Apparently i have become the opposition of this sub because i believe there isnt enough evidence that a crime was commited by pizzagate. Ama

0  2016-12-07 by We-think-we-are-free

Im not paid, not a troll. I only use reddit because of this sub, thats why im so concerned about this fake news disinfo going around.

Pizzagate is a distraction. Its a tried and true tactic that has been used on the common men since the 50s, but never like this before.

We are feeding into the cia's plan.. guys dont let them destroy this sub.


You've apparently never ever put a puzzle together.

Great example! Its like a puzzle, but with 75% of the pieces missing .

75%? You've got to be kidding me. I'd say it's more like we have 70% of the puzzle and need an honest law enforcement and judiciary to fill in the remaining 30% of the evidence.

OK, I'll bite. Exactly how much research have you done into the subject before dismissing it as disinfo?

Further more, going down this rabbit hole really made me paranoid and a lil crazy, im not willing to lose my mind exposing something that is a good chance disinfo placed here by agents.

Probably more than you. I havent stopped looking at the posts, but there is no accusation or crime commited yet.

Its almost like people want this to be true, which is disgusting.

That last paragraph kind of tipped me off. Or you have completely missed the point of pizzagate and why it is so important

Well explain to me the point and why its important? If you say its about saving kids from sexual abuse, this is why i have a hard time believing... Somewhere in central Africa A UN peacekeeping convoy raped over 29 children and impregnated 9 minors. This barely got any mention here except for me posting it. Ive been researching these elite pedo rings for a long time. And for the sake of the kids that had been victimized, its wrong to claim shit without anybody speaking out.

Im not fully subscribed to PG until more real evidence comes out.

Because we have obviously found a weak link. And that is why it is more important than ever to speak up about it.

That UN thing sounds horrible, I have never heard of that. But if pizzagate is as real as it seems be sure it is connected in more than one way. UN is part of NWO

Yes but its not connected. Pizzagate is not real based of the fact these people are not that stupid. You think after being exposed they will continue until they get caught?

Probably more than you

That right there is pretty much the definition of ignorance...if you can't even see that, I really don't expect you to have any credibility in your assessment of pretty much anything.

I've seen you post in here a lot lately, and I thought, with some things you say you may be pretty much on the right track – but then you make comments like this and your ignorance shows.

I'm not knocking your opinion on the subject- you're entitled to believe whatever you want. But for you to assume you've done "more research than me (or whoever)" is evidence of just how closed your mind really is.

This is not a pissing contest, I know OP has definitely been researching, as have I and many other conspiracists. Asking how much research have you done, what is an acceptable answer to that? Lots? Some? More? Less? Nothing that could be said would make you say, hmm, yes, he must know what he is talking about. Anyone who has followed and looked into this knows pretty much all the details, they are not complex.

First of all, you forgot to change accounts.

Anyway- so you don't think there is anything worth looking into regarding the connection between the possible human trafficking operation uncovered in Hawaii and people within the Government? You don't find it funny that the same people suspected to be involved in child trafficking continuously turn up when new connections are uncovered? Confirmation bias is one thing, people like the Podestas, Sasha Lord, Dave Stone, and James Alefantis all being connected thru business interests while all separately having major red flags regarding child trafficking is not a "coincidence."

I'm just wondering how you came to your conclusion after "all that exhaustive research you've done that is clearly more in depth than anyone else." What would it take for you to support an investigation into the allegations, besides a mainstream media outlet deeming it acceptable?

Evidence. Which you evidently don't know the definition of. Nothing you said is evidence of anything. You find evidence, enough to get a search warrant, and I'll consider changing my mind. I have no problem accepting new evidence. We aren't playing a game here, this is criminal activity we are talking about. There are rules for what constitutes reasonable grounds for searches, you have an Amendment to your constitution all about it.

This is not a courtroom. You don't have to pretend to be retarded just because no one has been arrested yet and the media hasn't given you the "ok" to think a certain way.

Did I say court room? No, I said search warrant. One has to come before the other, and you are miles off from either. You are caught up in a lie you can't see out of.

