R/Conspiracy condemns acts of violence against any suspected criminal. We do not seek justice through the barrel of a gun. Freedom of information is our weapon of choice.

664  2016-12-05 by [deleted]



Violence leads to more violence. That's the bottom line. Breeding compassion and understanding is the only true way for light to illuminate the dark.

Fuck, i HATE to be this guy, but...

Do any of you think this, passive, non violent approach we're taking to FUCKING EVERYTHING EVER, mite be the cause of why we NEVER win?

And no, I'm not suggesting we go shoot up everything we disagree with, or anything of the sort. I'm suggesting, this approach never god damn works. And as far as i'm concerned, it's 100% of the reason we find out selves here, immersed in a pedophile, corrupt, evil empire of fascist style elites, trying to use the system they created to show them what for.

I understand that the concept of violent approach to things sounds awful, and terrible, but we've pacified too much. I'll also admit this person jumped the gun, but in situation where we've got them, is that the right time to finally let the streets run red? What's it take?

I'm not trying to anger any one with this opinion, but i'm literally tired of seeing everyone, for every incident ever IMMEDIATELY start tossing out "No violence!" Violence, is literally the end game, get shit done resort.

Evil people will harm you, they will harm your children, they will harm your future. Never forget that.

The time mite not be RIGHT NOW, but you're hilariously, and miserably mistaken if you think we ever win with out it.

The problem with administering violence is that you could be completely wrong -- then you're just as bad as the people you think need to be violent towards because now you're open to being attacked.

People aren't suggesting not be defensive, but we can't rush this judgement -- especially with violence. We need to do this right by sharing all information before reaching a consensus.

Sorry but you're hilariously, miserably mistaken if you think the human race has ever tried a non-violent approach in our recorded history.

I hate to break up the bromance, but I mean #DAPL was both successful and non-violent.

The company said there pretty much gonna reroute it and do it anyways I'm pretty sure

True, but the protest was centered on aboriginal water rights. The proposed pipeline was going to pollute the watershed these people relied on for their way of life.

The rerouting of the pipeline is a big win for this particular aboriginal community, and many others facing similar circumstances across the country.

Most importantly, though, it shows that non-violent protesting can be successful if done in an effective manner. We just need to get off our asses.

And , you know, civil rights.

True enough, and I've stated that in a previous thread.

I guess i'm missing your point...?

Maybe, I can't read your mind. I just truly believe that we can work together for a real future that prevents the fostering of evil in the first place.

Agreed. It's time to try here. Violence will always lead to violence. Nothing changed in the civil rights movement until everybody saw an unarmed citizen treated like an enemy combatant. That will always be true and there are plenty of people willing to step into that position especially if it affects the greater good. Record everything and stay vigilant! We're all just waiting for the right time.

Recognize these patterns in everyday life and learn to recognize the time to stand up and shout, and recognize the time to stay quiet and set a good example. I see these opportunities every single day, if you see somebody mistreating a cashier at a business, you have more power than anyone else in the room to stand up and say something; use it. It means a lot more than you would think.

Violence leads to more violence.

People should be pissed about this. Anger is normal. Don't ever cage anger.

What do you plan to do with your anger? How should a person focus it for the good of humanity?

What do you plan to do with your anger?

Easy. Voice it so others can see its OK to be pissed at the very people that take advantage of young people that can defend themselves.

Yeah sure do that. I have nothing against anger, especially when it's warranted. Violent doesn't mean angry, though. You can have one without the other.

Violent doesn't mean angry, though. You can have one without the other.

Scaring people is at a level of control most people don't understand. Research Trauma-Based Mind-Control and you'll understand what is happening on a global level.

I understand the level of subterfuge and the powers at play, nothing new to me. All I'm saying is that violence is a slippery slope that leads to more violence. Wars are started because of it. The powers that be want that war, they want death, they want bloodshed, in whatever way possible because they're outside of it and think themselves above the law. They think this war machine is unstoppable, and that is true IF we turn to violence.

I don't think the same way when it comes to this continued violence because its manufactured. There are people, corporations and secrete groups responsible for what we are seeing today.

I don't think this war machine can continue for too much longer with the Internet. Thats why we are seeing all this Fake News style of reporting over the last month. People are worried.

It's definitely manufactured violence on their part. Again, my point is that meeting their violence with more violence isn't the way to go about things. I understand people are worried, but the only thing we can do is continue searching for the evidence that will turn the tide, stooping to their level and inciting violence is precisely what they want. All peoples, no matter their color or creed need to unify and reject the tyranny while we still can. War is the absolute last resort.

