BECAUSE OF A USER HARASSING MONICA'S FAMILY ON FACEBOOK. The same one who started the whole Monica thing based on lies.

Majority of the rest are teenagers who fled home, got trapped with wrong gangs, fake modelling jobs, got lost, etc. (the majority of missing children are not kids but teenagers)

Uh, yeah. See, that's where your "stats" argument falls apart. Epstein and the other big rings took LARGELY from this demographic.

Yeah but pizzagate 'enthusiasts' use the teenager stats and passes it as kids stats.

Get why it's manipulative to use the 800k for pizzagate?

You don't have much epstein stuff, in fact that's one guy who should be investigated by you and none of you analyzed the blackbook, mentions the police reports and all those things that are actually tangible proofs.

I'm confused, why does it matter if they are teens or children? They are still underage and awful things still happen to 15 or 16 year Olds in regards to trafficking

Because pizzagate is focused (or pretends to be) on young children, not teenagers. So using the whole 800k statistic for it is a bit deceitful and also takes some focus away from the majority of victims. All victims are important but let's just say 100 vs 800k changes where you're going to look at to find a (some) network(s). It shows the young child trafficking network are very small and the children are most likely trafficked by their own parents than really kidnapped as we imagine with the stereotypical kidnapping scenarios.

eg. More probable scenario: the mom never 'lose' her kids to a kidnapper... she pimps the kid herself. Those kids are not on these stats but are certainly in much larger number than 100 per year.

That's why it's so important to look at the stats for what they are so the children can be really helped instead of looking at "huge networks' that might be very rare or not exist in the way people think.

The teenagers in questions are not all "kidnapped"; they are mostly runaways and teens who were promised modeling jobs, babysitting jobs, shelter jobs for money or drug or attention. Teenagers who made bad choices but still choices. So you're not going to find them at the same place as the young kids. You'll find most of them in prostitution rings, that's very different.


Shills like you use the "white van" stats and hold that up as the only "real" evidence of this kind of activity. Pathetic lies.

These are the people that hung out with Epstein and Hasterman, champ.

Then every single stats is wrong since that's how it's freaking called.

Those stats even come from a LINK & with THE SAME WORDING POSTED BY ONE OF YOU! That just shows you haven't read those links yourself. Here you go champion.

You know what is fucking stupid? Is that you should be interested to know the info I posted but you are sooooo psychotic and wanting to prove your point (and full of snowflake ego) that you'll deny any other tracks of an actual REAL PEDO / HEBEPHILE just to "be right". Come on, grow up.

This guy above is the kind of guy who does rapping-little-girls jokes in the Barrens chat but is now outraged on Reddit. SMH

LOL you're a little triggered right now, snowflake!

Sorry, but your "white van" stats aren't the key here. Nobody questioned the accuracy of the stats you've presented. Just pointing out that you're a CUCK for proposing that the 800,000 isn't the pool from which these sickos are doing their business.

Epstein. Hasterman. Saville. The Hollywood Ring. The England Ring. The Bosnia Ring.

Every single one of them used primarily TEENAGERS covered under the 800,000 number that you yourself supplied.

Stop spreading the LIE that we are only concerned with the "white van" statistic.

well... I'm not the one using "LOL" and throwing random baseless unrelated statements regarding a child sex abuse topic.

If your pizzagate is about the biggest majority of victims:

  • Why are you guys panicking with innocent baby pictures of a father and his son, and see sex into it? Avg age 2-4 yo

  • Why do you panic and post half the art collection of that painter if your focus isn't about young children? avg age 6-10yo

  • Why do you mix McCann to this? age 4yo

  • Why is it that 90% of your 'proofs' and 'arguments' are related to babies and very young children, and not a single teenager or hebephile reference besides Epstein picture? ....

  • Do you guys have any clue what is a pedophile and what is a hebephile, and how they are so different that they cannot really be mixed together or even investigated the same? You have zero profiling or psychological research about both types but you are still doing some switch and bait using one or the other to prove your 'huuuuuuge' pedophilia network.

  • Did you read all the Epstein police reports and know how the victims got in touch with Epstein? Their own friends recruited them for money. It was a pimp "commission based scheme" with willing participant avg age 17, youngest 15.

  • How did Savile got to his victims? Most of time, the parents brought the children. No trafficking or network. The guy is actually a very opportunistic sexual predator, his victims range from 8yo to 75yo (seventy-five years old!)

  • Bosnia 'pedo' ring?? This? "1999: Whistle-blower Kathryn Bolkovac, who was working as a UN International Police Force monitor in Bosnia, *reveals UN police officers were paying for prostitutes and participating in trafficking of young women from eastern Europe as sex slaves*. (hint: young women = adults)

  • England ring? WHICH ONE!

  • Hasterman? Do you mean Dennis Hastert? He was a teacher who had access to young boys.... Not really a pizzagate with pizza and occult.

  • Hollywood ring? Fits exactly what I described about teenagers (recruited and abused through promises of work, money,drug or fame)

  • Dutroux? That's probably the closest to your "pizzagate" and not. Maybe you guys are too scared to investigate OTO and I wouldn't blame you...

  • etc.

You mix everything together, throw names around while each case had a very different modus operandi, targets, etc.

Literally everything you said is shit.

800k. Of all age ranges, backgrounds, etc.

GTFO, pedo denier.

No one takes Cathy O'Brien seriously. The Haitian and US children that are missing, are missing. You need actual victims with either reliable testimony or direct physical evidence

No one takes Cathy O'Brien seriously.

No one took Galileo seriously. Cathy has lacerations deep inside her genitalia, do you think she did that to herself? Her story has remained constant over decades.

What about the Hamstead kids?

Have you seen conspiracy of silence? (it's on youtube)

They did take Galileo seriously, which is why they killed him rather than ignore him like they O'Brien. A simple search can show you how seriously people take O'Brien.

The Hampstead kids are Hampstead kids, not "pizza-related"

Yes the conspiracy of silence is well known and I am saying this is part of the problem

Not that it's really relevant to pizza gate, but Galileo was put on house arrest, not killed.


Didn't you support Bernie?

Who did you finally vote for?

I thought so.

Not Trump you twat.

Oh but you can. It's complete nonsense

There are real people who do this shit for a living. Not a 14-year-old who can't tell fiction from reality anymore because he fell down an internet hidey-hole with all his fake internet friends.

Absolutely. It's complete and utter bullshit. There is no evidence.

Absolutely untrue. I came across this pizzagate thing a week ago and read up on the "analysis", "investigations" etc. Personally, I find it to be bat shit insane.

And I would like to add to this, allegations as are being made are not just "strong" they are devastating. I find it unconscionable to raise these without FACTS and PROOF, none of which exist. If you ever have been wrongfully accused of much lesser things, you'd wince and cry because society treats accused as convicted, particularly when it comes to this topic of sex crimes against children.

The complete void of compassion for those accused without proof and evidence boggles my mind and makes the accusers nothing but vermin. Present proof and evidence and let the wheels of justice work. Stop screaming justice doesn't work hence we replace it with our version of it. Justice isn't perfect but it's way better than this accusation porn.

Unless you've rustled up something better than a game of dominos, the merits of playing said game after consuming a gift basket of cheese versus a gift basket of pastas and sauces, a pizza map, and a pool party ... then yes, yes you can.

/u/faithle55 is completely correct, any of the proof that has been presented is circumstantial at the very best. The problem is that Reddit is treating it like it's direct evidence, which it most certainly is not.

Lots of people got practice ignoring Jimmy Savile and the popularity of pedophilia in the UK government.

This guy is exactly right. You guys don't have any real evidence. You have theories supported by a heavy bias and willingness to do mental gymnastics to twist reality to fit your narrative. In the real world investigative agencies look for tangible evidence. Internet circlejerks, not so much.

so as long as criminals obscure themselves from obvious blame, people should just forget about these things? is that your point? 'the media' and 'the police' will take care of it so everyone should just go back to watching Gilmour Girls?

Yeah, maybe somebody should go hold a pizza employee at gunpoint about it!

This crazy pizzagate nonsense needs to stop. It's a politically-charged hack of a theory that's going to get someone killed by idiots.

how did you jump to that conclusion?!?

I don't promote anybody doing anything crazy like that. I've never argued against having evidence, but stopping people from doing research and such is crazy. I don't agree with vigilante justice, but I don't think people taking an interest in helping uncover corruption and horrific crimes isn't bad either. There is a line that can be crossed, but you are taking it to the other extreme.

History is littered with powerful people having terrible systems of abuse and fronts for carrying out that abuse. If you want an example that has been actually admitted and (attempted) to be remediated, look into the Residential Schools for aboriginals in Canada. The Canadian, English, and certain Churches systematically tortured, murdered, and tested (medically and otherwise) on children who were taken from their families up to as late as the 1960s/1970s. Also, the Jimmy Savile thing was a more recent connection. Governments have been involved with extremely terrible things like this before, so people don't give the benefit of the doubt. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.

Uhh I said that in reference to him claiming that I was sticking up for the vigilante justice guy. I wasn't. Justice should be carries out by the authorities if and when they have evidence to do so. Both sides if this issue are crazy, your doing your side no favors by putting words in people's mouths and going after them for things they never said

You are absolutely right. Criminals obscure their activities. You are also right that people should forget about pizzagate so authorities can investigate real crimes and not an internet circle jerk based off some theory there is hidden code in emails from Podesta, the validity of which is highly suspect.

Show me any shred of physical evidence and I'll be more than happy to change my tune.

I've looked at the "evidence" online and it's laughable.

My point is let these people do their internet sleuthing. If they come up with evidence that can be acted upon, that is a plus, correct?

I am totally on your side about vigilante justice, but we don't go and shut everything down because one person took it too far. Also, if you are dealing with corruption, there is a good chance that these things could be a discredit to the whole investigation.

This all started with FBI memos and weird pictures, not based on some crazy person making a claim out of nowhere. This might be very unfair to Comet Pizza, but life isn't fair. People will suss out fire if they smell the smoke, and while I personally don't see any smoking gun evidence with comet pizza, I also haven't really looked very deeply into it (and frankly i'm unwilling to considering the content and the subject matter). As long as people are respecting those who are uninvolved, I don't think its something we should be hating on. History has shown us time and time again that powerful people and governments can do horrific things under our noses.

While they do their internet sleuthing they have an impact in the real world. Thats what you morons don't understand. The people that own that place, and the ones that work there, patrons... Are having real life consequences because fucking retards are constantly bad-mouthing them. With 0 proof.

This might be unfair to you, but what do you think, should we all go to your Facebook to call you a pedophile, phone your friends and family to tell them you are a pedophile, or call your job to ask them to fire you because you are child fucker?

with absolutely no context? no, you shouldn't.

You are concluding things you do not know. How do pedophile rings (which we have proof exist in different forms around the world) exist if they are blatant about it? It's not black and white.

From your post history I can get more twisted context than the one you guys have.

What you are doing is harming this people based on nothing. Send the supposed info you have to all newspapers and agencies and be done with it, because you are whipping the unstable individuals in your kids into a frenzy.

I would love to see some legit proof and would write for the "biased MSM" about it in a second. (Note "would love" as in "hasn't happened yet")

Till then you are harming people's lives based on zilch.

Go ahead and look at my post history... I'm not into pizza gate or any of this stuff so fire away.

I just think both sides are extreme - the side that is convinced is as crazy as the side that isn't. You are proving my point by putting words in my mouth and witch hunting. It doesn't help your cause to treat people like garbage.

Again, I haven't done anything, so what are you accusing me of exactly?


I get it. You're concerned about pedophile rings. And those podesta emails and the mental gymnastics of creating some code so people can accuse him and the company he keeps of running a ring out of a D.C. Pizza place...

Idk, when I have to make up a secret language to interpret questionably sourced and probably not actual emails.... just way to much suspension of common sense for me.

Why not drugs?
Why'd they skip past drugs or regular old hookers and go straight to pedophilia?

Why do these people know do much about pedophiles anyway?
I didn't know any of this before the matur-gaters started up with it.
We need to look into them and their motivations before we start tearing people's lives apart.

Really, Comet Pizza has a huge libel suit on their hands. Publishing unsubstantiated accusations has caused the real and serious harm.
These guys need to come out and make their case and stop hiding behind the internet.
The owner has s tight to face his accusers.

  1. The code was known long before Pizzagate. Much of it defined by the FBI.

  2. The podesta emails are verifiable through googles own authentication system.

You're not concerned about pedo rings. You're concerned about the Clintons and the DNC. Be fucking honest, at least.

Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they support Hilary and the DNC. This is about a terrible accusation against a business who has suffered greatly because of this. Also if all of you are so damn worried about pedo rings why haven't the lot of you started a GoFundMe drive to help in the prevention of this? Why not donate to one of the 1,000's of non profit orgs who help kids who are abused or molested?

You know why? It is easier for you to waste energy chasing a phantom story instead of doing real work.

I'm just making sure we're on the same page, I was insinuating that a lot of the people who are concerned about this are far more concerned about "exposing the DNC and ruining HRC" than they are about busting pedo rings. They wouldn't care about a pedo ring unless they got to shit on the DNC and HRC.

Got it. Sorry about the mix up.

I think Podesta is at the center. Seems like the kind of dude who has been in unelected power for far too long.

You'd think they'd wise up after this stupidity.

We have the proof. Clinton is behind this

Ok, so provide the proof to the authorities, and if you don't trust them, the media, and if nobody believes you... it might just be you.

That's just fucking ridiculous.

You should sign up with David Icke. He was far-sighted about this; he's been claiming that everyone in power is actually a 12' tall shapeshifting alien lizard - from, I think, another galaxy.

He hasn't a shred of proof either; but it hasn't stopped him making a lot of money out of gullible people.

There's nothing to investigate. Its a bunch of bullshit. Bullshit noise. Actual real adults who deal with real crimes aren't looking into this because they can detect bullshit better than a bunch of internet warriors are their keyboards thinking they're Felicity from Arrow or some shit

The owner lied about his basement in order to discredit the story... too bad he mentioned his basement in an interview last year.

How's that for detecting bullshit?

So, since the owner supposedly made two contradictory statements about a basement, his business is responsible for supplying minors for sex to highly-ranked members of the Democratic Party?

Really? That's the best you've got?

100% suspicion is not the threshold for investigation, it's the threshold for sentencing.

Nobody here is advocating for sentencing at this very moment.

Oh how generous of you.

Judging by the behavior here and on related subreddits, there's much greater grounds for investigating you lot for harassment.

What's your stake in it?

The lie was directly addressing the accusations soooo.... ya!

If you are being investigated for taking your neighbors lawn mower and give a public statement that you don't even own a lawn mower but the neighbor took a pic of you using a lawn mower that matches exact description the day before your statement. Ya. That's evidence.

If you are being investigated for taking your neighbors lawn mower

They're not being investigated for anything.

That's evidence.

Evidence of what? You need a crime to be committed first to have a reason to look for evidence.

There is a public investigation which he was responding to directly when he lied. If there's no investigation then you have no need to be here vehemently denouncing silly conspiracy theory talk. What are you afraid of?

Reasonable suspicion exists. In this case it takes the form of lying publicly while attempting to discredit public researchers who are only digging through publicly available resources.

If this guy really didn't have anything to hide he has certainly thrown gas on the fire by further encrypting his website and lying on interview when he could just as easily dismissed the whole thing by using his power as 94th most influential person in a city with thousands of powerful people to get a quick tour of his basement televised as soon as this started.

He's as responsible as anyone else you'd like to blame for how this pans out.

Let's take your barmy response line by nutty line.

There is a public investigation which he was responding to directly when he lied.

No, there's a public campaign of harassment. Investigation is carried out by the police or other law enforcement agencies.

If there's no investigation then you have no need to be here vehemently denouncing silly conspiracy theory talk.

There is no investigation. However, I'm here because the harassment conducted by people with the same crazed opinions as you resulted in an armed assault upon the establishment in question.

What are you afraid of?

More idiots like today's one being inflamed to further acts of violence by people like you.

Reasonable suspicion exists.

No it doesn't. There has not been one shred of reasonable evidence presented by anyone, in this thread or out of it, to implicate the business in question in any illegal activities relating to either minors or the Democratic Party.

In this case it takes the form of lying publicly while attempting to discredit public researchers who are only digging through publicly available resources.

You can't call "reasonable suspicion" after the fact. Reasonable suspicion has to exist before an investigation is conducted (leaving aside the aforementioned fact that what has happened so far has not been an investigation, but rather harassment). Also, just because information is public doesn't mean that using that information inappropriately is acceptable. If someone published your name and home address on Reddit and asked for people to send you death threats, that would most certainly constitute harassment, and is in fact what has been done to the business and its staff.

If this guy really didn't have anything to hide he has certainly thrown gas on the fire by further encrypting his website and lying on interview when he could just as easily dismissed the whole thing by using his power as 94th most influential person in a city with thousands of powerful people to get a quick tour of his basement televised as soon as this started.

"Encrypting his website"... do you actually know what those words mean? And why should he be obligated to do anything whatsoever to mollify his harassers?

He's as responsible as anyone else you'd like to blame for how this pans out.

No he's not, neither legally nor morally. People like you need to directly bear the blame for what happened today and previously.

LoL. I am not directly involved in this scandal and as such can bear no blame.

This guy on the other hand is at the center of what's happening and instead of the absolute simplest thing he could have done to end the whole damn thing (a tour of his restaurant and basement), he lies about the existence of the basement as a means of discrediting his accusers.

He is at the core and is fueling the fire.

I'm just sitting here watching it burn and telling people not to get too close, but don't turn your back either.

By your logic then by defending him you should bear the full brunt of the blame if he is found guilty of what he's being accused of. That's absurd.

That's the crux of your argument that it's the center of an international pedophile ring?

I'm detecting a whole lot of bullshit, dude.

Links to actual bullshit provided. Have a nice day detective.

Damn you cracked the case! Wrap it up boys, those pedos are done for sure. Thanks for being so helpful to this effort.

Links to sources?


For the lazy.

Kinda surprised you haven't already seen this with how many times it's been reposted, since you're on r/conspiracy after all.

For the even lazier-

CPP doesn't have a basement, his other restaurant next door does, not that anything to the contrary ever gets through to you stupid fucking confirmation bias conspiratards because youre all half-wits

Launched in 2006, Comet Ping Pong is Alefantis’ first restaurant in which he’s the executive chef, and only second as owner, after Buck’s Fishing & Camping — which he had opened roughly two years before, and two doors down Connecticut Avenue.

Last year, Alefantis estimates, he bought 12 tons of Toigo tomatoes, which Stello turned into sauce and canned before trucking the jars to the basement at Buck's Fishing & Camping, Alefantis' other restaurant nearby.

And like I said. All this could have easily been diffused by being more visible.

I'm not at odds with the idea that this guy is innocent, in fact I personally think he's a distraction.

At the same time I don't think suppressing discussion as opposed to merely providing simple evidence is how you make these things go away.

oh fuck off, he's a private citizen same as you and me and a bunch of internet trolls are ruining his life and his livelihood without a scrap of evidence of any crime.

you know what the FBI and LEOs tell people who are being stalked NEVER TO DO? You NEVER encourage or try to reason with your stalkers.

1) He has no obligation to and 2) there is literally nothing he could say or do that would cause you conspiracy assholes to stop harassing him.

have you ever thought about that? you've already condemned and certified him as a pedophile, that much is discard evidence that doesn't fit and copy-pasta every unfounded conjecture that remotely impugns his character, ad-infinitum. this kind of inquiry fails in every journalistic, legal and scientific standard.

Well, he did give an interview pertaining to it even if LE suggested he didn't.

I'm not harassing anyone personally, so playing the blame game won't work with me.

I really do hope that this is all just speculation.

I hope that his name in french is a disgusting coincidence.

I hope that pizza men can gain enough political influence to be named 94th most influential person in a city full of the most powerful career politicians and alphabet agents.

I hope that the sicko pedo style art is a coincidence.

I hope that all the lewd comments he and his friends made about children is truly just a horribly inappropriate dark form of humor.

I also hope that no children are ever faced with a reality depicted in the imagery created by the artists these people favor.

I also hope that no children are ever faced with a reality depicted in the imagery created by the artists these people favor.

you don't give a shit about any of that, and especially not the final point. your morality whiteknight bullshit is cringeworthy, be better at life.

Wow. Well there's certainly less evidence supporting your assumptions about me than there is about the topic at hand.

Way to go, embodying everything you've just railed against. Good job

Nothing like doing all this damage control for something that is labeled as "fake." lmao

No one could care innocent people are losing their livelihoods obviously

IF there's a pedo ring in our govt and these people are suspects then they should be properly investigated. Why is no one thinking of the children that may be involved? Their lives are equally, if not more, important.

Not that I'm super involved with it, but all these comments do seem kinda damage control-y.

Then I'm sure you won't mind a casual global investigation, by people all over the internet, just to make sure?

Problem with that?

Yep, especially when a nut job shows up with guns, and starts threatening food service workers.

Ohhh you got a problems!!!

Tough titty said the kitty. Get over it.

Well the issue is that it's a "casual" investigation (you know, holding an employee at gunpoint and all that) and performed by people with zero expertise and an excess of time and perceived self worth.

Hey can I get a copy of your report? The one you are quoting as fact? If you have thoroughly investigated this issue and find nothing, you owe it to the rest of us to share your evidence.

Otherwise you are nothing but a [insert ad hominem here] and a [insert intelligence insults here].

Well, Mr. I-speak-from-authority ?

No they don't. These are ludicrous claims based on zero evidence. Police investigate things when there's actually a chance that there are crimes being committed.

Ludicrous claims huh? It's both a vast and deep conspiracy, if you don't believe me watch this YouTube clip and everything will become clear:

Honestly, Charlie makes more sense than these idiots.

Unless they don't. And when they don't, it's up to the public to find out why.

Local Police: "We didn't find anything."

Online Idiots: "Conspiracy!"

follows the storyline.....jesus....they can't say ' no children were injured to get this law passed'

Not really. If I walk into a building making unfounded claims and fire a round after holding people at gunpoint I certainly wouldn't expect the police to follow through.

Who says they haven't? What proof do you have that no self-respecting Detective did look at the pictures and other assorted claims and decided there was nothing even close to warranting concern? They are under no obligation to inform you of any investigation. And what if they did indeed investigate openly and reported no findings that even remotely back the claims and "questions" of those posted in this thread? Would that be proof of no conspiracy or simply further proof of one?

They are under no obligation to inform you of any investigation

I disagree. They are usually under no responsibility to inform the public, but in this case, they most definitely are. Otherwise, there would be no end to the amount of lunatics going to check things out at Comet. They not only owe it to the public, they owe it to Comet and its employees. If this pizzagate thing doesn't die out on its own, the authorities have a responsibility to address everything that's come out, from the Twitter pictures to the emails.

Otherwise, everybody loses.

The police confiscated a gun?

Some reports say one, some say two and others still are now saying he had three guns.

Nothing seems to be certain yet.

It's fake news. It'll be whatever they want it to be

the irony

PizzaGate isn't fake news it's a theory in development. Considering the fact that Breitbart concluded, based on his own investigation, that the Podestas were proponents of a pedo ring back in 2011 before the Podesta email leak even happened, I think it's perfectly rational for people to investigate the matter further. Do I support people harassing the owners of Comet Pizza and other individuals who are only implicated through speculative evidence? No, I don't think any decent person here does. I understand that if you don't support the investigation, as there is a lot of missing information right now, but you don't have to demean the people participating. The same goes for the other party, nobody should be harassing anyone based on drawn conclusions.

This sub actively supports harassing the owners of Comet Pizza. Just the other day, they were suggesting that a group go in and make off with a pizza to have the meat tested for human DNA, because that's totally a rational thing that rational people do. They were suggesting that they go in as a group in case they tried to keep them from leaving the store with the pizza that they'd paid for. /r/conspiracy has gone full retard with this, and I can't help but think there's something else going on in the background that they're being distracted from with this.

Yeah that's just flat out ridiculous. Makes me sad that the group of people acting like complete shitheads will possibly fuck this entire thing up. I know there's a lot of really dumb shit and stupid claims mixed in with this investigation, but to say the entire investigation is substance-less would be going to far. I hope someone can really break ground on this before idiots fuck it up for us.

These are the kind of people that are "investigating" it though. They've made their end conclusion and are trying to find any steps in the middle that will prove the conclusion that they've already made. This is why people are trying to tell you that you have nothing. You don't have anything except for the narrative that you want, and anything counter to that gets tossed out.

Wow uh that's a pretty big assumption to make right there honestly. That's how conspiracy theories are made man; you develop a theory, you look through things that you know are true, determine its relevance to the theory, speculate on what it could mean, and use this information to build a case until there's something concrete. Having a narrative is a constituent of the definition of the word theory man, in science and mathematics it's called a hypothesis.

Uhhh no he died 4 years ago..

Both of you are acting like children.

This community uses to be so much more than "your wrong!" ... "No your wrong"... "Oh the irony"...

No theory should be treated as crazy. We should listen and debate politely with anyone about anything.

Getting sick of people on both sidea of this pizzagate shit.

Love the username

sense when are you okay with our THEORIES threatening peoples lives? It's confirmed by several sources that he fired a gun. I'm all for skeptical research and analysis. But a lot of you have lost some serious perspective and I implore you to take a step back to see this. Involving violence in any of this makes you no better then anyone else.

At some point you have to believe what you're reading. But I'm saying this on a conspiracy theory subreddit so I don't know what I'm expecting...

we also had eyewitnesses say there were two gunmen in the OSU knife attack (one person)

we also had eyewitnesses say there were multiple gunmen in the Florida nightclub massacre (one person)

do I need to go on?

Eyewitnesses accounts can be highly inaccurate for a variety of reasons.

In a high adrenaline situation you often over look details and go into "fight or flight". But one person supposedly wielding 3 guns is a large amount of variance imo Edit: spelling

You should not hold all conspiracy theorists accountable for enabling that deranged gunman. Not even a little.

you guys are doing it right now. Everyone of these top rated comments is some nutter psycho shit.

Maybe you idiots shouldn't be allowed to have guns.


Thank you for correcting the record

I love this ctr meme cuz it's so unfathomly stupid that only conspiracy nuts could constantly say it non ironically

Not even a little, really? If there IS a massive pedo ring operating out of that pizzeria, and the cops won't do anything, what did you expect to happen? If these allegations are true, fine. But if they aren't, then all the conspiracy theorists constantly spreading fake stories and making something out of nothing are at least partly responsible. Yes, the dude is deranged and that's not on you, but on some level if you're responsible for spreading bullshit, eventually there will be real-world consequences and people will get hurt. Maybe not by an armed gunman, but by everyone calling them a pedo for working as a just a regular delivery guy for just a regular a pizza place. Just something worth considering.

At some point you have to believe what you're reading.

I just wanted to repeat this so we all know who we're dealing with.

Well.. when the blue pill is offered with enough frequency, this person thinks that people must swallow it like they did.

At some point you have to believe what you're reading.

That's just it. There has been way too many incidents when police or the media or politicians or others who blatantly lied about all kinds of thing. Start with the Kennedy Assassinations. Both of them. We're told that neither were conspiracies.

Then 9/11. Building 7 came down in freefall. WTF?

Then the Boston bombings. Then Sandy Hook.

Now a guy with a gun in a pizza restaurant.

It's is kinda hard to take what anyone says at face value.

What was the lie about sandy hook?

I don't know all the details surrounding it, but what I have seen is that there are numerous videos of "parents" being interviewed by news people that look like community theater level acting. Seriously bad. One video shows a guy smiling and joking, then he stops and takes a minute to get his acting face on and proceeds to do a completely amateurish and unconvincing acting job about his kids and what happened. Then there is another female parent who tearfully, but without actual tears, tells about going to get her child at a pick up spot, and a few minutes later in the same interview repeats the story but says that her husband had gotten the child and left by the time she got there. Etc.

Feel free to google "sandy hook fraud" or similar phrases and see for yourself. It becomes obvious very quickly that these parents were actors.

But does that prove it was fake or just the goverbment milking a narrative for all its worth?

Think about it. These interviews were on the day of or very shortly after the incident. Since when do govts quickly find actors to fill out the narrative for a MASS SHOOTING involving CHILDREN at a SCHOOL.

Frankly i think its more convincing that the government has people on tap to do gigs like this whenever the "opportunity" strikes, keeps their hands technically clean but still get maximum advantage.

Unless those people moved actually lived in the town, the other parents and the teachers would have to have known them though in that case

Show me sources from the police that say he is actually in possession of a gun and shots were fired.

From the police themselves! Not "reporting"

So far the police have NOT stated the locations in where they found the guns.

The police have stated this has nothing to do with Comet Ping Pong conspiracy theories or terrorist activity.


Older nbc story -

New nbc story -

WHAT HAPPENED TO MRS BROWN STATEMENT? She was standing next to police chief when he made statements and was talking when the video cut out.. Where is the whole video?

Eyewitnesses are terrible, and it's really easy to fake 'eyewitness' testimony.

you think this is bad, you should see what they do to pedophiles in jail... ;)

His dad is a movie producer and an ex director of a "protect-the-children" org. The alleged shooter has an imdb page. If you think this is genuine and not manufactured you really shouldn't be in this sub anyways.

At some point you have to believe what you're reading.

I'm not going to look at your post history but it's obvious this isn't your place. Keep swallowing your blue pill, forget this subreddit and go on and live a life of ignorance and happiness. All this stuff will do is confuse you and make you angry and you'll just drag the rest of the actual discussion in this sub down.

Is this that weird conspiracy theory trope of interpreting panicked evacuating people and journalists playing telephone in a rush not getting all the details right as evidence of a false flag?

Because the planners are fans of improv and don't want to use a pre-planned script?

Hey it's you again, you follow pizzagate closely but you want it to fit your narrative. Pretty ridiculous "research" you did I must say. And here you are, you've been at it for a month now. Keep pushing, you really have nothing else to do.

I work in DC, so I have a personal interest in not having kooks with guns running around. And I agree it's ridiculous how easy it was to debunk a pizzagate theory by plugging and address from their evidence into Google.

So much time on your hand to disprove this conspiracy. Your whole comment history is so ridiculous, some would think you have an agenda, or no life.

There is no organization with these people.

They can't even publish an article without checking the time stamps to make sure their fake story lines up.

All of them have half a brain and it's just 2 dumbass people working together with third half brains to form 1.

Screw the MSM and screw Reddit for shutting down pizzagate. I'm admittantly still kinda upset about that. Our mod team followed their rules to the T and now the subreddit is compromised.

Is this that weird conspiracy theory trope of claiming that conspirators are super incompetent at covering their tracks while simultaneously being super competent at avoiding any negative consequence?

Our mod team followed their rules to the T and now the subreddit is compromised.

I don't follow. Your mod team followed reddit's rules... and now their voat sub is compromised?

Okay so let me briefly talk about this because it's insanely important.