You are still failing to address any evidence or connections the emails exposed.

Your argument is- if there was anything worth looking into, the media would report that an investigation is going to take place. But, since there is no investigation, everyone uncovering all these connections must be idiots.

Am I missing something, or is that your entire platform?

I love that you think you are an investigator, uncovering connections. Just one step away from piecing it all together, right? I'll keep waiting. I'm not doing anything to hinder your search, I am just commenting with my opinion. Go on, find all those connections, and pass them onto the cops. I don't need to debunk anything because there is literally nothing there. Your "red flags" are the lamest possible evidence, you could not make a weaker case if you tried.

You're not even trying anymore, troll.

never was, don't have to. You discredit yourself every time you post.

You call yourself a conspiracist? Reddit spell check does not even recognize this word. Is this a new fangled CIA term for "conspiracy theorist"? Don't worry, I did my due diligence and researched the word, its origins and its increased use over time

  1. An acceptable answer would have laid out the knowledge, understanding and/or research done to this point, a brief executive summary stating his position & the evidence/ or lack thereof to justify his/her position.

Edit: Links

you have never heard that term? I just use it as a shortening of conspiracy theorist, but glad you did due diligence, not that I see your point, but OK. I guess you mean I am paid by the CIA. That would be nice. Too bad the CIA is involved on the other side of this, spreading the fake PG story.

As for your #1. I think this is sarcastic? We haven't had enough PG round-ups and summaries already? We all know the same stuff, there is a vanishingly small amount of actual information. You have to have not read anything on /r/conspiracy for months to not know the whole story.

Term was first used in 1976. I was born in the 70's & have been reading at an advanced level since I was a pre-teen. I have never encountered the term.

I'm saying no one who actually reads & researches history or somewhat obscure alternative news would label themselves a "conspiracist".

It is literally the fusion of Conspire & Racist.

Edit: The term "conspiracy theorist" was a Langley creation. BTW I never insinuated you work for the Company.

and your username is 2 letters off from saying Hitler. Your logic circuits are failing you. You think it is more likely that I, in some twist of language am trying to disparage or fake conspiracy people out by using a name that means conspiracy = racist. However, a rather common term is instead conspiracy theorist, which, when fused becomes the word I used.

This kind of brain rot is exactly why you also think pizzagate is real.

are you 12?

Mae Brussell is a rather famous researcher, writer & broadcaster. Hustler is the name of a magazine, published by Larry Flynt.

Conspiracist is most definitely not a commonly used term.

I never said Pizzagate is REAL.

Pedophilia is real. Snuff films are real. Child trafficking is real. Child Pornography is real. Gay escorts in the White House was real.

good, we agree, and we can stop picking apart each other's names. I happen to like the term conspiracist, and you like Mae Brussell, who I also admire. Let's get on with conspiracy theory.

Why would you like a word that is labeling you as a nutjob?

The average reader views "Us" as pimpled faced loners, shacked up in grandma's basement with pictures pinned to the wall & yarn linking these images to display a "secret" that only "we" know, because we are special...

Mae had a show called Dialogue: Conspiracy , not Dialogue Conspiracy Theory. I prefer to work in fact based journalism research. I would never label myself as a conspiracist or conspiracy theorist. If I believe something to be true, it is most likely based on anecdotal evidence, personal experience, personal understanding, research etc.

Sometimes I have hunches, like anyone, but I use the "information superhighway" to see if these hunches have merit based on fact.

Good for you. I won't call you a conspiracist. Maybe a journalearch. Better?

Ok that was kinda ignorant since there is no way we could prove it..but ive looked into every aspect of this, and if there was a accusation i would believe in a heartbeat because thats the final piece. Bu exposing this guy without any evidence to charge him, do you realize that he would probably murder his victims so they dont talk.

Ive talked to law enforcement about this and they say james alafantis is probably reading this sub, especially if he is guilty so he knows where to cover his tracks.

Seen you around, and I generally agree with a lot of your ideas. So, I really just came to ask what the bigger picture is that we should be looking into?

the rise of fake news and how that will be used to curtail our freedom.

