If Jimmy Comet had hired me as his fixer for his p gate problem:

312  2016-12-06 by Haterade_1010

Here's what I would have done:

  1. Acknowledge, explain, and even apologize for the instagram photos and comments, as well as any creepy art in the restaurant.

  2. Provide irrefutable evidence that the children in the photos are alive and well w/their families.

  3. Acknowledge logo similarities to FBI pedo symbols and announce plans to change it.

  4. Take a video of the entire restaurant, inside and out, all access. Or offer after hours tours of the entire restaurant for $5 a pop. Come see the conspiracy, all access.

  5. That's the Comet pizza aspect, but not Podesta email codes. Acknowledge the codes in the emails are weird and that you know nothing about them (or provide a benign explanation if it exists).

Instead, they get NYT to write fact check w/0 facts. Followed by others avoiding the instagram, podesta codes in their 'debunking'. Comet gets Reddit, fb, twitter,etc to censor pizza, and Jimmy comes off arrogant in his explanations/actions, not apologetic. Their reaction, with the NYT piece in particular, made me believe something was up.


Yeah plus when you factor in how it can be tough to get police help for things like missing persons or domestic violence...yet this d-bag has FBI investigating people harassing him? That's a lot of push back and requires powerful friends.

Maybe he can get the FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton. LOL.


Yes it's more important for the media to focus on Alefantis instead of writing about the missing kids in Virginia which was highlighted in this fake news.

I don't know maybe they could have done something like how real news(missing kids) are getting caught up with fake news. But nope leading up to this "gun incident" they just kept saying its fake and people were harassing him. And now we need to make changes to our first amendment.

Accept that would prove Alefantis was lying about other things just like he lied about having a basement, which is why he will not.

You're exactly right, this could easily be proved wrong by Alefantis but he won't, because he can't.

Basement he was talking about Bucks.


Yea, but Bucks is listed at two stories when it only has a main floor and a basement. Comet is listed the exact same way. So you can infer Comet also has a basement. This also doesn't explain the huge hole they were digging on their instagram.

Not sure about this. I saw the voat post that lists both properties as 2 stories. But, if you use streetview, you can see that CPP has the same roofline as Chevy Chase Gallery, which is clearly 2 stories (ground floor and upstairs).

Not saying there isn't a basement, just saying you have to account for everything before you make a claim, and the street view presents possible support for 2 above ground stories.

But, if you use streetview, you can see that CPP has the same roofline as Chevy Chase Gallery, which is clearly 2 stories (ground floor and upstairs).

That's not true. The building next to it is 3-4 feet taller. Also, the buildings are built on a hill with Comet being on the higher side of that hill.


The inside of comet pizza also has vaulted ceilings: https://www.facebook.com/cometpingpong/photos/a.843770698988454.1073741826.113980191967512/843770732321784/?type=3&theater

It's a fact, James Alefantis lied about him not having a basement.

It said 2 floors not two stories, that's an important distinction.

No, it says stories

Both listings say stories.

Oh my god. Are you still pedaling this bullshit after you have been completely refuted?


No you just went off to make believe land after you were proven wrong.

Maybe you want to demand a recount lol

No wonder people think pizzagate people are nuts.

Comet does in fact have two floors. You can see them going down several steps in the party room in this video at 1:23 mark. https://youtu.be/SVg6qWdDg1k

That's not the link from the post we have been discussing. I don't know why you make your like life so confusing.

It's the link I posted first, you want to use your own link from make believe land that's your problem

Your a damn dummy. This is a thread about a post on voat. If you wanna bring in links from some other site that's fine, but try to pay attention while the adults are talking.

I'm not surprised, it's quite common for the losing side to want change the rules afterwards nowadays.

You are the losing side, Johnny.

Keep thinking that it's part of your auditing process

If you want to know why Comet Ping Pong doesn't have a basement, click here.

If you want to know why they are digging the hole along the ground floor wall, click here.

The comment supposedly figuring out there isn't a basement does not mention at all that Alefantis's other restaurant, Bucks (which is very close by), is listed at two stories and has a basement and only one above ground story. Comet is also listed as two stories with only one above ground story, the exact same as Bucks. There's is absolutely no source to the claim that "comet used to be two stories". None.

No, there isn't a source that there used to be a second floor inside the building. However, the interior is two stories high, just like it's neighbors. Also the building square footage is listed as 3925 square feet and lot size is listed as 0.09 acres. 0.09 acres is equal 3920 sq feet. That can only mean that there is a single floor at the present time.

However, the interior is two stories high, just like it's neighbors.

No it's not, it's 3-4 feet lower than the building next to it. The street is also on a hill with Comet being on the higher portion of that hill. Comet also has vaulted ceilings. It is one story.

Also the building square footage is listed as 3925 square feet and lot size is listed as 0.09 acres. 0.09 acres is equal 3920 sq feet. That can only mean that there is a single floor at the present time.

Unfinished basements are almost never included in sq footage. Your argument is bunk mate.


Yep, BUT that would only work IF he's innocent . . .

Agreed, if he was truly innocent he wouldn't be acting this way. If I were being charged with these crimes and they were absolutely false claims, I'd do like a live press conference, answer ANY questions, and literally take people through my shop and show them EVERYTHING and do anything I can to prove the claims false. If he's innocent, and the truth is on his side, why does he kick everyone who films the place out of the shop? Why didn't he prove the kids in those photos are infact safe and alive? His whole reaction is entirely too shady...

I've been falsely accused twice in my life and both times I couldn't stop talking, explaining why and how I was innocent, and supplying all the backup data to prove it.

that must mean everybody always acts exactly like you under pressure!

Because conspiracy mobs shouldn't have that power over an individual. Some people will never be satisfied no matter how much you give them (ex: birthers). There's always another layer of coverup.

But this is what is asked of our poorest families.

You know, I upvoted the guy above you, but you really reminded me of how bad America can be lately, and that actually changed my perspective. No knock raids with firearms drawn and incendiary devices deployed on the wrong address in various counties over the last couple years, killings over traffic violations, overzealous enforcement and stop and frisk policies; why shouldn't this be held to the same standard.

Though, given that status quo, it makes you wonder if any serious investigation would just be staged, the media told to say x, y and z, case closed.

thank you for being open minded.

Here's the thing though. Pizzagate is real, and we have pix of Obama playing with a child. That's why the media was involved, child kidnapping / rape / hurtcore / slaying / cannabalism became a matter of national security in terms of perception management

Why else woudl they give two shits about it, and why wouldn't they ignore it like they have truthers for 15 yrs.... but instead have the entire media again try to gaslight the public with 'fake news', outrageous conspiracy theory, lie about it constantly, misreprent it, not present facts about it, accuse it of being russian propaganda (I don't know about you guys and gals but I didn't get MAH cheyck from mista Putin), and then finally try to pass legislation to criminalize alternative media!

They've thrown everything they have at it and just like the election they can't win. They're fucked. Obama should move to the moon, he only has half a month left. When the truth comes out they'll spit roast him and not in the way he likes

Where are you hearing the Obama part of this story? Is this just some dark Web rumor?

He's communicated directly to Podesta and Alefantis, has been there, and of course he's part of the 7th floor group. I was more referring not to pedo but to the fact he's a known criminal now who committed perjury, treason and criminal conspiracy as he was caught using Hillary's illegal private server also, for the purposes--at the least--of dodging FOIA requests....which is iself an act of criminal subversion. He and Hillary are in so much goddamned trouble they don't even know it. If Trump is worth anything at all to the public, then the first thing he does is arrest both of them.

