There was a 5000+ post on the_donald showing 4chan called the comet pizza attack 24 hours in advance. Thread is now gone, where did it go???!!

3855  2016-12-06 by JustWantingTheTruth

Spez: FOR THOSE DOUBTING PIZZAGATE: This is a decent info image on Pizzagate to spread around.

The moment I noticed it was missing, I checked the new section for the_donald, and someone had left the archived thread link in a comment, posted below this paragraph. The post made it to a little over 4 hours old and had over 5k upvotes, then poof. It was moderator removed due to being off topic. And granted, the screen cap says little more than "there will be an attack on alfantis or a Podesta brother." Still though, for them to allow something like this to remain for so long, and to make the top of r/all, it only raises questions. If anything, this post might get to the top of r/all and we see what happens. This is a throw away, no karma for me. At the very least, it keeps pizzagate in people's minds, and hopefully reminds everyone that there are always two sides to a story.

The most interesting link in the thread is the IMDB page of the man who committed the attack:

Edit: I'm watching the downvotes start coming in, already 20% downvoted. Would love to know why. /s

Edit2: link to mod on why the post was removed:

Edit3: This post has gained a fair bit of traction and I have been actively replying to everyone I could get to. I would like to reiterate that the point of this post is not to prove pizzagate is real, and it is also not to prove the_donald should have left this post up. If anything, they left it up as long as they could. This post is to further the discussion of pizzagate and related items. This 4chan post is by no means the nail in any coffin; most importantly, it makes us ask questions. And that is why we are here.


Edit: for those asking me for proof or evidence, this is what I offer you.

There it is. They allowed pizza gate related posts before the election, and the only reason I can see for them to remove it is to either call more attention to it, or they are scared to lose the rest of their sub to the admins. Either way, maybe if this post gets front page, we will at least get more visibility. I have no need for karma on this account.

they are scared to lose the rest of their sub to the admins

pretty sure its this. /r/pizzagate was banned, if everyone just posts everything pizza related to T_D, T_D will definitely get banned for that reason. its not that the TD mods dont care about pizzagate, they just want to keep the sub up as long as possible.

And maybe haters of that sub will post it on there to get them shut down. Maybe they have to protect themselves

internet agent provocateurs. these are definitely a thing in live protests, i see no reason they wouldnt exist on the web.

i see no reason they wouldnt exist on the web.

Neither does the mods of this sub; given the handy sidebar link 'The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies'.

Read this post at own risk and presume this has been modified by Reddit Inc.

Mod here, we have a serious problem with them. Lots of accounts with posting history in subs like /r/socialism who like to spam us with racist shit or doxx info.

Its been moved to an uncucked site.

Dude!!! I bring up that there are provocateur at protests all the time, yet not one believes me! If i wanted people to discredit a protests, id pay my modt normal lookin crazy dude to start violence there. Let it become a riot.

It happens. A lot.

There is a clear connection between Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO (and Trump cutter at the DNC) and providing 'bird dogs'.

I posted it a few months ago when perusing what someone said on a hidden cam video about how easy it was to get Arkansas Union Goons to act as provocateurs at Trump and Sanders rallies.

There was open admission that bird dogs were used at the behest of HFA.

Search "JTRIG"

Or maybe the tweens at /r/the_donald are just 9 inbreds and a bot.

Or, you know, 300K+ patriots.

Yeah, surely that's the case. All from 4chan and just aching to post meems and retard tweets.

People would need to upvote it to the front page for it to matter.

Not with spez and others just looking for an excuse. They are already paying attention to the sub

Then why is it still up?

Because if Reddit took down td, its entire user base would flood the rest of Reddit with spam or worse. Plus then the site would have zero credibility as an objective forum.

So not this:

Not with spez and others just looking for an excuse.


I'm not saying that they aren't looking for an excuse to shut down the sub, just that it would need to be a good one. Pizzagate, while damning if true, is mostly just suspicion based off some really questionable word choice. It doesn't represent an ideology or anything.

I personally don't think they would dare try, I can't even imagine what the front of r/all would look like if T_D got banned. The admins, based off their recent post in announcements, have even considered it. But they won't.

I personally don't think they would dare try, I can't even imagine what the front of r/all would look like if T_D got banned. The admins, based off their recent post in announcements, have even considered it. But they won't

It would be hell for a week or so then everyone would get bored and move over to voat or some other shit site.

Grats, solved your 1st conspiracy.

You might be on to something here...

I actually remember when this whole thing broke they didnt allow it. They said it doesnt fit the sub which exactly what they are saying now.

The pizzagate stuff was all over /r/the_donald when it was first breaking. That's literally the only place I got information from about the whole thing until recently. They're just keeping it off now because they're on the verge of having their sub closed down.

They're just keeping it off now because they're on the verge of having their sub closed down.

Literally this.

that's some serious bullshit too because there's nothing absolutely fucking nothing that the donald or it's members are doing that could be perceived as wrong except that they bring to light a shitton of really fucked up shit, and don't listen or repeat the made up news with it's fake narrative that was created to manipulate the population. That's it. There's nothing illegal they are doing or have done, there's no brigading that's going on except against them, nothing. There's way way way worse subreddits than them like /r/feminism or feminist, SRS, black lives matter, and all the defaults. Those are some seriously evil subs with their cultivating a echo chamber, curating all information people can see, and banning people for going outside of the circle jerk. Literally a bunch of subs will ban you for just visiting another subreddit they have deemed "bad" for w/e biased reason they have. Most of the time it's just that the other sub's members have challenged the retarded logic or misinformation that they have held so damn dear to themselves.

The BBC explains Pizzagate in a totally unbiased manner /s

Count how many times they say - "fake news" Observe how they say the story originated. Listen to what they call "facts" See how they describe 4chan & The Donald Look at the examples of "debunking" and " the twitter account expressing "regret" they use

Then tell me based on what you actually know, that this whole piece, written by the BBC - Britains national broadcasting company- isn't an cover up written expressly to cast doubt on everything related to Pizzagate? The most telling thing is the language - Here's another BBC article on Trump & China - Trump atttacks China in Twitter outburst - notice the complete absence of any subjective language? This is how the BBC normally presents its articles- articulate, informative, credible sources etc The Pizzagate piece was shameless propaganda - they pushed a narrative not the actual story. To omit large swathes of pertinent info, as they did, suggests they're aware of it and covered it up. I've challenged people who don't believe in Pizzagate using this argument and have yet to receive any confident rebuttals..

In case you where wondering how high this goes ...

Edit - Here's the story they ran on an actual fake enterprise - The Fake US Embassy in Ghana

Look at the level of detail they use to explain the scam- the language, sources cited, fully comprehensive working explanation of the scam itself - this is how the BBC normally writes. Not vague, conjecture filled, heavily opinionated hit pieces like the one above.

So why have they done this? If the Pizzagate article was written in as much depth, with the clarity that the BBC is capable of - then everyone who read the story would know it's real. The piece they wrote? Well, that's clearly a fake news story, dreamt up by racists on 4chan to discredit HIllary Clinton. Right?

So why have they done this?

Because everything is just small bits and pieces of circumstance. You can't prove that an email about a napkin isn't about raping children, and that's all the Pizzagate case is. The article even mentions things like:

It's known, for instance that Bill Clinton and Donald Trump flew on the private plane of convicted child abuser Jeffery Epstein.

Tony Podesta, the brother of the Clinton aide whose emails were hacked, was a friend of Dennis Hastert, a Republican politician who earlier this year was sentenced to 15 months in prison, and has admitted abusing boys.

What other real facts are there? The logo of a Pizza place looks like a pizza? Parents call their kids entertainment? Hots dogs are ordered for a fundraiser?

Consider it from another angle: what would convince you that there is no conspiracy?

You've skirted over the crux of my point and moved straight into yours. Did you read the piece? Then my post? Did you see what i wrote about the biased, subjective language used in the Pizzagate article compared to the BBCs usual content? Did you read the part of the article where they fail to conduct any kind of meaningful examination of the story, as they paint it as a right wing conspiracy from top to bottom? The nuggets of truth they do give you are carefully packaged and placed at the end of the article, after multiple 'fake news''s & several 'conspiracy theory''s

Im from the Uk and this isn't the first time the BBC has come out on the side of peadophiles.

I write for a living and know when I'm being told a story. Heavy on opinions - scant on facts. The facts they do offer are ones people who don't know the context, are meant to jump on as signs of veracity. As you've done.

If you conduct even the most cursory research into peadophilia involving the elites in the U.K., and US, you'll read things that could, and were written off as coincidence and lies. But collectively, how much of a coincidence can it be? All these rich, powerful people keep getting attached to peadophilia, with investigators or whistleblowers mysteriously dying. If a regular person had allegations like that floating around them, would you be as keen to ignore the litany of evidence, and right it off as pure circumstance?

I did read it. It's subjective because there's nothing to be objective about. There are next to no actual, hard facts about Pizzagate. If there were it would be taken seriously outside of message boards on the internet.

If a regular person had allegations like that floating around them, would you be as keen to ignore the litany of evidence, and right it off as pure circumstance?

You mean the owners of the establishments in question who have been harassed and threatened? I'll ask again because this was my point:

What would convince you that there is no conspiracy?

I would be convinced there's something to it when a victim comes forward, or some other compelling evidence a crime was committed is found. Maybe an email explicitly talking about pedophilia.

You're exactly as biased just in the opposite direction in claiming that the story is true, without having any real evidence whatsoever. In fact the BBC article you accuse of bias is less so, because they don't bring up the nonsense you claim is "hard evidence." Why would/should they? Any rational person sees it for what it really is, ridiculous.

They're pushing the alt-right conspiracy fake new angle to hard, makes critical thinkers wonder what they're trying to cover up.

It's a mighty fine example of cognitive dissonance to say denying what isn't true or even requiring evidence = massive coverup.

Circumstantial evidence is still evidence.

I don't think you know what circumstantial evidence is. Your vivid imagination is not circumstantial evidence. There's much more circumstantial evidence that The Donald is a sexual predator than there is that pizzagate is real.

Somebody's watching fake news...

Ha see you proved it. Almost a dozen women have accused him, several with multiple witnesses, and there is recorded evidence of him admitting to forcibly kissing women and groping them. In his own words. THAT is more than circumstantial. This is why no one takes you idiots seriously.

"This is why no one takes you idiots seriously. "

I've found name calling to be quite ineffective at changing peoples opinions. When I googled Trump rape charges dropped, I found the following articles. First 5 in the list were from the following news sites. (not sure if links are ok here or not)

Politico, ljr, Snopes,, People

All were articles about women dropping their suits. It seems logical to assume that the accusations were manufactured in an attempt to damage a candidates reputation before an election.

I'm not trying to change your opinion. You're clearly locked in to the nonsense, and your views are idiotic and hypocritical. You don't care about facts that disparage Donald Trump, like what he himself said he does to women. But you'll take this idiotic pizzagate thing and run with it. Talk about "moving the goal posts."

My apologies. I thought we were having friendly debate. Good day.

The biggest thing is that all conspiracy facts started out like this. A theory that turned people against each other and even led to some mysterious deaths.

Keep up the good work, some of us know how to read between the lines.

Then tell me based on what you actually know, that this whole piece, written by the BBC - Britains national broadcasting company- isn't an cover up written expressly to cast doubt on everything related to Pizzagate?

The first link is a blog post while the second is an actual news article?

Re: "Fake News". I'm glad you pointed that out, I thought I was going nuts. The Arstechnica story uses the phrase 6 or 7 times in their write up. They link to a NYT piece that does the same. Then as if that wasn't enough, my LOCAL news station ran the story last night with the same theme of a Fake News being mention at least 4 times in a 2 minute span.

It sure looks like the puppet media has been given their marching orders and they all ran with it like they were told.

T_D will ban you for saying anything they perceive to be critical of Trump. They are not a bastion of free speech, they are the most echoey of echo chambers on here.

That's kind of the whole point of the sub though, and they say so in their rules. While I may not agree with it, I don't see an issue either. It's a sub who's sole purpose is to promote a candidate.

Personality cults are bad, Mmkay? One should always treat both sides with skepticism.

that could be perceived as wrong

except the whole ruining the life of a pizza store owner


But what uf youre wrong?

So guilty until proven innocent...that sounds very un-American

America has guilt before innocence, a very medieval legal system.

T_D openly admits they ban people for not participating in their circle jerk - do you not think that's the case? I got banned for asking someone for a source about something they said about Clinton. They are self described as a 24/7 rally for Trump and anything that doesn't fit that literal echo chamber is removed and banned.

Those are some seriously evil subs with their cultivating a echo chamber, curating all information people can see, and banning people for going outside of the circle jerk. Literally a bunch of subs will ban you for just visiting another subreddit they have deemed "bad" for w/e biased reason they have. Most of the time it's just that the other sub's members have challenged the retarded logic or misinformation that they have held so damn dear to themselves.

You do realize you're describing T_D to a T, right?

It's a sub created for the sole purpose of promoting a particular candidate, and they explain so in their rules.

That's nice, my point still stands.


No I'm not.

Yeah, that was a pretty apt description. Guilty as charged on all accounts.

I haven't been in that sub much but what I saw was nothing of what I see in all those other subs I described before. You might just be slightly angry with the Donald sub because it's not your narrative and its a sub where other people besides the curated few can have a voice which just happens to be polar opposite of what you think or what most people think in those subs I described before. Maybe you learn to understand that other people are and should be allowed to have opinions that were authorized by your liberal snow flake warlord?

I haven't been in that sub much

And yet you think you know it well? That sub regularly bans people who have anything negative to say about Trump and initially they were banning solely based on posting history. That sort of heavy handedness not only goes against the laughable idea that they are a 'bastion of free speech' but is the first step to creating an echo-chamber/circlejerk.

Maybe you learn to understand that other people are and should be allowed to have opinions that were authorized by your liberal snow flake warlord?

Maybe you should learn to address what's said instead of making up arguments? Go ahead and re-read the 3 sentences I wrote. Tell me which one has anything about people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions. I'll wait.

The complete lack of self-awareness here is fucking astounding. Normally I'd just write you off as a troll but the line is too blurred anymore.

But then why is this sub still in full swing?

If you mean the pizzagate sub they are still going "strong" over on voat.

