Why did the Pentagon Investigation that we saw in the Anderson Cooper clip not go anywhere?

34  2016-12-08 by [deleted]



Because money, power and influence. The story is thousands of years old, but people still pretend it's some new revelation.

Go pick up that can.

what do you mean by go pick up that can?

Haha, what game is this?

It's a reference from Half Life 2. In short, we are at the behest of our masters..and always have been.

Yeah, thanks a lot for the link.

I'm not from the US, and I don't live there, but I'm emotionally invested in this conspiracy. And I think you American investigators need to take the fight to the official level again.

You should all be calling your representatives relentlessly, begging for a real investigation of high-level child abuse in Washington, starting with pizzagate. There has to be one of them who has the balls to at least see the evidence and speak out for it. But there needs to be pressure and support by the general public, and they need to feel that fact.

You have enough evidence, and more is sure to come once the momentum is right for it. People will say, this evidence is circumstantial at best, and I do agree. What they fail to see is the difference between evidence and proof! We have the evidence to warrant an all-hands-on-deck investigation – an emergency investigation even – and what we want is proof, one way or the other.

I'd love nothing more than to be wrong, for their not be a satanic, cultist, occultist power ritual centered around the abuse of little children, but evidence and history point to just that fact. If we want peace, we need proof. Please demand it!


Official and public is the only way save for violent revolution. But it needs to be quick and decisive or it'll fizzle out one last time before being buried forever behind the walls of 1984.

My idea would be to make a date where everyone calls their respective reps all day long, having a friendly conversation about the facts of pizzagate, David Seaman style. Not angry, not rambling, but decisive and to the point. Make a twitter hashtag, say #wewantproof or #investigatepg or something, and set a date on which the most reps are available.

If they don't pick up or deflect or don't listen, do it again. If they do, try to explain to them the veracity of this global epidemic, and be nice. We're mad as hell, but we have to be nice and respectful, if just for the sake of communication.

If the completely stonewall the event, we can at least say we tried, we can talk to any media that dares to take up the case at that point, and they can't blame the community for stupid occasions like that dude walking into CPP with a gun (be he genuine or an actor, doesn't matter).

But it would show we're not as crazy as the news makes us out to be.

My point is, with enough pressure and compassion in our voices, there is at least a potential tipping point of public support. If Trey Gowdy and one or two more "trusted" officials were to come forward for a real investigation, the tide could actually turn on this. Unless of course, it's a Warren Commission type investigation. Shit, I think you're right. We're fucked.

Official and public is the only way save for violent revolution. But it needs to be quick and decisive or it'll fizzle out one last time before being buried forever behind the walls of 1984.

My idea would be to make a date where everyone calls their respective reps all day long, having a friendly conversation about the facts of pizzagate, David Seaman style. Not angry, not rambling, but decisive and to the point. Make a twitter hashtag, say #wewantproof or #investigatepg or something, and set a date on which the most reps are available.

If they don't pick up or deflect or don't listen, do it again. If they do, try to explain to them the veracity of this global epidemic, and be nice. We're mad as hell, but we have to be nice and respectful, if just for the sake of communication.

If the completely stonewall the event, we can at least say we tried, we can talk to any media that dares to take up the case at that point, and they can't blame the community for stupid occasions like that dude walking into CPP with a gun (be he genuine or an actor, doesn't matter).

But it would show we're not as crazy as the news makes us out to be.

My point is, with enough pressure and compassion in our voices, there is at least a potential tipping point of public support. If Trey Gowdy and one or two more "trusted" officials were to come forward for a real investigation, the tide could actually turn on this. Unless of course, it's a Warren Commission type investigation. Shit, I think you're right. We're fucked.