So as you now know, I was a mod for r/pizzagate and I was honored. Anyway, the admins had messaged us one time before the subreddit was shut down. In their first message they outlined what the issues were and we addressed them accordingly, making sure that no rules were broken. We were literally online modding 24/7. Literally. When the admins shut us down we reviewed mod logs and user accounts and found some very suspicious activity that can't be described as anything other then sabetoge. Just after r/pizzagate was made someone beat us to and made v/pizzagate. It was predominately inactive with only a few users. Following the shutdown of r/pizzagate, when then moved over to to continue our modding there since we were the original mods. The thing is the lead mod there gave us a hard time and subsequently removed us one day without warning after a voat user discovered that the lead mod was censoring and removing crucial information. After our removal, the lead mod there then appointed unvetted, unknown mods who continued to remove important things. We never knew who the guy was and we had no power to remove the lead mod. We were forced to hand over the investigation to someone we didn't know and we had no other options. Afterwards the issue was discussed, there is only 2 things the mod can be - a plant who was there to sabetoge the whole thing or a government employee. All in all, as a x-mod, I don't trust v/pizzagate anymore.

Fake news so that the next time they want to shut down a pedophile investigation they will have public support because they will remember the "crazed gunman."

What do you mean by that? Are you disputing that a man went to Comet brandishing a gun for the purposes of "self-investigation" (his own words)?

The statement from the DC Metropolitan police says three guns. It also says he fired a shot while inside Comet after holding an employee at gunpoint.

Sad stuff. The worst witchhunts are the "think about the children" hysteria ones, as people lose their fucking minds.

Cept it was a fake shooting. But nice try.

But there were witnesses. It happened in reality. There is evidence that it exists.

The only evidence that it could be fake is that it might be illustrate the harm of baseless witchhunts, and that its part of the grand conspiracy. That is, no evidence, so far.

When a massive global baseless witchhunt fueled by fantastic pedophilia and Satanism allegations, and the targets are just chilling right in public, it seems inevitable that some loonies will try to fuck them up. Just like there are people who troll sex offender lists harassing and attacking the people on them.

There is a reason why you don't scream pedophile! without concrete evidence: it fucks all kinds of shit up, maybe permanently for some of the targets.

Bullshit got proof? Show me the witnesses too. If they are actors and there is no video of the shooting then it already is the same shit going on since Sandy Hoax.


Ooh nice. Reported.

I'm serious. You are calling a hoax on a tragedy where children were literally murdered and their parents are mourning their loss. There is something broken inside you.

Show me fucking proof. Columbine was a real shooting where kids died. Show me proof of Sandy Hoax. Show me those laughing parents who made fundraisers before the event even occurred.

Show it? Don't link me bullshit. Where the fuck is the proof? Columbine had everything from Autopsy reports to fucking videos. Sandy Hoax has nothing but crisis actors and laughing parents who coincidentally are all in actors guilds.

The proof is in the links.

Rule 10. Take your unasked for psychological evaluations elsewhere please, first warning.

Lol. What? What!? A fake shooting?

What evidence do you have for this? Jesus christ you people are fucking insane.

LoL WHAT? Pizzagate? You people are fucking nuts!

This is a complete lie, eye witnesses say nothing about a gun being anywhere. And the police never mentioned anyone being held at gunpoint!

here is an article where the bartender claims he didn't even see a gun. The claims that he shot the ground happened with noone in the store. as stated by police. How can you push these blatant lies?

From my source above:

The suspect entered the location and pointed a firearm in the direction of the victim who is an employee of the restaurant.

the local beat cops are in on it!!! cant you see they fuck kids too!!! You should all be ashamed!!! For I am a voice for the voiceless, a light in the dark!!!! You guys sound like r/whiteknights but even more cringe.

You're the only one saying such things, though.

the shills aren't known for logic

Says the guy who thinks cheese pizza is a reference to pedophilia anywhere except 4chan.

Except OP and plenty of his peers use the same language I did, right here in this thread. Also your logic comment is pretty damn ironic, but hey I'm just a CTR SHILL.

But you are.

I wish I got paid for this

But you do. Each negative non Reddit karma you receive only increases your stay in hell.

Not quite sure karma and hell work like that but thanks for your opinion on my after life

Seriously? OP's (BransonOnTheInternet) post claims he and his peers are a voice for the voiceless, he/she says that.

Hi I'm the commenter you replied to, and my comment does not mention anything about voices.

Im talking about OP as in text post made by BransonOnTheInternet

Oh I get it, you were being sarcastic. Appeals to emotion and name calling probably isn't going to get you anywhere with conspiracy theorists. They thrive on unfalsifiable hypotheses. I try to post the falsifications where available, but it's usually futile because the theorists discredit the source of the information.

In your case you were the first to discredit the Metropolitan Police and their statement, even though you were doing so sarcastically.

I'm not the first to discredit them, anyone calling this a false flag is.

Fair point.

Cheers to rationality, have a good one

Which is more plausible?

The 3,900 DC cops are all pedophiles covering for this alleged conspiracy.


You're wrong.

I'm out of the loop. Why would the entire police force have to be in in the conspiracy?

Because if even one person on the force found out, surely they'd tell someone, unless they're all complicit, or I guess if their OpSec was so strong they could keep it among a small group, it wouldn't have to be the whole force.

Found out about what in this situation? Are you saying the above commenters dont believe there was a gunman?

I was replying to a comment saying the local police were also pedophiles.

No one said anything about that though, they just linked to the police statement saying the official stance is 3 guns and fired one shot. Then everyone just asked why the cops would need to be in on it based on your random conjecture

The comment I replied to:


the local beat cops are in on it!!! cant you see they fuck kids too!!! You should all be ashamed!!! For I am a voice for the voiceless, a light in the dark!!!! You guys sound like r/whiteknights but even more cringe.

... you do see thats clearly /s?

The last sentence is in contrast with the rest

Yea, something is off about it.

I've also heard that some people in the pizza place said there were no shots fired, and find it odd that there is no photographic evidence that the guy had a gun.

That guy from the link said he was one of the last ones out and was surprised to hear about gunshots.

It's probably a coincidence he had been vocal against fake news and hate speech in the past.

It's just a mountain of coincidences, nothing unusual to see here.


Thanks for the link, keep looking for holes in the narrative.

framing and completing their lies

Continue to highlight inconsistencies and illogical points in the narrative that's being pushed.

Not facts, that is a tweet from the "deputy mayor" who links to another twitter account. That is not an official police statement. Twitter posts are not a valid source for journalism. Downloading the photo reveals it is not even a full photo of the report and is cut off.

Photo here -

Nice news buddy.



How completely stereotypical of you

They got you bro, Uninstall reddit and log into fb you sheep

The real world got me a long time ago, bud. It's time for you to get off the internet and take a look around you.

I see it is your job to discourage random internet people from doing things.

What a fascinating hobby.

Pedophile supporter. You and spez would get along famously.

Lol what a jackass

thinking of getting into the shill business. how does it pay? what are the working conditions like?

Shill for who? Hillary and her necromancers? She already lost the election. This conspiracy theory was made up to influence the election and you all not only fell for it, you're still towing that line even though the whole purpose for its existence has passed.

Get your shit together

so then it's his hobby. my bad.

..except no shots were fired..

Blue pill you took is fucking poison btw.

Shots were fired. No one was hit by them, but they were fired.


There was a redditor there taking pictures. He reported no shots fired.

/But MSM has integrity?! lol.

I'm so sorry to inform you, but the facts do not match your histrionic pearl clutching.

latest facts

So he did fire a gun and was there threatening people to look for the underground child trafficking tunnels that he read about in online conspiracy forums and websites and which have been debunked by multiple news outlets.


Jesus Christ

"The “PizzaGate” conspiracy theory spread on social media, including Facebook and Twitter, and on Reddit, until it was banned from discussion on that website.

The owners and employees of the Comet Ping Pong pizza place told the New York Times they received threats because of the debunked theory, which many have said was spread as “fake news” to try to bring down Hillary Clinton and her campaign.

“From this insane, fabricated conspiracy theory, we’ve come under constant assault,” James Alefantis, Comet’s owner, told the Times in a November 21 report. “I’ve done nothing for days but try to clean this up and protect my staff and friends from being terrorized.”

This gets nuttier and nuttier:

Other people have gone to the restaurant to search for the tunnels, WUSA-TV reports.

“They putting a lot of curses and spells over the city,” a woman who was trying to find the tunnels told WUSA. “All this underground tunnel that helps them take the kids and transport them back and forth so they can do these rituals.”


Oh this guy was just an actor though: On social media, many of those who believe in the false PizzaGate theory are pointing to Welch’s past in movies as proof he is a “crisis actor,” hired to carry out a “false flag” operation at Comet pizza.

Hey is it possible he didn't even have a gun and it was a magic wand? And maybe didn't have bullets but shot lightning bolts? Have we contacted Hogworts yet? Has Dumbledore spoken out on this yet?

Has Dumbledore spoken out on this yet?

can you come up with yet another witty distracting comment? I bet you can :)

he has to. it's his job, and he doesn't want to get fired.

Here is the full version of this statement by police.

Nice how it isn't official at all and isn't even the full version it is cut off.

Funny how this story changed from mentioning no guns and not related this conspiracy at all.

And it now claims this,

While the police have OFFICIALLY SAID NOTHING MORE! Do some research before you start thinking all sites that use twitter as a source as real news. You make me sick.

Rule 10. Stop generalizing the sub or you'll have to find a new one. First warning.

re...responsibility? WHAT?

i thought we could just say whatever we wanted to, regardless of accuracy or truth, without consequence. this is America, after all. so what if i spread #fakenews and someone gets threatened, harmed, or killed? HEY MAN THAT'S MY FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHT


Who's going to give voice to the innocent pizza store owner whose place is going to close down because of crazy assholes online?

I will.

A lot of people in this thread are.

This is exactly why they shut down that subreddit, witch hunts have serious effects on peoples lives. Did you not learn anything from the Boston Bombings "investigations"?

My local station is reporting that shots were fired inside

apparently he did empty his gun inside but didn't shot anyone

edit: someone said the guy shot in the floor to see if there was really a secret basement... teehee

The story thats being pushed??


You know a guy did actually show up there with a gun to conduct street justice. Theres no story to be pushed, thats what happened.

This was even reported on NPR this morning as a main news story, reported shots fired as well.

WTF is Comet?

The story that's beingf pushed is he was going to Comet for presumed pizzagate related street justice.

Didn't he tell the police he was there to investigate it DUE to the Pizzagate stuff? I mean why say "it's being pushed" this way when it clearly is what he was doing?

Funny how you forgot to mention that the gunman let off a few shots inside of the pizza place. Maybe you're the one hosting a conspiracy.

An armed man was arrested outside of Comet today. The story that's beingf pushed is he was going to Comet for presumed pizzagate related street justice.

Serious question from someone who usually doesn't post on this subreddit: If there really is a child porn ring going on and no one is doing anything about it wouldn't street justice be viewed as legitimate?

I think if you polled most Americans and asked them if there was a child porn ring going on and the authorities refused to prosecute the majority would be in favor of taking action.

Maybe. Maybe not. The point is, no matter what, this instance of one unstable individual did not help anyone, and in actuality only hurt any legitimacy this issue may have had. Especially as framed by the media. No one should be taking justice into their own hands nor advocating violence in any form. Especially st this stage where there is still a lot of conjecture and misinformation surrounding the overall story.

wow, they are really getting desperate, hiring a crisis actor to pretend to be one of us. self-investigating with guns? none of that makes sense. if anyone was investigating, they would bring cameras, not guns. and if they had a gun for protection, it would be a small gun, not an obvious big gun. the news outlets are really pushing the fake conspiracy story. nothing about what happened looks like the actions of an investigator, it doesn't even look like the actions of a vigilante looking to carry out justice on comet. it stinks of a poorly put together false flag op

Interesting to note the guy is an actor.

the retards of /r/the_donald and /r/conspiratard made up stories about this pizza place being involved in paedophilia and some top mind went in and shot his gun

edit: and I'm banned. it's been real folks

Wow such vivid Broad brush strokes! Here is an example of more!

A fake news story caused some idiot to pull a gun in a pizza place.

Read some actual news instead of this...stuff.

Yeah like CNN? Is Hillary president yet? She for sure had it. ffs

Please, tell me what's real actual news.

By calling this a conspiracy that isn't being addressed, you are calling people to action like the person yesterday. Whether you like it or not, your rhetoric is inciting violence.

Your baseless accusations that children are being abused are very seriously. Provide your "evidence" and allow law enforcement to do their jobs.

The claim is not simply that they're being abused, but that they're being abused, killed/blood sacrificed, then disposed of by being turned into pizza and eaten by them/sold to unsuspecting customers.

For fucks sake, I didn't realize they were taking it that far.

Seriously people? Fucking seriously?

Necromancy, human sacrifice, black ops sights, etc etc. Anything and everything is being attributed to this. One of their primary "sources" claims to be some ex-black ops guy turned construction worker who happened to work on a site, then gives updates about hunting/being hunted by black ops agents.

It's pure unfounded insanity.

Pretty sure that's the plot to True Detective. Minus the pizza part.

Possibly. Never watched the show.

That's not what started this. It started with the Podesta emails.

Maybe rent yourself a pizza for an hour and read them.

If you want to go that route: maybe go rent a 6 year old boy to finger your anus for a night, you might calm down.

This isn't a personal attack. You're using a euphemism to claim that I'm a pedophile because you disagree with a statement of mine. I'm not going to lie and say that I wouldn't punch someone in the throat for that shit in person. Regardless of what you feel is going on, a person just entered a public business with a firearm and brandished it. Either you think that was a "false flag" or it was a legitimate incident, but less than a day later you're making light and casually accusing someone of being a pedophile. Socially speaking, you're clearly fucked up.

Pedesta emails started with strange wording, which was determined to be code, which was determined to refer to child sex. That has spun out to accusations of necromancy, satanic rituals, and black ops sites. "Summaries" listing all of that get linked here regularly. Last week one of the top threads here was about the LARPing fuck making claims about the Hawaii site and updating about wetworks guys he bumped into at a bar. Don't claim that these insane spin offs haven't been gobbled up by people.

Maybe you should go take a gun to a Domino's delivery driver, make yourself feel like you're accomplishing something great.

That's the shit in this thread that has been pissing me off. People saying if you don't agree with these insane claims then you must be a pedophile. It's like, Fuck you dude you're trying to justify some crazy dude walking into a family owned business with a loaded weapon because of some squiggly symbols on a sign and a made up code key. Try and accuse someone of that shit in real life and see if you don't get your teeth knocked in.

Yup. I dont personally care about the possible misdemeanor. If someone gets in my face IRL shouting about how I'm a pedophile, they're getting punched in the throat.

I would punch that person, too. But I'm not calling anyone a pedo. I'm (perhaps poorly) pointing out how utterly ridiculous that email is in any other context.

No, you're just fine IMHO.

I can have a grain of salt in regards to the Podesta emails, but I won't tolerate being called a pedophile for questioning user statements.

Agree. Was not my intention, and I know we all have our fur up over this. Please have an open mind. If this is nothing, it will peter out. But there is too much evidence. For instance, did you know that the CEO of the NYT was head of a BBC that knowingly protected pedophile Jimmy Saville?

What? That you're an actual pedo? Of course I'm not implying that.

But, keep going after the straw men and ignore all the evidence. IMHO, it's time for this to be investigated for real. Pedophilia is real. And has been covered up for far too long.

No, not seriously. Fuck, you are gullible.

I've read that, and it's ridiculous.

Know why Obama got "Pizza" and "Hot dogs" from Chicago?


LOL. You do know that the list of code words presented in the infographic were derived from evidence collected during previous pedo ring investigations (conducted by the FBI and other law enforcement agencies), right? Pedophiles have actually used "pizza" and "cheese" to describe their victims and heinous sex acts before, on multiple occasions. This wasn't just dreamed up out of thin air by Redditors, you gullible idiot.

Where is this list of code words? Where is the FBI research proving these are commonly used code words?

That covers the symbols great. The majority of Pizzagate is built on codewords. Which this document makes no mention of.

Also my original question was about codewords and you linked me a document on symbols.

I believe those are common codewords known in the pedo community. I dunno. We're not pedos.

So I am being asked to believe that the PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING USA is involved in a massive pedophile ring based on these code words and no one can point me to definitive proof the someone didn't just make these words up after reading the emails to create a narrative?

"Appeal to Incredulity" is not a defense. MANY crimes have been committed by the Office of the President. Just look at Nixon or LBJ. This scandal is not being driven JUST by a few random pedo codewords in a few random emails. This is what some of us think we are uncovering. It's been going on for centuries, and it's too much.

No. In my eyes the main thrust of this evidence are the 'coded' emails and 'coded' Instrgram pictures. Without those Pizzagate fails utterly.

Show me proof of Pizzagate that doesn't have to do with those two things then.

Err... you saw the logos in the FBI links?

Your own infographic has way more about the codewords then it does about the logos.

One logo looking like a pedophile could be a coincidence. Honestly, if people on the internet were saying the logo for my company resembled a pedophile symbol and showed me that FBI document..I WOULD CHANGE MY LOGO TO. No one wants to be associated with that.

In my eyes a lot of this theory is biased around the codewords. Without a source for the codewords it looses a lot of steam.

1: Where is the source? 2: Not here! 1: Wait, the source I asked for was not there 2: All the bad guys know the words, sheesh, we're not bad guys



Ok, the words mean two different things.

Why assume that they're talking about child sex when there's a compelling reason they'd be talking about the foods?

Because about four different businesses, all within a few moments walking distance from each other, use these images. Wikileaks leaked the FBI document




This is where the investigation sits. It's happening with, or without you, man.

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You make me sad for America.

Good. You're finally waking up to the fact that your democracy is fucked. I'm not an American. You guys look like complete fucking CLOWNS, down there. Stop pretending #PizzaGate doesn't exist and that pedophiles in power don't exist. Google the Dutroux affair. Look at the UK—they have 55 soccer clubs exposing high-level pedo pasts RIGHT NOW.

I know of those things, which is why I looked into this shit seriously when I heard about it.

Too bad all the "evidence" is fucking vapor. I don't mind people looking into it, I mind when someone brings a weapon into a family restaurant and discharges it.

I'd love to see the source on this

That looks like it's just talking about broad symbols? I am interested in the verbal code at the beginning of the infographic, that's the important part. If I've missed it, please show me where.

Oh. That, sorry. I believe it comes from a known pedo code.

...... Citation needed.

The list of code words has no source aside from the bald assertion of a single channer. The leaked FBI document just has examples of logos.

I've used the code word orchids when dealing with weed. That doesn't mean every email you can find with the word orchid in it is talking about weed.

Do you really think that this entire "PizzaGate" hangs on a mere few words? There's way, way more here than that.

Wikileaks leaked the FBI document

the entire PizzaGate hangs on leaps of faith and circumstantial evidence.

But, you know that Pizza and Hotdogs are like real things too, right? Like, sometimes a pizza is just a fucking pizza.

Ever borrowed a pizza for an hour? Podesta does.

Wikileaks leaked the FBI document

What does the link have to do with what you said? Is there an email about borrowing a pizza?

This is all fake, right?

Would love to get a pizza for an hour? Or come over

Tony Podesta

From Tony Podesta:

I'm seated with the kids so little wired

How does that constitute "borrowing"? To me it sounds like he's asking if he has a hour to go have some pizza. It's worded a little oddly, if you're really thinking about it, but I write shitty emails all day long.

You ever sit with kids for a long time? They make you fucking crazy.

Like all the rest of this shit, it only sounds like pedo-talk if you're reading it with the idea that it's pedo-talk. It's fucking confirmation bias, like textbook.

Man, we really need to start teaching critical thinking in the schools of this country. I was laughing my face off at the assumptions and "connections" in this thing.

Fucking ridiculous.

Nope, he/she/it made that up. This thread is fascinating... It's like seeing all of those media networks drawing racist pepes and using those pepes to then label pepe a racist symbol... or like the people that insist they are "conspiracy theorists seeking the truth" while making sure to tell everyone that they think the Earth is flat.

If you don't know what italian-flat-bread-dish-gate (censorship, yay!) is about, then do yourself a favour and research it (like all other conspiracy theories) and draw your own opinion.

Anyone equating it to cannibalism or other such flat earth non-sense is likely trying to distract/mislead you.

I have never seen anyone legitimately posit that the children are finding their way into the pizza. This is hyperbole and dis-info.

Lol no, not seriously. You call us gullible and then fall for that

I've never seen anything about the latter two things but ok sure I guess

That's because nobody ever claimed they were cooking them into pizza. This bitch is out of his element.

"The email provided a link to a video in which three men discussed all this and more in sensational unsupported terms and added satanic ritual, cannibalism, and child rape to the antics of the power elite, crimes that are unreported by “the media” because publishers are at those parties, participating in rape and human sacrifice, hence unwilling to tell the truth about them."

"With the investigation, 4Chan, reportedly uncovered a creepy ring of high-powered people who celebrated a culture that dealt with death, cannibalism, torture and child abuse. To perform these acts they used art, events and social media."

then disposed of by being turned into pizza and eaten by them/sold to unsuspecting customers

Then those who eat the children meat pepperonis can be controlled by the Stone Masons who have them kidnap more children.

A close Hillary confidante actually served six months in jail in Haiti for trying to illegally leave the country with 33 children.

Her confidant must of really loved the pepperoni then.

No fucking way... That's 10 times worse than what I thought pizzagate was.. what the hell people! Those kind of accusations are bound to have some real life implications!

I've seen like one person sarcastically say that. Most people researching pizza gate aren't convinced that they are turning the babies "into pizza" to be eaten.

No, their's been quite a lot of talk here of doing DNA analysis on the meat toppings to determine whether that's how they're disposing of the children's bodies.

Search "DNA" here:

Okay I was in on the whole child porn and molestation and what not but your other claims!? I'm gonna need some serious evidence before I get that far

I'm not claiming those things, I'm saying they're obvious inventions.

This is the first im hearing of the kid pizza part.

"What Abramovic describes as an artistic outlet is claimed by others to be at the very heart of Pizzagate. True Free Thinker suggests that Abramovic and Podesta are at the center of a satanic cult involved in pedophilia, child trafficking, and even cannibalism. They even claim that John and Tony Podesta resemble the police sketches of men suspected of having kidnapped Madeleine McCann in Portugal back in 2007."

They're obviously just repeating what's been said here numerous times.

So basically what Domino's delivers anyway


And not a single person in the FBI has a shred of morals? Or they're so scared of (something) that they're willing to let child molestation go on without doing a thing?

Stop being such an imbecile.


Why can't you see that?

Because nobody has provided any fucking evidence of it you dipshit!

I'm not talking about the abstract FBI, I'm talking about the hundreds if not thousands of agents, who are real people, with wives and children. You honestly think they are all complicit in this? How has not one of them ever spoken out?

Prove me wrong. Do it with facts. I'm open to being wrong, but I need information. Everything I've seen on pizzagate is easily disproved.


Ok, here's two.

The email referring to Obama having Pizza and Hot-dogs flown in from Chicago. Guess what two foods Chicago is world renowned for? Pizza, and fucking hot-dogs. Now, that doesn't necessarily disprove that they're not talking about raping children, but Occam's Razor says we should pick the explanation that requires the fewest assumptions. I think a child pedophilia ring requires just a few more assumptions than getting the signature food from a city. So, while it may not be evidence against pizzagate, it most certainly is not evidence for pizzagate.

The email about the kids and swimming. The email is from one of the kids mom's. Again, Occam's Razor points us towards the parents enjoying watching the kids playing in the pool, rather than being child rapists.

Oh I got a third one too. The logo for the pizza place. First off, coincidence is a perfectly valid explanation for the original logo. It is pizza shaped, for fucks sake. What about the logo change? Well, I'll tell you, if someone said my logo was associated with child rape, I'd probably change that motherfucker as quick as I could.


Ok, so how was the shooting "faked"?

You can't prove a negative you idiot. How about this, you prove to us that you are not a pedophile. Prove it! Maybe you know so much because you are an active participant. Prove your are not!

So if Reddit does not shut it down, does that mean there is no conspiracy to silence discussion of Pizzagate?

No, it means the conspiracies run deeper

It's conspiracies all the way down.

Today's shooting sure helps bitcoin.

Ron Paul 2020

No, it's layers, like an onion.

No we have to think bigger. This conspiracy goes to other dimensions. Hyper-onion. Layers perpendicular to other layers.

Mobius mendacity

You are right actually. Some of the highest level Rabbis claim they are interdimensional aliens.

You missed the reference man. Turtles all the way down.

And you missed the Ogre reference.

Hmm. I did, if that was the intention. I am familiar with it, though.

Why not a parfait, everyone loves a parfait!~

Well, the stickied post right now is insinuating it goes all the way to the pope.

Wait, then where did the turtles go?



Turtles on top of conspiracy-minded turtles as far as the eye can see

These fools are just controlled opposition. They think they are cracking some great scandal, but this is just made up crap to distract them from the real conspiracies.

What are the real conspiracies?


Its samsquatch. somethings fucky here.


Yeah why no canadian ever come post here their picture of tuft of sasquatch hair :/

I always thought Sasquatch sighting were just bears standing up.
Those guys are really good at it. It's kinda freaky.

How come these guys never stuck up for the people accusing Trump of being a serial womanizer and sexual predator?

There were actual people putting their lives and reputations on the line to accuse one of the richest men in the country of assaulting them and these (insert whatever the fuck)-gaters didn't rake him over the coals.

They dismissed it out of hand and then focused on this.

What you are watching is what happened as a result of the media refusing to cover the Podesta emails. There were legitimate worrisome scandalous things in those emails. When CNN refuses to cover them, it allows stories to go unchecked. NPR ran a piece yesterday in "On The Media" talking about how they will simply not cover things that may even sound like a positive spin for Trump. So now, our media is refusing to give real news (Podesta Emails) their due reporting, and this other fake news goes unchecked. If CNN had done their job and said the truth about what was in those emails, maybe none of this would have happened.

I don't think any of them care any more.

Facts don't pay the bills and it costs too much to do any real investigating.

I remember when Christiane Amanpour was reporting live from the Balkins.
Now that's too risky and no one cares about real on-the-ground coverage.
People want 100 word blurbs that can be digested on the fly.

Why should they care?
No matter what they do people will always see the news through their ideological lens.

It started in the Vietnam War when news coverage of the war caused public opinion to shift.
The government began to see the press as the enemy.
Since then, it's been a steady erosion of its credibility.
You can blame CNN or MSNBC or WaPo but in the end, look to who benefits.

Since no one is credible no one can speak truth to power.
Politicians are free to do whatever they want.
Just like now, gaters are crying false flag. Clinton supporters are saying it's an obvious hatchet job.
Who's there to believe?

We live in a world of lies now.

You could be lying to me. I could be lying to you. How could either of us know?

Would we cite obviously biased sources?
Would we cite politicized science and statistics?
Would we rely on partisan authority figures?

We're all fucked. That's the only truth.

We're all fucked. That's the only truth.



I think you are referring to the DNC leak. They are separate. Kinda proves my point.


The Podesta emails got nothing. Did you hear anything about the state department selling weapons to ISIS?

The ones that are backed up by facts.

The expanded powers of Western intelligence services


Could just be they won't follow through on what they're called out on. Like if your mother scolds you for grabbing the dinner rolls before supper's done.

So if they do shut it down, it's part of the conspiracy. If they don't shut it down, that's also part of the conspiracy.

They probably won't shut it down.

That event was most likely meant to make sure no one outside of reddit EVER believe any of you (including the alt-medias) and anything that may ever come out of conspiracy... maybe even put doubts on wikileaks. This way they won't need to get rid of the problem 'individually' or even try to disprove anything. Sorry guys, told you.

It could also be done to attack internet privacy by proxy.

So it's doesn't matter if there's a conspiracy or not; it discredited any future finding or facts exposed by alt medias and maybe redditors.

Just archive everything.

And make offline copies.

Gonna be our mantra...

x-mod of r/pizzagate here.

The entire subreddit was archived and is being protected by around 400 people. "Archive Everything" should be the 11th commandment

Careful with archiving... seriously. One man's offline private evidence could be turned into prosecution; criminal possession of child porn.

Yes. If you don't know how to prevent Feds from finding your files, don't download sketchy shit.

Hijacking this. I hate when people use "I'm off to bed" as an excuse on reddit to never post again. The internet doesn't sleep and its users eventually wake up. Don't tell us your sleep schedule we do not care.

Thanks for sharing.


As well it may be, but that is NO REASON to censor a conversation. If its outlandish or as you say "bullshit" then let the facts speak for themselves rather then silence the discussion whole sale.

No one will agree with me here but there is a reason.

We are just a bunch of people behind a monitor. Some of us may have experience with investigative journalism, but most of us don't.

There is no repercussion for the claims we make, at least none that we feel. And, sure, if you think you are exposing something big you will probably think you have the moral high ground but people's lives actually get affected by this stuff if it gets big enough.

I've yet to see any evidence that the whole pizzagate thing should lead to a criminal conviction. Some weird instagram photos? Sure. But I find it odd that this sub would want that to be the precedent for the government getting involved considering its opinion of the government in general.

I was/am simply calling for people not to be scared of discussing it. I don't believe anyone should be going to comet, or leaking peoples names, etc. Hell I can admit the Instagram shit, not what's on it the posting of it to shame someone, makes me uncomfortable. Hence why generally I'm not involved in any discussion regarding such matters. I just think people should be able to discuss this issue in a way that is both looking for the truth and respectful of individuals rights, no matter what some may think they are involved in. At the same time I recognize that I can't police the discussion. It's going to happen whether I like it or not. All I can do is make my points and not engage in any I may disagree with. I have to be respectful of people and allow them to make their own decisions even if I disagree with such.

I think people need to realize that we all come from different backgrounds and approach this in different ways. Some people view privacy on the internet differently. We can't, as stated police that, its not our place. All we can is pick and choose how and when we will enter into the discussion, if at all.

People just need to be respectful of other opinions and rights, rather than attempting to attack and engage in the very behavior they are accusing others of, ie witch hunts.

We need to understand that people are upset about this because they have been lied to and they feel disenfranchised. They feel as if they are being misled, because sadly they have been, so many times before. People belive this because for years many they were being told, no there's no pedophile problem, only to find out that there was. Whether it be the BBC, Jimmy Saville, The Vatican, members of Congress, CEO's, etc, the truth has come out - and after years of people being told they were crazy and the media ignoring it and writing it off.

So yea, it may not be true, you may not have proof you like, but that's no reason that others shouldn't be looking. They've been down this road before and had the same attacks labeled against them and they've seen where it ended up. With this in mind there's no reason why these people shouldn't be concerned, its history playing out like it has so many times before.

I mostly agree with you.

However there is a big difference between looking into something and actually accusing a person.

You are right, you can't police the conversation. And that's how people end up getting railroaded by public opinion. But, hey, we aren't putting our lives on the line so it's all fun and games. You bring up witch hunts but if a guy calls them out he's not letting the conversation happen. How do you square that?