But he won't, because they are all basically Jesuits and that means they believe themselves to be above the law, and even the pope says that is so. And so mote it be, they say. But you see that shit worked fine before the internet. Now too many people know and are going to start purging specifically jesuits. It's going to get really fucking ugly. They are going to have to nuke at some point, because key people will start disappearing and it will accelerate.

I won't of course have anything to do with it, and neither will you or anyone on this sub. It will be highly trained people from the miitary who are white hats within existing intelligence, and they finally put two and two together as to who the criminals are. They start their own military assassin juntas and these bastards go running scared. It will be glorious, because everything they needed to know in order to inform them of what's going on, is 100% public and widely available well beyond this sub. They can't stop the internet and they can't stop the idea of crowdsourced intel...even with pulling cowardly antispeech stunts like shutting down reddit

But he won't, because they are all basically Jesuits

Every single time religion is brought into this I'm hearing of a different group or cult.

Lol, the 7th floor group is just Hill and her top people. barryO is above that cluster. Easy enough to understand that when you read the email. Obama doesn't work on the 7th floor. He's got his own special WHOO! (white house oval office) Group.

I'm holding you for a promise that it will be glorious!

So you're saying that when hordes of people harass you, send you death threats, and accuse you of having a child rape dungeon in the basement of your pizza restaurant where you regularly rape and murder children and drink their blood in satanic rituals with the political elite, your first response is to bend over backwards for, and apologize to, them while offering them tours and access into your life?

And you're saying that the fact that any rational thinking human being would not react in this fashion, and come off as "arrogant" in the face of these accusations, is evidence that they do in fact have a rape dungeon in the basement of their pizza restaurant where they regularly rape and murder children?

You're coming into this with the assumption that you are correct and that he is guilty, and view his lack of bending over backwards to appease the masses of people who harass the fuck out of him as further evidence that you are correct and he is guilty.

If you even make the most smallest attempt to approach this from an objective point of view and think critically about it, you'd see how ridiculous that is.

And even if he followed your directions to the letter, you can bet your sweet ass that hordes of people would still consider him a child rapist.

He says, "our logo does kinda look like the FBI thing", that's an admission of guilt and the fact that he wants to change it is him trying to cover it up.

He says, "Here's a tour of the entire restaurant", that's just a testament to how well he hid his sex dungeon before he gave the tour, or an admission that his sex dungeon is actually off site.

The list goes on.

People did not arrive to these accusations in a rational manner. They will not abandon them when faced with a rational reason to. You cannot use reason to argue someone out of a position that they did not use reason to get themselves into in the first place.

People did not arrive to these accusations in a rational manner.

Do you have any proof of this other then opinion? Please attempt to prove this is true.

You can't prove a negative. It's impossible. What you're asking me to do is literally the exact same as someone saying "You cannot prove that God does not exist, therefore he definitely does exist".

Which is irrational as fuck. It's not my job to prove that God does not exist, it's your job to prove that he does, and if you fail to you cannot directly refute my argument that he does not.

I'm making the argument that a path to these conclusions in a rational manner does not exist. I cannot prove this without exhausting literally every single possible path to reach these conclusions, which are arguably infinite.

It is not my job to prove that a rational path does not exist, it is your job to prove that one does, and if you fail to do so you cannot directly refute my argument that one does not exist.

Because you cannot prove a negative.

But outside of direct proofs, it is an argument, that has logical backing. Like all arguments should. Even though it cannot be proven, because it is a negative, it can be argued. And I've argued it quite a bit already today. Here's an example

It's not rational to fly in $65000 in pizza to the whitehouse, it is not rational to say did you want domino's on your cheese, it is not rational to say you sacrifice chickens to molach. It isnt rational to say you have a basement 4 years ago and deny that you have a basement today. Etc etc. The reason anyone even took a second look was because the things they were saying weren't rational.

It's not rational to take the president of the United States spending a lot of money for food for a party at the whitehouse as evidence that he is, in fact, spending the money on ordering children for him and the political elite to rape and murder in a satanic ritual.

It's not rational to take a sentence that is literal gibberish outside of context, which you don't have because it is a private conversation between two people, and assume that the context is him talking about raping and murdering children in a satanic ritual.

It is not rational to take something that could not possibly more clearly be a joke, and take it as evidence that she was literally going to sacrifice a chicken in a satanic ritual for good luck.

It is not rational to assume that a guy talking about a basement in a different location 4 years ago, and him saying that his location does not have a basement, as evidence that he really does have a basement and the basement is actually a sex dungeon where he invites the political elite over to brutally rape and murder children in. And maybe cook their remains in the pizza he serves in the restaurant.

Nothing about these accusations and the leaps in logic they must take to arrive at their conclusions is remotely rational.

I thought it was "hotdogs"

Hot dogs/ pizza and "waitresses"

So in your opinion why did the people looking into pizzagate (myself included) come to their conclusions irrationally?

I actually explained that in the comment I linked. People shoved a veritable mountain of evidence that pizzagate was real down your throats.

When you see a mountain of evidence for something, the fact that there is a mountain of evidence for that thing makes you believe that that thing is credible.

But most of that evidence is either pure horseshit, huge leaps in logic, or just completely and utterly unrelated to the situation altogether.

If you strip away all of the evidence for pizzagate that is horseshit, you are left with a small amount of kinda weird things that no sane person would ever say proves that they brutally rape and murder children in the basement of a pizza place among the political elite in satanic rituals.

But that evidence is not stripped away for you. You are given the smorgasbord of evidence, horseshit and all, and are told that it is all equally valid.

And, like I said, because there is so much "evidence", it looks a lot more real and credible than it actually is.

And if you couple this with the fact that it's tangentially related to Hillary Clinton, who I assume you have a strong bias against, makes you more ready to eat it up. Especially before the election.

Imagine if you hated Hillary, and then someone told you that her campaign manager brutally rapes and murders children in the basement of a pizza place.

You would be a lot more ready to believe that to be true than if you didn't feel strongly about her at all.

And as it turns out, a very large portion of the country had very strong feelings towards both presidential candidates.

So you have this mountain of mostly horseshit evidence, which doesn't look too much like horseshit because there's so much of it. And you have tens of millions of people ready to gobble that shit up because it's saying bad things about people they hate, and it will help the person who they want to win become the president if it was true.

You have tens of millions of people wanting with every fiber of their beings for this to be true. It's not that hard to trick them into believing in something they already wanted to believe anyway.

Literally the last thing ANYONE wants is for any of this to be true. Unfortunately, the evidence does in fact say otherwise

No. It does not. It does not say that from an objective point of view. It does not say that from a critically thinking point of view. It does not say that, at all.

There is literally not a single shred of physical evidence that backs up the claims. The only things that are "evidence" is a bunch of baseless conjecture and hearsay based on things that very much do not logically point to the drawn conclusions.

The evidence only says that if you want it to say that, because it saying that confirms your own personal biases.

Wow you're doing the Lord's work ProgrammingPants. Good on ya. I just can't deal with how incredibly stupid it all is. I swat down one stupid theory, and they'll just link to the same thing phrased differently and call me blind. Have you seen stories of how pizzagate is becoming a political football in Turkey? We could be fighting against professional propagandists right now. As was happening during the recent US election. Can't tell who's a troll, who's a pro, and who's real.

You have tens of millions of people wanting with every fiber of their beings for this to be true. It's not that hard to trick them into believing in something they already wanted to believe anyway.