Then what?


Well hello there neighbor.


I appreciate the honest reply. Unfortunately I don't have the answer. Not a single person I know has the answer, as everyone I can talk to was raised in this world under the yoke of world banks and corruption.

You can say that a bullet between the eyes of those responsible is the only course of action, but that sounds a lot like "death to the infidels" to me.

I think that mutual respect goes a long way. It definitely doesn't happen overnight, as it takes time to build like any relationship. I do, however, think that you can indeed force love on to people, getting it reciprocated is what can't be forced. The reason it hasn't worked is because we've never truly tried it.

Violence is a never ending cycle of cruelty. There is always a new party to take up the mantle of aggressor, which in turn causes rise to another. I don't know how to stop it. I do know that throwing another stone is just going to perpetuate things.


What about if the 99 said fuck the powers that be and just continued society with out money and jobs but used our time to care for each other and gather/ farm food, build shelters...ect and fought back to defend ourself, but fucking took out the people who tried. That's pretty much the best compromise I can think of. To many people here couldn't survive without all the "luxuries" though

I agree that we need to pressure them to step down and relinquish power, but killing them is only going to further radicalize their friends and family. Again, I don't know all the answers. From my perspective, the elites have created a world that believes money is power and have devised a way to hoard all the money. The internet is our best and most useful tool, but most of the people I see using it are spouting hate and reinforcing negative stereotypes. We as individuals need to be better, plain and simple.


Say goodbye to humanity then.


You think it worked? Eye for an eye, right? It simply set the table for the shit we're eating today.


If we can actually get to that point, yes.


I'm not gonna lie, after your first comment I didn't think you'd end up being so insightful. I'm glad we're having a real conversation.

To be clear, I'm not advocating for good men to do nothing. The greatest country in the world has the power to help all and change the current dynamic. Unfortunately even our humanitarian efforts are veiled with evil. There's always some form of exploitation involved. This is where fundamental change is required. People need to realize that if we start to do good without the thought of the potential reward we will change the world for the better.




Wow, so much insight. Wish I could afford to give gold!

Oh please!? This sub and pizzagate were filled with fake and real cries for someone to do something. "These sick fucks. When will someone do something about them" etc. From before the election till after. Don't pretend to now act as if we didn't as a sub encourage people to act through the comments.

Please be careful what narratives you are promoting. It's true many share the belief that "something should be done." But I think out of everyone with an opinion, there are many who want justice, many who want to see arrests, many who want to see those in power removed, but absolutely nobody who believed the proper course of action was marching into Comet Ping Pong with a gun.

Not a bad idea. Go to CPP, ask for their WIFI password, then go to the tunnels -> password still working. Kill them with their own weapon.


These people deserve to die hard way.


We need to burn these cabalist on stakes and kill these scum there's literally no other way


As in unite and kick down the fucking door to the halls of justice and torch the entire fucking place down and everyone who supports it


My thoughts exactly. We need to burn these places to the fucking ground. Purification is only option.


Accidental fire burns down Comet Pizza and all evidence.


This is from 7 days ago, about going to comet Ping Pong...

Also live feed that shit


And take a gun


  • 1 isn't talking about literal killing at all. Strictly 100% metaphorical
  • 2, believing they deserve to die still isn't calling for their actual murder.
  • 3, fine, a literal encouragement to literal violence. But not against Comet Ping Pong.

either way the tone of this sub has never been encouraging people to go out and kill, not even close. Fuck off with that

Those were just the ones not deleted by the mods. Did you see the kind of statements in PizzaGate? Because I did. And there were many that wanted "revenge."

Is it just me or is this thread getting some instigator trolls going to town in it? Does anyone Really think we're taking guns to Comet or that such a thing is a good idea? What the hell... no we're not doing that.

A+ This whole gig is arranged to fight you in a "justified" way if you were to stand up with a gun now. It's a soft police state right now just waiting to drop a bunch of tribal tattoo wearing roid monkeys on your head if anyone went Ruby Ridge again. They have arranged it so a violent protest is easily quashed and paired with the media, you'll be the bad guy and the police/state will be the victim.

Never advocate for violence, it plays right into their hands.

When the law refuses to do something about it, vigilante justice should be expected.

I'm not even saying I support it, just that frustration is a natural bi-product of being ignored and told you are crazy despite there being infinite evidence to the contrary.


edit: furthermore the shooters father sure seems to work with lots of kids. just another COINCIDENCE. i wonder what the shooter thinks of his own father, maybe the news should do their job and ask him.

