9/11 Why the need for explosions planted by the government?

2  2016-12-08 by Acrotar

It seems a lot more plausible to me that the government simply found a few arabic guys willing to do it (I don't imagine too difficult) and arranged for them to fly the planes into the twin towers destroying them then for some kind of elaborate setup w/ explosive devices b/c jet fuel can't melt steel or remote controlled planes or even more far fetched ideas about there not having been any planes at all, and I've even seen someone suggesting a satellite destroyed the buildings with a laser.


It's also been proven by many highly experienced pilots that those planes are not easily maneuverable and that the turn the pentagon plane needed was impossible for the size plane stated. Let's not forget the perfect passport at the world trade center and how no other luggage was ever recovered. If you want sources let me know, too lazy to add them right now

Edit: Commander Ralph Kolstad

Captain Russ Wittenberg Wittenberg Wittenberg

miracle passport


I think these big, simple arguments are the most interesting regarding the 9/11 setup. The pentagon crash has been called an impossible maneuver by seasoned and experienced pilots. Also, apparently the speed the planes were flying at the altitude they were at is actually not achievable.

They were traveling too fast for commercial airliners at that altitude, did not decelerate upon contacting the building, 2 of them were not decommissioned until 4 years later, the other 2 don't have flight records that day, the towers were designed to withstand impact from errant planes, no wreckage at the Pentagon or Shanksville nor security footage of a plane, eyewitnesses who weren't media employees saying they saw no planes, some even said missiles, it goes on and on and on, any way you look at it the crash sites were FAKE.

Didn't they also have an entire plan in motion for the air space when anything was remotely close to the pentagon it would detonate? They also had a frequency of some sort of military quality in the plane that hit the pentagon which commercial airlines wouldn't have access to?

Edit: my great uncles farm was near shanksville. He swears he saw a plane but that there were two smaller planes surrounding it. I'm not sure I trust him though. I went to the site fairly close to after the crash and there was a giant hole with a chain linked fence around it. At the time I think I was too young to understand / investigate

Not by "the Government" but by a rogue hidden faction within military & intelligence agencies.

? Whys it so implausible. I bet 5 guys, if they could get a work order for the elevators, could get both towers rigged to blow in 1.5 weeks max.

Found a post online that says it would only take 9200 charges. Work 8 hour days, ends up being 30 charges/person/hour. Seems doable.

Turner construction company did "repairs" to the WTC a few weeks/months prior and had an office on the first floor of the first building I believe.

Edit : said company

6 weeks prior Silverstein had the longtime security company replaced with an Israeli firm, so there's that.

Edit: can't find a source for Securacom being Israeli. May be confusing it with ICTS, the security company at all airports involved that day, which is Israeli-owned.

Well fuck.

6 weeks is 1 guy

There were 3 existing reasons the buildings had to have an accident. One was that 40 stories of each tower building was thickly coated in asbestos.


Another was that the aluminum fascia of the buildings were directly connected to the dis similar steel frames which essentially rotted them both. This process s called galvanic corrosion and would soon have cause the faces of the buildings to fall to the ground.

. The third reason was that a traditional demolition would have cost far more than the property was worth. The explosives were likely planted by Israeli art students during a project called the B-thing. The planes were most likely flown remotely and the 'hijackers ' probably never even knew what their mission was.

edited glaring syntax errors as usual. can't seem to proof read worth a damn until I've pushed that button.Then that crap just pops into view like it was electrified.

One question I always have about the "remote planes" or drone theories is what about the passengers of those flights?

What about them? Just innocent lives lost as collateral damage to save some money. Realty is a harsh being.

Not that I don't think the people behind it would balk at killing them, it just seems like an extra step.

That's the standard question. If I recall correctly the flights weren't scheduled until that morning There were no Arab names on the passenger lists and no hijacker DNA was ever found. The passengers are the best angle of attack but the government's acts are almost totally secret unless you search thousands of individual units of government

Each is highly departmentalized and all items of information are on a need to know basis. passengers can appear or disappear any where any time with this amount of secrecy to operate in. There is a fairly good case to be made that flight 93 landed in Cleveland and offloaded its passengers who were ushered into a temporary FBI facility and never seen again. The coroner at the reported crash site in Shankesville said he never saw a speck of blood at the crash site.

Bottom line, we can't get that information but there is no area of the 9/11 event you can look at that isn't anomalous The story that's told to us as the history of the event is the most outlandish conspiracy theory of all.


9/11 In 5 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgrunnLcG9Q

But if they had access to these projectiles (the planes), and they were going to either kill or disappear the passengers, and were going to bring down the buildings using explosives anyway, why not just let the planes fly into the buildings? Why use drones or other fabrications? Or is the theory that they were willing to sacrifice the lives of the passengers, but not their own people?

In the end, the how is not what matters.

What matters is thay you are being lied to. What matters is that those in power knew of these events. What matters is that people were murdered for the sake of control and power. What matters is that most people still dont know that this was a false flag.. and even some that do still do not (or dont want to) understand the implications this has on their understanding of the world's true power structure.


They needed a huge spectacle to begin unending wars. They also needed to destroy a lot of evidence. This video or any of his others will help make a lot more sense.

"Hey Arab guys, wanna commit suicide?"

They are kinda known for suicide bombing.

If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. And 9/11 had to be done right (even though it wasn't).


Check this video out if you have the time. Goes over the facts of what happened during 9/11 without drawing any conclusions until the end.

TFW, you realize Aluminum cannot penetrate steel... Also, those same hijackers that were later found alive and well in the ME? You sound like a straight up conspiracy theorist, yo.... The governments official narrative, tis' a conspiracy theory, after all...


If water can penetrate steel, why can't aluminum?


They add abrasives to make it cut hard rock and steel. It's not just water.

I know. Thays why i got rid of the comment. I educated myself

Thanks thugh