Maybe they are calling pizza gate fake news because they know its a disinfo campaign...

13  2016-12-05 by We-think-we-are-free

I bit into the pizzagate early on, expecting something big to break... but no real proof ever came... and now that almost every post on the front of this sub is pizza related...


You'll notice that pizzagate no longer cares at all about the Anthony Weiner, Abedin aspect, the Clinton's are fading into the background, and even though some of it touches on supposed Haitian orphans, that is also quickly evaporating as well. Nobody seemingly gives a shit what's happened to Assange, or the open money-laundering aspect of the Clinton Foundation, or wikileaks. Most of it is based on how you subjectively view photos and art, while mob rule demands you see pedos at every turn. It's being pushed often in very ridiculous ways. I would say that yes, it's likely a disinfo campaign, with the caveat that something more would need to break very soon, something that results in a witness coming forward or real, tangible evidence.


Too many weird connections though, how do we look passed those?

Stop streching your imagination so far.

Im not saying ignore PG, but we should wait till more evidence drops. Plus if anything nefarious was happening, by now they switched operations. They knew we knew something...

I don't think I'm stretching, I see the connections that are being made and discerning them with my own knowledge. Yes I do agree there needs to be way more evidence. But Jimmy Comets twitter feed alone is pretty fucked up...along with all the art being used and hung in the restaurant.

These people shouldn't be the number one "friend" on a kid friendly restaurant's website:

I think its more than a kid friendly place.

They serve alcohol and haves shows (concerts). Seems like a night life spot that is a restaurant during the day.

Wont lie there is some odd things.. but we have no proof a crime was even committed, let alone by a pizza pedo group.

Well all their advertisements that I have seen are touting the "kid friendly" environment. Yes I can agree again we don't have any evidence of a crime, that's why it's an on going investigation.

There are tons of creepy links between pedos, Podesta, pedophile artwork, and the like, but that's why the search continues. Links and connections need to come first before evidence is drawn up. Basically we are investigating to show the real authorities that there is something to investigate?!?

I'm not actively investigating but I am following the developments closely.

The authorities will not investigate this if its true, you know that right? They will just shift operations and cover their tracks..

The links are interesting but i havent seen anything that really stands out as a pedo crime.

Personally i think the pizza code has to do with drugs, not pedos... they wouldnt drop so many clues out in the open if it was pedos..

I have heard that cheese pizza is actually cocaine...same for you?

I feel the only reason that no undeniable proof came is because the police aren't investigating it, fucking 4chan are.

Why aren't the police doing their job? There's more than enough evidence to warrant an investigation...

If someone is calling pizzagate "fake news" they need to slit their wrists. When the internet is completely and totally censored and you're not allowed to read anything but CNN/NYT, it will be the fault of the person that claims anything is "fake news" for spreading the government's own buzzword and giving their internet censorship agenda free advertising. Even if pizzagate turns out to be completely false, it will not be worth the government censoring the internet because of it. Ever. Under any circumstance.

Dude, it is already a done deal, and yes, because in large part to pizzagate. Look up HR 6393.

Yeah I've seen it. The brainwashed internet did a great job using the words "fake news" and being nothing more than a parrot of propaganda for the United States government.

Problem isnt the internet, its the people behind the keyboard. We live close minded.

Pizzagate is fake news

Finally I can kill myself

But what's the fall out?

This isn't exactly some teenager that gets doxxed and their life made difficult for talking shit on youtube. These are people with strong connections to powerful people.

There is no question that those unaffected by this on the hill have to be a bit uneasy over how quickly a reputation can be tarnished with the proper parameters in place. What are they to do to prevent this from happening to them?

I honestly don't care when the government's answer is "well let's just take the whole internet down so no one is allowed to read anything but what we tell them! Two birds stoned at once, Joe!"

If that's the government's answer then sure, I don't give a fuck. Dox everyone. They can deal with it. It'll go away in due time if it's fake. If it's not and all these people are wrapped up in it, then they can be hanged. Obviously these are just my opinions and I have zero sympathy for "all the poor innocent souls!!" wrapped up in it because remember, it basically started with Hillary Clinton.

Edit: I'm not investigating pizzagate so I have no personal stake in it. If someone wants to dox someone, it's not my fault and I don't care. They made that decision, I did not.

I dont think its about censorship, its about us looking dangerous and like loons.

People will see the story on msm, and automatically think about the people they know who are truthers or believe in conspiracies.

Pizzagate has done nothing good for the truth movement.

I've been thinking the exact same thing.

Did you stop your thought at the same place as well?

Consider this:

Everyone in this sub, and in conspiracy circles in general, knows that elite pedo rings are a very real thing. We have a pretty substantial amount of evidence to back that notion up.

Enter Pizzagate, an alleged pedo ring of the same flavor that caters directly to the confirmation bias of the conspiracy minded. Yet, there is no hard evidence at all, no victims coming forward, none of that. The most damning aspect of pizzagate is the creepy art involved.

What better way to discredit the notion of elite pedo sex rings than a fake hoax where the conspiracy minded are tricked into frantically pushing a narrative that is half baked?

I can't think of one.

For sure the government is known to level in this fashion.

makes you wonder what they're doing behind the scenes while everyone here is pouring over wikileaks emails. looking like a big ol' smoke show to get people to react. and so they did by going into that pizza shop with a gun. now everyone to even believes a lick of this as truth is "batshit" and shouldn't be trusted. This whole thing fucking stinks.

no big info? how about andrew breitbart tweet --- “How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me,” written on Feb. 4, 2011 even before pizzagate went viral?

bingo boom shacka-lack.