No I mean conspiracy... this is pizzagate now.

Idk, how long until you start calling spez a pedophile?

That was T_D

That was not only the Donald. They were doing it on pizzagate too.

Ah! Fair enough, that I did not know.

How long until we're not allowed to use swear words?

They were happy to benefit from the story during the election when it made Clinton look bad.

I get that they are under the gun with the admins but I still don't like it.

I bet there are pedephiles on both sides, cons and libs. If this thing gets exposed, Podesta is going to point out many other pedophiles on the other side and that's why the Trumpers are afraid.

Trumpers afraid?

Lad, I voted Trump and if there were actual, hard evidence that he was involved I would take him down along with the rest. There has been no proof of that so far though. In fact Trump banned Jeffery Epstein from his Mar A Lago club for hitting on a teenage girl. There are certainly pedos on the Conservative side, just look at Mark Foley and Dennis Hastert. Ben Sasse is in hot water in my opinion because he ran the same program that Foley did.

The truth is more important than one's preferences or worldview.

There's certainly at least as much evidence as there is for anyone else accused of being linked to him. Trump is going to court for raping one of Epistine's girls in just a few days.

And trump said this before the pedo scandal: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,  He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Regarding the Trump quote, thats just New Yorker talk. When you bash someone you couch it in a compliment. Make no mistake, Trump is bashing Epstein in that quote, he is basically calling him out as a pedo.


and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life.


Regarding the lawsuit, it was dropped before the Nov 8 election and was likely just a political smear tactic. It was a lawsuit in civil court that was dropped before even being heard, and dropped without any comment as to why it was dropped.


FYI, I could file the same exact lawsuit in civil court against you tomorrow alleging the same thing, does that make you a pedo?


There is a reason there was no police report, the victim was anonymous, the suit was filed in civil court with no accompanying criminal charges or police reports and was filed 22 years after the alleged incident, and the civil suit was dropped without comment before even having a chance to be heard...

No he's not, post links backing up your claims or shut the fuck up you disgusting shill.

Here's Vice admitting Trump kicked Epstein out of his club for hitting on a teenager:

You know that article doesnt make trump look totally innocent....and so what if they ban epstein right after his plea agreement....soooo brave!!

Here's Vice admitting Trump kicked Epstein out of his club for hitting on a teenager:

No it's not. It's Vice reporting an unnamed lawyer claiming that "Trump broke ties with Epstein after Epstein tried to pick up the underage daughter of a Mar-A-Lago club member". Vice also notes that the New York Post had a different version (that Epstein hit on a masseuse).

No he's not, post links backing up your claims or shut the fuck up you disgusting shill.

You're right, the legal suit has been dropped (for now at least), but the woman concerned stands by her claim that Trump raped her when she was 13.

like we give a fuck. Expose and jail them all; this shit is sick.

You're reaaally overthinking it but I guess this isn't the place to criticize flimsy speculation lol

We would totally be all over it if we weren't targeted, once the election was over we expected to be able to finally make more threads but spez cracked down on us...

Man I had no idea what that was all about except that lame not an apology excuse he posted and all the idjuts cheering him on to delete the donald for not playing nice. I am still pretty new to Reddit but not to email list groups, BBB, forums, irc and once long ago BBS and MUDs/MUSHs

Same crap different decade and the proof why our Founding Fathers built a Constitutional Republic because of the tyranny of the majority democratic systems create.

That thread on one hand practically wanted a lynching of 300,000 subscribers while bemoaning the unfair censorship of actual hate subreddits r/the_donald was being falsely equated to.... FatPeopleHate ? That's not as bad as Trump supporters making a home on subreddit after being chased out of every supposedly non-partisan subreddit?

Now I know we live in the upside-down. Everyone has rights except nonliberals and fat people. I am damned twice over... even though I am a Libertarian for the most part and sense says I am far more "liberal" than any of those police state worshiping zombies.

What rights have nonliberals lost?

Rights that we are all losing. Have you read the Patriot Act or NDAA?

Alright, I'll phrase this better. What rights do Liberals have that nonliberals don't?

Watch your -dkp near the circle jerk from the Alt Right media. Unless your blowing Alex Jones, you are not welcome here.

You blow Alex Jones?


Alex and I don't get along, he spends most of him time imagining elaborate pedo rings. Meanwhile the Catholic Church paid out nearly $4b to settle pedo cases and nearly 30% of our children are sexually assaulted growing up. Good thing he is going after Comet Pizza.

So why would you think that other groups in positions of power wouldn't be involved in similar activities?

Alex Jones is Co-Intel imo.

Thats a fucking 50 minus DKP for not knowing what the fuck to do

500 DKP will get you one lunatic with an AR to shoot up PedoPizza employees.

Nah they would save that to bid on the next legendary chest drop while Uncle Sam can pop some crazy pills in the guy, drive him to the corner with a scary looking illegal gun and tell him a Destiny raid boss is under the ping pong table and they will forget the kid he just ran over

It's not just that sub that has to be worried. Have you seen the posts in r/politics foaming at the mouth about this sub and pizzagate? The hatred is palpable.

Sounds like somebody did something right. It means they lost control of the narrative and fear getting spanked by their bosses. The more these people censor, ban and lie the bigger the blowback.

No, I can't look at /r/politics anymore. It's just a liberal circlejerk where you get shit on if you don't share the same ideas. It's just like /r/the_donald except you're being attacked by liberals instead of conservatives or however they want to identify now. I'd hate to assume someone's beliefs /s

If the admins request it we probably won't be able to use colorful language.

They haven't banned us, it rule after rule is coming in until it is a laughing stock of a subreddit.

Death by 1000 cuts instead of a full ban or quarantine

Okay, but why allow it to stay up for 4+ hours, make the top of r/all, and then be plucked? They had an ample amount of time to react or remove it, but they left it. Probably as long as they were allowed.

To be fair, I'm on the mods side. If I were a mod of the Donald, I would be afraid to lose my sub as countless others have when pizzagate gets involved. They're in enough hot water as it is.

Because they wanted it to make it to the front page before doing something about it so people could see it. It already reached its potential and then now if the admins can say anything about it they can say that they deleted the thread.

I said something similar in a previous reply and wholeheartedly agree. A large chunk of not only the Donald, but also r/all, would have been able to glimpse it at least.

A large chunk of not only the Donald, but also r/all, would have been able to glimpse it at least.

I think a decent amount of reddit has them blocked anyways

not to mention any sane person who looks at the pizzagate "evidence" can see that the "investigators" are goddamn nuts.

Call me when something substantial is found.

I think they should have gotten rid of it immediately and i think this sub should too. There is absolutely no concrete information and you guys have posted far too much personal information and it is clearly expanding to the point where someone feels the need to enter the store with a gun and shoot it. This is absolutely crazy to me that you guys think this is acceptable behavior, you are possibly ruining any innocent persons life and nobody seems to care.

I think you're in the wrong sub. Or maybe you're just trying to bury it?

My guess is that you are in the right sub, and you are trying to bury it.

I am not in the wrong sub. My goal isn't to bury it, but rather to express my opinion on the situation which i think has gotten out of hand. Why is it that any time someone doesnt agree with every aspect of a conspiracy you guys freak out and say this isnt the place for them? Stop trying to make this an echo chamber.

So you like paedophiles? No wait, you can't be...

Good grief. Now you sound like the rabid Hillary high priests... oh if you criticize our god you are an idiot trumpette weener.

Lets leave our 3rd grade selves back on the playground and act like adults please.

Lol so this is how you guys defend your position? Anyone who disagrees with you is a pedo?


That's beyond fucked up

Not as fucked up as fucking children. Who the fuck cares about your feelings.

Accusing someone of being a pedo because they don't agree with your fucking conspericy theory is fucking absurd. If you don't realize that then you don't have the capacity in your brain to have a rational discussion on this topic.

this is /conspiracy not /evidencetoprosecute

I'm well aware what sub I'm in. Would you prefer that people who don't believe the conspiracy to be true not to be here so you can only bounce ideas off people who say the exact same thing as you? That's not a good environment to be in.

No, but I'm tired of people like you clamoring for "concrete" and "real" evidence every time one of these threads hits r/all. If super hard evidence existed, then we wouldn't be theory spinning here. It's all part of the fun, and we know we don't enough information; but thanks for your input.

Its all part of the fun until someone fucking dies over some stupid shit that is not verifiable.

Please link one example of personal information being posted. This subreddit exists to ask questions and you're only here to say "it's fake, just like the mainstream media says it's fake." If you have nothing to add to the conversation, I suggest you leave.

I dont think its fake because the mainstream media says it fake. I think its fake because the evidence you guys provided is no where even close to enough to convince me any of this is remotely true. I dont need to go with whatever the group says or whatever the media tells me. I researched it on my own and believe its false.

And this is 100% adding to the conversation. In your mind is every person who doesnt agree with you 100% not adding to the conversation? Would you prefer an echo chamber with no conflicting opinions?

It is damned refreshing to see a rational mind in here.

Your previous comment did nothing to add to the conversation. At least in this comment you make an effort to claim you've done some research. And good for you. You're currently an echo chamber of the mainstream media, and have apparently done as much research as them.

Not to mention your post I claim added nothing to the conversation, you clearly grasped at straws saying we've posted way too much personal information. The IMDB page is literally the opposite of personal info, and your reply did not even address the fact you said we have posted too much personal info.

But, please do continue to douse this pizzagate bon fire with your garden hose.

Actually my comment was just a continuation of the conversation we were having and was not off topic for the thread.

Also, one person cannot be an echo chamber. I do not think you understand what an echo chamber is, maybe you should look it up so you can avoid places where all your views are considered realistic and not challenged in the slightest way. When you only discuss these events in an echo chamber you leave no room for intellectual growth. You are limiting your ability to learn something new.

Dealing with personal information, you guys have consistently taken random names out of the emails that are not in the news or media. This has resulted in random people being harrassed. Im not saying this sub did that im saying people who are involved in the whole pizzagate conspiracy.

You're not adding anything new, you're dismissing it entirely based off of your own research. Furthermore, the question is not whether or not pizzagate is real. The question is how far reaching is it.

I have not taken the time to save links or build timelines as others have. I have seen enough to be convinced that there is something huge going on, and it is greatly affecting the children of the world negatively. At this point, it's hardly debatable that something is going on. There are simply too many unanswered questions.

As everyone is, you are welcome to your opinion. And as everyone has free will, the people who caused harassment chose to do so themselves and you cannot even point at Reddit for fault in individual decisions, just as I don't hold you liable for repeating what the media has said so far, that this entire thing is fake.

I have nothing to add because i feel this whole thing has gotten out of hand and i am expressing that in these comments.

the people who caused harassment chose to do so themselves

Do you not understand what I am saying? WHAT if someone is wrongly accused. Then they didnt chose to do this to themselves, you guys chose for them.

Will you agree with me that no major news network has done an actual investigation into pizzagate? Can you show me one major news network who said "yeah we looked into it, it's not real and here's why"?

It cannot be done, solely because the media reported it as fake to begin with. Even if this whole event is blown out of proportion, why can't you admit that SOMETHING is going on, and it's related to missing children?

I am trying to chose my words carefully because I have not taken the time to collect the evidence I have personally seen, and this is my fault. I'm not asking you to take my word on it and clearly you disagree with me on the ground level. You claim to have done your research as I have claimed to do mine. As many people here have done, i have come to the conclusion that something is going on, it's dark, and Its being covered up.

I am not here to attack you personally, and I really wish I had the time to find the things I have seen, because although I hate using the word "feel", I do feel that most would, at the very least, agree that there is something big happening here.

As for doxxing, once again, individual people sitting behind Reddit accounts would have posted the names and information, and anyone deciding to act on that information does so on their own free will, that cannot be argued. Such as the Boston bombing incident and "we did it Reddit." Those were personal decisions through and through, and better choices could have been made.

I've been pretty skeptical of this whole thing. That is until the massive attempts to discredit it. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

The emails that are obviously code for something (just happens to be known pedo code words) could be code for something else. Then you have 4 businesses on the same street connected to podesta and Clinton that have FBI pedo symbols. Then you have the absolutely sick artwork in podestas house and in the pizza place. While they attend dinners with a mentally deranged artist that worships or pretends to worship Satan. On top of this you have a bunch of creeps on instagram most of which happens to work at the pizza place. How the fuck is that not enough to warrant an investigation? How the fuck can you just dismiss it as being nothing of importance? Let me ask you what do you think it is?

I live in Bermuda.

At some point, someone told journalists there was funky shit going on in an imaginary triangle. All of a sudden, people started turning up dozens of "weird coincidences" that, if you're of the mind, show an exorbitant number of planes and ships "disappearing" within that triangle.

Go draw a triangle around any of the other major shipping lanes in the world, tell journalists funky shit is going on, and they'll find the same thing.

How can you dismiss it as being nothing of importance? Because the only way it looks like a pedo ring is if you think there's a pedo ring.

Besta Pizza's logo literally had the boy-love symbol (which they quickly changed of course) though. "They just have a really weird taste in art that's all" amirite

The Bermuda triangle is completely different. Because that is supernatural this is not. The logo you posted is not even the logo people are referring to. If that was the only logo I wouldn't give a shit. Combine it with 3 others that the FBI listed and it's just too much to ignore. Do your research before commenting on a subject. Unless you intentionally posted the least suspicious logo because you're a shill then you clearly didn't even look into this for more than 5 minutes.

Why on Earth would they purposely hide their gigantic pedo sex ring behind logos with little pedo references. This is fucking stupid and the logical outcome of communities that don't allow dissenting information.

The fact that you'd call someone that disagrees with you a "shill" only further proves exact where your head is located.

I called him a shill because he's either being disingenuous or he's not informed enough on the topic to make a statement. If someone looks into this and says it's not suspicious and there is no need to investigate they're not being objective.

I don't know why they use pedo logos. Could be a way to signal could be they get off on it being out in the open. If this is true these people a psychopaths their reasoning is not something I'm going to understand. I don't understand why someone would hang out with someone like Marina Abramovic, I don't understand why someone would rape kids, I don't understand why someone would have this or this hanging on the walls of their home.