I guess I take a different view because I've actually dealt with child abuse cases. I've said it before but most people give zero fucks about child abuse. There's no shortage of cases that people on this sub could rally around if that was the case. But when "TPTB" are involved we are all suddenly concerned about the children? How convenient for the other kids who are victimized by it because, surprise, people don't like prying into other people's lives when good evidence isn't available.

Firstly I would disagree actually, many people do care about child abuse. I don't know why would view it otherwise, or what may have transpired to give you that idea, but I repectfully disagree.

That being said, one of the experiences that I am thankful for in my life is that of living with my sister when she first began to work for DCS (department of child services). As such I was able to go with her on multiple cases and trips to shelters as well as foster homes and got to see first hand what some of these children experienced. It was an eye opening experience and though I saw quite a few disturbing and honestly disgusting things, I would not trade it as it opened my eyes to the reality that many people face every day, particularly kids. As well as giving me a rather eye opening view into how the government handles such, or in some cases does not. So yes, this case does interest me on that level, but more so than that it interest me as a concerned citizen and member of the American government who wants to know why these type of people have any say or influence regarding elected officials, as clearly shown via the email leaks, as at the very least that in and of itself is troubling.

You are right, there is no shortage of cases that this sub could rally around, but this sub - for better or worse - isn't the pedophilia exposure sub, this is a sub about conspiracies, and though pedophilia may be the overall theme of Pizzagate it is far from the only accusation and concern that people have regarding it. Therefore this would not be the sub for looking into other such matters, unless they happened to be wrapped up in the veil of conspiracy as this particular case appears to be.

As for not putting our lives on the line, I disagree. Many people here believe that they are, rather it's true or not. There are people here that are scared of talking out about this. There are people here that do believe that what they are saying is being monitored and cataloged and that they run a very real risk of being under investigation for even discussing such. Now, these fears may be unfounded but to believe that people don't have these concerns is to ignore a very real worry that some have here, whether valid or not. And I for one won't tell these people that they are wrong (not that I believe you are), as it is not my place. If anyone felt that way, they have every right to. It is their life, not mine, and I won't pretend like I have a say in how they live such.

As for "a guy calls them out he's not letting the conversation happen" I actually don't know what you mean. Therefore i can't answer how I would square that, as I don't follow if I'm being honest, and in the interest of friendly debate I don't want to assume to know what you meant. Ergo I have no answer at this time.

Firstly I would disagree actually, many people do care about child abuse. I don't know why would view it otherwise, or what may have transpired to give you that idea, but I repectfully disagree.

Because it wouldn't be that hard to go to your local court house, see who had been accused, and start making connections. That doesn't happen on this sub though.

I'm not going to question whether your interest is genuine. But I've seen this very sub be critical of FBI operations that are trying to bust people who are trading CP.

My "guys call them out" comment was in regard to the other poster being critical of the scenario.

It's very simple though. Discuss all you want, as long as you your actions stay confined in one subreddit, reddit will not give a fuck. If you start brigading other subreddits and especially start harassing people outside reddit then reddit does care. In the end of the day, reddit is a private website and they can decide rules. One rule that is taken very seriously is no posting personal information.

Such a rule may seem excessive, but it's there for a reason. What happens now with comet ping pong is not so new. Witchhunts happen very often on internet. Once somebody becomes hated big on internet death threats always occur. The ban on posting personal information helps prevent this and also shifts the blame away from reddit. So look for evidence and discuss, but follow the rules.

People just need to be respectful of other opinions and rights, rather than attempting to attack and engage in the very behavior they are accusing others of, ie witch hunts.

I agree to an extent, but you can't hide stupidity behind opinion. If you think there's maybe something fishy going on and want to investigate more, then that's fine (as long as you don't harass anyone while doing so). But if you claim that there is a strong evidence about the pizzagate stuff, then well that's an opinion, but it's also pretty stupid.

With this in mind there's no reason why these people shouldn't be concerned, its history playing out like it has so many times before.

Come on, at the very least you have to admit, that if even half of the pizzagate stuff was true, this would be much larger than any pedo scandal in the past.

A witch hunt, or as others might describe it, a baseless campaign of harassment and libel, is certainly a good reason to shut down discussion.

When people or property start to get hurt then the with hunt must cease. Do you not remember the Boston bombing "suspect" who killed himself becuse reddit ruined his life? Reddit was "just asking questions" then. Actions of consequences.

so if I ran a bar, I should be forced to deal with neo nazis saying racist shit every night and decreasing my business while I'm trying to make money?

there are many reasons to censor conversations.

I'm down with investigating claims the problem is taking action based on speculation which is what's happening. That's called a witch hunt.

There is a reason to censor it though.they don't have to tolerate people whipping each other up into a rage that could get others killed over nothing


You know I was gonna ignore this, but I just can't.

Treated like terrorist? What the fucking hell is wrong with you? Where in that post is violence being encouraged? The only people that even bringing that up are people like yourself; which is disturbingly ironic to say the least. And here's the thing, you're advocating for the terrorising of people on this sub. Via mass surveillance, censoring, banning, naming and shaming etc. So who's the terrorist here? Cause no one else is coming close to what you're calling for. Goddamn I bet you're the kind of person who thinks Edward Snowden is a terrorist and the Patriot Act a god send. The kind of person who would have Glenn Greenwald locked up and as you've states this sub scrubbed. That's disgusting and you're shamefulness is on full display for all to see.

Willfully agitating the mentally ILL (fixed that for you) to violence? I, nor anyone else here, is not responsible for what others do. Sorry, but there's far worse sub's you can label that accusation at if you're so inclined, but here yet you come here. GTFO with all that.

Monitoring all of us? You're in conspiracy and you're pushing that kind of shit? Seriously? Like fucking for real? First off, its already happening, and not just to us but to you too buttercup, and that's not a conspiracy that's cold hard fact. Secondly who the fuck are you, Columbo? "I've flagged some of you myself". What!? Dude THATS CRAZY. Who the fuck does that? Do you got a special folder with screen shots and a list of names to take to the authorities? Always wanted to be the big bad policeman but couldn't hack it or something? I don't know, and usually don't try to judge, but you strike me as the type. Wonder why that is?

Bunch of evil freaks? Yeah, once again then only one advocating anything close to violence is you and yours. Not anyone else. So what does that say about you?

As for conspiracy culture attracting then mentally I'll, okay, sure. So does psychiatry. So does law enforcement. Here is a list of the top professions for psychopaths: media, salesperson, surgeon, journalist, police officer, clergy person, chef, civil servant, CEO, lawyer. Weird, I don't see you at any of those related sub's yelling about how they attract the mentally Ill, and yet those are the highest likely professions to attract such. Hmmm. Strange.

Now, do us all a favor and leave. You clearly don't want to be here. So quit wasting your time, as I'm sure you'll save plenty not having to flag anyone. Maybe take up a hobby, something calming perhaps. It seems you need to take a step back. Either way, have a great day!

Okay, done, and I promise no more feeding the trolls. I just couldn't ignore this in good conscious.

"in good conscience" is the phrase.

And, sorry he got you riled up. Thanks for putting him in his place, but everyone could already see he's a nuutcase anyway.

The trolling is strong today!

/u/BransonOnTheInternet don't continue to respond to these people and argue with them, they're way far gone. The comment I'm replying to is a good example of the really crazy people on here.

While the rest of us have civil discussion, these trolls and/or shills will come in throwing profanity and emotionally charged nonsense.

Don't feed them. Make your post and people will upvote. The crazies will get downvoted.

Awesome advice my friend. And exactly why I have stopped doing so.


The people who think the this theory is BS are the ones that are way far gone?

That's not what I said.

There are a lot of things wrong with some of the theories coming forward about pizzagate. From the early days people were making connections here and there that were pure assumptions. That's what happens in every investigation, whether it is the law enforcement authorities, private investigators, or random people on the Internet doing mediocre detective work.

You take the base facts, and you try to make sense of it and come up with theories. The difference is that when law enforcement is doing an investigation, not only do they have much more resources, but they also do not announce every last little theory they have about the investigation until they have a solid case set in place.

Here on reddit, people are posting every last thought and idea they have, and many many many of these are going to be wrong. Remember that and you won't be one of the idiots that want to censor the conversations people are having online.

But anyway, there is a base of facts that launched the conspiracy in the first place. It's easy for anyone to look up if they want to.

I was initially responding to a person who simply gave an emotionally-charged response with profane language which didn't add to the conversation in any meaningful way. Literally, a troll.

Most of the rest of us try to have a civil discussion, talking about what we know for sure and some plausibilities.

Others jump to conclusions and state their theories as fact. Others are skeptics and have a civil conversation about it. Then there are others that just sit and try to derail any conversation by screaming and yelling and dropping profanity, to no benefit to anyone.

If you 100% think the theories are fake, then calmly state what you believe in a clear and concise manner, with supporting facts addressing each point. If you make sense, then people will upvote you and you will change minds.

If you do not have anything productive to share and just want to troll, then do not participate in this conversation. Go somewhere else. (As if my plea is going to stop the real trolls anyway)

You bunch of fucking evil freaks.

I dunno about you but if I owned a pizza place and serious allegations of this kind were generating massive attention online the first thing i would do is call the FBI and BEG them to investigate my business with complete transparency. I'd make a big public statement about it.

Instead he comes out, claims its bullshit.

The guy owns a pizza place and is supposedly one of the most powerful people in DC. I think he ought to know about public relations by now.

They should at least be monitoring all of you physically and paying house calls to mods/organizers/instigators. Goddamn I sure hope you fucking reckless, deluded morons are known by address/name to authorities, I've personally flagged a few of you saying crazy shit and sent it along to them, fuck the admins they clearly don't give a shit, I'd scrub all these shitty subs.

When this ring is cracked you'll have to come to grips with the fact that you tried to supress an investigation that saved childrens lives.

Rule 10.


Who's to say I didn't and its not right in front of you, did you ever wonder that? How about you don't come to a sub about conspiracies if you don't want to discuss conspiracies.

Last I checked, by the way, no ones information is posted here. Your argument holds no weight. So gtfo with all that nonsense.

I could be the official Reddit account of Branson, MO or I could just be someone named Branson who happens to be on the internet. Who knows.


Lead by example "buddy". Don't ask for things your unwilling to do. My names right there. Can you say the same?

Oh and by the way, self employed and have been for almost 2 years. So what's that about a boss?

Seems like the only one advocating a witch hunt is you.

You are inciting another user to doxx him/herself. You will be banned if you do it again.

Why are you trying to discourage an independent investigation? On /r/conspiracy nonetheless? gtfo here....

Because what you call an investigation is a witch hunt that is detrimental to innocent people.

You wanna call these sick fucks innocent? All the while they groom and rape children? Not even willing to do some research into it?

These poor kids man holy fuck what is wrong with people. And why are so many people quick to defend pedophiles?

Which victims though? Who are those disappeared children? Oh right the "investigation" hasn't found any. It's just drawing really thin symbolic links.

They're dead.

Where are the concerned parents?

How about some logic and reasoning being applied:

John and Tony Podesta are old friends of Jeffery Epstein, Dennis Hastert and Clement Freud, three convicted child molesters? Who has so many child rapists as friends? Who stays friends with child rapists after they’re exposed and convicted?

Go ahead, take a stab at that. Would you still be friends with three convicted child rapists? I know any sane person would tell them to "fuck right off". Maybe you keep different company...

So they are guilty by association? The law doesn't work like that.

I didn't say the Podesta's were guilty of anything but being friends with morally bankrupt individuals. I wasn't trying to prove any thing. I was asking you a very simple question. This isn't a courtroom and I am not putting any one on trial.

This one bit of factual information is just one of many. Known associates is used in court to determine the character of an individual and would be used by any smart lawyer to influence the jury. The objection would be dismissed if brought up and even if it wasn't and the jury was asked to forget it... they would not. You know why? BECAUSE NORMAL FUCKING PEOPLE DON'T ASSOCIATE WITH CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTERS.

"Birds of a feather flock together."

Known associates is used in court to determine the character of an individual and would be used by any smart lawyer to influence the jury. The objection would be dismissed if brought up and even if it wasn't and the jury was asked to forget it... they would not. You know why? BECAUSE NORMAL FUCKING PEOPLE DON'T ASSOCIATE WITH CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTERS.

Sure but you don't base your defense on such thin affirmation.

base your defense

I never said I would ~ I said it would be brought up along with other facts. You still haven't answered my question. Who would still be friends with THREE convicted child molesters? Would you? And who the fuck do you know even has three friends, who are convicted child molesters, and isn't one them self? Birds of a feather bro.

If you want facts, the emails are obvious code as their wording makes no sense what-so-ever in any other context. The bands they host at the establishment have lots of Satanic and negative adolescent imagery (but it's for "ALL AGES". Their logo (which they changed) is a known symbol for "Boy Lovers". Why change it if there's nothing seemingly "wrong"? Why does Jimmy have so many awkward instagram pictures (like #chickenlovers, with no apparent chicken in the picture, but means "one is attracted to boys" or children taped up)? His instagram profile pic is of Antinous - the 13 year old boy lover to the King of Rome. How about the sketches by witnesses of the Madeleine McCann abduction - who resemble perfectly, the Podesta's (and they were only a third of a mile from her last seen location at the time)?

How about Tony Podesta's taste in art?


This is the tip of an iceberg and all the information is readily available for you to research your self. I understand what you're saying in regards to needing evidence to convict these people ~ but law enforcement and the judicial system are bought and paid for. Most the people (see previous child sex-rings: Dutroux Case in the US, the Hampstead Case & Jimmy Savile in the UK etc) involved in these rings are in complete control of the investigations.

Still haven't answered my original question though.. I know, it's hard to think of an answer because only one fucking exists and you're denying it so hard I'm surprised your brain doesn't leap out from being deprived of oxygen in that air-tight closed chamber.

Glad you judged them to be innocent based on nothing. Thank goodness that's all cleared up.

Innocent until proven guilty my friend.

How are you sure they're innocent? Should people never be investigated because there's a potential that one crazy person might do something? Not sure what you're getting at

Well if there is reason to investigate them sure and then a court of law will decide if they are guilty.

Usually a good start to investigate is having an identified victim. Where are the concerned parents that their child has disappeared?

It will be pretty hard to go to trial with nothing but thin or made up symbolic links.

What if the FBI or a similar government agency was compromised by the people being accused? See the problem with "just leaving it up to them"?

Well you're gonna need to roll up your sleeves my friend because white handkerchief=CP (it does not, that link was made up) is not gonna suffice. The entire proposed links are as bad as this one by the way.

So what we have here is most realistically people who have come to a very early conclusion on some other people and then are trying to find potential links to this.

In other words: idiots doing the opposite of what an investigation is. The conclusion comes at the end, not the start.

Is that literally the only other part you know? It just really seems like you're trying hard to defend something you don't know much about.

discourage an independent investigation

Because no one on this sub is actually trained to conduct a real investigation.

I didn't know you knew every single member of the conspiracy sub, that must of taken you a long time to get to know us all individually. Shit I don't even remember meeting you either, how awkward.

Because an "independent investigation" needs to be performed by people other than 4chan and Reddit users. You know, people with actual skills and experience with the authority to conduct a thorough and (this is the real kicker) reasonable investigation.

What occurs on Reddit, 4chan, and voat are a far cry from that.

If you attempt to ridicule and undermine something of this severity you are just as sick as those involved. Or perhaps you like a little bit of cheese and hotdogs yourself eh?

Have you thought about the personal responsibility you have for supporting all these theories if they turn out to be false? Maybe that's why you're making these emotional attacks.

They don't think about that for even a second.

No, they haven't. If they turn out to be false, or someone actually does get hurt, they get to turn off the computer and walk away from the fire they've been stoking for the last three months.

I think it's because he is a pedo himself.

Hey /u/ADPNova I could easily accuse you of being a Pedo.

Wow. An extreme anti trumpette in r/conspiracy propagating an establishment narrative with a ton of upvoted in the middle of the night. Thanks for exposing yourselves CTR.


Yes. Folks of your ilk. Even if you are ignorant enough to believe that the Dem party is just in their cause with CTR, are stupid enough to believe that members of communities like this sub wouldn't be suspicious to see a massive amount of support for trying to silence this issue. We see it. We don't believe it. Honestly you are just exposing yourself faster if someone who doesn't know about pizza gate comes here, so go back to the drawing board or round table or whatever the fuck you soulless folks call it, and figure out a better approach to slow the investigation into this ring of corrupt disgusting elites that will be uncovered eventually. Buying old accounts off people and bombarding small well knit communities like these are making you look like fools.

Hope that payday is fat enough to let you sleep at night.


You look so stupid. You probably realize this but continue to push your wallets narrative. Enjoy your life if you are this ignorant to completely discredit something with this much weird shit and evidence. This conspiracy is so popular because of all the shit that has been found. Mountains and mountains of connections to pedophilia among the global elite. Comet Pingpong is just a small but confident piece of this puzzle. People might conspire against the moon landing because they see details of a movie set and gravitational pull of a flag, this is much more than that. Tell your boss they need to redraft their game plan to try and silence this conspiracy, because it's not going away.


There doesn't need to be proof because anything and anyone is suspect after seeing that a Superpac can fund millions of dollars to propagate a narrative in what used to be thought of as a somewhat neutral center, being the internet. You might not be CTR, but I can't know for sure knowing that dickheads like David Brock can infiltrate peoples perspective on the truth by pushing propaganda. If you're not CTR i'm sorry.... but when I see smoke there is most definitely a fire, and i'm not staying anywhere near that house.

Hey DerpyDoodle from r/Politics! Stop protecting pedophiles!


What brings you to r/conspiracy when you have never spent anytime here? You're just a TROLL. GTFO.

I would definitely expect this or some other variation of Reddit-wide censorship using this manufactured incident as a springboard.

How was this incident manufactured?

By spoooooky false flagging anti-free speech SJW's of course

The alleged shooter has an imdb page, his dad works in movies and he was a director of a "protect-the-children" org. Just another patsy.

What does being in a movie have to do with anything?

Those dots are not connected at all.

Also, I thought all actors were libtards?

Proof? - Shooters IMDb page - Fathers past as a director at a protect-the-children org - The father wrote a horror movie

This was on this sub less than 24 hours ago and is currently on the Voat pizzagate sub. This was very easily findable, don't be lazy.

I mean proof that it was "manufactured" you colossal retard, not the imdb page etc.

you colossal retard

Name calling? Check

Posts in EnoughTrumpSpam? Check

Gets mad when you back up your claims with fact? Check

What a stereotypical little brigading troll you are! Remember to virtue signal when you're back in your safe space about how r/the_donald are big meanies for "brigading" other subs!

how does the fact that his dad wrote a horror movie back up that it was staged? There's a word for the kind of evidence you provided "circumstantial".

It's called "being a mentally retarded conspiracy nut".

Not having any proof that it's a manufactured false flag? Check.

That's basically our discussion summed up in one sentence.

People sincerely interested in pursuing an organic investigation into Pizzagate don't tote along assault rifles which so happen to be the weapon so prevalent in most modern shooting sprees. The AR-15 rifle which happens to be the favourite gun targetted by gun banning zealots and the state-sponsors of false-flag shootings.

Oh I see, that's some pretty definitive opinion going on right there.

That's all anyone has until evidence bears out the truth. Unlike yours which is arrogant and pathetically self-righteous.

The assertion that there's only opinion is ludicrous.

If the news, and police reports, are only opinion, you're assuming a coverup involving at least a dozen people, more likely 100+.

You're just making shit up!


What evidence do you have that a real pizzagate investigator wouldn't have brought a weapon?

Removed, warning for rule 10.

So people go and hype each other up about "investigating" comet pizza and sending death threats but when somebody goes on with a gun it's then manufactured? Ok

These people have fully gone around the bend.

Pretty sure it is safe to assume that the vast majority of people who are interested in the pizzagate conspiracy aren't sending death threats. Reality is twisted enough as it is, you don't have to twist it any further to suit yourself.

Ok, but there are still a disturbing amount of people sending death threats and no one seems to be calling them out

I am not playing ignorant for the sake of it, I genuinely know nothing of people sending death threats. Where did you see this? Is it on Reddit?

Twitter. People have quit their jobs at comet pizza over the death threats and use of their children's pictures online



Aww, are you skeered some of your political heroes might wind up going to jail if PG is fully investigated? That some high-ranking Democrats are going to be exposed as being involved in some vile activities? That you might lose access to some CP yourself? Poor thing.


I missed the news on this. Did someone actually take an ar into the place and shoot it?

Goddammit I go to comicon and miss all the crazy news.

Some guy walked into CPP with a gun. The facts are unclear as to what he did inside. Some people said he didn't threaten anyone, others said he fired a shot or two, others still said those shots were fired at an employee. There are multiple conflicting reports as to what kind of gun he had.

Really murky situation, and now we are finding out he was an actor. Also remember that the street camera which before would face CPP was moved very recently. Just all around strange.

a shooting in America how unusual 🙄

conflicting reports and unclear facts... how unusual

one shot into the floor. probably accidental LOL. Silly North Carolina actors!

latest facts

oh dear get the floor to ICU hardly counts as a shooting could be false flag or accident discharge. I could shoot your floor and nothing would happen, except maybe liberal tears

You'd go to jail.

Appreciate it.

You guys keep saying he was an actor, he was an extra in one movie.

washington post 'official version':

  • Guy walked in with a gun
  • Went to an employee
  • Employee fled
  • Guy shots but doesn't hurt anyone because everybody has fled already (edit: apparently he shot into the floor to see if there was a secret basement...)
  • Cops arrive

No, I'm calling out those who are trying to stifle legitimate inquiries into a horrid subject. BIG difference. Where is your evidence that the guy with the weapon did what he did as a direct result of someone's encouragement on Reddit? Don't have any? Didn't think so.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'm only ashamed that we don't all try harder to eliminate the evil that not only exists today, but is allowed to flourish. Evil such as child porn, sex trafficking, etc., ad nauseum, that some apparently have no problem tolerating if the alternative results in political embarrassment. THAT is what's shameful.


All these retards voted for Trump. Let that sink in.

Yeah. And it's going to get worse. They are going to be like wounded animals as they slowly realize what they voted for and desperately try to justify it. They are already so rattled as they realize what they've done that they've convinced themselves that Trump was the only choice because the other side engages in pizza-themed child exploitation.

nice projection berg

Say what you really mean. We all know what this sub is.

What do you know about this sub? Who is this "all" you speak of? You're name should be "The Projector".

Don't you mean (((the Projector)))?

Nice deflection. Who is "all" you speak for?

See all the upvotes to my comments?

Notice how most people you encounter aren't concerned about a national pizza-themed, DNC-sponsored child prostitution ring?

Those people.

Why post about if you and all your people aren't concerned?

Guess what, Sigmund?

No one gives a fuck what your opinion is about others. Such self-centered righteousness.

Go away.

Judging by then upvotes, plenty of people are sick of you freaks.

people are sick of you freaks.

ooooh I pictured your face scritched up like a lemon when you typed that!

Feel better?

Please seek help.

Please go back to sleep, before you hurt someone.

Right, might hurt someone. You mean like if a guy was to walk into a public, family esablishment with a loaded weapon to investigate some bullshit story that some people on the internet told him about Hillary Clinton going there to fuck children, might hurt someone. Fuck you.

You guys are a bunch of loony motherfuckers that are going to get someone actually hurt with your bullshit rhetoric

You are throwing red herrings and feeding a false narrative by trying to put words in my mouth.

Cut it the fuck out.

Hahaha I'm the one that's going to hurt someone??? After you idiots drove a mentally unstable man to shot a gun inside a pizza shop. Holy fuck the cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

Hahaha you are projecting your fears on random internet strangers.

Holy fuck you have a job to do!

Go throw shade somewhere else, shill. Tagged as a pink shill

Why do you not trust the authorities? There have been a number of high profile child sex rings taken down lately, how has the pizzagate one been allowed to operate without question?

Certainly one person on this list of emails has a moral compass, no?

Why not trust the authorities? Gee, I don't know, could it be that there's now every reason to believe they won't prosecute, a la Comey's laughable recommendation regarding HRC? That said, I have faith that there are plenty of FBI agents who are of good character who WILL do their utmost to present a prosecutable case to the new Attorney General from the evidence they'll undoubtedly uncover in Anthony Weiner's email cache (pointedly saved into a folder he named "Life Insurance"). I eagerly await the news that Trump will not block the continuing investigation into the Clinton Foundation or the prosecutions that will inevitably follow. The fallout is certain to finally put this country on the right track again.

You do know Trump is friends with the Clintons, right?

Dude said he was there to investigate. Pizzagate started on 4chan, migrated to reddit, and was tweeted about by Flynn, Trump's secretary of defense.

Might not have been influenced directly by reddit, but reddit was in the chain of influence that led this man to take this action.

Jesus CHRIST that was a reach!

What is that fallacy called where someone tries to connect two completely different things as magically connected because words?

On the tip of my tongue...

How is it a reach, exactly? What part was I wrong about? The dude went in there to investigate pizzagate, he said so himself.

But this guy being a paid actor because he was an extra in one movie isn't a reach? Apologies if you arn't one of the people that believes this to be some sort of false flag.

I don't know if false flags are an actual thing, so until I got some firm evidence, then no, I think this was just one guy with an overactive imagination.

Note his father works with abused kids; generally overall a good guy, his dad is.

Maybe because he was raised in an environment where he witnessed the aftereffects of abuse, did he go off galavanting.

I'm sure he just chose this pizza place at random and it has nothing to do with your baseless conspiritard theory.

No shots were fired. But oh yeah, media says ONE shot was fired.. We MUST believe them over actual eyewitnesses? lol.

CTR's go back to huffpost.

You also accused a guy of active paedophilia because he disagreed with you...

I heard /u/SavannahWinslow is a pedo who keeps children chained up in his basment. Do I get to walk into your house with an AR and take a look around?

This argument is not about what one idiot did yesterday, it's about what a bunch of idiots began doing some time ago in trying stop any inquiry into the allegations. That being said, I'd be willing to bet that yesterday's idiot wouldn't have done what he did if there were an actual investigation being conducted by law enforcement, so you political bigots would also all be required to point the finger of blame at yourselves if anything unfortunate had happened because of your deliberate role in trying to stifle inquiry in order to protect your pet politicians.

But what I'm saying is these are nothing more than allegations and largely the same as me saying your a pedo. I want to search you're house as an inquiry into my allegations that your a pedo, do you think I should be allowed to? Or that the police should?

Where is your evidence

Oh the irony

Maybe you should bomb a federal building. You guys see McVeigh as a hero right? He sure stood up to the federal government.

Stop that. Now. You are deflecting.

nobody fired anything.

Yes—and that proves that PizzaGate is false, right? Same logic

people bring a gun into Kmart buddy

Pedo sympathisers and their strawmen arguments...

another one who didn't read the OP'S post.

Edit: that is YOU.

Just type like a sane person please. And yes I did, what part did I miss? Although his posts deleted now, funny that...

Well I still see his main post, if that's the one you mean (the op's post.)

Don't you see it or do you mean another post(s)?

I agree with everything OP said, i was replying to the comment chain thats above me, although the comment i replied to is now deleted. You have it mixed up. Obviously the term 'pedo sympathiser' wouldnt be used on someone trying to bring justice to the scum themselves.

Ahhh I see, thanks! I must have misread you, sorry mate!

But... OP also suggests to stop with the name calling. I have been called pedo a few times just for pointing some shit out and it's starting to be a counterproductive technique guys because we're still in the same team (and not pedo)!

I'm sure 99.99999999999999999% of the people here (even the skeptics) are fking disgusted at those pedo crimes. So please (make an effort and) don't call skeptics 'pedo sympatizers', man! Find another unique name for the skeptics please! xD

Sorry if I sound patronizing or something.


If you're so scared of violence, why do you and your ilk seek to regularly cause it at campaign rallies? That's a rhetorical question, by the way, because we all know that it's done to attempt to silence opinions which differ from yours for fear that reasonable people will hear, agree and support those candidates who intend to further the agenda you oppose. The irony is that you folks clearly can't see how badly such tactics backfire, eventually resulting in the election of politicians you hate the most. It's a really strange strategy, but inasmuch as it ultimately gets my guys and gals in office, I can only hope that you keep it up! ; )

Wow, great deflection! 8/10

Low score given by the Alabama judge, who didn't understand half the words, but was impressed by his form.

Good answer! 5/7

Straight to the accusation of party affiliation. Nice.

This political season is McCarthyism all over again. Jingoism too. Fucking great, can't wait to see what a mess you retards make of the country.

Good job demonstrating the true heart of this conspiracy theory. Love the smiley too btw, hope you're still making that winkey face when you're in jail for libel.

you get sued for libel, not jail, Perry Mason.

Still better than being a winkey emoticon user.

And apparently you can go to jail for it in the us at least, who'd have thought.

Between 1992 and August 2004, 41 criminal defamation cases were brought to court in the United States, among which six defendants were convicted. From 1965 to 2004, 16 cases ended in final conviction, among which nine resulted in jail sentences (average sentence, 173 days). Other criminal cases resulted in fines (average fine, $1,700), probation (average of 547 days), community service (on average 120 hours), or writing a letter of apology.[17]


Rule 10, first warning.

Banning dissent. Classy.

You aren't banned my man. Not yet at least.

This is why no one takes this sub seriously.

And yet, here you are

Yeah its weird, almost like I enjoy conspiracy theories, just not ones that favor one political party. Also ones that aren't hilariously inept.

Pretending that there's no fire where there's clearly smoke is what's "hilariously inept," in my mind.

we're scared one of you lunatics will end up shooting

Then hide under your bed skeerdy cat!

God dammit people, what is wrong with you all??

What's wrong with us? What's wrong with that guy who walks up into a family restaurant armed with a fucking rifle! And then shoots the fucking floor unaware that the ricochet might hit someone.

I'm not scared personally, I don't even live in America. I'm scared for the lives of the innocent people who were inside the restaurant at the time. Who's to say that guy wasn't unstable enough to shoot at someone?

But I'm not defending that man's actions. Therefore I can't answer your questions.

prove it doesn't exist or stay out of it

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't forget where the burden of proof lies. The null hypothesis says that nothing shady is happening, thus the onus is on you to prove that something is happening.

I honestly find it so ironic that this sub (which should be devoted to exposing truth) has such intellectually dishonest people. We should question everything, not suddenly believe pizzagate because it fits the narrative.

That's the really scary thing about this whole movement. Because the MSM can't be trusted, that means the opposite of what they say is true. So if the MSM made a comprehensive debunking, the pizzagators wouldn't believe it because the MSM is biased.

Which begs the question - what is a good enough source for these people?

Honestly, whatever source reinforces their beliefs. It's that simple, and it sucks that it is this simple. All a source needs is a thin veneer of legitimacy (guys wearing suits should be enough), and a message that agrees with their confirmation bias, and that's good enough.

thus the onus is on you to prove that something is happening.

Then let us. OK? Just poke around some more? The fixation on Comet is all bait and switch.

If there was ever anything going on there, it is not not now. Which means IF it is, it is going on every day, somewhere on the planet.