And the shooter's mother had kids! Seems like being parents goes back quite a few generations in the shooter's family... coincidence? Yeah, right.

are you suggesting the assertion that pedos take jobs around children more than average people is untrue?

There is almost no evidence of this pizza bullshit beyond the vague code words which literally by definition could mean anything. Some dude takes a gun to get the truth and justice. Meanwhile the evidence for 911, secret government, etc is overwhelmingly and no one cares. As far as I am concerned unless these pizza boys come up with real evidence soon they need to go away. There are real conspiracies that need attention not made up bs.

Condemning things are ya--on behalf of this entire sub, nonetheless? Speak for yourself. You are no authority to take upon such a laughable, meaningless stance. Your digital lip-service is no different than what we get from our elected officials.

"We hereby condemn the alien destruction of our planet. The reason why, is because it's an obvious statement...but we figured the common folk were too stupid to realize such"

Dude, shut the fuck up. You're trying to incite something, yet you've chosen the most insincere way of accomplishing it.

You and your 2 month account thought you'd exploit a situation, but it comes across as pure.. nonsensical rubbish.

Good luck with those buzzwords. I hear "literally" is another good one.

You know what this guy is right

It sickens me when someone tries to speak for a community. I don't condemn anything...nor would I presume to speak for others. My weapon of choice is a warm gun...information is hardly free, ask Aaron Swartz about it.


I'm in no way advocating violence...




Dude is an actor. We condemn actors pretending to be supporters of the investigation for the purpose of discrediting it.

Seems fishy that every attack has someone that is an actor, then your IMDB account gets scrubbed like it never happened...

IMDB needs to be banned from reddit clearly its some sort of terrorist breeding ground /s

Seems fishy


because everyone involved in shootings/false flags have shitty acting careers...

It can be a deflection. Just like fake news controlled by the CIA.

I recently read an article where the CIA admitted they seed stories to MSM...and these fucks out there that don't think anything of it when "fake-news" is being thrown around, and yet it's actually the MSM that is actual fake news...

CIA is a cover. Army Intel leads most of it.

Wait Army Intel is higher up than CIA? Army Intel = Military Industrial Complex?

People in the inside say thats the way it is.

Interesting! I didn't know that! Makes sense the army has the biggest budget, and the coolest new toys!

It's fishier than a tuna processing plant.


I'm gonna take your word on that, man.

He was a bit actor in a handful of bullshit gigs

i keep reading this, can anybody tell me about other attacks where actors have been involved?

The bank robbery in jacksonville florida where we literally found a craigslist ad the day before it happened dated 2 weeks before it happened. Asking for crisis actors who are okay with faking a gorey public scene and being forced to sign a NDA (non disclosure agreement).

Did that even make national news? Who plans a local false flag with no media coverage?

Pulse nightclub for one.

Has his page been scrubbed yet? I can't check at work.

Like I said, I can't check. IMDB is blocked at work for me.

That was a general thrown out to the comment thread for help identifying him, I knew you wouldn't be able to help. We'll let you know.

no, its still up

They block imdb but not reddit? Strange priorities.

At least it makes work bearable.

Disinformation likely led to this gullible do-gooder to go postal.

Stop spreading fake news! (by all means(

Speak for yourself

The only people I've seen advocating violence are the ones calling for an end to this discussion. Seems they have a narrative they're trying to push.

A great man once said the the the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time by the blood of Patriots and Tyrants. While I believe violence should be avoided at all costs I acknowledge that there are some issues only the sword can fix.

We are also a non-partisan group and welcome newcomers of all points of the spectrum. Nonviolence is key, stick to the evidence.

Who the fuck are you? You don't speak for anyone but yourself.

But we know #pizzagate is real right?

So its not against a suspected criminal but an actual criminal.

Right? Right?!?!

Quality post

And besides, doing something as stupid as this man did only adds to discrediting conspiracy theories and the people who research them.

Fuck you and speak for yourself. The only reason you have a constitution and have any semblance of freedom is because real men with real balls decided enough was enough and threw off the tyrants oppressing them. You know how they did that? With violence. Why? Because in the end that's the only thing that will ever work. The tyrants of our day will never hand over power willingly, it must be forced from them. Freedom of information is only worth so much on its own. It's when you utilize that information to achieve force of action that it becomes invaluable. Decisive action at the decisive moment. Until then, arm yourselves with knowledge. But understand you will never just be given freedom, justice, and equality. For that, a people must be willing to fight and potentially die for what they know is true and right. Only when the people rise up and assert themselves as the sovereign authority they truly are, will you ever see real change or justice.