Literally no one wants this to be true.

Yes. No one wanted a huge scandal about someone who they wanted to fail politically to be true. Especially right before the election.

So you are saying this is a conservative attack on the left? It brought the Franklin Cover Up back into the light so that is an interesting theory.

The Shillary already lost the election so what is everyone's motivation now? You are arguing that people who don't believe James Alefantis is innocent actually hope that children are being abused even after her humiliating defeat? I'm not buying it.

So you are saying this is a conservative attack on the left?

Do you genuinely believe that a conspiracy theory, posted every single day on the Trump subreddit, and reported on exclusively by far right wing outlets, involving the Democratic nominee for president and her campaign, had nothing to do with politics?

Do you genuinely believe that this theory's persistence among those same people has literally nothing to do with politics?


The Shillary already lost the election so what is everyone's motivation now?

As it turns out, its human nature that if you genuinely believe something to be true, you are very averse to changing this belief.

So if you have a group of people who genuinely believe something to be true, at least in part for politically motivated reasons, and then the driving force behind that political motivation goes away, they will still believe the thing in question to be true.

And even then, with the division in this country between the left and right at greater heights than we've ever seen before, the political motivation to believe that the person the left nominated is connected to a large pedophile ring is not exactly gone.

Do you honestly expect people who vehemently believe pizzagate to be true to just suddenly stop believing it after the election is over, even if they initially believed it largely in part because it was bad for Clinton?

You are arguing that people who don't believe James Alefantis is innocent actually hope that children are being abused even after her humiliating defeat?

No, they don't want children to be abused. They want him to be guilty of abusing children, because if he is it will vindicate their beliefs and be bad for their political opponents.

There is a distinct difference between wanting children to be abused, and wanting him to be guilty of abusing children. This was never about the children. This was never about compassion or empathy towards the children they believe he hurt. This was always a witch hunt.

This was always about people being guilty, not the people they would have to have hurt if they were guilty. Because you, and people who believe in pizzagate, have something to gain in them being guilty.

You gain vindication in your beliefs, proof that the people pointing out the many flaws in your logic were actually wrong, proof that liberals and the establishment are literally the devil and are pure evil, and proof that everyone who voted Clinton made a mistake and Trump is unambiguously the correct choice for president.

You are incredibly full of shit if you can't admit that, if the police found a sex dungeon where Alefanfis performed satanic rituals in the basement of the pizza place tomorrow, you would feel some satisfaction in being proven right.

You gain vindication in your beliefs, proof that the people pointing out the many flaws in your logic were actually wrong, proof that liberals and the establishment are literally the devil and are pure evil, and proof that everyone who voted Clinton made a mistake and Trump is unambiguously the correct choice for president.

Alright lets start here. This whole pizzagate business has brought the Franklin Cover Up back into the spotlight so how is it that you can possibly tilt this as being about the liberals being evil?

You are incredibly full of shit if you can't admit that, if the police found a sex dungeon where Alefanfis performed satanic rituals in the basement of the pizza place tomorrow, you would feel some satisfaction in being proven right.

I can tell you without a doubt that I would be fucking elated to find out that I am completely wrong in this case and I would also be deeply disturbed, even more so than already, to find out that it is in fact true.

Do you genuinely believe that a conspiracy theory, posted every single day on the Trump subreddit, and reported on exclusively by far right wing outlets, involving the Democratic nominee for president and her campaign, had nothing to do with politics? Do you genuinely believe that this theory's persistence among those same people has literally nothing to do with politics?

Again it brought the Franklin Cover Up into the light so whats your theory here that the right was trying to bury the left, but accidentally revealed their own skeletons in the process?

"This conspiracy, largely spread by Trump supporters, talked about almost exclusively by right wing media, and talked about every single day before the election on the Trump subreddit, also brought a much smaller amount of attention to something that happened more than twenty years ago that involved republicans.

Therefore, it is literally impossible for the spreading of this conspiracy theory involving the political opponents of the people who spread it to be politically motivated at all whatsoever."

So your theory IS that it is a right-wing attack on the left, that backfired and brought their own demons with pedophilia to the light?

It backfired so hard bro. It brought up a decades old event that involved Republicans very briefly. Sure showed them how dumb it was to make this conspiracy theory which is several times more popular than that decades old thing that people talked about briefly.

On a serious note, I legitimately cannot believe that you cannot see how flimsy it is to say "This conspiracy theory spread almost exclusively by Trump supporters and right wing media is not politically motivated at all in the slightest, because it briefly brought a small amount of attention to a decades old republican controversy"

Your position(and if that is not your position then fucking correct me, as I have given you ample opportunity to do) is so logically flawed I legitimately refuse to believe that you genuinely hold it.

The straws this position grasps at are so pathetic.

Would it really kill you to concede that maybe, just maybe, it is not entirely a coincidence that Trump supporters were the driving force behind spreading this around, that the Trump subreddit talked about it every day before the election, and it gets spread almost exclusively by right wing media.

Would it really kill you to admit that this is not purely by coincidence? Seriously? I'm not going to make fun of you for using basic reasoning skills.

Would it really kill you to concede that maybe, just maybe, it is not entirely a coincidence that Trump supporters were the driving force behind spreading this around, that the Trump subreddit talked about it every day before the election, and it gets spread almost exclusively by right wing media.

Yeah of course, revealing Washington's bi-partisan pedophilia problem was a ploy by the right-wing. There's a strong theory right there "bro".

Trump supporters really wanted to bring Epstein back into the light too right?


Are you arguing that this conspiracy theory wasn't largely spread by Trump supporters? Are you arguing that Clinton supporters and liberals bought into it in equal measure to Trump supporters? Are you arguing that it wasn't talked about every day on the Donald Trump for president subreddit? Are you arguing that most media that talks about it does not tend to be right wing?

I get it now.

You weren't arguing that these things were the case, but it still somehow wasn't politically motivated.

You were merely arguing against objective reality. I'm actually kinda relieved. I can understand someone simply rejecting objective reality to fit their narrative a lot more than I can understand the gargantuan leaps in logic you would have had to take to both acknowledge reality and hold your position.

This all makes so much more sense to me. Thanks for clearing that up.

8 Weeks ago no one knew who James Alfentis or that Comet Pizza even existed, but somehow millions of people were "tricked" into hating him enough to label him a pedofile in that short a time frame, despite him doing nothing wrong?

Are... are you legitimately arguing that because the conspiracy theory spread very fast, it must be true?

No I'm saying there's a lot of behavior that most people consider suspicious it spread so quickly.

And it's just a pure coincidence that the group of people who considered it suspicious is the exact same group of people who had something to gain politically from the accusations being true?

Because, if it were not a pure coincidence that this conspiracy theory that makes Clinton look bad was perpetuated almost exclusively by Trump supporters, then maybe the fact that the people who found it suspicious had something to gain by finding it suspicious can be an explanation as to why they found it suspicious.

What office is the owner of Comet Pizza running for, because I wasn't aware that he was at all.

So you're saying that a giant conspiracy to rape, murder, and eat children in Satanic rituals, uncovered in emails hacked from the Democratic nominee for president's campaign manager, shortly before the election, could not possibly make the Democratic nominee for president look bad if it were uncovered?

You're saying that Trump supporters, and people who disliked the Democratic nominee for president, had nothing to gain from this story coming out, and from believing it to be true?

You're saying that, since the guy was not running for office himself, it's impossible for people to be primed to believe this story for political reasons?