If not DC, then perhaps Tehran? Rome? Atlanta? Are you willing to risk that, because you are a champion of one pizza shop owner (who is also a DC insider)'s reputation?

No there is no let us - there is no organised group. Do you advocate for the cops to come and search your home without a warrant?

No, you don't. You aren't fucking Batman - you're not keeping the world safe and can't be held accountable for the damage you've already done, which is why I'm against the vigilantism. In theory policing by the people works. In practice people are stupid, biased individuals where the court of public opinion swings from one extreme to the other.

Umm, yeah, when you make an allegation as an accuser, the responsibility of providing actual real tangible evidence is on you. It's not up to us to prove it didn't happen. Christ, it's like arguing with my sisters kids.

Prove to me that there isn't an invisible dragon flying over Seattle right now. Prove it to me that your father is not a Russian spy leaking your nation's secrets. Prove to me you're not a robot with an AI developed in secret by the US government.

The burden of proof is on the side of the person making the accusation bro.

Do better than false equivalency, and we will take your request into consideration.

And this thread is not a legal entity, bro.

Should be a little pretty simple request, but somehow none of you can manage to back up your accusations, let alone explain them in your own words. Even now, a guy walks into a restaurant with a gun and your first thought is false flag? Unreal.

That is not my first thought. Again, you are using glittering generalities to paint all skeptics as being of one mind. Please stop.

All you do is deflect or cherry pick your responses. The fact that you can't defend any of your accusations should be a pretty big red flag. The entire theory rests on a few "code words" being true, yet you can provide zero proof of them not being entirely fabricated.

All you do is deflect or cherry pick your responses deflections.

Are we done yet?

If you're unable to defend your accusations, then yeah I guess we are done. The keywords which the entire theory rests on are entirely self referential, and since you refuse to provide proof otherwise, it's become pretty clear this whole thing is fake, and your ego is more important to you than facts.

Again, you mistake me for someone who is making accusations about Comet and CP.

Stop it. I'm not.

Big words for a robot.

That's not how the burden of proof works you idiot. This is America Jesus. If someone makes a wild accusation it's not up to the accused to proove they are innocent, it's up to the accuser.

This is not a criminal investigation. We are not bound by constitutional law. Indeed there is no way to prove the citizenship of anyone on reddit. They could be from anywhere.

This is not "America, you idiot". It's the goddamn internet.

Prove it does it exist.

OK, things take time. If there was, say, a video of Podesta beating a child tied to a wall, then we would not be here, would we?

Do you think that manipulative, sociopathic individuals who power trip over CP, who use CST to blackmail leaders, etc just LEAVE evidence like this out.

Or do you think they might have code words, or sly talk? Ever buy weed from someone illegally? Didn't you have 'code talk'?

There is code talk through Podesta's emails. There are characters with very real criminal convictions revolving around CST in these communications.

Give us time. But tell me, random skeptical internet person - if you had the evidence you demand here and now, what would you then do with it?

The problem is, none of us are trained investigators and the enthusiasm of the hashtaggers is detrimental to a real investigation. But if the conspiracy is to be believed then this would go into every level of government and I assume policing too. So the problem, random gullible internet person - is there a level of proof-of-innocence that you'd be able to accept? What if Podesta came out and said "I'm not a paedophile, but I am gay and enjoy a BDSM lifestyle" - would that be enough?

Taste in art is not enough to convict anyone of anything. If that was the case, half of 4chan would be verifiable paedophiles based on the hentai alone.

The fact alone that the code-talk is 4chan paedo code immediately makes this suspect - why would high level political movers be using the same code as the lowest on the internet totem pole?

I've read all of the 'evidence'. I'd say the closest thing that comes to code is the pizza related napkin thing. That is an odd exchange. But it's in no way a smoking gun.

Pizzagators should be sending their evidence to either the police, respectable investigative journalists or perhaps pooling resources to hire a PI. I don't think doxxing, vigilantism and libel are the answers though.

I'd say the closest thing that comes to code is the pizza related napkin thing

Did you travel down the string and put together when, where and who was at that event with Podesta?

The two people who was riding with the summer vacation rental realtor are two billionaires who made their money off shady loans that led to the Wachovia collapse. Their charity 'grooms' young people to run charitable foundations like businesses. They rented the Martha's Vineyard residence for 10 days, even though they live on the West Coast. I guess Labor Day is a big day for Billionaires.

Strange thing, a comment about one of the suggested listings did not meet two men's insistence that the home has 'high ceilings'. Clicking the link, the only low ceilings are in bedrooms. I guess some billionaires have phobias about normal size homes.

One of the guests was a lawyer who was classmates of HRC at Wellesley. The other was a billionaire who had a reputation of manhandling women, and then paying them off to shut up about it. We know Podesta was there. The house sleeps 10-12

So, you know, it is really strange shit like that. Shit like the home they picked was at the end of a cul de sac, and had a boat dock with water access. All of it, the rich, the hankie, the ceilings, just coincidence, I am sure of it!

Dude, nothing you've said there even hints that these people are trafficking and abusing dozens/hundreds of children. Billionaires have particular taste in houses... ok? I don't doubt they're odd people, but that doesn't mean anything to me.

Did I say anything about trafficking and abusing kids?? Anywhere? Stop trying to paint me as some conspiratard.

Give me reasonable answers why two men only listed by their first names, would insist as a 'special request' the bedrooms have high ceilings?

You don't doubt they are odd people.... but then when they do odd things, their wealth is a valid excuse?

Go on...

If you don't want to be seen as a conspiritard then why are you vexed about high ceilings? How are high ceilings conducive to whatever it is we're talking about now?

To me it sounds like they're just massively privileged people who want specific things from the luxury accommodation they're in. The onus is not on doubters to prove the innocence of things (innocence is very hard to prove), the onus is on the believers to put together a strong case that doesn't rely on coincidence or conjecture.

OK wait a sec, I have a moment, let's break this down. You say "Did I say anything about trafficking and abusing kids?? Anywhere?" but we're in a pizzagate thread, that's the whole context for all of this. This is an 'investigation' (I'd venture it's a literal witch hunt in place) about child abuse. So I'm trying to understand how the rest of your evidence fits.

You say: "Did you travel down the string and put together when, where and who was at that event with Podesta?

The two people who was riding with the summer vacation rental realtor are two billionaires who made their money off shady loans that led to the Wachovia collapse. Their charity 'grooms' young people to run charitable foundations like businesses. They rented the Martha's Vineyard residence for 10 days, even though they live on the West Coast. I guess Labor Day is a big day for Billionaires. "

People 'grooming' (or, teaching) young people is not suspect in and of itself. I assume labour day weekend is a big deal? I don't know, not american. But I figure if you're a billionaire you'd want somewhere nice to stay for as long as you please.

"Strange thing, a comment about one of the suggested listings did not meet two men's insistence that the home has 'high ceilings'. Clicking the link, the only low ceilings are in bedrooms. I guess some billionaires have phobias about normal size homes."

Yes, probably. As likely as them being child molesters I guess?

"One of the guests was a lawyer who was classmates of HRC at Wellesley."

Not suspicious.

"The other was a billionaire who had a reputation of manhandling women, and then paying them off to shut up about it."

A bit like Trump?

"We know Podesta was there. The house sleeps 10-12"

So there might have been others there?

"All of it, the rich, the hankie, the ceilings, just coincidence, I am sure of it!"

How do the ceilings mean anything at all?

You've disappeared down a rabbit hole, man. Come back.

You cant shoot high angle sex videos with a low ceiling, my friend.

That is the only thing I can think of, personally . Can you think of anything other than 'it is anything but THAT'?

Also, we are talking Martha's Vineyard. 10 day rental. This is a billionaire with homes all over the country. Why rent one, if not for anonymity? Maybe whatever they are doing in the vacation homes, they don't want to do in the vacation homes they own?

And why did they have to buy 'new pillows' for a big $ rental home? Pillows and a hankie were both left at the rental.

Man you didn't read the OP's post, didn't you?


Yet another person with reading comprehension problems? (Actually, let's call it what it is: an attempt to deflect and change the subject from the topic you obviously greatly fear.) Calling out those who seek to quash legitimate inquiry is not even remotely in the same BALLPARK as supporting the activities of a violent person! Ironically it's the same type of violence that you advocate in addressing me. The hypocrisy of your comment reeks, but your stupidity in revealing your true nature to all must be appreciated for the honesty you were compelled to expose about yourself.

What is it about PG that terrifies you folks so much? Do you truly fear that Clinton involvement (and thus liberal embarrassment) is going to be revealed? You must, because nothing short of a fear of that nature could possibly drive such a paranoid campaign of censorship. Obviously if there's nothing to PG, there's nothing to fear. But you guys' knees are obviously quivering with fear that something is going to come out that will be extremely humiliating to liberals. And that's all we decent folks need to know to confirm that the investigation and search for additional evidence must continue. The days of being silenced by liberal bullies are OVER! The truth WILL come out, whatever it may be, whether here or elsewhere, regardless of how hard you try to prevent it from happening. You'd be wise to govern yourselves accordingly.

What is it about PG that terrifies you folks so much?

What terrifies us is not that a pedophile might get caught. What terrifies is us how easy someone can get accused and believed to be a despicable human being despite there being no evidence against them. What terrifies us is that if we get on the wrong side of you lunatics, you just might forge a conspiracy branding us as the worst of the worst, and suddenly some armed dude shows up on our doorstep to "investigate". What frightens us is the lack of protocol, it's that people are guilty until proven innocent, it's that mob justice is justified, it's the herd thinking, it's the cult-like belief without proof.

Why didn't you call the police on this? Let them handle it. Why can't you trust the authorities on this? Why do you refuse to believe the authorities when they say there's nothing there? This is what scares us the most: You people are convinced that there's something fishy going on, and nothing will convince you otherwise. To what lengths are you willing to go in your witch-hunt? An armed goon shows up and fires a gun in a family establishment, what's next? Assassination, even without proof?

Well, Podesta was still in contact with convicted pedophile dennis hastert:

Who the fuck misses child rapists? Nasty.

The email was written like two days after the hastert scandal started i think. It doesn't say they go and visit him in jail or any shit like that. The man was the most powerful Republican in DC. Fucking everyone has ties to him, and by your reasoning, they're all guilty of pedophilia by association.

First and foremost, I am NOT convinced that there's anything to the PG allegations ... yet. All I've seen so far is a lot of smoke. What has attracted my attention is the fact that there is a zealous effort to try to prevent any inquiry into the subject. Reasonable people don't attempt to stifle investigation when they believe there's no basis for the questions. They'll simply allow the process to play out, confident that there are no criminal acts that will be exposed. What we have here, however, is the opposite. And all it does is raise suspicions even further; it does nothing to neutralize concerns.

As to being branded "the worst of the worst," you've already done that to yourselves. To be clear, this is something that has ALREADY HAPPENED, it's not something that may or may not happen in the future. Moreover, your purported concern about "mob justice" is laughable in light of Ferguson and other riots, provoking violence at political rallies, and other things liberals are well known for such as the "herd thinking" that everyone who isn't liberal isn't only incorrect, they're downright EVIL in your minds. I may lack the power to correct your erroneous thinking, but I possess, and will forever regularly exercise, the power to vote to marginalize and eventually eradicate your destructive political policies and philosophies. For the sake of your own sanity, you'd best figure out a way to accept that.

reasonable people DO attempt to stifle absurd investigations when they feel it to be dangerous. Distributing misinformation has already led to death threats and this incident yesterday. We don't want unstable and gullible people taken in by this bullshit and doing bad things that they think are justified. There are real consequences.

Ah, but you're not simply trying to stifle "absurd" investigations, your aim is to stifle ALL inquiries. As evidence thereof is the irrefutable fact that these attempts began as soon as questions started being asked. Don't forget that there are ALSO consequences for participating in child porn and sex trafficking, and ending the abuse of the victims is paramount. It's a real poser why you guys are so concerned about your politicians but clearly have no concern whatsoever for the real sufferers. For shame.

it's not like i'm calling for censorship or shutting down more subreddits or anything. I just debate and try to refute the 'evidence.' Don't act as though you're a victim being silenced. And i have no connection to any of these people. i'm not trying to protect them, and I'm not particularly fond of Hillary. If anything, i'm just worried for those families who had a crazy guy with a gun threaten them.

I'm just trying to be a voice of reason and say that there's a reason that guy was influenced to take an AR-15 into a restaurant and fire shots. That's actual violence, and it actually happened. That guy is clearly not mentally stable. Do you think it's an issue that you're attracting delusional people who may act out in violence because of your statements?


I feel worried for anyone who has guns waved in their face, especially innocent people! It has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives. Don't try to inject partisanship into every situation. I don't support violence in the slightest. This has nothing at all to do with politics. It has to do with not supporting vigilantism.

Again, i'm not trying to censor anyone. you have the right to say whatever you want. I'm just saying that inflammatory language has consequences that you should be aware of, and it's fucked up to try to ruin people's lives. I'm not trying to protect any politicians. It's just that critical thinking is really important to me, i care about the truth, and it's fucked up that people on the internet are deciding someone is guilty based on their own insane "research." So you can call me out as some sort of politically motivated censor shill, but that's not me at all.

Get real! The attempt to censor discussion about PG is SOLELY about partisanship!

As to language having consequences, should we avoid all conversation about the Middle East because it might inflame terrorists? Is there ANY safe yet important subject that can be freely discussed that can't be misconstrued by a nutjob? Are we all supposed to walk around in total silence for fear that someone will take our words as an inducement to be violent? No, we can't even do that because you and I both know that there are individuals that can even take a glance in their direction the wrong way. Tiptoeing around in fear is not the way to live life.

Pizzagate got censored for doxxing people. Reddit apparently was worried it might lead to negative action against innocent people, and look what happened! They didn't shut you down because they're all "Clinton cucks" and are trying to protect them. You were censored because you were allegedly breaking the rules. Pizzagate is a conspiracy theory, and one SO OUTLANDISH, that even Alex fucking Jones is distancing himself from it. Don't pretend that anyone who refuses to subscribe to your hairbrained theories is a 'liberal cuck.'

Thank you for the false equivalency of "terrorists in the Middle East." You know, there's evidence against most suspected terrorists, not to mention they're not American citizens.

These are regular people who ARE citizens, and you're talking about what scum they are and how you hope they're hanged and fucked up shit like that. Maybe not you in particular, but there's all kinds of inflammatory shit being said about people who aren't even being legally investigated.


I doubt that any legal authorities are going to start an investigation based on some internet conspiracy theories. There are no reputable journalists/investigators currently talking about it. Even Alex Jones has said to focus on podesta/clinton/whatever, but comet ping pong is clearly just a regular fucking pizza place, and it does no good to go in there with guns threatening members of the public. There's NOTHING there, and anyone who has been to the place has said the same. It doesn't make sense to launch an investigation into James Alefantis without any actual evidence whatsoever. OMG he's gay and likes dicks and also has little kids at his restaurant...get over it.

Let's not forget about the emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop (in a folder he labeled "Life Insurance", ffs) that the NYPD chief has said he is "sickened" over. Not knowing yet whether they are tied to Comet Ping Pong is anyone's guess at this point, but I won't be the least surprised to learn that they are ... and neither will you. In fact, that probability is what's driving this whole censorship movement, isn't it? ISN'T IT???? You HAVE to know it's coming. <wicked grin>

"anyone's guess"... yeah, you're guessing. yes. they found hillary's emails on weiner's computer, but there's absolutely no evidence whatsoever that they're related to Comet Ping Pong. That's just what you'd like to believe. As far as i know, there's no "censorship movement" that you speak of. Just reddit shutting down your subreddit for breaking the rules, and journalists who don't want to ruin their reputation with insane conspiracy theories. The shit is just NOT newsworthy. When Alex Jones is hesitant to run with your theories, you know they're bullshit.


Look at William Wallace over here.

What is it about PG that terrifies you folks so much?

At this point? That some tinfoil hat wearing loony is going to murder a glorified Domino's employee.

liberal bullies

I don't generally use this response, but: lol

I agree. Why are there so many people adamant about defending the honor of some gay DC political insider who also owns a small restaurant? You would think we were attacking Hillary herself.

My sentiments exactly.

Rule 4.

Need more Rule 303


Yes, who could have predicted spreading conspiracy theories that children were being abused and murdered might result in someone trying to do something stupid to stop it? What was he thinking, applying normal, straightforward logic to the situation?

Rule 10.

Damn dude, you sound pretty angry. Calm it down there.


no one got hurt though?


Words: learn how to spell them.

Critical thinking. Learn how to use it.

^ what my new friend said

You're bothering them during another of their 'circle of validation' shhhh!

Damn, really makes my heart bleed for those pedophiles!

You believe every family in there at the time were pedophiles?

Do you believe anyone was really in danger? If the actor wanted to act, there would be no stopping him.

Obviously his motive was not to drive 400 miles just to shoot mommys.

Come on man youre smarter than this


Are you saying that everyone who visits the pizzeria is a pedophile?

No but you are deflecting, which is going on like crazy in the sub right now.


So you look through my comment history and after that you believe I am paid to write my comments on Reddit? I would love to get paid, I could use some more money.

But as expected, you're just a the_donald(er). No surprise that conspiracy has been occupied by the_donald users. you realize you just used the first line in the script about 'aww shux where's muh check?" deflector that shills use when called out?

Obviously you are not a shill. But you have been trained by them because, gosh darn, their arguments all sound so REASONABLE, don't they??

And we all sound SO CRAZY don't we???

You shill this train of thought and you don't even realize it. That is best shill.

Am I a shill getting paid or am I obviously not a shill? Or am I a trainee in the shill sector?

I don't really understand what you mean.

You are trying too hard. let it go.

And that's coming from you.



Now you're just acting like a standard third wave feminist who has no arguments anymore and therefore starts calling the other side things.

Good job!

You cant just believe that everyone who disagress with you is a shill. PEOPLE PLEASE USE YOUR BRAIN

we are using our brain and that's why we believe that. it's liberals who constantly use violence to get what they want and dismiss evidence

What about liberals??? Grow up and take responsibillity for your beliefs and actions theres no need for us/them divides

that is a glittering generality casting everyone in one light. stop.

It's impossible, they just converse in their own echo-chambers and when you hear the same arguments over and over and over, even though they do not have any ground - you start to believe them and see connections (even though there aren't any, perhaps there are some, but most of them are just projected) about for example Pizzagate.

Wow, seriously? This is the attitude you fucks have? Yeah nobody got hurt this time. But this whole event was spurred by your outrageous and baseless claims. Sure, nobody was hurt THIS time, but what about next time? Will you be able to live with yourself knowing your crazy crack-pot theories caused injury or death to someone?! Get a grip on reality dude!

This time.

as opposed to all the actual shootings that happened today where people died.

are you a pedophile?

This. This is what scares me. You just jumped to this conclusion. Now is it up to him to prove to you he's not a pedophile?

he left anyway. i simply asked a question.

It's ironic, because this self assured kind of "I'm right and examples displayed against my correctness are manufactured or misconstrued and do nothing but reinforce my own correctness" is exactly the kind of logic employed by the politicians that conspiracy theorists hate so much.

Pizzagate is the stupidest thing I have ever read. You guys are nuts. Now morons with guns are shooting up restaurants.

This is rediculous

No one shot up anything. Quit spreading bullshit.

The CNN article, updated less than an hour ago? has no mention of shots fired. I think it might be a false report or something, because that's a pretty big detail to miss.

Which just goes to show how bullshit this whole thing is


You're not interested in the truth. You just want to be right.

Gun shots were fired in Ohio state. The police officer was the one to shoot them. It's pretty hard to mistake gun fire.

And what's your reasoning for ignoring multiple news sources saying that shots were fired?

Look at who you're talking to.

The only evidence that matters is evidence that fits the narrative. That's how conspiracy theories work.

Well, yes. Except in this particular case it's resulted in massive and continuous harassment of owners, employees, and their relatives and children, and in today's case, potentially fatal consequences for anybody who happened to be in the store.

So perhaps the people responsible for spreading baseless bullshit and getting mentally impaired people worked up to the point of violence need a certain amount of public vilification.

These are the same people who accuse the families of Sandy Hook victims of being actors, it's disgusting that they're immediately trying to shirk any responsibility for this.

Bullshit. The dude most certainly fired his weapon into the floor, in search of these rooms filled with abused children that you idiots claim are located within CPP.
Stop spreading these dangerous lies.

Cool, so you have never been in this subreddit, and come from r/politics, aka r/fuckingdemocrats and supposedly know all the facts. Cool.

Read this and tell me it's not suspicious

I read it, and I honestly feel stupider because of it.

There is literally nothing I can find even remotely coherent in these connections. It all comes off as ranting lunacy to me. The level of ignorance on the topics of art and music, and just life in general presented in this rambling grasping at straws is incredible.

Maybe I will get called a cuck, or a shill or just sheeple, but this is honestly the most asinine conspiracy I have ever come across.

I can see them using this incident toshut down all dialogue regarding PizzaGate but I believe this guy was more than likely a redditor that has mental problems and did something stupid.

Or maybe he did it to draw more media to PizzaGate. My guess is well over 50% of the population still no zero about it

there is no evidence he was a redditor. that is false equivilency and a common narrative thought this thread.

there is no evidence he was a redditor

Does this really matter? He clearly believed any nonsense he reads on the internet and Reddit has a gigantic responsibility in letting this nonsense proliferate.

kinda lowballing it aren't ya

Most people wouldn't give a shit if they were making pizzas out of kids.

It's the post-fact America. Most people would hear the story and say it was a false flag to smear Clinton.

That pizza cutter slices all ways.

I can see Trump's thugs pushing this concocted from whole cloth scandal to not think twice about the horrible real life consequences of their anti-homosexual witch hunt.

OR, there was no 'him' ....just a thought...

after catching up on all the latest info I do believe the guy was a plant. That being said its very likely a real crazy person is going to do something

I do believe the guy was a plant

Why would you believe that? Share with us the evidence that is so blatantly obvious.

He was yelling PHOTOSYNTHESIS as he entered the premises

He was allegedly yelling PHOTOSYNTHESIS as he entered the premises

FTFY #NotAllPlants

I wish I could upvote this a thousand times.


So he can't both be a shitty actor and a crazy murderous conspiracy theorist egged on by the Reddit-based knownothings who have slandered and libeled some heretofore unknown pizza shop because reasons.



So because he's was an extra or sound guy in like 3 shit movies he was hired by the...someone... to do this? Due to his acting skill or something?

What profession would he needed to have had to make you not think he was a plant?


So just last month this guy hit a kid with his car, and he wasn't charged.

Yeah, cause it looks like he may not have committed any crimes? Police have to get all the information before they can do that. If you get into a car accident you don't just get thrown in a police cruiser. He may not be at fault.

I like how in your first link you ignore literally all the rest of the article which basically highlights a pattern of behavior from what you'd expect from someone who'd do this.

Also, this guys dad;

Dentist? Crime Prevention? Boy Scout? Foster Parent?

What professions would the dad have to have for you to not suspect him of being involved in a false flag operation?

The only thing in any of that which is any way related is the Film Production Company, which seems to be just some shitty family project that they never use.

All the other shit you listed are generally considered the actions of a good person.

It's a weird world where being a bad person makes you a bad person, being a good person makes you a bad person in disguise, and being selected as an arbitrator for the North Carolina Dental Association makes your son a government pedophile protector.


why did you completely ignore him being Executive Director for Protect-A-Child, a national, non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children"?

Because I didn't want to go through each line of this guys resume saying "this is a reasonable and nice job for someone to have", "in fact, it may be the fact that this guy's father has been trying to protect children his whole life that this dude took these crazy accusations about kids getting hurt too far".

The rule of bullshit is that it takes an order of magnitude more effort to disprove it than to create it. For every arbitrary line you throw, i have to type a paragraph trying to teach you why it's ridiculous and I don't want to have to do that. So I pick a few and write about those.

Tell me this, if the shooter really cared about the children at comet, why wouldn't he ask his dad for help? You would think "Executive Director for Protect-A-Child, a national, non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children" would be a pretty good help in bringing down or at least investigate Comet Pong.

Maybe he did and the dad looked at the evidence and said "that doesn't make any sense, I'm trying to actually help children, not farm karma on internet forums and threaten a pizza place with no evidence"?

pretty good help in bringing down or at least investigate Comet Pong.

You have to have evidence to investigate anything. ANY evidence. Pictures of children are not evidence. Cherry picked emails talking about food are not evidence.

Even if this is all true ALL OF IT you still need to get evidence first. You need some victims, or some victims families. Or some accuser. Or any evidence at all.

I bet if I went through your email history or hell, your REDDIT history, post-by-post and cherry picked a 3 out of a thousand, I could make you sound like anything I wanted. That isn't evidence.


What's more likely - a crazy guy from /r/conspiracy or a person pretending to be a crazy guy from Reddit in order to draw negative light on an internet investigation of a nonexistent crime?

I've read the emails, and they sound fishy. But you don't have any basis of proof; there's no tangible evidence. This sub and pizzagate sub constantly echo this accusation, and create this evil shadow entity that supposedly makes /r/conspiracy look bad. Remember this is the same user base that caused some kid to commit suicide after accusing him of being the Boston bomber. You don't need a plant to make reddit look bad.

Just to clarify, the kid was dead for a long time before Reddit fucked up the case. It did lead to plenty of harassment for his grieving parents, though

Any reason you think he was a plant? Or is this just another baseless claim....

Or he was just Bigfoot!.... Ya know, just a thought.

Or there are 2 hims, twins in fact. That's how he can 2 places at the same time.

It's HRC using her spirit summoning powers like in Game of Thrones. That's what South Park was trying to say with that Snuke episode -- FACT

Tagged as "Throws shade"

Lmao. Busted

But it's obvious. That's why Trump grabs the pussy, to make sure spirit demons aren't coming out of it.

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I'm getting flashbacks to the Boston marathon bomber "investigation" watching this shit unfold from the sidelines. The vocal minority of this sub is pure poison and beyond delusional. I also wanna clarify that I love most of ya'll.

When the scourge known as the_donald goes back to their shit heap we will again be the majority

One man may have acted alone and brought a gun to a pizza shop but the vast majority of us just want to protect any potential children that could be getting groomed and abused.

Everyone's acting like its conspiracy's fault he did what he did. Fuck no. He took the choice himself.

You can't blame someone else for your own mistakes.

Pizzagate is satire, right? It has to be. I didn't think anyone was stupid enough to believe this kind of stuff.

Edit: wow, I expected to be downvoted to hell for this. I might follow this subreddit more closely.

It's satire with a kick! Satire that kicks the innocent and inoffensive, that attacks and harasses the vulnerable, that incites homophobic violence in the name of child abuse justice. Satire that makes it seem OK to be irrationally mean, to harass and defame in the name of invented stories and allegations with zero corroboration. There's a reason 4chan /b/ has the disclaimer "The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

that incites homophobic violence

What? I've been following this circus since the beginning and haven't seen anything that could remotely be construed as "inciting homophobic violence."

James Alefantis is gay, he was in a relationship with David Brock, a political operative and convert to the Democratic party (when previously he was assiduously Republican and a determined critic of the Clintons). Alefantis has (as you know) been called a pedophile--for, among other reasons, liking a photo of a famous classical statue of Antinous (Hadrian's lifelong male romantic companion); Antinous is associated with gay culture, to the point that this historical figure is frequently described as a "gay icon."

Okay, point me to a post of someone inciting homophobic violence.

He was attacked for seemingly liking a gay icon (in addition to gay-inspired art), I consider that not too subtle proof enough.

People pointing out that Antinous was being buggered by Hadrian when he was a child isn't a violent attack on Alefantis.

Of course it was, because that's not the reason an adult statue of Antinous is so famously liked--by gay and straight alike. It's just another example of having an a priori dislike/hatred of a person (associated with a certain political party or particular operatives of said party) and then looking for a posteriori reasons to defend, confirm, or reinforce that dislike. It's perfectly illogical from both a philosophical, not mention legal reasoning, standpoint.

It's satire with a kick! Satire that kicks the innocent and inoffensive, that attacks and harasses the vulnerable,

Oh really? Are you protecting Pedophile now with stupid comments?


You stupid comment much?

People are much wiser than you're trolling comments.


Evil will never win!

People were stupid enough to vote trump into office.

...and they'll be dumber in four years after the government decides what can be "truth" and what can't, so you can probably say "voted twice into office".

Mmm. True. I'm not surprised anymore.

If you researched into it, you wouldn't be calling it stupid

I have. Trust me.

So what is a pizza map?

Why do they feel the need to talk in weird cryptic ways that's obviously code for something else?

How do you not find that suspicious? What else would they be talking about?

Yes of course, pedophilia is the obvious answer. I forgot.

What else could it be? Drug related? Something else illegal? Regardless, you and I both know this is suspicious and needs further research.

You do realize that this is just an absurd conspiracy theory, the type that makes real conspiracies less credible, right? A pedo ring being run out of a pizza parlor. Yeah. Really believable. As believable as the theories that tupac is alive, Hitler didn't kill himself and Osama was never killed. Ridiculous theories like these completely discredit real ones.

Lol how is it an absurd theory? Have you seen any of the evidence? It's obvious there is something going on. If you wanna claim that this muddies the waters of conspiracies then go burn down all the threads with flat earth conspiracies because that's the real mistake.

Yeah, they are just as ridiculous. I have seen the attempt at presenting evidence, yes.

Can you refute all of this?


You're not listening. Why don't you listen?

We have REPEATEDLY said we don't have conclusive proof yet, which is why the investigation is ongoing. What we do have is a lot of strange, dark, interconnected facts. Only a gullible idiot (or pedo) would think it's not worth investigating further.

Now, try and refute the infographic I posted and stop dodging.


Do you seriously not understand the concept of different types of evidence? That entire infographic is exactly what any rational person would call "circumstantial evidence". Yeah, pizzagate could be entirely bullshit, but when there is that much circumstantial evidence, don't you think it at least warrants further investigation?

where does that code from

The code was derived from evidence collected during previous pedo ring investigations (conducted by law enforcement and intelligence agencies; not redditors), where words like "pizza" and "cheese" were used quite often to describe child victims and sex acts.


(psst - the evidence doesn't exist except on some government employee's computer blog - or several government employee's blogs - or hell, the NSA has a bank of supercomputers that puts the private sector to shame, so many made up stories, so many dupes to inflame.)

There is nothing holding up this totem pole of nonsense other than the fanboys and their shill overseers - and they don't get it regardless you point out there's NO PROOF WHATSOEVER...

And if you ask them to consider WHY such a thing is happening they accuse you of "shutting them up" so you "must be a shill", not realizing the government is applauding their every hate filled mindless action that drives mainstream America towards thinking that "well, yes, maybe the government SHOULD be in charge of telling us what's true and what isn't"...

This is the way all the amendments are being destroyed, and the just haven't snapped to it.

Public education! Working just as planned.

Hahaha. "Circumstantial evidence". None of that is even close to being remotely considered as ANY type of evidence. Circumstantial evidence is a fingerprint at a crime scene, or ballistics test for a gun, etc. none of that craziness is even verifiable as being something other than delusional slander. Get a fucking life dude, you guys are a laughing stock.




