I was thinking, instead of turning around like children and saying: "You're the fake news" How about we henceforth refer to the MSM as the "Old News"

179  2016-12-07 by randomator

It has to been as the dying thrones of a media empire when it starts actively seeking to censor out all competition. At least I hope so. I think it's appropriate and constantly referring to them as the "mainstream media" gives them too much credit imo.


Legacy news

This is best

because old and/or legacy implies historic credibility, when in fact -- and more to the point -- it's "fake" news.

Well, to be fair, there was a time the news media acted somewhat ethically. I'm referring to Watergate which shortly afterwards someone got in there and began slowly flushing their ethics down the drain. It was subtle and took about 20 years to wait for all the old school guys to retire but the job is done now.


History, dudes, they're simply history and soon to be ancient history in a world full of people that can all communicate directly with each other without anyone filtering or omitting what they know or have to say about any real news they witness with their very own eyes or find themselves being a part of.

Legacy Programming Corporation

I like to just say "government propaganda".

Corporate social programming

Both are good, but Old News is more catchy. Personally, I like it.


Corporate media or propaganda work just fine...

I prefer cia propaganda.

I actually like that alot - but I have one request. Can it be "Olde News"? Or #OldeNews. The 'e' on the end really antiquates it

Legacy News Outlets. It intimates that we're keeping them around purely for sentimental reasons.

"Lying press" which the old press recoined as "fake news".

I love it call it old news and say we are the new of the people

The Obsolete Media.

How exactly is calling out fake news sites being childish?

Like putting leaches on people was once called "surgery", watching well known anchors deliver the days events was known as "The News"

"MSM" already is the insult, in my book.

(((MSM))) ?

Old isn't automatically a pejorative. New isn't automatically improved. "Plutocratic disinfotainment" maybe? False News?

How about calling it the "verified news"? Or the "trustworthy news"? Or the "news with journalistic integrity"? Those seem catchy names to me - and all those slogans call out real distinguishable differences between, say, the New York Times and the Breitbarts and Pizzagates.

Is it cute that you're so clueless you're confident in calling the New York Times trustworthy or just sad? I can't decide. Either way, you obviously think you know more about the subject than you actually do. Remember Iraq and the weapons of mass distraction? Remember the Syria chemical weapons attacks wrongly blamed on Assad? Remember when the Times buried the story on Bush's citizen spying program? Remember the Duke Lacrosse hoax? Remember Jayson Blaire? Judith Miller? Remember the NYT apologizing after Trump won because they'd been clearly lying and manipulating their readers throughout the campaign?

I don't really know what the NYT did wrong in your imagination in these cases, no.

Hahaha lmao. Go back to your propaganda fairy tales that retcon history while you swallow every ridiculous hypocrisy and contradiction they spoon feed you.

Presstitutes? Stenographers? Press release pushers? Spokes media? Corporate-state propagandists? The Orthodox media? Establishment propaganda?

How about we just call it the Ministry of Lies.

Better yet, call them what they are, US Government propaganda outlets.

How about Forced News


A Fake Hooker or an Old Hooker?

Forced hooker?

Corrupted News

It's been old for so long already.

ProPedo Media.

The_Donald has been perpetuating the Legacy Media meme fwiw.

Calling them fake news is perfect because you are weaponizing the term against them, and what makes it perfect is because its true and everyone knows its true. they are fake news. every argument they make for against fake news, they make it against themselves. if they demand to shut down fake news, agree with them and demand that they shut down.

I dig it... except their news is more fake than ours (IMO)... might hashtag it in the future.

Old and antiquated things tend to be proven false often.