I'm saying they are engaged in some extremely questionable and suspicious behavior and should be investigated by a special prosecutor with no political ties.

You're saying a special prosecutor should investigate someone despite there being literally zero physical evidence that they did anything wrong, and no circumstantial evidence that proves, or even indicates under scrutiny, that they committed a crime?

A special prosecutor should be appointed, because an internet conspiracy based purely on conjecture got too popular?

And I thought this sub would be against a police state.

If the burden of evidence to get someone investigated for raping, murdering, and eating children in satanic rituals is an Internet rumor then we live in a truly sad state of affairs.

Also, you completely dodged every question in my last comment. So I'll ask again. Please don't dodge it this time.

Could the fact that tens of millions of people in this country had something to gain politically from this story being true have anything to do with the fact that that same group of people are the ones who mainly believe it to be true, and are the ones who share and promote it?

I answered your questions several replies ago you just didn't see it you were to busy auditing

I'm sorry to inform you, but this sentence:

What office is the owner of Comet Pizza running for, because I wasn't aware that he was at all.

Does not serve as an answer to the question I just asked.

Nor does this:

I'm saying they are engaged in some extremely questionable and suspicious behavior and should be investigated by a special prosecutor with no political ties.

See, typically when someone says they want an answer to a question, the answer only really counts as an answer if it fucking addresses the thing that was asked. On both of these occasions, you failed to do this.

Therefore, you didn't answer the question. You dodged it. Multiple times.

And then you yourself admitted that you did not answer the question, when you made this comment:

Does it bother you that I've still not answered your question

But, like I explained to you, I understand perfectly why you have no choice but to constantly dodge and refuse to answer the question. You literally cannot answer it without either admitting I'm right or illustrating your horribly flawed logic.

It's perfectly rational for you to refuse to give straight yes or no answer to my yes or no question, because you can't without losing this argument.

But in doing so, in a roundabout way, you're just admitting I'm right without saying it. And I understand why you'd do this too. Because admitting you're wrong is hard, and I get you not wanting to do it.


Does it bother you that I've still not answered your question

No. All you've really done is prove that I'm right, because you cannot possibly answer the question without either admitting that I'm right or displaying how logically flawed your position is.

The fact that you saw my comment, replied to it, and made it a point not to answer the question twice proves it even further.

It's very hard to admit you're wrong sometimes. I understand why it is difficult for you to do that. So thank you for admitting it, in your roundabout way at least.

Show of hands. Has anyone done any of these things to Alefantis? I'll go first. My hands are down.

Anyone? Anyone at all?

...Ok, so it must be the Youtubers then doing what you said. It's not 4channers, they'll just steal his whole bank acct, reroute a drone to his location

I think the whole thing is fucking sketchy as shit, but you're exactly right, this entire post is pointless. This subreddit has gone to shit, it's full of trump nuts, and alex jones lovers who have given up on thinking rationally. Can't we talk about UFO's or something? I mean just for like 2 days... please

I'd rather be nuts for rationally considering circumstantial evidence than ignoring a potentially huge paedophile ring.

So, what is the evidence?

There's plenty on here how can you miss it lol

This sub will come around. Probably to a different conclusion due to the overwhelming amount of evidence that's been presented but I think they'll see this for the cointel psyop that it is in time.

The thing about psyops, they rely on factual evidence to mislead you. These stories aren't new. Nothing about the theory that the elites are pedos and ghouls is new. There's new evidence backing those claims now though and no single sit down is going to walk you through the years of mountains of evidence. So ya, it does seem to fit.

So while the whole thing has been led away from the elites and pointed at a pizza guy just by naming it pizza, there's probably some truth in there.

It is one huge psyop being orchestrated against conspiracy theorists in general though. From a purely objective standpoint it really is pretty brilliant. Same as any honey-pot. Give a little of what they want (in this case truth) to convince them you're on their side, then lead them down a hole that discredits their integrity as a community and find a reason to take away their rights before you lock them up or outright kill them. Cut and dry really.

Guys better stop investigating, you'll discredit conspiracy theorists around the globe for decades, do it for Johnny man, do it for Johnny...

God you shills are really bad at this

You're really terrible at this. My comment history says it all.

I'm all for freedom of thought and speech. I'm not trying to shut anyone down, but maybe you are with your 1 week old account.

You shillin bro?

Nah relocating

Go to therapy


I try. The therapists keep asking me to leave so they can check themselves in at some place they call the funny farm? Must be pretty popular.

There is no objectivity in pizzagate. It's all people who want it to be true, are too invested in it, and will only work to perpetuate themselves further into it. I've been there with other theories. Gotten into very heated arguments even with family over it. Felt depressed and angry because no one would listen and was baffled at how dumb they were. Sometimes I was right sometimes I was wrong. Since I've been a part of the community as a whole for about 10 years, I've learned not to get too invested in this stuff and to look at it as objectively as possible. And a passion for science helps. The scientific method is always a good method to keep oneself in check.

There is no objectivity in pizzagate. It's all people who want it to be true, are too invested in it, and will only work to perpetuate themselves further into it

Literally no one wants this to be true.

How can you say that when people are grasping at straws to lock this guy up without so much as a shred of hard evidence

Just because people are convinced that Alefantis using a historical figure for pedophilia as his profile picture on Instagram where he posts odd pictures of young children and date rape drugs make him a pedophile.

Doesn't mean that they want it to be true. I seriously hope and believe that every single person in this thread would be happy to know that no children were actually harmed in this particular instance.


"Don't feed the trolls". Usually works in real life as well.

that's exactly what a pedo would say

Kudos for making a thoughtful smart plan that would actually help the situation, and not make it seem like there was some gigantic coverup. I doubt they will do that though, Alefantis just comes off like an arrogant dude with a different set rules for what's acceptable behavior.

Ahhh some common sense. They should have hired you.

So basically, "guilty until proven innocent?" Really curious if you'd apply the same logic to people being accused of crimes. Oh, it's now up to you to prove you didn't murder that person!

If I had as many people up against me as this guy and truly wanted it to be over, I'd be doing all I could to disprove every accusation.

The problem is there's no winning with these people because they'll just move the goalposts.

Provide irrefutable evidence that the children in the photos are alive and well w/their families.

Those photos are staged! Crisis actors! Fake families! Paid government actors!

Take a video of the entire restaurant, inside and out, all access. Or offer after hours tours of the entire restaurant for $5 a pop. Come see the conspiracy, all access.

OK, restaurant is clean but what about his home? I demand access to his house! He might rent a storage locker somewhere, let's see his entire financial history going back 20 years! Oh wait what about his great nephew's monkey's cousin's house????

And the rest (logo similar, codes) would just fuel conspiracy theorists, not result in their defeat.

I see your point. Do you think this is why he doesn't do the things in OP's list?

I saw a video on youtube of people standing outside comet (this was in november) with signs of the instagram pictures. he came out and explained some of them, but they didnt buy any of the explanations, then he let one of the guys in with a camera and gave him a tour of the place and showed what each room was. I think he tried to do it more originally but it didnt do him a lick of good (in the video even when he says "heres the kids party room" the guy with the camera says suspiciously/disgusted: "KIDS party room?" "yeah, like for birthday parties" and he is still surly and suspicious of the room) edit, went back and found it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTiUaloDDA


No, innocent until damming evidence crosses over into irrefutable and guilt is beyond a reasonable doubt. Yes, people must defend against charges in order to prove they are innocent of murdering someone, once a prosecution decides they have enough evidence to levy charges in the first place.