The fact that people think this is a false-flag is disturbing. Literally the very first post on the thread about it declared it a false-flag even before any alleged "evidence" came out to "support" that claim. It's psyop 101: Plant false information in people's heads early enough and repeat it enough and it becomes the accepted truth.

So from what I gather there are three key pieces of evidence in support of a "false flag" narrative, and Pizzagate followers have a pretty damn big interest in it being a false-flag: it lets them ignore the very real consequences of "just asking questions."

1) A traffic camera was allegedly slightly moved days before the shooting. Several things wrong with this. For one, I haven't seen any evidence the camera was moved, just one single Voat user claiming it was moved, however that user did not specify a timeframe. When this was brought up as the most upvoted post in the first post about this, no one bothered to verify the claim, they just repeated it. In a classic "telephone" twist, it's now morphed into "the camera was shut down just before the shooting!"

Secondly, even if it was moved: so what? It's pretty much universally accepted here that the Boston Marathon bombing and Sandy Hook were false-flags with crisis actors, committed LIVE in front of thousands of national TV cameras and smartphones. So why are "they" now afraid of a single low-res traffic camera? It doesn't fit with the narrative of crisis actors, especially since its now being implied the shooter was one as well. It makes absolutely no sense when you think about it in the context of every other Pizzagate claim

2) Washingtonian published an article about the shooting before it happened. It's a well-known Google bug. It also shows differently for people depending on their location, giving credence to the fact that it is most likely a timezone related fuckery. And it doesn't even make sense, why the fuck would the powers-to-be feed media outlets stories that haven't happened yet? Say what you will about the state of "mainstream" mass-market journalism a la ABC, NBC, etc, but at the local level (which is what Washingtonian is), its filled with young idealistic journalists who have ethics and a spine and who still want to hold the powers-that-be accountable. Someone would have blown the whistle.

3) Welch had an IMDB profile that listed him as a production assistant on three random no-budget films and a five-second acting role on one, ergo he must be a paid crisis actor. This is a pretty ridiculous statement. Assuming the profile does in deed belong to him, it looks like his father runs the company and he just helps out from time to time. So, assuming without any evidence that it's really his IMDB profile, so what? Every person who's ever appeared in a film for a second is now incapable of doing anything bad without being a paid crisis actor now? He might have hit someone with his car last month, was that staged as well? Where does the line end?

So going through each thrown-together piece of evidence that was, coincidentally, brought up almost immediately after the story broke, we're left with three flimsy, contradictory and factually incorrect points. So then I have to ask, which scenario is more likely: that the powers-that-be elaborately staged a mock shooting of a pizza place at the center of a flimsy pedophile conspiracy theory, using a random nobody production assistant from North Carolina as the "actor," informing not just national but hyperlocal news outlets with young idealistic reporters about the shooting before it even happened, and moving traffic cameras because, you know, the powers-that-be are no longer interested in executing false-flag ops in front of cameras apparently.

Or, someone with mental problems closely following Pizzagate took the movement's claims that the thousands of people implicated as pedophiles are literally untouchable unless they rise up and try to stop them took those calls to action too literally.

Keep in mind there are people who still think Sandy Hook was a false flag. Sadly, these people need more help than you can give.

keep pretending.

Pretending what?

pretending what? pretending what? xD

Get help.

help.. pretending... nyeehh lol.


Do you really believe this is some undeniable proof? That you have some kind of big gotcha moment?

Maybe he did and the father told him that it is complete nonsense?
Maybe the father even wanted to help but that guy thought immediate action was necessary?
There are dozens of possible reasons why he decided to run into the place.


So you are saying, a grand conspiracy is more likely than some idiot doing something stupid?

Yes I think this guy was some kind of conspiracy nut who thought he will be a big hero who stopped children abuse and delivered proof of a pedophilia ring. You don't need to threaten anyone if you "know" there are kidnapped children in the "kill room" or whatever.

And I already told you, maybe his father thought it was complete nonsense and didn't want to help. And that just encouraged him to act on his own. It's not like typical /r/conspiracy users are stopped by other people telling them their theories are stupid.

Would love to see these fearsome analysis capabilities used on the existing PizzaGate evidence.


it'll be the end of reddit for good.


These people have been trying to "end of Reddit" since the shutdown of /r/fatpeoplehate....

Millions of daily users..hmm, I don't think Reddit is going anywhere anytime soon.

These people

much glittering generalities...

T_D new top mods too were trying to "kill reddit" and then backpedal when they probably got told their accounts would be deleted.

New to this sub, what is shc?

I think he meant SLC which is the salt lake city daycare fiasco that popped up on here 1-2 yrs ago. Google it if you want to learn more, the admins shut down all discussion on the topic.

Whoa! I remember that but missed admins involved?


SH is probably Sandy Hook. But what about the C...

Sandy Hook Conspiracy?

I would think so too, but I would have said the same thing about Spez editing comments. But look where that went...nowhere really.

Also, fucking AMAZING name.


According to Jesus Boy's FB site, he never mentioned reddit, or link to any subs.

False Equivalency, unless you can prove a direct link. Even if so, it would be false equivalency to say reddit, or you are me had shit to do with this guy.

His FB reads more like t_d than conspiracy. Go bark at them.

they don't need to, the whole thing officially put anyone "pizzagate friendly" in the wacco category.

They don't even need to bother about you anymore, it lost all credibility and no one will listen about it but the pizzagate fan club.

Seriously. You all helped them profiling you and alt media who will publish any of it as 'unpredictable'. Even facts will be ignore by the mainstream if it comes from alt medias. And any facts for that matter now.

edit: I'm not calling you idiots or saying you're wrong guys. I'm saying they used all the last events to make you look bad. OP is wise.

Lol, it never head any legitimacy.

My sides hurt after laughing at this comment for so long.

Don't be a drama queen. Most people come here for memes and cat pictures.

Holy shit you guys take this shit way too seriously.

Can someone really quick explain what pizzagate is about? I keep hearing about it on Reddit but never bothered to look into it. What did I miss?

Some idiots, picking up on the fact that "Child porn", ""cheese pizza" and "Comet Ping pong" all sort of share the same initials, and boosted by the fact that comet ping pong is a gay-friendly venue owned by a man with significant links to the Democratic Party have decided that it is a front for a massive child sex / murder organisation.

Now, inspired by these idiots, another idiot has marched into this place with a rifle and started firing shots.

In the eyes of idiots, This is a false flag designed to shut down debate of this non-existent conspiracy.

He fired shots into the floor in the delusional belief that the floor was fake and was concealing hidden rooms where children were being kept/tortured. He may have also believed that in the supposed hidden rooms the children's tormentors were either hiding and/or actively attacking the children.



Because that's a perfectly reasonable thing to do based on no evidence whatsoever.

Here in the U.K. We had a Member of parliament killed this year by a similar nut job who had been whipped into a delusional frenzy by the RW media.

This has little to do with the right wing. The line has been blurred significantly recently on virtually every major political issue.

With respect, the line is not blurred. Thomas Mair was In possession of racist and facist literature and he killed a prominent left wing MP while yelling about "putting Britain first".

"racist and facist" literature? Nowadays that literally could be anything. People call Harry Potter books racist and facsist.

Jo Cox? Ive heard about this, can you elaborate on what part the RW media had to play in her murder?

The man who shot and killed the MP had clippings taken from several prominent right wing UK papers in his house.

These papers (most prominently the Mail and the Express) wax lyrical on the subject of both EU membership and immigration, both subjects on which Jo Cox took a left of centre stance, and these publications were not above calling such people "traitors" and urging people to act.

God, that's hilarious. Are people finally admitting that there aren't secret rooms now? I'm waiting for the point where it finally clicks with these people that this is a lazily put together accusation, that makes conspiracy theorists look like idiots and actually keeps ongoing human trafficking rings from being charged.

I can't even go near voat to check the situation, it's too refreshing here without the all-caps and centipede jargon.

Great work intentionally using the weakest evidence as your description of pizzagate. The coincidence of the letters CP, was never raised as a concern. Instead, three companies within a block from each other all containing known pedophile symbols combined with very odd emails was the impetus to start investigating. The emails include Obama flying in $65k worth of pizza and hotdogs. An email about finding a "pizza related map", and most bizarre, an email invitation to a pool party, where it is explicitly mentioned that three kids aged "11, 9, and almost 7" will be there for entertainment.

You know, it's entirely possible that people just like and enjoy the company of children without wanting to kill and murder them.

The problem is that you're so far bought into this now that nothing anyone says or does is ever going to dissuade you from the notion that you're cracking the biggest case in history.

Actually those were the first pieces of evidence that made me think there is something odd happening here. I personally don't think there is a satanic pedophile ring based around comet ping pong. However, there are many pedophile connections among people like Alefontis. For me, Jeff Epstein is likely the at the centre of this. Alefontis might be tangentially implicated, maybe he just facilitated parties. The most troubling aspect of the Comet Ping Pong connection is the giant walk in freezer. I have worked for restaurants that service hundreds of people a night, and they only have a small ~4'x10' freezer. I think the Podesta's, Epstein, and Bill Clinton are who we need to pay attention to, and Epstein is a convicted pedophile.

Worked in a couple pizza restaurants and both had multiple coolers this size. Typically one for dough and another for produce.

I've worked at two pizza places, one dominoes and one a smaller chain, both served hundreds more people a day than comet and neither walk in was anywhere close to as big as the one they have. I don't know what pizza restaurants you have worked at, but neither of the ones I worked at had two separate walk ins for dough and produce, that would be ridiculously expensive, let alone one gigantic one.

I am impartial here. I neither believe in this shit nor reject it outright. I'm just observing from a distance.

So with that said, I think a lot of the evidence can be dismissed as bullshit. But I've yet to see one compelling argument as to why those 3 children are being cited as 'entertainment' at a pool party.

I'm hoping one of the anti-pizzagaters can address this, because that's my biggest hang up at the moment and I don't see anyone touching it. Any way I look at that particular email, it's disturbing as fuck.

To me, it sounded more like the woman was making it known that her guests could bring their kids, and that if they do, then they should also bring swimwear for their kids. It would otherwise be rude to drag your children to an adult-only event, in particular when your children drive the other guests nuts due to being bored out of their minds, and no one wants to bring their kids to a pool party without swimwear. So I can't say that I see anything mentioned in that email that shouldn't have been. Even mentioning their ages doesn't seem unusual, as one wouldn't want to drag a 13 year old to a party to play with a bunch of 3 year olds, and so their ages are absolutely relevant.

The line I'm concerned about is... 'so you'll have further entertainment'.

It didn't say 'feel free to bring your kids', it said 'you'll have further entertainment.'

Sorry, I'm really just not seeing how that isn't creepy. I feel like the best case scenario here is that he just typed that very, very awkwardly, but...

Some say the pedophiles' code is stronger than that of the Navajo. Here, read in in full context: "With enormous gratitude to Advance Man Extraordinaire Haber, I am popping up again to share our excitement about the Reprise of Our Gang’s visit to the farm in Lovettsville. And I thought I’d share a couple more notes: We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure. And with the forecast showing prospects of some sun, and a cooler temp of lower 60s, I suggest you bring sweaters of whatever attire will enable us to use our outdoor table with a pergola overhead so we dine al fresco (and ideally not al-CHILLo)."

It's a grandmother talking about her apparently delightful grandkids, and letting people know that the pool will be being used for sure, despite chilly temperatures. Scandalous!

"Your nephew will be at the party, so he'll provide plenty of entertainment, I'm sure" is something my mom would say about her grandson. I'm 75% sure she's not involved in a pedophilia ring, too.

All I'm saying is that it sounds creepy to refer to three random kids (who's kids are these, anyway?) as 'the entertainment'. I'm not saying I buy into all the code word stuff or w/e. But I'd be lying if I said that the combination of that email, the know pedophile symbol popping up, and the creepy as fuck artwork in podesta's house and that instagram wasn't at least very unnerving.

I'm also considering the source, which is the_donald, who o don't trust for shit. I'm trying to ignore their incessant nonsense and look at these things for what they are... which is creepy as hell in my opinion. If this was my relative and I started seeing all this shit pop up on their social media, it would at least be time to sit down for a chat...

The email was sent by Tamera Luzzatto. The children are Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto. They aren't random kids! It's an email sent to family and friends inviting them to dinner. Stop it.

Okay, thanks. I still can't imagine my own grandmother writing about me in an email to her friends and referring to me as 'entertainment' at a pool party.

Maybe she's just weird as fuck and talks like that. I could accept that. But you don't see how that's pretty strange?

Nope. "I'm sure they'll provide plenty of entertainment" is something boring adults say about pets and kids all the time. Often it's said sarcastically, if the kids are screaming hellions.

Wait, are you under the impression that Cedric the Entertainer is a sex worker? This could explain a lot.

To be honest, I probably wouldn't think anything strange about the email if it wasn't for the other photos and artwork associated with this mess. I can see where you're coming from, and how that's probably just grandma being weird or trying to be funny.

I'm with you. I don't 100% believe this, but I must admit there is some odd appearing stuff.

The known pedophile symbol for little boy lover being displayed outside of a pizza joint seems like an insane coincidence. They happen all the time, so I can accept that without calling foul.

The pictures of kids having their teeth removed, or with their hands taped to a table, or a baby labeled 'hoetard' by the same exact place on social media makes that coincidence a hell of a lot less likely tho.

The artwork on podesta's walls is just straight up fucked up. Dont try to tell me that's 'art'.

I like your scepticism. There seems to be a lot of shit slinging going on.

Do you have a link to the "entertainment" comment?

I'm on mobile so can't link, but a user who responded to this posted the whole email a bit further below.


It's the strategy of the weak to attack the man and not the argument.

You just called him weak by saying he was using the strategy of a weak person when he attacked you.

That's /r/conspiracy for you. Zero self reflection.

Just downvote and move on. No need to attack people personally.

Oh, and incidentally, that is far from the weakest evidence available - some batshit alt-right "news" sites are drawing a comparison between the name "James Alefantis" to "J'aime l'enfants" (I love children).

You've got to really, really want to believe in sexualised murder of children to make that leap.

So the political elite are involved in an occult pedophilia ring because "known paedophile symbols" and a kid-friendly party invitation?

Do you hear yourself?

Is there any actual evidence, or is everything about "pizzagate" really this ridiculously sensational and speculative?

I never claimed anything was occult. And did you read the email? I'll reproduce it here:

And I thought I’d share a couple more notes: We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure. And with the forecast showing prospects of some sun, and a cooler temp of lower 60s, I suggest you bring sweaters of whatever attire will enable us to use our outdoor table with a pergola overhead so we dine al fresco (and ideally not al-CHILLo).

Why would these children be brought by Uber, and not their parents? Why would they call these kids entertainment? This is not how I get invited to kids parties.

Because parents know taking care of children is work so they jokingly call it entertainment! Jesus H Christ none of you retards know about human interaction at all. Basement dwelling mouth breathing Trump voting right wing conspiracy nutcase nerf herders the lot of you.

The personal attacks are strong in this one. I am not even American. And, assuming this is correct, why would the parents point out the ages of the children? I was at a child's birthday party on Friday, it would not have been taken well if I referred to children in bathing suits as entertainment.

It's pretty natural to level personal attacks at idiots.

Edit: p.s. sweater is code for condom

If my argument is idiotic it would be easy to counter without resorting to personal attacks.

But much more satisfying to do the latter

But sadly, condom is code for sweater so it gets p confusing

Parents point out kid's ages because kids like to play with roughly the same age, PLUS to let the person caring for them know how much work to expect. The "further entertainment" is just... talking. If someone was caring for my dogs while I was out of town I could see myself saying "and for further entertainment, you can visit my fiancee's cat upstairs!" Note that in that sentence I am not inviting my housesitter to rape my fiancee's cat.

Edit: And you know that "Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport ..." does not mean they're calling a real Uber, right? First off they wouldn't know the name. They're joking that one of the moms will be a taxi driver because that's what parents joke about when they drive their kids everywhere. It's not saying "put your kids in the care of strangers who will drive them to a sex dungeon"

Ok, fair enough. It's relieving that this email is likely nothing. The phrasing is very odd but that alone does not confirm anything. Thanks for helping me work through this.


I completely disavow all forms of vigilante justice. I cannot control what others do. However, as the Catholic Church and Jimmy Saville show, powerful people have been involved in, and have covered up, sex trafficking.

The difference is that Saville and the pedopriests were uncovered by actual evidence and statements by victims. Without those elements, you are a willing participant in a politically motivated disinfo campaign.

Well, in both of those cases there were rumours circling around for years without any concrete proof. It is also odd that the Seville case was not pursued by authorities until after his death. Seville had a reputation worse than Bill Cosby, he was a known rapist, but nothing was ever done about it. My father was abused by the church in the 1960s, but the scandal wasn't revealed until the late 1980s. These things do get swept under the rug, that is why we need concerned citizens to take these accusations seriously, and to investigate in a lawful manner.

You don't honestly believe this shit, do you?

So, how many child sex slaves did Obama spend $65k on? I don't know the market rate for children and I've got federal funds to responsibly allocate.

You're sick.

Serious question, we should know at least if our tax dollars are being spent efficiently on pizzaandhotdogswhichareChicagostaples I mean child sex slaves

You make fun of that as the weakest evidence... Then talk about those horrible points? Is that a joke? Because the "evidence" You cited is so laughably shitty that I can't tell if you believe in PizzaGate or you re making fun of it.

Pizzagate is, and has always been, politically motivated disinfo.

Every single one of these mouth breathers voted for Trump. Makes sense now doesn't it?


I just fact checked some of these sources...

"There was also recently a massive pedophile ring bust online reported by nbcnews." 2009-2011, completely unrelated to government (it was a plain ol' website,

The majority of the pedophilia rings that are FULLY sourced are also COMPLETELY unrelated, just like that one.

"There is an underground vault on the Podestas’ property which admittedly allows them to watch “very complicated video pieces”." the article continues "on all four walls"

The link to handkerchief code doesn't link it to THIS SPECIFIC handkerchief. You can't establish that it's code, and note also show what it's code FOR.

I mean I dunno, what single piece of evidence would need to be debunked for people to see this for what it really is--an extremely lose, circumstantial mass of unrelated coincidences that people want to believe is something more. I'm certain if you went through any public figure's emails, news stories, and their relationships (even the least significant ones, like fundraisers for a politician) you could weave something just as damning as this mess. That doesn't make it a conspiracy.

Until there's a witness, or a mysteriously dropped criminal charge, or a single direct lead that isn't based on the incorrect belief that "pizza" means pedophilia this is not a conspiracy theory, it's made-up bullshit. By the way, Pizza doesn't mean Pedophilia. Cheese pizza can mean child pornography on 4chan--note the date added, this isn't related to pizzagate in the slightest--but besides a 4chan post claiming otherwise, not even FBI's extensive list of pedophilia symbols mentions pizza to mean anything. So we can use the list of codes and symbols provided by the FBI to dissect neighboring business logos, but NOT for something as basic as "pizza is code for underage sex" or something of that nature? The entire scandal is named after a made-up list of code words that are completely unsubstantiated.

Ew. Voat.

While you are there you can actually surf and look at photos of minors. Surprisingly the top minds here haven't managed to find them, worried as they are about pedophilia.

Nothing at all. A bunch of idiots went off the deep end when they found that child porn and the name of a pizza place had the same initials. That's pretty much it.

Not even fucking close. Good job not even mentioning the leaked emails from Podesta which started all of this.

I've seen them. You'd have to be seriously deranged to believe cheese meant anything other than cheese, pizza and hotdogs meant anything other than pizza and hotdogs, and so on down the line of crazy bullshit.

Then you haven't read them really. If you take those emails literally, they make absolutely no sense. I feel like it's clearly code talk for something, I just don't know what. I'm not jumping to the pedo conclusion just yet, but I'll sit back and see if anything new comes up. By the way, heard anything from Assange lately? He seems to have vanished right after all this came out.

The logo is an odd coincidence

Shortest answer possible: the Podesta email leak hints at a massive occult child sex ring involving the upper echelons of the American Democratic party. People with a lot of money and a lot of power are using that money and power to get away with some fucked up shit.

So, y'know, nothing really surprising.

EDIT: And then if you make any kind of statement about it without denigrating it, people come out of the woodwork to tell you how wrong you are.

"Hints at" is a major overstatement though. Most if not all of the assumptions made are really thin or downright false.

A white handkerchief does not mean CP.

14:fish is not some kind of Thai mythology reference, it's an environmental resolution.

The raunchy adult entertainment nights said to be happening at comet take place in a café many blocks way.

The lady who supposedly is recruiting kids is really just a photographer with blog who happens to have a few artistic shots of kids.

The list goes on.

Yeah, sure. Just and innocent #chicklover in his #killroom right?

God, I am glad /r/conspiracy has been reclaimed.

The one thing I am hung up on, though, is the FBI symbols thing. I consider myself a rational person and it seems obvious that 99℅ of the "suspicious facts" are simply not in any way suspicious. But the restaurant logos honestly do look like the FBI symbols (particularly Besta Pizza's) and I haven't really seen anyone comment on that when debunking the rest of the supposed evidence. That Snopes article says the symbols are actually used between adults to communicate preference, rather than to indicate child sex trafficking locations... But are they really suggesting these 3 nearby restaurants are using their logos to express their preferences in pedophilia?

I suspect there is a more sensible explanation involving pattern recognition, confirmation bias, and the general benign prevalence of symbols like these that I just never noticed before. But I am hung up on how striking the similarity is.

Edit: After looking at /r/conspiracy for a minute I guess I spoke too soon. I wish these guys would go back to The_Donald.

Be careful with that well thought out and researched talk, also, you just forgot to call some people idiots and shills. (I.e. thanks for being open minded and civil). I'm all for not accepting face value, and researching; but, hurling insults, harrassment, and denigrating others because they don't instantly agree is nauseating.

Also, none of this can be true. Someone I know (in their 40's) says that Taco Bell's symbol is the eye of the beast and that the company is involved with the Vatican in a child ring, since the early 80s. Yep, No one has caught them in 35 years. They must be colluding with FB I or they would have been caught. Seriously, that is their belief. I mention it as an example that you just can't bring sanity to some people, the tinfoil is too tight.

Been a member of r/conspiracy very long?

No, but I've checked in periodically over the past several months and it seems to have gone through better and worse phases in that time. During the election it was nice to have a place where all criticism of Clinton wasn't completely suppressed, even if it was largely partisan on the other side.

I really would love to see this place reform itself into a community for spreading awareness of actual harmful global trends that are not discussed by the media and real conspiracies, instead of being the epicenter of satanic panic 2010's version.

Honestly, the FBI symbols are very basic. Spirals, triangles, and hearts. All very basic shit. It's really not surprising to me at all that someone might unknowingly design a logo that contained very similar symbols as the FBI ones. It's not like it's common knowledge what those symbols are.

Here's an example of a toy manufacturer accidentally using a symbol that's even closer to one of the FBI ones on accident, and a more complex symbol than the pizza place too.

Artwork in tony podesta's house? Comet ping pongs instagram account? band that just happens to performs at comet ping pong talking openly about pedophillia? no fucking way these guys are not into some creepy dark shit.

But do you have any evidence convincing to someone who isn't in the middle of a meth binge?

Artwork is not evidence of wrongdoing, you recognize that right?

Give it a rest, nutjob.


Ad hominem, rules 4, 5, and 10. Move along.

Removed, warning for rule 10.

Man, you're saying that people show up and disagree with you when you try to push a political agenda (this shit is clearly being pushed by pro-Trump/anti-Democrat folks) through accusations of an "occult child sex ring"? There's no way that would happen if they weren't all part of the conspiracy, for sure.

And if you post debunks or reasons why it doesn't make sense, you're called a pedo and you're usually downvoted to death if the older redditors aren't online! :)

Hypothetically if you were wrong what response would you expect from these people coming out of the wood work?

Obviously a biased source

Even more biased lol

The fuck are you on about. It's presenting evidence. How is that biased?

In a very biased way. How can you not see that?

Does this sound like an objective reporting of facts?

"If this is not speaking in code, then it makes absolutely NO SENSE. Not a single person has been able to offer a coherent explanation on what this could mean if ACTUALLY pizza and map related…"

Yeah because that's true. Can you offer an explanation for what the hell a "pizza map" is?

It's asking a question.

Holy fuck man put your labels aside and just read the damn thing.

The piece is written with an obvious conclusion that the writer wants the reader to reach. Plus people have offered legitimate explanations such as its a map with various pizza place locations around. The writer is obviously biased by saying no one has offered a coherent explanation.

Dude that makes no fucking sense.

Why would someone have a map of pizza locations on a handkerchief? How can you even believe what you just typed?

Yeah, it's an explanation. Which the writer said there wasn't so they are obviously biased. Plus how is that ridiculous? Have you never left your basement and seen something like that? Is it that ridiculous to think that a business would do some weird ad like that?
You are an incredibly dense person if that makes zero sense to you

Dude don't even talk shit about me when you don't even know me. I don't even live in a basement. And I have a job to where I go into 10-15 random houses a day so I've "seen some shit".

I just find it weird all these code talk and buzz words it's obvious they are hiding something man. I've never heard of a pizza place putting locations of pizza stores ON A HANDKERCHIEF

So it must mean pedophiles because your tiny brain can't process it as anything else right? You just can't fathom that a pizza place would put a map on a handkerchief so you just assume pedophiles. Doesn't that sound insane?

Fun fact, brain size doesn't dictate knowledge friend.

Quit trying to attack me because I have a different opinion than you.

I find all this highly suspicious and I'm suprised you don't either.

Here's a counter point. Maybe you'll see why I'm calling you stupid.

By the way I was initially only trying to say your source was biased ( it still is) so let's see what you think of my link

Why would you even call someone stupid in the first place?

Do you not make mistakes?

Are you perfect?

So why the hell would you even want to call someone else stupid when it comes down to what someone knows.

I'll check out the link later but all the insults put me off.

That's exactly why I would call someone stupid for what they know. You couldn't even grasp the concept of a ha kerchief being anything other than secret underground pedophile code, you couldn't understand that your link has an obvious bias (like mine does). That's pretty uninformed. Sorry I'm sure your an all right person but you've got to work on this kind critical thinking shit.

And of course I make mistakes, I am human after all, and yeah those can be some stupid ass mistakes. That doesn't change the fact that you are defending a really uninformed position

So it's more plausible to you that the highest levels of government control a vast child trafficking ring based out of a DC pizza parlor, rather than someone wrote down actual pizza places on the back of a handkerchief.

Keep in mind, in your version, they still wrote stuff on a handkerchief. Except in your version, instead of pizza places, it's child trafficking sites. Do you honestly believe that?

Uh yes. After all the conspiracies I've researched, all the child trafficking that takes place not only in the US, but in the UK ( and has been linked to elite politicians etc)

It's not hard to come to that conclusion.

And it's not just operating out of one pizza joint. To think this only happens in one spot is naive. It's merely one of many.

I've done a lot of research on this and 100% believe this needs to be further investigated.

To not further investigate it is doing all those victims of child abuse a huge disservice and the fact that you are suggesting we just close our eyes and put our fingers in our ears is a huge, huge, illogical thing to do.

Pedophiles want us to do what you're doing. They want us to think it can't be possible for something like this to happen.

So keep advocating for nothing to be done to pedophiles. See how far that gets society, ignoring children of sexual abuse.

Fucking wow man. Wow. Good job.

"But think of the children!". We both know that's an intellectually lazy position people with weak arguments take to push an agenda. If you really give a shit about abused children you'd be putting your resources into finding the actual pedophiles. I've dug deep into the pizzagate stuff with an open mind, and I've yet to find anything concrete. Every "smoking gun" relies on HUGE leaps in logic or jumping to conclusions three steps away. This is exactly what you've done above.

it's not hard to come to that conclusion

It is for those of us who actually want to find the truth. You say you have an open mind, but the reality is you've already made up your mind and you're blind to anything that doesn't support what you already believe. Try this, give me one piece of evidence that supports the pizzagate theory that doesn't involve assuming or jumping to conclusions. I'm willing to bet you can't, because none exists. Trust me, I've looked. You'd rather waste time fighting invisible boogie men than actually help victims because pizzagate has been served up to you on a silver platter and you're intellectually lazy. Keep fighting the good fight man.

Still pushing spirit cooking? How's that going?

That shit is disgusting, and the people enamored with it are fuuucked up.

Ok and?

This is some seriously impressive work being done by these citizen journalists. I mean, if this isn't the smoking gun I don't know what is!

How is a random edgy poster a smoking gun? It looks like any number of random band/show posters.

Exactly. I guess I forgot the /s

Please for the love of god I hope you recognize the level of bias the people providing sources have. I was previously interested, but damn, they went off the deep end about two months ago.

Here's a nice infographic with sources included:

a bunch of self-proclaimed researchers/investigators identified a d.c. pizzeria as the centre of a satanic pedophilia ring.

a nice video that applies a little common sense to some of the evidence


Part of the problem with pizzagate is that the national center for missing and exploited children is involved in the corruption. There isn't anyone to investigate this.

FBI is documented covering up pedophilia


You don't seem like the reading type, but for all the people who are smarter than you, here is a link . your home for reliable news

You know it's pulled from a chicago tribune archive right? Good forbid any of you shills looked into things. That's why you all stick out like sore thumbs. Your small minority voices just spew your lazy partially informed opinions. Thank God you all are the minority

I'm no shill. I'm a skeptic.

If you were skeptical of that link forgive me for thinking a skeptic would dig deeper. Perhaps we can classify you as a lazy skeptic

I'm just a casual reader on reddit. I don't have time to go down every rabbit hole on the internet.

So is the church. Go after them too.

Definitely, check out the sticky on this sub. We are way ahead of you

The shills are out in droves in this thread.

Seriously, it's so obvious we are being brigaded. It's just a bunch of people shitting on r/conspiracy, obviously they're not actual redditors who frequent this sub.

Seems to me a lot of people who never heard of pizzagate but came here because of the news today. That's not brigading.

Only because it hit the front page

They don't do anything but down vote and insult. It's obvious. Ask them why they think pizzagate is bullshit and they will either throw another ad hominem at you or just not respond.

That's not how it works. I think pizzagate is bullshit because no one can offer any proof it isn't. It's not my job to prove something isn't real, if you think it's re you have to prove it is.

Consider every other conspiracy out there. For example, researchers don't say "I believe we are being visited by extra terrestrial beings, prove aliens aren't real otherwise I'm right!". It's up to the researcher to collect enough facts to convince others. The pizzagate facts are extremely dubious.


This is not really the sub for you, is it? Take your concern trolling somewhere else.

Yeah! Why engage in discussion with opposing viewpoints when we can just insulate ourselves and create an echo chamber?! Being able to logically support a position is too difficult these days, if you don't agree with me GTFO!

You are completely missing the point. We welcome users with "opposing viewpoints" on condition they are able to communicate without resorting to insults.

That simply isn't true. Read any number of threads in this post.

You people are really easily offended, huh?

