Pizzagate and why me and most people cannot believe the conspiracy is actually true

0  2016-12-07 by [deleted]



just read this:

America has a child porn crisis. The disturbing number of federal and state employees arrested for child porn charges makes this a national security issue. Over the past few years, I’ve been documenting the scope of America’s child porn industry and the apparent level of involvement by America’s national security and federal employees. Forbes, The Washington Times and others have published my research. Fox News and Canadian TV (CTV) invited me for interviews. My CTV interview went mini-viral as did my Forbes article. I was the first to ask, in 2012, if White House staff might have been involved in the Colombia Secret Service scandal. I am now researching and writing a book: Child Porn Nation: America’s Hidden Security Threat. My starting premise is men, and increasingly women, are raping children, very young children, including infants and toddlers, and sharing videos, images, and live-streaming of this abuse at epidemic levels. These criminals are, by and large, getting away with it because America refuses to move beyond our denial.

Thats a huge logical fallacy. Just because someone is successful and "normal" doesn't mean they can't be pedaphiles and just because some is a "weirdo" doesn't make them a pedophile. Its the same reason why some of the most likeable people are serial killers amd sociapaths. Its often the most seemingly "normal" people that are into some serious dark shit

But in psychology it is not a logical fallacy. Wild swings in traits and personality do not normally manifest. That is why psychopaths are anomalies; they are able to turn it off and on, like a switch. This is considered unique or abnormal in psychology.

Yeah but a lot of people are sociopaths/psychopaths, and being charming and influential are common traits of sociopaths. In fact, psychologists use politicians in general as a career that sociopaths thrive at.

Sociopaths also do very well in the corporate world, as their lack of ethics and manipulative natures helps them get promoted all the way to CEO.

The majority of Fortune 500 CEOs are probably certifiable sociopaths.

You do realize that they have already proved this whole "only weirdos are into kiddy porn/pedophilia" worng like 15 years ago. You're trying to categorize people into perfectly fit boxes and thats not how it works. Think about this for a second, if only 1% of the world were pedaphiles, thats 70 million people. Look at the Catholic church as a perfect example. Preists, respected members of a community that used their power to do terrible things. Thats not an "outlier". Don't judge books by their cover, you open them up and you might be surprised of the dark shit you find


What about the billions the catholic church has spent settling accusations of the sort? What about the recent uncovered ring in Norway; doctors, teachers, church leaders involved. What about all of the football players in the UK speaking out about their abuse? What about the child stars in Hollywood who turn out completly messed up due to their environment?

Not just outliers.

Edit: also im not sure how having higher education = person who can do no evil

I believe its used as a form of Blackmail. You are not in the elite group of people until you do something like this. Then they have that to use against you should you ever go against them.

Scientology uses this technique to keep thier victims in check.

I was going to type this but found it here - good man, well said. It's important people understand not only that bad things are happening, but why they happen. That way the truth will be easier to accept - blackmail peadophile rings place all the elites in the same basket and make it impossible for them to snitch on each other. Airtight system - as long as outsiders don't cotton on.

Look at Jerry Sandusky, the guy worked at Penn State, an Ivy League school. Was a well known and respected member of the community.

That didn't stop him from serially molesting young boys.

Again, he is an exception, not the norm. Far from the norm. I think his case is interesting because he does not fit the schema for a pedophile. To me, his case is similar to Bundy. An outlier, away from the bell curve.

You think you have an excellent grasp of criminal psychology, but you don't.

I know a bit about it. I studied it for 4 years, so I must have learned a little something. I don't think I have an excellent grasp of it, or I would go into that profession.

You sound like this is your first time on r/conspiracy.

Just watch this, Conspiracy of Silence, or watch An Open Secret about the pedophilia in Hollywood.

An Open Secret

The only reason he is an outlier is due to the fact that investigations of this nature are constantly suppressed.

If our investigative agencies had any real back bone, you'd see how "normal" the Sandusky cases really are.

Again, he is an exception, not the norm. Far from the norm. I think his case is interesting because he does not fit the schema for a pedophile. To me, his case is similar to Bundy. An outlier, away from the bell curve.

Maybe you need to take off the naive goggles you're wearing and realize a public image and private life are absolutely not the same. Pedos don't have a schema that can be outwardly judged. Nobody "looks" like a pedo until after they're caught.

Any bell curve will always be inaccurate unless data on everyone is collected and analyzed. Bell curves can never take into account those who are never caught.

You have cognitive dissonance attached to your normalcy bias.

Have you not heard anything about what's going on in the UK right now??

It is the norm, among those circles.

In there interest of full disclosure:

I have been a conspiracy theorist for years. Before I joined Reddit even. I subscribed and contributed to r/conspiracy for a long time.

I have followed pizzagate since the emails that started it rolled out.