It is true charges have been made against Alefantis in the court of "public opinion", and it is also true he has no legal obligation to masses. But to the OPs point, if Alefantis was interested in clearing the air it is not unreasonable to request he provide at least a believable story to feed to the thousands of people who have been convinced otherwise. Instead he is throwing his weight around and being flippant. Sure, he has no legal obligation at this point, but if what he is interested in is clearing his name then OPs approach would be far more effective than his current one.

The thing that makes it hard for me to believe he is just some innocent pizza shop owner is his attitude in all of this. He always has that smirk he is trying to hide while defending himself like he knows what he is saying is bullshit. I know this isn't much to go on and shouldn't bed taken as evidence for anything, but it's just that feeling I get when I see him talk about this whole thing. While saying things about how seriously he views these matters and cares for his employees and business and how this is offensive to "real" victims he always has this aloof, cocky tone and expression that contradicts his supposed stance on the matter.

I got the same vibe from him

Yep. Total creeper vibe. He meant with Obama 5 TIMES. How does a Pizza shop owner get to meet with the POTUS 5 times? He must make some damn good pizza... /s

This is witch hunt logic. The guy doesn't have to act any way to appease a mob.

He doesn't have to appease me in general. I'm not using this as a way to show he has done something wrong. It is just the vibe I get from him. I'm just saying that his attempts to convince people that he is innocent aren't working for me personally because of this attitude he has which makes it seem to me that it is not genuine.

You are free to believe whatever you want based on his actions.

Maybe he started more sincere but as people kept accusing and threatening him, he adopted a more sardonic tack to distance himself from the absurdity. People can get worn down that way.

You might think that but from what I have seen it's been the same thing from his first reaction and statements.

This is exactly what pushed me to come to the conclusion that it was all real. How can they be so stupid, NOT to do this stuff?

Ah the old, "why do you care about the police searching your car if you did nothing wrong?" You are exactly the type of person the bill of rights is designed to protect us from.

you couldn't be farther from the truth lol. That's a totally different scenario. This is a professional business, and plays by a completely different set of rules

What are you talking about? It is absolutely the same situation. He is a private individual, just because he owns a business doesn't mean he isn't protected by the bill of rights.

Plus my main point is that the bill of rights is specifically protecting us from people with your mindset.

Capitalism and subsequently human behavior take precedent over the bill of rights. Sorry. Not saying I agree with it, it's just how it is. There's no way he can stop this without being completely transparent.

I'm just going to say it again. Thank God we have a Bill of Rights to protect us from people with mindsets like yours.

Police can search your car if they suspect something's up. It's not like people are attacking this guy for nothing

You seem to be arguing a point I never made. My initial post was a response to you saying the following:

This is exactly what pushed me to come to the conclusion that it was all real. How can they be so stupid, NOT to do this stuff?

I think this mindset that you think all this stuff is real (ie he is guilty) because he hasn't opened his doors for all to see is extremely dangerous. It is thinking like that that makes me glad we have a Bill of Rights.

And yeah I am aware that police can search someone's car but they need to have either a warrant or probable cause that a crime is being committed at the time so that isn't really relevant to my point.

It's not about opening your doors for "all to see". It's about, this guy runs a business. His business has been accused of taking part in a pedophile sex trafficking ring. Instead of taking what would be the professional approach to the situation, and acknowledging what has happened, and apologizing, he's completely dismissing everything and trying just trying to call everyone "stupid" pretty much. In this particular situation, yes, him being transparent would help tremendously. Does he have to? No. And that's the beauty of America. But at this point, it's about saving his business, and unfortunately his own actions are what has pretty much started this whole investigation in the first place. So yes, in this 1 out of a million situation, this guy needs to be 100% transparent or nobody is going to take him seriously, and as sad as it is to say, and as much as I'm against it until we get 100% evidence, the harassment will continue

You are still ignoring my point. Whether or not he is making a good business decision is irrelevant. As a side note, I'm not sure that opening his doors and giving tours/answering questions or whatever else you want him to do is the right business decision. But that is beside the point. The point is that you have taken his silence as proof that he is guilty and I think that is despicable. That goes against everything this country stands for. Thank goodness we have a Bill of Rights to protect us from people with your mindset.

Gotta love that bill of rights 👍🏻 because so many people have this mindset 😱 we gotta protect ourselves 👏🏻

Glad to see that you agree

It has one simple explanation - they think they're untouchable, and also, criminals like to brag.

If Jimmy Comet had hired me as his fixer for his p gate problem

i would suggest that Jimmy turn-in himself to authorities, and strike a plea deal where by he serves life w/o parole in exchange for dirt on everyone involved.

/anyone helping Jimmy to "fix his problem" (the serial raping and murdering toddlers) has got serious moral issues (and should probably be investigated).

Wonder why this got so downvoted. Seems valid enough to me.

Part of me thinks that there is no way that they can be so careless and negligent in the handling of this. It's like they wanted us to find out. I might even go out on a limb here and say that they (Soros etc.) want to destabilize the U.S government by delegitimizing it, using the corporate media to stir a commotion and further destabilize the legitimacy of the government.

Hubris. It's like the fall of Rome. They get so comfy and degenerate they get sloppy and stop giving a fuck about security. And then boooooommmm Podestas email gets hacked with his "abc1234" level password and the World starts to see how evil and twisted these fucks really are at the Top.

This is exactly what I would have done. This is one heck of an accusation to be made of anyone. I would be in front of my business doing the very best I can in order to prove once and for all I could never be involved in this.

Instead, there is serious work being done to keep people in the dark.

Brilliant idea, it seems that simple doesn't it? Why isn't Alefantis doing these things? Or at least addressing his lude twitter photos?

How does anyone find the material on his Twitter/Instagram appropriate for the owner of a "kid friendly" pizza parlor?

Smoke and mirrors, fear theater, the new terrorism

I've been saying in other threads how easy all of this could be cleared up. I've yet to see anybody give a logical decipher of the pizza emails.

Why hasn't podesta himself done a press conference and explained it all if there's nothing wrong?

something was up

an intentional distraction out of which nothing criminal will be found.

also an excellent case study in tin foil hats going nuts over "something" that turned out to be nothing.

shutting down r/pizzagate will be the end of r/conspiracy because this place is now being taken down.

I would put it on the back burner, as a personal choice, for now, pending. I hope something comes of it and I am wrong, but my gut feeling is that we are being played and used. That will be hard to recover from. Because if it doesn't hit the mother load, it will have been one of the biggest FAKE NEWS stories of the year.


of course they don't. But, he is a business owner. The OP is simply an assertion that there was a potential course of action that would have been far more beneficial to everyone, but for some reason, the guy took a totally different one, and on this basis they look guilty.

If you owned a business like that, and were put in his shoes, don't you think you'd use the exposure to address the images and performances being displayed in your store? I would have said, for instance:

"Myself and Comet's management were not aware of the explicit nature of several of the IG images being shared by its employees, nor the absolutely disgusting nature of many music videos and live performances produced by one of the more unfortunate musical acts who have been booked at Comet in the past. We have committed ourselves to being more thorough and selective in the types of performers we invite to entertain our patrons, and we absolutely condemn the kinds of disturbing and perverse imagery and humor that this particular artist seems to endorse. They in no way represent our values or the values of those for whom we fundraise (etc. etc.)"

I don't know. I understand how they probably have a lot more shit to deal with than denouncing that fucking creep Majestic Ape, just because she played at Comet a few times, but you get the idea.