No you don't own this sub. Go to voat, kids:

Yeah people who want to investigate potential child abuse are horrible people.

You motherfuckers project so hard

believe? those people are unhealthy. now the trolls who push it knowing full well that they are feeding these unhealthy individuals are psychopathic.

If they actually dare massacre websites like this there could be some sort of revolution going on soon. Like those of South Korea. And of course it won't be televised.

Please tell me you're not serious.

Even if this is a real thing, there will be no revolution. People will be arrested and jailed, and we will move on.

You live in a bubble. Where I live people are pissed before this came along.....You don't understand why people are angry do you?

I think you may be the one living in a bubble.

I guess I don't know why people are angry, care to enlighten me?

Wow. Lol you know the worse thing to ever do to someone that is paranoid? Prove them right. 90% of Americans believe in one conspiracy theory or another........

Care to enlighten me?

Trump is the only thing that needs to be said.

Please get out more.

Me get out more? You should try stepping out of your parents basement every once in a while.

I have no idea how you connect Trump winning to this stupid ass conspiracy.

I would however love to debate the actual information available. Because I've been looking at it, and it's total fucking bullshit. There's so little fucking evidence there it makes Benghazi look like a god damn credible investigation (it wasn't).

If instead you'd rather just hurl insults, well then I guess fuck you.

I said get out more. That is all. Kid touchers have no rights. Not even human in my book. And their "art"alone is enough to have anyone kids taken away by CPS.

Get out more. People are not ok. 96% of people on the Internet is angry. An analyst of social media has shown this to be true. In my personal life I see the more money you have, you believe these things more. And a lot of cops for some reason...... I wonder why?

You should seek counseling.

Weirdly I have. Disassociation disorder, PTSD,TBI and that is normal, even if what happened to me isn't. Your response is of someone that can't deal, sadly. But I am the one that needs help. Is it backwards day?


What does that mean?

The tendies will rise REEEE

Dissendent subreddits will be shut down and so does other dissendent sites outside of reddit. And the real dissendent ones, not stuff like Alex Jones.

Our top story today, 1 Million people continue to protest on the streets of Washington, following subreddit shutdown.

We're now into our forth week of the increasingly angry populace demand /u/spez step down.

..actually, if that did actually happen, I'm pretty sure it WOULD be televised, purely due to how fucking odd it would be.

This is the last straw. /r/conspiracy used to be interesting. Maybe I'll find another sub which has some outside-of-the-box thinking, but isn't populated by t_d-tards and lunatics following blatantly fake scandals. I doubt it though.

I thought the last straw was when Hillary cheated her way to the White House?

The whole idea of this story is about inconceivablity, like how it is so horrible and out there that there is no way it can be true, like you know if someone told you your best friend was a rapist, someone you have known for years you would think, wow there's no way that is true until you start to notice certain patterns and behaviors that your friend displayed that you never really notice until one day it clicks and your like oh shit he raping women, that is kinda how this story is for most of us here, something inconceivable until you start to look into it

Indeed. Everybody used to love OJ.

Read this and tell me it's not suspicious and grounds for what has been going on

You should have been reading for yourself in the first place. Here, start with this, at least it'll prove for you there is a pedo ring within our government. Also, it's fairly obvious you were never part of this community

You continuing to spam that article everywhere doesn't change its absolute irrelevance to Pizzagate. /

It's the same government. Certainly is relevant to the pedo ring within our government

No, I wasn't ever "part" of the community in the way I am on other subreddits. But that does not preclude me from being able to enjoy the submissions here. What was once a subreddit that occasionally produced thought provoking ideas and highlighted ostensibly legitimate conspiracies has been reduced to a call-to-arms circlejerk about a fake scandal. It's gotten old.


Removed, warning for rule 10.

They won't shut down conspiracy / reddit. They will lose too much HUMANINT in terms of profiling us by making us go away. (They try to corral by pushing us to voat and steemit which they also control) They probably will just send in a shillstorm of 'normies' who doubtcast every little thing in the most insulting way, causing people to 'cool it' and leave for a week or so. They will do this in waves to kind of entrain people into leaving. It's been working so far

The other thing they will do is normieflood with flat earth such. They'll come up with new ideas like toroidal earth or cube earth or phantom earth hypothesis. Morlgellons spotted in DC. Cyborgs for Trump attacking transsexuals in portland; pagan transpersonalists uprising and now they are working on injecting hyperlime dna. Or that earth is a double helix--as above so below. This is a type of conflation transfer propaganda that scares legit new users away and repels old users also.

They already do these things I'm saying they will intensify.

They do not control SteemIt. They cannot censor it. They do not want that.

Too big of a step, that's not how to boil frogs. Unless you're in a hurry or something.

I agree, they are rushing and making mistakes because of it. We are forcing them to make mistakes, keep at it.

Keep at holding innocent citizens at gunpoint over delusions?

It's already happening, I got banned from /r/news for not being anti-pizzagate. I didn't break a single rule, it was all about silencing the truth.

they just banned me for doxxing because i linked to voat pizzagate lol. There was no personal information at all in what i linked. Were full nazi 1984 fuck spez mode.

Jesus Christ.. To claim were in "full nazi" is straight disrespectful to the people who actually had to live during the holocaust.
Go fuck yourself, scumbag.

I didn't even link anything, I think they're just banning everyone who isn't calling pizzagate stupid. Those mods are so shameful, I can't imagine trying to help pedos. I suspect we will all be permanently banned soon.

I posit all people on /r/conspiracy to be pedos.

Anyone not banning you is helping pedos!!!!!

There. Same logic, same amount of credible evidence.

What? That isn't even close to the same.

They're definitely in a hurry. The Totalitarian Tip Toe has turned into a full on Totalitarian Sprint.

They don't need to censor to heavily. t_D can't discuss it already, Pizzagate was banned and they can probably write this sub off as crazy conspiracy theorists. So that's reddit covered.


I'd say definitely. The bad part with conspiracy theories is I'm not sure if I'm going crazy when I start believing them. But I did enough research into pizzagate to say there's definitely something there.

I'm waiting for the day when I get banned from a general interest sub, like r.guitar or something.

I just saw a thread on ATS that states that the FBI and police are to begin directing Facebook and Reddit to take action against all instances of pizzagate.

Thread here

Reasonable people are pointing out that the government can propagandize to it's own citizens and now it seems that the government can come in and control, under the guise of fake news, what gets published. This is what is most chilling.

I can't imagine why the FBI and police would want to discourage companies that harbor very public and accessible communities that enable mentally unstable people to shoot up a kid friendly restaurant. So weird.

Anyone who has read a book for once in their life knows that the Salem Witch Trials were just false flag operations to distract the sheelple from the free thinking media from exposing the Satanic cults.

Playing Devil's Advocate here but, what option do the (Reddit) have ? It isn't news that Pizza et al filed lawsuits against Reddit (and its parent company) to delete all reference of pizzas in this site. And the rabbit hole is so deep, I wouldn't be surprised if certain alphabet soup agencies aren't in on this too.

This is what you get when fighting against the machine. You become a target once you are a blip in their radar.

You really don't sound like a devils advocate. You just sound like an advocate. You are preaching to the choir in this sub.

I used to appreciate this sub but it has become a disgusting monstrosity in these past two months.

Are you playing devils advocate or playing Pepe Silvia?

There is. no. Carol-in-H-R...

Not only are all of these people real, they've been asking for their mail for days. It's all anyone is talking about up there!

Well, calm down, cause here's one thing that's not gonna happen: we're not gonna get fired... because we've already been fired.

I am actually having a panic attack right now.

Will you settle down and have another cup of coffee?

Downvoters: Are you retarded? that's the next line.

You know you can post on other websites, right? Hell, you could get your own domain and make it all about pizzagate.


thats what happens when you incite violence and vigilante justice. We have a legal system for a reason.

I'm unaware of anybody inviting violence. Do you have evidence?

Yeah. Its in my pants

Well it's a good thing that you have solid evidence to back up your opinion. It'd be awfully embarrassing to have baseless accusations about people having baseless accusations.

i assure you, it is very solid

incite violence

Government is the master of that. Why do you think differently?

Would this be the same legal system that refused to prosecute Hillary for leaking more classified info than Snowden did? That looks past clear FEC violations that bar collusion between her campaign and superPACs? The same legal system that doesn't look twice when DoJ's Lynch has a secret meeting in Bill Clinton's private jet? That one?

No charges have been pressed. If you feel you have suffiecent evidence to press charges, please do start filing motions.

Hmmm. And yet, the press has declared this "fake news" even though the FBI and DoJ ignore all this evidence. The NYPD has Anthony Weiner's laptop and the FBI—who declared Hillary's email scandal to be no big deal—is sitting on that evidence. What do?

Just show us one ounce of proof please. Like actual proof not an email about frienda having a dinner date and keeping the pool open for the kids.

Edit - oh holy fuck..Im putting my edit up here so people dont miss it. What you linked to is from the 70s and has nothing to do with a pedo ring in our govt. As far as I can tell (though it was riddled with grammar and spelling errors) is this about two previoualy convicted men running an underage prostitution ring. It also take some time to paint this as a himosexual problem. So there is that.

That being said what the fuck does this prove with pizzagate?

Oh yeah thats a fact huh? Please do point me to some more resources that detail this ring. Besides an archived chicago tribune article that is. I mean if ots a known fact youd think thered be more links.

No worries I'll wait.

The thing that is so sad is sinply this: in our country the catholic church has been complicit in covering uo and allowing known predators to continue to operate and where is all the outrage? Fucking pointed at a pizza place in dc because yall want to play pretend.

Dont worry about helping actual victoms of known abuse. Dont worry about fighting the corruption of a large institute that has political ties to every western country.

Just worry about that pizzagate.

Fuck you.

It's the same government. That's a Chicago Tribune article. Certainly isnt riddled with errors

1- The reporduced article has errors in it. I just read the damn thing in its entirety.

2- its the same govt? Well shit its the tech same govt as 1886. What is the connection you're trying to make are you saying the govt is a pedo ring? Juat think of how many people work in the federal govt and how many would have to be complicit to keep this undercover for 30 years.

3- the article make no fucking mention of a govt pedo ring. It simply says the state dept destroyed one copy of the list of contacts for a mailing list for a nambla esque newsletter.

For you to take the above as a FACT that a pedo ring exisys, continues to exist and somehow proves pizzagate is astounding.

Check the intentional misspellings.
He's trying to tell you something man.
Follow the clues


No it's not. You can't read. Everyone click the link. This man is illiterate

Fuck that. I got burned earlier today when some mastur-gater posted a link to some kiddie porn as "proof" of what goes on in these places.
Jesus Christ y'all need some fresh air.

You sure seem to have a lot of interest in pedophilia. It is almost all you post about.

For sure. Read the history of pedophilia. It's rampant within our government and like the majority of Americans, I find it concerning. That's why so many people continue to dig into this issue. Why stop, you know?

You believe it is rampant in government, and have provided no evidence. I believe you are a pedophile, and have provided the same evidence.

Gacy case, Franklin cover up. Start there


What's up with comet ping pong and sexualizing children and babies. It's not acceptable. Now the media is complicit in this abomination?

the truth will come out and the media will be caught lying as usual like when they said trump was a joke

Crazy Reddit.

Crazy is this way > /r/politics

Crazy everywhere

Crazy is in places you'll never believe.

You call Reddit crazy but these photos are okay?

crazy breeds crazy

So explains why there are so many pedophiles and sick fucks in this world.

I just fucking told you, crazy breeds crazy!!! WTF

Thought you were directing the original reply towards me

It's universal.

Bravo mate, to the top with you. We have to maintain that we wont be intimidated or silenced, and that this is a serious discussion.

The streisand effect is ringing true throughout this sub tonight!

Just watched a video on this. Immediately thought it was fake. Everyone knows the pedo's get extra protection.


Removed, rule 10 final warning.

Funny how the Washington DC PD was able to respond so quickly and efficiently to the incident.

Of an active shooter.

Yeah, how strange.

At a place they have been keeping an eye on for this sort of thing

Right, a place where people have been getting death threats for a month.

Yeah totally shocking that the freaking DC police would respond quickly to that establishment /s

You think that it's strange that DC police are good at responding to reports of shootings at a place they have been watching for crazy people?

You're fucking insane. You do realize the cop responded to the Ohio state incident last month in less than a minute, right? Or was that a conspiracy too....???

The cop in Ohio was fortunately on campus because he had been called to investigate reports of a gas leak. That situation could have been much, much worse.

what am I looking at?

And no link for us?

Shame, commenter! Shame...

When everything is a false flag... at what point is it a real event and we should be worried we are inciting the clinically insane?

Oh wow a voice of reason where I least expected it. The kind of people who buy into this shit are dangerously deficient in the critical thinking department. They whip each other up into a frenzied circle jerk and then some moron who beat off to shooter one to many times pulls something like this. It's like weaponized stupidity. False flag operation? Yah that's much more likely than some rube from Hickville thinking he's the punisher irl.

Stop overstating this. This sub definitely looks at false flags, but, we do not call everything a false flag...

what was the last shooting that was legitimate in /r/conspiracy 's eyes?

Why is this near the top of hot without any upvotes on an hour old topic? It kinda sticks out as odd.

I always wondered what sort of angle they would use to come at theorists. This may be one of them.


Rule 10

It's very painful I'll admit

Lots of ad hominems (logical fallacies) on here coming from the "skeptics". Rude remarks do not backed-up assertions of innocence make. I'm still with the There's Grounds for Investigation Here crowd.

Lots of ad hominems (logical fallacies) on here coming from the "skeptics".

This is literally ad hominem.

How? I think observing the ad hominems everywhere is nothing at all similar to calling people brain dead and stupid, etc.

CTR is sending the shills to make it look like the "majority of people" think everyone who asks questions about this is a lunatic.

I agree, I think there can't be that many gung-ho conformists out there, especially on the internet in the 21st century - but what's "CTR"? (Sorry)

Is it just me or do the comments here seem unusually hostile to the conspiracy theory?

Whether you believe this theory or not, remember we're all on the same side working against some secrets that are very real.

Honestly this sub was alot better and open until the_donald basically took over.

Shills have made it here now.

What happened at Comet Pizza is unfortunate


Unfortunate is when someone drops a pizza on the way to their table or spills a soda.

A guy walking in with a rifle and firing rounds is a little more than unfortunate.

Don't hold Reddit so high

No one in this thread has encouraged, advocated for, or condoned what happened at Comet Pizza

-Since a significant portion of this thread doesn't believe anything at all happened and it's all 'fake news' then there's nothing to worry about. No need to disavow somthing that never occurred.

I mean multiple people have advocated for it. I just replied to someone playing the "devils advocate" who was saying "what recourse do reddit users have if not this?"

Pls consider leaving your basement I am worried about your health

Please get out of college. They poison the mind!

Not sure if /s or I should engage hostiles....

You guys do realize you sound just like the Satanic panic people of the 80's right?

Lots of Trolls here. Check user details before commenting!

Concerned. I stopped frequenting this subreddit and started playing video games to not have to deal with the stress of this news. It sucks we cant discuss this and feel safe right now. At least i dont. But like you said dont let them silence us... so this is just me chiming in agreeing. We really ought to get a fair onvestigation into this.

Yea... It really sucks you can't fire off wild accusations with zero evidence. Go fuck yourself dude

Hey buddy whats up, want a belly rub?

This is bigger than pizzagate or comet ping 'PONG' remember that.

What event happened today? Something to do with Comet Pizza? Out of the loop here...

Some lunatic went into CPP and fired an assault rifle because of the lies about the place he saw on the Internet.

These fucks are making baseless claims about a child pedophile ring and its leading people to actually take action, resulting in yesterday's incident.

Interesting, I had no idea. Funny there's nothing on MSM about it though

There's a front-page article on CNN right now, that's how I heard about it this morning before coming to Reddit:

Ok fair enough. Tbh my comment is perhaps misleading in itself. I dont make a point of reading MSM any more particularly often, and I've still not looked into whether or not the BBC etc (am UK based) have covered this. Playing devil's advocate though, does anyone know anything about the perp? Not saying he is, but is there any chance he could be a patsy or otherwise put up to do this as some way to discredit the whole #pizzagate thing as fake news. (I.e. Just yet another reason Clinton lost the presidency) Again, I'm not coming down on either side here, just intrigued by the whole thing and tbh nothing would surprise me these days. Thanks for the heads up on the CNN report though.

Edit: Ok so a quick search has shown that at least a couple of MSM outlets have covered this story (The Daily Mail for instance.... yeah), the BBC and Sky News however did cover the story, although I had to look in the 'trending' sections of both sites to find it.

Curiously though, there does seem to be some suggestion that this guy is a plant: although I'd have to do more digging to see who is suggesting this.

Interesting development none the less and I'm glad no one was hurt.

Edit 2: Looks like the story of this guy being a plant originated on, or at least that's where Inquisitr got their bit. After reading the full article though, I'm inclined to believe that he's just acted of his own volition and not put up to it. Unless he's been heavily pressed by someone, it would appear that he's pretty much the kinda guy who might do this sort of thing. Of interest is the fact that he follows Alex Jones, posts anti-Muslim videos and his family have worked to prevent child abuse in the past. (No judgement)

ELI5: pizzagate please

The same people who found out the identity of the guy who did the Boston bombing have found a pedophile ring out in the open in a pizza joint. One of their insane masses just went in there with at least one gun and held an employee at gunpoint.

Now /r/conspiracy thinks it's a false flag operation meant to shut them down.

There has been a pedo ring within our government for decades. When Wikileaks dropped some politically related emails, there were patterns that lead many of us to believe we got a behind the scenes peek at the ring. They used the word "pizza" in a way that did not fit contextually. Hence the pedo ring was rebranded to #pizzagate

Just to add to this, the CIA ran a callboy ring during the 70s and 80s where they would secretly film politicians with children or whatever and save the film for possible blackmail at a later date. It may still be going on. If anyone is interested, look up Roy Cohn

So do you mean to say that the pedo ring was a sting op or was literally just government officials rapin' kiddos?

I mean in Chicago they gave them 30k index cards of pedo politicians and the FBI "lost" them

who is they and them in this sentence?

Search the Chicago Tribune archive, 1977. Report back to me. I want to know you're capable of searching and reading

Salem witch trials round two

Holy shit. This pops up in the middle of the night and is heavily brigaded while the only people who might be up are west coasters. Go to hell CTR and David Brock.

"Give a voice to the voiceless"

They're voiceless because they don't exist. It's fake news and it is beyond preposterous.

The fact that there's no evidence and no victims coming forward just proves how good a job they're doing covering their tracks!! Also the police and FBI are ALL obviously in on it. Clearly, it will take more direct action from patriots like this to really crack the case and save these kids.

/s obviously. But isn't that the logical outcome of this line of thinking? If you truly believe this is a massive child trafficking ring, and the police are in on it why wouldn't you grab a gun and try to save some lives?

Of course, maybe you should also first consider that just maaaaybe there's nothing here. And in that case, that this ""investigation"" is ruining the life and business of some random guy who just happened to be tangentially connected to a guy whose emails were hacked? And that this very nearly resulted in violence? Which may not be avoided next time? And maybe by continuing to feed the fire, you will bear some personal responsibility for all of this?

I still haven't seen any good explanation about the Twitter stuff.

How did I miss that?! And to think I used to mock people who believed in conspiracies.

They ask it be removed, to me means there is creditability to the whole Pizzagate story. Get this out there...Never back down to the truth!

I was just talking 2 days ago how that's how we shouldn't take this problem out. I never realized that's exactly how they could use that to their advantage. Scary.

Wise post.

I hope the people here read it and learn from the events.

It was easily predictable.

even in the face of trolls/shill/those attempting to derail and defame the conversation.

I have noticed a frightening increase in the number of shills coming here to "debunk" PizzaGate and paint everyone believing in it as insane. TPTB are really doubling down now.


LOL. Well, at least we're not part of a child molestation ring. Nor are we defending the child molesters -- unlike you.

You should be ashamed of yourself. Seriously.

Watch how easy it is to make you look like a moron:

What legitimate proof do you have that anyone is actually molesting children? I'll wait.

No one is saying there is concrete proof, you dummy. Do you seriously not understand the concept of circumstantial evidence?

No one is saying there is concrete proof, you dummy.

That image you're throwing about suggests otherwise. It concludes with "THESE ARE FACTS". Do you disagree?

You're misreading it. The evidence presented in the infographic is 100% factual (e.g. Jimmycomet did indeed have Antinous, a known pedophilic icon from the ancient world, as his Instagram avatar). That's not even debatable.

You don't have to agree with the conclusions drawn at the end by the image maker (i.e. that there is widespread Satanic ritual abuse going on in Washington), but all of the evidence presented is absolutely real and factual.

And when there is that much circumstantial evidence... well, only a fool would think it doesn't warrant further investigation. Surely you can see that, right?

It is possible that John Podesta is running a secret atheist Jim Henson cult that uses foreskins to make skin puppets!

Hotdog=Big Bird

Pizza=Sam the Eagle


See this symbol found on the pizza sign? It's also on a shirt the drummer puppet, Animal wore in the 90s! Its angular similarity to a slice of pizza is a cover up.

Look at this picture of Obama and Kermit the Frog. See his connection!?


Do you see how ridiculous this all sounds? It's how you sound to everyone else. When your burden of proof is lower than flat earthers, you're not going to pull anyone to your cause. Unless you can come up with something more than speculation, you're just contributing to the harassment and witch hunt.

How would you feel if some I kicked up some random group of people and we started spreading rumors that you were a coke dealer and started connecting imaginary speculative dots and gaps in your life? Would you want the FBI pouring through your life because I started a rumor about you and brought "circumstantial evidence"?


This guy didn't defend child molesters in any way. If that's what you got from his comment then you need to read it again

Theres no middle ground with these folk. No room for disagreement, you either turn into a CTR SHILL or are actively defending and protecting pedophiles. Its pathetic.

I think you are part of a child molestation ring. Prove you are not.

^Can you refute all of this? All of the information presented is factual and based in reality.

I'll wait.

The burden of proof is on you. How about this, I'll make it easy. Prove any of the "code words" are real. Show me any proof at all, otherwise the entire thing falls apart.

Do you think everyone who doesn't buy into pizzagate is a shill?

There is an increase because you have attracted attention to yourselves. As insane as you people are, you have loud voices. And now others have heard you, read your "proof", and are now here to make fun of how ridiculous you people are/sound. You guys keep saying "hey man, free thinkers man, we are "investigating" man, just let us be man" and yet it takes me 90 seconds to read any of the "proof." If there was any "investigating" by you guys, it ended approximately 90 seconds after pizzagate started.

Or truth and facts

dam looking at the comments CTR is here in full defending pedos. How do you sleep at night? With a ball gag in your mouth?

What if you're wrong?

What if I'm wrong? Than the justice system will prevail, which I doubt since it has been infiltrated by the same people being accused.

What if I'm right? Than maybe future children will not have to face similar horrors, though I doubt the problem will stop, children who have lost their lives and souls to this will maybe somewhat be vindicated, and most importantly, those found guilty will be brought to justice.

Though I doubt any of this will happen. Pedo pockets run deep apparently, and in this world, you just throw $ at problems until they go away.

Mods, do something about these shills.

We are going after them. Please report to help out. Thanks.

What do you consider shills?

The people trying to save freedom of speech by asking folks to put a lid on libel (pizza nonsense)?

Or the people pushing hard on the pizza nonsense in order to keep the flames fanned and cause even more stupidity?

Which shills are you talking about?

I'm talking about people like you, the minority. This sub is so much better without you and you clearly don't know how this sub operates. All good, like I said you are just a single poster who does not matter

You won't matter much longer either after the government finds cause because reddit loses a libel case in court and has to shut down.

Way to go Chucky, way to go.

Shhh. It'll all be over soon. The tipping point is here. We are on month 3 of pizzagate. Voat, reddit, 4 are the simple minority now. Sit back and save your keystrokes. You don't matter

funny - i'll be looking for your apology when the ministry of truth get's started under the "homeland security" act.

Oh... that's right! You won't be ABLE to say anything because it wasn't government approved and all the places you carry on with this nonsense get shut down.

Nice going sucker.

Stuff like this makes me embarrassed of Reddit.

"what many are considering a false flag op around Comet "

There is literally zero evidence of this. None at all. You want to believe its a false flag operation so you're let off the hook. The truth is you guys have created this insane web of nonsense that has implicated tons of innocent people and has led to their harassment and now near murder.

You're endangering real people with this stupidity.

Which is exactly what the government wants - and the biggest offenders will be brought into court and tried for libel, at which point the "injured parties" will be awarded millions for damages and the government will have their shining example of "look - HERE'S what the fake news does - it causes death and innocent people to be hurt" - at which time mainstream America says "yeah, we need to do something about this fake news" and guess what happens then...

The government is completely applauded when they start the "ministry of truth" after which ALL news and information (to include blogs and, dare I say it? /r/conspiracy!) has to be filtered through them prior to printing or release.

Yeah - /r/conspiracy (at the hands of quite a few plants and shills) is falling right into their hands and "doing god's work for them".

And these people STILL don't get it.

I am fucking amazed.

I don't believe anything the government tells me. And the more they deny/try to bury a story, the more I believe it's really happening.

Yeah, fuck logic and reasoning!

The gub'ment is fuckin' us... but also, I love the constitution, and we're gonna MAGA!!

If the very people charged with watching over society, with informing laws and protection the people were caught fucking children "and we know they have" I would think it real fucking hard for a normy to believe but to think it's impossible and we're the crazy ones for even uttering a word of it....Well shit we might as well leave it alone for all the good it's doing 🤐

Like I keep saying please come to where we've shifted the entire investigation.

So I'm about as out of the loop as they come. What is the deal with this pizza gate thing? What originally happened to cause everyone to start using the term?

Wikileaks of John Podestas emails show him being invited by his brother to attend a spirit cooking dinner(human blood spunk and milk), multiple food references in emails that makes it seem like code, fudraisers hosted at comet ping pong where pro pedophilia logos have been noticed (bistro across the road also has similar logos), that in a combination of a lot of strange instagram /imgur posts that allude to child abuse by staff and frequenters of the restaurant, IDK what to think honestly, if these communities looking into this where delusional, it would be very easy to prove them as such.

/r/pizzagate recently banned for witch hunting, now it seems the people of pizzagate are being forced into subreddits and communities with MUCH less exposure(never fuck off to voat guys it's just a more concentrated echo chamber.)

Recently MSM have been trying to disprove/discredit the pizza pedo scandal but not presenting any evidence to corroborate with the idea these people are innocent (from at least the articles I've read) it's just slandering of the people looking into this , these are posts the article quotes from the reputable source that is 4chan:
"I'm sorry to say this guys but it was a mistake," said one recent post. "Not every conspiracy theory is true."

"Moral panics are not something new and you're just experiencing a new cycle of it," said another. "You guys have a bunch of creepy pictures and you're finding symbols and other circumstantial bunk... You guys have absolutely nothing and it's a little embarrassing that you guys are on a rabid witch hunt based on this evidence.

"Are you guys even aware of how stupid all of this is."

Recently MSM have been trying to disprove/discredit the pizza pedo scandal but not presenting any evidence to corroborate with the idea these people are innocent

How exactly do you prove something that didn't happen? By the way, you're a pedophile and you have to prove to me that you're not. If you say, "I'm not a pedophile" it only proves I'm right, because that's exactly what a pedophile would say.

Understand that argument, what I was trying to say and point out was that the allegations of pedophilia being made because of say logos that have been seen, or possibly doctored photos, or creepy as fuck imgur posts that allude to child abuse aren't being mentioned and other reasons aren't being given for such posts and the existence of them, nor are the Podesta emails being talked about.

To be fair though, if somebody made allegations to me that I was a satanic kiddie fucker, I'd try pretty fucking hard to distance myself from such spurious allegations. If these allegations are indeed full of shit,aren't there defamation and libel laws in America? Why wouldn't you use them laws to fight the allegations? I haven't seen John Podesta talk about this stuff yet (may of missed it), so I'm pretty much forced to come to the conclusion that he's more involved in this.

How does one go about attempting to enact libel laws against thousands of faceless Internet users?

Also, even if he was trying to do this, how quickly would people start saying Podesta is trying to cover his tracks by legally silencing his opposition? There is literally no winning when a conclusion is reached and then all evidence is conformed to support it.

People would say it no matter what he does, but again would you let people make these allegations against you if they weren't true?

Not everybody has reached a conclusion here, me as one of them, the shit we've seen and read about is undeniably suspect, could just be weird coincidences, but I'm not in /r/CoincidenceTheories.

Maybe start enacting libel laws against the media who are apparently peddling and supporting lies? Maybe when the source of the "fake news" is legally held accountable for lying and misleading people (if they did) they'd have a stronger moral ground when arguing against concerned people?

Im here browsing r/All can anyone fill me in on what pizzagate is?

A pedo ring has been documented within our government for decades. When wikileaks dropped the emails the last couple of months, people started to realize they were using common words out of context - such as pizza. Pizzagate is just a rebranding, a new name for pedo ring that has been documented to be within our government for decades. You can tell by the response above me, the shills have a vested interest in this topic

A lot of very strange, interconnected facts.

A lot of very strange, interconnected facts

Pieced together by lunatics with too much free time.

Here's the image being passed around as proof:

Don't bother reading too far down, as the very bedrock of this conspiracy you have to believe in order to continue is that "Code" on the left hand side. That code was invented by the conspiracy theorists and is impossible to verify, and is actually very wrong as none of the phrases they claim are linked to pedophilia are used anywhere else except that image and blog posts about Pizzagate.

Fills, we've been fooled. The REPUBLUCANS are the child rapists.

Quite a list.

Bush is definitely involved. But since you probably are just trolling, we don't really make pizzagate a political issue. Top to bottom these names are involved. Bush in an easy connection to make with Enron and Dyncorp. Start there if you are the sort that will read things on your own

Not trolling. Just pointing to actual evidence of convicted child abusers in the Republican party.

Great job Reddit! You did it!

Who's going to shoot the place up next? Who will give voice to the people you murder while they're eating pizza?

/r/politics did it.

Promising its users that Hillary going to win the White House.

We know how that turned out. LOL

I'm amazed at the mental gymnastics you're performing here. Blame the sub that called this pizza bullshit out for some whack job going in and shooting up the place. Meanwhile abdicating responsibility for whipping up the frenzy in the first place.

Ooooh really? Reddit banned /r/PizzaGate but allows /r/Pedo101

some whack job going in and shooting up the place.

You need to do more research instead of believing what "programming media tells you to think".

Are we going to have to read this comment for the next 4 years? Goddamn Trump supporters are stupid. Like, uneducated, ignorant, dumbasses.


Braces porn is awesome, legal, and pretty mainstream. You should join us at /r/braceface.

And this is my main, actually.

If you believe this is a false flag attack, go get help immediately. Go to your local area subreddit and ask for recommendations for a therapist. Make an appointment and tell him or her everything you believe. Please.

What is pizzagate?

Thats like asking, what is the internet.