These people are corrupt elite obsessed with power to think that they would be incapable of raping and murdering kids is retarded. In fact throughout history ELITES have been raping kids in a lot of cases it's certainly more common among them than among regular people by a significant margin.

If someone looks into this and says it's not suspicious and there is no need to investigate they're not being objective.

It's not suspicious and there is no need to investigate. This entire thing is propagated by people making wild accusations based on nothing more than assumptions and shear speculation. Literally nothing about pizzagate stands up to reality-based scrutiny.

In fact throughout history ELITES have been raping kids in a lot of cases it's certainly more common among them than among regular people by a significant margin.

Back this up please. And I don't want examples of elites raping kids, I want proof that they do it more than regular people by a significant margin. You presented it as fact, so I expect you have the data to prove it.

We were done when you said it's not suspicious and there's no need to investigate. Next you will tell me 9/11 wasn't an inside job.

Lol, thank you for proving my point.

Where are all these scrubs coming from? We have people in here who don't even know about tower 7 now?

I'm not talking about 911. You're just changing the subject because you have no real response.

You said you don't believe it needs investigating so what more can I do? If you're looking for some kind of study of the amount of pedophiles in the elites of course it doesn't exist. So I don't have statistics to back it up.

So you're right I shouldn't have presented it in that way I should have said "In fact throughout history ELITES have been raping kids in a lot of cases, it certainly seems more common among them than among regular people."

However it is a fair thing to say imo. Just like it would be fair to say it's more common in the Catholic church even though I don't have statistics for that either.

Accusations based on speculation do not warrant investigation. You can present real evidence that shows real need for an investigation, for one thing.

What I'm reading here is that don't base personal opinion on any real facts, but off of feelings. Then, you prop those opinions up until you believe them to be completely true, which you then present to others as established fact.

As does literally everyone.

I told you there's no point trying to convince you. You don't believe in conspiracy theories. 9/11?

Are you talking about the pizza slice in their logo they changed because of the nut jobs claiming it was a pedo symbol?


My concern is it's just enough truth mixed with insanity so we can be declared as having a mental illness over the obsession and when anything truthful does come out they can lump it all together under our tin foil hats

There is absolutely no concrete information and you guys have posted far too much personal information and it is clearly expanding to the point where someone feels the need to enter the store with a gun and shoot it.

Mainstream media talking points being parroted.

I'm not sure because I haven't heard anything on yhem mainstream about this. These are my personal opinions. Do you have anything to counter what I said or are you going to dig yourself deeper and try and believe everyone who doesn't believe the conspiracy is in on it.

Do you have anything to counter what I said or are you going to dig yourself deeper and try and believe everyone who doesn't believe the conspiracy is in on it.

Boy... where do I start? Everything you've said here is entirely nonsensical. You've basically just made some shit up that you are now attributing to my beliefs without any reason, and couched it in a barely understandable pile of word diarrhea.

I don't have to counter anything you've said; you've made your inability to think clearly quite obvious.

You have literally said nothing in any of the replies you sent me.... i really don't think you are capable of even forming yo7r own opinion so you have let th9s sub do that for you

You accuse me of saying things I didn't. You attack ideas you claim I put forward but did not, yet rail against them as if I had. You can't even compose a proper sentence.

The last thing I am concerned about is your fantastically uninformed worldview.

Fucking cry some more about it.

Dude gtfo

Yet I got banned on /r/news when I said it didn't start and T_D

Perhaps they're worried about it leading to Trump being exposed as a pedo himself?

I dont rule out that he was personally involved but I think its far more likely that he has knowledge of it and wont say anything.

Regardless what anyones thinks Trump is a REAL INSIDER. The Trump side vs the Establishment is kinda like Illuminati vs Freemasons.

I doubt they believe the orange one to be involved as he can do no wrong and knows every move 10 steps in advance. I think he is, though.

I have to agree. To what extent is of course unknown, but to be in his position, at the very least he would have to be aware of it.

Well pizzagate seems to imply an elite upper circle of "chosen" people use blackmail to keep people in check. And the best blackmail is child porn and murder of course.

In this world supposedly you have to "pay to play". So if you want to be successful and be near powerful people all the time. You need to be blackmailed in case you feel like letting some things off your chest. And thats what I feel his involvement is.

He is aware and is blackmailed but I think either its not that bad and he can still bust them, or he is corrupt and the power struggle behind the scenes is switching from hillary's sinking ship to the trump machine.

But it is funny watching the bush CIA dynasty struggle to figure out why their Operation Mockingbird plans from 20+ years ago might be starting to fail. And the quick and rushed MSM stories pushing a narrative are so telling its funny. BUT they doubled down on this strategy and it makes it twice as bad..

Someone who I've been discussing this with had a good point. If there are so many people involved and it goes to the highest levels, and theres purportedly all of this blackmail that we can assume is physical evidence, then how can anyone, possibly close to their own deathbed, not release what they know? Why hasn't anyone else made a deadman switch. Why has not one person at the top said "fuck the system, I don't care what people think, here's what I have"? It felt like a very fair question. We have all of these road maps, time lines, and connected dots, but how can there be no physical or even video evidence? How can it be so well hidden?

I'm not expecting answers to those questions, those are now what I'm asking myself. Something will surface, I'm sure. But it begs the question, why hasn't it happened yet, in my opinion. It just feels like there's something so much bigger going on. Like "we are doing allll of this, because then we can have that", and we don't know what that is yet.

You have to look at the analogy of Jimmy Saville for a "possible" why.

Rumoured to be so well connected (Royalty/parliament) he could fuck up the next 3 generations of your family. It only came out because in a way he was the dead man's switch. With him gone people could report without the fear.

but how can there be no physical or even video evidence? How can it be so well hidden?

Anyone who finds the evidence is committing a crime in finding it, you gotta look at that stuff on some computer if you're gonna find it, and it is gonna get saved to that computer. You think anyone will ever believe that shit wasn't yours, and was really evidence of a global conspiracy? You think the really damning shit is even kept on a computer at all, let alone one connected to the internet?

then how can anyone, possibly close to their own deathbed, not release what they know? Why hasn't anyone else made a deadman switch. Why has not one person at the top said "fuck the system, I don't care what people think, here's what I have"?

I am going to guess that you don't have kids.

Yes it's true that the evidence would be illegal, but wouldn't you agree it depends on WHO exactly is in the video? If it's a big, household name, then it doesn't matter who has the video. It's not random porn, it would potentially be of a public figure.

And having kids has absolutely nothing to do with it, that's merely one circumstance. You're telling me that every person involved in this scandal from the beginning has kids? There's plenty of single politicians and people in power. I refuse to believe self preservation would be the driving force for every single person involved.

That kind of assumes that the individual politicians actually have access to the blackmail material. If I were setting up the system, I would have only a few people at the very top with access to the actual blackmail evidence, and then you can have hundreds or thousands of people—the public figures such as politicians—implicated by the evidence, but they can't come forward because they don't have any of the evidence themselves.

If they did make a deathbed confession, it would be only be their word. They'd likely only sully their own reputation by admitting to whatever acts they did, but no one would believe them, other than those people who already think such a system is in place.

remember who ruled one US govt agency for 49 years...

(along with his boyfriend as his deputy).

to do this would entail complete control over Washington sleaze.

Hoover? Was he really there for that long?

But yeah, I'm sure he'd have been instrumental in something like that, and they had his cross-dressing to hang over his head.

I think /u/goodguy_asshole was insinuating that if someone on their deathbed released all this shit the people who didn't want that information would kill their kids.

Or take them

all of this blackmail that we can assume is physical evidence

Something will surface, I'm sure.

it begs the question, why hasn't it happened yet

It just feels like there's something so much bigger going on.

If anyone needed an example of what bad logic looks like, here you go.


Because blackmail doesn't end at death. If you have any family, it will be them. And, considering most of the elite have pretty large families.. yeah. Infact, to be a part of the club you probably have to have kids or a wife or at least parents/siblings who are still alive - something like that.

That is a very good point, there would need to be a way to control you even after death.

If it was just me hell yeah Id risk life and death and torture to save these children. If it made those disgusting demons set sites on my son I would shut the hell up =( God forgive me but I would. At least until he was 21.

Something will surface, I'm sure

Why are you sure? Seems like you're making a conclusion based on feeling more than fact.

You picked one line out of all of my replies. I have not taken the time to collect the information I have seen that has led to me arriving at this conclusion, and there is nothing I can say to help you see it as I do. But please continue to remove context.

It just feels like there's something so much bigger going on.

There's a second line plucked for you.

Yes, as I have previously stated, I don't like using the word feel. And when I do, it's an opinion. I have mine, you have yours. Mine got to the front page. You're down here in the comments.

Sick burn.

He used the same karma burn on me.

We're dealing with a real bad ass here!

BTW, lots of people in this thread say OP is involved in a child abduction from October. There's a lot of talk in /r/Unsolvedmysteries about OP and his love of young boys. Weird tbh and makes sense he's so interested in all this pedo information here.

He's picking up tips.

I feel like this is all true.

Many believe he is planning to expose them once POTUS

Is there evidence for this or is this just something "many believe"?

Trump has alluded to knowing about Clintons traffickers in Haiti. Obviously there isn't any evidence, otherwise it'd be common knowledge. I don't know what to believe, I'm just saying I've seen it being floated.

Man they will do worse than shoot him a la Reagan. I do believe if he does plan fo go rogue against the shadow govt he has to be subtle. Not sure he does subtle.

He is successfully masquerading as a bumbling baffoon to the lefties. This is important to make it seem like he's "getting lucky"

What a succinct way to show just how powerless the POTUS is

Dont you know? Anything pizzagate related is automatically doxxing. Admins dont have to prove any doxxing occurred so hows anyone going to call them out on it?

i got banned from r/news for linking to a voat post. They said i posted a link to doxxing info, with no evidence. Get used to it.

You're right. You really are. But are we to do nothing? I'm organizing as best I know how with what limited time I have. If I get banned, if this sub gets removed, they still cannot remove the truth. If this post makes even one person say "huh, the media doesn't show the whole story," then I am content.

It's the top post on /r/undelete and the explanation was:

Hey Team,

/r/The_Donald is a 24/7 rally for President Donald Trump. Off-topic posts do not belong here, just like any themed subreddit.

This thread and its contents might do better here:

Thank you,

Not really anything to see here. I think the issue doxxing and possible false accusations.

That is the sub that claims to be the last bastion of free speech and the one place where real news can be posted. There kind of is something to be seen here.

T_D is the last bastion of free speech? Lol.

That is the sub that claims to be the last bastion of free speech

Kek. You'll likely get banned for criticising Trump in any meaningful way, and if you bring up Trump's Jesuit connection you'll most definitely get banned.

"Off Topic" I'll take issue with that.

Doesn't look like you're a T_D poster so I'll get you up to speed: Before the mods were all swapped out and pizza gate was in its infancy this and SpiritCooking was a huge angle we used to undermine latino support for Clinton.

Some of us believed it, some people didn't, but we pushed it like crazy because we believed it would be effective. I think it may have played a small role in helping Trump but since we don't have our own exit polls we will never know. But as T_D posters looked into the child trafficking more and more and started connecting dots it became pretty real. That's why even after we won we didn't pack up shop and stuck around to dig deeper. Then the admins and new mods stepped in. Suddenly it wasn't kosher to talk about sex trafficking and all the threads were locked.

Spez, who defended pedophile subreddits as "free speech", is likely the person pressuring T_D to "shut it down". Now I happen to notice the mods have been letting the threads get some momentum underneath them before locking them which may be our own version of 4D chess. Regardless, people on T_D need to understand that they are either going to be shutdown or they are going to be neutered over time to the point the subreddit is a shell of itself.

The truth is, everyone that made what we have got old and died. The elderly we have now are their kids. On and on. Humans do stuff. There's law and order or not. As it is now, our system of collaboration amongst each other is far from perfect. People are lazy, dangerous, and survival is not guaranteed.

Same as it ever was.

I have no need for karma on this account.

Are you saying you have great need for karma on your other account? If you want to send me some links I'll be happy to upvote them.

I honestly believe we should completely ignore it on this sub, Liberals are dying to say our sub is at fault for the gunman incident so if we show no reaction towards it I believe it'll piss them off even more. They were just dying for us to say it's a false flag and give more legitimacy towards banning the sub entirely. Like I said, if we don't give them that it'll piss them off even more.

Just curious, but where did Pizzagate start? Where did it proliferate? Was it TD or 4chan that kept pushing it?

The mods specifically said they are removing any pizzagate stuff because it was either that or we lose the sub and it gets shut down. They made the tough decision that it's better to comply and maintain the sub.

I contributed to that thread, but I'm not surprised at all that it's gone. That sub is being held hostage, admins will give the death penalty to that sub the same way they did to the dedicated pizza sub.

They're doing everything they can to keep the lid on this thing, it'd be entertaining to watch if it wasn't so completely fucked up.

See, this is the mentality I dont understand from the trump sub. Streisand effect! What the heck do you think would happen if they shutdown that sub? You think 310k subs and avg 15k ppl online are just going to be like, oh well. That shit will back fire on them so hard it will end reddit, or at the least open up another social media competitor. People are already calling for it every day in the comments, but voats servers are not up to par.

Id much rather have them take down the sub them bend the knee like a little bitch, like these moderators are doing. They talk about safe spaces and liberals but oh no dont take our precious sub away. Fuck reddit and fuck the D mods. Grow some balls.

Id much rather have them take down the sub them bend the knee like a little bitch, like these moderators are doing. They talk about safe spaces and liberals but oh no dont take our precious sub away. Fuck reddit and fuck the D mods. Grow some balls.

I feel like they are more afraid of getting quarantine rather than a ban. If they get quarantine, they couldnt said that the mods banned them because of free speech and their speech couldnt reach the others. They are very cautious about their step anyway.

Grow some balls

More important to expose the normies to reality.

It's too big to ban outright. Instead they will kill it slowly.

Death by 1000 cuts

They are protecting their own. The pizzagate sub was taking down and they don't need to feed spez a legit reason to ban them too.


r/the_donald mods started out full cuckold.

I miss when this sub was briefly something other thatn a bunch of t_d dipshits jerking eachother off.

4chan predication post wasn't even dubs

Fabricated and homosexual

Where has the_donald goooone?

It was just here like two seconds ago...