On the other hand, even those types of statements seem to just make people sound more guilty in America these days, which is sort of tragic.

But instead, he could have done it in a more candid way... I mean, he's got ties to politicians, but he's no candidate or gov't official. He could have said, "I don't know what the hell those images or that band are about, they're creepy, I don't want to be associated and I never would have allowed them to be booked here had I been aware of that shit."

I would at least have taken a crack at Heavy Breathing, because their shit is seriously fucked up and disgusting, they're all over the Youtube vids, and they're an easy party to throw under the bus. Artsy, edgy, explicit music group with negligible public clout/fanbase/connection to the important folks. Just some weirdos from DC who did some shows in the store.

Someone's gotta get tossed under the bus, why not them?

idk... This whole thing is the most bizarre shit i've ever seen. And I know I focused on the band more than seems appropriate, but to me they were one of the most uncomfortable parts of all this, and just an unfortunate little piece of culture that I never knew existed anywhere, much less in an arena where they're booked to entertain in some our government elites' favorite restaurant (which is, strangely, in a way kind of just a crummy looking dive). The videos and images that band uses seriously make me shudder.

Even if they did all of what you said, people are too emotionally invested in the theory to accept it.

Trump could jump out of the restaurant with a child's torn off arm in his hand and blood down his face with his pants undone screaming "It was me!" and people wouldn't listen.

The main issue I've seen from genuine people that support pizzagate is that they're so emotionally invested, they want/need it to be true. It's almost a damn cult or religion at this point. Religion is fucking amazingly good at deflecting any contradictory evidence and claiming they know the big picture when they have 10 pieces out of a 100 piece puzzle. Pizzagate is the same way.

Why did he lie about not having a basement after the allegations came out when before in an interview a year earlier he said he did have a basement? Also, if he didn't have a basement, what was he digging a hole through the concrete for on his instagram page?

no you don't get it, the small amount of facts don't matter because some people are too 'emotionally invested'


Basement he was talking about Bucks.


Yea, but Bucks is listed at two stories when it only has a main floor and a basement. Comet is listed the exact same way. So you can infer Comet also has a basement. This also doesn't explain the huge whole they were digging on their instagram.

I know that when I get done brutally raping young children and subsequently murder them in satanic ritual, the very first thing I do is post the mass grave I'm digging for their mutilated bodies on Instagram. Alongside the other cryptic clues that I'm really hosting a child rape ring among the political elite in my pizza shop.

I leave a trail of cryptic breadcrumbs about my brutal child rape/murder habits on Instagram for... some reason. Maybe I secretly want to be caught by the Internet detectives or something idk.

the very first thing I do is post the mass grave I'm digging for their mutilated bodies on Instagram

No one's saying it's used for a mass grave, we don't know what it's for, we'd like to find out. The only people assuming are the trolls trying to discredit the convo, like you are.

I leave a trail of cryptic breadcrumbs about my brutal child rape/murder habits on Instagram for... some reason.

They communicate on social networking just like every other human in the developed world does, woah, so crazy. Are you genuinely stupid? You're just stunned at the possibility of people communicating through the internet? Woahhh man never happens! Pedophiles must use pigeons and ancient hebrew to communicate and socialize, not instagram like me!

I know that when I want to get my buddies together to come to my pizza parlor to brutally rape and murder children, I communicate it to them over the Internet on a public forum that literally anyone can see, rather than use some kind of private messaging system.

And I also post evidence of these brutal rapes and murders on a public forum that literally anyone can see. I mean, shit, did you expect me to spread these cryptic clues via carrier pigeon? How else could I possibly spread my cryptic clues to the world, which is something I definitely want to do.

Why would Alefantis lie about not having a basement if he in fact does? If he's willing to lie about something as insignificant as a basement that they ONLY store food in, what else could he possibly be lying about? Also, are you aware of what 'chicken lover' means? I bet $5 you can't even answer one of these questions correctly without going on a tangent of nonsense

Fuck if I know. You're asking for me to give motivation behind acts of people I know nothing about, and neither do any of you Pizzagate people. You're making conclusions based on a 4chan post of code words, a 4chan post from an unverified source claiming to be FBI, and social media pictures. That's hands down the worst investigation I've ever seen. And I bet you any sum of money that if given enough time, I could create a fantastical, complex theory with a gaggle of politicians and business owners as well.

I digress, though. At the end of the day, I don't know why he did those things, and neither do you. But if you think they're posting about child abuse so blatantly on social media, you're out of your mind. These are some of the most successful people in DC and I'm sure they have a bunch of (metaphorical hopefully) skeletons in their closets. They didn't get where they are because they were so blatantly obvious and stupid about this stuff. If they possess psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies like many powerful people do, they have an innate ability to blend in better than your average joe. They are constantly thinking of how to blend in, how not to stand out, how to keep what they do on the down low. According to Pizzagate, the Podestas are pretty much out prowling for kids themselves and taking them to a pizza place in DC and then posting about it on social media....fucking really?

But if you think they're posting about child abuse so blatantly on social media, you're out of your mind.

Literally there is an Instagram photo of James Alefantis holding a baby and a friend comments "chicken lover". Chicken lover is a well known pedo term. Another commenter commenter "hotard" which means hot retard on another picture of a baby. What the fuck else could they possibly commenting about?

Chicken lover is also the title and main plot and name of a character in a South Park episode. Officer Barbrady has to learn how to read so he can catch the chicken lover, a dude that fucks chickens.

Where's the source saying that chicken lover is a widely used pedophile term?

Hotard is more of an insult than anything. Retarded ho. Ok, a little more puzzling but not indicative of anything malicious in a pedophilia sense. My friends and I would probably have called each other hotards and the some point had we known the term. Maybe she tried to say a different word and what came out was hotard? There are other explanations and until you have actual evidence of pedophilia, all you're doing is conjecture, not investigating.

  1. An underage male, especially if desirable.

  2. Or: gay chicken , a young gay male, usually in his teens or early twenties, especially if unfamiliar with homosexuality.

  3. A young male prostitute.


chicken underage boy

chicken dinner to fellate underage boy

chicken hawk gay who preys on underage boys

chicken queen gay who seeks underage boys


Where's the source saying that chicken lover is a widely used pedophile term?

There you go, are you ready to admit your wrong now?


Wrong? About what? Did I say it's not a term used in the manner you described? Please point out where I did. If so, I will gladly acknowledge I was wrong. If not, stfu.

And notice there are other definitions you left out. Do they all make sense? Probably not, but you're not friends with these people. You don't know their conversations or anything. Maybe the kid just scarfed down a pound of chicken? you don't know, all you're doing is making conjecture

Nothing will ever convince you. Leave people in this sub because you aren't contributing to anything. If you think this shit has never happened before it's too late for you.

Here's a list of 5 government pedophiles proven to have existed throughout history.

UK Parliament? Dutroux Affair? Franklin Boys Town scandal? Queen Frederika? UK football pedophile ring that's happening right fucking now?

In Canadian assimilation schools run by the government for Natives back in the early to mid 1900s had death rates in the 70th percentile. There were frequent reports of sexual abuse. This isn't even refuted nowadays, people just forget apparently. The government admitted to it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Indian_residential_school_system

Anderson Cooper said on live air over three thousand pentagon employees were charged with possessing pedophilia, then not a news report happened on it ever again.