What is the internet?

Yep the "shooting" at comet ping pong was to make it so independent journalists would be threatened.

What do we know about the "shooter" at Comet Pizza? I believe it's a front to discourage "news" stations to report the real facts behind pizzagate.

Illuminati Wife Tells All

A MUST SEE interview with Kay Griggs

Are you a shill working to keep this unsubstantiated "news" alive so that the government can turn around and say "hey, /r/conspiracy on reddit is spreading fake news" - at which point the government talks to the reddit staff and says "shut down that crap or we'll shut you down".

I get that there's something wrong. I also get that losing the freedom to talk about what's wrong is even worse.

If you have actual facts, substantiated and corroborated (just like in a court of law) of the wrongdoing of any involved in the pizzagate scandals, then bring it forward and put it in print.

If everything you have is "he said, she said, some blog said, they said..." then you really need to leave it at the door - it is NOT fact until corroborated, witnessed, and verified. This is the reason the major news outlets aren't running with the story - if they can't verify it as fact, THEY CAN'T RUN IT else it's libel and they will go to court and be fined millions of dollars in damages and possibly even be shut down.

So this isn't about "what you believe" or "big government coverup" - this is about libel and the government using that libel at this point in history to punch a huge hole in the first amendment.

If any party being talked about gets hurt or is financially damaged because of this "news", and if the news stays as it is now - completely unsubstantiated - it will be bad for reddit and Americans alike.

And people who are blah-blah-blah about "the man covering up so I'm going to talk louder and bang the table", well, I'd be real cautious of who, exactly, they're working for. The government at the behest of the rich people want nothing more than to nullify the constitution and each of the amendments that have been a pain in their side since this country was founded.

peace. out.

Shit. You figured it all out. Guess I've been busted.

I just wish you'd shut up so the government can't use reddit, more specifically /r/conspiracy, as a shining example of why only the government should have a say on what gets printed as news (to include all blogs and public opinion).

That's my wish - I don't care what you are.


You honestly think they wouldn't do it regardless of this or not

They have to have cause - you can't just shut down "an amendment" because you want to.

this is game changing shit.

I have used my brain - try using yours.

Um, reddit isn't an amendment. Its a corporate and private website. They can shut down whatever the fuck they please. Use my brain? I'm not the one assuming a website is an amendment.

Let me repeat that, this is a privately owned website, they DO NOT have to allow anything they deem unfit to be on their site. Same as you can't go to Walmart and scream whatever idiotic shit you want or pretty much any other site on the net. Its why Spez could change comments and there's no real ramifications, cause it's their site they can do that.

"Thy can't shut down an amendment". Jesus Christ I've never read something so fucking stupid in all my life.


Yeah, sorry, but waking up to message after message harassing and defaming kinda set me off. Its been removed and others fixed.

Awww, that's sad for your feelings.

Good thing you weren't in a restaurant when someone decided it was a good idea to bring a loaded rifle in, and fire off a round. That would have been really scary.

For real though, there's some shit harassment from both sides going on in this thread, and their is IRL harassment going on because of this thread, and threads like it.

Get credible evidence or fuck off.

I never claimed to have evidence. I am, and was, simply encouraging people to not be silenced. That's all. The attacks and harassment was disgusting as I stated. At what point do I, or anyone else, have to take accountability for someone else's actions? Where does that line get drawn?

When you start inciting violence is probably a good line to draw.

It's ultimately his responsibility, I agree. But individuals whipping this whole thing into a frenzy without evidence, are not without guilt.

My problem is where do you draw that line though? Is reddit complacent for allowing this discussion? Is /r/the_Donald complacent for allowing alt right discussions that many have claimed led to hate crimes, factual or not? That's a slippery slope is my point.

And let me make this clear, what this person did was unquestionably wrong and should never be condoned. In no way is what happened okay. There's no question about that.

That being said I also won't take responsibility for what an unhinged person may do, as if I do that then as stated where do I draw the line. I would go insane constantly worrying how someone may misconstrue what I have to say.

"Reasonable and prudent" precautions to not provoke violence would probably be a good standard.

Something like having some sort of evidence before calling out a private individual as a major player in a child pedophilia ring?

I'll simply repost this comment as I believe it accurately describes exactly how I feel.

I was/am simply calling for people not to be scared of discussing it. I don't believe anyone should be going to comet, or leaking peoples names, etc. Hell I can admit the Instagram shit, not what's on it the posting of it to shame someone, makes me uncomfortable. Hence why generally I'm not involved in any discussion regarding such matters. I just think people should be able to discuss this issue in a way that is both looking for the truth and respectful of individuals rights, no matter what some may think they are involved in. At the same time I recognize that I can't police the discussion. It's going to happen whether I like it or not. All I can do is make my points and not engage in any I may disagree with. I have to be respectful of people and allow them to make their own decisions even if I disagree with such.

I think people need to realize that we all come from different backgrounds and approach this in different ways. Some people view privacy on the internet differently. We can't, as stated police that, its not our place. All we can is pick and choose how and when we will enter into the discussion, if at all.

People just need to be respectful of other opinions and rights, rather than attempting to attack and engage in the very behavior they are accusing others of, ie witch hunts.

We need to understand that people are upset about this because they have been lied to and they feel disenfranchised. They feel as if they are being misled, because sadly they have been, so many times before. People belive this because for years many they were being told, no there's no pedophile problem, only to find out that there was. Whether it be the BBC, Jimmy Saville, The Vatican, members of Congress, CEO's, etc, the truth has come out - and after years of people being told they were crazy and the media ignoring it and writing it off.

So yea, it may not be true, you may not have proof you like, but that's no reason that others shouldn't be looking. They've been down this road before and had the same attacks labeled against them and they've seen where it ended up. With this in mind there's no reason why these people shouldn't be concerned, its history playing out like it has so many times before.

The most disgusting thing about all this is the fact that there is an actual problem with child sex slavering in this country but you all think it's more important to focus on something fake and unfounded. If any of you actually cared you would try to stop the real crimes going on, but that's the problem with conspiracy theorists; you're not trying to help any body or solve the problems you're pointing out, it's just a giant ego trip so you trap yourselves in these echo chambers in order to always feel like you're right, when in reality you desperately need a therapist. I hope y'all find the help you clearly need.

Sorry you're so offended by words when a man literally had a gun and shot at people because of shit like this. This is reddit at it's absolute worst, and you're playing the victim card? Go fuck yourselves, OP and and everyone else here.

No one was shot. get your facts straight before spreading bullshit. Shots fired do not equal someone was shot. The only reports are saying a shot was fired. No one was hurt. Do some research.

As per NYT: no one was hurt and one man was arrested

Ahhhhh, now it all makes sense.

Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

I jest, but your response accuses the post you reply to of something they didn't say. You're post is two minutes newer (with an edit 32 minutes after that).

And you're the one that's going to say "get your facts straight before spreading bullshit", fucking seriously? SERIOUSLY?!

He said "shot at people" and I said no one was shot. Then edited it with proof of such. So what's that about reading comprehension? How about re-read what was said. Especially as account have stated he didn't shoot at anyone. Just fired a shot. There's a huge difference.

There is no edit tag on his post.

Is it a conspiracy?

Any Pizzagate info on the darkweb?

Good question.

on the other hand dont let pizzagate distract you from the real issue. the federal central bank.

Research IMF. The reserve is just a front bro!! Its all a front! It never stops.

are you lying to me?

IMF dont print money :D


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I'm not comprehending how serious this is, can someone help me?? also we need to catch them in the act of conspiracy. would it require us to spy on them and use taps?

I've been out of the loop... Can someone fill me in on what happened?

The loop is fruit loops.

This is clearly a false flag event. However they didn't think very far ahead and forgot about the Striesand Effect.

Could this also be positive though? If they have to tell the story, they have to explain what Pizzagate is, which will put a lot more eyes on it. Distrust for the media is at an all time high, so even if they say it's all crackpot conspiracy nonsense some new people will put eyes on it

Someone please start a sub for Fakr News, so that we can get ahead of this with actual examples of fake news and propaganda!

Someone please

Begging? Weak!

Whatever. I'm working and would make a shitty mod. Let them beat us to it, then.

So because you are working, you'd choose to be a director telling people what to do instead of taking action?

Yes. That's how collaboration works. I've spent more sleepless nights than I can count digging and researching for this cause.

I would be doing a great disservice trying to make a sub when I don't have the skills or equipment to do it. Sorry that this offends you.

Yes. That's how collaboration works.

Really? I thought its were you have people that have the time to work together and toss ideas around. Than you "delegate" tasks to the people involved.

See how easy that is?

As you pointed out, it was more of a beg than a demand.

I was innocently listening to the Joe Rohan Fight cast this weekend and this came up and I had never heard of it before.

Would someone kindly give me the run down? I'd really appreciate it :)

While you continue "dig", maybe stay at home with the semi-automatic rifle?

Its much safer than having another Clinton as President!!

This is a really dumb question but what's Pizzagate? I hear about it all over but I'm not sure what it is.

For decades a pedo ring within our government has been covered up. With the recent Wikileaks there were inconsistencies in the way words were used such as "pizza". Many believe these emails will trace back to the documented and ongoing pedo ring. The term pizzagate is just the name of the current investigation into the ring. But there are plenty of archived sources documenting the ring independent of pizzagate. Start with the Franklin Coverup and the John Wayne Gary and the Delta Project coverup. That'll bring you up to speed on pizzagate.

reddit is on the verge of breaking open a pedophilia scandal larger than any known to date. It involves the Clintons, the ultra rich, and the super connected. It's run out of a storefront called Comet Ping Pong Pizza and involved kidnapped children from Haiti.
The investigators, top minds, have everything they need to open an official investigation but the authorities are actively seeking to discredit them by using crisis actors and false flags. They've used their media conglomerates to discredit this intrepid investigation before people have even heard of it.

I think it's wacko loony toons good god bonkers but whatever

That's crazy, it's insane how much bad shit is out there in the world and how much we don't even know is right in front of us.


wait what


lol it does seem crazy i guess

kind of amazing that a site that is so gung-ho about hunting down pedophiles is suddenly suspiciously quiet when a considerable amount of evidence of child trafficking is found

where did all the brave redditors go? the ones that would mutilate/inflame/torture/murder pedophiles in all their little circlejerks are so quiet right now.

No evidence of "child trafficking" has been uncovered.

It's kind of disingenuous for folks such as yourself to keep spouting myth as being the truth.

I think the worst thing that can happen from this is not against Pizzagate, which discredits itself most every time its proponents speak, but that this attack can be used to further the narrative of 'fake news', used to marginalize all but the official news outlets.

Problems with PizzaGate I've seen:

(1.) Joe Biden did not tell that 13 year old girl she makes him horny. Not really related, but Pizzagaters want it to be, so I want to start with this one. What he actually says is really obvious if you listen through a pair of cheap laptop speakers. From memory, it's something like "by the way, I know how hard it is for a 13-year old girl to stand up here next to me. Talk to my daughter Ashley, she went through the whole thing."

(2.) The "code word" explanations were all invented. Yes, there is an obscure leftover of gay culture known as the "handkerchief code" but it doesn't cover these words at all: pizza, pasta, cheese, hot dog, ice cream, dominos or map.

The handkerchief code only covers these: handkerchief, white, black.

So, that's quite a stretch. The rest of the words sprouted from "cheese pizza" being a reference to "child porn" and the rest is 4chan pretend detectives letting their imaginations run wild as they read the Podesta emails.

That is not even circumstantial evidence. You have to be honest with yourself about this. If circumstantial evidence won't hold up in a court of law, this wild conjecture certainly won't.

NOTE: I'm not saying it's not code; it obviously seems to be code for something. I'm saying that it's bullshit to say the code has been cracked. Everywhere I see this, people say "see handkerchief code" and link to Wikipedia. Yeah, well, the handkerchief code doesn't cover those words. There is no evidence that "map" means semen, etc. It's just people saying "if you interpret it this way, it fits! And look, here is a picture of people eating pizza! That proves it!" No, it doesn't. And the rest of the "evidence" doesn't tip the scales, either. It's all still wild conjecture and confirmation bias, not remotely evidence.

(3.) So Comet Pizza has perverted graffiti on the bathroom walls... so what? This is pretty ordinary for a club that has rock bands playing there. My wife just got her picture taken at a local bar that doesn't even have rock bands, but they have a chalkboard bathroom with a wall of books (lending library) and it's kind of cute and fun, so my wife and her friends took their pictures in there.In the photo of my wife, she has a dick coming out the side of her head with instructions "snip here" and "shave here" with arrows pointing to the foreskin and balls respectively, which she didn't notice when she was taking the picture, but it is clearly written on the chalkboard wall behind her. I'm sure the idea of the bathroom was to have a kind of cool upscale communal thing (lending library and easy way for people to write messages to each other), but of course people used the chalkboard painted walls to draw pictures of dicks with the chalk.

(4.) People seem to want to tie humanitarian efforts at saving children to a pedophile ring because of Bill Clinton's ties to Jeffrey Epstein and a picture of a recent success story happily eating pizza. The other possibility is that these really are humanitarian efforts and those people really are happily eating pizza because they were saved from a life of misery.

Bill Clinton being a pervert doesn't prove that a humanitarian organization dedicated to saving kids is really a front for a global pedophile network.

(5.) Podesta is a life-long art collector and seems like he's probably a liberal, open-minded guy since both he and Hillary Clinton are well-known for their belief in extra-terrestrials and alien-driven UFOs. So, it is not really strange to me at all that he is friends with an artist who references the occult and may dabble in it herself. Many people dabble in the occult or practice the occult regularly who are not actually Satanists or anything like that. I realize this may be hard to comprehend if you come from an anti-Zionist worldview where Jews are evil because they killed Christ and they control the world through black magick, but the fact is Aleister Crowley is probably the most well-known occultist in our modern era because he put most of the secrets out in the open which he ever learned. His belief was that people should get to know their true self and improve their lives without the restrictions imposed on them by mind-controlling religious institutions. To understand how Crowley wasn't really "Satanic" as he is often portrayed takes some research to understand. His position about God and the Bible is rather like Einstein's: he considered both to be superstitions for the naive. However, he did believe that secret information was contained in the Bible for those who knew how to read it. Crowley knew the Bible backwards and forwards, he knew Hebrew, Latin and Koine Greek so he studied it in its original languages. He was a master of Qabalah and knew that the tradition didn't begin with the Jews, but was also found in Greek culture (Greek Qabalah is proven to pre-exist it's first appearance in Jewish culture, btw) and he also found reason to believe it corresponded to ancient Egyptian culture. I never verified this last claim myself, but there are many authors who claim Qabalah first came out of Ancient Egypt and perhaps even before that. One of Crowley's most important rituals was the Bornless One ritual of Greaco/Egyptian origin and which is basically an exorcism.

Many, many artists and open-minded liberal types are or were into Aleister Crowley at some point in their lives. Practically any rock star you can think of (even the notoriously atheist Frank Zappa!), many comic book artists (of note: Grant Morrison and Alan Moore), actors, iconoclasts like Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson, and many kids in high school, art school and colleges who go on to be the next generation of artists inspired by Aleister Crowley. And why not? His message was about liberation. Free-thinking artists are not generally interested in conforming to anything, especially something like The Bible, which most people don't even seem to understand.

So, my point is that it's not really weird for Podesta—a certified art snob and liberal guy—to be hanging out with artists who are into the occult. "Spirit cooking" came from Crowley's writings, but that doesn't mean this artist is anything more than a hack using shock as an easy way to make money. She may also really be into the occult, but if you've ever known people into the occult, a lot of them are completely full of shit. They have wishful-thinking ideas about how successful they are with magick and a lot of self-delusion. They want to believe in magick, maybe they even like the idea of being in touch with "dark forces"; such people are often completely misreading Crowley and making fools of themselves. Crowley wrote that he interpreted every worldly interaction as a direct interaction with God. He wasn't trying to be evil. The scarier aspects of his "Book of The Law" which he channeled upset him so much that he put them in a drawer and tried to forget about them for several years, thinking they must be bad junk from negative forces. When things kept happening to push him back in the direction he was trying to avoid, he looked more into it and began to see there were other ways to read the channeled writing and perhaps it wasn't so negative as he thought. After all, the Bible itself is really quite full of a lot more violent "negativity" than what you find in Crowley's "Book of the Law." If he channeled the sort of vicious Biblical passages you find in the Old Testament, I'm sure he would have been even more freaked out by it.

I would also like to point out that the often cited and generally misunderstood quote from Crowley about sacrificing virgin boys is actually a veiled reference to semen. Why? Because Crowley was pointing out the absurdity of Victorian morality: it was illegal to write about sex during Crowley's time, but it was perfectly acceptable to write about violence. Crowley was not the nicest guy, for sure, and he had a sadistic sense of humor. This probably did not benefit him in the end because he garnered such a bad reputation for writing stuff like this that he was called "the wickedest man in the world" ...however, this reputation is probably also why he is now legendary and his writings will be preserved for some years to come. In that sense, it probably benefited him greatly because he was very serious about his religion, not for personal glory but because he dedicated his life to it for liberating the world. His "Book of the Law" predicted that there will be some apocalyptically dark times and those who follow his religion will be the new rulers of the world...and that world will be based on freedom of the individual.

I understand all this will sound horrifying to a Bible-thumper, but it doesn't freak me out a bit, personally.

What I do find disturbing is the Instagram account featuring a very little girl who looks like she might have downs or something that was hashtagged #hotard by the Comet Pizza guys. While it certainly doesn't indicate she's a pedophile victim, it is in poor taste no matter how you look at it. I know they all deleted their Instagram accounts now and it's very possible that they realized there's no way to explain some of these inside jokes, if they are innocent. Imagine how crazy that would be to be just a bunch of freewheelin' weirdos having fun in your rock n' roll pizza joint and all of a sudden the world thinks you're running a pedophile ring because you drunkenly hashtagged "hotard" on some image. I'm not saying that's what happened, but it's very possible. Of course, it's also possible that they really are a pedophile ring and they're abusing that little girl who looks like she has downs, but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion, personally.


makes sense, thanks for mentioning that!

You missed the mark on code words. It's not the words, it's the context. As the context doesn't make sense. "Pizza for an hour"'d have to be drooling on yourself to use pizza in that context. The words are just wrong in their "innocent" context. Like very bad. Nonsensical English type of wrong

No, you missed the mark on the code words. I am aware they don't make sense and seem to be code. That does not mean the words mean what people have come up with. As I said, this is pure conjecture, not even circumstantial evidence. It's bizarre that you people don't see it. You're acting like the code has been cracked, which is why you believe the rest of it so easily. This is called confirmation bias. Start down a new reality tunnel by being a bit more critical about all these pizzagate claims. Most of the pieces do not fit together at all unless you start off with a bunch of false premises. You're wiling to believe them because they fit your expectations.

But they could be the words. Just pointing out you did nothing to debunk the code words

I don't have to debunk the words. If you try to read the emails by associating new meanings to the words, you can get them to mean something else convincing. That's why it's just conjecture. The code words could refer to something classified that is actually a matter of security or political in nature, which is just as plausible if not more plausible.

So it could be pedo code, got it

Never said it couldn't be. Just pointing out there's a big difference between evidence and confirmation bias. Until you get some real evidence, acting as if you have it makes you look pretty stupid and is also pretty careless with other people's lives, which is certainly not very "Christian" (which seems to be the prevailing background of a lot of pizzagaters).

Confirmation bias is key to this. People think it's a keyword because they want it to be.

Yes...and a lot of those same people don't seem to care that Trump was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, too, and has a child rape case coming up. I wonder what will happen to that lawsuit now that he is the President Elect.

Honestly, I predicted eventual violence weeks ago. I'm not trying to paint everyone with the same brush, but there are a lot of mentally unstable people who are drawn to conspiracy theories. The constant egging on of specious theories is going to outrage them when they think nothing is being done to what to them is obvious.

And, surprise surprise, it's a guy who ran over a little kid recently with his car and is probably wracked with guilt over it. What better way to redeem himself in the eyes of the lord than go shoot up a bunch of "pedophiles?"

Well written!

You guys are just begging to get banned too. Have fun with that.

Want to upvote, but score at 1984...

I warned you people about the witch hunt. And now the actions of today are "evidence of the dangers of fake news"

Congratulations you fell for their trap.

Uhhhh guys? Not to sound like a looney tune but what if the person who fired the rifle was just a way to discredit the movement? It seems so convenient and seems to have taken the heat off them

Who would have convinced the guy to do it?

Is he in on it? Or a hapless pawn?

pizzagate is bullshit. i havent seen one piece of concrete evidence that would lead me to believe that shit is true

Real news is winning!


Pizza gate is not closed down, it's just moved to a very obscure part of reddit on several different subs that I won't mention here. It's very much maintaining a current database of said things despite censoring on the behalf of whatever powers think they are in control.

First r/pizzagate

Then r/conspiracy

After that, we take r/pol

The reddits will fall like dominoes on cheese.

What about /r/Pedo101

I guess the irony here is this: if trends continue the way I think they are, pizzagaters, will end up as a persecuted anti-society, similar to pedos.

Pizzagaters will be hunted down while pedos get to have their support groups on reddit.

So the only way to keep pizzagate alive will be to disguise it as some sort of pedo support group, then I'm sure reddit will be all for it.

Let that sink in.

I guess the irony

Really? This shit has been going on for decades without being exposed to the masses. Fake Media is trying to tag it as fake news because they are not reporting it to the masses of asses.

Do you realized there are smart people out there that want to do the right thing? Take your little attack game over to /r/politics. They love the lies media feeds them.

When they come after reddit and point at r/conspiracy, where's everyone going to congregate to do further research?

They're gonna shut this sub down, buds. Tone down the drama.

They're gonna shut this sub down, buds.

And thats a no. If /r/politics is allowed to spread lies, this sub will be open for a long ass time. Believe me new user!

Not a new user. This is a throwaway account.

They really don't get it. The government is playing this bunch of suckers EXACTLY the way they want them played, and the more you rationally try to explain the REAL conspiracy behind this "false flag" operation, which apparently junior only associates with planes flying into buildings, the more junior digs in and yaks about it's proof the whole thing is real because someone wants to them to shut up.

Meanwhile, in D.C., there's a whole cadre of rich folks licking their lips and thinking about when ALL information has to flow through the government (they own) and be stamped as "truth" before being let out to the people.

This series of events is right on the cusp of Americans losing their right to free speech. And owning guns (although that battle has been going on a while now). And having the military garrisoned on American soil to be used in America. and...

The kids seriously don't get it, and you can't shut them up.

The government is laughing it's sneaky little ass off right now while this plays out.


What the fuck

They closed pizzagate because of continued doxing, linking to CP, and breaking Reddit's rules. THE MODS FUCKING TOLD THEM "HEY, YOU GUYS CAN TALK ABOUT THIS SHIT, JUST STOP BREAKING THE RULES" They didn't, so they got banned.

The reason people laugh at y'all is because you're acting childish. Most people think pizzagate is a crock of tin foil shit, but you have every right to discuss it as long as you follow the fucking rules here.

Jesus Christ. Take off your tin foil undies for ten minutes and realize that, MAYBE, people aren't out to get you.


This is right up there with reddit's Boston Bombing fiasco.

Someone showed up in broad daylight with a firearm at a place of business. Tell me how that's not a "witch hunt that has turned violent".

Lmfao you guys kill me

Out of curiosity, what exactly needs to happen for people to get over the whole pizzagate thing and admit they're wrong?

OP, I'm going to be honest. I am so out of the loop, not only do I not know what "today's events" refer to, but I don't even know what pizzagate is. Care to enlighten me? I'd appreciate it!

this "clueless" trolling is so fucking obvious

I am legitimately out of the loop. Sorry?

if you don't wanna be spotted "CLUELESS" TROLLING, UTFSE! and come up with better trolling (that will still fail)! :D

reddit already shut down r/pizzagate lol, if that wasnt a sign idk what is

If I remember correctly, pizzagates main source came from 4chan... not exactly credible.


It was supposedly....

4 Chan is an anonymous collection of users

Yeah but when you do some research for yourself you can see enough dodgy business on these people's websites and the internet as a whole. 4Chan just opened the floodgates, the rushing water is from themselves.

this was always the end game, too bad all you new conspiracy people didn't realize you were being played like a fiddle. Now we all get our rights taken away because you can't use critical thinking skills.

You shut your mouth we ain't losing shit

hahaha how naive can you be. You fucked yourself, and all of us, just you wait. This whole fake story was made specifically to take rights away from you.

edit: and Soros paid for it, so basically you are working for Soros.

I did not do anything other then tell others about it and show them a few points. This guy with a gun did his own thing. Whether he did it as a crazy person, as a government agent, or as a statement - we will wait to see. I can at least attest that I hadn't seen any threats of violence nor did I proclaim any during this investigation.

What happened today?

Kinda out of the loop, what false flag are you talking about?

The guy fired his gun in there and you keep digging? ........

Pizzagate is still real. You realize you dissenters are in the minority. Pizzagate had 25k subscribers in a week because it's plain as day that something is amiss. You bet your ass the majority will keep digging


25k is greater than your single minority view on this. You're just one person, you don't matter. We will keep digging

It's been reported that the vast majority were bots. Sorry to burst your bubble.

this post is from a 4 month old account. no doubt a TD alt.

25k of confirmation bias.

in the minority


holy shit man, you're killin' me

were there 2 different incidents there? i heard about the assault rifle guy but i thought he was removed before anything happened.

Interestingly enough Your Voice Radio talked about #pizzagate last night.

I was banned from t_D after I posted a MSM-article on the gunman incident. It was weird. I asked the mods "which moderator banned me?" Then someone replied "What difference at this point does it make?" Then another nice moderator messaged me and said he unbanned me and unmuted me.

Censorship sucks.

I'd avoid the narrative pizzagate and focus on the injustice. The narrative is what is going to give the system ammunition to make things worse since they created it to silence free speech

For people saying they saw something that the street camera "just happened to be pointed away" ... wouldn't the suspect be motivated to adjust any clearly visible CCTVs ??

My word, I'm so glad I don't come to this stupid sub run by a bunch of deluded fools.

Is there any evidence found beyond interpretation of the code words. Pizza could mean bang a for y/o or something less sinister that a campaign chairman would do. But seriously is there anything real to this pizza stuff cause now it's getting out of control.



T_D mods are WORSE that /u/spez!!!!

Please checkout r/therapy.

Please kiss /r/myass

For the sake of people who might care about you r/therapy. Suggesting help isn't an insult dude, however, your defensiveness speaks volumes.

Don't even try this strawman bs with me or try to act like you give a fuck about my well being. Gtfo with that bullshit.

And yes, the way you went about it is insulting. No one is buying your bullshit.

Ill take it under advisement though.

Well, you're making people focus on a very very much alleged pedophile ring out of a pizza place. Meanwhile there is a real child sex slave ring In America, but of course why would that matter since it wasn't a topic on r/The_donald, right? If you want to help society do that, but all you do is yell into this echo chamber and defend a guy who DID shoot into a basement of a pizza place. If he believed there were children down there, why did he shoot into it!?

First off, accusations aside I've never been to /r/the_donald. Not once in my life, as I am not a fan of Donald Trump, nor do I pretend to be. Nice try though.

Secondly, as I have stated previously, this sub for better or worse is not /r/pedophilesexposed. This is /r/conspiracy. Hence I, and everyone else here, is discussing conspiracies, something that last I checked Pizzagate falls under.

Third, when the hell did I EVER defend the person? When? Please show me, cause last I checked i wrote: "Edit 3: It's sad that this must be said, but let me make this clear: NO ONE in this thread has encouraged, advocated for, or condoned what happened at Comet Pizza. Let me repeat that, NO ONE in this thread has encouraged, advocated for, or condoned what happened at Comet Pizza. Not a single person. Nowhere in this thread, nor any other that I have seen has there been any discussion regarding this being okay, in any way shape or form."

Please explain to me how that is a defense or even an acceptance of what this person did? Not once did I say that what he did was okay. You are saying the equivalent of "some Christians killed abortion doctors, therefore all Christians must be condoning of said violence if they speak about Christianity." Which is so far off base as to be laughable.

Third and finally, how do you know who the fuck I am? How do you know what I support? Do you know every view I have on this matter? Considering you said "all I do is yell into this echo chamber" I would assume you know what I am doing at all times and every view I have on this matter. Which is just a bit creepy and strange honestly.

But here, let me make it very clear for you as I have stated numerous times in this thread already and I'll say it again since you can't seem to fucking get it: I, nor anyone that I have seen in this thread, advocates, encrouages, or stands by any violence regarding this matter. What this individual did is wrong. What he did should not have happened. What he did was in no way justifiable. That being said, that is no reason why people should just shut down and not discuss this matter. That, to use another analogy, is like saying that since some Muslims flew some planes into some towers they all need to be shut down, deported, and not allowed to pratice their religion. Maybe you believe that, but i don't. I don't believe in punishing the whole for the actions of the few. That is a means of control that I will not stand by.

So which is it my dude, you want to control the conversation and dicate what is said or do you want to allow people to form their own opinions off of information? Because here's the thing if you think that this sub is resposible for this person, then do me a favor next time there is a right wing hate crime go to /r/the_donald and let them know how it's their fault. Next time there is an attack go to /r/news and let them know how it's their fault for reporting on it (you know how what happened with the Boston Bomber happened in /r/new not in /r/conspiracy, but guess you ignored that huh). Even talking about the news at all can create copy cats. So is it their fault when they report on something of questionable nature? Where do you draw that line? You seem to know so please inform the rest of us.

Next time you want to attempt to build a straw man though, realize that it will fall apart in a second when someone can simply look back at what was said previously and it flies in the face of any and all accusations you have made. And in case it wasn't clear enough, here's what I posted yesterday further down in this sub, where I make my feeling extremely clear (this is the third fucking time I've had to do this too as you people keep wanting to make this shit up, hopefully this will be the last):

I was/am simply calling for people not to be scared of discussing it. I don't believe anyone should be going to comet, or leaking peoples names, etc. Hell I can admit the Instagram shit, not what's on it the posting of it to shame someone, makes me uncomfortable. Hence why generally I'm not involved in any discussion regarding such matters. I just think people should be able to discuss this issue in a way that is both looking for the truth and respectful of individuals rights, no matter what some may think they are involved in. At the same time I recognize that I can't police the discussion. It's going to happen whether I like it or not. All I can do is make my points and not engage in any I may disagree with. I have to be respectful of people and allow them to make their own decisions even if I disagree with such. I think people need to realize that we all come from different backgrounds and approach this in different ways. Some people view privacy on the internet differently. We can't, as stated police that, its not our place. All we can is pick and choose how and when we will enter into the discussion, if at all. People just need to be respectful of other opinions and rights, rather than attempting to attack and engage in the very behavior they are accusing others of, ie witch hunts. We need to understand that people are upset about this because they have been lied to and they feel disenfranchised. They feel as if they are being misled, because sadly they have been, so many times before. People belive this because for years many they were being told, no there's no pedophile problem, only to find out that there was. Whether it be the BBC, Jimmy Saville, The Vatican, members of Congress, CEO's, etc, the truth has come out - and after years of people being told they were crazy and the media ignoring it and writing it off. So yea, it may not be true, you may not have proof you like, but that's no reason that others shouldn't be looking. They've been down this road before and had the same attacks labeled against them and they've seen where it ended up. With this in mind there's no reason why these people shouldn't be concerned, its history playing out like it has so many times before.