Everyone on this site is at the mercy of the spez the spaz.

Maybe they've gone full Cuckold, maybe it's self-preservation.

Honestly, I want reddit to burn.

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Yeah, fuck their mods for removing a post with no connection to the actual theme of the sub.

And why is that even getting upvoted? It's just a guy guessing something and being correct. But it doesn't provide ANYTHING or evidence of a red flag in anyway. It's just a good guess of something.

How is there no connection? They've been allowing posts targeting Clinton/Podesta, and many things regarding wikileaks for a long time.

The election is over now? Clinton is not part of the Trump presidency any more...

And yet there are still daily posts about Hillary....

Sound like a true subscriber to r/politics

What? Literally the first non-stickied post right now mentions Clinton...

Your first point is valid, very valid. But let me ask you one counter point. Why would they allow the post to not only be at the top of r/all, but also last 4+ hours? If the mods want to stick to their rules, they had an ample amount of time to do so before this was seen by a large portion of their group.

You're also right, someone may have had a good "guess," but even so, how can you not look upon the mainstream media with disdain for how they have treated it? If a man with a gun came into one of my establishments, I would at least try to find out why. This is not the case, as mainstream media immediately reported the pizza gate scandal as being "fake news" before there was ever any "investigation" from the media.

What this does is raise questions and awareness for he situation, and that's all I can ask for.

Isn't the real conspiracy that propaganda is being used to cause division among American civilians and manufacture crimes within America?

Seems like this sub is too full of itself to see what the real conspiracy is. Again... PROPAGANDA is being used to alter American minds into doing crazy fucking things.

And all legal in the 2013 NDAA Smith-Mundt Modernization Act that repealed the previous ban of the Fullbright anti-Propoganda Amendment

For someone preaching the bigger picture, it would do you well to see it. Pizzagate is only the beginning, and this is the closest we have come to tangible evidence of international government control. First pizzagate, then everything else. Pizzagate leads to the collapse of the media, which leads to more questions.

You honest to God think that somehow Hillary Clinton and her cronies were running a pedophilia ring out of a pizza parlor? And the delusion is strong enough that you think that what is maybe the most loosely threaded theory on the internet will bring down the media? This sub used to have some legitimacy to it but unfortunately I think that all the intelligent, rational, level headed skeptics have headed for the door by now. You and everyone else like you are destroying the credibility of other valid conspiracies by propagating such an obviously fraudulent one. Do not forget that the burden of proof is on you.

Hold on, I have a handkerchief with a pizza related map as a response to you.

Every post I have stated so far has been clear and consistent. This is to keep pizzagate in the mind and mouth of the people. Whether it has anything to do with Hillary does not matter. I never brought up Hillary, or cronies, or any names in particular other than the IMDb post, you've just typed an entire reply putting words in my mouth. And no, I am not required to give proof. I am simply asking questions, and looking for truth. If I am wrong, so be it. But I will be wrong with what can only be thousands of people at this point.


Specifically, I said every post I MYSELF have said is clear and consistent. And it is. I am merely asking questions, and where the answers take me, I will go. You keep saying "you" in your post, and none if it applies to anything I myself, once again, have said. You are choosing to dismiss it entirely based off of clearly what little you have seen. This is not a discussion of whether pizzagate is real or not, this is a discussion of how far reaching it is. Each of us here has looked at the evidence and has chosen to continually keep looking deeper, and there are connections that are undeniable. I have not taken the time to save my research or where my rabbit holes have taken me because I simply don't have the time to refute every claim. What's astonishing is how you take your time to try and discredit some of the least important aspects of this entire pizza gate issue, of which I never mentioned personally.

its not about the pizza parlor, they dont need a location, they can have their pedo parties anywhere. Its about ending human trafficking, when politicians are involved in pedofilia they arent banging teenage runaways, theyre fucking kids served to them on a platter. This shit has to end, the media corroboration makes them look as if they are protecting people who they know are guilty by deflecting a further investigation. The media should have been taking the lead, lets get some warrants, kick down a few doors, and confiscate a few computers and see what happens. If its a hoax lets go after the hoax source, if its real lets put some Pizzaheads behind bars. Instead its shunned as "fake news"; give me a fucking break.

There have been investigations. For example, The Washington Post looked into the rumors and found absolutely nothing to corroborate any kind of "pedofilic" trafficking.

Just because you don't agree with the results of an investigation, doesn't mean an investigation hasn't taken place.

There was just a huge pedophile ring busted in Iceland! The Catholic Church has been covering up theirs for decades! I don't know if I believe pizza gate but why is pedophilia perceived as something these people can't possibly be involved with.

Nobody is denying it exists. Nobody is denying it can exist within high levels of powerful institutions. That's not what Pizzagate is positing. Pizzagate is positing that specific, real people are behind very serious, very heinous crimes. And they're positing these things with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. Not even a tiny bit of reasonable evidence. And the "we're just asking question" facade hasn't fooled anybody for 60 years. You're not just asking questions, you're levying real accusations against real people. Honestly, it's gone past 'accusing' and has stepped far into simply just stating "these people did these things."

Those of us who aren't batshit fucking insane have been saying since the very beginning how outrageously dangerous and unacceptable this is. And even now that a psychopathic maniac has gone into an innocent private business with a fucking rifle and started shooting, these people still can't admit how fucking insanely stupid and dangerous what they're doing is. No, of course they can't be wrong. This must be a fucking false flag. Come the fuck on man.

You have to identify and hold real people accountable to break down crime, especially one that you admit yourself could broadly extend throughout "powerful institutions" (like the U.S. government).

But no one is going to because the government is now fully aware that people are still watching them and they're going to crack down under the guise of "fake news" and no serious investigations will take place.

So if you aren't getting a paycheck from CTR, at least be glad that their sights aren't set on you yet. Ignorance is bliss, until the next "conspiracy" comes along... If you're lucky, the Internet will still be available to the people for the purpose of exposing it.

I'm starting to think all the people yelling "shill" and "CTR" are just trolls.

Which is a way better conspiracy theory than this PizzaGate nonsense.


Please define what a shill is. I am confused by your narrative.


Ever considered it may just be regular folks who think PizzaGate is idiotic?

Sorry bud but I'm never going to self-censor.

Oh, they can. Certainly can. But Pizzagate isn't drudging up any evidence of it.

The Catholic scandal goes back centuries, not merely decades.

its a hoax lets go after the hoax source


Those you are arguing with have nothing to do with the so called "hoax". From what I've seen, this has come to light from Wikileaks of John Podesta's OWN private emails. Stop acting like these people have made these accusations up themselves. Many people are researching this and finding some scary details. Do your own research or shut up. You are either not informed or a shill. Pick one.

I'm neither a shill or uninformed. I've read the emails. I've seen the evidence. It's laughably vague. The hardest "evidence" is Bill Clinton used Epstein's jet on occasion, and even that doesn't imply guilt. Everything else is based on graffiti at a music venue, a rich guys art collection, out of context emails, and customer's pictures at said venue/pizza shop.

This conspiracy is just... Poor investigating. And I think it has a lot more to do with feelings than evidence.

How else is investigative work done? Does one blindly stumble over real actual evidence such as walking into the actual event? Or does one find interesting information that subtly implies meaning and eventual facts with further digging? Maybe both or do the crime tv shows not show the smaller and slow evidence build up portion? Additionally, many of these researchers who are involved are amateurs with little more resources than the internet. Bizarre conversations, images and artwork sound like simple clues related to those one would stumble over if one was part of a story of Scooby Doo. No one in their right minds would openly use a symbol that the FBI has openly deemed as the symbol for pedophilia. Just like the Instagram default image of the statue to the tweeny who is the image of political pedophilia. People can have their own opinions about what's going on, everyone has their own asshole. Facts are facts, these are really bizarre. I don't believe one way or another. I look at the facts and say, huh... Interesting. The media can say what it wants, it always does because it's a attention whore. Podesta never thought his private emails would become public in this way. Stop trying to threaten me with your foolish opinions and logical fallacies of "oh, I think that's laughable, your opinion is stupid to me and so are the facts your putting forth." It has no affect on me. I refuse to either dismiss or be a continuation of these topics but I tend to have an issue when it's obvious there's some sort of cover-up. When I say cover-up, I mean, these facts have come to light and yet no legitimate investigation has come about to look into these strange occurrences and the media is openly denying it without anybody actually involved batting an eye. That's a cover-up. I understand pedophilia is no joke. I'm not concluding these people are to blame for such activities. When facts like these come to light, it's worth having an open mind and taking a look.

What symbols are you referring to? Vague similarities aren't evidence of a cover up. Writing "drawing of pizza on a napkin" without context isn't a cover up. I'm not saying don't continue looking for things, I'm saying don't imply you KNOW this is proof of a satanic child prostitution ring when the evidence you do have doesn't even imply that conclusion.

Cause people will start to believe it without considering the evidence, and other idiots will wander into pizza places with assault rifles.

Overall, these symbols are bizarre. To say they aren't, is concerning. These are simple connections provided here and throughout. The people involved aren't as deep as they would perceive. I've seen some of the conspiracies on here and it's easy to see craziness. A further legitimate investigation would be necessary.

Now the fools who go and attack them, who can really condon that other than more fools? To generalise that is the course of action is beyond unnecessary. Obviously, that's becoming the judge, jury and executioner without this world becoming that of Judge Dredd.

That's a really good use of alternative of choice there, unfortunately those aren't the only two options. Hypothetically if someone who wasn't a shill looked at everything that is being presented as evidence didn't see the connection, how would you expect them to respond? What you are saying is equivalent to saying either everyone is a Christian or they are a terrorist pick one.

One, I wasn't talking to you and odd you found a reason to answer for someone else when my comment is far down the thread. Two, the way I see it. I'm looking for a real investigation into this matter. Anyone denying it is either foolish or uninformed. I don't want the media denying it. The media obviously spits BS as well as plenty of fools on the internet spewing garbage. The story itself is told in his bizarre emails that nobody but the intended recipients were supposed to see. These people hold high offices in our government and their party was almost in office. I don't care how foolish the accusations may sound, this is a serious business scandal. A real investigation IS necessary.

Hey buddy, you didn't private message anyone I'm sorry what I said went against you or if it hurt your feelings.

You just gave no reason this needs to be looked into other than these people holding high offices and writing some bizarre emails.

Honestly the only thing that looks bizarre about the emails is they talk like old people who are foreign to technology. It really reminds me of /r/oldpeoplefacebook

If you have anything that actually needs to be looked at please please bring it to light, no one is saying that child trafficking is okay and pretty much the entire population except for the sick few is against it and pedophilia entirely. It is something that people stand up for. I can't fathom that it goes as deep as described by the conspiracy without someone standing up and saying something. How the hell would they even screen someone to bring them into their sick world without them going public on the whole situation. The real questions that need to be asked are pretty obvious but they don't fit the conspiracy narrative unfortunately.

Fucking thank you.

Fucking thank you.

For what? More BS?

You honest to God

LOL. Thats one thing these people do not do.

running a pedophilia ring out of a pizza parlor?

thats not how it works.

CPP is just one node of a network of associates that share a 'hobby'.

CPP is likely more part of the Washington gay scene than the pedo scene, but not to say they don't overlap, maybe at CPP.

Reddit (VIPs) itself has connections to one of the Washington gay cafes. photo of a certain person with friends.

thats what r/pizzagate then r/T_D was pointing out. why /r/pizzagate got removed.

the 'spirit cooking' things is occult and weird, part of a financial scam and also conditioning of idiot VIP celebs.

it overlaps with the two above scenes.

"Tangible evidence..." Clearly you're not familiar with a little something called "legal reasoning." Your "evidence" translates to hokum in every court this side of the moon.

Clearly, you're not familiar with reading comprehension.


All those brigaded upvotes that guy brought.

No, we're up voting him because he's one of the few talking sense!

Removed, 2nd warning for rule 10.

Hey OP, honest question... did you enjoy raping your neighbour's daughter?

I mean, I have no proof that you raped anyone but I'm just asking the question.

Actually, why hasn't anyone investigated the allegation that you raped your neighbour's daughter?

(That's how all of this works, right?)

MSM won't report on OP raping his neighbors daughter. Cucked liberal media hides the truth. He's probably a CTR shill

You're joking but lots of people in this thread are talking about OP raping and killing a 9 year old boy some time in October??

(check new comments!)

/u/JustWantingTheTruth, have you killed or raped a child, boy or girl?

Glenn Beck dun it!1!

This is fun, and I welcome it. Please ask me more questions.


Well, no one was actually hurt so... no. And even so, this kind of controversy can, at the very least, bring more eyes to pizzagate. That's all we need.

Why do we need more eyes on pizzagate? You keep saying that, but you don't explain your reasoning.

Every time someone who is obsessed with this "issue" in this sub even writes the nonsense word "pizzagate" they look more and more absurd to me.

Lynch mobs are crazy things...

To simply ask questions. Raising awareness is a form of mental preparation. Even if the media is reporting pizza gate as fake news, they're still saying the name. And for some people, that's enough to start looking around and poking bee hives. It opens the door to more questions. For those that blindly accept the msm, then nothing of value was lost to begin with.

I read the entire Welcome to Pizzagate post on Voat. I went in open-minded, I came out thinking Pizzagate is the stupidest conspiracy I've come across.

Have you considered most people feel the way I do? That this is absurd bullshit?

You may feel however you would like to feel. Most people feel a certain way so that they do not have to consider harsh truths, and I understand that. This is something no one wants to be real. Hell, I don't want it to be real. And personally, I have not seen the welcome to pizza gate post on voat, but I will in time make my way over there.

Pizzagate is no longer a question of whether or not it is real, it is a question of how big and far reaching it is.

I am not asking for blind faith. I am not asking for you to take my word on it. As I have stated before I have not taken the time to save my searches or the information that has lead me and many other to conclude the seriousness of pizzagate. I merely ask that you keep an open mind, and when you hear something or someone claim that pizza gate is false, you at least look into the specific claim yourself.