Queen Frederika was a cruise liner that brought 1,400 kids from Greece to be illegaly adopted after the country was ruined in WW2. The Greek aristocracy sold children that had parents and families to Americans looking to adopt. A prominent American lawyer was actually arrested too, but of course not the people he worked with, like the government officials that allowed this to happen and coordinated the logistics. In several cases, it was rich families who couldn't get kids in America for various reasons. One kid who went through this process said her mother couldn't adopt in the U.S. because she had obvious mental issues. Regardless, the point is Greek was just selling babies with families to other people. 90s NYT article about it : http://www.nytimes.com/1996/04/13/nyregion/tales-of-stolen-babies-and-lost-identities-a-greek-scandal-echoes-in-new-york.html

Mk so more conjecture. Those thing have happened yes. But just because they happened does not mean this instance is an example of it happening again. You need evidence to prove that, of which you have not given any. Still waiting on the proof that silsby was transferring children to the Podestas or Alefantis or any of them. I'll wait

Until then, don't tell me what to do in a sub I've been a part of for 4 years, seen good and bad shit come out of, and contributed more to than you have. Go thru my post history of you don't believe me, idgaf. Been here since Boston and I have no plans of leaving. I do, instead, want to keep it from becoming a cesspool of terrible theories with no concrete evidence to back them (ie flat earth, hollow earth, lizard people, and more). I actually give a shit about this sub and this community, unlike you. I intend to try to keep it a place of discussion and discourse of conspiracy theories, not conspiracy conjecture.

you need evidence to prove that, of which you have not given any

There is, you've just chosen to ignore it.

Still waiting on the proof that silsby was transferring children to the Podestas or Alefantis or any of them. I'll wait

I have not mentioned her one time. However, Monica Petersen was killed investigating child trafficking in Haiti according to the org she worked for and Silsby is convicted of trafficking children in Haiti. She was also represented by a lawyer who had been accused of child trafficking in another country and she is now working for Amber alert, a service that alerts where missing kids are. If you think she didn't have help getting that job after being convicted of child trafficking you are the stupidest genuine idiot on this sub.

Until then, don't tell me what to do in a sub I've been a part of for 4 years, seen good and bad shit come out of, and contributed more to than you have.

Wow, if you haven't been banned from places in all that time you must not really have strong opinions. I've been here about the same amount of time just with about 4 different accounts. So, cool story, it doesn't mean anything.

Maybe I haven't been banned because I don't attack the user base like you do? I try to attack information, not people. Try it out sometime, you might find that you can learn a lot when you do that.

Hey /u/putin_loves_cats, how long have you been here? Is /u/high_priest_of_slack still here? Those are just two accounts off the top of my head that I've been seeing for years. Is it odd that they haven't been banned? Maybe because they don't react maliciously to their ideas being challenged like I've seen you do. Idk, let's ask /u/axolotl_peyotl or /u/9000sins or /u/illuminatedwax or /u/Sarah_Connor, hey mods, why is it I haven't been banned in the 4 years I've been here but my homie here has been thru multiple accounts because of bans?

My mistake with the Silsby thing, it was a different poster I was replying to.

And no, you have no evidence of anyone committing a crime when it comes to pizzagate. You have conjecture. You have a bunch of loose connections based off of 4chan (A+ source), wikileaks, and social media, all tying together art, instagram, a fucking potato head, and a pizza joint. The emails are also taken heavily out of context. Notice those pictures usually just include the sender info and the email they want you to focus on, not the ones before or after. Maybe because those would give you context clues that would eliminate the holes they purposely leave open so they can cram a pedophile story in it.

Where is the evidence of someone committing an act? Show that to me and you'll have my 100% full-fledged support. Otherwise, I'm not jumping down a never ending rabbit hole.

Removed, warning for rule 10. If you edit out the abuse I'll approve the comment as the information is valid.

I edited it out, sorry.

Comment approved now, no probs.


Which is even less conspiratorial!

An insult between two friends. Oh no, think of the children!

I thought it was referring to the child whose hands were taped to the ping pong table

I'm going with where there's smoke, there is fire. More than enough to open an investigation.

Circumstantial evidence is generally admissible in court unless the connection between the fact and the inference is too weak to be of help in deciding the case. Many convictions for various crimes have rested largely on circumstantial evidence.

When everybody knows the biggest problem is solved.

How they get the kids

Ok so where are the documents that show an exchange of possession of minors from Silsby to Alefantis or Podestas or anyone? Or even an intent for it?

Until you have that, you're trying to fit a round peg in a square hole.

Hundreds of views and two negative comments. Yours is number two.

Until you have that,

You can ask for whatever you want.

Ok, and?

You think there weren't people saying "Sunil Tripathi is not the Boston Bomber" when that happened? Of course there were. But just like with pizzagate, everyone was so damn sure they were right and so invested in it because "OMG we did it Internet!" that they wouldn't listen to reason. How'd that work out? Oh yeah the Internet was fucking wrong. Maybe it was Djokhar and Tamerlan. Maybe it was Academia/blackwater. Maybe it was DHS. Maybe it was the FBI. But it sure as shit wasn't Sunil Tripathi.

Just an example to show you that, yes, the hive mind can be wrong as fuck sometimes.

And I will continue to ask for evidence as any rational person should. There isn't one piece of evidence that implicates anyone to a specific crime. Only conjecture. I've said it before and I'll say it again, when I'm presented evidence that implicates someone, I'll be right there with you guys. Until then, I will keep asking for evidence and informing people that they don't have a damn thing other than a collection of wild rabbit holes.

I've said it before and I'll say it again,

Yes, yes sit around and wait for others. Good plan.

Meanwhile in the real world.

Circumstantial evidence is generally admissible in court unless the connection between the fact and the inference is too weak to be of help in deciding the case. Many convictions for various crimes have rested largely on circumstantial evidence.

Ok, so go ahead and take this to court then. If you feel like your circumstantial evidence is enough to put these guys away for running a massive, international child abuse ring out of a pizza parlor, then go for it. Hope you make it to C-SPAN.

So, you're telling me that I should go digging down the rabbit hole? Yeah, let me drop school and a job and go cycle through instagram pictures and 4chan posts. Or maybe if your theory was actually real, you would have already provided me with some evidence that implicates one of these people to a specific crime.

But no. Your theory stems from 4chan. That's one of its biggest sources. The fact that's not a red flag for most people that believe it just blows my fucking mind. 4CHAN IS A FUCKING SOURCE IN PIZZAGATE'S EYES That's appalling.

running a massive, international child abuse ring out of a pizza parlor,


So, you're telling me that I should go digging down the rabbit hole?

Generally yes but it doesn't appear to be your bailiwick.

Your theory stems from 4chan.

You don't know jack shit about me. Emails from Wikileaks are the source.

You may make someone dig harder so you do fill a role in motivation. Again, you can ask for anything.

I love when people pick and choose what to respond to and quote small excerpts to make it look like they actually took the time to legitimately, and objectively respond.


Where did the decipher of the code words "pizza", "cheese", "map", "sauce", etc come from? Oh yeah, 4chan.

I love when people pick and choose

Nonsense. You've literally got nothing but your uninformed opinions and projections. Get lost.

Ok, so go ahead and take this to court then. If you feel like your circumstantial evidence is enough to put these guys away for running a massive, international child abuse ring out of a pizza parlor, then go for it. Hope you make it to C-SPAN.

So, you're telling me that I should go digging down the rabbit hole? Yeah, let me drop school and a job and go cycle through instagram pictures and 4chan posts. Or maybe if your theory was actually real, you would have already provided me with some evidence that implicates one of these people to a specific crime.