Are you confusing the rise of fake news with the Main Stream Media constantly propagandizing the term "fake news" for the last few months?

no, I am saying the rise of fake new was engineered in order to have tools to control us better, and PG is a tool they used to accomplish this. I know you and your postings, I can't believe you don't see this yourself, you are smart.

Then you will find it somewhat fitting that the Merriam Webster page for "Conspiracist" is adjacent to the word of the day : "Bamboozle"

Tell me about Peter Marshall...


The term 'Sleeper' comes to mind...

Man i dont know, i dont have any answers. Im just a guy trying to make sense of the world. I really think pedophilia is major issue right now, there are major players in the franklin scandal that remain hidden behind the scenes, but every day this pizzagate shit becomes more fake without any evidence something happened

I would suggest studying history, read, take everything with a grain of salt, and look for hidden messages in the media. They use reverse psychology and strawman theory's.

Which of our remaining rights do they plan to take away with this fake news operation?

Honestly i think its to test the capabilities of these disinfo campaigns.

They will plant seeds in family and friends minds, they will talk about how conspiracies are dangerous and that kinda shit.

Remember this, USA Lovess how China and North Korea control the media and internet. That is what they are striving for.. but to trick us into asking for it..

Copy/Paste cause I feel like I answer this everyday regarding #Pizzagate..

The Mob was only taken down with the RICO Laws. Why? Because all they had on the murderers, drug dealers, and gun runners was circumstantial evidence.

Come on now just because its circumstantial doesn't mean its not something substantial.

Like for real do you honestly think they will catch $hillary and Posteda raping a child while eating cheese pizza all while black mailing someone and ordering a hit?

Cause that's what your asking for.

These people are in deep. They run there shit like a Mafia if not like a deep state black project. Ultimately it would require authority's to actually use the laws at hand or create new ones to prosecute them on other crimes.

I agree that there isn't enough evidence to serve warrants, hand down indictments, or prosecute alleged parties. However, I feel that the amount of circumstantial evidence is compelling to warrant further investigation into this matter and larger associated matters.

I think the machine has been working out the kinks in the swiftness and effectiveness of the media for some time. Think to the coverage of the Mayalsian airplane, then to that of the rebel flag, now to this.

Create hysteria and consume the attention of the public; check. Direct that hysteria and attention towards pressuring legislators and State policy makers; check.

They've been perfecting their methods for some time now, and I fear we're about to witness the effect of a 'live' enactment.

I also think that communities such as r/conspiracy have a huge potential to help combat this type of manipulation of information, illustrated best by our power in numbers. This sub has 400K+ subscribers. Imagine if we were able to organize and concert our efforts of researching and fact checking into a centralized format to reach others. It'd be like imagining CNN as having 400K writers on staff.

For anyone interested in furthering that conversation, I've started a thread here:

But prob only half of the subscribers here are real people.

I would still point out that 200K people could have a tremendous effect. As could 100K, as could 50K, as could 25, 12, 5, or even just 100.

Imagine 100 people dedicated to consolidating discussions on here into article form, and helping spread them to others. It could be unstoppable, and a force to reckon with quickly. All we need is a little initiative and organization. That what that thread is for, and why I'm trying to get people to join in the conversation! Just think about it!

In the digital age, even 10 people with a shared goal could make a tremendous impact.

not paid?

not a troll?

been here all of two months ?

and you know what you know?


Been here under different names for years. Believe what you want but im on your side, (unless u are fbi)

i am definitely NOT F BEEB <=== think kelly bundy ;0


hey vote me up why would anyone negative kelly bundy!


seriously y not just stay you?


seriously can say im a vault!

Hmm so you post and gain a bit of credibility and then post an emotional plea... Seems legit/s

Im trying to make a balance. Some people out there may just go along with PG because of mob rule, but im posting this to let others know its ok to think agains the grain.

This is not a courtroom. You don't have to pretend to be retarded just because no one has been arrested yet and the media hasn't given you the "ok" to think a certain way.

Yes but its not connected. Pizzagate is not real based of the fact these people are not that stupid. You think after being exposed they will continue until they get caught?