I have. It's so stupid though, buddy. Literally every piece of evidence is easily discredited. The "hotard" picture that is clearly a joke, the painting "ejaculating" on a ping pong table which is clearly graffiti, the out of context emails with words being twisted into some nefarious pseudo-language, the walk-in cooler (I've been in many, every restaurant has one, I know it looks creepy but I promise it's just a big refrigerator), almost all the photos of children used as "evidence" if back-searched are from CUSTOMERS from Comet Ping Pong.

Sometimes pizza just means pizza, man.

Exactly this, I have friends in the area, the pizza place is a 3 room building with cement floors and the walk-in is out back and is shared with another restaurant in the strip iirc, there's no hidden rooms, no secret basement. You can go in and look behind all the 'mysterious curtains', there's the party room in the back that can be reserved, and the 2 curtains in there cover to the exit door and a roll-up door. There's literally nothing to see and nowhere to hide crimes going on in there... These people are just harassing a small business owner and that's what's fucked up.

Have we all considered the possibility that this whole fiasco is likely a calculated trolling operation designed to discredit "conspiracy theorists"?


Poking a bee hive like shooting off a few rounds in a restaurant?

You're a liar and a disgrace of a human being.

This comment assumes what the media tells us is correct: a crazed gunman attacked an innocent man. Why, from this incident, do you accept what they've told you? Because you've seen no evidence to the contrary. And that's fine, but you should be open minded enough to ask questions without fear of baseless rebuttal, as you have just given me

You think you're some master troll. I see through you son.

Post your evidence or shut up.

"I'm only asking questions "

Yeah? Well I heard people I this thread talking about you raping a young boy 3 months ago. Where were you on the 8th of October? I'm just asking questions because a lot of people say you raped a young boy to death around that time.

I'm just asking questions.

As I have said many times to others, I myself did not save the information I have seen that has lead me to believe there is something going on. I am only asking questions, but they aren't baseless. Im sorry I won't take the time to humor you and spell things out, but the questions we are asking are not baseless accusations, such as your last question. For reference, most of us have seen the instagram references to different pizza related subjects, that have little to do with pizza, as well as the email leaks containing the same strange, nonsensical references to pizza. Of course, this is not "proof" of anything, but it OPENS THE DOOR TO QUESTIONS BASED IN FACT, not senselessly asking someone if they raped someone because we don't know where they were on a certain day.

You are a child rapist. I've seen enough circumstantial evidence to make that clear to me however I will not post that evidence here.

I am only asking questions.

I've saw that you like cannibal corpse, a well known band with peadophile/necrophilia lyrics and imagery.

Why do you like these child rapists so much?

The evidence is plain to see to those willing to look.

You fuck children and drink their blood.

I'm just saying we should investigate you fully before supporting your efforts here. I for one do not want to assist a known child rapist like you.

You're taking this to extremes that others may have, but your example does not allude to mine. I have never said the evidence is plain to see for those that will look, I only spoke of personal investigation. You are free to form your own opinions, as I have clearly done. I am keeping an open mind, as every person who upvoted this post has done. I am not here to debate evidence, or debate anything. Once again, we have merely formed questions from individual and independent research. You're free to make what ever claims you want, but others will start to look into it with you. And this is the difference, every day more people are questioning pizzagate. And if the whole thing is a blown up lie, then so be it. And if we are collectively wrong about it, so be it. Until we have evidence either way, the questions will remain.

Yes, we all have alt accounts we can change to on a moments notice. The difference is, thousands of people upvoted this, and you clearly using your own accounts to further your agenda isn't getting either of us anywhere. Get back to me when you have a front page post and a few hundred comments from people asking the same questions.

14 year old confirmed!

That's all this is for you, you're "playing reddit".

You add nothing of value, only heap disgrace on yourself.

And what is an alt?

Where does the code "hotdog = boy" etc come from?

These are known idioms used for years by the pedophile community, aka double speak. Granted, there is not a dictionary I could reference for you, these types of things are not written down for obvious reasons. But before you attack the validity of what the terms mean, you would first have to agree that they are talking about something other than hotdogs and pizza.

So if these terms are so well known in the underground there must be a report from some reputable source that references them? The FBI? MI5? KSB? Anywhere?

And you're right, you would have to accept the emails were coded. Which I don't. They're emails about food and gifts.

And this is the "we're getting deeper" part. For something of this nature to be hidden for so long and the information controlled so well, why would these secretive government agencies post documents about the very thing they're covering up? If it's never written down, it can't be pinned as fact without hard evidence. The double speak is only one piece of this large and intricate puzzle that you're focusing on, and that's fine, but without it, how can you explain away the rest of what is pictured?

What the fuck are talking about?

You said these are known code words but your evidence is an allusion to the dark net and 4chan? You then imply the fabric of government is involved in hiding this information? To what end? What bigger picture? Jimmy Saville?

Actually, if you scroll just a little further down on the image, you'll see that the FBI does have the images in their database for the pizza logos clearly being pedo related, and after the information broke, they changed their logo. You're welcome to make your own opinion, just make sure you at least make it to the bottom of the page.

Hot dog does not appear anywhere in the FBI document. So, now the emails are meaningless and you're talking about pizza place logos with symbology. How can you legitimatly belive this?

And the rest? You have not made it past half way down the page. You're saying every single thing on that page is incorrect because of the first few lines? How can you not believe this?

You're deflecting. What you're saying is there is no evidence for hot dog = young boy. The "thesis" of the image is based on that. And I did read it, the rest is equally nonsensical.

The thesis has nothing to do with those few words. You're deflecting by refusing to even talk about the rest of the image and focusing on one small aspect

Ok. How does besta pizza relate to the whole thing? It is a pizza place in DC that once had a logo that looks similar to a logo the FBI lists as pedophile symbology. How does it tie in to the story?

They are all pieces of the puzzle, and they add up to something. What that something is, we don't know yet. But it is something.

If you're interested, here's an interview with a guy that claims to have invented the pedo butterfly logo.

What? Loads of places have that symbol. Or the butterfly symbol.

That doesn't count as evidence of anything.

Once again, you just picked a random item out of the top of the image and attempt to discredit it. The image must be looked at as a whole. And all it points to is that there is something bigger going on, and they don't want us to know about it. That's it. That's what it boils down to.

You are either paranoid schizophrenic or retarded.

That makes two of us.

If you're interested, here's an interview with a guy that claims to have invented the pedo butterfly logo.

That is unverifiable. And reads like it's most likely made up.

Myself, Mystwr, and I would say 99% of the people there (and there were thousands many famous people, judges, lawyers, musicians, politicians, athletes and regularJoes, even women..) were 100% against ANY mistreatment of children and we were active in going so far as to report to law enforcement people whom we found to be an actual threat to children. I am not trying to say we were saints, we all watched CP we traded it etc.

I mean, nice try. Someone really spent their time trying to make it look legit and I didn't see any typos. However, that doesn't change the fact it's a wall of text any one could post.

Yep, take it for what you will, and make your own assumptions. He did offer up some stuff in the comments too that I looked up online that verifies. Doesn't mean it's true, just thought you might be interested.

You see it as healthy questioning of authority. Another way to see it is destroying the lives of innocent people.

And this is where our opinions differ. It would do us both well to recognize this and respect the other for it, not try to change it.


It doesn't matter what I feel, I'm not involving emotion into this. The fact that this event happened, is clear. The fact that this event is bringing pizzagate to more eyes and ears, is clear. I can ask for nothing else.

Someone calling it before it happened does not really do much for me. It is incredibly vague. People call shit all the time on 4chan, but you only ever see the ones who are right.

Stop raping children.

It's just a guy guessing something and being correct. But it doesn't provide ANYTHING or evidence of a red flag in anyway. It's just a good guess of something

Or, the guy who showed up with guns read it himself, and decided to arm up and verify before something went down, becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Nobody "called" the attack. They just said they bet a false flag was gonna happen. Whoopdy doo! A broken clock is right twice a day...

Every fucking skeptic interested in pizzagate has been waiting for an attack, false flag or not.

Since it did happen doesn't it validate what they're talking about though?

Hes saying it's a coincidence, no knowledge or anything

Depends how legit their prediction was. It was pretty vague, so unless you have a narrative you're trying to push, no it doesn't.

Like /u/shomman said, it's just a coincidence. I could have just as easily gone on 4chan and said the same thing. I didn't, though, because it stirs the pot when things like this happens and makes skeptics look crazier than they are.

No, take a logic course.

All it shows is that this frothing hysteria has influenced an unhinged vigilante to engage in criminal violence.

they literally uninstalled the municipal traffic cameras pointing at comet 1.3 days before the event.

it was complained about by pizzagate before the shooting and before the shootings predicition, but everyone was wondering why they took the CCTV traffic cams down.

I get that, and agree that it points to a possible false flag, but it has nothing to do with the 4chan post. If the 4chan post said the camera would be taken down (before it was actually taken down) then that would lend some credence to it being a prediction.

It was a black and white statement. No "I bet" or "I think"

You're right, but it doesn't affect the point I'm making. There was no actual knowledge of this event being presented.

How am I downvoted for stating the truth lol. Ya no details or anything I get that, all I'm saying is he/she said it in confidence. I'm not taking a stance on it bc I haven't really been keeping up with everything, I think it'll just go away like everything else unfortunately

Idk I didn't downvote you. As for saying it in confidence, like I said to another guy I (or anyone for that matter) could have done the exact same thing. I've been waiting for an attack since day 1 of pizzagate but I'm not gonna go on 4chan telling people "I guarantee you there will be an attack on Comet Ping Pong." because it just stirs the pot and makes skeptics look crazy when they go, "LOOK GAIZ 4CHAN PREDICTED THIS WOULD HAPPEN".

The_Donald has 316,696 subscribers.

This sub Conspiracy has 408,820 subscribers.

But they have over 15,000 online while we have less than 2,000 at the moment.

I've always followed this subreddit. I'm about two years out. I've never seen the sub's 9/11 evidence until today.

Where'd you find it? What'd you think of it?

Wait what? Can someone fill me in?

Me too pls


Oh fuck here we go. Thanks bud

Good luck! I didn't explore it yet myself.

Just watched this a few days ago. I joined the 9/11 stuff right after it happened and remember watching loose change back in the day. This one is much much better and breaks everything down in a very clear and elaborate way.

Because most of their subs are bots.

Lol no.

Reddit is looking for literally any excuse to fuck that sub, if they were botting they would have been banned months ago.

If they wanted it gone, it'd be gone.

You could say the same thing about this sub, of any.

It's not logical.

You're right, they could take down any sub if they wanted. But they don't because they want a user base, of which they make money off of (pushing ads, selling reddit gold).

So it's not logical that they wouldn't want to alienate hundreds of thousands of their user base? That seems pretty logical to me

What if this sub is controlled disinformation?

This subreddit is nowhere close to disliked as that sub. In fact, from my personal experience, most non-conspiracy-theorizing redditors find this an interesting and intriguing escape, filled with civil people discussing what the mainstream would deem to be fringey stuff. But coool and fun nonetheless. Sure there are naturally going to be people who look down at conspiracy groups wherever they are, but ...

...have you been to r/the_donald? That place is a nasty cesspool constantly trying to provoke and instigate the rest of reddit. They constantly ban people that show just a mild semblance of not acting like an over the top rally-er. They're constantly sharing actual fake news. Check out the post about Norway deporting Muslims and crime dropping 30%. There are long time r/the_donald users who are begging people to recognize this is literally fake news from a random blog, and the subreddit is more or less telling them to shut up.

That place isn't even being mistreated ... yet. 90% of their posts that would reach top 100 in r/all would have like 50-60 comments. They found cheap ways to get easy recognition, they've never showed even hints of cooperation or discussion with the outside world. Even hyper partisan places like r/conservative, r/hillaryforpresident or r/sandersforpresident were nothing like r/the_donald. Honestly, any level headed person sifting through that subreddit should pretty quickly recognize that people there are interested mainly if having fun by being trolls.

Sometimes I find it hard to believe that that subreddit hasn't been taken over by liberal/libertarian/center-right trolls trying to smear the image of Trump supporters.

So you think reddit mods need an excuse? If so, why not just create fake incriminating post on t_d, then use that as excuse? In fact, if reddit mods didn't want t_d active, why didn't they do this a year ago? It's not even difficult.

You try to rationalise why the world doesn't fit a particular conspiracy theory, but once in a while try to consider it as evidence that the theory is wrong.

The same could be said about this sub too.

Is this sub a false flag?!

Why do they allow it?!

Am I a bot?

I too am a bot i guess

I'm a bot as well it seems.

bot reporting for duty.

Also, fuck OP.

Beep beep boop boop

Upvote everything


ok... beep boop beep 100101101. Confirmed. Am Bot Now

That means more than 150,000 of them are bots...yeah no.

Edit: Also, some proof would be appreciated.

Wtf? No they aren't, it's just an incredibly active sub.


Yeah. I'm convinced that most of T_D's subs are 18-20 year olds for whom this is their first election ever. It's obvious in the way they are so excited like all the bullshit going on in politics is something totally new and revolutionary, when it's just the same crap that comes up every 4 years.

wikileaks of HRC and DNC and Podesta do not come up every four years. this was radically new for 2016.

and lawyers are going to have fun and be gainfully employed by the revelations for years to come.

there is a lot of illegal and immoral shite in the wikileaks emails, treason being the top crime, murders and lesser stuff following.

the HRC and Jake Sullivan 'target list' for example, alludes to the CIA/State dept overseas death list.

illegal murders done outside of wartime, we are seeing court cases arise from some drone and rendition cases.

The_Donald is comprised of a ridiculous amount of bots. It will eventually be banned.

[citation needed]

Oh wait, forgot what sub I was on ;)

Go back to ETS

This bullshit 4chan post is proof of exactly nothing. For all we know one of you posted it.

Why don't you show the post of the guy who created a browser plugin that downvotes everything on T_D and is distributing it?

4chan post

4chan post

Completely contextless image with nothing to say what it is, who made it, or if it's even real, and with no link to t_d

Yeah I'm sure they'll ban it any time now, it's only been up and doing its thing for a year.

Even if the mods finally reached their breaking point of being super assblasted and banned t_d without cause, it doesn't matter. They already won.

Later tater :)

Lol you sound like your discrediting 4chan, yet isn't that where pizzagate started? And don't act like incumbency of a year is worth anything. R/niggers was a sub for WAY longer. The number of active users is the red flag for me. Find me a subreddit with such a high subscribers: online ratio. Either it really is a circle jerk with people who spend ALL their time in an complete echo chamber, or is populated like bots.

