Reddit is absolutely being over-written right now! Go to "TOP" "ALL TIME" in any subreddit and you will see that almost a decade of reddit posts are missing. And when Magnora7 posted this, his thread was "debunked" multiple times by people talking out of their ass.

205  2016-12-08 by [deleted]



I checked. You are absolutely correct.

Nothing older than 3 months on the first page for top posts of all time (while logged out):

That's not right. That can't be right.

/u/magnora7 is not someone who fabricates bullshit.

Exactly! And thank you for actually checking.

Its sad how many threads become compromised by people who, at best: are lazy, and at worst: have an agenda to derail legit information.

Some of it stems from the fact that websites and search engines are not the same for everyone, geographically and device-specific more than anything, but also because people dig themselves into filter bubbles. The default Google setting for logged out users is (or was) personalized search, which is a filter bubble. What I'm saying is, between lazy and agenda comes ignorance.

Eli Parser did a good Ted Talk on filter bubbles:

Yup I just checked acouple myself and the oldest I found was about 3 months ago. Granted I only checked a few subreddits and only the top 10 but still even so in the past I've filtered by top all before and found threads from many years ago.

To be fair I don't have any proof or recollection of top all 6 months ago, so we might need some before/after shots to validate this.

Ya unfortunately I can't prove it either but I have viewers top all on many subreddits over years and I've never seen only recent threads. Then again I literally just spent a minute or so looking so I can't say definitively but it is interesting.

Compare that to the /r/all top posts page of today. Something seems off and theres more ads on the top page today from certain companies/movie franchises.

"test post please ignore" got 21,000 up votes lol. The good old days.

Are you using a mobile version? How do you know when the first post began? I would have to cycle through all of their pages to get to it.

lehtosalo shared a link above which shows a snapshot of top all from 4 months ago and it is very different than now.

This is a great way to check, very logical, especially after we wait a few days for the changes to fully kick in (although in reality I doubt much will change). Thank you for the fact check /u/ragecry

Not trying to debunk or argue one way or the other, but I remember in the announcement (a day or two ago) about vote totals being reset to the actual number, the admin says that it will take awhile for /top posts to reflect the correct number. I guess we'll wait and see.

You are absolutely right and I considered that.

So we will wait and see. But from what I can tell through close observation of "innocent site changes" over the last 8 years or so, every single time they make an adjustment, the site becomes more controlled.

See "How Reddit Was Destroyed" for more examples.

Based on what I see as a pattern of dishonesty, I highly doubt that reddit is going to spend the time to update 100's of thousands or even millions of threads.

What seems more likely is that they are going to manually "approve" what stays in the history and what doesn't. That theory fits the pattern in my opinion.

Furthermore, if you look at the original Magnora thread, you have multiple users claiming "If you go to r/"X" right now and search top all time, you will see that you are wrong!" and then multiple users piggybacking on those comments (without even checking that claim) and then bashing the OP.

This is a real problem on this subreddit. And that itself needs to also be addressed. People need to start doing their own fact-checking and stop allowing threads to be highjacked by people talking out of their asses.

It's clear to me, that there are several people, probably with multiple accounts, that spend a rediculous amount of time arguing with genuine subscribers in order to laugh down and criticize conspiracies. It's overrun with astroturfers. If I hear "not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill" one more time I'm going to lose it. Of course these people claim to have come here from /r/all, but I mostly look at r/rising and still see it all the time. In my opinion, that activity just further validates the conspiracy for me.

Sorry to break it to you, but not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill.

Not really worried, to be honest. Mainstream media did this shit and is currently dying as a result. If Reddit does it, it will die too. Eventually someone will get it into their heads that the public are no longer going to stand for this shit.

OP, thank you for seeing what I was getting at, doing the extra legwork to verify things, and then making a post about it. You're the real MVP here. Your actions are much appreciated by myself and the community

Considering the vote change, is it possible that this is because reddit is so much more popular now? So the top posts will naturally be newer.

I'm not disagreeing just trying to think of possibilities. Is there any metric for overall popularity of reddit over time?

Considering the vote change, is it possible that this is because reddit is so much more popular now?


Default is total votes now. It used to scale to 1-10k where smaller subreddits went up and bigger ones went down to level the field. So if there was avg 10k upvotes before and 20k now for a similar popularity post, then all the biggest ones would be recent bar a few outliers. Just a possibility.

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What are you talking about? We have always been at war with Oceania! Remember: Big Brother loves you....

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Interesting. Compare the top now:

to cache from October 14:

Is the new system done changing scores on old posts or still working its way back to them?

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Did you not read ALL the announcements explaining what was going to, was was, and what has happened?

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Sorry to break it to you, but not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill.

lehtosalo shared a link above which shows a snapshot of top all from 4 months ago and it is very different than now.