Someone needs to drill this into the heads of the shills that are all over this sub.

Speak for yourself. The people who have destroyed culture and society should be dragged through the street, lined up, and sent to the guillotine.

If ever there is a revolution, the corrupt elite need to be strung up French Revolution style.

Hang em high.

You all want the reward without paying the price. Stop being a bunch of pussies.

lmao. Yeah let's just walk into one single pizza shop with a gun one person at a time. That sounds like a great way to eradicate institutionalized pedophilia that has high profile and powerful supporters across the globe. The path to justice is right there in front of you, guys. Anyone who doesn't pursue it must be a sissy

Yup, that is verbatim what I said.

well the context in which you said what you said makes a strong case that that's roughly what you meant.

You could be probably be right about being roughly right about probably making a strong case.

I'm sorry you are stupid.

what the fuck are you talking about, do you think you are dominating me intellectually?

You seem to be dominating yourself just fine.

I didn't know you could see what I was doing with my penis while I was shitposting.

I have equipment that can detect when an atomic force microscope is being used.

in your pants? >:D

Yes, on one of the planets orbiting my dick. Now crawl back into your cave.

Speak for yourself, I just shot myself in the dick.

Suicide is still considered permissible.

I'm with you as are 99% of this sub. There is no justice in vigilante justice.

This crazy story of a random guy walking into the pizza place and shooting off a round for no apparent reason makes zero sense and was planned to make the people who believe this story out to be lunatic tin foil hat conspiracy nuts.

As soon as the story came out I thought to myself, here we go.. time to start planning F.F. to move the story line in a different direction.

I didn't even look into this until this morning. I got away from conspiracy stuff a decade ago because of mental health issues it exacerbated. The pedo ring stuff was always in the back of my head but I'd think "Yeah but probably not really, because you're crazy." I've also had issues with both sides of the political argument because both are violent and condemn violence from the other side while ignoring it on their own. This might be the first group I've seen condemning violence possible from their side.

For your own sake, talk to someone you trust before you get sucked back into this nonsense.

What if I don't trust anyone?

There are four boxes to be used in the defense of liberty: soap, ballot, jury and ammo.

/r/conspiracy is the soap box. But if that fails...

Actions speak louder than words.

Actions? Governments are known for major false flags that create violence all over the world. Those are actions.

Words are just words.

And violent paranoid populists have never been guilty of causing violence in the name of their paranoia against the common man. Right?

violent paranoid populists

Without knowing these people, you have no idea of their history. Only speculations based on limited understanding.

Only speculations based on limited understanding.


And what sub are you posting in? How is what I said any different in terms of "speculation" from your original retort?

Some people with limited understanding have hard to rationalize the truth in the reality of their "controlled space".

Research: "Trauma-Based Mind-Control"

Then come back to have a conversation.

Those questions I asked were not rhetorical, and you still did not answer them.

Too bad. So much to learn without being distracted.

The only distraction is you dodging my questions. What sub are you posting in? How is what I said any different in terms of "speculation" from your original retort?

We both know you know the answer, you just don't want to admit it.

We both know you know the answer, you just don't want to admit it.

What? If you know, why don't you educate me.

A) A sub dedicated to speculation

B) It's not any different.

A) A sub dedicated to speculation

What? Are you talking about /r/politics?

B) It's not any different.

What? Who told you that?

Deflect, deflect, deflect. Always deflect.

I thought it was, Fake News, Fake News, Fake News!

When truth speaks...its Fake News!

  • 1 isn't talking about literal killing at all. Strictly 100% metaphorical
  • 2, believing they deserve to die still isn't calling for their actual murder.
  • 3, fine, a literal encouragement to literal violence. But not against Comet Ping Pong.

either way the tone of this sub has never been encouraging people to go out and kill, not even close. Fuck off with that

I agree that we need to pressure them to step down and relinquish power, but killing them is only going to further radicalize their friends and family. Again, I don't know all the answers. From my perspective, the elites have created a world that believes money is power and have devised a way to hoard all the money. The internet is our best and most useful tool, but most of the people I see using it are spouting hate and reinforcing negative stereotypes. We as individuals need to be better, plain and simple.

What about if the 99 said fuck the powers that be and just continued society with out money and jobs but used our time to care for each other and gather/ farm food, build shelters...ect and fought back to defend ourself, but fucking took out the people who tried. That's pretty much the best compromise I can think of. To many people here couldn't survive without all the "luxuries" though