I have friends on that sub, and that mod post sums it all up. It's a sub solely for TRUMP RALLYING. literally no dissenting opinion, critical thoughts, or literally ANY discussion other than MAGA is tolerated. If that's where you get your information, consider yourself uninformed.

Lol you sound like your discrediting 4chan, yet isn't that where pizzagate started?

I have yet to see anything convincing on pizzagate, it all sounds pretty flimsy. That being said I applaud them for taking the initiative, better to have people digging around and not find anything than to miss something important.

The number of active users is the red flag for me. Find me a subreddit with such a high subscribers: online ratio. Either it really is a circle jerk with people who spend ALL their time in [a] complete echo chamber, or is populated like bots.

The first one. It's a hardcore circlejerk.

I have friends on that sub, and that mod post sums it all up. It's a sub solely for TRUMP RALLYING.

Wow you figured it out

literally no dissenting opinion, critical thoughts, or literally ANY discussion other than MAGA is tolerated.

Just like /r/hillaryclinton, /r/socialism, /r/latestagecapitalism, etc etc. Nobody is claiming t_d is unbiased or open to debate.

If that's where you get your information, consider yourself uninformed.

It's not. I cross reference multiple sources to see who's calling bullshit on who.

If you get your info from /r/conspiracy though you're in real trouble

No one "won". America lost.

my opinion is fact

Except it's not. It'd be banned if it was.

No, for many people T_D is reddit. They don't go anywhere else.

Good thing is a bastion of critical thought and non biased information.

This sub is ONLY for rallying for Donald Trump. Anything else will be banned

... Nvm

It doesn't purport to be.

So, deliberately choosing to be okay with one-sided information all of a sudden makes it more acceptable?

I don't know what your point is. The OP claimed they were all bots and I said that's not correct because many people never actually leave the sub. The type of information found there is irrelevant.

r/conspiracy subscribers are probably much more likely to abandon an account for a new one on a regular basis. I am likely responsible for at least 6 of those subscribers.

You know you are off the deep end if you start to accuse the_donald...... that subreddit, out of all places as shills.

dude, I got to tell you, you lost your mind. This conspiracy theory is literally making too many people lose their minds and it is starting to enabling the troubled people to harm real life people with this shit.

You can keep calling me or anyone who calls you out of this madness as shills, CTR or whatever the fuck you call your dissenters. It doesn't matter.

You have officially started to go on a path of no return. This conspiracy theory already enabled one nut job to shoot at that pizza place. And its only going to get worse if you don't have some semblance of reality check.

if you have some facts and an explanation that proves why this "conspiracy" is bullshit, go ahead, show us all.

In your opinion, what is the single most convincing piece of evidence for Pizzagate? Because every time I try reading about it, it's all "this symbol looks sort of like a pedophile symbol" type of shit.

In the end, most conspiracies can't be "proven bullshit" as you've requested. Can't prove a negative. People believe that the world is flat and the moon landing was faked.

Here's all you need to know.

I looked through all of that as someone on the fence with pizzagate and none of that is concrete. Some are suspicious, but some of those other instances have been debunked like the "it couldnt get better than this" image. You guys are just grasping at straws and seeing that James guy from Comets ping pong walk those 2 through his business tells me hes not hiding anything, rather hes at his wits end and wants the public to stop harassing him. Are some of the images questionable? Definitely. Do they prove anything? Not at all.

I believed in the possibility of Comet ping pong being involved at the beginning, but with more and more "evidence" (as you call it) coming out, I stray farther and farther from that conclusion.

But its your life, feel free to go down this rabbit hole and waste hours, if not days, harassing a pizza shop owner. If Im wrong about this, then so be it, Im not going to hinder your investigation, but I will put my foot down when people actually find its necessary to travel hours away and harass the man, and call you all impulsive fools.

Never said they prove anything, I just want an official investigation and for the media to stop trying to kill this

Nice job trying to disregard that the symbol is actually a pedophilia symbol regonized by the fbi only for it to have been changed right when the podesta emails released.

can we also ignore the fact that thw pwnder of the pizza place is a really creepy cunt?

Oh, and lets not forget, why the hell is wikipedia protecting a page against vandalism?. Note the word "falsely" in the paragraph. Thats an adjective that wikipedia doesnt usually put in their reports. Whats so special about pizzagate for them to let an adj in a paragraph clearly showing baise?

Oh yeah, we cant hurt the overord DNC. Shills unite!

None of those shapes were used by comet pizza and the association with other organisations seems like pretty severe reaching for patterns where none exist, it could be complete coincidence that the logos of whatever kinda look like these 'symbols',

just because someone has a weird sense of humor doesn't make them a criminal,

the page is probably 'being protected' to keep people from posting conspiracy bullshit to it.

These fucking Trump supporters have hijacked this whole god-damn subreddit with their fucking bullshit.

GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE. No one wants to hear how you think the global elite use the same words as 4chan.

It seriously reads like the conspiracy theories I believed in my freshman year of highschool. I can't believe adults are wasting their time reading shit like that.


That's the only part you got wrong, I think.

Fuck you. This is /r/conspiracy and pizzagate has as much going for it (if not a fuck ton more) compared to conspiracies in the past, you can't shame this community. This subreddit is EXACTLY the place for pizzagate to be discussed, just as it is for any other conspiracy.

How can you pretend to be apart of his community and not understand the fundamental purposes of this subreddit?

It's trolling. Seems like it is the same creeps that were behind the fake-racism ops /r/CoonTown and /r/GreatApes. Just neckbeards on 4chan "trolling librul SJWs".

Why is Wikipedia protecting a page from hundreds of autists from 4chan editing it?

Hmm, I can't imagine. It must be because wikipedia is part of a global pedophile cabal.

Any other explanation is simply bullshit, look at this picture of a doll. Creepy innit? Dolls cost money. Child abuse costs money.

I rest my case.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought. It's a fucking heart with a swirl in it.

It's really not that big a piece of evidence. As for the dude being creepy, well, most of the fuckers on this sub are pretty creepy too, but I don't think you're all pedophiles.

Wikipedia says "falsely" because there's not a single actual piece of evidence, just a bunch of slightly creepy shit that conspiracy nuts are trying to tie together.

Dude, I've seen and posted weird shit when I'm out at antique shops and share it with people because it's hilarious. You are seriously, seriously reaching. This entire pizzagate shit is the worst of unhinged nutjobs trying to find any patterns they can.

dude, I could attempt to write out a comprehensive proof here, but honestly I don't have the patience to write it. This whole conspiracy is based on shaky foundations, misunderstandings, or downright faulty inferences. It could take pages and pages to fully respond to it. Besides, getting called shill countless times is not really motivating me to spend hours debunking it.

Here's one guy who attempted to debunk this conspiracy in 34 minutes.

Pizzagate, whether people like it or not, is a prime example of "flood of misinformation".

So much SHIT has been flung at the wall that there's no way to disprove literally ALL of it. So the believers can look at whatever's left and say "LOOK!".

I'm open to pizzagate being real, just because I can't really prove it's not. There are a few things that are creepy about the place. But I can find a lot of stuff that's creepy about Pizza Hut, or Dominoes, or Papa John's too if I let confirmation bias lead the way...

The 1000s of real CP sharing twitter accounts that were uncovered by researching all the Alefantis social media accounts are 100% proof that PG is real. Don't let these disinfo shills convince you to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Every investigation has the majority of leads that go nowhere. Stay focused on the leads that do pan out.

The 1000s of real CP sharing twitter accounts that were uncovered by researching all the Alefantis social media accounts are 100% proof that PG is real.

Do you have a link to this evidence (not the CP of course, I mean the evidence that PG has connections to actual pedos)? I mean if there are thousands of pedophiles with direct links to PG, I'll totally change my tune.

Thank you.

I have some problems with it, though. The first links are quite credible. I am convinced that elite pedophile rings exist. There are a lot of pedos in the world, ten minutes on the dark web can prove that. Some pedos will surely be elites - just like some murderers are elites, some thieves are elite, some people with green eyes are elites - it's just statistical dispersion. It also follows that elites (unlike blue collar pedos) have the power to cover it up and get away with it. So it makes sense that there are elite pedo rings. Further, there is proof - the Marc Dutroux evidence, the Omaha Boy's Town scandal, etc., which are included.

So "elite pedo rings exist", check.

The satanic cult claims are harder to swallow. I've seen the Bohemian Grove footage. I know they get into that kind of thing. But that isn't really Satanism, it's more paganism. And a lot of that seems explainable - people like that in situations like that do a lot of weird shit. I think when you're crazy rich and powerful, the normal kind of things get boring. It's also metaphorical, just like any religion. I'm not really convinced that these people are actually full-on believers and do what they do in order to please Moloch or whatever (although it's pretty believable that Hitler was all in on the occult, and that some of his beliefs and supporters made their way into the US gov't after the war). But that's not totally relevant - whether they do it for weird religious beliefs or just because they are pervs doesn't matter much to me.

I spent a lot of time with artists. The stuff about 'spiritcooking' is not that unusual in some crowds. It's kind of like a IRL version of watching a horror film or sci-fi series most of the time - basically just for fun, but maybe crosses a line. I don't take it very seriously because I've been around some similar kinds of things. Same with the art and music in Comet Ping Pong - essentially it's just bad taste (although those things will occasionally draw people who are totally serious about it and are truly sick, the artwork of Sally Mann comes to mind as legit art that attracts pedos). But I am open to it being more than that, because if you do have an elite pedo ring they probably do have creepy art on their walls (and probably do collect Sally Mann photos). It's just that that evidence is circumstantial at best.

The whole "cheeze pizza" thing is silly IMO, because it's a damn pizza place and that term originated on 4chan anyway - the same place that the whole pizzagate story originated from (I think). Maybe it's a link, but I think it's probably not. This stuff is where I get frustrated - it's a pizza place, someone mentioning pizza or cheese or pasta on their twitter isn't damning. That stuff just seems to discredit the better evidence.

We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.

(from an email leak) This sounds pretty damning. I'm trying to be skeptical and think of how it could be just poor wording or something, but yikes. I'm having trouble doing so. Alone, I can pass it off as just a poorly written sentence but it sure sounds like they are delivering children as "entertainment".

A worthy leaked government email to check out where pizza is obviously a code word: "Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it...Simply send a single response, filed, color-coded, double-sided and appropriately labeled, signed in triplicate and set on fire."

that seems like an obvious joke to me about red tape and bureaucracy.

So I do see some good evidence, it's just that there also is a bit of not-so-good evidence mixed in. And people here seem to focus on the not-so-good kind. We should try to focus on the things like the people involved who have been imprisoned for pedo related activity, not the 3 degrees of separation to a person who makes creepy cakes evidence.

I'll have to spend some more time reading these links. Thanks for posting it though, pretty much what I've been looking for.

Alone, I can pass it off as just a poorly written sentence but it sure sounds like they are delivering children as "entertainment".

Or they're saying their children are a handful. This read likes something from my cousin: "Oh thanks for inviting me to dinner btw I'm bringing over all my bratty kids so you'll have some entertainment lol. BTW they're using your pool".

That could well be what they meant. That's one of the problems with reading other people's emails - you can't know the context and the way the people speak. It's why I don't read much into things like that.

There are many other threads about it. Search twittergate, especially on voat. The links were all there, and the admins (not mods - admins) deleted the threads the day before they banned r/PG. The threads from that day are archived over on voat. I would link them but voat is blocked for me from work.

But be careful. The proof threads have actual links to the CP twitter pages. The voat threads are safe, but you're literally one link away from the real deal.

I don't doubt that lots of twitter users try to post CP. Pretty much every social medium has that problem. I also see that twitter looked pretty bad for allowing it to go on, and possibly even protecting them. What I don't see is how that is linked to Comet Ping Pong. Were the twitter pedos all also following CPP's twitter or something?

Did the reddit admins delete threads about it, or the voat admins - I couldn't tell from what you said. I'm guessing you meant reddit admins. I guess that may be evidence that reddit is covering for pedos (or at least that it needs further research).

It's just that the most evidence I can find that Comet Ping Pong is a hive of pedos is:

they have creepy artwork

they had a creepy band play there

their logo looks like a pedo logo if you really, really try to see it

some cherry picked twitter pics that could either be bad jokes or bad jokes that betray a secret pedo tendency

and this one seems like "pedos exist on twitter, and Comet Ping Pong exists on twitter, therefore they are linked".

FWIW, I absolutely believe there are elite pedo rings out there. The Franklin Boy's Town scandal, the Westminster pedo scandal, and that horrifying series of posts about a European (Austrian?) serial killer child rapist/torturer who was linked to VIPs pretty much convinced me of it. But with PG, I've just seen mostly very circumstantial evidence and wild leaps of faith.

I honestly want to know the truth. I'm just not willing to jump on a bandwagon and condemn people based on conjecture. I wish someone would compile a list of evidence that is beyond hipsters doing weird hipster stuff that seems kinda creepy.

Also, if someone has the link to that series of posts about the European serial killer, it would be great. My memory is terrible, but I remember it was very well researched and very credible.

*edit - found it, Marc Dutroux was his name and he is Belgian:

Personally, I think Comet Ping Pong is just a pizza place, and not a hub of a Clinton backed elite ring, but at the same time, I also think that Alefantis himself is, at the very least, a welcoming friend to pedos in the area.

The burden of proof is never on someone to disprove something. This whole thing has been going for months with zero evidence just a web weaved of conjecture.

It has only been 4 weeks, but your point remains valid.

Oh wow... we're in religious fervor territory here...

Burden of proof is on you, not him.

Proof here, let me know what you think

Actually I said that there was going to be a false flag way beforehand:


I have no doubt this could be used to distract from something much larger, but right now, pizzagate is the most tangible item we have to go on.

First, pizzagate, then, Antarctica.

Reminds me of the movie Deep Impact. The journalist thinks she has a lead on a senator sex scandal involving a woman named Ellie. She later finds out ELE is an acronym for Extinction Level Event. Good popcorn flick. The path to the truth is winding.

The pathways of Destiny's garden are ever twisting,

Jesus. Are we basing our thoughts on fictional movies from the 90's now?


