TIL The NWO triggers economic recessions and depressions with 1 simple trick.

65  2016-12-06 by LightBringerFlex

All they do is remove bulk cash from economic circulation. They take enough out to cause a crash. If they want to improve the economy for political reasons, they just put cash back into the economy.

The machine used is the Federal Reserve. Also, the Federal Reserve is designed to slowly drain the country with non-stop debt. Every single Dollar that's printed comes with an interest rate and so the only way to pay on the interest is to borrow more and more. The end goal of the NWO is to create a world so desperate that they would depend on the only remaining establishment with power to save them which is the NWO.

Edit: Ahhhhh... I just also learned that every cent we pay in taxes goes directly to the international bankers pockets to pay for the Federal Reserve debts. An average of 35% is taken from every US worker. This means that the average US worker works for free for 4 months out of every year to pay off the bankers and make them even richer.

Also, they removed 1/3 of the cash from the economy to trigger the Great Depression.


Conspiracy 101

Did you know the us government stole everyone's gold during the depression? They took back gold and fixed the price on it so some lost money


USgov is a straight up asshat bro


Sheesh. Well, the worlds waiting for us.

I thought this was going to be about Hulk Hogan and how his backstage politicking resulted in the demise of WCW...

Isn't that why Jesse Ventura hates the NWO?

That's a good one there old chap.

You better watch out for fake news shows on netflix

Europe's Biggest Bank Dares To Ask: Is The Fed Preparing For A "Controlled Demolition" Of The Market


Excellent insight and a message that bears repeating, thanks for posting.

There is further evidence for your claim in one of the main causes of the American Revolution. Bill Still talks about this in the Money Masters; how the issuance of Colonial Scrip was controlled by the Continental Congress and was printed in whatever amount was needed to facilitate trade. The British monarchy saw how successful Colonial Scrip was and feared a push for American independence and as a result demanded taxes be paid in precious metals. This of course was not possible as the 13 colonies had virtually no gold and very little silver.

Fiat currencies are viable, and Colonial Scrip is proof of this, the main problem is who controls it's issuance. And the other issue with fiat currencies is the inflation caused by emergency spending, such as financing revolutionary wars.

Okay so, Trump wants to get rid of the FED yet he is owned by the rothschilds ?

Honestly, I'm not certain what trump is doing but I'm hoping he is with us.

Happening in India right now. Friends are convinced it's an internal fuckup, I told them no way such a huge mess is possible without foreign influence.

The NWO wants to reduce the world population through the third world countries. Sickening.