If Pizzagate were an engineered distraction, what actual ongoing conspiracy would it be distracting from?

8  2016-12-06 by system_exposure

Regardless of its origins, is it not possible that Pizzagate is now actively being used to sow discord among the community and discredit it to outsiders?

And if Pizzagate is the distraction, then what is it distracting from?

A possibility exists that something tremendous is being missed.


Everything, everything's fucked, everything they're doing is fucked, and here you have a tremendous non-partisan opportunity to wake people the fuck up with and it's actually working...

Quit calling it a distraction

Quit calling it a distraction

All I am doing is considering the possibility. At this time we are flooded with information. Valuable signal could easily be obscured by noise. If a majority of individuals are fixated on a specific topic, then what is actually important could be missed entirely. I think we owe it to ourselves and one another to at least ask the question.

Sorry, was a little rude, and I do agree with you that there's all kinds of other shit going on that we should also be looking at. But my point remains.

Keep pushing pizzagate like we depend on it, because we do. We don't stand a chance in hell if large amounts of people don't wake up, and soon.

If Pizzagate is your number 1 concern, then what topics immediately follow it in importance?

I want to make sure nothing is being missed in those secondary lists everyone has---lists that may actually have considerable overlap, but lack adequate exposure to build community momentum for proper investigation.

Not number 1 concern, number 1 opportunity

What topics immediately follow your number 1 opportunity in importance?

I don't know if you're asking which issues are most important to me, or which issues I think have the most potential to attract enough attention to help make a change.

Most important to you, because ideally others may discover they share your perspective---and that may allow those topics to become ones with potential to attract enough attention to help make a change.

Control of information, suppression of technology, concentration of wealth and power. Things that keep us locked in a paradigm of destruction.

They rape children, what ranks above that?

Anything with sufficient evidence to remove them from power, which would disempower related organizations and impede any nefarious activities. Power protects offenders. If Pizzagate is true, we need to consider that the topic of Pizzagate itself may not be what would be most effective in bringing about its end.

I disagree. What if it is the most efficient way. Should we waste our time here discussing why it shouldn't be?

That would be pretty inefficient.

My belief is that it may or may not be, just as Pizzagate may or may not be true. I am looking for evidence of any signal that may be lost in the noise.

Alright, well when you find it, let us know.


I don't care what I sound like to you, we're at a pivotal point in what will become our history in terms of control of information and dissent. My agenda as stated above is that people continue to learn and wake up.

how blind can you be. You have nothing, no one is getting in trouble except us.

and here you have a tremendous non-partisan opportunity to wake people the fuck up

yeah and what if it falls on itself and proves the alternative media to be incompetent while stirring shit up?

Quit calling it a distraction

interesting how every comment you make is related to pizza

I agree. It is disturbing to consider that an organization like HBGary could be the driving force behind Pizzagate.

i don't get what you're asking

then we will have lost?

We're not behind this because alternative media convinced us of it. Alternative media picked this up from us.

Could what we consider to be us be compromised? I think the HBGary leaks drive home that that is always a possibility.

What do u mean?

Of course there are elements of "compromise" in the 'conspiracy' community

Are you suggesting pizzagate was fed to us a fake story? Because then you're not understanding that we literally started the story. Discovery after discovery, it grew into Pizzagate and is now being reported not just by alt news but MSM as well.

I think Pizzagate could be driven by a mix of both well intentioned people and fundamentally bad actors. Channeling community momentum, subtly, can be a means of exercising influence. If a company was hired to bury another story, then bringing attention to Pizzagate would be enormously beneficial. In addition, it would most likely serve their interests to play both sides, for and against, using controversy to raise the profile of the story.

Whether or not the above is actually occurring, I see benefit in giving deeper consideration to what are currently minor stories in the community. Pizzagate has become so dominant that it is hard to know what else is important. Certainly, other topics are important---and a possibility exists that they may be of even greater importance.

Of course what you said is occurring. It also has no bearing on the story's relevance.

It does have a bearing on the amount of focus given to other stories of potential relevance, which is my fundamental concern.

you were led to believe that, but as someone who watched it happen, no, it was not just random amazing discoveries. And no, it is not being reported, it is being ridiculed and soon will be made illegal.

7 day old account = filthy liar

reported as shill

How can I be lying? You can't read MSM? You think they are taking PG seriously? How out of touch can someone be? Can I report you as delusional? You think you amazing people uncovered serendipitously some major conspiracy right? That you were allowed to, despite it having the potential to make very powerful people go to jail if it were real? What world do you live in?


Why would I read MSM?

Sorry you're so offended by people's concern for children. I'm not sure how to help you with that.

Fake concern for children, with no actual action taken or evidence to use. If you cared about children so much you'd be investigating the tens of thousands of actual cases of disappeared children, and children's rights and care across the globe. Not sitting at home calling people shills for stating their opinion that happens to not match yours.

You've got issues

This this this! Everything is terrible all the time. We have just found our shot att bursting the bubble.

If it were called pedogate, then ya.. probably on to something.

The fact that it's been hyper focused on this pizza place is what gets me. Maybe the guy is dirty but there's so much more to it than pizza.

I feel like the label was intentional and that we have been led by the nose in order to discredit theorists in the long run.

I don't think pizzagate is a "distraction" wether true or false.. but either way, it's flooding MSM while there are Antarctica files/images wikileaks released we can simultaneously be discussing/investigating? It's definitely taking away from Standing Rock coverage. They've used the elections as an excuse for their lack of attention towards Standing Rock, and I'm sure they'll now use "fake news" & pizzagate as excuses..

I completely missed the Antarctica files/images. Could you provide some brief detail?

Mostly the "Bigger Picture". That you're controlled by the media machine in almost every way. That you're dependent on it to run your life and tell you what to think and buy and who to vote for. If you're distracted, you're not thinking about the "big picture".

it is not a distraction from something else, it is the plan to shut down the areas of the net where this stuff came from.

it is possible they designed everything and then they will prove pozzagate is fake and they ban all alternative media... but they don't need to. From that all of you will question everything and you'll stop beliving in anything, especially on internet. You live will be empty and meaningless, like russians not so long ago. Just robots or puppets. Oh hey, cute cat.. upvote!

The rabbit hole goes deeper but Pizzagate certainly is not a distraction.

What other topics are of important to you within the rabbit hole at this point in time? I am hoping topics of vital importance do not lack adequate community momentum for investigation.

I think pizzagate is a distraction only from a much much larger systemic problem of abuse and trafficking. I feel we're being made ton waste a lot of resources focusing solely on Pizzagate, in order to miss the bigger picture.


Trump's very real relationship with Jeffrey Epstein and the shit that Epstein is/was involved in.


Well I've noticed that the sub almost entirely stopped talking about Assange missing.

how blind can you be. You have nothing, no one is getting in trouble except us.