No just that investigations often start off looking for something completely different from what's actually found. Look up how penicillin was discovered if you want a real like example.

So being wrong is now proof that they were onto something?

Like if I say Kanye is a shapeshifter, and then it comes to light that he cheated on his taxes, I can just say "oh, I'm totally good at this, just got a couple insignificant details wrong!"? I don't get your point.

And still, how does a trope from a sci-fi movie prove anything about 'the path to truth'?

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. It doesn't prove anything - it's simply how life works. Forget about the sci-fi movie part.

OK. I'm willing to admit there are parallels to real life in fiction all the time. Art imitates life, and vice versa. I just thought you were trying to say that it was some kind of proof. Like that secret codes were embedded in the film or something. Or just that because it happened in a movie, it's proof of a pattern.

No, ha. I have heard people who believe in that stuff. I think that's mostly fantasy.

Deep Impact is about a comet hitting Earth. It's a total disaster-porn flick. No secret meanings. I just used it as an example because the movie's journalist's story is interesting.

OK, sorry I was harsh. Kind of annoyed at the direction of this sub lately, and am overly defensive about it.

I hear you. No worries.

Antarctica? Did I miss something recently?

Antartica, the land protected from citizens from multiple countries from around the world. Where there is said to be oasis and lots of wildlife. Some say its the entrance to hollow earth, the barrier for earth, just another continent, the place where hitler and many nazis had excaped to. The land only explored deeply by admiral Bird. Where we had unleashed many nuclear weapons in which caused a hole in the greenhouse gasses. Many theories. All we know is we have no right as sovereign citizens to freely explore the allegedly all ice continent due to the massive military force.

Y'all crazy.

Are you actually Larry bird?

I know the last time I tried to get into Antarctica the military man said no, no, you no get pasta me, and we had to go back so this makes sense.

Yah me too on my monthly journey to antactica



This is quite the theory

Is there any evidence at all on this?


Do you know what sub you're in?

Do the research and you will find some. Theres not much evidence. Thats why they said we need to look into it more.

I tried, but couldn't find much if anything.

Was hoping there was a good thread in here or 4chan someone may have come across

No particular one. Just lots of youtube videos mainly. Look up admiral birds journy, hollow earth, nazis in antartica, antartica treaties, etc.

wtf did i just read?

What about Ben Saunders??

Is this some of that "post irony" I've been hearing so much about

That's a list of the dumbest shit I've ever heard and it would make me feel better to know that this is just hyperadvanced trolling

So dumbass fake bullshit then? Cool

We should just call it "club ped", even if John Kerry is the only one there

Hollow Earth? That's something I've never heard of.

If the Earth is hollow, can it also be flat?

All youd have to do is just accept the other going theory that there are levels to the earth. Each one is above or below. Heaven above us. Sheol below. All flat planes stacked onto each other. It is a weird idea though.

ATS is leaking, it seems.

But you may be on to something. I just realized that 'Antarctica' has 10 letters, which is just 3 shy of 13, which is how many steps there are in the Illuminati pyramid! Which means that in 3 years Aliens vs. Predator is totally gonna be revealed as a true documentary!

then, Antarctica

what is going on in Antarctica?

I'm going to predict there will be a school shooting and a cop will shoot a black man.

If all you are doing is saying that there will be one and then when something pops up that might fill your narrative you cling to it, you aren't being predictive you are throwing spaghetti at a wall.

A person who has at some point known someone who knows Hillary will die one day. It will appear to be from natural causes, or an accident, or suicide.

Just commenting so I can come back and prove conspiracies happen because I TOTALLY CALLED IT.

There's a vast difference between predicting that some vague event will happen to some vague person at some vague time somewhere throughout the country, and someone predicting that an event will take place that directly pertains to pizzagate.

We're talking an incident that affects the actual establishment in question, not some isolated incident in a far-off location that just serves an agenda, as Sandy Hook had been billed.

Every time anything happens in the news, a bunch of people say "there's going to be a false flag". Then, when whatever next thing happens in the news, they pop up and say "OMG I WAS RIGHT! IT'S TOTALLY PROOF!"

This was in one of the comments on that thread. Many interesting coincidences.

It's so odd like with Sandy Hook a memorial page that was set up beforehand and news articles jumping ahead of schedule. Why does this happen? Is someone forced to write these things oopsing so we can have some proof?

It's like Obama's fake birth certificate. They couldn't hire and NDA someone who knew what they were doing? I mean it's not rocket science. Make the doc and print a close as possible forgery and then scan that as if it were real. Don't PDF the original PS layered file.

You're looking at a screenshot that says "9hrs ago"

You don't know when it was posted and whoever created it relies on you not checking how accurate it is.

The first archive link is

Thats 4am on the 5th of Dec.

All the search results were posted AFTER the gunman event, that screenshot is faked to fool you. Because no one ever checks and you're so ready to believe this bullshit.

like with Sandy Hook a memorial page that was set up beforehand and news articles jumping ahead of schedule.

That didn't happen though. It was just people who don't understand how the internet works making dumb claims.

Wow, that's the stupidest thing I've read on the internet today.

There are actually Obama birthers left? Really dude?

Let's make this very clear. There's 400,000 people subscribed to this subreddit.

There are about 125,000 schools in the US if you count both colleges as well as private and public K-12 schools.

If every single one of us chooses a different school and claims there's going to be a school shooting at the school we chose within the next month, chances are 12 of us would be right.

Keep in mind there are coincidences all the time, people will claim to predict things constantly and very likely will fail. Cherry picking a single comment buried beneath mountains of other comments and praising it for predicting the future is called Survivorship bias, and it's not at all a good way to think.

It's pretty obvious why t-d mods deleted that, it's because it isn't donald related and it's going to bring a lot of unwanted trouble if people start seeing pizza threads on t-d

Asking for upvotes runs the risk of your post getting removed. You should edit that out.

Reworded per your suggestion

The Donald is full of a bunch of Trump shills and bots


You mean out of the 7 billion people on this planet one of them predicted something! Holy shit!!!!!! Wooooooahhhh mind blown.



If I'm not mistaken, he wasn't even right. He went into CPP looking for evidence of kids, not looking to attack Alefanis or any Podestas, none of which were even on site. So no, he didn't "call" anything.

This is amusing.

Dude, I called it 10 hrs in advance, which is closer to the mark (less of a coincidence, though it was that), what's your point?

No point to be made as I have said countless times, only bringing awareness to pizzagate.

This sub really wants to gets shut down, huh?

This sub has remained for years by following the rules, and this post does not break any rules. The sticky reminds us what must be done in the event of rule breaking as well, and if this sub is shutdown, 200,000 subscribers, who were already asking questions, will only ask more questions. And that's the mission to begin with.

Keep on bringing up pizzagate

Post is in James Alefantis' non-existent basement.

I rarely crawl out from under my rock, what was the comet pizza attack?

Some guy grabbed a couple guns and went to investigate this pizza place himself. Everyone ran away and he did his thing. Found nothing, fired a round or two and gave up to police. Looking at s maximum of 10 years. He also has a questionable criminal history.

I wonder if people will still claim he's an actor when he's sitting in prison.


He literally is an actor. He's credited in 3 movies on his IMDb page. His dad has written over 30 screenplays and worked as a director for a child abuse organization. You don't think that's suspicious?

AND? So suddenly actors can't ever do anything bad without it being a cover-up?

I get how people could think actors play people who were KILLED in shootings. The body isn't seen again; it could just dissapear.

But this guy got ARRESTED! He'll go to TRIAL, then PRISON.

Are you claiming he's been paid to ruin the rest of his life?

Wait a minute.

You think this guy going to prison refutes the legitimacy of his being a patsy? How in the slightest?

What if he had a deal made: 10 years for being the pizzagate shooter, or he goes down for 25 for whatever other real or fake crime he's been implicated of? Or his family will suffer worse?

Are you implying there's no incentive for people to go down as the fall guys for crimes, despite the fact that that happens every day?

The thing to consider here is that if you accept the premise of a systemic pedo ring for elites, the idea of a false flag crisis actor doing time in a cell is a VERY small obstacle to orchestrate at that point. If you can move mountains, you aren't hindered by the necessity to move hills.

Orlando IMDB actor and 'the big lie' and other movies, State dept VIP daddy .

There was a weird connection through his dad pointed out

ask why the LAX shooter never went to court in three years and counting, no news.

the Houston Stay family murderer, two plus years no court show, no news.

both affairs were very MSM reported back then. both were outrageous events.


Also of note: moon rock can't melt cheese beams

I saw that on 4chan too. Everyone called the person a fag and that there was no media coverage, so they were making it up.

Has there actually been any proof?

Cause I know an Australians politician who supports Anne Geddes and her photography.

Anne Geddes and her photography

Now that shit is creepy.

Here ya go, tell me what you think

I see a lot of stupid jokes in email format. I see a lot of interpretation rather than evidence.

What about actual evidence?

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dude said he was taking 4 guns to the show. cops only found three. where is the missing gun?

inside a young boy

How do we know OP of the post from T_D wasn't the gunman?

Now that would be an elaborate karma harvesting plot

"Kneel before Zod" is the new norm, AI comment control can dance around any subject matter on any comment section anywhere, with enough verbal finesse, that anybody just stumbling on this information will be left so dazed and confused that the simplest of basic discussions will be overwhelming.

At this point, it does have to be asked. If the gen pop is just now learning that we are experimenting with AI, then what does the government already have?

Why is it interesting he has an IMDB page? He's a community college dropout from Wilmington, NC. The community college isn't all that great, but I digress. We are (were) the "Hollywood of the East" until NC decided to get rid of subsidies and tax breaks for filming here. That said, he has credits for what are essentially college student films.

I dunno, I feel like some of this is making mountains out of molehills. Pizzagate? I'm with you. This retard being involved more than "the internet made me angry 'bout this so I'm going to go do what ignorant rednecks do best and go show my ass?" Not so much. This guy is like a dime a dozen on the south, and when the waters get muddied with information, these dumb fucks respond the only way they know how.

You seem reasonable, can I ask you seriously what it is in this pizzagate conspiracy you find compelling? I've read the archived threads though admittedly I haven't went to voat and find the entire thing to be frankly laughable.

I guess I should expand on the "I'm with you" since I'm really not and I don't believe they have discovered anything that shows this is some vast child exploitation ring.

I meant it more as "I can sort of understand your willingness to explore the possibility that a conspiracy may be afoot" (even though, again, I don't personally believe there is). That said, even if I assumed all their "evidence" up to now as being rock-solid, I still think the random asshat who decided to go deliver some Freedom to Comet Ping Pong is just that - some random asshat.

I see. Yeah, it's good people want to investigate things I agree but my God people are idiots.

Is there a better quality of that? It's super blurry on mobile. Thanks!

You would think all these posts are evidence just in case there could be others involved or more people who are planning stuff...they have to know people are archiving everything so it's only about censorship and keeping info suppressed. They could lock comments to stop people talking about it there's no reason to delete whole posts.


Epstein and trump and ctr , it all stinks,

Whatever happen to draintheswamp?

"Can I get 1 large cheese, 1 medium pepperoni, & one small Asian?"

(Sub conspiracy)

I'm starting to suspect the alternative archive websites common with izza gate, and, are collecting data on viewers. They force you through CloudFlare, requiring an analysis of your browser with Google's Recaptcha. They then block VPN/Proxy/Tor connections still. You have to be naked to view those archives.

While OP's wonderful use of the main official does not have any of these requirements.

Pretty much every website is collecting data on visitors. They are called cookies. It's not new.

Using a vpn or Tor is now probable cause to consider you a target by the NSA. So are many things, as you're obviously aware because you dropped the 'p' in pizzagate.

If we spent our time talking about credible conspiracies, we may actually be able to get something done about it. But instead we're just discrediting ourselves on posts like this (I mean the '4chan called it' post you were replying to, not your comment).

It's like as soon as a conspiracy is proven true (NSA spying, US torturing captives, etc), we lose all interest in it and have to move on to aliens and illuminati pizza parties.

This is good information, and makes sense. I will be sure to only use the main links.

It's funny because a few days before that post, there are two posts about Colin Kapernick losing games and that was completely on topic, but an actual political scandal is "off topic"

meh, this doesn't seem like much.

mark my words, there will be an event with Trump and this event will be used to justify some sort of massive financial bailout for a company.

it's like fortune telling, you say something vague and then afterwards you connect it. The original comment was an attack on the podesta brothers, without a timeline.

there will be an event with Trump and this event will be used to justify some sort of massive financial bailout for a company

Trump is going to use the office for personal gain, raid the coffers like Bush did, and then - shockingly - use it to protect himself from any legal consequences.

Remember, you saw it here first!!!

I'm Nostradamus now.

Those threads happen all the time on 4chan, lol

/pol/ puts out so much dumb nonsense every day that some of is is bound to be true

reddit is loaded to that tits with genuine retards. It's amazing really. Love it! Love you feckin tards!

Why are so many people saying OP is a child rapist?

There are many people talking about how he raped a 9 year old boy to death some time in October??

For this to be accurate, you'd first have to know who I, the OP, am. Secondly, this account has 2 posts total and is barely two weeks old. Try again, please. This is fun.

Have you ever had pizza? Did you rape and murder a young boy in early October?

This is fun, please keep wasting more of your time. I enjoy reading it.

There's certainly circumstantial evidence pointing toward it... the capitalization patterns of their username is consistent with known pedophiles. No rational person could completely rule out the possibility that OP is a serial child rapist in cahoots with Podesta. It deserves investigation, don't you think?



You're still going? Impressive at this point.

^ exactly the kind of evasive non-response you'd expect from a pedophile child rapist. Why won't you just come clean? We're not going to stop you until WE GET THE TRUTH about those children you've been raping

It's fun watching you reply to yourself.


I believe the point you're trying to make here is that your information is as legitimate as mine. And you're going about it in a very child-like manner, refusing to accept context and the like. Fascinating.


I just want to see how much more you'll type, as I find these accusations as interesting as pizzagate itself, so please continue.

Still no denial... did you meet the children through John Podesta, or abuse them all by yourself?

Why are you targeting me? I don't have pictures of little girls tied up in a basement on my instagram. In case you were curious why Alefantis was targeted.


