What the hell is up with all these Trump shills on this sub?

25  2016-12-05 by [deleted]



It is one 3 day old account purposely portraying himself as the left wing stereotype of a Trump supporter. It is all sarcasm in an attempt to make you think of this sub exactly as you are. https://www.reddit.com/user/Trump_Pence420

Left wing stereotype


I understand it's a troll, but look at all his upvotes on his comments

Mostly upvotes on his comments, not actual posts

There have been many vote brigades on this sub in an attempt to make it look bad. Nothing new. r/conspiratard was busted red handed years ago purposely posting racist posts to this sub, then upvoting them heavy, then linking them around saying "look how racist they are".

Is this your first time to the rodeo?

His entire fucking cabinet are filled with rich hedge funders, and billionaires.


This is more accurate.

Holy. Shit. This. Is. Scary.

Hillary AIPAC Clinton would have been exactly the same.

Yeah I totally agree. It's really a scary world we live in

This country is the slave colony of Israel.

Sad truth. God damn

I don't think trump is controlled, he just doesn't have many trustworthy people for these difficult jobs. He already picked Ben Carson for one office, that shows how slim his options are

You can't be president and not be controlled.

Ah, the a priori argument.

It is what it is. But if a person believes the global elite allow the common Joe to decide the leadership of the richest and most advance country on the globe, by marking bubbles next to names printed on paper, then that person needs a reality check.

Probably, probably not.

He has his side in the fight (Flynn, Pence, Bannon, Carson, Mattis, probably DeVos as well since her brother did help fighting Hillary).

The others probably are forced picks since he has zero more people to trust other than those listed above. And they are probably the most likely to turn if he did gaining more power and/or having a true smoking gun (which he may have).

So you believe the global elite allow the common Joe to decide the leadership of the richest and most advance country on the globe, by marking bubbles next to names printed on paper?

really I thought they were all Catholic/Jesuits

Yeah, that disinfo is rampant.

It's the 2016 version of Hope and Change. If you recall the petabytes of anguish in 2009 from leftists dawning to the realization that Obama wasn't really going to change anything other than tossing the left a bone and a few table scraps here and there, you can predict what will happen to the Trump shilling in the months ahead.

It is a momentary lapse of reason.

Shills in general. I bet half the usernames on reddit are bots rigging upvotes and downvotes.

During the election, with the Wikileaks/Russia/whatever else conspiratorially going on, they came here. And they apparently never left.

Look at the thread below the green duck to the right and read what one of the mods, a trump supporter by his own admission, has to say.


Discredit and distract.

Trump's machine wants us to all seem like idiots so we aren't listened to when we call out the real issues with his presidency.

They're leftovers from the election, still humping a check. It's way better than it was, I promise.

Why do you keep making these kinds of posts over and over? Would you be making these posts if Clinton won?

I'll link (again) to the comment that sums it up perfectly: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5g0xe2/lets_all_just_agree_on_something_both_trump_and/daolfk7/

Open your eyes buddy

They're opened, champ. That's why I'm in /r/conspiracy. You should be making that post in other subs where it'd have more of an impact.

So, would you be saying this if Clinton won?

A conspiracy about the conspiracy subreddit?


Fuck me, right?

As a Trump fan, I think you're seeing increased activity here due to all of the pizzagate research that went on at the_donald, and that is definitely the conspiracy du jour right now.

Stupid comments come with it sometimes unfortunately. No need to give them attention.

It's where they went when /r/politics was taken over by Killary and crew.

Der Trump is our hEROOOOO

More like our NEROOOOOOO

Back at it with the anti trump/anti trump supporter posts

Why are you soo obsessed with this subject? Its not like you care about this sub. All you do is post this shit. You dont discuss anything else here. (except the anti pizza shit you deleted)

Like many others have spotted, it seems like this sub is your assignment. So are you CTR? JTRIG?

Most of us are are anti-government. We're not stupid enough to buy into a slave mentality that voting or elections matter. So the post is important, we really dont need government propaganda on our sub.

we really dont need government propaganda on our sub.

I agree with that part 100%

At the same time, we dont need this sub astroturfed. Whether its from one side or the other.

I'm just saying, this guy has an agenda.

That may be true. I just rather not encourage plp to support government.regardless of the candidate

So you believe the global elite allow the common Joe to decide the leadership of the richest and most advance country on the globe, by marking bubbles next to names printed on paper?

we really dont need government propaganda on our sub.

I agree with that part 100%

At the same time, we dont need this sub astroturfed. Whether its from one side or the other.

I'm just saying, this guy has an agenda.