TL:DR quit making shit up that's easily disproven.

What did I make up? Also, you wrote a novel to that response and I'm supposed to act like your are a stable human being? Take care man. Just don't hurt anyone.


Removed. Rule 10.

I tried explaining pizzagate to an old time FDR Democrat and as I was trying to explain things they said unless it directly affects you why do you/I even care and/or read about it. They debated some facts but they don't even believe Jeffery Epstein was even convicted of sex offenses. Most of their news is from CNN and MSNBC.

You twats have jumped the shark with this shit. I've looked through all the links - "evidence". There is literally not a shred of anything that would make a rational person suspicious. And this FUD leads you to collective certainty. Take a look at yourselves for a second.

The pedophiles need the death sentence like Donald Trump always wanted, we must save our children, without them we have no future. Pizzagate is being covered up even though it is only a small part of the big system that has been running since before our parents were even born even grand parents. Kill the pedos has anybody saw this? It's quite new and objective. Just leaving it here reference.

/u/spez ban pls?


A stopped clock is righter than you "believers" will ever be.

Tell me about it!

So glad the Clintons did not get back in!

From what I have seen lately I knew it would happen, but /r/conspiracy is dead. Taken over by shills, nobody with any balls anymore.

Reddit is dead, Twitter and Facebook are next. Time to move on to a place where free speech is accepted.

but /r/conspiracy is dead.

Sorry but no its not. Leave if you don't like it.

Either the vote manipulation is out of control behind the scenes, or shills have completely infiltrated this forum. The majority of most upvoted comments on the pizzagate stuff are from debunkers claiming it is all a big right wing conspiracy. Seriously?

I am one of the few with balls to actually speak the truth anymore.

I am one of the few with balls to actually speak the truth anymore.

Nope. There are many others.


why are you even in conspiracy in the first place -__-

You can be interested in and want to discuss conspiracies without believing every one you hear, especially one as convoluted as this that was started on 4chan

calling people morons and dissenting without backing up why you think "pizzagate is a complete idiocy" is counterproductive. It's toxic and isn't needed.

From what I've seen there's very little that's productive on this sub

Leave then, no one's stopping you.

Why are you trying to silence free-thinkers?

I welcome critical voices here, that’s how we get to the bottom of these vast webs of deceit. Maybe you just want to keep us silent. We fight the good fight, we don’t draw the blinds closed.

your opinion that's fine.

At least explain why pizzagate is an idiocy, or else you aren contributing, or helping anyone, at all

Because it all started with an idiot on 4chan who claimed CP = Chesse Pizza = Comet Ping-poing. As this place hosts some gay-friendly events, the classic link between pederasty and pedophilia was done. From then on it was just a stupid snowball creating an avalanche of total nonesense: taking the smallest clue as evidence and dismissing anything that didn't fit the narrative.

A classic conspiracy shitstorm that would have wanished, but given the tribune the PEOTUS gives to such ideas, no wonder some now feel emboldened enough to take action.

Jesus... upvoted many times while discrediting a long known fact that cheese pizza is slang for CP. Welp time to leave Reddit for voat. This was one of the last subs I had a little faith in. Have fun propagating your fake news whatever employee you are.

Cheese Pizza is slang for CP... on 4chan only. Anons invented the term long before pizzagate because they feared that using the real words would make them vunerable to FBI investigations.


Oh, so you seem to be an expert in CP on the dark web. Please tell us more.

Are you trying to imply that you know more than him?


Removed: Warning!

Definitely a much older code word than 4 chan has been around. Since the first days of the internet dark-web communities with stuff of this nature have used it for code to avoid detection and suspicion. Don't give these people credit of innocence because of your partisanship. Quit working for D. Brock. You are just as sick as the fucks these folks here are trying to uncover and bring to justice. This is a bigger issue than Clinton losing.

That is a gross simplification of what would make a person think this is real. You're here yet you clearly don't know anything about this. Why do you even have a dog in this fight if you clearly don't know what it's really about?

because the truth scares him

Rule 10.


Rule 10.


Anyone find the irony of these two comments following each other to be massively hilarious? So which is it are we all trump (morons) or idiotic Clinton supporters? Pick a side at the very least.

Why should people pick a side? People can be distrustful of Clinton and also think Trump is a moron and the biggest mistake the US has made in years.

I don't disagree my friend. But I think you may have missed the overall point i was making.

Rule 10.

They've been freaking out about the traffic camera between turned away from the pizza joint 72 hours before the incident. What they fail to realize is that they moved the camera because so many morons were watching it.

Look guys, it's a whole chain of shills circle jerking each other.

Do my comments push a narrative?

Yeah, they do. You framed these people as morons for thinking there is something to this. If you don't think there is, you sir are the moron.


Warning! R4

Interesting how even Reddit wants to shut down the discussion and freedom of speech on this topic. It must be a fucking DOOOZY!


Because reddit doesn't want to be dragged into court because some knuckledraggers keep spouting libel which, now, might actually get someone killed, not to mention actual economic damage to a business (or businesses) and the possibility of harm to anyone associated to those businesses... a court case that will definitely get reddit fined in the millions (not to mention damages) but also may get it shut down... for SURE this sub and permanent IP bans for anyone even using the word "pizza".

And the entire goofy premise does not have one shred of proof that it's real. Nothing. Well, other than "he said, she said, and they told me to shut up so it must be true".

Playing nicely into the government's stated intention of them taking on the role of what's true, what isn't, and who gets to say what.

Nice job guys, nice job.

I'm not so sure about that. How do you explain all those weird Posdesta and co emails in the wikileaks.

"now, might actually get someone killed" this whole thing with the guy going in there with a gun sounds a bit contrived.

Reddit users are pretty good at separating fact from bullshit. All the stuff I've seen from wikileaks emails etc, certainly sounds like more investigation is warranted. And you can't really investigate if people are afraid of mentioning words... even scary words like pizza and hot dogs. That's fucking retarded.

Let the information pour and let the truth come out, wherever it leads. Fuck the censors.

Reddit users are pretty good at separating fact from bullshit.

No, apparently, they're not.

To all with eyes and ears. If the boat sinks, dock here.

B.o.u. #1369


It was staged you simple twit...

The Washingtonian posted an article about this "shooting" 3 hours before it even happened

They're trying to make pizzagate investigators look like violent witchunters with this event. Don't buy it, keep digging.

From your link

Edit6:This has been found to be likely a Google bug

Let's discuss the merits of what you have to say, shall we:

You come in here, calling people "worthless scum, crazy ass mother fuckers not taking their crazy pills, and sick bastards. Then you proceed to say:

i wish this mother fucker would have been shot dead the moment he pulled out his pussy ass gun

Now this is interesting because who is the one hear calling for violence? Not myself, not anyone else in this thread, no one on this sub that I have seen, no one with the exception of YOU.

You claim we are all crazy and need to take our crazy pills and yet who is the one reacting overtly emotionally to this entire situation? Who is the one reacting as if they were, dare I say, unstable?

Look, I get it you are upset - for what i can only assume is a false sense of this somehow being this subs fault - but that is in no way a reason to advocate for violence. That is despicable and has no place in any discussion that is taking place here.

Other than that, thank you for your consturctive criticism, it will be taken under advisement. May you have a pleasant evening on your morally superior stump. Cheers.

Don't feed the troll/shill.

CTR or SorosShillInc is out in force

CTR, david brock has been connected to comet. Founder of CTR.

How can you tell if someone is emotional via text???

Because we're not asperger retards?

Why the hostility??? If allegations are true wouldnt you do the same thing? #askmorequestions bro!

Why the hostility??? If allegations are true wouldnt you do the same thing? #askmorequestions bro!

Let's discuss the merits of what you have to say, shall we:

You come in here, calling people "worthless scum, crazy ass mother fuckers not taking their crazy pills, and sick bastards. Then you proceed to say:

i wish this mother fucker would have been shot dead the moment he pulled out his pussy ass gun

Now this is interesting because who is the one hear calling for violence? Not myself, not anyone else in this thread, no one on this sub that I have seen, no one with the exception of YOU.

You claim we are all crazy and need to take our crazy pills and yet who is the one reacting overtly emotionally to this entire situation? Who is the one reacting as if they were, dare I say, unstable?

Look, I get it you are upset - for what i can only assume is a false sense of this somehow being this subs fault - but that is in no way a reason to advocate for violence. That is despicable and has no place in any discussion that is taking place here.

Other than that, thank you for your consturctive criticism, it will be taken under advisement. May you have a pleasant evening on your morally superior stump. Cheers.

It was staged you simple twit...

The Washingtonian posted an article about this "shooting" 3 hours before it even happened

They're trying to make pizzagate investigators look like violent witchunters with this event. Don't buy it, keep digging.

CTR or SorosShillInc is out in force

You can be interested in and want to discuss conspiracies without believing every one you hear, especially one as convoluted as this that was started on 4chan

No, I'm calling out those who are trying to stifle legitimate inquiries into a horrid subject. BIG difference. Where is your evidence that the guy with the weapon did what he did as a direct result of someone's encouragement on Reddit? Don't have any? Didn't think so.

I missed the news on this. Did someone actually take an ar into the place and shoot it?

Goddammit I go to comicon and miss all the crazy news.

Because we're not asperger retards?

Pedo sympathisers and their strawmen arguments...

It's conspiracies all the way down.

people bring a gun into Kmart buddy

nobody fired anything.

You guys

you called in

You all should

Excuse me. Fuck you.

You accused me of moving the goalposts, for absolutely no reason.

I'm giving you the same opportunity to present facts that I gave him.

These people

much glittering generalities...

Stop that. Now. You are deflecting.

You should have been reading for yourself in the first place. Here, start with this, at least it'll prove for you there is a pedo ring within our government. Also, it's fairly obvious you were never part of this community

Judging by then upvotes, plenty of people are sick of you freaks.

OK, things take time. If there was, say, a video of Podesta beating a child tied to a wall, then we would not be here, would we?

Do you think that manipulative, sociopathic individuals who power trip over CP, who use CST to blackmail leaders, etc just LEAVE evidence like this out.

Or do you think they might have code words, or sly talk? Ever buy weed from someone illegally? Didn't you have 'code talk'?

There is code talk through Podesta's emails. There are characters with very real criminal convictions revolving around CST in these communications.

Give us time. But tell me, random skeptical internet person - if you had the evidence you demand here and now, what would you then do with it?

What do you know about this sub? Who is this "all" you speak of? You're name should be "The Projector".

Show me the proof Mugatu wasn't behind this and maybe I'll believe you.

Wow such vivid Broad brush strokes! Here is an example of more!


But do you have any evidence convincing to someone who isn't in the middle of a meth binge?

Lol what a jackass

T_D new top mods too were trying to "kill reddit" and then backpedal when they probably got told their accounts would be deleted.

Give it a rest, nutjob.

1- The reporduced article has errors in it. I just read the damn thing in its entirety.

2- its the same govt? Well shit its the tech same govt as 1886. What is the connection you're trying to make are you saying the govt is a pedo ring? Juat think of how many people work in the federal govt and how many would have to be complicit to keep this undercover for 30 years.

3- the article make no fucking mention of a govt pedo ring. It simply says the state dept destroyed one copy of the list of contacts for a mailing list for a nambla esque newsletter.

For you to take the above as a FACT that a pedo ring exisys, continues to exist and somehow proves pizzagate is astounding.

So you're admitting this is nothing more than a witch hunt. Thanks for the honesty.

Artwork is not evidence of wrongdoing, you recognize that right?

/r/politics did it.

Promising its users that Hillary going to win the White House.

We know how that turned out. LOL

Evil will never win!

Crazy McShootyPants is an actor. Nobody even heard a gunshot at comet pizza. If there really was a "Crazy McShootyPants" who wasn't supposed to be there, the fucker would have been shot by police the second they saw him. He was arrested without incident. That doesn't happen.

The influx of ignorance and shills is perfectly timed with the false flag event. Cool.

Then every single stats is wrong since that's how it's freaking called.

Those stats even come from a LINK & with THE SAME WORDING POSTED BY ONE OF YOU! That just shows you haven't read those links yourself. Here you go champion.

You know what is fucking stupid? Is that you should be interested to know the info I posted but you are sooooo psychotic and wanting to prove your point (and full of snowflake ego) that you'll deny any other tracks of an actual REAL PEDO / HEBEPHILE just to "be right". Come on, grow up.

This guy above is the kind of guy who does rapping-little-girls jokes in the Barrens chat but is now outraged on Reddit. SMH

No. Not until this shit stops.

I thought the last straw was when Hillary cheated her way to the White House?

How did I miss that?! And to think I used to mock people who believed in conspiracies.

The people who think the this theory is BS are the ones that are way far gone?

That's not what I said.

There are a lot of things wrong with some of the theories coming forward about pizzagate. From the early days people were making connections here and there that were pure assumptions. That's what happens in every investigation, whether it is the law enforcement authorities, private investigators, or random people on the Internet doing mediocre detective work.

You take the base facts, and you try to make sense of it and come up with theories. The difference is that when law enforcement is doing an investigation, not only do they have much more resources, but they also do not announce every last little theory they have about the investigation until they have a solid case set in place.

Here on reddit, people are posting every last thought and idea they have, and many many many of these are going to be wrong. Remember that and you won't be one of the idiots that want to censor the conversations people are having online.

But anyway, there is a base of facts that launched the conspiracy in the first place. It's easy for anyone to look up if they want to.

I was initially responding to a person who simply gave an emotionally-charged response with profane language which didn't add to the conversation in any meaningful way. Literally, a troll.

Most of the rest of us try to have a civil discussion, talking about what we know for sure and some plausibilities.

Others jump to conclusions and state their theories as fact. Others are skeptics and have a civil conversation about it. Then there are others that just sit and try to derail any conversation by screaming and yelling and dropping profanity, to no benefit to anyone.

If you 100% think the theories are fake, then calmly state what you believe in a clear and concise manner, with supporting facts addressing each point. If you make sense, then people will upvote you and you will change minds.

If you do not have anything productive to share and just want to troll, then do not participate in this conversation. Go somewhere else. (As if my plea is going to stop the real trolls anyway)

How is a random edgy poster a smoking gun? It looks like any number of random band/show posters.

Honestly, Charlie makes more sense than these idiots.

They ask it be removed, to me means there is creditability to the whole Pizzagate story. Get this out there...Never back down to the truth!

There is no organization with these people.

They can't even publish an article without checking the time stamps to make sure their fake story lines up.

All of them have half a brain and it's just 2 dumbass people working together with third half brains to form 1.

Screw the MSM and screw Reddit for shutting down pizzagate. I'm admittantly still kinda upset about that. Our mod team followed their rules to the T and now the subreddit is compromised.

Hey it's you again, you follow pizzagate closely but you want it to fit your narrative. Pretty ridiculous "research" you did I must say. And here you are, you've been at it for a month now. Keep pushing, you really have nothing else to do.

I'm out of the loop. Why would the entire police force have to be in in the conspiracy?

I see the opposite, I see a community making massive claims on a regular basis with very little proof. Looking at the real effects this could have on someone's reputation, there's a genuine problem here. Maybe our libel laws don't cover it perfectly but we've never had a situation before where thousands of people are writing damaging lies/speculation on a daily basis. It's hugely problematic.

Plus devils advocate, if they are really monsters the movement is too open and they'll be able to hide evidence.

Basically, this is not how you run an investigation and I won't be surprised if legit sites start banning discussion for legal concerns.

Shills are doing their jobs correctly apparently

Yeah, maybe somebody should go hold a pizza employee at gunpoint about it!

This crazy pizzagate nonsense needs to stop. It's a politically-charged hack of a theory that's going to get someone killed by idiots.

You are absolutely right. Criminals obscure their activities. You are also right that people should forget about pizzagate so authorities can investigate real crimes and not an internet circle jerk based off some theory there is hidden code in emails from Podesta, the validity of which is highly suspect.

Show me any shred of physical evidence and I'll be more than happy to change my tune.

I've looked at the "evidence" online and it's laughable.

That's /r/conspiracy for you. Zero self reflection.

well... I'm not the one using "LOL" and throwing random baseless unrelated statements regarding a child sex abuse topic.

If your pizzagate is about the biggest majority of victims:

  • Why are you guys panicking with innocent baby pictures of a father and his son, and see sex into it? Avg age 2-4 yo

  • Why do you panic and post half the art collection of that painter if your focus isn't about young children? avg age 6-10yo

  • Why do you mix McCann to this? age 4yo

  • Why is it that 90% of your 'proofs' and 'arguments' are related to babies and very young children, and not a single teenager or hebephile reference besides Epstein picture? ....

  • Do you guys have any clue what is a pedophile and what is a hebephile, and how they are so different that they cannot really be mixed together or even investigated the same? You have zero profiling or psychological research about both types but you are still doing some switch and bait using one or the other to prove your 'huuuuuuge' pedophilia network.

  • Did you read all the Epstein police reports and know how the victims got in touch with Epstein? Their own friends recruited them for money. It was a pimp "commission based scheme" with willing participant avg age 17, youngest 15.

  • How did Savile got to his victims? Most of time, the parents brought the children. No trafficking or network. The guy is actually a very opportunistic sexual predator, his victims range from 8yo to 75yo (seventy-five years old!)

  • Bosnia 'pedo' ring?? This? "1999: Whistle-blower Kathryn Bolkovac, who was working as a UN International Police Force monitor in Bosnia, *reveals UN police officers were paying for prostitutes and participating in trafficking of young women from eastern Europe as sex slaves*. (hint: young women = adults)

  • England ring? WHICH ONE!

  • Hasterman? Do you mean Dennis Hastert? He was a teacher who had access to young boys.... Not really a pizzagate with pizza and occult.

  • Hollywood ring? Fits exactly what I described about teenagers (recruited and abused through promises of work, money,drug or fame)

  • Dutroux? That's probably the closest to your "pizzagate" and not. Maybe you guys are too scared to investigate OTO and I wouldn't blame you...

  • etc.

You mix everything together, throw names around while each case had a very different modus operandi, targets, etc.

The man who shot and killed the MP had clippings taken from several prominent right wing UK papers in his house.

These papers (most prominently the Mail and the Express) wax lyrical on the subject of both EU membership and immigration, both subjects on which Jo Cox took a left of centre stance, and these publications were not above calling such people "traitors" and urging people to act.

Removed, warning for rule 10.

Do you think I'd ask you and would need a random site when the Clinton emails themselves contain part of the answer? WTH is that useless smart ass question. That just to show how the info that was taken from those emails were cherry-picked by pizza peeps and you didn't even really verify the so called "adoption scandal" of Silsby.

Why the adoption should be higher than the previous and next years? Because half of the population are kids........................ Doesn't take a math genius to figure out even without looking at the casualties there's most likely more kids orphans than parents whose kids died. The point is the stat is intriguing and it's the theories why that are interesting, not how to disprove there's anything that went on there. It's not a competition, dude. Wanna save kids or not?

Now you're just using bad faith and fallacies for a mysterious reason and motivation. Doesn't make sense to look at Haiti? That's what I'm suggesting. Don't go insecure thinking I'm trying to disprove the fail pizzagate by using Haiti; both are possible at the same time but maybe you guys don't have much interest in black little kids, I don't know. It's not a secret either there's a lot of child labor there, just read the reports, check which corporation did the pay-to-play. Lot of relationships. You guys are horribly insecure and terrible investigators. I also find it interesting the Epstein note is of no interest to any of you and was mentioned many times....! Too much work, not enough pizza.

Either the vote manipulation is out of control behind the scenes, or shills have completely infiltrated this forum. The majority of most upvoted comments on the pizzagate stuff are from debunkers claiming it is all a big right wing conspiracy. Seriously?

I am one of the few with balls to actually speak the truth anymore.

But there were witnesses. It happened in reality. There is evidence that it exists.

The only evidence that it could be fake is that it might be illustrate the harm of baseless witchhunts, and that its part of the grand conspiracy. That is, no evidence, so far.

When a massive global baseless witchhunt fueled by fantastic pedophilia and Satanism allegations, and the targets are just chilling right in public, it seems inevitable that some loonies will try to fuck them up. Just like there are people who troll sex offender lists harassing and attacking the people on them.

There is a reason why you don't scream pedophile! without concrete evidence: it fucks all kinds of shit up, maybe permanently for some of the targets.

What we have is proof that dozens of government employees have been arrested for child porn and related charges. You guys are just ignorant to that fact. Read this article. This isn't hyperbole. There is a problem with the system.

why did you completely ignore him being Executive Director for Protect-A-Child, a national, non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children"?

Because I didn't want to go through each line of this guys resume saying "this is a reasonable and nice job for someone to have", "in fact, it may be the fact that this guy's father has been trying to protect children his whole life that this dude took these crazy accusations about kids getting hurt too far".

The rule of bullshit is that it takes an order of magnitude more effort to disprove it than to create it. For every arbitrary line you throw, i have to type a paragraph trying to teach you why it's ridiculous and I don't want to have to do that. So I pick a few and write about those.

Tell me this, if the shooter really cared about the children at comet, why wouldn't he ask his dad for help? You would think "Executive Director for Protect-A-Child, a national, non-profit organization to prevent abuse and abduction of children" would be a pretty good help in bringing down or at least investigate Comet Pong.

Maybe he did and the dad looked at the evidence and said "that doesn't make any sense, I'm trying to actually help children, not farm karma on internet forums and threaten a pizza place with no evidence"?

pretty good help in bringing down or at least investigate Comet Pong.

You have to have evidence to investigate anything. ANY evidence. Pictures of children are not evidence. Cherry picked emails talking about food are not evidence.

Even if this is all true ALL OF IT you still need to get evidence first. You need some victims, or some victims families. Or some accuser. Or any evidence at all.

I bet if I went through your email history or hell, your REDDIT history, post-by-post and cherry picked a 3 out of a thousand, I could make you sound like anything I wanted. That isn't evidence.

The whole idea of this story is about inconceivablity, like how it is so horrible and out there that there is no way it can be true, like you know if someone told you your best friend was a rapist, someone you have known for years you would think, wow there's no way that is true until you start to notice certain patterns and behaviors that your friend displayed that you never really notice until one day it clicks and your like oh shit he raping women, that is kinda how this story is for most of us here, something inconceivable until you start to look into it

Also the show posters. There are 1000's of show posters with very similar imagery on them all around most major cities, promoting bands playing at local venues. It's like theses people have never seen album covers or promotional posters before. How do you even make that connection? "They put up a poster where there is a cartoon picture with a lady holding a knife, I bet that means people fuck children there." Get the fuck outta here with that Shit.

How exactly do you know that they are joking? The conjecture with the cooler room to a kill room ( besides the fact cooler rooms have been use as kill rooms before) is made in context in relation to other highly suggested imagery......

None of these accusations is based in fact.

Which just goes to show how bullshit this whole thing is

But much more satisfying to do the latter

I would love to see some legit proof and would write for the "biased MSM" about it in a second. (Note "would love" as in "hasn't happened yet")

Are you trying to imply that you know more than him?

with illegal help from Russia and the FBI

Prove it.

Hey man... you're the one who needs a "shadowy cabal of satanic pedophile elites". I'm not sure why plain old pedophiles aren't doing it for you...

the burden of proof is on YOU.

If you want a direct connection between Clinton and child trafficking go look up Laura Silsby.

think for yourself

Says the guy who's been acting like a puppet...

ohhh i got no strings to hold me down...

I'd love to hear your explanation for the collection of Jeffrey Dahmer-style art!

Now look at the context in which you are using it, lol. No one mentioned anything about drugs and then you just all of a sudden mention drug dealers in the hopes of applying the term when the guy was ripping holes in your argument.

Which is exactly what the government wants - and the biggest offenders will be brought into court and tried for libel, at which point the "injured parties" will be awarded millions for damages and the government will have their shining example of "look - HERE'S what the fake news does - it causes death and innocent people to be hurt" - at which time mainstream America says "yeah, we need to do something about this fake news" and guess what happens then...

The government is completely applauded when they start the "ministry of truth" after which ALL news and information (to include blogs and, dare I say it? /r/conspiracy!) has to be filtered through them prior to printing or release.

Yeah - /r/conspiracy (at the hands of quite a few plants and shills) is falling right into their hands and "doing god's work for them".

And these people STILL don't get it.

I am fucking amazed.

So you're playing devil's advocate and arguing with me based on a technicality? Making assertions based on all of the available information is far better than blind ignorance.

Circumstantial evidence won't get them in court, but justice can be served in a variety of ways.

So you're playing devil's advocate and arguing with me based on a technicality?

I'm not playing devils advocate and I'm not arguing with you. I'm having a discussion with you while utilizing critical thought and knowledge, while not relying on confirmation bias, to support what I am saying.

Making assertions based on all of the available information is far better than blind ignorance.

When those assertions are based in critical reading/examination/thought and writing? Yes. When based on inductive and deductive reasoning? Yes. When based on information that is not clarified and can't be quantified? No. When based on 4chan and reddit ramblings? No. Be skeptic, question everything, but don't be so quick to hop on shit because you think it's one way when, in fact, it could be something totally different.

Circumstantial evidence won't get them in court,

So then what's the point? What is the point of all of this if they won't see a courtroom? So people will be "awake?" If you needed 4chan and reddit posts to wake you then then you're the problem and so is your school board and family. BTW, when I say "you" I am not talking about you specifically. I mean it in general terms.

but justice can be served in a variety of ways.

It absolutely can. However, people need to think long and hard about it.

You don't have a crime. You don't have a victim.

You can't get the evidence you need because you don't have a crime of which to get evidence for. People being into creepy art and sick humor and bad bands is not a crime.

Go ahead and look at my post history... I'm not into pizza gate or any of this stuff so fire away.

I just think both sides are extreme - the side that is convinced is as crazy as the side that isn't. You are proving my point by putting words in my mouth and witch hunting. It doesn't help your cause to treat people like garbage.

Again, I haven't done anything, so what are you accusing me of exactly?

Nice save.

No save. Reality. News source? Are you the official debunker?

Read this and tell me it's not suspicious and grounds for what has been going on

Ever borrowed a pizza for an hour? Podesta does.

Wikileaks leaked the FBI document

Not really. But the fact that these posters are normal is disturbing.

Which victims though? Who are those disappeared children? Oh right the "investigation" hasn't found any. It's just drawing really thin symbolic links.

Then how do you suggest we get this evidence we need?

'Needing' evidence - in this context, of an 'investigation' or 'enquiry' - suggests that you already have a conclusion. That's not how it works. In an investigation you look for the evidence, and if it isn't there, you abandon the investigation.

Way to pick a single word out of my entire comment to correct and not even answer the question.

Yes—and that proves that PizzaGate is false, right? Same logic

So not addressing anything I'm actually saying... seems to be a pattern with pizzagate deniers

Not even going to try and address the facts just stick to the personal insults that's really contributing to the discussion.

Ah, but you're not simply trying to stifle "absurd" investigations, your aim is to stifle ALL inquiries. As evidence thereof is the irrefutable fact that these attempts began as soon as questions started being asked. Don't forget that there are ALSO consequences for participating in child porn and sex trafficking, and ending the abuse of the victims is paramount. It's a real poser why you guys are so concerned about your politicians but clearly have no concern whatsoever for the real sufferers. For shame.

Lol what does Bill Clinton getting child-traffickers off the hook have to do with pizzagate?

Next you're going to try and argue that child-trafficking and pedophilia aren't connected.

While that has literally nothing to do with this, yeah, of course I was upset by that. Who wouldn't be?

It's just fucking shocking to me that you couldn't possibly see how the innocent restaurant-goers were traumatized.

Yes. You said the shooting was a "false flag". How do you know?

Glad you think so.

Was that link supposed to include the statement?

Okay, point me to a post of someone inciting homophobic violence.

Have you never used clumsy code with your dealer? Dude that sounds just like that shit!

I've read all the stuff posted here because i think it's interesting but have yet to see anything at all weird.

"A North Carolina man was arrested in Washington, D.C., Sunday after he walked into a popular pizza shop, carrying an assault rifle, intending to investigate an outlandish conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton during the presidential election."

Lol. What? What!? A fake shooting?

What evidence do you have for this? Jesus christ you people are fucking insane.

And what good pizza place doesn't wash out the #killroom when they're done for the day, right?

When you start inciting violence is probably a good line to draw.

It's ultimately his responsibility, I agree. But individuals whipping this whole thing into a frenzy without evidence, are not without guilt.

That's all anyone has until evidence bears out the truth. Unlike yours which is arrogant and pathetically self-righteous.

Actually, they're not. The only right to free speech you have is from the government. Congress can't censor you, but pretty damn near anyone else can at will without repercussion.

That guy from the link said he was one of the last ones out and was surprised to hear about gunshots.

It's probably a coincidence he had been vocal against fake news and hate speech in the past.

Ooh nice. Reported.


Rule 10. Take your unasked for psychological evaluations elsewhere please, first warning.

but it's not kidnapping children to abuse them.

That is an assumption not a fact.

If I'd realised you were an idiot I wouldn't have done it.

Yes your insults are really helping your sad argument in favor of the pedophiles.

What happened elsewhere to other people at other times is not relevant to whether pizzagate has any traction on reality.

Of course, child-trafficking has nothing to do with pedophilia right? Not even when there is a common thread between the Laura Silsby case and Comet Ping Pong in the form of the 42nd President of the United States.

Here's a fun question for you. Who is the statue in James Alefantis Instagram profile picture of?

The reason I don't answer your questions is because they are facile. That goes for all of them.

Let's not forget about the emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop (in a folder he labeled "Life Insurance", ffs) that the NYPD chief has said he is "sickened" over. Not knowing yet whether they are tied to Comet Ping Pong is anyone's guess at this point, but I won't be the least surprised to learn that they are ... and neither will you. In fact, that probability is what's driving this whole censorship movement, isn't it? ISN'T IT???? You HAVE to know it's coming. <wicked grin>

Sorry you've never been to a concert- all ages means shows that aren't 21+. Any show that allows people under 21 will call itself "all ages."

Here are a zillion examples, dumbass.

Maybe because he wasn't a child?

This is from Wikipedia:

For centuries, pederasty had long been socially acceptable among Greece's leisured and citizen classes, with an older erastes (aged between 20 and 40) undertaking a caring sexual relationship with an eromenos (aged between 12 and 18) and taking a key role in their education;[20] and Hadrian took Antinous as a favoured servant when they were aged about 48 and 13. Such a societal institution of pederasty was not indigenous to Roman culture, although bisexuality was the norm in the upper echelons of Roman society by the early 2nd century.[21]

You were saying?


if you don't wanna be spotted "CLUELESS" TROLLING, UTFSE! and come up with better trolling (that will still fail)! :D