I have read the evidence and dove into the rabbit hole.

It's just that giant leap accepting that such a large circle of successful, powerful people can be involved in such a sick, perverted, twisted, disgusting thing as either kid sex, or torture.

"It's just that giant leap accepting that such a large circle of successful, powerful people can be involved in such a sick, perverted, twisted, disgusting thing as either kid sex, or torture."

Torture? You mean like Abu Ghraib? You mean like Trump promised to ramp up?

Kid sex? You mean like the Catholic Church?

Torture like the pizza road map handkerchief. A handkerchief used to catch blood and semen. That's gotta be torture for a kid to bleed from some sort of intercourse. t cannot be pleasurable for them, hence torture.

What I don't get, or understand about pizzagate is why people in such powerful positions, people of great power and wealth, would be interested in any type of child sex.

I don't get it either. But based on what the ruling class has done throughout history it isn't that farfetched either.

Cognitive Dissonance

Take a look at their taste in art and then maybe re-consider?

Roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the USA. Where's the demand for such a thing? I dont think "basement dwellers" can afford such operation.

As I stated, I have already reviewed the evidence, starting when the very first emails dropped.

Re-reviewing the art does not help me or 99.9% of society that do not buy the conspiracy theory connect the dots.

People have very strange taste in art, to each their own. That's like saying people that watch horror movies are mass murderers. It just doesn't follow and 99.9% of society agrees.

Because of the exact reasons you can't see it happening. They have everything, all the money and power they could want. Nothing is left to attain or exploit for pleasure that can provide enough of a rush.

At least nothing that's publicly acceptable.

I genuinely believe that, psychologically, when an individual spends enough time at a place in their life where nothing is out of their reach--they can afford any purchase, they have influence, people will do things for them, they can get sex from pretty much anyone they want--that something changes, and they begin to desire things that are controversial or unaccepted, or taboo, or illegal or whatever, simply because they're not supposed to have it.

To an elite class, for whom the world is their absolute playground, the only remaining "forbidden fruit," the last thing on earth capable of getting their blood pumping, giving them a feeling of excitement, risk, etc... is going to be scandalous.

I'm not saying it's satanic occult ritualistic child-rape and cannibalism, but... I'm not saying it ain't, either.

The other theory that seems to be floating around is that members of the elite class of certain industries or areas of life engage in certain acts that are highly scandalous, whether it's homosexuality in hip-hop (look it up), or satanic stuff and pedophilia in politics, or whatever. The goal being to lure newcomers into engaging along with them, and then immediately secure photo, video, audio or whatever other kind of proof, with which to blackmail and control them.

The result becomes a system where every single person has the most unimaginably bad, career-ending, life-destroying dirt on one another and everyone else, and knows the same is true for themselves. Thus, NOBODY, no individual or group or associate or witness or ANYONE can do anything about it, because everyone would be implicated. It's like a perpetual stalemate in the game of blackmail where they all play or they all lose, and it helps to contain the closed off exclusivity of the elite class society.

Just a couple of theories, I'd love to hear criticisms or alternatives.

I know at least part of the logic behind this is that it keeps certain groups of people in the .01% in line. In other words, all the people in a certain group who engaged in nefarious financial activity also engage in EXTREMELY, horrifically damning pedophilia activity and tape record it while they're at it so that if anyone in the group decides to rat out any of the others, the child sex tapes will just get let out, and the people trying to rat out the rest of the group will get immediately imprisoned. That way the criminality of the evil-going group is kept "in house".

This, of course, isn't the only reason why pedophilia is epidemic - there's also satanic ritual abuse as well - but it's at least one reason.

I know lots of normal people who love pedophilia art, publicize it on social media, post pictures of children with innuendo comments, who use pedophilia symbols just because, spend 1,000s on pedo art.... No, wait, I don't know anyone who likes any of that.

OP do you know anyone that is into pedo art???

OP do you know anyone that is into pedo art???

I do not.

Some people loooove pickles... some people find them absolutely disgusting. It's kinda like that... brains are all wired differently.

But not for something as mala en se as child sex. It's just wrong. This is a niche fetish. Not many people are into this type of sick thing.

Comparing to taste for food is not a relevant analogy. Everybody eats. Not everybody has sex. Not everybody even likes sex.

Some people like watching sports... some people like reading about sports... some people like playing sports... some people don't like sports at all.

The "elite scene" offers you whatever you want... drugs, torture, prostitutes and power... some sickos want kids... and those are the ones pizzagate is trying to focus on.

As I stated, I have already reviewed the evidence, starting when the very first emails dropped.

Re-reviewing the art does not help me or 99.9% of society that do not buy the conspiracy theory connect the dots.

People have very strange taste in art, to each their own. That's like saying people that watch horror movies are mass murderers. It just doesn't follow and 99.9% of society agrees.