You're the one claiming I would have met children through John podesta, I never said that. And furthermore, I have no need to deny something that doesn't exist. But thank you for implicating the podestas, just one more piece I can add to my puzzle.

My goodness, that is a strong piece of evidence to add to the puzzle!

So you're done now that you messed up and involved Podesta? Good lol.

Nope, I didn't mess up -- I know him personally and have participated in several orgies with him. He's quite a kind fellow. I'd be happy to invite you to our next one, if you'd like! I was actually planted in this forum by the CIA, who I work for under contract, and was testing you to see what you know.

I upvoted you for that one, truly amazing how much time you're willing to waste here, while the post goes higher and higher. My only mission was to reach as many eyes as possible. I enjoyed this back and forth, til next thread?

Rule 4.

Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed. 1st warning.

/r/The_donald is unfortunately bought and paid for at this point. rip.

/r/conspiracy will likely meet the same fate at some point...Time to move to voat lol

Everyone should move to VOAT

Is this happening on /r/conspiracy? There was a thread filled with a huge compile of the investigation with like a hundred links. It was posted 2 days ago and now it's [removed]

That was my post on 4chan. I made multiple threads about the potential for a falseflag and they all got slid. I've been researching this shit since the beginning and I just want to remind everyone that they deliberately injected disinfo into the pizzagate discourse. Everything about the Mcann girl is disinfo and thats the bogus cointelpro lead they want us to invest our time into. They even reopened the Mcann investigation and make no mistake, this was done deliberately to make it look like you guys are onto something. It's bait, don't fall for it. Look into NCMEC/ICMEC and Laura Silsby. Also look into this connection I'm not fully up to date on the investigation because of work but last time I checked this poster was heading in the right direction. Read the whole thread and take mental note of everything

If you still think that Reddit had a saving grace then let this be your last mistake. Join the community on /pol/ and voat. use google to find /EWO/ eyeswideopen. Share the momentum

Memory hole.

The comments are eachbeing removed, too. Mods or admins?

Every comment in the thread was deleted, I think that's standard when a post is removed/deleted, but I'm not familiar enough with Reddit to know.

No some comments remain


They did

They did release it. And he shot the gun not at people.

His name was released. I think someone found his IMDb page and also a link to a news article where he had just run over a child recently, which has fuelled the whole conspiracy

This seems to be one of the newer mods as I don't recognize his name. Shills infiltrating the mods?

/r/the_donald has officially bent its knee to the reddit admins. rip

If only they would bend the knee to sanity...

If you can tell me the title of the post I can tell you what it is. I have an excel spreadsheet of every post since the 26th

One of the shop owners had on his Instagram a picture with a young boy and the hashtag #chickenlovers. That's code-word for a man and a young boy. He also had a picture of a young girl tied to the floor with duct tape. His circle of friends sure loved that picture

who cares? Tons of people knew this was coming, I watched 2 different youtube vids last week calling it. RichieFromBoston has been talking all about how this would happen. It was obvious, it was a setup. Doesn't take a genius.

I saw what you're referencing, someone posted it yesterday on

Reddit only deals in real news now a days... They have an image to uphold...

Except when it comes to every single sub they whore out to make a profit.

Hmmmm... I wonder who deleted it... cough cough

STEVE HUFFMAN (aka pussy boy)

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I come from r/The_Donald.

I'm prettt disappointed we're not allowed to talk about Pizza gate, as I feel its a topic that should get looked at extensively, as if it true, then children's lives are at stake.

I believe the reason why was because of the same reason OP mentioned, the mods are protecting the sub from being shot down just like r/Pizza gate.

Well see how it goes for Milo, or wether he does decide to wait, which is really not something Milo has been known to do.

worships Trump

worships Milo

calls himself 'brossiah'

everything about you is very consistent, at least.

Thank you.

I'm also married to a man if you want me to save you some time out of looking through my posts.

Not sure how that's relevant, but thanks?

Elvis and Oswald took it out from the 6th floor of the grassy knoll.

I lol'ed, but the JFK assassination is a credible conspiracy theory, IMO.

The guy looks like a total 4channer. Probably was the one who posted it. Maybe one of those "don't go to school tomorrow if you live in DC" kind of things?

Is this the same. OP from /r/OpenInvestigations?

Apparently he was involved in a child abduction of a young boy in early October.

Please be careful what he tells you is true because he is likely trying to cover his own tracks like classic dark net pedos.

I posted in there about the arrest. A mod chimed in and said to take it r/conspiracy, then closed the post.

They don't want pizzagate related content in there.

Which is stupid in my opinion, Pizzagate is a massive part of the "Draining the Swamp". Why on earth would the mods of the subreddit said to help in accomplishing that want to silence the best way in helping Trump identity the pedophile culprits?

Unless of course /r/the_Donald has long as I've been suspected been compromised with corrupt Moderators.

Maybe it was a hoax like the story and now that it's not needed anymore they deleted it.

Downvoted all you want, truth hurts.

Only one downvote, I'm disappointed.

I upvoted you, and welcome your criticism, but even so I can only ask you have an open mind.

Every conspiracy has at least a little bit of truth to it just like fairy tales and so on. How many conspiracies have cope up about Clinton in the past year or so? Do you think there's enough time in a day for her to be involved in all of them?

The story has been in the news awhile back, it's just a normal police operation, not a conspiracy.

I think pizzagate is debunkable because Julian Assange was killed in October and the pizzagate emails were leaked in November.

Thank you The Donald! If you want to throw us under the bus so be it. This sub existed way before yours.

Something's going on over on TD? I wouldn't know, now. Got my filter on!

Ask the spez guy.

Alex Jones interviewed this crisis actor about the whole ordeal and now he's distancing himself from pizzagate and telling us to focus on Podesta emails. Fuck Alex Jones

Gone to the fake news hole

I saw that specific thread and immediately saw the same thing once I saw some bullshit about a "shooter."


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How do people NOT believe pizzagate is real. S9me people just refuse to belive or even look at evidence. Smh

Show us the evidence then..oh wait there is none ...

Amazing comeback. You go far in life

A real comeback from you would be posting the real evidence that this is all true and not some delusional bullshit by insane people .

Your "you go far in life " comment is really revealing (and pathetic): can't win an argument with actual arguments (ie: evidence)? then i better attack the one asking the tough questions, classic.

So post the fuckin undeniable irrefutable evidence and i'll look at it, and accept it, but guess what...what i've seen so far (and trust me i've looked at it) is on par with "Obama is a secret muslim and "was not born here" - level of retarded accusations that right wing idiots make constantly.

I look forward to your post containing the undeniable irrefutable evidence of a pizzagate....

Let me ask you this, have you put in the same level of "investigation" into this actual pedo case?

Cool! Unfortunately I'm not posting anything like that. I'll leave that to the professionals. And honestly I'd rather focus on better conspiracy theories like sandy hook and 911

He asked for evidence, you respond with an insult. Yup the shit you say must be true then lol

Okay well I'm not an archive bruh. I LOOK at the evidence, like I tell everyone to do. I don't HAVE it, I LOOK IT UP. I mean really. It's not hard to find.

It's not that hard to find then post it for him

I don't know how to link other reddit post. But it's JUST THAT EASY. Just browse r/conspiracy. Just read some new posts that give some good insight.

Why the hell would a bunch of conspiracy theorists know more about a supposed international pedophile ring than our 3-letter agencies?

Feels > Reals

Well I am in agreement that pretty much everything here is nonsense, but the theory is that the government, especially those agencies, are in on it and help cover it up.

I posted in here about the mods silencing people and working with the admins two days ago. I was basically told to quit worrying about it. They are also silently shadowing people and banning those who disagree with how they are bending the knee to admins.


From what I understand, it boils down to everyone having blackmail on everyone. Whether or not it was the right time to bring it up is unimportant in my opinion. To me, it's about the amount of people exposed to it. The list of people saying "I have never heard of pizzagate" is growing shorter. Even if it's being reported as fake news, it might be enough for some people to start googling it and finding their own rabbit holes. And eventually when rock hard evidence is produced, we will see some sort of movement happen. And if people were exposed to it all along and it's not just coming up out of the blue, then people will ask more and more questions. And that's all anyone can ask for at this point.

Obama is trying to ban fake news?

The mod removed it for being "off topic" ... not so off topic now, amirite?

Upvoting you, patriot.

Reddit definitely appears to be compromised by Big Brother. Let's keep flooding Reddit with the truth.

As an experiment, I just created a new subreddit called /r/OpenSourceFreedom

I will keep this sub as free as possible, as uncensored as possible, and it will be interesting to see if any cucks or government agents try to downvote en-masse or otherwise corrupt the Open Source Freedom sub. Please feel free to post away. I will do my best to never censor anything that is pro freedom. Bear with me while I figure out this moderator task.


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It's because the Reddit admins are itching to ban the_donald.

It's the last bastion of free speech on Reddit and it's going to die the very second they slip up.

Reddit will die a sad sad liberal circle jerk if T_D rolls over.

You guys are still calling it the "last bastion of free speech"? The sub that bans anyone who says even the smallest of things they might not agree with? I wouldn't be surprised if that sub has banned more users in the history of Reddit due to people saying something they don't agree with. t_d is the biggest "safe space" online while they claim safe spaces don't exist. Tell me again how that sub allows free speech?

Wtf are you talking about free speech lol. I was banned from the_donald for not agreeing with something. Leave your room a little, it stinks.

Man, they are so fucked. They don't even know the extent to which they are fucked. Seriously, Obama better move to the moon when Trump takes the helm or it will be lord of the flies up in dc

DC has always been Lord of the Flies.

I have no doubt this could be used to distract from something much larger, but right now, pizzagate is the most tangible item we have to go on.

First, pizzagate, then, Antarctica.

Because they wanted it to make it to the front page before doing something about it so people could see it. It already reached its potential and then now if the admins can say anything about it they can say that they deleted the thread.

Specifically, I said every post I MYSELF have said is clear and consistent. And it is. I am merely asking questions, and where the answers take me, I will go. You keep saying "you" in your post, and none if it applies to anything I myself, once again, have said. You are choosing to dismiss it entirely based off of clearly what little you have seen. This is not a discussion of whether pizzagate is real or not, this is a discussion of how far reaching it is. Each of us here has looked at the evidence and has chosen to continually keep looking deeper, and there are connections that are undeniable. I have not taken the time to save my research or where my rabbit holes have taken me because I simply don't have the time to refute every claim. What's astonishing is how you take your time to try and discredit some of the least important aspects of this entire pizza gate issue, of which I never mentioned personally.

I live in Bermuda.

At some point, someone told journalists there was funky shit going on in an imaginary triangle. All of a sudden, people started turning up dozens of "weird coincidences" that, if you're of the mind, show an exorbitant number of planes and ships "disappearing" within that triangle.

Go draw a triangle around any of the other major shipping lanes in the world, tell journalists funky shit is going on, and they'll find the same thing.

How can you dismiss it as being nothing of importance? Because the only way it looks like a pedo ring is if you think there's a pedo ring.

inside a young boy

And maybe haters of that sub will post it on there to get them shut down. Maybe they have to protect themselves

Or take them

I'm neither a shill or uninformed. I've read the emails. I've seen the evidence. It's laughably vague. The hardest "evidence" is Bill Clinton used Epstein's jet on occasion, and even that doesn't imply guilt. Everything else is based on graffiti at a music venue, a rich guys art collection, out of context emails, and customer's pictures at said venue/pizza shop.

This conspiracy is just... Poor investigating. And I think it has a lot more to do with feelings than evidence.

That's a really good use of alternative of choice there, unfortunately those aren't the only two options. Hypothetically if someone who wasn't a shill looked at everything that is being presented as evidence didn't see the connection, how would you expect them to respond? What you are saying is equivalent to saying either everyone is a Christian or they are a terrorist pick one.

I'm going to predict there will be a school shooting and a cop will shoot a black man.

If all you are doing is saying that there will be one and then when something pops up that might fill your narrative you cling to it, you aren't being predictive you are throwing spaghetti at a wall.

That was T_D

That was not only the Donald. They were doing it on pizzagate too.

You might be on to something here...

Grats, solved your 1st conspiracy.

Because if Reddit took down td, its entire user base would flood the rest of Reddit with spam or worse. Plus then the site would have zero credibility as an objective forum.

Yeah. I'm convinced that most of T_D's subs are 18-20 year olds for whom this is their first election ever. It's obvious in the way they are so excited like all the bullshit going on in politics is something totally new and revolutionary, when it's just the same crap that comes up every 4 years.

Every time anything happens in the news, a bunch of people say "there's going to be a false flag". Then, when whatever next thing happens in the news, they pop up and say "OMG I WAS RIGHT! IT'S TOTALLY PROOF!"

Yes, as I have previously stated, I don't like using the word feel. And when I do, it's an opinion. I have mine, you have yours. Mine got to the front page. You're down here in the comments.

Nah they would save that to bid on the next legendary chest drop while Uncle Sam can pop some crazy pills in the guy, drive him to the corner with a scary looking illegal gun and tell him a Destiny raid boss is under the ping pong table and they will forget the kid he just ran over

No, ha. I have heard people who believe in that stuff. I think that's mostly fantasy.

Deep Impact is about a comet hitting Earth. It's a total disaster-porn flick. No secret meanings. I just used it as an example because the movie's journalist's story is interesting.

The 1000s of real CP sharing twitter accounts that were uncovered by researching all the Alefantis social media accounts are 100% proof that PG is real.

Do you have a link to this evidence (not the CP of course, I mean the evidence that PG has connections to actual pedos)? I mean if there are thousands of pedophiles with direct links to PG, I'll totally change my tune.

I hear you. No worries.

It doesn't purport to be.

So, deliberately choosing to be okay with one-sided information all of a sudden makes it more acceptable?

I see. Yeah, it's good people want to investigate things I agree but my God people are idiots.

So if these terms are so well known in the underground there must be a report from some reputable source that references them? The FBI? MI5? KSB? Anywhere?

And you're right, you would have to accept the emails were coded. Which I don't. They're emails about food and gifts.

You're deflecting. What you're saying is there is no evidence for hot dog = young boy. The "thesis" of the image is based on that. And I did read it, the rest is equally nonsensical.