Beware of a Limited Hangout regarding #Pizzagate.

56  2016-12-07 by [deleted]



I think there is going to be a BIG hangout when Trump takes office. But since he himself is involved, it will not be a full exposure. I think it will come with a price (economic crash)

How he involved?

Friend of Jeffery Epstein, billionaire class, elite dude - who is now going to be president.

he's self made, true his dad gave him some seed money, but he turned that into serious money, smart businessman, with a lot of right time right place help. He is not a banker or politician or priest , completely separate from the usual suspects. Jeffrey Epstein liked teenage girls, with those plane trips he had, Trump wasn't involved in all that, he had his own jet. i did hear a rumor he took maybe one trip, and if that's true my take is he didn't like what he saw, BTFO, decided to run for Prez and clean house . Epstein was an acquaintance of Trump's , but Epstein was Dub-J-C's BEST FRIEND, his #1 roll dog . Trump has always been an outsider in the billionaire circle, he spends his vacations time with his wife and family for years. I can smell sulfur on a lot of the elites , Bushes, Kardashians, Hiltons, etc. But look at the kids Trump raised, watch them in interviews, they're a normal down to earth, level headed family and his kids are light years ahead of others their level when it comes to how they behave and respond to the public light. If Trump was down with evil you could see it in his eyes, his kids eyes, i don't see any Rummssfeld or Issingar in them , just happy normal people. same with Benn Carson, Kellyanne, etc. the good people won this time, and i hope the power transfur is smooth for them

I agree and I'd like to add that when pedo island was investigated the detectives said trump was very helpful.

We don't know the circumstances surrounding it either. He could've got there and said "No Go This Is Sick" and left.

He could've been told anything when he supposedly went. Not everyone knows what they are getting into sometimes. I could also be wrong. I'm just giving a rebuttal to think about. One time is not always the kicker. Now if they repeatedly go back that's some sick stuff.

exactly , be objective at every turn, this is a chess game

I'd be really happy if all that is true. I think there's a good chance, but corruption runs deep... I suppose we will find out how deep in the long run.