But no. Your theory stems from 4chan. That's one of its biggest sources. The fact that's not a red flag for most people that believe it just blows my fucking mind. 4CHAN IS A FUCKING SOURCE IN PIZZAGATE'S EYES That's appalling.

Compared to

running a massive, international child abuse ring out of a pizza parlor,

So, you're telling me that I should go digging down the rabbit hole?

Your theory stems from 4chan. \

I love when people pick and choose

Nonsense. You've literally got nothing but your uninformed opinions and projections. Get lost.

You were saying? I definitely said more than 3 short sentences.

And one of your sources is still 4chan. Where did your lovely code words come from? 4chan. Where did the unverified FBIAnon post come from? 4chan.

One of your sources is 4chan. Without those code words, pizzagate falls apart. And it started in 4chan with nothing to back it.

And while we're on the topic of emails, why don't people show the emails in their entirety? Why do people love cutting out what could be important context clues? Oh yeah, because they invalidate the theory.


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I definitely said more than 3 short sentences.

Yes your lack of being concise is a big turn off.


Come back when you actually want to have a discussion

Nah. It is emotionally traumatic and encompassing but the sheer amount of information that's been dumped is what is so convincing. This info can't be consumed in a single article. There's enough to create a full Web page for it.

That being said, I am at least convinced that the entire investigation is a psyop being orchestrated in Trump's favor and no matter how much is factual, the targeted narrative has been redirected away from the elite and towards a pizza guy intentionally by naming it after pizza at the same time that someone else was begging for it to be named pedogate to avoid exactly that... and all will be covered up and go away in time, as usual.

I mean, if this isn't an orchestrated conspiracy spreading disinfo in a package we can swallow, why can Flynn Jr from the transition team for tweeting out pizza?

Maybe he does have inside sources and used the info against them but the cover up is in full swing now. Maybe he's really just a troll, but no one person even has the time to put together the efforts that went in to making this happen in that case. This was definitely a concerted effort. Conspiracy = Always left with unanswered questions.

Here's my thing....

who the fuck remembers the Clinton Foundation....?


What was released in the emails about the Clinton Foundation does not need a massive collection of instagram pictures and 4chan code words. It is right there. Hillary should be in prison. Many other people should be in prison. Fucking Saudi Arabia has its name all up and down that shit. Who the fuck is talking about Huma Abedin anymore?

lol Clinton Foundation is even connected to this through Billy Boy brokering a deal to free the Silsby child-traffickers.

plenty of people are talking about CF specifically as it relates to pizzagate.

cute theory though.


It's a cute theory that there is actual fucking evidence of massive financial crimes (Pay 2 play anyone?) that actually currently exist and WERE talked about until pizzagate? It's cute that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin should currently be behind bars? It's cute that Saudi Arabia was all over the Clinton Foundation, showing to be donating a fuck ton of money?

Ok guy

No your theory that this is a distraction away from the CF is cute because CF is directly tied to the scandal through the Laura Silsby child-trafficking case

Which basically no one knew about until Pizzagate blew up. So Maybe they just fucked up when they were trying to bury the CF scandal?

Yup. It's definitely derailed the sub.

There was plenty to go after her for without any of this and now she's gonna skate while we're faced with pizzapocolypse. It is definitely being pushed as an agenda or the number of new posts about it wouldn't fill the entire sub, drowning out all other posts.

There was a link here about a strange site someone found a few days ago. It's the only site that comes up in Google if you search for #flynn_lives and alafentis. Ww3radar or something like that. Probably got put on a separate list just for viewing the page but point being, the post never caught traction and disappeared quickly, and I'm pretty sure it belongs to Flynn Jr with the amount of Flynn memes mixed in with smug pepe and satanic hillary memes. Oya, screenshots of conversations with alafentis.

At first I thought it could be counter Intel tactics but the lack of recognition it got and how quickly it was drowned have convinced me that it's probably authentic.

We've all been fools, and we'll do it again.

And this is how I've come to a kind of social nihilism. I can no longer believe anything. My senses can be tricked. My mind can be temporarily provoked to action. My body can be compromised. All the world is an illusion that my subconscious mind creates on my behalf through the use of disgustingly fallible senses. Same as you and everyone else.

Pizzagate isn't real! You guys are delusional! Get outside into the real world for once.

Would you recommend Comet Pizza?

How many convicted pedophiles do you communicate regularly with via email using pedophile slang?

I'm just curious. Taking a poll

Lmao for real? This whole thing is bunk. You guys are 'woke' to shit. If anything this pizzagate thing is just to distract you guys from the real problems. Get ready for the corporatization of our nation. It will happen while you fret over this nonsense.

What are the real problems? Please enumerate them.

I'll start

  • Hillary Clinton's private email biz. It's still unresolved. Does she go to jail?
  • Does Obama go with her (he was using it too)
  • Does Comey go with them (he perjured himself and obstructed justice)?
  • Does Lynch go also?
  • Combetta?
  • Trump's cabinet looks like it is full of draconian authoritarin jesuit reptards, will he put us into fema rape dungeons during the new inquisition?
  • China, Russia, N. Korea
  • War in Yemen
  • Imploding petrodollar

Get ready for the corporatization of our nation.

Where the fuck have you been? That has been a thing since the late 1800s. Were way past that.

I know it's already happened, but not to the extent it will be. Soon our lives will be controlled entirely by multinational corporations and our government will have no power to stop them. It all starts with Trump.

the very first thing I do is post the mass grave I'm digging for their mutilated bodies on Instagram

No one's saying it's used for a mass grave, we don't know what it's for, we'd like to find out. The only people assuming are the trolls trying to discredit the convo, like you are.

I leave a trail of cryptic breadcrumbs about my brutal child rape/murder habits on Instagram for... some reason.

They communicate on social networking just like every other human in the developed world does, woah, so crazy. Are you genuinely stupid? You're just stunned at the possibility of people communicating through the internet? Woahhh man never happens! Pedophiles must use pigeons and ancient hebrew to communicate and socialize, not instagram like me!


It's a cute theory that there is actual fucking evidence of massive financial crimes (Pay 2 play anyone?) that actually currently exist and WERE talked about until pizzagate? It's cute that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin should currently be behind bars? It's cute that Saudi Arabia was all over the Clinton Foundation, showing to be donating a fuck ton of money?

Ok guy

you couldn't be farther from the truth lol. That's a totally different scenario. This is a professional business, and plays by a completely different set of rules

I'm saying they are engaged in some extremely questionable and suspicious behavior and should be investigated by a special prosecutor with no political ties.

You're saying a special prosecutor should investigate someone despite there being literally zero physical evidence that they did anything wrong, and no circumstantial evidence that proves, or even indicates under scrutiny, that they committed a crime?

A special prosecutor should be appointed, because an internet conspiracy based purely on conjecture got too popular?

And I thought this sub would be against a police state.

If the burden of evidence to get someone investigated for raping, murdering, and eating children in satanic rituals is an Internet rumor then we live in a truly sad state of affairs.

Also, you completely dodged every question in my last comment. So I'll ask again. Please don't dodge it this time.

Could the fact that tens of millions of people in this country had something to gain politically from this story being true have anything to do with the fact that that same group of people are the ones who mainly believe it to be true, and are the ones who share and promote it?

Gotta love that bill of rights 👍🏻 because so many people have this mindset 😱 we gotta protect ourselves 👏🏻